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Messages - phase423

I don't have too much experience with Monroe's F12.  I normally just phase right into Franks F2oC and off I go.  But lately I've been toying with self-hypnosis and various relaxation techniques to see how they affect the phasing process.  I've also been doing work with Moen's "Focused Attention" methods to perform remote viewing and "psychic" readings.

So, there are a lot of variables to consider.  But for one reason or another, I've started to finally *notice* what I believe to be Monroe's F12 state.  I believe this is a different state than F10 because I see flashing, like a blue strobe light has been placed right in front of my closed eyes.  Unfortunately, this never ceases to startle me, and I pop right back into C1.

Has anyone else had this experience?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your life!
January 27, 2012, 20:55:35
I work about fourteen hours a week stocking and cleaning a small grocery store.  My "other" job is to be a stay-at-home dad with my 18-month son.  He certainly doesn't help much with projecting, as he is quite fussy and still wakes up multiple times during the night.

I'm thinking about finding full-time work so that my wife can stay home.  We have another baby on the way, and her job is starting to stress her out (paraprofessional at an elementary school). 

Maybe I'll go to college one day...
Is this a joke?  You want to make a topic discussing a highly illegal activity.  Unless the Astral Pulse staff wants to hire a lawyer, I suggest we keep things as they are.

Maybe you should try projecting instead of tripping.  Just a thought.
After some light relaxation, I gave this method a try.  I reached Focus 10 (Mind Awake, Body Asleep) before the count reached 100.  I'm very impressed.
I've been toying with self-hypnosis and other ways of "speeding up" the phasing process.  Obviously it's not something that can be forced, but certain techniques can certainly make things progress faster. 

What you have posted is very interesting, and I would love to give it a try sometime.
I wholeheartedly recommend this book without hesitation.  It lays a framework for doing psychic readings (on both the living and the deceased), remote viewing, and obtaining guidance.  It also makes full-blown phasing and OOBE's much easier for some reason; perhaps Moen's Focused Attention pushes all the right buttons.

While Active Imagination isn't as sexy as astral projection, it can lead to some interesting experiences.  I still remember the first time I received a specific set of information from a deceased person that I could not otherwise have known.  It was a vase with a very specific color and floral pattern.  I reported this to the deceased person's daughter and she confirmed that it was something very special to her mother.  I still get goosebumps thinking about it.

Your guides are typically one of your Selves. 
Try both of them.  Whatever works best for you, is best.  We are all individuals, after all.
So wait, did your guide(s) tell you to buy one?  If that's the case, you made the right decision in buying one!

Reminds me of when Frank used to talk about how they would have devices in the future that would help people phase much more easily.  Hmm...

Quote from: Oversoul123 on January 02, 2012, 00:23:01
That sounds very interesting Lionheart.  I have always been meaning to build my own Ganzfield goggles but never got around to doing it.  Please keep us posted with your results!
Ah man, I've wanted to build my own Ganzfield goggles for a while now, I have all the materials but for some reason I just never get around to it.

Quoteyeah, i live near Rochester and here there is barely snow xDDD history season
It's dry as a bone in Maine too.  But last year it was like this, then in February and March we had a big blizzard every week.  I'm guessing it's going to go the same way this year. 
I've done a lot of reading up on Hemi-Sync and from what I understand, a relaxed and open mindset is most beneficial while listening to the tapes.  Ashes mentions cultivating a certain mellowness towards the process in his wonderful paper on F10.  And of course, listening to Hemi-Sync with the intent of "getting somewhere" is a big and very common mistake. 

I have some experience with lower focus levels without the tapes.  I purchased the first set to see what all the fuss was about and was surprised when I found that the binaural beats only served to distract me.

What's interesting is, there are two major things happening on the tapes.  The first is of course the Hemi-Sync tones.  The second is Monroe's brilliant verbal guidance, which by the way is absolutely textbook hypnosis, I mean textbook.  I would say that Monroe's guidance is more important than the Hemi-Sync tones.

I would be interested in finding a way to listen to the verbal guidance without the tones, perhaps just some white or pink noise in the background.  Maybe the sound of a nice rain shower.   :-) 
Hi Pungiish,

The problem with the word "trance" is that everyone seems to have a different idea of what a trance is!  I'm guessing that by "trance" you mean the frame of mind right the whole OBE process starts.  In Monroe-speak, this is the "Focus 10" state, also known as "Mind Awake, Body Asleep."

It's all about finding a balance.  If you are too active, you will stay awake and nothing will happen.  If you are too passive, sleep will overtake you.  It can be very tricky!

The best resource I've found for obtaining and recognize focus 10 is this paper by Ashes:

Note: he talks about The Monroe's Institute's Hemi-Sync tapes, but you don't need the tapes to reach F10.  I actually prefer to do it without the tapes.

Have fun!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Frank
January 04, 2012, 08:19:20
Frank "shed his physical" so to speak, before his virtual classroom and book were finished. 

I'm working on a phasing "home study" guidebook that uses his Phasing Model, hopefully I can pick up where Frank left off. 
Eh... lucid dreams and astral projection are pretty much the same thing, the only thing that changes is your level of awareness.  So no, they government is not... doing things like that.
Hemi-Sync never worked for me.  Everyone always talks about how they reach F10 right away with the TMI CD's but I usually just sit there.   :-)  I even tried the mental rundown that Frank talked about but still nothing... I guess everyone's brain is different?

I usually just listen to white or pink noise when doing a phasing exercise.
I absolutely agree with this!  I've been trying to put some images together to illustrate a few points in the Frank Kepple Resource, maybe I'll post them here.  :)