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Topics - cainam_nazier

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Legal Question
January 28, 2007, 01:25:33
Greetings.  I am hoping some one with some Law back ground can help me riddle out a situation I am having at work.  I don't know if it is needed but it may help if you knew about Arizona employment law. 

The basic question is about uniforms.  I know a company can tell you what to where.  But the question I have is wether or not a company can tell you where to buy that uniform.

The back ground.  Our director is some what new and is on a big "appearance is everything" kick.  He does not like the colors of our current uniforms and whats to change that.  However he has also mentioned bringing in a Uniform Service to do all the cleaning and such for that.  Now here is the kicker.  It has come down to this.

We either A) Use the uniform service where they pick up and clean all the uniforms, and we as the individual employee will pay for it.  Or B) can opt to purchase the uniforms ourselves but we HAVE to purchase them from the same uniform company. 

Personally I think that this is wrong.  Sure a company can tell me what I have to wear at work, I understand their need to enforce dress code so that everyone presents the image that the company wants.  However....I do not believe that the company can tell me where to purchase said clothing.  I am confident that I can get the same clothing at a different location for cheaper.

So there are the basics, I will resist the urge to ramble further.  The subject is a little touchy for me.
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Page error.
November 12, 2006, 01:25:52
Hey moderators,

I just logged on and when I go the way I normally do, through

I got a page saying the site was hacked.

However by adding the "index.php" to the end I was able to enter the site.  Just thought you should know.
I am having difficultly getting this out in the way that I want...So please bare with me. 

I often know when a person dies, or is getting ready to.  Oddly enough my chosen profession put me in locations where this happens frequently.  But I have never really felt some one pass, at leat not while I was awake.

Saturday morning my Grandmother on my fathers side passed away.  I am one who accepts death rather easily.  It is after all part of the cycle.  But the problem I am having is that I felt her pass.  I felt it as clearly as if I was in the room with her.  I can accept her death, that is the easy part.  But I am left with this pain that is not mine, a confusion not generated by my own misunderstanding, and a burden that I should not have to bare. 

I am consumed by that whole night and I wonder if this will continue to be my lot.  I do not mean for this to sound negative but there are others that I am tied to stronger than I was to my Grandmother.  I am to feel thier passing as well?  Will it come through as clearly as hers?  Why was this placed apon me to begin with?  What am I to do with what was placed apon me?

I do not feel that there was anything that she left undone.  But she had a strong will to live and although she passed physically in her sleep she struggled against going.  There was much emotional pain and fear.  I think that she was mostly fighting against her fear, the not knowing what was to happen.

I dunno my thoughts are becoming too fragmented...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / San Diego Comic-Con
July 03, 2006, 03:19:00
Anybody here ever go to this?  If you haven't it's great fun.  The San Diego International Comic Book Convention.  Now me personally, I don't collect comic books.  But that is not why I go either.  I go because of every thing else they do.  This thing covers every thing from comic books to movies based on comic books, animated TV shows to anima, and from the ordinary to Sci-fi.  Books, games, movies, collectibles, and more.

I can't wait.  16 more days until I get there and then it's a week of fun and relaxation.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A moment in time.
June 25, 2006, 06:03:23
This happened a few minutes ago while on another site.  I pulled the post from there to post here because I am curious if there is any input.

I did not knwo where else to put this for now.  But I am currently experiencing a moment.  It is difficult to explain what is happening right now.  The processes of logical though become difficult.  

I was reading a post when it started.  Everything became louder, more pronounced.  Even my own thoughts became yells from my own mind.  It seems that every thing is moving slower or I am going faster......

It's past now.  Now that I can think a little clearer now.  I have been getting these surges, for lack of a better term.  It builds slowly at first and grows.  As I said everything gets really loud.  Not painfully so but more like I can hear everything and can not block out any sound.  My thoughts do the same thing.  They get louder and louder and it feels like I am yelling at myself just to form thoughts.  Some what like I am trying to yell over the noise of the enviroment.  

It also feels like everything speeds up or slows down, it's hard to tell really.  It seems like I am doing things at an accelerated rate.  However last time this happened I checked the time, should have done it this time, and it took me a really long time to write about it while it was happening.  Like time was moving faster.

This one only seemed to last a couple of minutes.  The last time this happened it went for 30.  I have had this happen several times lasting anywhere from a minute or so to an hour.

The feeling it's self can only be described as odd.  Like a rush of adrenaline, but with out the physical effects of it, and no trigger that should cause it.  That doesn't really do it justice but it's the best I can do.

Any ideas of what this is?

Welcome to Dreams! / The Steak Dream.
June 22, 2006, 05:47:53
I have been sitting on this one a couple of days and have been debating whether or not to post it.

I couple of days ago I had a Steak Dream. Oh the wonders of the reality to the sense that dreams lend. But I digress, simply remembering the dream makes my mouth water. I will not deny it, I am a carnivore. I know that many on the spiritual path end up choosing, or through up bringing, are vegetarians. I have heard many arguments for this but just can not see myself ever making the switch.

So the dream starts, or rather the awareness as everything before tends to be forgotten, and I am standing in a kitchen. A rather buzzer kitchen at that as there are very few level surfaces. Some thing that is very common in my dreams that are not based off of physical locations. The entire scene had a Van Gogh appearance to it. Things were a flurry of shapes hammered together to form objects. Even the appliances were uneven. The grill that I was standing in front of consisted of four equally sized squares that formed crooked line. But this being the norm as I said before did not surprise me. I am always amused by the lack of physics.

Also in the room were two people. I man, dressed as a cook and a woman in an evening gown. I only ever saw the back of the woman. The dress red in color and flowing to her ankles, tight around her waste, and cut high on her shoulders. Her hair was black and hung straight to her mid back. She seemed to be helping the cook. He was a black man wearing the common cooks garb, the white shirt/coat top and black pants. He was preparing the meal and working diligently at his counter. He and the woman were leaning close to each other and whispering. It seemed there was something going on that they were keeping from me.

I could smell the aroma of the marinade and tenderizer. From the motion of his arms I could see that he was cutting and then dipping the meat in the sauce. He had three pieces that he handed to me and since I was at the grill I tossed them on. I stood there in silence, observing, and tending to the steaks. I was still amused that I could use the grill even though two of the squares were at almost 90 degree angles. As the cooking continued for some time I began to get hungry. The smells and the appearance of the steak just fueled my hunger.

It seemed that the longer I was there the stronger the sensations that were being generated. I could soon feel them creeping into my physical self as I lay in bed. The dream was making me hungry. I had only been asleep for a couple of hours and had eaten before laying down. But the craving just got stronger. Eventually I could no longer take it, the dream ended and I woke up. I was so over powered by the sensations that I needed to satisfy them. Since I had no steak I went outside and grilled two burgers. Not anywhere near the steak I had envisioned but a beef product and that would have to do.

I do not normally dream about food. Sure I tend to wake up hungry, that's normal for me. I also do not typically wake up craving one particular food, just feeling the need to eat in general. This dream struck me as being odd. It has been a while since I have had a good steak but I routinely eat burgers, chicken, and other meat products. Typically more white meats than red, but I do get my fair share of red meats.

I have been pondering the implications of this dream for the last few days. There are several things to consider. What was the secret being kept from me? Who was the woman? Why the dream about food? Why such a strong impact on my physical self? All this and not to mention about the implications of preparing, cooking, and the suggested eating of meat in dreams which is often considered a bad thing.

Or was I just really hungry to begin with? Or was it my pre bed meal screwing with me? I had a fairly common pre bed meal, PB&J with some chips. It's never done that before.

Things to consider......or not.
Welcome to Dreams! / More fun in dream land.
May 13, 2006, 19:52:45
So I had one of those dreams last night that make you wake up and go, "Well that was interesting."  It spanned across several locations that I am familiar with, the community where I live, the place that I work at, and a location that I can only refer to as The School.  I must make special reference to the school as I have been there many times in my dreams.  I don't know if such a place actually exists or not.  The last time I was there I ran into a lady who had a bunch of animals with her.  I do not remember the whole conversation I had with her only that she trusted me because her animals liked me and they were "good judges" as she put it.  More on that later.
   When the dream started I was in the community where I live.  There is a long road that goes around the core of the community where the lake is.  I was walking the path that follows this road.  I was on the far side from my house when I got to the road where my friends live, or at least used to.  The road how ever was blocked and there many cops and fire trucks and such on the road.  There was an officer there who said that because of what was going on that I could not go any further.  I know that I was traveling with some one but I can not remember who it was.  But we turned round.  There was a sudden sense of urgency, like I really needed to get to where I was going.  But I don't know where or why.  As soon as I decided to go another way I found myself at the school.

   I always enter this place at the same location.  I have to go up the ramp to the 2nd floor, past the Auditorium, down the other ramp back to the first floor, and through two rooms before I can leave.  So off I go.  When I got down the ramp and into the 1st room I found that they were having a class in there this time.  It's kinda hit or miss, some times they do some times they don't.  The room really isn't set up for formal teaching it looks more like a store room for stage props.  But today it was psychology and there were a bunch of nuns in the class.  In fact I stopped and commented to myself about the quantity of the nuns in the room and that I found it strange that they would be in a psychology class.  I made my way through the room as best I could with out bothering anybody so I could get to the 2nd room and leave.

   When I got to the 2nd room the lady that I met last time was not there and neither were the animals that were with her.  I got about half way through the room and looked down at a chair that had a feather boa on it.  As I did it began to move and it turned into an exotic bird.  This bird then stood up in the chair and looked at me.  The bird then smiled at me and in an excited voice said, "hey everybody, It's Dave."  After she did this several of the other garments that were in the room began to move and turn into animals.  There was easily more than a dozen different animals.  Birds, dogs, cats, foxes, and various other furry animals and they all began to flock towards me.  I was kind of embarrassed because of it.  They were making a lot of noise and I didn't want to disturb the class that was going on in the other room.  But I started petting them and saying hello as best I could.  There were so many of them and I only have two hands.

   But I started heading towards the door because after all, I needed to be some place, and it was important, or so the feeling I got any way.  A couple of the animals were instant that they come with me.  They felt that they could help me.  So I pick up two dogs and a fox, and as I do they turned back into the furs that they were before.  I guess for easy transportation.  I head out the door and then next thing I know I am on the campus where I work.  But things were a little different.  The main building had changed some how and I was confused by it.  I wanted to ask one of the animals what was going on but I could not get them to change back, they were still furs.  I started getting a little frustrated about my inability to get them to change but it didn't last long because that's when I woke up.

   Below is a picture of the lay out of the school.  I have been there many times but have never really explored. It always seems like I am trying to do some thing when I end up there.  It feels bigger than what I have seen though.  I know there are more rooms and areas but it seems like I never get a chance to explore.

Welcome to Dreams! / I'm awake now!
April 17, 2006, 03:39:58
Okay so today I had two really short dreams just before I went to work.  I had already been up most of the day, it being Easter and all.  But as of late I have been taking short naps just before I go to work.  Usually I try to two hours.  But this is some times cut down to one hour or even just fifteen or twenty minutes.  Today it was ten minutes.

Scene one.

So I lay down and close my eyes.  I am almost instantly in this very dark room with a stone wall.  I assume it's a room but I can only see the one wall and it is pitch black every where else.  So there is this whole in the wall and it looks like it has some stuff in it.  It didn't seem very deep at all, my had was only going in just past my wrist when I would feel some thing to pull out.  So I grabbed some thing, it felt like a book or a stack of paper.  I grabbed on and started pulling it out but then there was nothing, as in my hand was empty.  SO I reach back in and again I feel this object in the whole.  I grab a hold of it again and begin to pull it out.  This time slowly so I can feel if I drop it or some thing.  Again by the time I got my hand out the object was gone.  So I reach in for a third try and yet again find the object there again and again I make the attempt to retrieve the damn thing.  So I have a hold of it and just as I begin to pull I hear this very loud pop and it scared the poop out of me.  I awoke to pulling my hand back to my chest in shock, my heart actually jumped from the sound.  But when I woke up I instantly had the feeling that the noise came from some thing in my room, which is entirely possible since I am in the garage.  

My point......I really hate when I get that kind of reaction from a dream.  I can handle awaking up really fast and all.  But I hate to awaking up actually jumping and body parts moving around uncontrollably.  I was more ticked by that point than anything.

Scene two.

So I didn't think that I was going to fall back asleep again.  I really needed to start getting ready for work.  But next thing I know I am sitting on the floor in a place that I identified as being my home. (but not my physical home)  I also recognized as being in that same place before in a previous dream.  I said some thing, I can't remember what, and I knew it was a lie.  Not like a real lie but a joke kind of lie.  I don't know who I was talking to or if there was actually any body there in front of me.  But after I did this I turn around to apologize to some thing in the room behind me.  Not some one but some thing.  Because even though I was doing this I noticed that the room was in fact empty.  Then a phone began to ring and I almost instantly tried to get to it.  I knew where it was, in a bag, laying on the floor.  It was intuitive.  But that is where I became confused because it was not my current phone, it was my old one.  And all it said on the display was "missed call, no service", and symbols like the message didn't go though, like this = "&@)Missed call&(!No Service?!(*@#".  Every one should know how cell phones and pagers can work or rather not work some times.  But I was thinking that this particular phone should not have been working anyway.  But that's when I woke up.

I checked my regular phone to see if some one called but no one did.  Then I realized that I don't even have the ring tone that I heard in my dream.  But oh well.

Just thought I would share because they were kind strange.
Found this on,2933,191546,00.html


'Out-of-Body' Spiritual Experience May Be Sleep Irregularity

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

By Salynn Boyles

It happened 32 years ago, but Kay Bjork is still able to vividly recall the near- death experience she had following emergency surgery to repair a fallopian tube that burst as a result of an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.

She remembers clouds of orange light, seeing everyone in the recovery room but feeling that they were looking through her, and having an intense moment of clarity.

"It was like having the question answered," says Bjork, who is now 70 and lives in Franklin, Tenn. "I'm not a religious person, but it was like I was given the answer, and my thought was, 'Of course, why didn't I think of that.'"

Bjork's story is remarkably similar to many others told by people who believe they have had near- death or out-of-body experiences. Now a new study offers a possible scientific explanation for this.

The REM Connection

Researchers from the University of Kentucky in Lexington found that people who report having a near-death experience are more prone to have also experienced blurring of their awake and sleep states -- a condition known medically as REM intrusion.

Clinical neuropsychologist Kevin Nelson, MD, and colleagues interviewed 55 people with a history of near-death experiences and twice as many people matched for age and sex with no such history.

Sixty percent of those who reported having had near-death experiences also reported at least one occurrence of their REM sleep state intruding into their awakened state, compared with only 24 percent of those without near-death experiences.

The findings are reported in the April 11 issue of the journal Neurology.

Near-Death Experiences and Stages of Sleep

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is the sleep stage during which dreaming occurs. REM sleep also involves paralysis of major muscles, accelerated respiration, and, as the name suggests, increased eye movement.

Common characteristics of REM intrusion include a sense of temporary paralysis upon awakening and visual or auditory hallucinations during the transition from sleep to being awake or the reverse.

"The brain switch that links REM sleep and wakefulness seems to be different in people who have had a near-death experience," Nelson tells WebMD. "Instead of passing directly between REM sleep and wakefulness, the brain switch in those people seems to be more likely to blend the two."

Nelson says many commonly reported features of near-death experiences are also associated with the REM state, including the feelings of being surrounded by light, being outside one's body, and of being conscious but unable to move.

Spiritual Influences

While the findings suggest that REM intrusion contributes to the phenomenon known as near- death experience, Nelson says he isn't trying to prove that spiritual influences aren't involved.

"We consider this research to be spiritually neutral," he says. "People who have had this experience report that it has great personal and spiritual meaning, and we don't mean to take away from that at all. We are simply focusing on the how of the experience and not the why."

University of Virginia professor of psychiatry Bruce Greyson, MD, has studied near-death experience for many years. He remains convinced that there is more to the events than medical science can explain.

"People who have had this experience do seem to be changed in very profound ways," he tells WebMD. "That is the most consistent thing that we hear, even more consistent than the phenomenon itself is the after-effect of feeling changed."

Bjork agrees that the experience was transforming.

"I had a very strong sense that I wanted to do everything perfectly from then on -- to read only important books and do something important with my life," she says.

By Salynn Boyles, reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

SOURCES: Nelson, K.R., Neurology, April 11, 2006; vol 66; pp 1003-1009. Kevin R. Nelson, MD, clinical neurophysiologist, professor of neurology, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Bruce Greyson, MD, division of personality studies, department of psychiatric medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Kay Bjork, Franklin, Tenn.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A Curiosity
February 16, 2006, 04:07:48
I have a request, possibly a strange one for some of you.  I know that no one here knows me in person.  You all only know me by what I write, so you only know the part of me I choose to share here.  But I will make the request anyway.

I would like to know what the people here think of me.  You know, what is your impression of me? What do you see are strengths or faults?  Things like this.

It would help me the most if people were honest, brutally if need be.

I feel a great need to change, to grow.  To work on the person that I am.  You see I know what I think are my strengths, weaknesses, and problems.  But I, being highly partial, may not see them all.  So I would like input from as many sources as possible.  The more I know how others view me, the more of myself I will see.  At least that is my logic.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time.
This was the 2nd dream on 02-07-06

Okay, just so you know, I am a big Star Trek nerd, okay.  I am fine with it and every thing.  But at least I am not one of those freaky people who dresses up in the uniforms and all that silliness.

So here I am in Star Fleet, and I do maintenance.  Now I knew my rank was just an ensign but for some reason I was important, I guess it was because I had some mad skills.

Apparently in the dream they had been pimping me out to other ships at this ship dock we were at that needed help repairing various systems.  I had just gotten back from one and was being sent to another one.  I was told to report to the Tralest.  A ship that was also docked there and needed their air purification system fixed.  

I was beamed down the planet and had to wait for the ship to make it's orbit around the planet so I could beam up to the right one.  So I waited and all, it was no big deal, time passed really fast.

So I was headed towards this lift that was going to take me up to the right ship but for some reason I could not get to it.  I tried and tried but still could not reach the lift.  I was really getting annoyed.  But then it was like....Duh, you have a communicator, just call up there and have them beam you.  I made several attempts to get a hold of some one on the Tralest but no one was answering.  Because of that I was still trying to get to the lift.  

Finally when I did get to the lift it was now under construction and could not be used.  By this time I was really ticked.  I tried one more time to get a hold of some one on the Tralest to transport me up.  Finally some one answered.  But the only responded with a come back later.

Now I was really ticked.  I took the communicator off my shirt and tapped it repeatedly.  Finally I got an answer.  The guy said I could come up but then started asking me questions.  Who I was, how many people were with me, and several others.   When I looked down at my communicator again it now looked like my palm pilot.  And on the screen there were like 3000 something questions that needed to be answered.  They guy on the line said hat when I was done answering the questions I could go aboard.  I started reading the questions but when I got to like number 5 the dream ended.  And I was happy it did.

In the dream I was ticked because of how much stupidity I had to deal with.   They knew who I was and what I was doing but still need to ask questions.  That is what was really making me mad.  That and the having every path I took blocked.
This is dream one of 02-07-06.

Okay so in the dream I was at home.  Every one was there, but my father was the other major player in the dream.

We were being attacked by zombies.  Normally I like zombies because zombie fighting dreams tend to be fun.  But this one was just weird.

Some where along the line we decided that we were going to collect all their heads and take them some place else so we could mash them.  This was the logic....the zombies couldn't function right with out their heads, and they would want them back, so if we took the heads some place else they would follow me and my dad and leave every one else alone.  

So some how my truck ended up on the side on the house which is,  in reality and was in the dream, only about 3ft across.  The width of a standard door, ie: considerably small than my truck.  But there it was.  So we were throwing the heads out the window and into the back of the truck.  Okay?

So me and my dad pick up the last couple of heads and go towards the door to get in the truck.  We get out side and head for the side of the house.  When we rounded the corner the side of the house was a wharf front, docks, water, and every thing.  So now we are running down the wharf, still carrying the heads.

My dad stops and say that this is were we needed to be.  It was a boat. Okay, I though.  Not what I was thinking but okay.  Then I find out it was a dinner boat.  As in you pay, they take you out on the water, and then serve you dinner.  And it was like 100 bucks a person.  So me and my dad are standing there shuffling the zombie heads back and forth, looking in our wallets, trying to figure out if we had enough because the zombies were starting to catch up with us.

We kinda started arguing about who was going to pay, and how much money each of us had, and what else we needed our money for, and all kinds of things like that.  And of course the zombies are getting closer.  Finally I stopped, threw the heads on the ground and stated that this who situation was silly and started describing why.  When I got to the part about the side yard and where it went because the wharf was there now the dream ended.
This was from 02-06-06

Okay this one woke me up in a slight panic.  I really hate when that happens.

It started with me at work, just kinda doing my thing.  I went out side of the office to go to the main building.  I looked up into the night sky to see a large ship of unknown origin pass over head.  At first I was just thinking, "okay that was weird."  But before I turned my attention away it came back around.  I stood there for a few minutes watching this thing fly around in different patterns in the sky.  It was leaving this kind of burning smoke trail which was rather cool to look at.  

I went back inside for some thing and was about to go back out the door when I heard several people scream and then there was a lot of noise.  When I stuck my head out side the door to see what was going on I saw this big machine.  It was like some thing out of Robotech or Mechwarrior. or something.  It was about 20ft tall robot, 2 arms, 2 legs, with a cockpit and every thing.  There were also several creatures running around with it.  The creatures were come kind of beast, running on all fours, but could stand up when they wanted.  I guess they kinda looked like werewolves but instead of fur they were covered with some kind of exoskeletal plating, but it was not like a total hard shell.

When they noticed me I ran back inside.  They started to come after me, with the robot pulling the large roll up door open so that the others could get in.  I frantically was looking for a place to hide but two more robots had ripped into the building with about a hundred of those wolves coming through the wholes.  I got the very distinct feeling that they were coming after me specifically and just ended up resigning myself to my fate.  

Luckily that is when the dream ended.  But like I said I woke up in a panic.  I was all sweaty, heart pumping, and breathing heavy.

I don't like when I have dreams like this.  They aren't really nightmares because it's not like I am truly horrified and can't make it stop.  I was more feeling over exerted than anything.  It was more like an anxiety attack.

In looking back the dream had that whole War of the Worlds feeling to it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Idiots abound....
February 05, 2006, 07:45:34
I have to question where and when I incurred all the negative Karma I seem forced to deal with.  I know that the world/universe is not out to get any one particular person, and your reality and happiness is directly a result of not so much the situations you deal with but how you deal with them........But come on already, when is know enough.  The last few months have been particularly trying.  Truck broken into, truck ran into while on vacation, a horrid vacation on top of that, personal stuff stolen from vehicle after that, forced to move back in with parents due largely to my indecisive cousin, switched jobs only to find more opposition, a co-worker who is a child and thinks he is my boss, and yet more theft of my personal stuff from work.  And those are just the highlights.  I had hopes that this year would bring, at the very least, an end to all these things that keep happening to me.  You know I can handle this going wrong in life.....It get a flat, car won't start, screw ups at work, bad relationships, things I can understand, they happen.  But it feels so much like I have become a target for stupid people to screw with my life.

These things are starting to seriously impact my spiritual self.  I am not able to see how I can grow as a spiritual being while having to deal with all of this crap.  Each instance makes it more and more difficult to keep the positive, although realistic, view I normally have on life.  My thoughts become more and more pessimistic as the days continue.  And it seems the more time I spend trying to improve my moral things just get worse.

I just don't know what to do any more......

so I'll stop now...the rant is over.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A personal Dilemma.
February 01, 2006, 04:34:37
Okay......I want/need some input from some people.  I can put this up here because the other person in question will never see it.

So I have this friend that I hadn't talk to for some time.  I moved a couple of times, lost her number, and I don't think she knew mine.  Anyhow....I was under the impression that she had already gotten married this last October to the person she started seeing just before we lost contact.  Well I ran across her on earlier in January and we have talked a couple of times since then.  I found out that she didn't get married and things may not be going as well as they were before.  She says she still loves him and all that.  However she questions whether or not they will actually get married now because of a couple of the problems that they have been having.

My part of the problem is this.  I feel guilty talking to her.  It is probably due to the fact that she "was" going to get married, they are having problems, and them blam-o enter Dave. (that's me)  It honestly would not break my heart if they did not get married.  I still have very deep feelings for her but at the same time I don't want to inadvertently drive a wedge between them just by being around.  She has only mentioned once that her fiance was "curious" about who I was and what our past relationship was.  Which is that she is a very good friend, I still very deeply for her, we did have sex once, but we never "dated".

So what should I do?  Keep talking to her and not worry about it.  You know kinda let things happen as they will.  Tell her what I feel and what I am worried about.  Or should I just stop talking to her and let her figure her life out.  I just don't know.  So far I haven't called her in like a week and a half, I'm kinda seeing if she will call me.
Welcome to Dreams! / Frustration dream.
January 22, 2006, 04:05:52
So again I was laying down before work.  This seems to be a really good time for things as of late.

So there I am and again it started with being able to see through my eye lids.  But at the time really I was kinda annoyed by it.  I knew I was laying down but the view that I had was propped up a little and looking down at my feet.  The view was almost black and white but not was more like grayed.  This in part is what annoyed me the other part was that I kinda just wanted to sleep.  But again I ended up opening my eyes and sure enough I was still pointed towards the ceiling and not propped up.

    That is how things begain, but I shall continue.  In the dream I was sitting in my room.  Which I do a lot of...It's just the way I am.   I knew I was using my computer but it wasn't on.  And thinking back that's kinda weird but it seemed normal at the time.  And then I was laying down watching the TV.  And for some reason I picked up the phone.  And I really don't know what I was trying to do with it.  I know I was not trying to make a phone call, nor was I receiving one.  I had just picked it and was either trying to play with the rings or program some thing in, I don't know.
    All I really know for sure is that I could not do what I wanted to do.  he buttons on the phone were all jacked up or something.  But I was getting very agitated because of it.  It got to the point of me doing bad things to the phone.  I was really ticked off about it.
    But I remember thinking that it was just a dream and it really ticked me off that the phone wouldn't work.  And all I really wanted to do was sleep and not go through anything like this.  

    The whole experience left me kinda frustrated, even after I woke up.  In the dream I was frustrated because I was dreaming and knew but still had to do something with the dumb phone.  When I woke up I was frustrated because I had that dumb dream about being frustrated.

    I really hate when that kind of stuff happens.
Okay this was a very interesting experience, and the only reason I am posting it here in stead of the Dream Forum is because of how it started.

So I go to bed this morning at about 8am.  I am a night all night, sleep all day.  So around 130pm I woke up, not really having a full night sleep but unable to get back to sleep.  I watched movies for a while. The rest of Independence Day, the American President, followed by the rest of Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story.  So now it's about 7pm.  So I figured I would sleep a little more before going to work, that would give 3 more hours of sleep.

So after a quick 10min nap I wake up again, but I stayed in bed.  After that when I closed my eyes again I could see right through them.  It was really interesting.  So I laid there for like half an hour playing with this.  I would open my eyes, close them, look around the room a little, then open my eyes to confirm what I was looking at.  I must have done it a dozen times or so.  I found the color change from normal sight to looking through the lids pretty interesting.  See the VCR and Monitor were still on so the room was kinda blue in normal reality because there was no longer a tape in.  But every time I closed my eyes the room would look Gray and a few times with a little concentration it would begin to look like normal light.  So I played like this for a while and then I just fell asleep.  No warning or any thing.  I remember opening my eyes the last time, then closing them and expecting to be able to look around some more.  But no, there was nothing.

So then I find myself dreaming......I think.  Call it what you will but I view most of this stuff as dreams or lucid dreams.  Well this one was lucid.  I was in a place that was my house but not my house.  I am sure every one knows that one.  Next thing I know these 3 witches show up.  I think they were the same ones that I posted about a couple of years ago that were on the other side of the door that went outside and I was viewing them through the hole that my AC unit should have been in.

So they start chasing me around the place, and I'm running and running.  Then I think to myself why am I running from them, it being my house and all.  SO stop running and a fight ensues after that.  The problem with this part is that I felt really weak.  I could not do half of the things that I could normally do in this kinda of dream situation.  I kept trying to get up off the ground but I could only get about 5 feet off the ground and I would stop.  Then one of them would grab me and pull me back down.  I also had problems moving my arms around and such.  I could run okay but my arms did not want to do much.  

After a little bit of this I was kinda getting sick of the whole situation and as soon as I made up my mind about that I got like really super strong both mentally and physically.  2 of them vanished almost instantly but the third was being a pain.  She kept trying to get other things to attack me.  Like she animated this doll that was sitting on the love seat, and it was one of those creepy life like dolls too, a little girl in a dress.  As soon as it started to move I looked over at it said "NO" and it basically just rolled back over and stopped moving.  Then I focused every thing I had on the last witch, I did the same thing to her.  I looked at her very intently and told her "NO" also.  She resisted considerably.  I ended up going right up to her grabbing her by the shoulders and telling her "NO" again like you would a child.  After that she kinda faded away and I found myself holding the microwave.  Not sure why?!?!  I thought that was kinda strange.

After that I woke up, for good this time because I had to go to work.  But I felt very tired.  It was difficult to get up and get moving.  Even after I got to work I just wanted to relax for a while.  I was like I had been working out all day long, or just played football or some thing.  It was that kind of tired.

Anyway.........I'm done now.
I had a really cool Lucid Dream/Astral Projection experience the other day.  I had decided to lay down for a little bit before going to work.  I remember rolling over and looking at the clock just before it happened.  It was 930 something.  Then my eyes closed and I was at work.  At very first it seemed natural, like I had gone to work for the night.  I looked out the back door of the Plant and noticed a excrement tone of light and went to go check it out.  When I stepped outside and it was day time all though I knew it was 930 at night.  But that was not the trigger.  The other thing wrong was that the Cooling Towers were missing.  Now Towers, no Pumps, and no Piping.  At first I freaked and was going to run back inside to call my supervisor to tell him.  I took two steps and stopped because I started putting things together.

     First thing the equipment could not just vanish like that.  Then I figured it being light outside when I knew it was night time meant that I was dreaming.  Then I knew I was also still at home and could feel myself laying in bed.  So I stood there for a second thinking about all of this.  Then I very calmly looked down at the ground, and brought my hands around so I could see them.  From there I started raising my arms up and out to my sides and as I did I started floating up off the ground.  It was a truly awesome feeling.

    Then I started to get excited, and the more I did the faster and more uncontrolled was my flight.  I got to just above the Hospital when it ended and my eyes opened up.  The very first thing I did was look at the clock.....934pm.  I was amazed because Real time and the time in this experience seemed to move at about the same rate.  The experience seemed to be about 2 or 3 minutes long and I know that no more than 4 minutes could have passed in Real time.

     This whole experience has got me very excited that I might be starting to exercise even more control in my dreams.  I have never fully stepped out of character in a dream like that before.  The flying around I have done in dreams before but that was part of the role I was playing in the dream.  Even though I am aware in most dreams that I have I am usually bound by the role I am playing in that dream and what ever it I can not do more that what that character can do.  This time I was just me at work and being me in normal life means that I can not fly.  So this time the change in what I was doing and what I was able to do was a much bigger step.

     Hopefully these kinds of experiences continue.  They always do make me feel pretty good and are a great way to start off the day.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / I have returned.
December 29, 2005, 00:00:33

It's has been awhile since I have been here.  In fact there has been 4297 post since I have been here last.  I doubt I will read many of them.

But any how I am just dropping a line to let you all know I am here for those that remember me anyhow.

As the US Presidential Elections draw near I find myself more and more confused about who to vote for.  Personally I think that Bush has done an okay job.  There are a few things that I don't like about him or the way in which he has handle a couple of things.  But the more I hear about Kerry the less I like him as well.

In discussions here and else where it has become very apparent to me that people outside of the US seem to have a better grasp of our politics than the people who live here.  Myself included sadly.

So getting down to my question.

For all of you outside the US, Who would you vote for and why?  

Naturally every one is welcome to respond but I would really like to hear from all of you who live outside the US.

  I have a couple of questions.

1. Are there any important nerve centers, energy points, or acupuntuncture(sp?) points at the base of the humerous where the Humerous and the Ulna meet?  The small bone protrusion on the body side of the elbow when the arm is held palm up.

2. Are there any important nerve center, energy points, or acupuncture points on the Ulna at the base just before the wrist?  In the area that a normal sized hand could cover if gripped.

3. Are there any important nerve center, energy points, or acupuncture points on the cheek bone?

For more information as to why, see the post "The oddities of Hypnosis."
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Long posts...
January 30, 2003, 10:45:18

  I don't know what side of the streets this one is on but I figured I would throw it at you any way. (Like you don't have enough already.[:D])
   I have experienced a problem a couple of times when making kinda lengthy responces to posts.  I almost lost the posts because I got the standard I.E. page saying the page I was looking for was not there and to check my network settings.  Luckily I can normally tell when this is going to happen because of the long search/load time that I do not normally get and I am able to copy/paste to get the post up.  But I figured I would let you know.
I have several questions about elementals.  Any information on them would be great.

1.  How can you tell one elemental from another? (earth, wind, ect)
2.  Is it common for elementals to be guides?
3.  Are there multiple elementals of one kind?  (say 4 fire, 2 water, ect.)
4.  Are they general good or bad?  
5.  I gather that elementals have never been a living person.  True?

    I am sure that I will have more questions when replys start poping up.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
I am wondering if any of you history buffs know any thing about possible medical experiments that may have been done in the past.  This being along the lines of the illigeal or morally questionable kind.  Country does not matter, any and all info may help.

Any information provided could prove helpful in my current healing process.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
I was reading one of the other threads and the two individuals were exchanging common terms that they use.  One of the examples they were talking about was the saying.

"Pass us me durries."    I think that's right.  From what I gathered it is an Australian phrase.  Weather it is a common term or not I do not know.
But us in the USA would just say "Pass me my smokes."

And I personally had another conversation with Qui-Gon Jinn in which I used a common phrase for me and I ended up totally catching him ofguard and he had no clue what I was saying.   But it was a compliment and in short I was saying he was smart.  

So does any one have any interesting lingo that they use?  Is common for your country? Your friends? Or is it just you?

I know a really common one in the US is "wazzup".   Which is "What's Up" or a generally friendly greeting for "How are you doing."

I know this might be a simple or stupid example but I did take for granted that some one else new a phrase that I used and they did not.

So for the sake of bridging some of those commonuication gaps lets have at it.

"Just smile and nod."  <---there's one.

David Rogalski
is mind reading the same thing as telepathy?
I have been called an Atheist because I will openly say to people, "There is no god..well not for me."  or "God does exist, but only in the hearts and minds of those who believe."

Most heavy believers take these two lines as insults.  That I am saying that God does not exist.  However I am not saying that.  My view is more that of an Agnostic.  I have no proof of the existance of or non-existance of a god.  By proof I mean that I have had no personal experience to say yes or no.  But by logic the lack of evidence points to the non-existance.  But also I have no real desire or need to find the answers to this riddle.

Because of my experiences thus far I have adapted more of the "personal God" idea.  That being if you are set out to prove then you will find exactly what you are looking for.  The same if you are out to disprove.  Because of that god is not some thing that can be shared by everyone.  You can only know god on an individual level and not on a group one.  This make the whole god/no god experience a very personal one with no resulting physical evidence to support it.

Hence the personal god idea.
Welcome to Dreams! / Fake Dreams?
September 07, 2003, 07:24:39
"Like the memories were created instead of experienced"

Could they be somebody elses memories?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Tag your it!!
August 29, 2003, 16:05:41
squeek is coming!!

Welcome to Dreams! / Sleeping in Dreams?
August 22, 2003, 00:54:56
i have no idea what's the purpose, either, though i have had that happen many times, too... i wake up from a dream, just to find myself in another dream, and so forth.  layers of dreams.. so weird.  i've even had dreams where i kinda stumble around, hardly able to see because my eyelids are so heavy, they won't stay open at all, and i guess i fall asleep within the dream.  another weird thing i've had is i've dreamt that i was on drugs, too, and i was feeling the effects of the drugs in my dreams (they were drugs that my mind made up, that don't exist in actual real life, to my knowledge).  i wonder what the heck that means???
Wow! I have to admit that was cool and creepy at the same time..
I have had dreams of pulling worms and scorpions out of my hands, interesting that we both dream of pulling "things" out of our body?

Hmmmmm. I went to google and found this.  Look up head,hands,insects,scorpions,and worms. [^]

Nay. [;)]
Oops, for got to put the link in..hehehe
This happens to me a lot: "I feel like my thoughts are going a thousand miles an hour" but not the other stuff. Almost anything can happen in astral, so I'm not including that.
it's believed by many, many people, people who go beyond the heaven/hell theme, that once you die, you go into the astral. robert bruce says you stay here for a few weeks at the most, until your etheric energy runs out. at this point you start ascending to higher dimensions. you come across a buddhic level where there is nothing but white light and a feeling of love, and then a place that resembles a christian heaven where you meet up with deceased relatives and friends from your different lives. mortal men have traveled two levels higher than this, but robert bruce has never been to either of those last i heard, and therefore lacks a description of either without going off of eastern information.

i dont fear death either, but not out of ignorance as to what it is or how it comes (no offense. it's good that you don't fear death). then again i don't want to rush it, because i know i'm here for something.
That is really strange. And creepy.
I've had some minor experience with hypnotizing people, and something like that, I think is bad. Or at least I just get a bad feeling from it.
When you're hypnotizing you're dealing directly with someone's mind. And wierd creatures trying to mess it up probably won't end in anything good.
I think though, that things like that can be avoided if you have strong willpower. But that's only a theory. The best thing is to just be careful.
I hope I made sense. I have a bad tendency to ramble. And I apologize for stating anything to obvious.
As for why the creatures might be 'attacking' you, my guess woul be that you're somehow vulnerable - or perhaps you provide something they need.


P.S. I'm new to these forums, so correct me if I'm wrong about something.

The only experience I have which is similar: is when I project into the RT zone and enter the Astral in a more traditional sense through some kind of entrance-structure (such as the one printed of the back cover of Astral Dynamics, for example) initially I travel through a thick grey fog with near-zero visability for what seems like about 3 to 5 seconds. At first the fog is dark grey and gets a progressively lighter grey as it becomes thinner. Then the fog clears completely at which point the entrance-structure can be seen. At a guess, the plane of the structure comes into view, with me, from about a 60 degree angle and in terms of distance away maybe around a thousand feet.


Welcome to Dreams! / An extra day at work
April 05, 2003, 16:29:52
It frequently happens to me, too. It is a sign that I am getting too caught up in work. Anything I worry about happening on the job, however, will tend to occur in these dreams. While I was working at a factory the dream was of the equipment catching on fire.
dude, that's cool! (weird, but still cool [:D])

I think it's a neat idea. Why not? If you can find enough people to subscribe, go for it.
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / A suggestion
March 27, 2003, 21:50:59
That would be a very logical response.

I don't think it is that difficult to start threads in the correct forum, however. Is it difficult to go through and re-sort threads into the most applicable forums?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / My message board.
March 21, 2003, 13:53:42
I went by the site and registered, will post something later.[xx(]