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Topics - Tir13


Wasn't that rain absolutely great!!  I went to a park by my house, at about 12pm, and just raised energy and cleansed my system.  *shiver* feels so good....


I've got to go with hearing a live performance of Pacobel's "Canon". Recorded versions still give me the shivers, but a live string performance brings me to some special place I can't describe well. Some parts of some of the songs on "The Miseducation of Lauren Hill" give me shivers, all of Vertical Horizon's do it, bare naked ladies "Live at Red Rock", Alicia Keys, and Jewel's 2nd and 3rd cds all bring me to a neat place if I listen to them with my headphones on. Most of them do it because of the memories and feelings I stored withing them, but there is certain notes in all of them that just spark something, but nothing like that live Canon. Ben
I guess my little symbol didn't align properly...grr...
Just place the bottom half so that it make one giant 'V'....mavelous!
Thanks - again.


A physical exercise might be helpful like a yoga practice or tai chi or chi kung.

Instead of focusing so much on your energy, maybe it would be helpful to try deepening your practice of physical relaxation, concentration, or trance. You know, the core practices.

Now is a good time to try different things.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Chakra Work
February 21, 2002, 23:01:37
A technique I read about involves imagining yourself as being very small, and within your body (which is normal size). You can travel within your body, as with mobile body awareness, and enter into a chakra. From within a chakra you can examine and manipulate it. Detail can be increased by shrinking yourself down further.