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Topics - Astralzombie

Discussing our reality and the endless variables that may or may not be influencing our experience of it is a very exciting subject and one that we welcome more people to engage in. However, we feel that astral projection and out of body experiences are a subject matter that should only be explored by people who are not dealing with mental issues and are prepared to accept that a successful experience can be life changing.

There are many illnesses and mental conditions such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and severe depression disorders to name but a few, that can be exacerbated when one with these conditions tries to explore different states of consciousness.  If you suffer from any condition like the ones mentioned or think you may be, please seek help from a doctor and tell them your feelings about this and listen to what they have to say first and foremost.

It is also our position that these explorations should be undertaken with a clean mind and body. There are no taboo topics here and mental conditions and drug use are a part of our reality and can be appropriate for discussion but only for academic purposes, meaning they are only up for discussion as to what role they play in our theoretical understanding of the larger reality. Questions in regards to how much of a supplement or drug should be ingested (even legal ones) are not our area of expertise so please refrain from asking and use common sense before posting similar questions. We, the staff and members, can not diagnose an illness or give advice on these matters other than to possibly point you in the direction of a qualified practitioner which you must then seek out and find of your own accord. You may relate your personal experiences with using varying substances but please refrain from making any recommendations of usage.

We will be paying close attention to threads of this nature and will modify or outright delete any posts that we feel are in violation of this policy. In some instances, we may have to delete the entire thread. It is not our intentions to discourage all talk on these matters. We are only asking that you use discretion and common sense. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to PM a moderator if you are unsure of what is or isn't appropriate.

The content (information) here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Discussing our reality and the endless variables that may or may not be influencing our experience of it is a very exciting subject and one that we welcome more people to engage in. However, we feel that astral projection and out of body experiences are a subject matter that should only be explored by people who are not dealing with mental issues and are prepared to accept that a successful experience can be life changing.

There are many illnesses and mental conditions such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and severe depression disorders to name but a few, that can be exacerbated when one with these conditions tries to explore different states of consciousness.  If you suffer from any condition like the ones mentioned or think you may be, please seek help from a doctor and tell them your feelings about this and listen to what they have to say first and foremost.

It is also our position that these explorations should be undertaken with a clean mind and body. There are no taboo topics here and mental conditions and drug use are a part of our reality and can be appropriate for discussion but only for academic purposes, meaning they are only up for discussion as to what role they play in our theoretical understanding of the larger reality. Questions in regards to how much of a supplement or drug should be ingested (even legal ones) are not our area of expertise so please refrain from asking and use common sense before posting similar questions. We, the staff and members, can not diagnose an illness or give advice on these matters other than to possibly point you in the direction of a qualified practitioner which you must then seek out and find of your own accord. You may relate your personal experiences with using varying substances but please refrain from making any recommendations of usage.

We will be paying close attention to threads of this nature and will modify or outright delete any posts that we feel are in violation of this policy. In some instances, we may have to delete the entire thread. It is not our intentions to discourage all talk on these matters. We are only asking that you use discretion and common sense. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to PM a moderator if you are unsure of what is or isn't appropriate.

The content (information) here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Discussing our reality and the endless variables that may or may not be influencing our experience of it is a very exciting subject and one that we welcome more people to engage in. However, we feel that astral projection and out of body experiences are a subject matter that should only be explored by people who are not dealing with mental issues and are prepared to accept that a successful experience can be life changing.

There are many illnesses and mental conditions such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and severe depression disorders to name but a few, that can be exacerbated when one with these conditions tries to explore different states of consciousness.  If you suffer from any condition like the ones mentioned or think you may be, please seek help from a doctor and tell them your feelings about this and listen to what they have to say first and foremost.

It is also our position that these explorations should be undertaken with a clean mind and body. There are no taboo topics here and mental conditions and drug use are a part of our reality and can be appropriate for discussion but only for academic purposes, meaning they are only up for discussion as to what role they play in our theoretical understanding of the larger reality. Questions in regards to how much of a supplement or drug should be ingested (even legal ones) are not our area of expertise so please refrain from asking and use common sense before posting similar questions. We, the staff and members, can not diagnose an illness or give advice on these matters other than to possibly point you in the direction of a qualified practitioner which you must then seek out and find of your own accord. You may relate your personal experiences with using varying substances but please refrain from making any recommendations of usage.

We will be paying close attention to threads of this nature and will modify or outright delete any posts that we feel are in violation of this policy. In some instances, we may have to delete the entire thread. It is not our intentions to discourage all talk on these matters. We are only asking that you use discretion and common sense. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to PM a moderator if you are unsure of what is or isn't appropriate.

The content (information) here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Discussing our reality and the endless variables that may or may not be influencing our experience of it is a very exciting subject and one that we welcome more people to engage in. However, we feel that astral projection and out of body experiences are a subject matter that should only be explored by people who are not dealing with mental issues and are prepared to accept that a successful experience can be life changing.

There are many illnesses and mental conditions such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and severe depression disorders to name but a few, that can be exacerbated when one with these conditions tries to explore different states of consciousness.  If you suffer from any condition like the ones mentioned or think you may be, please seek help from a doctor and tell them your feelings about this and listen to what they have to say first and foremost.

It is also our position that these explorations should be undertaken with a clean mind and body. There are no taboo topics here and mental conditions and drug use are a part of our reality and can be appropriate for discussion but only for academic purposes, meaning they are only up for discussion as to what role they play in our theoretical understanding of the larger reality. Questions in regards to how much of a supplement or drug should be ingested (even legal ones) are not our area of expertise so please refrain from asking and use common sense before posting similar questions. We, the staff and members, can not diagnose an illness or give advice on these matters other than to possibly point you in the direction of a qualified practitioner which you must then seek out and find of your own accord. You may relate your personal experiences with using varying substances but please refrain from making any recommendations of usage.

We will be paying close attention to threads of this nature and will modify or outright delete any posts that we feel are in violation of this policy. In some instances, we may have to delete the entire thread. It is not our intentions to discourage all talk on these matters. We are only asking that you use discretion and common sense. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to PM a moderator if you are unsure of what is or isn't appropriate.

The content (information) here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Thank you, Lionheart
June 06, 2014, 06:58:28
I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work and long hours that you spent here as a moderator for the Pulse. I know that all the long road trips for work took a toll on your well-being yet you remained dutiful and gave thoughtful and caring advice.

You shared every tip and new insights that you personally gained from your exploration. You chased down off-site links and videos anytime it was needed to help explain concepts to the new and old members alike. You actually made us all kind of lazy for doing that :lol:, but certainly not ungrateful.

You already know how much you have personally helped me but I know there are countless others as well. It's completely understandable that you needed time off from moderating but I am grateful that you are remaining an active member. In a way, I'm glad that you chose to step down from moderating because your personal advancements in the field while under your workload were phenomenal and now I can't wait to see what you can achieve with the extra time and thus help us all advance.

Many people place a lot more stock in your advice, not because you were a mod or because you have over 4,000 posts :-o but because we just knew that you spoke from the heart, a lion's heart, no less. :wink:

So, Thank you.
We are a community that is made up of people from different religious backgrounds, careers, nationalities, ages, varying degrees of AP/OBE experience, and none of us have identical skill sets. Yet we all come together to help each other to try and understand our non-physical journeys and what larger implications they may have.

However, a community that is diverse as ours is going to give statements that seem contradictory and almost impossible to reconcile for some members. But that couldn't be further from the truth. The majority of most misunderstandings can easily be remedied when we stop playing word games and push semantics aside. Many of us, myself included, sometimes take even slight criticisms as a personal affront. I'm not naive so I understand that this is sometimes the truth. But I believe that the majority of the misunderstandings stem from the fact that this communications medium, great as it is, suffers because we can't see the facial expressions and other physical cues that we have evolved to recognize in order to determine a persons true meaning. Emoticons help but some even view them as sarcasm *sigh*.

Now with that over with, I wanted to try and explain some of the most common paradoxes associated with this practice. There are too many to discuss them all but the following will address the most obvious.


The most obvious paradox is, ''Why do people call it out of body experiences and then turn around and immediately say that the opposite is true and that we actually don't go anywhere''? There are several factors that perpetuate this belief. Terms and ideas such as ''exit techniques'' and even many methods encourage this belief which further reinforces the concept.  Some of these are the "rope climbing'', ''roll out'',  and the exercise of imagining a bar just above you that you can grab in order to lift yourself up, to name a few.

Don't misunderstand me as these techniques have helped untold thousands of people to achieve their first AP/OBE experience. They can remain beneficial for years as well but it can also hinder progress for some eventually.

So how does the idea that we aren't leaving our bodies have any merit? Well, it has much to do with the ideology that our bodies and this 'reality' that we are currently experiencing are just another illusion of physicality. Over seven billion people believe that we are living in a physical world so it is extremely stable and that makes it very hard to defy the 'laws' that govern them but it can be overcome occasionally. Tom Campbell says that strange anomalies can and do happen on the fringe. This just means that the 'system' can make changes for individuals or small groups but not for millions of people at once since there is far too much belief that this is a physical world and that is too much inertia to overcome.


Is evil real? To understand this, we must define evil

From Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2003 ed.:

evil11:adj., wicked 2: causing or threatening harm or distress.

evil2 1:noun, the fact of suffering wrongdoing, 2: a source of sorrow or distress.

No one can deny that these definitions certainly describe a tangible condition. If so, why so some of us deny it's existence? Well, actually we don't. The problem that I have it is that the meaning of the word and subsequently it's use has been corrupted. Evil is now used as if it is a stand-alone force of it's own. Ironically, all the belief in its force may very well serve to make this true but I feel safe for the time being that it is not.

I believe the real enemy is fear which is the father of hatred. Hatred is the most outward expression of
fear and internal suffering. Only love can conquer both. You can't fight fire with fire without burning each other, but I admit that it does sound cool in the gangster movie. :lol:


We must conquer our fears in order to project. This is also incorrect. We only have to tame the fears that we know are keeping us from being successful. Projecting will assist you in further dispelling some of these fears while simultaneously raising others. We have fears that we aren't even aware of and these have a sure way of rearing their heads. But by now, you should be better at recognizing them for what they are and move past them with relative ease.


There re many more paradoxes that are inheritant with this practice so please feel free to elaborate.
I thought this was an interesting article and considering the conservative scientific view of the site, it was also a degree. To test their theory, it seems that they just disoriented the partcipants' senses and didn't actually stimulate or simulate an OOBE in anyone. I could also be misinterpreting their intentions and/or findings but their reasoning sounds fair enough to me. It neglects that many people learn to develop their recall after multiple experiences.

As Xanth would say, they were never given the opportunity to develop a base-level awareness either.
For those of you who don't know who this man is, he was highly involved in the remote viewing project with the US military for about two decades. IMO, he has conclusively proved that remote viewing is a reality. He attributes his ability to having an NDE, training, and natural talent but he believes that anyone can do it.

He even talks about his time at the Monroe Institute when he worked with Bob himself so that he could develop control of his OOBE. All paid for by the US military. The interview is broken up into three one hour sessions.

part one-

part two-

part three-
Welcome to Metaphysics! / NDE theory
December 01, 2013, 21:28:21
A popular theory that tries to explain the phenomena of the NDE is that it is an evolutionary trait that makes the actual last moments of death peaceful. This would be a great trait to have back when being eaten alive by large carnivores was a leading cause of death. But I have to ask myself why would nature give a damn if any being's last moments of life is peaceful. It only makes sense to me if there is an intelligent design/God/Source behind it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't one of the key mechanisms of evolution dependent on the ability of a gene carrier to pass that gene on to the next generation [rhetorical question]?

Now obviously the carrier could have already produced offspring that inherited the trait but evolution also depends on the new trait to be beneficial to survival otherwise it will fade out of a population.

The paradox here is how does our physical bodies determine that a trait is advantageous to survival but is only useful at the exact moment of death. I can see the opposite being true where we have a trait that makes us determined to not give up at any cost or for any reason, even if we have to crawl back to our cave holding our guts in a deer skin pouch. Now that trait could stand a chance of being passed on.

A new gene mutation or trait needs an opportunity to be utilized and prove it's worth. We gave up a lot by being bipedal and it made little sense in a world where large carnivores could chase you down with ease because they have four legs to propel them. However, we gained intelligence which served us in many other ways and became a most advantageous trade-off.

So doesn't this theory actually mean that it is advantageous to death and not life [rhetorical question]?
An excerpt from:

Quote(CNN) -- One woman is under water and without oxygen for 30 minutes after a kayaking accident. Another has end-stage cancer. A teenage boy suffers heart failure.

On the brink of death, all three tell stories of leaving their bodies, going to heaven and coming back.

For each, their story raises questions: Is heaven real? What does it feel like to die?

And for each, their answer -- airing Sunday on CNN's "To Heaven and Back" -- will be grounded in their experience.

It will air first at 7pm eastern and then be re-aired at 10 pm eastern.

This is great because I don't have to miss my other life after death show, "The Walking Dead". 8-)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A clean funny joke
September 30, 2013, 23:12:51
I heard a joke the other day that was nice and clean. I guess that's part of the reason why I found it so funny. Everything is so raunchy today.

A traveling salesman is taking a shortcut down a country road and he comes across a gravel road that leads to a farm house. He figures, "What the heck, might as well stop and try to a make a pitch."

He pulls up to the house and is about to get out of his car when he notices a huge three-legged pig running up to him.

An old farmer comes out of the house and is obviously laughing at the fright of the salesman.

The farmer hollers to the man, " Come on out Mr. Betsy don't me you no harm, she just wants to greet you is all."

Reluctant to leave the safety of his car is no match against the prospect of a sale so he exits his car slowly. Betsy immediately sniffs and circles the man like any old hound dog would, wagging her little tail.

The farmer gives the stranger a good look over and dashes the man's hopes right off. "Look here sir, I don't buy nothing that I ain't already had plans to buy so I'm afraid you wasted your time coming here but you're already here in any case, so you might as well stay for a glass of some cold ice tea."

Not one to be deterred, the salesman agrees knowing that he will find an opening at some point.

"Take a seat here", the farmer say pointing to a couple of chairs on the front porch, "I'll be right back."

He takes a seat and Betsy sits down near him. He had never seen a pig act so friendly just like a dog and he was quite interested in her, especially about her three legs.

The farmer returns with their tea and the salesman can't resist asking. "That's a might fine pig there. I ain't never seen one so friendly. If you don't mind though, I'd like to hear about how she came about losing her leg."

"Well, Betsy has been in the family for a long time she like a part of the family now." The farmer goes on to explain how one of his sons was fishing in the pond in the back acre of the land. His son fell in the water and he wasn't a good swimmer so the pig came running to the house squealing and yelping until someone finally figured out that she was trying to get their attention. So they quickly followed her to the pond where they were able to save the boy just in time.

The salesman was amazed by the story but was perplexed how this led to the pig losing its leg.

The farmer explained that he was getting to that. He went on to tell he man how a year or so later, everyone was asleep in the house since it was early in the morning. The pig again starts it's squealing and hollering but nobody wakes up. So old Betsy charges the door until she finally knocks it down and she goes room to room waking everyone up. As it turns out, the house was on firs and Betsy saved all their lives.

"Oh, I see", says the salesman. "She lost her leg in the fire."

"No," the farmer explains. "We all all got out without so much as a hair on any of our chins burnt off, including Betsy, but a when you got pig that darn smart and useful, it's a shame to eat her all at once."
Welcome to Astral Chat! / My personal beliefs
September 27, 2013, 15:33:03
Hi Guys.

I've noticed that a lot of members have conflicting thoughts about what to think about some of the more experienced projectors and our beliefs systems.

My beliefs are all over this site and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me for clarification. You do not even have to be nice when asking. I take no offensive.

Just give the example of what I said and I will try to explain as clearly as possible, and as always, I do not want to convert anyone into my way of thinking. Only an idiot would take my beliefs at face value with out their own experiences to back them up. :-)
There has been a rise in the number of fear based questions lately so I wanted to take a little time to talk about it.

Fear is probably the number 1 reason that most people fail at astral projection. Evidence suggests that when people stop their attempts frequently due to fear, their brain is rewiring itself to invoke fear faster and faster each time the person quits. Each subsequent failed attempt serves to form new synaptic pathways which help your brain to work more efficiently when it is being confronted with something frequently. This ability of the brain was meant to be a positive thing but it can can work just as well with negative conditions.

This hasn't been proven to be the case for AP specifically but there is no doubt that the brain rewires itself after the repeated practice of musical instruments or learning how to type for instance. When the brain recognizes something that happens often, it likes to be a buddy and help you out by creating short cuts for something familiar. This is what allows great musicians to sing and play instruments simultaneously and seemingly with little effort.

This is why it is a good idea to work on some of your fears before you seriously start to attempt AP. You don't want to help fear out in anyway and constantly giving in to fear only serves to insure that it will arise faster. However, with determination and practice, you can still overcome it.

There are many different fears that cause people to give up too soon but the most common two are the fear of death and the fear of encountering demons and other nasty beings.

Death being a possibility or consequence of AP should be the furthest thing in your mind. If someone were to die while projecting, it would only be because it was their time to go. They could have been doing anything at that time and the results would have been the same. There is absolutely no causal effect.

Dealing with your fears of encountering demons and such is a little more complex. It can stem from a religious background or even from your personal interests. Some people have noticed a distinct correlation between their fear of demons and their preference of scary movies and such that deal with them as subject matter.

Everyone likes to get a little scared from watching a scary movie from time to time. The problem is that when you start to worry about demons, your brain will recall the images and emotions you felt when you were enjoying those scary movies. However, it only recalls the fear and not you enjoyment of watching the films. So you might want to consider watching less scary movies if you think this might be a contributing factor.

My personal belief in regards to demons is that they started out as a normal consciousness like you and I. The problem is that they have trapped themselves into constant state of jealousy over the living, self hatred, and hopelessness.

In other word, they have wasted most of their opportunities to evolve and are thus devolving into nothingness. Can you imagine how angry and bitter you would be if you wasted all this potential? If you do happen to encounter something that you perceive to be one, it is best that you just leave it be and go on your way.

However, if you think that you have it in you to confront one, pay close attention to their real energy and not the projection that they want you to see. They usually do not match. In one of my earlier experiences, I encountered one of these beings. When this being realized that I wasn't buying into it's act, it started to struggle with maintaining it's demonic image.

She was a teenage girl (probably a suicide IMO) and thought I was a demon coming to take her to hell. I was not aware of retrievals at that time so I did not pursue her to help. Besides, she was just too scared of me anyways.

When it comes to facing our fears, I believe that Robert Peterson said it best. He said that we need to figure out what the worst consequences are for what we want to do and decide if we can accept them. If so, you are ready to begin.

Many people don't like to take the time to meditate and if they don't, it's akin to jumping into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim. Meditating allows you to experience different states of consciousness. I can't tell you how many hundreds of threads that exist in which the poster says that they are in SP but they still can't get "out".

Well, if you really are in SP, all you need to do is realize that you are already in the necessary state of consciousness needed to project. Meditating helps you to realize this.

Another proven success factor is to take a short (30 min- 1 hr) nap a few hours before you make an attempt to project. This works because you are already a little closer to that state that you need to be in due to the short nap. Do not attempt to project while taking this nap.

I can't stress enough how powerful affirmations are. Saying them puts your subconscious mind on notice that you fully intend to have a projection. They work great and fast. Say them to yourself several times a day and have real meaning in the words you choose.

You should also avoid all source of blue light for at least an hour before you make an attempt. Televisions, computer screens, I-pads, and even cell phones are all sources of blue light. Blue light screws up your internal sleep clock so the brain releases less melatonin that helps us relax and get some sleep.

My favorite thing to do during this hour is to read a good book. There's no better way to exercise our visualization skills. Reading also puts us in an altered state of consciousness.

This actually led to one of my best validations. I was half way through a book when I projected right into the story. I got to watch it play out as an observer watching a play. I learned later that almost everything I saw played out exactly like it did in the book. There was even a new character that had not been brought up in the book at the point that I had quit reading it. It was a jaw-dropping and blissful moment.

If you are just starting out and have had a few successes, you may not have even recognized them for what they were. Don't worry. It takes most people many experiences before they have the ONE.
That one experience that makes you want to tell everyone you know, how real AP is. It erases all doubt in your mind and motivates you to double your efforts.

Good luck to all of you.
I just wanted to let everyone know that it's_all_bad has finally mastered being in three realities at once and has retired to some tropical island. He will still exist here as Astralzombie with the same lame humor and his sincerest perspective that is constantly evolving.

And for the record, it is weird talking about one's self in both the first and third person so maybe "mastered" is a bit of an overstatement. :roll: :-D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Something to consider
August 01, 2013, 01:01:33
Forgive me for pointing out something that is so obvious but I do have a point that I want to get across.

We are a very diverse forum. We have members from many different nationalities and thus we have naturally approached AP from the standpoint of our different cultures.

So after having read our many posts, most of you should be able to get a good feel as to who is most compatible with your ideological approach.

It might be a good idea to PM these members that seem to be compatible with your own ideals and see if maybe some one on one mentoring can help you out. It's worth a shot in my book and and a damn good one if you ask me.

It's just that I'm starting to see some negative posts in relations to thr original poster not seeing any progress and I think this may be a good remedy,

Just my two cents but something worth considering it, :-) :-)
This guy was featured on the History channel's Stan Lee Superhumans show.

He was able to us "chi" and put any animal to sleep. On the show he, demonstrated this twice using a HERD of buffalo and also with llamas.

It's incredible so check it out.

This link isn't English but you can read the article and know what's happening on the clip.

He claims that he got the power one night when he woke up and was experiencing some extreme vibration sensations. Hmmm? You know, that sounds familiar. :-D

I recently made the mistake of telling my brother-in-law that I intentionally have OOBE. He is a closed minded skeptic but more than that, he is too lazy to put in the work. He asked me what all have I seen and learned from developing this ability, not out of curiosity but more out of a desire to laugh at a nut.

I was not able to convey the importance and greatness of this ability since he had a mocking attitude and besides, he wasn't worth the frustration of having to answer a thousand questions.

So, I decided to take the time and lay it all out so that I may be properly prepared to put a scoffer in his place. However, many new members of the Pulse ask similar questions and it is for them that makes me want to take the time and answer this as I have come to see it.

I have no new information here and it will be most familiar to all of the experienced members but that is where the beauty of this can be realized. Since AP and OOBE are so subjective in nature, I find it to be a validation in it's own right when so many people have come to draw the same conclusions. In the interests of clarity, I will only call it AP instead of switching back and forth with OOBE as well.

One fantastic side effect of AP is that many people often times have an "awakening" of psychic abilities. There are far too many so I can't list them all but here's some of the most common abilities that people have reported to suddenly have or to become aware of in their lives.

*Precognition- This is when you have a "vision" of some future event. It is usually seen in the mind's eye.

*Premonitions- This is very similar to precognition but the key difference is that someone just knows or has a strong feeling that something is going to occur rather than "seeing" it.

*Clairvoyance- The ability to see something that is not there. This can be seen with either the eye or in the mind.

*Remote Viewing- This is the ability to see something in real-time but is not within physical eyesight.

*Reading Aura's- This is a skill that allows someone to read the energy fields that are radiating from people, animals or objects.

*Healing- This may be one of the most valued psychic ability and benefit of AP. Someone with this gift can detect unknown illnesses or disease through psychic means.

Feel free to expand this list or on the definitions of the psychic abilities .

Besides a psychic awakening, most people report a greater sense of just "knowing". This sense can only be derived from personal experience. Otherwise, no one can be completely sure of anything. I've never seen the great pyramids of Egypt but I really do believe that they are there since so many people have reported this to be true. However, I do know that there is a moon in the sky tonight because I just personally saw it. There is a belief for everything so where's the harm in just "knowing" something is true for you?

AP usually leads to a heightened sense of awareness as well. Our non-physical explorations have taught us to pay attention to even the smallest details and this carries over to our waking lives. In addition to that, most report that they have an increase in intelligence. There are no shared conclusions as to why this would be true but many feel that AP helps us to tap in to parts of our brains that were previously underused.

All the techniques and methods of AP require us to increase our visualization skills which is another way of saying that we have to have an active imagination to envision non-physical scenarios which help us lose our attention of this physical reality. If necessity is the mother of invention than an active imagination is it's father.

Many people have a fear of AP for many different reasons but the irony of this is that fear is one of the first things that is diminished after developing this ability. The fear of death loses it's grip on most people who AP because they come to know for themselves that consciousness is not generated from the body. The logical conclusion to this is that a body isn't necessary in order to exist. People who are concerned about losing their religious beliefs shouldn't be. Over half of those who have projected report that their beliefs have been reaffirmed. Their fear of not wanting to anger something that is superior transforms into a desire to please. Those who can't go back to their old beliefs find that this isn't a problem since it is their own personal experience that has told them to change and hold on to no guilt for doing so.

AP almost always leads to a feeling of being connected to the universe/God/Source and an increased respect for life. Life is about having experiences so that we may develop as a consciousness and we see the value in allowing all life to have it's own experience. From this arises a deeper sense of responsibility and personal accountability.

Let's not forget about the fun! AP allows us to go to far away places both here and out of this universe. We see all kinds of beautiful settings and meet the most amazing beings. You can experience what it is like to be a tiger or to fly thru the air like a bird with or without wings. There really is no limit to the possibilities.

AP can't be proven real by science but their skepticism can be erased after a single projection but take your time before deciding for yourself whether or not any of this is objectively real. Either way, you will come to know that you are better off for having developed this amazing ability.
I went to bed this evening with no intentions to project but I had a short dream that caught my attention and I became completely aware. It was unique because I did a little bit of reading in the projection and I woke myself up early because I was able to recall quite a bit of it. I wanted to share with you all the little "trick" that I used so maybe it can help someone else out. I know that remembering what we read during an OOBE is hard to nearly impossible for many of us.

The first thing I did was acknowledge that I was reading and that I really wanted to remember it. I know that doesn't sound like much but it really reinforced my desire to recall what I read.

After each page (there was 3 in all), I stopped and associated a geometric shape and a different color to each page. Then I placed the image of the page with all the words inside of the shape. The first page was a red circle followed by a blue triangle and then a green square. A young man cam along just as I was finished reading it and his distraction caused me to slip into a regular dream state. I was opening a safe and when I opened it, all three of the shapes were inside of it. This made me regain my awareness.

They weren't in order as the pages but I was still able to remember what page and it's original order that I first read them in. I am confident that I can remember about 80 % of each page now that I am awake.

I think this worked because the colored shapes gave my a single image that I was able to associate with the pages instead of trying to remember 150 different words. In effect, the shapes became a symbol or a metaphor that represented the pages. I did not think of this strategy prior to the projection. It just came to me.

If anyone has any ideas as to why they think this was effective, I would sure be interested in hearing them. I hope this can help someone else out. Also, I'd like to hear what some of you all do to help you remember what you read during a dream or projection.
I just watched a program on Animal Planet about mermaids. It aired last year originally but Sunday night's showing was followed by another hour of new evidence. I thought it was very compelling and if anybody wants to see it, it will re-air on Monday night on the Discovery Channel.

Here's a synopsis of the theory.

We humans have evolved from a great ape that began to live in a semi aquatic environment off the coast of Africa sometime between 6-7 million years ago. We found an abundant food source that was rich in iodine and fatty acids amongst other nutrients that fueled our brain growth. Wading in the shallows is how we became bipedal. We began to evolve in ways that were much more suitable for this environment. We lost most of our hair so that we would be more streamlined and have less drag while swimming. We started to sweat, not just as a means of cooling down, but also as an efficient way of ridding our bodies of excess salt. We adapted the ability to hold our breath underwater for up to 20 minutes. No other primate can come close to this time and it is even longer that some marine mammals today. Newborn babies instinctively hold their breath underwater and can even swim. Again, no other primate does this. We also have some webbing in between our fingers and toes that is also not present in any other primate. The theorists ask why would we have the abilities and traits if they were not at one time extremely important to us. Mother nature doesn't usually bestow unneeded characteristics.

After about a million years or so of evolving into these semi aquatic mammals, the environment began to become drastically unfriendly to our way of life. There were earthquakes with tsunamis as well as a extended period of coastal volcanic eruptions. Most of our ancestors retreated back inland but a smaller group went the opposite direction and went into the ocean. That's the theory.

Here's the proof.

Starting in 2004, there were massive beachings of marine mammals all around the world. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration was called on to investigate one such beaching off the coast of Washington State. They arrived to find that the US Navy was already there conducting their own investigation. They had cordoned off a small section of the beach where they would not allow anyone to access it. They appeared to be doing some sort of autopsy. The biologists from NOAA took tissue samples from many different animals including dolphins and whales. It is highly unusual to see different species of marine mammals beached in the same incident. Back at the lab, the biologists were shocked by what they found.

Every tissue sample showed strong indications of catastrophic blunt force trauma. They were able to quickly form a theory. Based on the presence of the Navy as well as the trauma, they concluded that the Navy had been testing some sort of new sonar weapon. The Navy did and still continues to deny this but NOAA had an ace up their sleeve.

They had an underwater recorder not far from the beach that they used to track the local whale populations. Analyses of the recordings not only showed the obvious priming and discharge of a high frequency sonar weapon, it also captured the bio-sonar communications of an unknown marine mammal. They sent this recording to an expert in marine mammal communications and confirmed that there was indeed a new species on the tape. He was amazed at the complexity of the language and how many different signifiers that we would refer to as words, that were present. More so, two kids were on the beach before the Navy arrived and took cell phone video of a strange animal that had webbed hands and a skull with a pronounced ridge line. They poked it with a stick and it raised up. They ran off scared and reported what they saw. They later changed their official statements supposedly because of pressure from the Navy. Thankfully, the kids did not tell the Navy about their video. It was pretty damn cool.

Less than a year after the Washington beaching, one occurred off the coast of South Africa. A South African university also had an underwater sonar recorder not far from the scene and it also captured the same unknown species. Even more amazing, they were communicating with dolphins. Immediately, the university asked the NOAA biologists for assistance and they flew in. They were taking to a pier where a great white shark had just been caught and brought in. They noticed that the shark had deep cuts and puncture wounds. In one of the wounds, they discovered a long barb from a stingray embedded in the puncture. This was odd because many sharks do eat stingrays but great whites are not one of them. However, the biologists weren't there to look at the shark. They were there to see what it had recently eaten.

Though badly damaged, they were able to find some very unusual parts from this unknown marine mammal. There was a tail fluke that was largely undamaged as well as the top of a skull that had a distinct ridge line. There was also a rib cage that was hinged to be collapsible and an intact hip bone. This type of ribcage is only found in deep diving marine mammals. The hip bone design was very similar to human hip bones and proved that what ever this animal was, it evolved from a mammal that was at one time bipedal. Humans are the only known mammal to be bipedal. Also present were smaller bones that were obviously linked but had come apart. These later proved to be hand bones. Some other bones were present but were not part of this animal. The tail fluke at first glance appeared to be very similar to that of a manatee. They thought that this was perhaps kin to the manatee but after they found that it had bones in it from an x-ray, they dismissed that theory. They then turned their attention to the unrelated bones. They appeared to be hand worked and had a notch carved into the top of one that was also wrapped in kelp. Looking at the notch, they thought that it might have been used to hold something. They then took the stingray barb and inserted it. It was a perfect fit and looked exactly like a spear.

The show also told stories of fisherman catching fish hundred of miles off shore that had broken barbs in them as well. Some university had a collection of different barbs and spear tips that had been collected through the years. Many had intricate ornamental designs.

They also showed a video that was taken by the Royal Coast Guard of Britain in 2003. It was taken at night and shows an animal that appeared to be humanoid with a thick ridge line on the top of hits skull. The two sailors on the boat were at first, convinced that they came across a man overboard but were unable to find it. After this film was leaked, the RCG acknowledged that the footage was genuine but that the humanoid was actually a seal. It's obviously not but... what do you expect.

A second film was taken by an man overlooking a bluff. He was filming something that was sunning on a large rock down below. This animal leaned up in a hurry and then turned to climb into the water. The footage is genuine but the animal was determined to be a seal. It too, was obviously not.

Another film was taken by a remote underwater camera that was inspecting the legs of an offshore drilling platform. It was hundreds of feet down. A fish swims slowly into the view of the camera when we suddenly see a small spear dart in and kill it. Something the quickly catches it and vanishes. It is not possible to make out what grabbed the fish but the depths exclude humans as being the hunter.

The last video is from a deep sea dive taken from a small submersible that two men were in. They were about a mile deep in a trench somewhere off the coast of Greenland. Two separate cameras capture a webbed hand that quickly slaps the glass dome and an animal with a distinct ridge line on it's skull.

They also showed an ancient cave painting off of some coast that clearly shows modern men fighting with mermaid like animals. Was this a great imagination or the documentation of a battle between humans and a group of mermaids?

The show was amazing and the evidence that it presented was very compelling. The only thing that I didn't understand was the huge supposed cover up. It's not like this thing was an alien. The only explanation was that the Navy did not want to admit to having this kind of weapon capability and did not want to deal the public outcry of it killing off a very close relative to us. That's plausible but a little weak IMO.

Do yourself a favor and watch this if you didn't. My synopsis did not spoil it. I promise.

I forgot to say one of the most important factors to me. My father says that he actually saw a young mermaid that was dead in Brazil. It was in the early 70's and he was working on a dredge. He thinks that it must have been about a year or two at the most. He said it's head had that distinct ridge line and he told me this story when I was a kid. He is a no nonsense kind of guy and is skeptical of just about everything. My father's word should mean squat to all you guys but it's good as gold to those of us who know him.
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Timing out
March 27, 2013, 23:01:58
For the past week or so, my connection to the Pulse has been crappy. Sometimes I can't get on it and other times my connection lasts a few minutes. When I reply to a post I get the "sorry but the connection timed out" response or something like that and I end up having to rewrite is usually because it can be an hour or so before I can get back on.

I'm not having any problems with any other websites so I was wondering if it's on my end or has anyone else had this prob too.
I came across this story on They are asking for people to share their OOBE but refer to them all as NDE. I decided to share mine with them but I was still unable to expand it fully. Doing so makes it seem less special to me when I do. Thankfully, not everyone feels the same way. I wanted to share the link in case somebody wanted to share their own as well. They are collecting them for research purposes and their website explains this all fully.

This particular story resonates with me because I have reached many of the same conclusions that she has only it has taken me many OOBE to learn and understand what she did in one. It might be because she may have actually died. Who Knows? It's long but it's a great read and moves along fast.

Since I was 17, I'd had chronic pain, doctors had labeled as fibromyalgia.  It had become a torturous existence, and sleep was difficult to come by.  By the time of the experience and even long before, I had reached a point where I was sleeping just fifteen minutes at a time, and then I'd have to move, stretch and massage my muscles in bed, as it was too painful to hold still for long.  I was constantly tired.  My doctor had an idea for a medication that wasn't typically used for sleep, but might have the effect of dulling the pain enough so that I could finally sleep.  I noticed that when I took it, even in the tiniest amount, my nose would swell and my breathing became too shallow.  It was scary and uncomfortable, but the relief from pain came, so the temptation to take it was great.  I informed the doctor that I believed I was having an allergic reaction to the medication and he chuckled and said that my body simply needed to "get used to the med" and that the amount I was taking was so low, it couldn't possibly do anything.  He asked me to take three whole pills.  I took a quarter of one to try it out.  One night, after a week of brutal pain and no deep sleep, I considered the doctor's prescription of three whole pills and decided to take them all and trust him.

I went to bed after taking all three, and within minutes felt myself begin to go numb.  Then the inside of my nasal passages swelled up and I couldn't breathe at all.  I couldn't open my mouth. I was struggling to get air, but could not.  I felt encased in my body, as if mummified.  I couldn't call out for help, and it only took a couple of minutes or so before the struggle was over. 

There was a strong suction coming from the top of my head (like a vacuum) and an absolute sense of relief.  There was no longer a need to breathe, and no feeling of being drugged on the medication.  I had no sense of my own body.  It seems I travelled very quickly. 

The next thing I remember is moving through some kind of a portal along with many others.  It felt like I was in some kind of a waiting room situation. With the many others coming through, I was curious, and began to watch them move in.  I watched a group of about three teenage boys come through who had an energy and way about them that I felt as abrasive. As I was looking at them, it came to me that they had died in a car accident where they had all been drunk.  Another woman came through who looked to be in her fifties or so.  She noticed me watching her and took that opportunity to communicate. She was quite the chatterbox and was talking on and on.  I listened to her for a short while and she told me how proud she was of her body and how well she had taken care of herself in her life.  How good she'd looked.  I noticed that she had an odd looking color to her skin, like she'd either been going to tanning booths or laying out under the sun for too long.  Her hair looked to be a artificial color of blonde and even her breasts looked like she'd had implants, which I seemed to just know without having to ask.  It understood that she'd died of cancer.  She proceeded to try and show me her body and I had no interest, becoming bored and moved on.  A lot of others came through.  I didn't feel the people were either good or bad.  It just felt like a room of normal people, all unique to themselves. This room or area did not feel very bright to me, and despite the fact that I was receiving somehow, information that these people were dead, I hadn't fully accepted that, because everything felt so real and natural.  So alive.  Nothing felt shocking or strange.  I was very curious about what it was all about. 

There was a young woman who came up to me.  She had beautiful, almost greenish eyes, and the most lovely shade of reddish hair.  She began to tell me about herself.  She told me that she had died with the feeling that was similar to drowning.   And yet, I wasn't sure if she actually had drowned.  While she told me of her death telepathically, I actually experienced at a certain level, what she felt.  I was able to personally experience her own memory.  She started to give me orders, "Tell them this.... etc."  "Tell them that, etc.."  She was giving me personal information about herself.  I had no idea why.  But I politely listened.  One thing she said was that she wanted me to "Tell them that I loved to sing."  She gave a quick/impromptu singing performance for those immediately around us, and I thought her voice was beautiful.  I was also awed by how she was free during her performance to actually elevate herself and move through the space around her without touching the ground.  It was like watching an underwater dance without the water.  I don't know why I wasn't more shocked, or why I accepted this so well.  I also noticed how at a certain part of her song, her beautiful red hair seemed to grow longer!  I thought it was interesting that she could choose to have longer hair at will.  This young woman also told me how she had regretted not "hanging in there."  How it "would have been better to stay" and work out her issues and continue learning. But she also told me to, "Tell them how free I feel now."

I must pause and make a clear note that every word that I offer on communications from my NDE came without actual verbal words.  There were very few technically precise words.  What I am relaying is what came to me through telepathic communications.  I never felt like I was hearing anything auditory at all.  People would just look at each other, and often even with some mouth movements, but the messages would come through so quickly, without any effort, and from the inside, rather than outside of self.  So when I quote communications here, I am just offering the closest thing to what was telepathically given or understood.

I remember that we had congregated into a bigger and brighter room or area where there were many others present.  Everyone was so busy talking and getting to know each other.  It felt similar to a scene in a high school cafeteria.  People even seemed to want to quickly find others they related to or felt at ease with, and there were even little groups that began to form. 

At a certain interval, I noticed a man move into the room.  I sensed something about him.  He felt safe and balanced to me.  I just knew that I could trust him to tell me what was going on.  It still had not occurred to me that I might be dead!  And I wasn't sure I'd accepted the fact that these people were deceased, either.  So, I moved toward this man (and another note; moving didn't really involve walking.. just intent of desire to GO.)  and approached him with my wondering, "Who are you?"  He looked at me and I realized he was a kind of teacher or Guide for this group.  I knew that he had died in a truck accident.  He had been a truck driver by profession.  He was a Latino man.  He told me that he was not a perfect man, but that he had mastered Humility.  I could feel this when I was with him.  He explained, that he had come to help teach the importance of humility to this group of people, because they had been in some ways self-absorbed in their lives, to the degree where this had blocked their own vision and progression.  They hadn't been able to learn vital lessons and had aborted their own lives, unwittingly for all I knew.  He seemed to be telling me that in one way or another, these people had committed suicide. (But without that exact terminology.)

This made me wonder, as I hadn't noticed anyone in the room who had hung themselves, intentionally overdosed on drugs, shot themselves, or things like that.  I was a bit confused by how the term, "Suicide" could come to me with these people.  But I came to understand that the casual disregard for life, or flagrant and selfish risks that one might take, whether involved in drug use, drunk driving, or any kind of action that could essentially lead to one's own demise is what is considered, in a way, like suicide, at least where I was.  When a human takes their own life in desperation, due to emotional or mental imbalances, physical agony, or depression so severe, I understood that as being similar to when a very old person gets so tired of hanging on, that they will themselves to go, simply stop eating and breathing, etc.  This is not punished, so to speak, on the Other Side.  It is different.  It is just the human, willing themselves out of this life cycle.   I never witnessed punishment or condemnation.

The teacher continued to offer more information.  He explained how in aborting their own lives, these people would have a rest period, but that learning what they needed to learn would be needed and the process would not be easy.   I came to understand that as much as they were taught and infused with good and helpful information there, and even if they agreed wholeheartedly with what they needed to learn, that learning without a body is like learning to get over an addiction to drugs with no opportunity to do the drugs!  Or like learning to love one's own enemy without having enemies to deal with.  He explained how he needed to teach this group of people how vital it is to get beyond themselves.  How to lose their obsession or fixation with themselves.  How they will be stagnant in all progress if they cannot unchain themselves from their own ankles. He shook his head, smiling slightly, and implied that there was still very little he could help them with, without their bodies.  His service was to help instill more of a passion for what he had to teach, strong enough that it would leave a seed of Light that might stay with them through their sojourn. I don't know if he taught by talking or just being there as an example. I never experienced him teaching the way we might imagine it done here. I know that just by being in his presence helped me to connect with what he was, though.

When this particular teacher was transmitting information to me, I felt a jolt of sudden anxiety with my next wondering.  I queried, "What are these people?"  He came in more clearly, stating telepathically, "They are deceased.  They have died."  I remember demanding point blank, technically speaking, "If these people are dead, what am I?!"  I don't know why it took me so long to grasp this fact.  (But then again, time wasn't as it is here, so I am not sure it was "long".) He explained gently, "You are in between.  You are as if in a coma.  There will still be life in you. You are not the same."

With that, I started upward.  I wanted out of there, then.   As I moved toward the corner of the room to leave, at least a couple of the teenage boys suddenly lunged at me with an energy like, "She's alive. Touch her!"  They were reaching toward me and trying to pull me back toward them.  It seemed almost as if they were desiring sexual contact or energy. This of course had me all the more determined, I was leaving. 

So, I now believe that some of the deceased, if not all, still have many earthly or worldly desires. That they go out and arrive, the same human natured beings they were in life.  Looking back at that part of my experience, I was astounded by how earthly people can be on the Other Side.  One might expect that upon entering through death's door, there would be sudden enlightenment.  That maybe everyone would realize absolute goodness and choose Light and a fresh start, possibly becoming more angelic and purified, but in that place, everyone came in exactly as they'd been before. 

I'd also wondered at religion while I was there, and I quickly received the knowing that this wasn't important in the way I imagined it was prior to my nde.  That one's religion, no matter which they joined or didn't join on earth, was what was written in their own heart.  It was about who the person was, not what label they wore or who or what they worshiped or believed in.  Your own frequency, tone, and mathematical equation as I comprehended, was Your truth.  You are who you are.  I learned that we are here to learn how to Love, Divinely.  To become masters of ourselves.  To rule our own lower or more dense aspects of self and to bring these forward and upward within, to our highest possibility. We are all working toward Oneness again, as I concluded in part, from the experience.

I am not sure if the following took place before, after, or simultaneously with what I just shared.  For the sake of some level of written chronology, I express as, "next", "after" or, "then".  It could be in that order, but know that I am often tempted to say that it was "all at once."

Then, I began to move quickly, and I felt that I was safe and comfortable.  I felt enveloped in Love.  There was someone tending to me, and I seemed to be at absolute peace with this personage.  There was so much light coming from his face.  I am tempted to say that I believe this Guide was male.  But even so, I felt a very maternal sense toward him.  It was as if he were like a mother to me.  So, I hesitate to label him with a gender, just yet.  (I hesitate to label much of anything since the nde.)   I will refer to this Guide as male though, to make things easier for writing purposes.  If I knew his name while with him, then it was taken from me upon return to my body because I no longer hold it. (I wouldn't be shocked to discover that much memory was pulled from me in regard to personal details of my Guide, because even what memories I do have are painful for me and have made me crave return.  I do sense some parts of my nde have been veiled to an extent.)

We were traveling upward, I suppose.  My vibration was changing.  There was a big change in frequency.  Like I was tuning into a different radio station on a grand scale.  I was out in the Universe, and I was being given a kind of show.  Like having an astronomy teacher speak on the beauty of the Universe while laying under the stars at night.  But I was out there amidst them.  And I was not able to take back with me all of this part's content since my return, but I remember that during this scene, I saw something like holographic words and numbers move in front of me past the stars.  And it felt like I was being downloaded with information.  It was more about receiving information, than visuals and literal details that I can put into clear words. I felt at that time that I understood EVERYTHING.  That I felt the full truth of Laws and Order in the Universe.  One thing that I held onto was the beautiful math of the Universe.  (This "math" was also "Science".)  I remember coming to understand that there was a supreme and perfect kind of math that was in and of ALL things that existed.  I remember being told something about Einstein!  I was so delighted.  It was such a pleasant experience.  I was also shown how there is a kind of clock-work in the sky.  How the stars themselves actually hold a sort of map or mathematical Key to everything that is!  "You are written in the stars," I was told!  EVERYTHING is!  I recall how thrilling this part of my NDE was for me.  I wish I had better articulation to describe how wondrous this part was. 

I was also told that this map in the stars, or the keys that are hidden there have been known for a long time by many, and that these things have been corrupted and turned into things of ill or trivial purpose in most cases on our planet.  But also that many were working to bring the knowledge of this system to purity. 

All of my life, I had felt confusion and dismay at what I believed was lack of order.  When I saw suffering that I deemed, unnecessary, sadness, or anything that I couldn't make sense of, I'd been riddled with a painful impression of Chaos.  I was flabbergasted that the God I so fervently believed in, and was taught to trust, could do no better than what I beheld in my every day life.  It tore at my soul and I prayed daily and sometimes for hours and hours, begging for an answer that could provide some kind of a reckoning for my confusion. 

I'd been taught in my life that we had ONE life to live (I'd never even considered reincarnation), and that some people get to have the most incredible luxury and wonders that anyone could imagine, and others are "tested" because of their "valiant spirits" and have to deal with terrible miseries to "prove their strength", while still others, like small innocent children all over the world, are born to suffer through starvation, disease, rape, mutilation, even years and years of torture, only to die and then "get their just reward."  This didn't seem like much of a "test" to me.  It just seemed insane.  I couldn't make logic of it.  When I begged religious leaders for answers, I was told that "sometimes God let's wicked people torture good people so that He can punish the wicked for their deeds."  The whole system just seemed sick to me.  I couldn't completely respect this notion.  But I wanted to believe that God had to be good.

In my NDE though, I came to understand that most of us have lived much, MUCH longer than we could even fathom.  That our life which feels so very long is infinitesimal when placed in the whole picture, which for that matter, cannot even be framed.  I was shown how every single individual through their own free will, chooses paths that mathematically take them to the circumstances of their next existence or life.  That nothing at all sits in accident or chaos.  That every single aspect of our lives are ruled by natural Laws that we placed ourSELVES in!  That in a sense, we create our own worlds.  I was shown how one can never assume either, that if someone lives a life of suffering that this is because of "evil" deeds.  Many may choose a life of suffering because of what it Awakens in them, or because of how they can touch others from that position, etc.. We can NEVER EVER assume that we can be accurate in guessing why each being lives the life they live.  I cannot describe the relief... the refreshing, peaceful balm this Knowledge was for me.  To finally gather this Truth that I'd yearned for all of my life.  That all really IS Good!  That there IS sense and beauty all around.  That no one is just free-falling as it had seemed before!  That God doesn't just get to toy with us as He pleases with random ideas of tests, including rewards and punishments that just depend upon His current mood or mindset.  Because even who God is, is within those Laws.  While in this experience, out in the vast expanse of stars, planets, moons, and Intelligence, I Knew complete trust for what felt like the first time.  This was inexplicable bliss for me.  And I remember radiating with gratitude.  I had lived in fear and distrust and panic for 30 consecutive years.   

I want to add that in my life, I have always had a mental block when it came to math.  Even the simplest math ideas, starting from the time I was only six years old were difficult for me to approach.  I would shut down when anything with numbers was presented to me.  So, in my nde, while being shown such an enormous array of gorgeous mathematical equations, facts and visual numerical splendor, I was overjoyed at my own ability to thoroughly comprehend all of it.  Unfortunately, at my return, I was discouraged to find that I could not relay or bring with me the expansive amount of math understanding and knowledge I'd been so anxious to share with others.  I was though in nde, and still am, in love with numbers.  That was at least a leap forward!

I was also brought before what appeared to be a living picture of our planet.  While I was looking at it, I saw a word above it.  I believe it was, "Novata".   Then the whole planet seemed to open up, like an eyelid that slowly awakens to dawn.  It looked to be one eye opening up.  There was a lovely, soft woman's voice who spoke the days of the week in a different language, and then said, "Prepare for the Seventh Day."  At this, I saw the curious image of a piano. There was something about music and octaves. 

The next thing I remember is traveling quickly over the Earth.  It felt very surreal while doing so.  It almost seemed that I was being shown a movie, and yet the movie seemed alive.  Like flying over a panoramic film of a live scene on earth. 

I have lost much of what I saw, but I retain the main idea of what I was given while moving over the planet, or possibly having a movie OF the planet being shown before me.  There were fields of crops all over, in specific.  As I would zoom in and get close, for instance, to a field of wheat, I would be told, "The food has been altered and poisoned.  It is no longer pure.  The people are consuming impure food.  This is death."  I felt sad and concerned about this and wondered why, or how it was possible.  How could a field of wheat or corn be "poisoned", and WHY?!  I was told that man should return to the Earth or death would ensue everywhere.  It was said again and again during this scene to "Return to the Earth." I was told that upon my return, that I should look for pure food, unadulterated, and only consume that which is "clean," but I dismissed this somewhat, because I had no intention of returning.

My Guide stood by at a certain time (Again, difficult for me to place any of this in chronological order, as time felt so different there.  It was almost as if many things happened at once, and yet separately.  So as I mentioned, there is much of this experience, I can't honestly place in any order.) and he lovingly stayed as my support while I had a kind of life review.  I never felt chastised at all, even though I know I've been very cruel at times and have hurt many people.  I've lost my temper in horrible ways, with one of the hottest tempers I know of, I have had great trouble with forgiveness, and yet, I felt only Love and understanding through the entire life review.  What it felt like to me was that I was being given the opportunity and gift of being able to stand back and more fully understand and love myself.  I was able to feel exactly what others around me had felt during my life.  I understood how everything I did and said and even thought had touched others around me in one way or another.  I was able to even enter the minds and emotional centers of many who had been around me, and understand where they were coming from in their own thinking.  How their own personal views and life experiences had brought them to the places each stood.  I felt their own struggling and their own fears, their own desperate need for love and approval, their confusion, and more than anything, I could feel how child-like everyone was.  With every person I viewed, including myself, I was able to See and Feel with a Higher Mind and Eye.  And the feeling I had toward everyone was nothing less than what a loving mother would feel for her own children at toddler age.   

It was actually comical at moments.  I could feel how the "Elders" as I will call them (these are those who are Helpers on the Other Side who have Mastered themselves in many or all ways, and help work with us.) see us and find so much humor in the way we do things.  (Humor is so valued, there!!)  It might seem brutally annoying to consider when we are in the midst of a great argument or drama that is playing out in our lives, that the Elders view these things very much like when a mother sees her two year old scream and cry and bop another child on the head with a stuffed animal.  The mother doesn't want her child to fall apart, become hysterical and cry.  She feels for her child, but at the same time, she sees a little bit of comedy in how seriously the child takes what is usually a trivial drama.  She continues to love her child and thinks the world of it, hoping it will go on enjoying the day, living and learning. 

This was a big light bulb moment for me, because I had entertained the dark idea, during my life, that every little less than perfect action of mine, was being "watched by God," and judged with anger or sadness.  I felt constant guilt for my mistakes and belabored over the dread of "being watched" with severe or at least stern eyes.  That I was disappointing to God or angels, at times.  I wanted to please, and I believed that I was so often falling short.  This had been a maddening way to live.  So getting the chance to view others from a much higher frequency was wonderful, to say the least.  And knowing how much Love I felt as I watched or sensed others' in their personal situations, made me want to live more in joy rather than guilt and worry.  No one was mad at me. 

I was able to explore the mind or energetic pattern of one of my life's sworn enemies, -someone I couldn't imagine forgiving for what I'd witnessed.  And yet, coming back from my nde, I could feel nothing more than such a flood of Love for this woman, that I dived in at the chance to write her a letter and tell her how much I loved her, and to ask for forgiveness for the energetic weight I might have held over her from my own dark thoughts and anger.  She could have been my own firstborn.  That is how much I adored her at that time.  Because I was able to feel the Divine Love for her that the Essence of who God is, feels toward her, I too, couldn't help but Love her in a similar way, as that Higher Love moved through me.  It was such a surprisingly marvelous feeling to relinquish the burden of my own anger and judgments. -Much of which I hadn't even carried consciously, most of my years.

Surveying all of this, I want to note, that I felt a higher part of me that had compassion on the ME that was so ignorant and juvenile.  It seemed to understand what I was working with, in every detail, and it only wanted for my joy.  I felt this toward my own SELF, if that makes any sense.  I desired to have my lower self Awaken, and to be filled with Love and Joy.  I wanted for my lower, child-like self to be kinder, to be more Conscious, and to find Peace and balance. 

I am forever grateful for my Life Review and what I took from it.   It is one of my favorite memories.

I did not have an experience of seeing God as an "old man in a big white robe, sitting on a throne," although, that was the most prominent image I might have held in my mind, formerly.  At nde, God was the Mind, or maybe I'd say, "The Order" in all things.  God felt to be the Supreme Highest Vibration and Frequency, that felt like more of an ESSENCE than an old man, to me.  But I still feel God is ineffable.  God was all around and in everything.  And God no longer felt male to me.  I didn't sense a gender, if there was one.  The idea of that just seemed silly from the Other Side.  God was just all that is beautiful and peaceful and One, and all that is Good.  Even using the name, "God" for what I experienced seems unfitting.  God is so much more than what can be imagined through naming.  And everything DID feel so good to me, there.  In fact, I came back with this Knowing that despite what SEEMED "good" or "bad" before, now became united to be only, "Good" - in the long run!   Because I trusted and Knew that everything was in it's right place, even when people made decisions that I didn't agree with myself, I still felt that in the overall picture, it was ALL within "Good."  I had that Knowing that there was the essence or spark of the Highest (as I'll refer to 'God') in EVERYTHING.  In every atom, mineral, vegetable, animal, human and beyond. I just Knew that the Highest waited within everything to expand and create and grow and experience.   

I lost all desire to analyze so much in life, as I'd learned before through religious examples and likely my own nature, by trying to judge everything little thing for whether it was "good" or "bad."  I wasn't so concerned with the label.  I didn't want to frame anything into my perceptions.  We are all consciousness experiencing life, and learning how to love, create, and develop to the Highest we can be.  I knew to go and choose what felt right for me and to trust more than before.  That when something felt unjust or imbalanced, to do what I could to work toward harmony, but to not worry about that which I had no control over.  I know that eventually, even without our taking over the controls, the Universe is so full of order, it always finds a way to balance everything, because the Universe cannot exist without perfect balance, as I felt it.  And it will continue to exist.

I had never realized the all-encompassing monster of misery that my duality way of thinking was in my life until my nde.  If someone had walked up to me before my nde and had asked me if my "duality" way of thinking was tiring and miserable for me, I would have been utterly confused and unable to agree with the statement or even make sense of it.  I had never been aware of how my mind had always tried to label, judge or compare in one way or another everything I came across.  Even if in ways I thought of as "good," for example; "She's the nicest.." or "He's the best guy!.." or "That backyard is the prettiest one, etc."  It was me judging one thing as better than another.  Divisive.

Since coming back from the nde, I find that in my earthly body and mind, this tendency still comes up occasionally, but not as often, and I am much more conscious of when I am doing it.  It no longer appeals to me.  It feels sickening.  I'm sensitive physically to this way.  I don't feel such a need.

I was able to move around the planet and feel different continents, countries, races, even certain smaller states, cities, and people!  Each held it's own kind of personal vibration and energetic pattern.  I learned how we are each made up of so many different or various layers of energetic influence.  This was fascinating to me!  Each race, each country, even a state, each family in a way, is like its own organism.  Connected to all, but with an influence of its very own and very important unique purposes.  Each is sacred and vital. 

While with my Guide, I was shown many planets and also some moons.  I saw one planet or moon that appeared to be partially submerged in water!  There are no words for how beautiful these scenes were.  The colors were so vibrant and rich.  I especially loved the hue of blues that I saw. 

Finally, the planet Earth pulled up in front of me, or maybe we pulled up in front of it!  It was magnificent!!!  It was a floating marble, just swimming with color.  I was ecstatic with awe. 

As I peered out over the planet, my Guide, asked me to go back to where I came from.  To return.  At this, I turned to him and felt something I cannot put into mere words.  When I received his intention that I should return, it seemed as if my own perfect mother, was going to turn and leave me, just a toddler, in the middle of a foreign country, and desert me.  It was so unexpected.  It seemed that something wrenched inside of me and tore in half.  Like a curtain, instantaneously shredding. I actually felt myself heave and fall forward, collapsing.  The emotional pain was so deep that I could hardly even cry out.  It was as the cry imploded within me and I felt that I was fracturing, like shards of glass all about a floor.  I felt myself moan without any attempt.  It just drained out of me like a cloud so heavy with rain it could no longer hold its moisture and lets down a rush of waterfall.  I wailed from a place I've never felt before.  It literally felt as if every organ and cell that could be in spirit was bursting with anguish.  Every part of me cried out.  Telepathically, all I could express was, "NOOO!!!!!!"

I can't ever go through this part of my nde without tears and a stinging pain in my chest.

To leave him was the worst imaginable possibility.  It felt like the only death there could be.  Separation.  Division from my one and only.  The devastation I felt was unbearable.  It still feels like my heart is being scorched, as I recall.   

He came closer to me and I was comforted and he calmly encouraged me to be strong.  He told me to look to my left.  As I did, I saw a school bus pull up in the distance.  A small child was escorted out and brought to me.  I recognized that it was my own daughter, who at the time was only four years old.  She had been asked in her sleep to come in spirit to help me.  She walked up to me, tugged at me a little and sweetly said in an encouraging voice, "But Mommy?  Who will take care of us?"   

Love on the Other Side, at least in my experience is so much bigger, so much more full than here, and you are more honest with your Love.  - As I experienced it.  You cannot turn others away who are in need.  At least that was how I felt it and what I was connected to.  The Love of God, as I will call it, was connect to and moving through me, there.  And there was no way I could have turned down my own daughter's plea.  Without hesitation, I answered, "Oh honey, I will, of course!"  My daughter was then escorted back to the bus.   

My Guide smiled knowingly and reminded me that he was not forcing me to go back, despite what it felt like to me.  I looked at him and back at the planet Earth, feeling so frightened, still not wanting to depart and separate from him.  The pain of division still seared through me.  I cried and told him that I wasn't sure I could do it. 

He said, "Look to your right."  I looked to my right and saw a holographic figure.  It was my own mother.  It was a view of her in the future, and she seemed tired and in need of help.  I will not go into detail here, because I want to respect her privacy, but I felt myself lean toward this futuristic hologram with the desire to touch or help it somehow, even though it wasn't presently occurring.  It felt alive to me, and I noted that it seemed as I leaned toward her that I was as a gardener, wanting to prune some foliage.   

The hologram faded out and my Guide said, "You see?  It is time.  YOU want to go."   

I knew I needed to, but still, I hesitated, anticipating my departure and loss of this One.  I cried out, sobbing, "Please!  I can't go without you!"   There was a pause and then he answered, "Very well."   All at once, I felt we were together.  We were one.  I was safe and calm.  I heard him nudge me, "Point your finger forward.  Touch the planet."  This might seem strange, but I reached and saw in form, my own finger reach forward and enter into the energetic field of the planet.  I felt a surge of electricity run from the tip of my finger and begin to move up.  As it hit the first knuckle, there was an unbelievable pulling sensation.  Like a roller coaster ride that whipped me forward.   

Then I was back in my dark room at home.  But I felt I was disconnected from my body.  My husband must have come to bed, because he was now there, sleeping deeply.  I could see him and myself.  I moved toward my body and tried to connect.  I tried to awaken it.  I could not.  I began to panic.  I could not feel any sensation of my body at all.  I urgently pressed my husband to wake up, calling out to him, but my voice was not there.  I continued trying to move my body from the inside and with no feeling of breath or life, I started to cry out for help.  I screamed.  Then I felt my Guide there.  I felt him say, "You must push yourself again and again through the throat area.  This will trigger a release of energy and he will hear.  You must get him to touch you in order to connect."  I could not understand why this would work, but I began to rush through my throat area, over and over, and then I heard a noise come out of the mouth, as the mouth dropped open.  It was like a creaking door, slowly opening.  A low frog like groan that was just air moving out.   

My husband heard this and woke up and asked, "Amy?  What is it?  What's the matter?"  I couldn't answer.  I tried to scream or cry out to him, but could not.  He leaned over and I saw him shake me.  I felt through his hands a level of electricity move through me.  But I was unable to connect or move.  He got up and turned a light on.  My eyes were still shut, but I witnessed the look on his face.

He suddenly went very pale and his mouth dropped open.  Beads of sweat formed instantly around his hair line.  He was perspiring heavily.  I'd never seen such a frightened look on his face before.  He grabbed me and yanked my body upward toward him, trying to hold me up, shouting, "AMY!!  AMY, AMY!!!"  Again and again.  He was trying to check my pulse.  My head dropped back and he pulled my eyelids open.  He was shouting my name.  As he continued to shake my body (he later described as being so heavy, it was shocking, even though I was small/petite at the time.) I felt electricity beginning to move all over my skin.  I felt I was connecting through that electricity.  Then, I felt something like a POP, and I was back.  I sucked in a long, deep breath and just hung there limply, breathing in and out.  Deep breaths. Unable to speak.

After a few minutes, my husband was asking, "What should I do?  Should I call 911?"  I answered firmly, "No.  I'm fine.  Don't call anyone.  I just need to sit down for a minute."  He helped me to the other room where I sat on the couch and tried to tell him what had happened.  I didn't know where to begin.  It took me months to tell him all that I could remember.  I still can't write it all here, because just the basics of all that I came to understand would take me weeks to write.  I also continued to have Visions, incredible dreams and more experiences that included personal teachings and other very sacred happenings.   But I am trying to keep this written format as condensed as possible for reader sake!  I felt perfectly fine once I'd come back fully into my body.  I refused any medical check-up.  I was confident and at peace.

Since that time, everything has changed for me.  My health has returned.  I get stronger and stronger each year.  To my own surprise, I found the day after this event that I felt well, except that I could not eat any meat at all.  Nor did I have any desire to.  I've been a  vegetarian since then.  I eat a lot of raw organic foods.  I don't eat anything with chemical ingredients, and keep my food very pure, for the most part.  My children and husband eat mostly this way too now, and we are all feeling great.   

I could no longer continue with the religion I grew up in.  This was not easy for me to walk away from, but I couldn't stay and maintain my own personal Truth and integrity.  And yet, I have gratitude for having grown up in that religion and trust that it served its purpose for me.  I am also at peace with the religious choices and needs of others.

I found I desired much less.  Within the first week after my NDE, I was cleaning out my house, wanting to get rid of many things, a lot of decor, music CDs that I didn't find in harmony with the vibration I desired.  I lost my desire to want to shop as much as I had, previously.

I had a good couple of weeks after my return where I could see light in and around everything.  I could also see into the realm that is around ours.  I could see and feel the vibration of everything around me.  All of my senses were much stronger.  Too strong, even.  I found much of this interesting and enlightening, and some of it a little scary and disturbing.  So, after some time, I willed this extra Sight to step back and let me get back to the basics, so to speak.  And things did return to almost normal.

I have continued to have the ability to reach, to a certain extent, my Guide.  I began, right away to meditate, and connect with my Guide.  My prayers became opportunities to just connect, feel and receive rather than plead, worry and ask forgiveness.  And when I pray for others, I intend to connect and then just calmly and peacefully try to offer a vision of the intended in Love and blessings, trusting in the Highest Will.

Jesus, who had always been my example, continued to be an example for me, but I was less concerned with the technicalities of His story and whether certain details were facts or not, and I embraced the core teaching that was intended to be His Gift - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  Whether He was real or myth was not the point.  I knew it didn't matter.  Principle felt to be the Key.   I'd also understood other things about the original "Christ Way" that ended up so corrupted in religion, and I've tried to hold to what I understand as the more original purity, which felt so much more simple to me than what I see as "all the human interjections."

I opened my reverence and respect to everyone who was or is an example of this basic teaching. -The Golden Rule.   I found Good (God) in many places and within the teachings of many religions and ways of thought.  Even within atheism, if a man believed in this principle, I recognized 'God' in him.  Either way.

Within a couple of days, coming back from my nde, I stumbled upon a woman who was being consoled by many others.  When everyone had dispersed, I asked her what was the matter, and she told me that she'd just found out that her daughter had died.  She didn't know why or how she'd died.  I asked to see a picture of her daughter, having the strong intuitive sense that I'd met her daughter on the Other Side. I asked her if she'd speak with me, privately and please bring a photo of her daughter.

The next day, she met me at my house.  She had a black and white picture of her daughter, but I recognized her, right away.  I said, "Did she have a pretty reddish color to her hair, and the most unusual green eyes?"  She answered, "Yes, she did."  I told her about my nde and how I'd had this beautiful girl or young woman come and speak to me and ask me to give information to her family.  I told her all that I could remember her daughter telling me, and it all made perfect sense to the mother.  She told me that shortly before the death, she'd heard from others (she and her daughter had been estranged) that her daughter had begun to sing and had loved it, passionately.  Just as I had been told by the young woman.  There was private information I was able to offer that gave this woman much comfort.  I told her of her daughter's regrets in not having learned more while here and so on.  We learned a week later or so, through the coroner, how she'd died, which confirmed for me, what the young woman on the Other Side had said to me about her death and what it was like.   

I had many, many wondrous things happen since my nde.  It would be too much to share here, but it's been the greatest thing that could ever happen to me.   

I still struggle with my own worldly and personal issues.  I only feel more Awakened and Conscious, with some abilities and understanding that have increased.  I learned after my return during meditation that I had been pulled into the specific portal with others who had brought themselves to their own demise, because I had for so many years been taking strong medications for my health problems that were slowly killing me.  And that I had seen myself as a helpless victim for so long.  Being dependent on outside sources to fix problems rather than realize my power to transform within.  In my pain and sorrows, I became totally self-absorbed and stagnant in all personal progress.  So I learned from seeing the others who had come through in that area, that I had to let go of myself.  To give up my personal story of being a victim.  I gave up all of the labels that doctors had given me for my health problems, and let go of my story of what I thought I was.  I work toward humility and try to open myself up to learning and growth.  I took full responsibility for my own suffering and blamed no one and no thing.  (Although I have my unfortunate days of regressing now and then!) I have been trying to bring back what I remember as the Perfect Love I experienced on the Other Side and become One with it. 

Because of the very intimate relationship I have had with suffering, confusion and fear throughout my own life, my hope in finally allowing my near death experience to go forward, is for it to be of whatever possible service it might, to others who can relate on any level with pain; physical, emotional mental or spiritual.  I wouldn't want this kind of sharing held from me decades ago when I could have taken in hope through something like this.   So although with some admitted trepidation, I offer my near death experience.

With Love,

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Beedeekin's new avatar
March 05, 2013, 11:27:56
I do not want to go to work this morning so this thread allow me to further procrastinate.

I think Beedeekin's new avatar is worthy of it's own thread. For some strange reason it has affected me. :-D

Every time I come across it, I think of something new.

They are in no particular order:

* Wow
* Mommy, I'm scared
* That is a really large chin
* Wait a sec, Is that another head
* Is he swallowing his own head or emerging from one
* Two heads is better than one
* I want to do this with my own pic
* I don't want to do this with my own pic
* If he ever turns into a zombie, he will be a double threat
* Maybe he is a zombie

The list goes on.

Anyways, I like it.
I gained by awareness through a dream. I was watching some cars racing and thought it would be fun to actually be racing one. For a short while, the best I could manage to do was take control of one of the cars as if I was playing it in a video game. I'm not a big gamer so this wasn't very fun but I seemed locked in to this third person perspective.

This is usually the case when I gain my awareness through a dream and I always have to figure out a way to stop the dream. Maybe because I'm more in the dream state but it's never as easy as just making it happen through intent.

I had the idea to make the car tumble and as it did I tumbled with it and the dream was over when I stopped. The next thing I realized is that I was outside of a baseball field, late at night. I don't know why but I am certain that this was in the late seventies and in Detroit, Michigan. Actually the cars are what gives me the idea of the era as well as being in the Motor City.

Suddenly, a car starts in the parking lot next to the field and I am aware of a young couple arguing. The couple are drug addicts and are planning to rob somebody so they can score. The girl is the leader and wants to kill the person so that they don't get caught but the young man is unsure about the idea.

I haven't left the fence but I am just aware of their intent. A young man in his late teens comes walking up slowly and asks me what I am doing there. I said I was doing nothing and asked him why he thought it was weird for someone to be at a ball park.

He said this was not a ball park but was his home and his hell. As soon as I had asked him what he meant by that, the young girl from the car started to approach us.

The kid told me that I should leave unless I wanted to die as well. When the young girl reached us she made some flirtatious advancements towards the kid and he gave a big sigh and said "whatever, let's just get this over with." She never noticed that I was there.

They get into another car which I later learned was the kid's. The boyfriend of the girl crept up and fired two shots into the kid from the driver's side window. The girl cursed her boyfriend for getting blood on her. They rummaged through his car and left with only ten bucks.

I was never scared for my own life but it was shocking to see this happen. After the couple left, I walked up to the car slowly and I was fixated on the young man's body. When I reached it, the man disappeared and rematerialized next to me with no wounds. I asked him when did this first happen and he said "I don't know, maybe a minute ago."

I explained to him that he was no longer alive and that he didn't have to keep reliving his death. He said he had no choice because every time he tried to leave, the young girl would always come for him. I was confident that I knew what was happening and told him that this was not true that he could leave if he really wanted to.

As I was talking to him I could tell that he believed me and he wanted to know where he should go. I told him anywhere that he felt safe. He laughed and said that's why he came to the ball park. He had great memories from it as a kid. Then he faded away.

I felt great. I was sure that I had accomplished something and I walked back to the fence. Then I hear a damn car start and the same damn couple are arguing all over again. Right on cue, the young man walks up to me and this scene plays out a few more times.

I finally get the idea to become the kid and take his place in the car. That didn't work at all because I just phased out at the last second.

Disappointed in myself, I tried to phase back in. It took a few tries but I finally did. The kid finally admitted why he thought he couldn't leave.

This is quite pathetic and he was truly a victim at his core. He felt bad that they only got ten bucks from him when he had a gold ring under his front seat. Can you believe that? I was almost disgusted with this poor kid but that wasn't fair because I knew nothing of his life and why he would be this way.

I went to his car and grabbed the gold ring and waited. The kid left and the car started. I went up to the car and asked them if the ring belonged to them. They faked amazement and thanked me so much for finding the girl's ring. They left.

I watched them drive away wondering what had changed. I finally noticed that the kid had already walked past us and was inside the park. The lights came on and the field was as bright as day. I phased out as the kid walked up to home plate with a bat.

Sorry for the long explanation but I didn't know how else to say it.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / A funny story
February 21, 2013, 12:08:57
I recently read a funny story that some guy said happened to him in boot camp back in the Korean War.  He said his Drill Sargent was the real deal hard butt.

This guy screwed up and the DS told him to do something fast as in double time. His reply was "Yes Sir, fast as light Sir."

The DS told him that wasn't fast enough so the guy asked him what could possibly be faster. The DS told him darkness was faster since every time the light comes around the darkness has to get the hell out of it's way.

In science there is no such thing as cold. There is only heat and the absence of heat. The same hold's true for light energy and the absence of light energy in whatever form it happens to be in.

Is it possible we are viewing this in the wrong light (a silly pun)?
Welcome to Dreams! / A failed retrieval?
February 17, 2013, 12:20:34
I'm very confused right now. Last night I phased right into a ww2 battle. I entered the scene aware that I was badly hurt and had a loud ringing in my ears and I was unable to talk or move. A young soldier kept slapping me in a panic and was yelling, "Wake up Lt. We need you." Another soldier told him to forget it and that I was already gone. Sporadic small arms fire was throwing up snow all around us so the two soldiers left me in a frenzy.

Never mind the chaos and horror, what really confuses me is that during the phase we were both aware of each others fear and thoughts. I was upset at the soldiers for leaving us there and the Lt. was trying to calm me down. It's as if I was aware of three different realities at once. I knew I was phasing so I was aware that my physical body was safe, I was aware of the Lt.'s thoughts as well as my own related to the events. It's too hard for me to describe that feeling really.

The Lt. managed to calm me down enough and we finally crawled about 100 feet and rolled over into a foxhole. He asked me to leave and I wanted to but every time I tried, the Lt. would lose his consciousness. I felt that if I left him, he was gonna die and I felt so ashamed for leaving him. I can tell you that this shame I felt was only because I knew my physical body was never in danger. Had that been the case, I feel the coward in me would have left without a second thought.

Keep in mind that my consciousness was in the Lt.'s body. He would verbally speak to me aloud and I spoke to him through an inner voice. Sort of like I possessed him yet nothing like that. Like I said it is hard to describe.

We argued for a while longer about me leaving and my shame kept me from doing so. Finally my guide showed up and pulled me out. He then showed me the aftermath.

The Lt. never crawled into the foxhole and the other two soldiers were killed by the gunfire that scared them off. They ended up lying dead next to each other.

This left me with a "what's the use" feeling and I left my guide in anger and phased out.

I have a few questions:

Can any body relate to the multi reality awareness that I pitifully tried to describe, and does it relate to any Focus levels?

Was this a failed retrieval? If so, who was being retrieved, the Lt. or myself?

I know this is all relative but I felt like I made a number of mistakes. The largest being that I left my guide knowing that he could have explained everything to me. But stubbornness is the last flaw that we can overcome. That would actually make sense.
Recently I was reading the sticky about the contradiction not only between the different religions but also with in the same religion.

They make some relevant points but many studious Priest's, Rabbi's, Oman's, and what have you can make some pretty compelling arguments to why we should dismiss these inconsistencies and still have faith that their religion is the real truth, the way, and the light.

So for me, my problem lies in faith itself. Or more accurately, why do we have to rely on faith when it concerns the most important aspect to the vast majority of people in the world. We most certainly do not apply the standard of faith in other crucial areas.

Do we believe a man's proclaim of innocence when he is seen to be holding a knife and is covered in the blood of a deceased person lying at his feet? Since no one saw him commit the act, do we have faith in his claim of innocence even when his character was previously beyond reproach? No, we do not.

It is far too dangerous to society if we let someone capable of this kind of heinous act go free just because someone has faith in his word. So we have a system in place in which he has a chance to prove himself. If his proof falls short, he is then condemned.

But yet organized religion says that God's word is beyond reproach. This, I believe to be true as well. What I don't believe is THEIR account of God's word.

I believe that God has spoken through many people to deliver his message. But the TRUTH is far too important to rest on the interpretation of one man. So, I actually believe that God speaks to each of us in our own way.

Organized religion tries to teach us that when we question their doctrine, we are risking our "salvation".  What they really care about is not our salvation but their own and they're concern is entirely of this physical world. If you ask the right questions, the only thing you are at risk of losing is your faith in organized religion.

I'll end this before it turns into a tirade as that was not my intention. I also did not mean to imply that every devout religious leader has some warped agenda. I believe that they are sincere when they spread the message of love and hope. I just believe it is ultimately doomed because we are supposed to rely on faith.

I was interested in what some of you thought about faith and is true faith even possible. To me, at it's strongest, faith should develop into knowing. I don't think we can ever learn enough in the physical to be sure of anything that comes next. But I have learned enough already that I don't have to rely on faith to find happiness and comfort.

I hope nobody is offended when I speak of God in a masculine sense. As of now, I have not placed any limitations or definitions on who or what God is. If everything stays on track for me, I suspect that I never will again.
I just read a post from embrace in which she (forgive me If I'm wrong) wrote about her daily affirmations. It inspired me to write this.

Right now, I have a friend who is dying from melanoma cancer. He is 36 and has lived an exemplary life. I can remember a conversation I had with him about ten years ago in which he was telling me that he spoke similar affirmations daily.

He was symptom free until about two months ago when he felt some excruciating back pain. He went to the DR and received this horrible news. The cancer had spread throughout his entire body except for the brain. I know many people have benefited from this philosophy so I have to wonder if he stopped saying the affirmations or if he stopped believing they would work.

I was not open to the idea when he mentioned it to me ten years ago and I would like to ask him. But he is understandably having a hard time dealing with all this and I do not want to upset him further. The only reason I want to ask him is because I want to encourage him to continue with it and not give up. But as cynical as I was back then, he may misinterpret it as me saying, "see, I told you that was a bunch of nonsense."  I believe he has given up since he gets upset when anybody speaks about a cure or his future.  

This is an example of how our previous actions have a way of coming back to us and making the present day harder. Even though I have a new mindset, I can't out think my past karma.  

Anyways, his name is Jimmy and he has a wife and two beautiful young daughters. They could use any and every prayer or thought directed their way. A most sincere thank you for those who can.    

One more thing, try and visualize him driving a 57' Cadillac that is pastel blue with a white center stripe on both sides. We restored it with his dad when we were kids and he still loves that car. It couldn't hurt.
Welcome to Book Reviews! / I need some suggestions
February 14, 2013, 11:56:34
I'm ready to start reading some books on the NPR. I would like everybody to recommend the ONE book that they would suggest I read if I was to never read another book in my life. Actually it doesn't have to really concern the NPR so long as it has the info that really opened your mind to all this. It can be fiction or non.

If someone else suggest the same book, you can still tell me why you suggest it. Let me know if I can get it for my kindle too. Thanks.
Deciding where to post this thread was quite the enigma. It covers my dream, writing, and of course the news considering it is about medicine and where it's headed under Obamacare. So if it's in the wrong place, I hope the good moderators here will show some mercy. Anyways...

I send letters to the editor of my local paper every now and then. The paper has asked everybody who has had a letter published through them in the last six months if we would like to participate in a little contest to win a free year's subscription. I know, right? This is huge and I'm excited. <sarcasm

We can submit a short essay, satire, investigative report, or another letter so long as we discuss the direction of our country under Obama. This is my submission and I would greatly appreciate some critical advice. I want that free script so help me realize my dream! Get it? realize my dream...I'm on the AP forum...If that wasn't slightly funny, just know that I killed myself with that pun. But seriously, any help is appreciated.
It's a sad fact that many doctors today choose to be admired by their peers instead of their patients. In the medical sciences, the surest and fastest way to the top of the hierarchy is to observe and diagnose a new disease. That sounds great but the reality is that almost 90% of all new diseases that are recognized are mental disorders. What this means, is doctors are calling their patients crazy today for what we never considered a problem in the past.

Permit me a silly example:
Dr: How long have you been watching your cats play?
PT: I'm not sure what you mean doc, but I guess ever since they were kittens.
Dr: Uh-huh, I see now. Would you say you spend a normal amount of time watching them?
PT: Eh...Yeah. I mean I guess so, but what do you call normal? I...,I don't understand, are you for real?
Dr: Hmm...And how long have you been questioning your reality?
PT: Look doc, I came in here because I had a headache but this is getting weird. I'm outta here.
Dr: Calm down please. There's no need to get hysterical, In fact, I know what's wrong with you.
PT: You do! That's amazing! Lay it on me doc. What's the illness and how much time do I have?
Dr: Well, I have to talk with your insurance company before we can decide how long you can  
    live but you have a disease that I'm thinking about calling "Early Onset Feline Trauma
    Induced Dementia." The trauma explains your headache and why you forgot to mention the trauma
    in the first place. Now, couple that with your unusual infatuation with your cats and it's no wonder  
    that you're suffering a psychotic break with reality. But there's no need to worry. This is a    
    classic case of a new disease.

I know that's a tad extreme but welcome to Obamacare. Notice I didn't mention the cure? That's because there's no money to be made in that endeavor. And besides, curing an illness is a lot more work when prestige has a quicker and easier route through some made-up disease. Prozac anybody?
Please point out grammar errors. Oh, I posted this on another forum but it's my writing. It's either under this username or astral zombie, I can't remember. Please tell me if I missed the mark as they're not gonna just give that subscription away. lol.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Women in combat
February 11, 2013, 03:34:16
I'm sure many of you are aware that the US has finally allowed women to be in combat oriented missions. I know that women in the US military have already been in combat but they weren't allowed to be a part of any forward mission in which one of it's directives is seek and engage contact with the enemy. Since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not have front-lines in the classic sense, the reality is that this could not always be prevented.

But the times that women did have to engage the enemy, they were pulled out as soon as possible. I have to say that I am against this. For me, this is not a question of courage. Women have already proven that they are just as capable of stepping up to the plate as much as men. Considering that women are not naturally as aggressive as men, their heroics really stand out. And we didn't need a war to know this. It's also interesting as to how this change came about.

An Army General (not sure who) told the pentagon why he changed his own personal opinion on this matter. He described a mission back in the first year or two of the war in Iraq. He was part of a convoy that was protecting him as he made his way through Baghdad. On their route, they were ambushed and fought their way out. Once they reached relative safety, the General called the soldiers together to thank them for their courage. Every body left their post as they were told to listen to the General. All did except from one. The General walked up to a Humvee to address a soldier who had not climbed down and was still manning the .50 cal. Impressed with the soldiers sense of duty, he asked him what his name was. The soldier looked down at the General and told him Rebecca.

At present, the physical requirements are not as tough for the women as they are for the men. So long as the women meet the same requirements, I suppose that shouldn't be a problem. But I hope that the standards for the men are not lowered so as to accommodate the women. I know that there are many female athletes today that are as tough and strong as some men. But I do not believe that this carries over into the general population at large.

I just don't see anything wrong with a society that does not want it's mothers and daughters fighting in combat.
I know this is a bit long and I don't expect anybody to read it. I just wanted to thank everybody and a few individuals in particular. I wanted to get this out there so I would get past the self-imposed need to explain my curiosities and boorishly drop my bio here and there. Without names, If it speaks to you, then I am speaking to you  :wink:

I had my first spontaneous OOBE in 1998. I was a freshman in college and I had all of the normal concerns any typical 19 year old young man would have at that time. But I've always been an excessive worrier and started suffering from panic attacks when I was in high school. I didn't have any more pressures on me than most of my peers; I simply worried too much. I had a loving family. I went to church most Sundays and I was genuinely happy. Something was just missing. I was never satisfied and I'm not speaking in ungrateful terms. I had more than most to be thankful for so I used my faith to fill the void I felt.

My first OOBE was terrifying. I didn't see any nasty devils or anything like that. It was just the realization that I was of sound mind and what I believed was of a sound body, yet I was on the floor staring at my self asleep on the couch. I panicked and tried to cry out but I couldn't make a sound (thankfully). Completely ignorant to what was actually happening, I prayed as any good Catholic would. Nothing. I tried to lay on my physical body to get back "in" but nothing worked until I finally just laid on top of it and gave up. I did not over think how I could have died but in the moment I was sure of it. I decided that it was best to just wait for my escort to hell since Jesus wasn't claiming me. For a true believer like myself, this was the most emotionally painful realization I could've arrived at. It was a complete and total capitulation of my spirit. To ever feel worse than I did, I imagine it would only be through the loss of my family.

In that moment, I finally woke up. Now, I had to deal with the shame of abandoning my faith over a single "crisis". To put it simply, I cried like a child. The next morning, I awoke with vigor and a determination to redouble my Christian efforts. I prayed to Jesus and thanked him for that test and dismissed my silly "dream". But I felt a subtle sting as I prayed. It felt similar to when I was a child and I had to apologize to one of my siblings, even though I had done nothing wrong. But I had to do it or risk greater punishment from my parents. I would not admit it at the time, but a definite chink had appeared in my armor of faith.

I quickly got past that night but I never forgot it. Not once. Flash forward to the year 2000 and my second spontaneous OOBE nearly drove me mad. It was quite similar in every detail but the result was drastically different. I panicked, I cried, and I resigned myself to the hell that awaited but I didn't pray or repent. I did nothing to deserve the terror I felt. I was obviously not strong enough in my faith to endure another "test" and I was a tad pist because of it. What ever it was that I had experienced, it was no "dream" or lapse in my sanity or reasoning. But I wasn't ready to toss my soul into the coals over something that I could not explain and give up on Christianity and the "only" path to salvation.

I told my parents of what I had experienced and they reacted as any parents would I'm sure. What did I really expect them to say? In essence, I explained it the only way I knew how to at the time. I had what felt like was the worst nightmare ever imagined although I wasn't asleep. Even though I was sleeping. I didn't see or hear anything bad. Huh, that's a nightmare? I just didn't know how to explain it to them in any terms that would accurately convey why I was terrified. Thankfully, if they thought I was crazy, they didn't act like it. This was nothing that a good talk with my parish Priest couldn't take care of and off I we went.

Father Doughtery was the coolest Priest that I imagine ever walked the earth. He's in his late eighties and retired now but he can still be found in a pub every now and then. An old habit from his days back home in Irealand, I suppose. I was 20 and home for the summer so I felt like a child as we went to the church. I hung back with my dad as my mom went to find Father Doughtery and I remember my dad making a comment about how miserable Jesus looked up on the large cross that hung above the main altar. As they approached, I barely made out the words demon and Father Doughtery saying, "No, no. It's nothing like that." That pist me off. A demon? Give me a break.

I left with my Priest and we had a pretty mundane chat. He asked some embarassing questions about sex and life in general. Well, I was embarrassed, the questions and Father Doughtery felt fine. I explained to him what happened and he assured me that everything was normal. He told me that I had an OOBE and that  many people experience them at some point in their life. He was very reassuring and as I was leaving I told him that I was gonna look into all this stuff. He stopped me and told me to promise him that I wouldn't. He gave me a stern warning about messing around with the "supernatural" and all the bumps in the night that would surely follow. I should mention that Father Doughtery had been trained at the Vatican as many Priests do when they can. It was a pretty convincing warning. I promised him that I wouldn't like the good Catholic boy I was. We all left there feeling like everything was gonna be normal.

But again, I felt like something was missing. I wasn't satisfied with the little talk I had with my Priest. It would still be many years before I was ready to admit it, but there was a definite crack now, in my armor of faith. When I returned to school that fall, I looked for book's on OOBE's at my University's library. They had a few that were about OOBE's in particular but they were just case studies. I wanted to see if there was anything out there that could tell me how to have one intentionally. The only books that gave any instructions on having an OOBE were about Astral Projection. I wasn't looking for another religion. I was still a devoted Christian and I didn't want to read about any voodoo stuff like AP. After an exhausted search, I realized that it was AP or nothing. I only read about the techniques since I didn't want to be influenced by any other religious stuff.

It described a technique about summoning my this and focusing my that but it boiled down to just relaxing and slowing my mind. After about a month of no success, I had a major panic attack. Anybody who has had one knows that they are scary as heck and death is sure to follow. Every panic attack is horrible but I was almost grateful for this one (my last one too, by the way). A certain feeling fell in place for me afterwards. It was my first panic episode since I had had my last OOBE. This time, however bad as it was, I wasn't terrified while it hit me. I knew that I needed to rid myself of the guilt I was feeling for practicing what I thought was considered a religious ritual. And this was not a ritual endorsed by my savior.

I dropped all the terminology that I felt had religious overtones and substituted them with Christian "friendly" words. After another week of trying, I achieved my first OOBE with intent and awareness. I also credit my success to the fact that I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that this was possible. I just can't speak enough, about how positive it is to know something with an absolute certainty, instead of just depending on faith in the possibility of something being true.

At this point, I could tell you about all my wonderful journeys and experiences I've had in the last twelve or so years in the Astral. But the truth isn't like that. I was still a Christian and just because I felt good about what I had achieved, it didn't mean that I didn't feel guilty. After all, I was committing some serious offenses against my eternal salvation. If something horrible happened and I didn't have time to repent; my short lifetime of just trying to be a good person wouldn't even buy me a glimpse of the pearly gates. Much less, a pass to walk though them. So, I tipped-toed my way through the astral, yet I still had some very powerful experiences that I learned a lot from. And I'll admit that I perceived some of those experiences as a validation of my Christian faith. But something was still missing.

After a rough 2012 and some amazing synchronicity in all it's NPR glory, flash forward to 2013. Hello, Astral Pulse and good-bye to my Christian armor of faith. It was getting heavier and was falling to pieces at the same time. I asked some dumb questions and some intelligent folks answered them. Nobody cared if I was religious and nobody forced any opinions on me. I was sick of worrying and feeling guilty that being a good person, a kind and caring person, wasn't good enough for a positive afterlife. An afterlife, that religion told me depended on faith. Well I was tired of faith when I just didn't need it anymore. What use is it when you just know? I know that I have a lot of work to do in this life and in the next and I no longer fear it [as much].

Now, I'm not preaching to anybody. I'm not advocating that anybody change the way they feel. If your religion feels right to you and you're a better person because of it;Then I believe that is a beautiful thing. I don't know what to think about God anymore. Right now, I'm comfortable in knowing that there is a purpose to this life other than filling a box at the end of it. I'm not arrogant enough to believe that I can make it on my own or without the help of a higher power. I just don't want to limit that higher power to only loving and caring for a few people who happen to think they are the only ones deserving of a better life after this one. I'll always be open-minded but right now, nothing seems to be missing and I am most satisfied with the little I do know. Thank you Astral Pulse.