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Topics - Blazewind

A few nights ago I had an experience of spontaneous phasing while laying in bed before sleeping.  I was tired but still quite awake and thinking over random thoughts of the day and planning for the next one.  I certainly wasn't trying for anything really.  Unexpectedly I had this odd feeling of both falling into sleep and becoming far more fully awake at the same time.  (Hard thing to explain of course.)  Suddenly my awareness was of looking over a vast expanse of pure white, powdery snow, and the tops of a mountain range.  In places grey rocks poked through, but it was mostly just endless snow.  Quite a lovely view but so very clear and vivid that it was shocking.  Now I don't consider myself to be very good at phasing at all.  I have not practiced it much at all, and the few experiences I have had have been spontaneous, extremely short and uncontrolled.  I have only even succeeded in being greatly startled by it and snapping back to wakefulness.  This time though I suppose I must have gained some confidence at, because while I did indeed snap myself partly back, instead of waking right up confused, I instead felt a bit disappointed in myself for doing that and simply allowed my awareness to fall back into the phase state again.  To my surprise I was right back where I started, looking down over the snow and mountains.

For the first time I had control too.  I thought of moving my awareness down toward the ground, and "landed" on the snow.  I moved slowly froward looking around at the rocks above the snow and a couple of evergreens.  A strange colored thing caught my attention.  It was blue and looked out of place in the otherwise natural landscape.  I moved too it and saw thick fabric.  I eventually made out a snowsuit and a pair of boots.  To my shock I realized next that there was someone in the snowsuit and that person was dead.  He was laying frozen on the mountain half laying half leaning against some jagged rocks.  (The fact that he had no gear of any kind with him, no pack, skis, poles or anything of the sort, only struck me as strange and concerning after the fact.)  For several seconds I stayed there, confused and bothered by it.  I wondered why I would be seeing such a scene, of all things.  I even turned away once and then slowly back again, just to see if I might have made it up in my own head and he would not be there when I looked again.  Sure enough though when I looked again the body was still there in the snow frozen.  Slowly and fare more gently than I have before, I left the phase and returned fully to my own physical form laying in my bed.  I went to sleep shortly after, making a mental note of it but thinking little more about it.  

This is where it gets crazy.  I was at work the next morning, sitting in the staff room enjoying my cup of coffee, and using my smartphone to kill some time browsing my Facebook news feed.  An article a member of my friend list had shared jumped out at me, because of the events of the past night.  It seems a man from a neighboring town no more then 30 kms from me, had been killed in the past couple weeks after being caught in a mountain avalanche.  Obviously reading that freaked me out a little because of the phasing experience and the timing.  I'm posting this on here hoping someone may just have a little insight here.  What happened?                  

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Pets
May 09, 2014, 06:11:01
I am wondering your experiences with your pets and your astral projections or attempts to do so.  I would think this is mostly relevant to cats and dogs, because they are generally loose in the house, but of course anything could apply here.  If you are someone that happens to have an animal sleeping in your room with you, has it ever been a problem for your practice or travels?  Haha, do they actually ever notice non-physical bodies?  I'd be curious to hear about anything involving animals and OBEs, mostly because it might be a cool topic in here.  

For myself personally I have one pet cat, who likes to sleep curled up most of the night on the end of my bed.  (fluffy little foot warmer it seems, lol.)  She'll jump up there if I nap too.  So far I've never had any real trouble practicing with her on my bed.  But once in a while she likes to randomly sit or lay on top of me, and I'm a bit worried about getting jumped on.          
I thought I'd post this mainly because it ended up later leading me to consider a question of others on here.  Last night while laying down beginning to fall asleep but still feeling somewhat awake once again, I first noticed what I thought at first in my odd state of part wakefulness, was the neighbor upstairs walking extremely heavy and pounding on the floor so hard my apartment was shaken slightly from the motion.  Needless to say I was annoyed at first and wondering what on Earth was going on up there that could cause such a feeling of reverberation though the ceiling and walls below.  I quickly noticed another motion and again the whole room seemed to shake from the impact.  This time though it occurred to me that it almost felt like it was below me and not above at all.  As this continued with no real pattern to it, just as noticeable each time and always sending wakes of vibration through my entire body as I lay wondering what in the world was going on that night.  A couple odd things occurred to me then.  Firstly there was no banging sound or anything accompanying the constant shaking of what I thought was part of the building from footsteps.  Besides who could or would cause such a thing and just keep on doing it in the first place.  Even if it did make sense, it would be so unlike anyone that lives in nearby apartments to do so.  Secondly I still couldn't rule out that it was actually coming from below and not above at all.  It felt to be just as must be just as must below me as above, yet I live on the ground floor!

It still felt physical, like someone was simply pounding away on the floor or walls, but silent and oddly out of place.  It just wouldn't stop.  Thinking again with surprising logic, I realized and then knew without a doubt that this was completely non-physical though it felt so real and convincing.Strangely conscious and clear thinking now in this state, I realized that I had mistaken non-physical vibration for someone banging on the walls and my ceiling extremely hard.  Of course from here I changed my thinking from frustration over what I had thought to be troublesome neighbors, to curiosity about the state.  Even though I was nowthinking somewhat intently, it still didn't stop and I realized that as long as I didn't think TOO much or panic it was okay to reason a bit.  I wondered then if I should try to move my non-physical body and see if anything would happen.  I wondered then if I actually wanted to.  It occurred then that I had no idea what to do or how and that was fine with me.  Whatever was happening just continue and I recall thinking very clearly "Wow, I always thought it might scare me if it got this obvious."  The thought that followed immediately was simply, "It's not scary at all.  Why panic?"  At some point very soon after I suppose I just dozed right off to sleep.

Now the question I was left with from this, because I've noticed such a thing before though not under quite this circumstance, is simply does anyone else commonly find themselves just basically not sure at all how to proceed and doing nothing because of momentary cluelessness.  it;s odd to find just how in such a state logic can just seem to work differently..                  
I'm mainly directing this question to either those who took a considerable amount of time before their first true success with projection, or those here that are still yet to truly and have been trying for awhile.  I'm curious about how things may have evolved over the months/years during your practice sessions, that have been what you would call "pretty close."  Obviously in order to have become later excited, make a note of it, post it on Astral Pulse, etc, we would have had to have hit some noticeable 'signpost' or had something get our attention.  Are we all hitting different signposts as time goes on, or is is just the same sort of experiences for some people no matter how long we've been practicing. 

I got to thinking about this today, and decided for the sake of interest, to start a topic on something less commonly thought of on here. 

For myself, I have certainly noticed, oddly enough that my own progress is evolving somehow over the years.  At first, having recently started out and beginning to think I might have been close, I got crazy spinning.  Somewhere down the road, and still a few years ago now, it seemed to more of a racing heart and very disassociated feeling.  Eventually it evolved from that into the most recent senses of moving non-physical body parts.  I don't even have the  early signposts happen anymore.  it seems the whole process of learning truly is a constant change from one thing to another.           
Admittedly it seems many people talk about the importance of having  plan in mind for what you actually wish to do or where to intend to go the next time you find yourself out of body, (or certainly the first time, for any that are still yet to have first successes.)  I'm curious about how many here actually use the plan idea.

I got to thinking the last time I consciously planned to make a try myself, that I don't have and never really did have a plan.  I suppose I've just always had a bit of trouble making one, and knowing exactly what to think of trying to do or where to go.  In any honesty I have no one I miss and would like to see if okay or anything.  Intending to go very very far is obviously a ridiculous goal for what will some day be a first true success, and something like "I plan to touch the ceiling" seems a bit silly... or is it?  I''d love to hear some or your thoughts on OBE plans and goals.     
I little experience i had very recently made me curious abut this.  Of course I don;t think it's the same for everyone, but still it got me wondering and I thought others might like to compare notes on this too.

Basically I came pretty close once again to successfully projecting (haha, honestly I think in my case i ind the process of getting closer at times as amazing as many of you find your real successes.  It's all relative!  :D)  Again I felt the motion my my own nonphysical hands and was again amazed at how real it is.  This time though I noticed that while moving my hands in front of me deliberately, the motion felt pretty much the same as that feeling we've likely had a time or two of trying to move a limb after it;s 'fallen asleep' fro being left to long in a bad position.  Kind of like trying to walk after maybe sitting with you feet underneath your body or something like that.  The limb works fine (or almost fine) but feels very strange, tingly and you just want to try to get the feeling back.  Do your own nonphsyical bodies ever feel like that?       
Just thought I'd post this in here.  Today I had a bit of a neat experience, and of course yet again it happened when I was at at all trying.  I've been dead tired all day, probably because I haven't been able to sleep well at nights lately, while still getting up early for work in the mornings.  Today though when I got home I ended up waiting for the landlord to pop by to collect rent, so the last thing I wanted to do is go lay down in my bed and doze off completely.  (I'd have only then ended up needing to track the landlord down tomorrow had I missed the door)  I decided to take a quick nap instead on the futon in the living room.  I don't sleep on there very often at all, and of course not very well because upright it's a bit narrow.  I didn't really intend to sleep, just kind of lay down for a short while and chill, but before i realized it I was dozing fright off to sleep anyway.  Strangely I was fully aware of falling asleep, and I thought of paying attention to it then just because the opportunity was presenting itself.  Suddenly and without a thought about it, I found myself in a state that I would call almost a state of hyper awareness, and noticing the feeling of existing almost independent of anything but my own consciousness.  I realized then shockingly enough that my body had fallen asleep.  My mind was aware of being awake in the living room, listening for the door, and thinking of how odd it was to have done this.  I've come quite close to this state before, but in that second I knew that was the first time I had ever really done it. 

For what must have only been seconds, but seemed in no way hurried at all, I just stayed where I was, existing as almost a simple point of consciousness within that I knew to be a sleeping body.  I was aware of everything yet of nothing at the same time.  I was aware of not sensing my own body, but at the same time I wasn't wasn't concerned.  I thought about it for a second and it seemed logical that I could have probably moved had I wanted to.  I just simply didn't want too or know how to. in the next second I thought that maybe I could try moving my non-physical body.  I have done this to a small extent before, but only ever by accident.  Normally I tend to assume at first I am physically moving, and I get confused.  I began to notice that I could move to some small extent without physically moving.  I think I was thinking too much though because in the next second it occurred to me that I had no idea exactly what to do next,and in the second after that I was actually aware of waking up again. 

Upon thinking this over not too long later, I think I must have set myself up for just such a thing without really putting much thought into it.  I took a quick nap in the daytime, which i course is very much off schedule and at a time when I was of course not as tired as at night.  i was laying down calmly in a place I would not normally have associated with falling asleep.  I as also thinking of actually not dozing off at all or a t least of not sleeping too soundly because I was of course waiting for a knock on the apartment door within an hour.  Haha, likely not too interesting of an account here, but of course I was quite excited about it anyway.  :D             
I remembered this today and thought I'd post it on here because someone may be interested and also I would love to know what it actually might have all meant.  This was a couple years ago now.  I was at a point in my life where things were a fine as ever.  I wasn't ill or over stressed or anything.

The whole thing started out seeming just like a dream, but quickly it became very very real.  I came to awareness in a tiny shack in some past era.  It looked like maybe a hundred years ago or so.  Hard to tell for sure.  There was not enough to go by to indicate a time period.  I didn't realize at the moment I had just simply gained awareness at all.  More like I just merged into the situation and assumed I had always been there.  I was suddenly a very small girl, and no longer me at all.  This didn't seem odd to me at all at first.  "My" mother was in the shack screaming that someone was coming and we had to get away.  She screamed that there was no way out and were going to be captured and dragged away somewhere.  She couldn't let that happen.  Outside I could hear noise and chaos.  She was frantic with panic and fright.  At first she tried to hide me, then must have decided it would never work.  I saw her then begin to go completely crazy with fear of whoever it was outside.  I never did figure out who it was out there.  I just knew, in my childish mind, that they were bad.

I saw "my" mother set our little shack on fire.  I think she used a stick from inside the stove, but I can't be sure.  I just know that very quickly the very dry old wood of the walls was burning and smoke filled the place fast.  She then ran toward me, and much to my terror, she set the fabric of my little dress on fire deliberately.  I understood then that she intended for us both to burn to death to save us being caught and captured.  I had never been so terrified before.  I didn't want to die and my own mother was trying to kill me, while I could do nothing about it. 

Knowing then that I was going to die and could do nothing, my awareness simply left the body of the girl.  Of course this was where it all got weird and confusing.  For the first time I realized that something odd was happening.  I was me again, but f course without my physical form.  I knew I was not her at all and I actually wondered what was happening and what it had to do with me.  For a moment I watched the scene continue to unfold, now of course detached from it and just an unseen observer.  The girl was dying, I had lost track of the mother, and the shack continued to burn to the ground.  The scene replayed, almost like it had been rewound.  My awareness was back with the child again, and again "I" was about to burn to death.  This time I caught on fast and simply willed myself to "jump out."  I literally flew instantly a few meters to the top of the room to observe again.  The scene seemed to reset again, and again I jumped back out at once.  I had began to know I could get easily, but still I was puzzled as to how to actually wake back up. 

On the next reset of the scene, it all went very wrong.  This time I tried to jump back away again from the awareness of this little body and I couldn't.  My dress was up in flames.  I could feel the heat near my head and smell the smell of burning fabric..  I willed myself out again, but I couldn't go anywhere.  I knew I was not her.  I was me, and I knew I had my own body somewhere.  Still though, it was the though of experiencing the death of this child that scared me.  I wondered for a second if I was supposed to experience it, and if that was why I had been sent there somehow.  Still though I just couldn't.  It all felt too real.  I panicked worse and worse until I thought I might lose it.  The sheer panic and dispairation to free myself from the strange and horrible experience must have snapped me back quickly, because the next thing I knew I was at least somewhat awake in my bed, with my eyes open, seeing the room the early hours of morning with the images of the other place still in front of my eyes too.  The phone started to ring.  That forced me to move and thank goodness it did.  I could barely stumble out of bed to pick it up though.  I just didn't feel good at all.

Even so long later, I would love any possible insight on this and what might have happened.                           
Wondering about this, and I'm guessing others might notice the same thing for yourselves at times.  Throughout the course of attempting projections over the years, I've come to realize just how varied my experiences are with coming close to succeeding.  There have been a few times I've been startled for a couple of reasons, and one in which I got up early int he morning after nearly leaving without intending to, terrifying to bother to sleep again.  Other times though it's so far from frightening, and I later find myself wondering how such a thing couldn't have scared me.  Lol, at times I've been terrified and later feel ridiculous about that.  Other times I've wondered why I wasn't scared.  Go figure.  Only once, I've had the experience of nonphysically rolling over from one side to the other in my bed.  (it was not until later when I woke up realizing I hadn't actually moved, that I even knew I'd been nonphysical at all,) but I recall it being next to impossible to move for whatever reason.  There was such a strong and strange resistance involved, that I don't know how being partly out of body went over my head in the first place.  Then again I'm quite good for missing the obvious signs, as I've done so many times over the years.  it just all seems to go over my head and until I later think "well that was a bit odd," haha.  At others time though it's seemed almost too easy to move, if that makes any sense.  The one time there was so much resistance, but another early on, I simply found myself spinning around a room nearly hitting a wall, before snapping back wide awake and confused.

What is it that makes the experiences of an individual so different from each other.  I can understand how things like how easy or hard it is to move would have to do with energy levels among other things, but what about being afraid or startled, or just thinking it's exciting or interesting? 

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Possible causes of this?
December 04, 2012, 01:33:21
I thought about it before deciding to post this, and finally decided to.  I've had something a bit odd going on lately and I'm curious about it.  A few times in the last couple months, when I've decided to lay down a short while in the afternoon to nap on days I happen to be off work. I've woken up to something quite strange and certainly a bit alarming.  After an hour or so of sleeping and slipping a bit into dreams, I will wake up quite suddenly and without much reason, I will wake up with the feeling that my entire body is shaking lightly but with a powerful energy running through it.  Now, of course I've heard all about the vibrational state assosicated with out of body experiences, and on this sort of forum that might be a good conclusion.  Except that I don't think it's quite the same thing at all, or at least it doesn't seem like it would have the same cause.  For one thing, as far as I can tell, I am completely in my body when this happens on waking.  For another, I am always quite wide awake.  Woken up quite quickly and always slightly confused, but awake no less and normally laying with my eyes shut for a moment waiting for it to stop so I can move and get up.  It always goes away after a minute if even that long, and of course I'm perfectly fine and just go on about my business.  Still though, it's weird and I'm left to wonder.

Am I missing something here? Has anyone else ever experienced such a thing?  I'm not so much concerned as simply wondering.  I don't see how it could be a sign of anything dangerous or anything.  But I do wonder about the fact that it seems to happen after short naps in the day or evening, and never after waking up in the morning, after a night's sleep.           
This has nothing to do with anything really, but I've been thinking about such things lately and decided to post this topic on here because it could certainly lead to some interesting and thought provoking discussion. 

It seems so often, that to so many people higher education is a great measure of one's worth.  People tend to assume that if one is highly educated they can be for far more help to you in even the mundane things in life.  Why do we tend to look to the PHD in the room, when we need info on say, the force of gravity on the planet Neptune.  Never mind that said PHD, might hold his degree in Sociology, a field very unrelated to the stars and planets - and the guy next to him is an amateur astronomer, who just happens to pump gas for a living.  Why are we shocked, as rule, that the lady up the road with ten cats and a job at the local fast food joint, is seen reading and clearly comprehending a book on advanced particle physics?  Furthermore, why be so surprised when a heart surgeon makes several spelling mistakes? 

It seems to me that people tend to equate high advanced education with high intelligence, and high intelligence with great use and value.  It also seems that we tend to equate low education with much less knowledge of anything at all, and that state as a bit less valuable.  The fact is though that a gas station attendant can understand science and math if he just happens to be good at it.  And a doctor cannot always spell or understand a wealth of complex words.  Perhaps all has more to do with natural talents for learning and retaining information, than anything else. 

To me education is more a sign of someone who was perhaps given greater encouraging and opportunity, than much else.  Of course this is not always true, but is it not a point to consider?

Your thoughts, anyone?               
This somehow seemed more significant last night than it does now, in the morning.  I decided to post anyway though for whatever reason, likely because I need to get out of my own mindset of self doubt and criticism and assume that if something seemed important once, it actually is so.  Anyway, last night I was laying in bed listening to music on my laptop, which was on the nightstand near my bed.  I decided to experiment with noticing as I fell asleep.  I held some awareness for a while by deliberately counting silently from one to whatever I could reach before losing track and then instantly starting right back over at one again.  (I have no idea now where I learned to do that.  I know I read that idea on the internet somewhere though and I use it from time to time.)  I found I could get to only about twenty nine or so, which does seem like a pretty low number before getting confused, forgetting the number I counted last and started back over again, but it did lead to a bit of a neat state.  It seemed that while I was still very aware of keeping track of the numbers with one part of the mind, it sort of ran in the background, while all sorts of inexplicable pre-sleep images and ideas ran at the same time in front.  I consciously noticed just how fast the images flew and disappeared, because I knew the numbers were running at what we would consider normal speed.  Yeah, such a thing is impossible to really explain while typing and thinking in waking life.

At some point though I became quite aware of myself and the energy pulsing strongly through my hands.  I gained a good understanding that I could feel my hands and arms on the bed and under my covers (sort of,) but I could also feel my non-physical body's hands trying to really lift up a bit.  My feet and legs felt the same within a another second or less.  I had the feeling of eventually needing to try moving, but waiting another short while to see what would happen.  If I kept on going, I knew I would eventually just kind of lift free of my physical body.  I had to keep from thinking too hard or questioning and analyzing.  I'd lost count of course and I made myself start over again.  I've had a couple of experiences of feeling quite spontaneously and unexpectedly about to float away a bit not long after waking up, and this had scared the life out of me more than once.  This time though I was only again quite perfectly calm and collected about it, probably because I was actually doing this on my own terms and slower, so it wasn't too shocking or startling.    

I'm not sure exactly how I messed this up.  I just know I did.  Suddenly I was quite physically wide awake again, and was suddenly bothered by the fact that I could still hear music playing.  I got up again and moved to shut my computer off.  I managed to knock the whole thing off the nightstand, laptop, the cooling fan it sits on top off, a book I had nearby.  Big crashing noise.  I was of course half asleep and that started me good.  After I picked everything up and was quite sure I hadn't done any harm to the computer or the fan, I just shut it off like I'd intended to do and went to sleep.

I do think I might try this same thing again, the method of counting from one as high as I can, and just starting over, some time again.  This time though I'll do so without that computer still running or anything else for that matter.  Perhaps with no reason to have to wake up again to shut anything off I'd get further.  (?)   :|              
Typically I consider myself pretty good at working out what my own dreams might mean.  I find the whole subject very interesting.  Lately however I've had a couple of related dreams that I cannot figure out at all.  I'm curious about what others on here might think of this one.

Three times in the last couple months I've dreamed of either being in the hospital or preparing at home to go into the hospital for what I knew would be an extended stay and major surgery.  The first time, I was already in the hospital in the dream.  I was told I had some serious female issues.  The second dream no more than weeks later, I was at home packing a bag to take to the hospital for treatment of brain cancer.  The third, only a couple nights ago was one of packing a bag once again and talking on the phone to hospital staff in the nearest city, confirming dates and times, and preparing for a heart transplant of all things.

Now in waking life I am a very healthy person.  I've never had major health issues, or been in the hospital for any truly serious things like the ones in these dreams.  It's always the same in the dream though.  I hear the news or I already know it.  I understand that this is something that could quite easily kill me, but still I just sit calmly an pack a bag.  I wonder if I have enough reading material, and if I should pack my laptop.  Common things like that.  I never react as though I've got a problem on my hands.  I tend to call my ride in these dreams and simply try to work out how to get to the big city hospital in the first place, since obviously driving myself is unwise.

If anyone has any ideas of what these crazy dreams might mean, I would be very curious.   
Hi everyone.   :-D

I've been hosting a show on blogtalkradio for several months (link in my signature if anyone wants it.)  I try to cover all sorts of subjects that are less known or spoken about, but nevertheless interesting.  I've never done one on the subject of astral projection and OBE's yet,and of course I'd love to.  I thought I had a chance to cover that one with a guest months ago, but of course as things will, things came up and I lost my guest entirely.  I got to thinking about this again yesterday and decided there is no harm at all in looking on this forum.   I'm a member of such a great community and surrounded by knowledgeable people, yet I never tried to extend an invitation before.

Perhaps there is someone in the community who is knowledgeable, and with some good info and interesting stories to tell on the subject.  Someone that would like to talk a bit about it and maybe offer some information for listeners.  My little radio show is still small and  certainly far from well known but still if anyone has ever thought of being a radio show guest I can perhaps give you an little bit of an opportunity on mine.  :)

Looking forward to any comments on this in here, of of course PMs.

Thanks. :D     
Interesting question for you guys.  This one is a bit hard to explain clearly but I'll try and hope it makes sense.  I'm curious about this.  Say you were to go into a good and stable state of remaining awake while your body physically goes to sleep.  If you had a radio on nearby or the neighbors were talking and laughing outside, would you still non-physically hear the sounds?  We read and hear a lot about vision in non-physical reality of course, but for whatever reason there seems to be much less said about hearing.  Now say someone were to get completely out of body and decided to leave the room or even the house.  What would happen to that sound?  Would it be just like walking out of a physical room in which you've left the radio on?

Haha, my hope is that this is not an utterly stupid question.  I just wonder, and of course i do think the answers will very from person to person, how to you experience sounds from the physical world?  Or does something like a TV or radio just mess up your attempts?  Of course I can fully see how a new sound that started suddenly, such as an alarm clock going off, or someone banging on your door, would just wake you up.  (My door buzzer went off recently under such circumstances and of course startled me quickly wide awake.)  But what if the sound was not annoying and had been there all along?           
I'm just posting on here because this really was/is odd for me, and I'm looking for insights.  This morning I woke up a bit earlier than I intended too.  (Off work today, no big plans, and I intended to sleep in a bit longer.)  As soon as I woke up though I looked at the clock and still tired and seeing no reason to get up, I decided to roll over and lay in bed a while.  I must have been far more tired than I though or something because almost as soon as I thought that, I started too doze off again.  I was however instantly aware that I was not falling asleep "right" or completely.  Within a very short time I had the felling of falling and spinning, yet still in my bed.  I was getting almost dizzy feeling, and trying to move was suddenly far more complicated.  I didn't feel fully attached to or within my physical body, and yet |I was just as completely aware of it and it's position in my bed.  Strangely in that instant I thought that the way I was laying could not possibly be comfortable and I struggled to move to a different position.  As soon as I'd succeeded in moving though, it all just got worse.  Suddenly I was completely aware somehow of the possibility that I would take off completely away from my body, and it occurred to me fully that that was the very LAST thing I wanted to let happen at the moment.  I didn't feel right.  I was panicked, and dizzy and, lacking control.  I certainly hadn't been trying on purpose at that point, and I suddenly wondered vividly what on Earth I had been thinking to try this on purpose at other times.

Well I woke myself right up quickly and instantly I climbed out of bed and stood with my feet firmly on the floor.  I was still so freaked out by who only knows what exactly.  I could not even imagine getting back into bed and tryingf to get a bit more sleep.  No  way.  I got dressed and went on to start the day.  Even typing this now an hour later, I still feel quite startled and I still can't quite put my finger on what exactly caused that complete panic.  I still can't imagine having to go back to sleep.  I'm just thankfully this wasn't two am or some crazy hour because then I could have been up all night.  I'm just as thankful it was daylight out side.  I'm an adult woman.  I live on my own and have for years.  I hold a job and have a life.  Yet here I am admitting to basically being so freaked out of something that I couldn't go to sleep again after that.

So that leads me to ask a question that this whole thing brought me to wonder after |'d finally managed to think clearly.  I know I have come close to projecting before.  Actually when I think it over I realized I have been much closer than I might have been today.  I've been close to it and instead of completely panicking to the point where i can't go back to sleep, I've simply found it all amazing.  Some experiences have been almost fun in away.  What the heck made me completely lose it this time?  Furthermore I feel like it should have known better than to suddenly panic like that.  I've been into this subject for years?  I know I should know better.  This was a BIG set back in my attempts and I know that.  I'm sure I will change my mind again at a later date and decide to try again, but at this moment I have to admit to thinking I may be done with this whole subject by my own choice.  Or at least I may not ever try it again myself.  This is ridiculous.  I don't even know what exactly scared me this bad.  It was nothing truly obvious or clear that would have done it.

I have to admit that by now, as I've gotten to the end of my post, I feel quite silly on top of everything else.  Yet I can't help my feelings or reactions and I am very curious about this.  If someone happened to have some advice or insight for me I would be most thankful.  :-o  :-o  :-o                        
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Phasing?
June 09, 2012, 10:23:21
I got to thinking recently about some kind of odd experience I had months ago.  After running into something else on this site related to the topic of phasing, it occurred to me that that might have been my experience too, but I have to admit I'm not quite sure.  Is it possible to phase without trying to do so?

Basically, one night I was simply laying in bed ready to go to sleep but still completely awake and just kind of unwinding from the day.  I wasn't moving, and just laying without thinking of much either (I can never not think entirely, lol.)  In any case, my intention was to simply go to sleep.  In any case, in one second I was aware of laying in bed where I'd started, and in the next second I was aware of standing at the edge of a field watching the scene that I saw now in front of me.  All around on the open plains and rolling hills I saw Native Americans, most of them on horses, firing at each other with bows and arrows, and wearing their traditional clothing and their faces covered in paint.  Where on Earth that scene came from I have no idea whatsoever.  It was like stepping into history or something. 

For several seconds it seemed I was part f the scene, as an observer but still very much there and not even thinking of the face that I was really back home in my bed.  Then I returned quite quickly and suddenly to awareness in the bedroom.  My eyes had been shut but I opened them quickly in surprise and confusion over the whole thing.  It's not that it scared me so much as simply that I found it startling.  It isn't often that one finds themselves suddenly in another time and place without going anywhere or intending to go.  I know I was certainly not  dreaming and then woke up again.  It's hard to explain but I was awake the whole time. 

I'm curious if anyone has any idea what happened there.  Also, I'm left to wonder, why such a violent scene?  As far as I can remember I don't think i was in a negative state of mind that day or anything before going to bed.  it was just an ordinary day.  I don't like the idea of war at all, or the idea that human beings need to kill each other.  it seemed so odd suddenly find myself in such a scene.           
I just wanted to share this on the forums because if nothing else it was certainly somewhat silly when looking back this morning, lol.  I went to be last night extremely tired, but still I randomly woke up without much clear reason in the middle of the night.  I was still tired, but I assumed at first for some reason that it was already morning.  I assumed I must have woken up not long before my alarm.  I was annoyed at having to get up already, lol.  I looked at the clock to find it was two in the morning, but was dismayed at not being able to get back to sleep easily now that I was awake. 

Realizing that it was actually an ideal time to attempt a projection and of course reasoning that I would just as likely fall asleep trying, which was just as ideal of a thing to do, I decided to practice a technique for a while.  From here it just got weird and somewhat funny.  Wanting to get to a mind awake - body asleep state, I decided to visualize sitting on a swing and simply swinging back and forth for a while.  My feet actually kept dragging across the sand and gravel on my visualized ground, lol.  Of course I should have been able to just see the swing as higher from the ground so my feet wouldn't drag like that, but I just couldn't do it.  My mind seemed to want to drag it's feet.  (Yes, I realize only now as I type this, that subconsciously I was likely trying to tell myself something by dragging my feet like that and trying to 'put the brakes on')  In any case, after working with this for a while and finding that clearly it was just not working I decided to switch to a different visualization.  I've always had neat experiences visualizing flying through the air and trying to see things from high above, so I chose to use that one again.  I simply couldn't get off the ground or hold the images at all. My visualization ability was just plain off for whatever reason.  I just gave up and let my mind do what it wanted to do.  I got to thinking about the plan for my radio show today, (I'm an internet radio host,) and just start to doze off to sleep.

Suddenly I was more awake again, but existing mostly in my mind with little or no thought of where I was physically.  It's an odd state I've never been able to fully explain though I've been in it several times before.  The first thing that I become really aware of though of that I could see  a lot of colors and patterns in front of my eyes.  I felt a very slight weight over top of me.   It felt like something soft and that I was right underneath it.  It came to mind that I was burried under a huge sheet of very colorful and heavy fabric.  The thing that came to mind at the time though in hindsight it's ridiculous of course, is that the drapes from some high window had fallen down on top of me and I was all caught up in it, trying unsuccessfully to get untangled from the fabric.  I realized at some point that it was only a near dream image oddly enough but still I couldn't get myself out of it.  I mentally lay then without trying to move again, still covered by this colorful curtain fabric.  It didn't scare me or anything.  Mostly I was just curious about it.  I felt like there was someone else nearby but they were in no way threatening or disturbing.  They were just kind of there doing nothing really.

I'd be very interested in any insights anyone might have on any of this.         
I'm sorry.  I just couldn't think of a more fitting title for this topic. :oops:

Anyway I wanted to ask this group about something I've begun to notice and finally started to understand.  Basically I just wonder if it's the same for everyone and what if anything to do about it.

Related to OBE practice, I can start to notice starting to fall asleep and everything quite well.  As far as I understand, I'm well on the right track as much as possible with it.  I think I've come very close several times.  It's in those times of being very close that I notice something that hit me each time like a ton of bricks.  I've always assumed it would not happen again but of course it does.  Basically I will go through the steps and all that only to realize somewhere along the way that I just cannot actually comprehend nonphysical existence.  I just can't imagine being able to reach up with a nonphysical arm for instance, which is odd and quite frustrating because I've actually done that very thing already.  (Not actually trying the first few times I've reached up or rolled over in bed nonphysically, just the old familiar startled and confused as can be at first until it finally occurred to me to wonder if I could do it again on purpose, lol.)  I certainly can't fully wrap my head around the idea of stepping or floating completely out of body.  It's the oddest and craziest thing.  I can get to a point it seems I might be close and then suddenly I find myself thinking that I'm perfectly fine where I am and I'd rather just stay in bed and leave well enough alone.

One of my AP goals (I think it important to have a goal in mind to follow if you do succeed early on) was always to fly from my roof.  It seems nice and basic and simple one.  But each time I find myself in this kind of odd close but suddenly losing motivation state, I suddenly think the last thing I can imagine or comprehend is losing gravity.  Okay, so I'm used to a physical world and two feet on the ground.  Logically then I should just consider maybe walking through my apartment or perhaps up the street.  Thing is that seems strange to me too.  It's like each time I think I'm getting closer, I suddenly just can't actually let go of the physical world. 

I should write more on this, but for some reason I'm confused about how to word everything well enough that it makes any sense.  I wonder though in any case if anyone might have an insight or two.   :|                   
A couple of weeks ago I had 2 odd and strangely related and of confusing dreams in 2 nights.  The first night I dreamed that I was talking to some random dream character, who I recall  told me suddenly that if i wanted to know I was dreaming while actually still in a dream, I should simply look out for certain odd objects and take them as indicators.  He said they would be obvious and out in the open and he also had a list of them, which he recited.  There were several distinct objects on that list of his, but by the time I woke up, though I tried to recall as many as I could, by the time I woke up the only one I knew of was a brass watering can.  :| 

The very next night I had a dream in which some other dream character was changing the scene and the situation around us rapidly.  Things changed one at a time and he was quite perfectly happy with himself and loved playing with the scene.  It was also obvious he was trying to show me that it could be done and was proving a point.  At some point I saw him slip and fall near the top of a step hill, only to shift the scene quickly so that he was riding down harmlessly sitting on an old skate board.

Just those two dreams like that two nights in a row and then nothing so odd since then.  I know enough thouhg to think that both hinted at something to do with lucid dreaming.  But the idea of such a thing, while ina dream.  Weird as can be.  :-o  :? 

I would be interested in others' opinions or insights on this one.             
I've lived in my current place, (a decent little apartment) for several years now.  I do get the odd false awakening in here of course, but ones that are more funny than anything once I wake up and realize what's happened.  Nothing to write home about.  Oddly though in my last home, (an old house that I shared with family) I used to get false awakenings on average of a couple times a month or so.  And there were of the awful and terrifying verity.  I used to dread it happening again, and obviously am beyond relieved to find it doesn't seem to happen like that since moving.

These ones back in that old place involved waking up (or so I thought at first) in a state where my whole room was turned sideways, or even upside down.  I'd stare at the ceiling sure it was a wall painting wrong and notice that next to it I'd see the carpet.  Things like that.  I could never wake fully up.  I was sure that if I could just get outside of the room and eventually outside the house, I'd be fine, but for the moment I felt too tired and sick to move.  I could barely see, like looking through barely open eyes at blurriness.  Sometimes I'd struggle with this for what seemed like an hour opening my eyes and closing them again, realizing I'd only half woken up and trying to wake up over again properly.  I'd hope that someone else in the house would come and help me but of course no one ever knew I needed help.  Often I'd phase off into a half asleep dream that lasted only a second and always involved another part of the house.  Once for example I found myself suddenly starting in the living room and finding it cluttered with stacked of packed boxes.  Another time that same room had been completely ransacked.  I once dreamed in a quick second of running into my mother in that same living room.  She started screaming and panicking saying I'd been stabbed in the eye with a knife.  It was all just nonsense really.  Nothing ever did make a hint of sense.  I'd finally wake up again normally, but sometimes it actually took several tries to land fully in waking reality.  It always did leave me shaken up entirely for the whole morning.

The thing I've found myself wondering though is why would such things happen specifically in one house.  I moved of course for completely unrelated reasons, not at all expecting that it would stop this, but to my great surprise and relief it did.  Was moving the best thing I could have done to stop this?  I've considered that it could have been medication related and not the house at all.  I was on come medication during part of the time I lived there.  This is though I didn't start taking it until a good while after these false awakenings started. Actually I was still on it for a time after moving too and of course it stopped when I moved.  I can't see a relationship between this and meds. 

This post was longer than I planned and I'm sorry for the length.  But I'm curious about the insights of others on this.                             
Hey hey!  :-D

Some of the members here who have been members for a good while, may remember me as one of those few, (though not the only one here surely,) that's spent a long time interested in this subject and practicing at times, but never fully and consciously had a success yet.  It seems that overall, the average might be several months of working at this before one succeeded the first time.  I'd be a bit embarrassed actually to put a number on the amount of time I've been fallowing that same path.  LOL, the journey is the whole point I think anyway, so no matter.  I am still hitting all the same usual "signposts" as many others btw... just fewer and further between in my case because of the slow progression.

Walking the slooooow path though while others race on past, (and yes, even if you've been on this path for 6 months before finally fully succeeding, you are racing past, lol) is giving me so much time to observe and notice.  Recently I made another such observation.  I thought I'd share it on here.  The simple fact is that when one has made it their intention to project for a very long time, and tried to do so, sometimes with growing interest and sometimes after having given up on it for a long time, we have so much more time to become convinced that we are not actually able to do so.  Thoughts become things in this area of reality I do believe.  I'm beginning to wonder if this is becoming one great and terrible downward spiral in which the longer one goes without success, the more like our own minds might stop us from even doing so, because we have not yet done so and thus cannot be sure we can.

lol, I really do hope my odd rambling and sense of logic made a hint of sense.  It's been the sort of week where I just can't seem to word things in sensible ways for some reason.                 
This morning I woke up at just before seven.  Terrible hour to wake up on a Sunday, lol; the day I typically enjoy sleeping in.  I was still quite tired because I'd been up quite late the night before, but I couldn't get right back to sleep as I intended to.  I decided to get up for a while.  I was only up a short time before I made up my mind that i may as well go back to bed for another hour or so, because i felt I'd be able to go to sleep again.  I dozed off right away and had this odd dream.

I dreamed I was working, delivering food from various fast food places around town to a certain odd place that looked like a restaurant itself and was always full of people.  It was the same thing over and over.  Drive away to pick something up in a bag, drive it back to where I started and hand it off, only to get called away again.  At some point I realized I'd gone to the wrong restaurant, but otherwise it just went of repeating.

Now, I had my phone in my purse on a shelf in the hallway not far outside my closed bedroom door.  It's battery died, and this started it beeping every so many minutes this morning while I was still dreaming of this delivery job.  In the dream for some reason I heard ths strange and annoying beeping.   But I didn't know what it was.  it seemed though that every time I'd hear it the dream would start again and the scene repeated.  Many times throughout what felt like hours but could not possibly have been so long, I sensed that the sound was from somewhere 'outside" the dream, but I couldn't wake up completely.  I just kept dozing back into the dream again, though I wanted to wake up.                 
Strange as it seems to me while trying to type this out and think it over while fully awake in the physical world, several times I've had an odd but still positive experience while attempting to consciously astral project. Sometimes as I begin to drift off physically to sleep, while trying hard to stay mentally awake, (and of course at times still getting a bit nervous or fearful yet still determined to stay with it and keep going,) I can hear a telepathic voice speaking to me in my head. It's never anything negative or frightening. The complete opposite is always the case. Clearly it seems an attempt to help just a bit.

Once just a month or so ago, one of my guides, who I've talked with several times, took some time and made some degree of effort to tell me without actual physical words, about our history together as friends.  Other times I've heard much less and nothing of any true significance in itself. 

Anyone else here ever have such things happen?  I've been thinking it over lately and it's made me curious about this in relation to other people's experience with this.   

I simply got curious about this last night and decided to ask on the forums.  If someone is out of and a ways away from their body what effect would the physical body being woken up quickly have?  Of course it seems like that such a thing could happen at least once in any lifetime and for any number of perfectly innocent reasons.  An inconsiderate neighbor deciding to very suddenly start a lawn mower or chainsaw at five am, the dog deciding it just has to go out at once and starting to bark up a storm by the back door, even you own alarm going off because you forgot it was still set.  But these I suppose would be more gradual awakenings.  Probably no different from waking up at the crack of down any other time you've been sleeping.  What if though it was a more sudden and forced wake up?  Say a family member or housemate slammed your door shut, or even decided, (hopefully with what they thought were good intentions) to shake your body awake?       
For several years now I've been having dreams quite often of the brakes failing in my car. It's never the same twice but the theme remains.  Most often I'll dream it's in whatever vehicle I've got at that time.  For years I had a old van and I used to dream it's brakes went while driving many times. I've recently gotten a new car and not long ago it was featured in the same sort of dream, lol.

Anyway, based on this I wanted to share a neat little thing that happened one night within such a dream.  In it I was driving my brother, (who was for some reason back in town, and bothering me endlessly) to the bank after he'd bugged me for a ride.  He was ranting about my driving, which funny as it seems, is actually true of waking life.  He's always been the worst backseat driver I know for some reason.  Therefore the scene seemed fine and normal enough to me.  I came to the train tracks though that cross the middle of town and of course went to stop behind the line of stopped cars that was forming to wait at the crossing.  Typical as could be, my brakes failed completely and I rear ended the car in front of me.  This was somehow familiar in the moment.  I snapped to a new awareness and realized that I'd rear ended cars in the past after having brake issues, and that they were always just dreams.  I knew that my brakes were fine.  I remembered that once before, the last time this had happened in fact, I'd actually become conscious too and have decided through will, to rewind time and stop before I'd hit a vehicle.

My brother in what I now knew fully was a dream, was ranting and raving at me about having screwed up big time and hit someone.  He yelled about how I was in big trouble now and how he'd been dragged right on into it because according to him I couldn't drive. 
I simply looked at him with confidence, shrugged my shoulders and said calmly and with some amusement, "Oh don't worry about it.  This is a dream.  I can rewind time. I've done this once before."
He looked at me for a second like I had grown another head.  Then he became confused, and looked at me like I was speaking Chinese or something.  I recall reading somewhere before that if you tell a dream character you are dreaming they get confused as anything by it, but I'd never seen it for myself before.  For the second time though, I consciously rewound a dream just like one might rewind an old VCR.  I drove forward again.  I hit the brakes, sure they worked.  I stopped fine.  My brother was clearly seeing the scene for the first time and the crash had never happened.

For me it seems the brake thing in a dream has become a great chance at lucid dreaming.  I've been working on this for ages and have even had a few, but never fully thought to try to control the scene myself until the failed brake dream.  I've always in other ones just know it was a dream and still let it play out as it will.  This one though it seems in giving me enough of a need to do something.  To take action.

For so many, I can imagine, to dream of car brakes failing would be terrible.  For me it is too at first because well of course who wants to hit anything in a car and feel helpless and frantic.  but also I'm starting to see it more and more as a chance to play, lol.                             
Wow, I haven't used this account in such a long time.  I ended up having trouble with it due to a lost email address that got hacked.  I made a new one on here, and have now deleted it after finding myself able to use this one.  It seems human error got me again.  In any case glad to have this account back since I've had it for so long.     
I have come pretty close to getting out of body several times now, but somehow can never quite do it.  All of the times I have almost done it, I have felt somehow that I need to give up my hold my my physical body and just cannot do so.  Something is still metally blocking me from completely trusting in the safety of letting go.  I am becoming more convinced that I have some kind of great attachment to the physical world or something.  The time I can recall having the most obvious trouble with it all, was a time a few months ago.  My awareness had seemed to shift to the point that I could completely feel my energy body and even sense it's lightless and desire to move.  because my awareness had shifted though, I ended up with the extremely frustrating feeling of being trapped in my physical body.  I'm now becoming even more confussed, the more I try to reason my way around this.  I'm not sure if my energy body will not let go of the physical one... or my physical body will somehow not let my energy body leave.  I hope I've not gotten everyone else confussed now, lol.  I am hoping that someone who has had a problem like this in the past might have an idea of how I can begin to overcome this problem.  I might just be subconsciously afraid of something or another, but I have not a clue how to even begin to figure out what that something may be.
Thanks everyone for your advice on this one.  :-)
So... a few nights ago, I was attempting to project, and while I still did not fully succeed, I did feel some pretty strong pre-exit symptoms.  I was really drifting into a sort of unawareness, when suddenly I began to feel vibrations.  I felt a definite sense of detachment form the physical world, and it seemed like my awareness was kind of shifting.  Oddly though, at one point it felt like my stomach was doing flip flops.  it was pretty much a feeling that I would associate with motion sickness.  It was that feeling I know can be common while going down on an elevator.  Or... even more accurate, the feeling one would likely get while going over the downward drop on a roller coaster.  I am familiar with many of the things that may occur during pre-exits, but I've never heard about this. I can't tell if that's something to do with a possible pre-exit, or it my stomach did that because I might have been starting to become a bit panicked.  Anyone have any advice about this one? 
Thanks guys.  :-)
I finally got around to uploading an avitar pic onto this site, and I see my avitar space a a little blank blue square.  I wondered, is it jsut my computer or what.  Does everyone else see it as blank space too, or do you guys see a pic?  What copuld be the cause of it being blank space like that?  I have tried a few pictures on here as avitars, and they all end up looking that way.
Thanks guys for any info on this oddity.
The other day I woke up early in the morning, and decided to practice for a while, thinking about hopfully trying to project.  It was all going good.  I was feeling like I was getting very relaxed and yet staying quite aware of things.  I was hoping to get into mind awake, body asleep state, and I thought I was doing okay.  I just let the random images that I always get as I start to doze off, go through my head, and was putting effort into not getting caught up in them, just passively watching.  I was also taking slight notice of how much more relaxed my body was feeling, when suddenly I began to feel stiffness, and tension, mostly in my lower legs and wrists.  Oddly enough, I still felt like I was going to sleep and everything normally.  I worried though that this tension was a bad sign, and tried to focus on relaxing.
Anyone know anything about what this tension could have been all about,and how to deal with this?
Earlier I felt quite tired due to getting to bed late and being woken up early by the guy who lives in the apartment above me, blasting his music at an ungodly hour.  I decided to go and lay down and catch a quick nap, and when I did, I had some very weird random things happen for some reason.  I thought about practicing a little bit with a projection technique.  I figured, no real harm in trying.  I thought about trying to get the feeling of my energy body sort of rocking back and forth a bit.  I was surprised at how esay it was to actually start to feeling the motion.  Well I did this for could have been no more than a couple minutes, when I felt this very strange intense feeling of forward motion.  It reminded me very much of being on a fast moving city transit train.  For some reason I was mildly aware of a feeling that my feet were up against a solid surface, like the wall, even though I knew there was nothing at the bottom of the bed.  I knew that my feet were not touching anything, but it felt exactly like they were.
Now I know that feelings of movement like that are generally very good signs that something could happen.  I'm quite sure that movement like that might often lean up to sleep paralysis, and vibrations, which would allow you to exit.  (someone correct me if I'm wrong here.)  But what was up with feeling something solid at the bottom of my feet.  I've never heard of that one before.   Has anyone else ever had anything like this happen?  What on earth could have caused a feeling like that?

Also, I am almost certain my astral body's arms moved.   I was beginning to become more unaware of myself,  and then I noticed my arms in a postion sort at my side.  When I came back to great awareness of my body, I realized that my physical arms were then, still sort of bent at the elbows in front of me.  I tend to sleep on my side and lay quite curled up.  I lay this way when practicing as well.  I really think I might be getting closer now to being able to project, but I'm not sure.
Over the summer I was listening to coast to coast AM, which her in western Canada, comes on at about one in the morning.  Yeah, yeah, I know I have no life, lol.  Anyways... I recall laying in bed listening to some random guy talking about his speculations for 2012.  He said some really cool things about a great spiritual awakening.  I don't recall all the details of it.  It was after all the middle of the night, and I had the volume low to avoid desturbing my sleeping boyfriend.  I do recall him saying a couple things about a stairway of sorts reaching to the upper planes, and every human who wishes to know it, will know all the wonders of realms beoynd our own.  He emphasized as well that 2012 would not be the end of the world, so to speak.  Just the end of life as we know it today.  Humans will, he believes, still live on in hte physical world as we always have.  We will just live a life more in tune with other things.  I however did not manage to catch the name of the man speaking and have never heard about it again anywhere else.  I was hoping that someone here might have alink to a site with more inforation abbout this 2012 idea.  I find that theory simply amazing and would LOVE to read more on it.
Thanks a ton for any help.
Last night I had a terrible dream about a soul eating demon.  A man I was with in a big house, where everyone was being eaten, somehow killed the thing, with, of all things, a piece of candy.  I woke up from that dream in a state of uncontrolable spinning and could even feel G-forces.  I could not stop this spinning, or bring myself back to normal awareness.  I somehow knew that this was not simply a dizzy spell, but was something nonphysical that I could not take control of.  It began to grow stronger until my force of the motion felt as though it would pull me apart.  I could feeling some kind of rushing feeling and could not overcome the G-force.  I began to panic, and some part of my mind cried out, "oh my god.  I'm caught up in the vortex."  I did not know what that meant or why I had thought that.  Suddenly I was aware of the presence of my spirit guide, who I have worked with alot, and know quite well.  She grabbed onto me hands and pulled me free of this whirling force.  Now free of it, I was simply dizzy for several seconds, before I went right back to sleep again.
Later in the night, I woke up again, and to my surprise and dread, I felt myself going into a spin again.  This time, perhaps because I was awake early on enough in the expireince to take control, I felt more confidant.  I gave a firm mental command of "No way.  Stop.  I can't do this."  The feeling of motion faded, and that was that.  I went back to sleep, and had no farther trouble.
I am really hoping that someone here will have a clue what this was all about, because I have never felt anything like that before.  Was it related to AP?  I felt very disconnected form my physical body.  I am bound and determined that this will not become a set back in my AP training.  Did I blow a great chance to take off, and go, when I commanded the motion to stop?  I'm not sure not that I should have done that, but I panicked, and got freaked out.

I didn't have a chance to post this until today, but I decided to post something that happened yesterday afternoon.  I was very overtired and decided to lay down and rest for a bit.  I thought that it would be a good chance to practice and maybe make an attempt to project.  I started to take notice of the shifts in consciousness between awake and asleep.  It became really easy to notice, and soon, unexpectedly I became
very aware of vibrations.  I had not expected this to happen but since it had, I thought to just go with it and see what happened.  Strangely enough, I fell asleep, and when I woke up again, someone was playing load rock music in the house and I could not remember anything.  I think I must have just gone into dream state and forgot the dream.  I wonder though, what would have happened if my inconsiderate housemate had not cranked her music up full blast and woke me up.
Hi.  This may seem like an odd question, but I have always slept alone, (except while I was dating my last boy friend, but I never tried to project then)  I was just wondering this recently.  If a person is in bed with an other person, and projects, or makes an attempt, does the other person seem to be bothered be it, or notice it at all
Lately I have began to become very aware of shifts in levels of awareness as I fall asleep.  it is actually really incredible I think.  Often now at night, I will lay in bed, and as I try to go to sleep, I will think about my level of consciousness, and a good number of times now, as I pay attention to it, I can honestly feel the, 'shift' as I become more asleep, and less awake.  Sometimes, it seems as though there are a couple of these shifts, each time taking me lower and lower in my level of conscious awareness.  I wondered though in the last little while if there is a way I could take this new skill I am learning, and use the awareness of the shifts to try to project.  Does anyone have any advice on this?
It is so cool to be one of the people posting something like this on here.  Last night I came VERY close to OBE.  It was amazing.  I had settled down in my bed to meditate a bit before sleeping.  I have for a good while been developing my abilities in spirit communication, and have been working with a spirit guide for some time as well.  Last night, I had begun to communicate with my guide after feeling her presence in the room.  It would seem that she wants for me to be able to AP as much as I wish to do it.  She began to tell me to clam my mind and body, I did that of course.  Soon her presence drifted away but was still a little noticeable.  Well from the state I had gotten myself into, I just let things go from there.  I focused on energy that was building in my hands.  It began to spread to my arms and upper body.  Then the energy changed forms and became a sort of vibration.  The vibration now spread to the rest of my body quite quickly.  I knew that this was good, and I just layed without making a move for a little bit, hoping to get closer to being able to 'step out.'
Soon my mind began to lose quite a lot of awareness of my body.  This part is hard to explain.  I felt like I was going to sleep sort of, except that I was still also very awake.  My mind went almost blank, aware now only of the vibrations, and the energy in the room, and of trying to move in a few minutes.  I believe that my consciousness was shifting to my astral body.  I was now of course very light headed, and yet still felt in control, although that control that I had was slipping more and more.  Strangely this did not scare me or bother me.  I know somehow that I could take control again if I wanted to, but I decided to let what happen happen at that point.
I was almost at a point where I knew without much doubt that I could move my astral body, and achieve separation.  I more fully than I ever have before that I could do it, and strangely enough, knew that if I didn't do it then, I would on another attempt.
Sadly, I did not fully manage to project last night.  The vibrations slowed, and my mind went fully back to my physical body.  I lay in my bed for a couple of minutes, trying to understand what had happened.  I let everything come back to normal, then got out of bed to get a bottle of water from the kitchen.  I stood up, thinking to myself, "Oh my god.  I actually almost did it!  I can't believe how close I came."
I always thought that if I ever did come as close as I came, that I would be scared, and start to panic, bit I wasn't afraid at all.
I am so motivated now to keep working on trying to go father.
I have begun to notice a slight problem with me hopes to AP.  I have major trouble sleeping, and am on meds for this.  The problem is this... if I take the meds, I am to tired to do much practice at night.  I usually just fall asleep practicing.  If I don't take the meds, I don't really sleep well at all.  I kind of doze off, and wake up, and doze of and wake up, and in the morning, I feel awful.  Does anyone else have a problem like this, and does someone know what I should do?
Thanks, Chantal.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Phasing?
September 07, 2007, 21:26:12
Sorry if this has been asked before.  If it has, then mods, please go ahead and get rid of this.  I have heard a bit about something called phasing one htis site, ans hoped that someone could please explain what Phasing is.
Thanks, Chantal  8-)