Today while on faceboon i came across a a thread on fb asking if people had been having strange dreams recently. Almost %100 of the commentors claimed almost exactly the same dream experience. The experience consisted of fire, not being able to see, asteroids hitting earth or nuclear bombs. The theme of this group is based on the jade helm military excercise going on in the states so naturally one would expect a lot of fear and despair in dreams when most of the page is full of well, fear and despair regarding the military excercise so my question would be are these people dreaming the same thing as part of a higher collective intelligence or conciousness giving a warning or are they each reacting while they sleep to their thoughts and fears from the day or is it something else? I'm aware of the military excercise but i haven't had the dreams, haven't heard the sounds of trumpets or bells from nowhere that have been put on youtube etc. Seemed like a topic worth discussing. I always like to see the varying opinions and responses on this site.