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Topics - Mez


its a must read. IMHO it also supports the feasibility of biokinesis.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Perfect OBE Method Theory
October 18, 2007, 21:17:11
Ok im kinda jumping the gun by posting this because Im going to test the idea but havent yet but I also want some peoples opinions on it.

Alot of the time people have a hard time getting into the mind awake/body asleep state when attempting to OBE... sometimes people are pretty good at it but ya know it takes like 10 mins or what not. What about phasing how long does it take people to get to that state where they're on the edge of phasing?
Well heres my idea... Get into the state which you need to be in to OBE (whatever it is for you) and then ANCHOR it using NLP so that at any time you can trigger that state instantly with whatever trigger you've set. I think it would work brilliantly... I theorize that you would have to anchor by sub-vocalizing a certain word (preferably made up one) as moving any of you're body parts will cause your state to change making the exercise useless. If it worked... which it should, all you have to do to get to that state is just lie down, get comfy and sub-vocalize that word you set when anchoring to trigger the associated state and you're off!

Any thoughts?
I was reading some of the "Elias Material" and in the description of "regional area 3" (Focus 3) Elias (entity based in focus 4) describes how "prophecies" become actual realities. Im going to qoute some of the material.

Some individuals tap into this area of consciousness (Focus 3) and receive information not pertaining to this particular dimension. Therefore, you have created situations of individuals espousing upon the connections between yourselves and beings within other dimensions. You have also created myths in the areas of your mythology partially, and in areas of Atlantis, which also do not belong in this particular dimension, but parallel enough that the information is formed to fit into this dimension, and therefore creating of myths.

This information which is tapped through Regional Area 3 also creates a situation for prophecies. There are many prophecies that are being espoused on presently in conjunction with your new millennium.

As your century turns, so to speak, you look to all types of signs of a new age. You look to prophecies of elements which have been stated, that there is the possibility or the probability for many actions to be occurring. These may be destructive actions or they may be what you term to be positive actions. Either direction matters not, in one respect. In the respect that it is all information that is being gathered from Regional Area 3 and is not necessarily information that may be connected to your particular dimension, this would be the information in itself mattering not, but in gathering such information and sharing objectively this information and the interpretations of the information which then become distortions, there is much energy lent to these myths, which become prophecies. In this, the energy lent to them creates the possibility for probabilities. In this, the information which is tapped and inserted into your dimension begins to matter, for it may be altering of your reality in directions that you may not necessarily choose to have be accomplished.

This is the manner that your fulfilled prophecies occur. There is enough energy lent to that which has been projected, and in that the energy has created the potentiality for creating a probability, and as more energy is lent in that direction, it becomes no longer a potentiality but an actual probability, and as more energy is lent, it then becomes an actualization within your dimension.
Something that has been puzzling me about ancient egypt is how they cut rocks harder than their tools as this is an impossibility... whilst some people subscribe to the notion that ancient egypt possesed high technology, I do not.

This site explains how the egyptians did it! The proccess of geopolymerization was used so the stones were soft, at this point they were shaped with copper tools and then left to cure (harden). Im so pleased I stumbled upon this.
Ok well this morning when i was waking up... I got the vibrations like i often do in a hypnopompic state and they'd come and go but i was trying to project anyway at SOME point I must have fallen asleep although its not clear to me when i did because it felt like i was concious the entire time... which is bizzare because I found myself in a dream environent and I didnt realise it at the time. Yet I still had the vibrations and was trying to OBE at this point whilst now (unknowingly) inside a dream...

very confusing...

Anyway I succeeded in my OBE within the dream... I had the vibrations and managed to get all the way out of my body in this very odd fashion of kinda peeling away from it with a mild dizzying sensation. When i was out I walked through the wall one way into a different room, then back to the original room, then through the wall the other way... Now all the rooms were in my house by the rooms were somehow synthesised... like the end room was combined with the bathroom. It was very strange. Anway whilst in the "OBE" i was quite lucid (i just didnt click that the rooms were wrong) and so I said to myself... oh oh oh i know! I'll meet my guide! And so i closed my astral eyes and now I was in the 3D blackness... but I didnt see my guide anywhere so i was like... hmm im just gonna return to my body so I can remember all this right now. So I just leaned back from a standing position and fell... The adrenaline rush was huge upon waking up and my eyes shot open and I sprung up.

But this was a false awakening... I had returned to my body and re-awakened inside the dream. I proceeded to tell my gf all about the experience. Then at some point I actually woke up... and realised what had happened. I was extremely confused. It felt like a real OBE and I was lucid but it occured whilst in a dream but I was awake before the dream started then somehow slipped into it. After the OBE I had a false awakening into the same dream which is just BIZZARE.

I dont know what to make of it. Hell cool experience though.
A lot of people believe in reincarnation and talk a lot about reincarnation but what are their sources? I believe there is a lot of misinformation and speculation regarding this topic.

To my knowledge the Bhagavad Gita (spoken by Krishna (god) to Arjuna on the battlefield) is the first and most complete mention of the mechanism known as reincarnation (birth, death, rebirth Vs transcendance)

A full (and accurate) english translation is available in mp3 format here. I encourage anyone interested in reincarnation to give this 5000 year old text a listen.
i've been passively attempting astral projection for a few months now... I naturally wake up during the night often at around 2-3am a few nights of the week so i figured i'd use the hypnopompic state to make ap attempts.

last night i was having a dream then i woke up, i just lay there with my eyes closed (extremely groggy, body pretty much asleep) and i did what i normally do... just succumb to sleepiness while staying focused on my task at hand... within seconds i felt normal exit symptoms which got heavier very quickly. vibrations, noise, strange vision. it felt like i was being run over by a freight train but it didnt hurt and then pop... there was a flash of white so quick, blink and you'd miss it then it was total darkness for a second or two and suddenly i could see...i was out of my body for the first time ever!

i floated away from my body and upwards my mind was pretty much racing... the sensation of having no body was kinda freaky but amazing... what really threw me though as that when i reached the ceiling i realised that i wasnt in my room i live in now... i was in one of my old houses in a room that existed 2 years ago. i remembered that first timers should keep it short so i flew over the bookshelf and into the middle of the rumpus room and just... shook it out and woke up, returning to my body. i sprung awake tottaly in shock. it was so intense and so amazing. FINALY!!!!!

but can anyone tell me...

why did i wind up at an old house of mine?
where else could i wind up?

i just thought i'd be in my room in the real time zone. obviously that wasnt the case.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Mantras
May 22, 2007, 03:05:27
anyone know mantras for astral projection?
how do they work?
k so i was extremely tired when i woke up and just kinda lay there and drifted off... but as i did it felt like i suddenly fell rapidly for a second or 2... then i got vibrations that got more and more intense until they were the most intense i've ever experienced them and then there was just a tonne of noise... like a screeching and gusts of wind... then i realized what was going on but i just couldnt seem to get OUT!

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / music
May 17, 2007, 18:43:44
the other morning i had the strangest experience... thought i'd post it here to get an opinion or two... well the other morning after i had woken up i just lay there half awake but concious that i WASNT asleep and after a while a song began to play not just in my head but in my EARS... it wasnt a song i'd heard before and to my knowledge it isnt even a real song (i looked up the lyrics). i realized that all this was occuring and just lay there and enjoyed it

whattt happened??
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / paralysis?
May 16, 2007, 21:42:30
whenever i get really deep into focus 10 i notice that one or both of my middle fingers dont just become numb they become fully paralysed and it feels as if someone or something has a tight grip on them... this feel is most uncomfortable and it distracts me a lot.

any ideas / tips?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / indication
May 15, 2007, 21:53:45
hey there im new to AP (been trying/reading like crazy) for 2 weeks now and i notice im getting closer and closer as i refine my technique. i have a couple of quick questions that i'd appreciate if they could be answered...

I use 2 techniques (tho havent succeeded yet)
the rope technique and aslo the floating technique...
with the rope technique i get certain "vibrations" and my chakras pulse hardcore but i dont seem to go anywhere or hear any of these "noises"... whats happening here?

with the floating technique i can get into focus 10 quite quick and i start to feel the vibrations come on just by listening to the brainwave generator.. when i feel them i then imagine myself rising up endlessly... yesterday i got vibes i felt like i was begining to rise and hear noises like wind blowing... but then my gf banged on the door :/...  am i close?? how close?