Discussing our reality and the endless variables that may or may not be influencing our experience of it is a very exciting subject and one that we welcome more people to engage in. However, we feel that astral projection and out of body experiences are a subject matter that should only be explored by people who are not dealing with mental issues and are prepared to accept that a successful experience can be life changing.
There are many illnesses and mental conditions such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and severe depression disorders to name but a few, that can be exacerbated when one with these conditions tries to explore different states of consciousness. If you suffer from any condition like the ones mentioned or think you may be, please seek help from a doctor and tell them your feelings about this and listen to what they have to say first and foremost.
It is also our position that these explorations should be undertaken with a clean mind and body. There are no taboo topics here and mental conditions and drug use are a part of our reality and can be appropriate for discussion but only for academic purposes, meaning they are only up for discussion as to what role they play in our theoretical understanding of the larger reality. Questions in regards to how much of a supplement or drug should be ingested (even legal ones) are not our area of expertise so please refrain from asking and use common sense before posting similar questions. We, the staff and members, can not diagnose an illness or give advice on these matters other than to possibly point you in the direction of a qualified practitioner which you must then seek out and find of your own accord. You may relate your personal experiences with using varying substances but please refrain from making any recommendations of usage.
We will be paying close attention to threads of this nature and will modify or outright delete any posts that we feel are in violation of this policy. In some instances, we may have to delete the entire thread. It is not our intentions to discourage all talk on these matters. We are only asking that you use discretion and common sense. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to PM a moderator if you are unsure of what is or isn't appropriate.
The content (information) here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
There are many illnesses and mental conditions such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and severe depression disorders to name but a few, that can be exacerbated when one with these conditions tries to explore different states of consciousness. If you suffer from any condition like the ones mentioned or think you may be, please seek help from a doctor and tell them your feelings about this and listen to what they have to say first and foremost.
It is also our position that these explorations should be undertaken with a clean mind and body. There are no taboo topics here and mental conditions and drug use are a part of our reality and can be appropriate for discussion but only for academic purposes, meaning they are only up for discussion as to what role they play in our theoretical understanding of the larger reality. Questions in regards to how much of a supplement or drug should be ingested (even legal ones) are not our area of expertise so please refrain from asking and use common sense before posting similar questions. We, the staff and members, can not diagnose an illness or give advice on these matters other than to possibly point you in the direction of a qualified practitioner which you must then seek out and find of your own accord. You may relate your personal experiences with using varying substances but please refrain from making any recommendations of usage.
We will be paying close attention to threads of this nature and will modify or outright delete any posts that we feel are in violation of this policy. In some instances, we may have to delete the entire thread. It is not our intentions to discourage all talk on these matters. We are only asking that you use discretion and common sense. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to PM a moderator if you are unsure of what is or isn't appropriate.
The content (information) here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.