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For those of you following along with remote viewing resources (I'm a big fan of the Farsight Institute on that -- look up their videos on YouTube), I'm going to be setting practice targets.

If you want to RV the target and then post what you get here, or just keep it to yourself and see how you do, this is for you.  :)  But if you are getting good results, please don't keep them to yourself.  I'd like to be involved with a group of viewers who will ultimately be tasked with viewing mysterious historical sites and problems.

The first target (target #1) is assigned, and if you need a randomly-assigned number to latch onto (if you use a technique that requires one), it's 7993-475.
I had just finished a job a week or two ago and was sitting in the guy's driveway in my car, waiting for him to go get the money to pay me.  It was a beautiful autumn day, not too cold, just a little breezy, with some dark clouds coming over the mountain in the distance, getting ready to bring me a light shower.

I was sitting in my car watching the wind blow the leaves in the trees, thinking how surreal this looked, and I compared this to the dream or astral environment.  I like to question if I'm really awake or just dreaming without being aware of it.  Then I began to think of lucid dreams where I experimenting with changing the environment, for example melting a yard full of snow just by "thinking" about it (but it's not really "thinking" -- we'll get back to this).  As I was thinking about how this ability might be applied to the physical realm, the wind suddenly picked up very strongly and began blowing and twisting the trees around rather violently, but I still thought this was a beautiful play of nature.  And I also thought that this must be related in some way to what I just began to think about, and this was nature's way of responding to my inquiry...

So I believe that the physical realm, moreso than non-physical realms, has some restraints upon it that we have collectively agreed upon when we incarnated here.  Maybe.  Or maybe the question is really, exactly what are these restraints?  There are lots of stories in the East that are taken very seriously, of holy men with unusual and impressive abilities, from being able to survive in cold and snow virtually naked, to living for hundreds of years, to even passing through walls (from which the real US military projects referenced in the "Men Who Stare at Goats" got their ideas) or just disappear.  I think Hinduism calls such abilities siddhis, and there are actually ancient instructional books about them.

So then I had the idea to ask the community here to reflect on what they are doing when they manipulate astral or dream realms.  You don't just "think."  There is more to it than that, which is the trick.  To simply think to do something in a dream, the exact opposite might actually happen and you become frustrated.  Instead you have to develop some kind of relationship to what you are trying to change, unite energetically with it in some way, and then not so much think but feel and understand that it's changing because you have willed it.  This activity is hard to explain in words but it's definitely something that can be learned in the non-physical state.  When I was reflecting on this and trying to get such a feel for my local environment that beautiful Autumn day, is exactly when the wind picked up violently as if in response to me trying to disturb the status quo.  I've had similar experiences before and I think we really do have the ability to effect such things, and the "matrix" we live in is intelligent enough to be aware when we are trying to exercise such abilities.

This community is a good one for entertaining such things.

Lend me some help here if you please, people!  We can make this into a field of study and further research.
Welcome to Dreams! / NLC's Dream Journal
March 25, 2014, 16:56:14
I started recording these in 2002 in various note pads, and I've only recently started putting them into a computer file, which I plan on eventually printing and binding into a small book.


   Owing to the large amount of autobiographical information included in these dream records, it has been treated partly as an autobiographical document.  Even some of the earliest dream records included here use explanatory titles (for ex., "my grandma" in the March 4/5, 2004 entry, instead of "Patty" or "Mamaw") as if I was already anticipating these records to one day be read by people other than myself.  Whether they are or not, I can at least hope that they will aid my memory if I should be lucky enough to live until I'm too old to remember these things anymore.
   The autobiographical information, aside from being presented within the dreams themselves, is also added through footnotes to the dream records which clarify and expound upon people and other things mentioned within the dreams.  The footnotes were written in order and assume that the reader has been keeping track of them from the beginning.  For example, once a person has been introduced once in the footnotes, they will not be introduced again when they reoccur in the dream records later.  Immediate relatives such as my mother (Kim), father (Kevin), brothers (Tyler & Dylan), grandparents (Patty, Joe, Leonora & Frank) or close uncles (Lacy) or aunts (Genevieve) are never introduced though they may be mentioned often in the dream records.
   After the dream records themselves, I have included various autobiographical information from as far back as I can remember or have recorded in one place or another, up until the time of the present volume.

   I have corrected my spelling and grammatical errors from the original writing when three cases are met:  first, when I notice them;  second, when I consider these actual errors and not just authentic features of an evolving, Southern dialect, or my peculiar way of abbreviation;  and lastly, when I believe these errors were made accidentally and absent-mindedly.  Otherwise the writing has been transcribed as-is, with additions from the transcription and editing process in brackets.  For example, "thoug" in the original writing has been transcribed here as "though," but "laying" has been transcribed as-is when "lying" would be the correct verb.  Punctuation and capitalization have also largely been edited from the original to a more standardized pattern.
   When a word is indecipherable because of handwriting, this is stated inside brackets inserted into the entry, or else an attempt to decipher the word is made within brackets, along with a question mark.  The centered date that begins each new entry is taken directly from the record itself, with additions or clarifications in brackets.
   The abbreviations I developed for recording dreams is left in these transcriptions, and the most common of these are given on the following page.  A very prominent abbreviation is "app," for "apparent" or "apparently."  I have adopted this word in recording my dreams to express information that is gathered indirectly and may not have been explicit to me from within the dream itself.  Representations of reality in the dream state are often surreal, vague, inexact or blended, and to try to properly portray this in the record of the dream would require an excessive amount of time and effort, especially when dealing with hundreds of dream records.  So instead, I often use the abbreviation "app." to indicate the apparent or implied significance of certain things which are not explicitly expressed in the dream itself, or else which I do not remember clearly.

This is a work in progress and while the entries are numbered, others may be inserted later that are out-of-order and even change the numbering of later entries.  Anyway the dates are given for each entry as best as they could be determined.  Some very personal information has been included, but it is slightly encoded.

I graduated high school in 2006.  So from 2002 until mid-2006, obviously, I was still in high school, and many of the dream scenes are related to school.
I drank some kombucha last night before I went to bed, and I had very vivid dreams for several hours this morning, though I can only remember some of them.

I used to keep a dream journal regularly, and still record them sometimes. I've recorded at least a few hundred dreams since about 2002 or so, and many of them were lucid. But I got bored with it I guess and stopped doing it, and when I stopped bringing awareness to my dream habits, I stopped remembering much of them, until most nights I don't remember any dreams now. But last night was unusual.

I remember once I ate a raw morel too. I had very vivid and earthy dreams that night, about hunting in the woods for morels. I talked to someone else once about morels, and I asked him if he ever ate one raw. I didn't mention that I had, but he yes said that yes, he had, and that it gave him crazy dreams that night! So I told him that the same thing happened to me.

So this all got me to thinking ... I believe some times that big Hollywood movies have grains (sometimes very large grains) of truth embedded into them, as if to suggest radical things to the public's consciousness without doing it in a threatening way to their belief systems. In the new Star Wars movies, it's said that "the force" comes from tiny organisms in the bloodstream. Maybe this was inspired by the micro-organisms in the kombucha and raw morels that have caused my dreams to become very vivid?

I also have been waking up, and while still in a trance-like state, half asleep, I've had two "voices" suddenly press themselves into my consciousness that told me things that were accurate, such as that someone was coming and would be there soon, and sure enough as soon as I got up my mom and brother had arrived to visit.

I did a Google search and found that others also have associated kombucha with changes in their dream habits:

QuoteAre you drinking the Kombucha right before bed? It is possible for Kombucha to improve your brain function so that you are more aware of your dreams. If you don't want to remember your dreams, I suggest stopping drinking it by 2 PM every day. Kombucha is a wonderful drink, full of phytonutrients, trace minerals, and great stuff!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this.
How many of you see dramatic changes taking place around the world right now?

Apparently the Mayan calendar's time periods are speeding up, each lasting shorter than the last now, until Dec 2012.

A couple days after the latest cycle started, the Japan earthquake occurred, and this situation with Libya,  not to mention all kinds of local events in my area (police officers being shot,  mall closed and surrounded by police and SWAT for what was suspected a gunman but later turned out to be an umbrella).  I'm starting to take this stuff TOO seriously, and I already believe in it!   :-D

Not that these are world-changing events on their own,  but it seems more excitement happens in a month now than used to happen in an entire year during the 1990s.

What about you guys though?  Seeing anything to confirm a "transition of the ages"?
This is a free survey I created to see what patterns there are between people studying, practicing, and especially accomplishing OBEs.

Click here to take the survey

I'll post it around some other websites, and when there are lots of answers, I'll look for patterns and post them here.

Thank you, and be honest!
Welcome to News and Media! / Must-see video clip
September 02, 2006, 13:44:38

Oral testimonies and first-responder transcripts have provided evidence of "secondary" explosions throughout both buildings between impacts and collapses. For some examples see this page (includes videos of firefighter testimonies):

However, in the above video clip, after WTC2 fell but before WTC1, you can actually hear two such explosions, and watch the firefighters' reactions, rather than just having it related by the firefighters.
Check out Mr. Fetzer on Hannity Colmes:

Featuring Olliver North, infamously of the Iran-Contra scandal, no less. (Ironic.)

Maybe you've already commented on this elsewhere, but what do you think of the US in regards to separation of church and state? You think the two have been getting closer, or more separated, or what? I've seen policies going both ways, but don't follow that closely, and was wondering what your take on it is.
I've been kicking this idea around for a couple days and want to see what others think of it.

This branches off from the idea that we create our own realities; that everything we see as solid is just energy we've all agreed to interpret as solid.

The idea is that the difference between a dream and Frank's F4 is the number of other beings you're 'plugged in to', and possibly how much influence those other beings have on your reality. In a dream state, it might be only yourself creating your environment, or maybe there's some influence from another entity too, etc. Frank described F4 as being a total loss of self and merging with countless other beings, so this would be a reality with much more influence from many other beings. So there you have two extremes that we know of, and in between those extremes would fall our daily 3D, and F3, and the RTZ and possibly even being high off of weed and other such experiences; all would be dependent upon your relations to the realities of everyone else, from no relation at all, to a definite merging of realities, to everything in between.

This is just an idea I've been playing around with. I still don't know what I think of it, and thought maybe you guys could add some input on it. It seems to make some sense to me, but there's a part of me that just doesn't resonate with it for some reason that I can't put my finger on.
First of all, let me say first and foremost that I'm no prophet and I'm not making any predictions. I can't foresee the future.

However, I'd like to say to keep an eye pealed on August 9th. I'm not really convinced anything special will happens, but for various reasons I feel the date is much more of a possibility than others in terms of future attacks, and we've been told repeatedly by our intelligence that something may very well happen soon. And they would know. ;)

Fox News: U.S. Terror Attack — 'Ninety Days at Most',2933,161962,00.html

I know Fox News is incredibly biased, and follows an agenda unlike any other news source. They may have just put out that article to continue fearmongering the US people, but I actually feel that this article is worth paying attention to. I may be wrong, of course, and it may simply be fearmongering.

But, willy Cheney, along with the CIA, has stated that the next attack on American soil will likely entail a crude nuclear device or other WMD released upon large population centers. In willy Cheney's own words, such an attack is "not a matter of if, but when."

Coincidentally, Cheney is going to be overseeing some excercises this month here in my home state of Virginia, just as he was overseeing the wargames on 9/11 when NORAD and the FAA were too tied up by the military excercises to respond to the national emergency. Because of these excercises, the planes that hit the WTC and Pentagon were not able to have been intercepted.

QuoteSudden Response 05 will take place this August on Fort Monroe and will be carried out as an internal command post exercise. The exercise is intended to train the JTF-CS staff to plan and execute Consequence Management operations in support of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV's response to a nuclear detonation.


For anyone indoctrinated into the events of 9/11, this information should sound quite familiar to you, if not outright eerie.

To add a little more coincidence to these nuclear warnings and August activities, August 6th and 9th are the anniversaries of our nukes being dropped on Japan in WW2. I can already see where the propoganda would be going if something did in fact happen on either date.

From the Northeast Intelligence Network:

QuoteMilitary Expert & Analyst Advances Theory: How about an American Hiroshima which is a repeat, an eye for an eye of the events of exactly sixty years ago this August 6th and 9th? Is it plausible? I believe so.


Again, I'm no prophet and I'm not making any predictions. But just for the sake of giving a friendly "head's up," keep an eye pealed this month, especially if you live in a big city, etc.

I will make one prediction, however:

If these attacks do occur, they will not be the work of Bin Laden. Bin Laden has made his stance on nuclear weapons clear in the past, and his position is that if they are not used in the Mid-East, they will not be used on us in return. He does not follow the 'eye for an eye' policy on behalf of other countries, ie, Japan. This is all in the way of fearmongering US citizens to further submitting their will for more wars, more death, more money and power to their own government.

Edit: If this happens, you can also expect an almost immediate war with Iran.

Hopefully nothing will happen. Best of luck to those in cities on in the East.
Proxy baptisms? This is the first I've heard of this and yet apparently its been going on for a while now. This is a good example of why any religious fundamentalism is bad. x.x
IndyMedia Baltimore is now reporting an article originally from that states the widely publicized Iraqi death toll only includes troops that have actually died in Iraq. The report explains that troops that have been transported to and died in hospital facilities outside of Iraq (ie, in Germany) have not been counted as a part of the official Iraqi death toll.

As a result, TBR and IndyMedia are encouraging those who have lost loved ones in the war to check with the official Pentagon list to see if their lost loved ones appear on the list, and if not, to immediately write their congressman or take action otherwise. It is estimated that as many as 9,000 US soldiers have actually died so far as a result of combat in Iraq, including soldiers that have died in facilities outside of Iraq itself.
I came across a mentioning of a plant called Calamus or Sweetflag that's very common and is supposed to produce some subtle psychoactive effects when eaten, and when I went to look up more about it I came across this experience:

QuoteDrove up into the mountains with some friends, some calamus root, a flute, a loaf of bread, and some smoke. We ate the root, smoked the smoke, ate the bread, and the laid about with flute music filling the forest. It was a wonderful evening. No weird effect from the root it seemed. Just watching nature. Then we were leaving in the car along a scenic route past about three waterfalls. At about the second one the car comes to halt and the driver yells 'LOOK!'. The water fall had transformed itself. The rock under the falls was a giant easter island like statue who was drinking up all of the water. It was staring at us. At the same time I could see the normal waterful, it was like looking at two worlds at the same time. Both existed, I could function and act normal, but there was this other reality superimposed over the one I was in. I could see into it, and the being there could see me and knew that I could see it. We oooed and aaah for some time and then went home in a somber mood.

As soon as I read that, the first thing that came to mind was Frank's mentioning of overlay phasing experiences.

What's strange about this plant in particular is that it apparently doesn't produce very noticeable effects. Submitted experiences seem to be more along the lines of catching fairies out of the corner of your eye, or seeing little gnomes scattering across the road as you drive or large creatures strolling across mountains, but that's it. Very surreal, imaginative-sounding stuff, and yet no real reports of anything 'intense', as they say. Any of you have any idea as to what exactly might be going on here?
QuoteProphet Yahweh has resurrected the lost, ancient art of summoning UFOs and actual spaceships on command. Over 1,500 sightings have appeared to him since 1979.

To see Prophet's live and pre-recorded UFO summonings, enter and purchase your $7.95 pass. If you've got a pass, don't login above in the News/Media area. Instead, go inside and click on the "Broadcasts" link to login and see the UFOs.

( )

A bit unconventional for a 'prophet' to charge for his services. :)

Apparently he's going to be summoning publicly though, for those that don't want to pay the $8 I suppose, from July 1 to June 15.

QuoteFor only 45 days, starting June 1st until July 15, 2005, Prophet Yahweh, Seer of Yahweh, will be calling down UFOs and spaceships for the news media to film and photograph. During this time, a spaceship will descend, on Prophet's signal, and sit in the skies over Las Vegas, Nevada for almost two days.

And apparently there's a video clip.

Sounds to me like a way to make some $$, and maybe some publicity stunt to go along with it. Anybody else's thoughts? Thought it would be worth sharing anyway XD
Welcome to News and Media! / Outfoxed
May 24, 2005, 17:54:40
If you have $10 to spare, I highly recommend the following DVD:

Outfoxed: Robert Murdoch's War on Journalism

I watched it last night on Winamp and now plan on buying it for future reference. The amount of psychology/sociology and pure propoganda techniques this DVD exposes Fox as using to distort and hide facts is utterly amazing. I already knew that Fox was a deceptive propoganda machine, but this DVD really shows how far it goes.

The DVD even shows how Fox even uses internal memos issued to inform show hosts what specific issues they're supposed to address and in what light those issues are to be portrayed: invariably right-winged. Fair and balanced indeed!

Buy and enjoy XD
For whatever reason, and maybe this is some problem with my comp, posts made since my last visit are not being kept track of. Forums seem to be a little slow today too but if I read the newsletter correctly, the forums are now being provided via another service. So that probably shouldn't be a surprise.

It isn't my goal to be negative here, and like I said it may just be a problem with my computer. Just felt like I should make reference to this just in case anyone else is experiencing similar problems. If not, no big deal. :P
Half joke, half inspiring. XD

The joke is that they're supposed to be translations of Tolkien's real message.

Lord of the Rings Series:
The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade
The Twin Towers
"Coming Soon": Rejecting the King

Though, bear in mind the last one may just be symbolic in its mention. At any rate I don't think its out yet.

Similarly to the octopusses learning to 'walk' on two tentacles, a species of ants has learned a new method of trapping insects for food.

QuoteA crafty ant species builds a trap dotted with foxholes for surprise attacks on an insect. They stretch their victim out like a medieval criminal on a rack as more ants swarm in for the kill.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / bbl
March 28, 2005, 04:41:02
Just for the great Astral Record (or more in the case of someone randomly PM'ing me), I'll be away on spring break vacation with my family for the next five days or so. I hope anyone else on such a break enjoys theirs as well. 8)

Octopuses are extremely bright problem solvers, and seem to have learned a good way to avoid predators by walking along the ocean floor with only two tentacles while balling up the rest of their bodies.

Check out how cool it looks on that video.  8)
QuoteAlternative medicine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ( offered an in-depth look at vaccines. After her exhaustive research through CDC documents and medical journals, she concluded that vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The whole concept of injecting antigens into a person to keep them healthy, "causes more problems than it helps," she declared. She believes that even small pox and polio vaccines weren't necessary as these diseases were waning at the time the vaccines were introduced.

Children today receive up to 95 vaccines before kindergarten (up from 33 vaccines in the 1980's) and Tenpenny correlated the increased dosages with such problems as ADHD and autism, which have skyrocketed in recent years. She has also documented connections between vaccines and such medical problems as allergy, asthma, eczema, cancer and auto-immune disorders.

19 states now allow parents to avoid vaccinating their children through a "philosophical exemption" waiver (individual state policies are listed at America's vaccination policy is based on fear and the CDC is "an incestuous body of people who flip between the pharmaceutical industry and the Defense Department," she charged. For those suffering from vaccine related illnesses, Tenpenny recommended treatment with integrated medicine practitioners or referrals from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. For further reading, she suggests this book list.

This is especially interesting considering a bill is sitting in Congress that would make certain vaccinations mandatory for all citizens at the risk of having property taken, etc.
From an article (oddly dated March 19th?) from New Scientist. Here are their 13 things that don't make sense:

1. The placebo effect
2. The horizon problem
3. Ultra-energetic cosmic rays
4. Belfast homeopathy results
5. Dark matter
6. Viking's methane on Mars
7. Tetraneutrons
8. The Pioneer anomaly
9. Dark energy
10. The Kuiper cliff (10th planet?)
11. The 'Wow' signal
12. Not-so-constant constants
13. Cold fusion

They provide further info on each in the original article.
Evidence is mounting in support of "conspiracy theories" in spite of efforts to debunk such claims that we were all deceived by the government on 9/11. A good deal of this evidence is being presented at the following site and is worth reading: . Other information has also come forward and it seems to be too much to include in a single post, so I'm summing up a lot and providing links. Point is, a lot of suspicious stuff is coming out and it's worth taking a look at.

Some of the points they make on the link provided above..

· The twin towers were specifically designed to withstand collision with a large aircraft such as those that flew into them on 9/11, with no danger of collapse ( )

· Analysis of the video footage of the attacks show that temperatures in the buildings were not high enough to cause any significant damage to their structures ( , , )

· Fires, even much more severe than those on 9/11, have never caused skyscrapers to collapse prior to 9/11 ( )

· Only demolitions and earthquakes have ever brought down skyscrapers prior to 9/11 ( )

· All buildings of the WTC were destroyed, but none of the buildings right next to the area were majorly damaged. ( )

· Many features of the collapse are physically impossible in the scenario that was officially given ( )

· The seemingly unimpeded fall of the towers is physically impossible in the official scenario, and would require explosives. The towers falling on themselves took about as long as it would for a block of wood dropped from the top of one to hit the ground. This makes the fall of the towers impossible because they had to fall through themselves - thick steel structures, which would obviously slow their collapses significantly! This would also coincide with a firefighter's witness testimony of the floors being blown out one by one all the way down the tower he was in. ( , )

· The South Tower's top showed signs during collapse of already being shattered, though it was well above the plane's impact. Further suggests demolition ( )

· The report that gravity caused the towers to collapse on themselves is challenged. ( )

· WTC Building 7 had absolutely no reason to collapse, save demolition. ( )

· The attack on the Pentagon was confined to the outer three layers of the building in an area that was under renovation and was scarcely occupied. ( )

· The security video from the Pentagon shows clear signs of being amateurishly edited to make them look fraudulent. This is because the videos also show that no 747 hit the Pentagon because the object that is concealed is too small to be a 747, leaves an inappropriate vapor trail, and the color of the explosion is wrong. ( )

· Pentagon photos show inconsistent physical evidence in the nature of the crash, including no damage to the lawn of the Pentagon and inappropriately sized and placed holes in the facade. ( , , , , )

· The fires at the Pentagon were NOT the result of jet fuel combustion. ( )

· Aircraft interception procedures were not followed on 9/11, despite being followed on nearly 70 occasions between September 2000 and June 2001. ( )

· The Payne Stuart crash is revealingly compared to 9/11 interception operations. ( )

· Planes that were sent to intercept the 'hi-jacked' planes on 9/11 were sent from bases unnecessarily far away, and did not fly at their top speeds. No interceptors were even sent up from Andrews Air Force Base, ten miles from the Pentagon, with two squads of fighters on 24/7 alert in the most protected air space in the country. ( )

· The activities that were reported to have gone on aboard the planes are shown unlikely, and it was reported no data could be retrieved from the black boxes of any of the planes, which is just as unlikely. ( )

· Cell phones seldom work at 10,000 feet, while Flight 93 flew at about 35,000 with no reports of problems that would be associated with cell phone use at this high of an altitude. Other cell phone anomalies also persist from Flight 93. ( )

· Numerous witness acounts indicate Flight 93 was shot down. ( )

Other various links and information:

Stock sales indicate prior knowledge ( ) :

QuoteBetween August 26 and September 11, 2001, a group of speculators, identified by the American Securities and Exchange Commission as Israeli citizens, sold "short" a list of 38 stocks that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the pending attacks. These speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be "in the millions of dollars."

Short selling of stocks involves the opportunity to gain large profits by passing shares to a friendly third party, then buying them back when the price falls. Historically, if this precedes a traumatic event, it is an indication of foreknowledge.

It is widely known that the CIA uses the Promis software to routinely monitor stock trades as a possible warning sign of a terrorist attack or suspicious economic behavior. A week after the Sept.11 attacks, the London Times reported that the CIA had asked regulators for the Financial Services Authority in London to investigate the suspicious sales of millions of shares of stock just prior to the terrorist acts.

Investigations into stock purchases turn silent:

More in-depth information on the stock situation:

Bin Laden video doubted authentic among experts and citizens of the Mid-East:

Bin Laden claims he is not involved on September 28th:

The possibility of Israeli involvement: ,

Contradictions regarding the identity of the supposed hi-jackers, as well as other information:

FBI admits there is no evidence to link hi-jackers to 9/11:

Computer simulations of the attacks:

Also worth mentioning are the balls of fire that ignited under both planes preceding their impact with the towers (This was proven by the video of the first plane's impact as the plane and its shadow were a significant distance from touching as the flash sparked. The plane and its shadow would contact upon hitting the building.). Also, the claim that the object attached under the second plane was merely a play of light can be easily dismissed as it can be viewed from four different recording angles simultaneously, which does not support an optical illusion as some will debunkers claim. has concise and solid evidence. Beyond that there is a sea of information, of which of course some may be right and some may be wrong. But by watching the actual footage of the attacks you can make out clear oddities, such as the flashes of light at the end of the objects attached under the planes, the unexplainable collapses of the two towers despite no physical sign of extreme heat (and no physical sign of them falling on themselves either, going by laws of physics), and all the obvious flaws on the Pentagon attacks.

No idea how they came up with a model for that, but yeahh. o.O
QuoteSomeone stabbed the 72-year-old scientist multiple times in the Maryland Avenue parking garage at the University of Missouri-Columbia, put him in the trunk of his Honda and set the car on fire.

QuoteSteve Quayle, a self-published author and newsletter writer from Bozeman, Mont., told listeners of "Coast to Coast AM" that Im was the 40th microbiologist to die under suspicious circumstances in four years and was perhaps among those specializing in vaccines and bio-weapons research.

This stuff first started back around the time of the anthrax scares in the US and is still going strong apparently.
Came across this link and found it be the closest religion to how I feel. Dead-on for most things.. except I don't like religion in general for limiting people to things other people think up for them. Still interesting, I think, and thought I'd share.
QuoteNow a team of American scientists note that recent astrophysical discoveries suggest that we should find ourselves in the midst of one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, they argue it is a mistake to reject all UFO reports since some evidence for the theoretically-predicted extraterrestrial visitors might just be found there.
This was a German physicist that came over to the US to work on rocket technology after WWII. He spoke about some inside information he had gotten and passed it on to a woman who is interviewed below. I found it to be interesting and thought somebody else might get a kick out of it too.
they're interviews with zecharia sitchin about his books. art bell is interviewing sitchin on his radio show. they don't really cover all that much. sitchin just gives you the jist of his research and works, and then they talk about modern affairs (this was in 1995). there are two parts, both of them about 20 minutes long and about 5mb. it's pretty interesting stuff. you guys should check it out [:D]
ive been wanting for a while to express my feelings about this whole forum to those of you who havent realized it yet.. this forum has to be by far one of the most polite and helpful forums on the web.. im sure a lot of you have already realized that. when you post a message, you usually get reasonable answers fairly quickly. several replies in a day usually. and if you have an idea you want to test, you post it, debate it.. the whole socratic method thing. this place just rocks, and i wanted to tell you guys that! ive learned as much on this forum as i have reading through the other pages here at astral pulse!
Trying to answer that question, lead Jim to write Rule By Secrecy published in 2002. In that important book, Jim Marrs made links between the money-power elite of America with the money-power elite of Europe back to the money-power elite of Mesopotamia which might have been linked to control and manipulation by non-human entities with their own agendas on this planet.

"control and manipulation by non-human entities"...?  hum...
After getting over the obvious similarities with the two orbits, there is now a new problem: why is the object still so far away?

Obviously, if Nibiru is cutting through the Solar System as it is supposed to, then this planetoid must not be on the same path as Nibiru, or else the object's motion has been majorly affected by Nibiru, either recently or over the millions of years of Nibiru's travels. After all, the belt of debris that resembles Nibiru's orbit is extremely wide and this planetoid seems to just be a bigger chunk of it.

Those are my thoughts anyway. This sort of orbit would be no big deal for something like a comet that was caught by the Sun, but a planetoid would certainly suggest to me that this would have to do with Nibiru's gravity dragging debris about. But why would it still be so far out?
cool, i've only read part of Genesis revisited

amazing what i did read
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Symbolism in the Matrix
February 15, 2004, 08:52:47
i know its an amazing film and the indept views if it are fantastic, why do you think i choose this user name[;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / lol! Sitchin cards!
January 02, 2004, 19:17:04
wtf?! hahahaha

I never thought i'd be seeing that in a million years [:D]