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Messages - malganis

Quote from: Gbob on August 02, 2009, 12:51:26
Well I aim to only do it for 30 minutes around 3 times a week. This won't hurt will it? PLus I sort of want to get my fitness back...I feel really old nowadays...

That's fine.

If you want faster and better results i would add interval sprinting.

QuoteKnowing what we know about our hunter-gatherer ancestors and the DNA blueprint, we would ideally devise an aerobics plan that would have us walking or hiking several hours a day to maximize our true fat-burning systems and then doing intermittent "life or death" sprints every few days to generate those growth spurts that create stronger, leaner muscle.

However, since allocating a few hours a day to this pursuit is impractical for most people, we can still create a plan that has a fair amount of low level aerobic movement, such as walking briskly, hiking, cycling at a moderate pace, etc a few times a week and keep it at under an hour. Then, we can add a few intense "interval" sessions, where we literally sprint (or cycle or do anything intensely) for 20, 30 or 40 seconds at a time all out, and do this once or twice a week.

If you are willing to try this new approach, but haven't sprinted for a while, you may want to ease into it. Start with maybe three or four the first time, resting two minutes in between and, after a few weeks of doing this, work your way up to a workout that includes six or eight all-out sprints after a brief warm-up. An easy few minutes of stretching afterwards and you've done more in less time than you could ever accomplish in a typical "80-85% Max Heart Rate" cardio" workout. That's exactly type of the plan I do myself and that I give all of my trainees now.

Dynamic stretching before and after exercise not static.
As CFTraveller said physical exercise energizes you.

I wouldn't reccomend jogging as it's unwholesome in the long run. Walking and then doing some sprints is much healthier.

Posts from former Olympic Athlete Mark Sisson with back up by science:

QuoteThe benefits of low level aerobic work (walking, hiking, cycling, swimming):
- increases capillary network (blood vessels that supply the muscle cells with fuel and oxygen)
- increases muscle mitochondria
- increases production of fat-burning and fat-transporting enzymes
- more fun, because you can talk with a partner while doing it

The benefits of interval training (sprinting in short intense bursts)
- increases muscle fiber strength
- increases aerobic capacity (work ability)
- increases muscle mitochondria (the main energy production center in muscle)
- increases insulin sensitivity
- increases natural growth hormone production

The costs of chronic (repetitious) mid- and high-level aerobic work
- requires large amounts of dietary carbohydrates (SUGAR)
- decreases efficient fat metabolism
- increases stress hormone cortisol
- increases systemic inflammation
- increases oxidative damage (free radical production)
- boring!
How physically active are you?

I would recommend you to use flac. I've heard from those who tried both that flac is way better. mp3 didn't produce the results.
I just came across a good article that deals with aliens but it's in croatian so i'll write only a few points.

Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs is mentioned in the article. It might interest you.

Jacques Vallee in his book "Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers" brings up a thesis that nowadays aliens could be what fairies, dwarves and sprites were in the past. Now we don't believe in these mythical creatures anymore so we don't see them.

Some investigators concluded that alien abductions happen in a parallel world (astral perhaps). What's interesting is that these people when they wake up have scars, implants or just an over turned pajama.
Hey Owen, you may like this

A guy who reccomended these exercises said they helped him to expand the consciousness more than any other spiritual practice.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Zeitgeist Addendum
October 09, 2008, 06:57:56
I watched it yesterday. Amazing movie. I've liked it better than the first one.

Imagine living in the society presented in the movie by Jacque Fresco. But it's going to be a rough ride to get there. I hope aliens come here on 14th of October as that would ease the process.
Quote from: Stookie on October 03, 2008, 11:19:52
Oops... I didn't mean to imply you subscribe to gnostic beliefs, I just assumed you're more knowledgeable on the subject than me.  :)

I mean, come on, satan creating the world as an illusion - that sounds like a crazy science fiction movie involving people in leather and sunglasses doing kung-fu.

If Lucifer is a symbol for the mind then it makes sense.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Sex and OBEs
September 21, 2008, 12:26:32
It's not sex that causes depletion of energy but ejaculation. If you want to build up your energy you have to ejaculate maximum once per cycle. You can calculate your cycle by dividing your age by 5 years/days. So if you are old 30 years the cycle is 6 days. It only applies to men. That's the most powerful technique for cultivating sexual energy. And walking 20 - 25 miles per week for building up your libido.

Then you can trasmute this energy and use for intellectual or spiritual purposes.

sounds like US in 50's :D

btw in Iran it's the women who wear the pants in the house
It's one of the clearest introductory texts on the practice of meditation.
can you give more details?

its hard to recommend so generally.
Harald Puthoff is a pioneer of remote viewing and was a leader of CIA 30 years program of remote viewing. In the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart are described some experiments. Here is something from his interview but again it's in croatian.

They did the experiment to predict the price of stocks in the future. They didnt tell the remote viewers to see directly what is going to happen on stock exchange because their possible knowing of market and what they read in the newspaper could skew the results. They thought of different strategy. If stock rises he would show them the apple, if falls a pencil. He told them i'm going to show you something and you have to guess what it is. And they would say "It looks like red ball." That's similar to an apple. Forthcoming he would give them an apple if prices jumped that would mean they predict the prices will go up. They did that for 30 days. They earned 26000 $. The founder gave them 10%. He earned a quarter of a million. Pretty good for one month.
I have been listening to Eckhart Tolle recently and he said that love is seeing others as yourself. I'm not sure if i get it yet.
The following article explained further about psychic surgery. It's on the same site. This video could be a hoax but the psychic surgery itself is not.  In 50's and 60's the healers lived peaceful life without stress and in harmony with nature. They didn't take money for their healing. But things changed. In 70's westerners heard about it and flow to Philippines in large numbers and they found that healers are enthusiastic
about money. The healers wanted publicity because that would mean more patients and more money so they could buy motorcycles, cars and bigger houses. All that brought stress to their lives and they couldnt perform materialization, cuts with their mind and closing the cuts on regular basis so they used the tricks. Now i'm not sure if any of the healers is able to do what those healers in 50's and 60's could do.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / psychic surgery
February 10, 2008, 18:30:33
There was also a long article but it's written in Croatian so no use for you.

If you havent watched enough bloody movies and become apathetic to blood don't watch it.

The healers are from Philippines.

They can take the teeth out of the mouth with no force and give spiritual injections like needle from a distance. As you can see in the video they make cuts with their fingers and stitch back.

It's written about this extensively in "Healers and Distant Healing" by George Meek. He wrote it in middle 70's when many doctors and academics went to Philippines to study these healers.
Quote from: 369 on January 29, 2008, 10:21:28
more like I wouldn't want my body not to be able to function

why not?
The difference between infatuation and genuine love is that with the former you have your interests at heart while with the latter you have other's best interests at heart.

To expect unconditional love from another person is a high demand on this planet lol.

It's not necessary that you have to be friends first. My parents were dating for three months, got married and are still together.

I cannot say i have been in love yet, infatuated yes. Love grows after that period of about two three years is over i believe. If the couple is still together.
get enough sleep before. Have an afternoon nap.
Prostate checking lol. This will make a good intern joke  :-D

If your job is making you feel bad you can either leave the job and find another one or stay with it and reconcile yourself to it. I think you know that anyway.

I can give you a few links.
This is great forum aimed to define your goals and taking action.
What is The Work

The Work is a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that teaches you to identify and question the stressful thoughts that cause all the suffering in the world. It's a way to understand what's hurting you, a way to end all your stress and suffering.

People who do The Work faithfully report life-changing results.

    * Eliminate stress: Live without anxiety or fear
    * Improve relationships: Have a new sense of connection and intimacy with your husband or wife, your parents, your children, and with yourself
    * Reduce anger: Get angry less often and less intensely, and eventually not at all
    * Eliminate depression: See perfection in situations that were once debilitating
    * Clarity: Act more intelligently and effectively
    * Energy: Experience a new sense of vigor and well-being
    * Peace: Learn how to love what is, and find lasting inner peace

It's easy to learn but it's not a magic pill. It will take some time to go through your stressful thoughts and beliefs but still faster and more efficient than everything else i tried.
this came out recently

It's a very entertaining read although it's probably a hoax.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: 0 = infinity
October 13, 2007, 15:40:39
lim 1/a = infinity when a -> 0. Now it's more mathematicaly correct :)
Welcome to Magic! / Re: levitation
October 13, 2007, 11:02:15
African shaman levitating

I saw this video on a show two years ago and i have just stumbled upon it. As far as I remember the footage is pretty old.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: 0 = infinity
October 13, 2007, 08:30:34
1/0 = infinity