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Topics - gangta

ive returned essentially a new person...i still hear the call of outer spirits but i accept that as who i am. i have had my awakening and growth as a psi vampyre for negtive emotions and have embraced left hand path you see alot has happened since my last visit
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / what should i do?
November 29, 2006, 17:17:41
i can give in to....what or whoever it is thats with me now. "we". i feel that its something dark...but im so drawn to it. i feel its presence gives me such a strong feeling...of power, of freedom. it doesnt seem like theres any turning back after i give should i?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / I has becom We
November 16, 2006, 23:52:27
there is no I but us no me but we. we are one.....we are in him...we are pain. he wants us to stop but we wont let him, we just toy with him..torturing him
its kinda odd i was diagnosed as a schitzo and now take seroquel which is supposed to supress voices and stuff. but now i hear more and have more future predicting dreams.
i have always been interested in esp in a passive way and have had many telepathic experiences...but since ive concentrated on it ive been having....disturbing moments. there are many times where i hear doors swinging open and slamming shut and i thought it was just people really where going in and out (im in a dorm after all)....but when i started to hear it in isolated places and outside areas where no door is nearby ive become concerned. there is also the problem of a dream (cant tell if it was astral or just a dream) i had where someone was trying to get me to do violent things....and when i woke up i still heard the voice and felt really weird....what is all this and why is it happening? :|
 :?i am a christian and love to be in relationship with God.......but after hearing some things im starting to wonder how much of the things ive been taught are true and how many are man made. can you please let me know some things that you all know or some links to some info? and to make it clear i dont doubt God i doubt man.
over the past day or so ive learned alot about the third eye....and found what i beleive to be the cause of some of the unexplained moments in my life. for instance, there are times where seeing or hearing people, being somewhere that seems odd to me, or hearing conversations that i feel ive heard before cause a strange and powerful pulse in my forehead. after that pulse i feel like ive seen everything happen weeks ago (like a dream) and im able to predict whats going to happen ranging from a conversation or action to things that will take place throughout the day. then there are times when it pulses and i hear someone rambling on about alot of different things (like a due paper,relationship problems, or pain) and i get frustrated and tell them i dont care....and then the person looks at me weird and says he/she didnt say anything....

all this definetely helps me believe that the third eye is real. it just seems odd to me that something so many people spend thier whole lives pursing or scientist try their best to explain(pineal gland) is something that is so natural and easily to understand (i just never gave it a name) ...sorry for the ramble i got a caffine rush. :lol:
ive been doin research on alot of telepathic things and i happened to come across articles on the third eye. this has my attention because all my life ive been getting these weird pulses from things id see or hear or in places that seemed...different to me. if what these articles say are true then that was my third eye. i have these feelings almost every other day...and most of the time when i have them i can predict whats going to happen from a conversation to an entire day.

and when i had one today i concentrated on it and astral projected.....but it felt so different than usual (i felt a strange energy) that i only did it for about 3 minutes. does anyone know more about this third eye?
Welcome to Dreams! / be careful.....
October 04, 2006, 20:42:36
last night i had a dream where i was watching a building burn and i heard screaming and something like explosions....the reason why im taking this seriously is because the only other time i had a dream like this was a week before 9/11. be safe
i can astral project....but after awhile it becomes more of a dream then i get angry and end up back concious. how do i control this gift?

yesterday i was just chillin lookin up things on hypnosis when i suddenly became very sleepy so i went to bed as i normally would. the bizzare thing is that i was dreaming that i was in some strange room and suddenly....i felt my body,heard the people next door and faint sounds from the tv(low volume). it was at that point that i realised that i was awake....but i was still in my dream at the same time. since this isnt normal to me i reacted with fear and tried to move and when id try to move my arm i would throw it up in my dream but i could only flex the arm conciously and the same went for my legs and torso. then i began to yell in my dream but emitted a muffled moan in reality (couldnt open my mouth). then i just suddenly jerked awake yelling and confused.

i checked my surroundings and realised people were wrestling next door,that the football game i heard in my odd state was the show two a days, and that the strange room was only slightly different from my room. was this astral projection or something different. (sorry for the long message)