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Topics - Newoldsoul

Welcome to Dreams! / Collective dreaming
July 19, 2015, 19:14:16
Today while on faceboon i came across a a thread on fb asking if people had been having strange dreams recently. Almost %100 of the commentors claimed almost exactly the same dream experience. The experience consisted of fire, not being able to see, asteroids hitting earth or nuclear bombs. The theme of this group is based on the jade helm military excercise going on in the states so naturally one would expect a lot of fear and despair in dreams when most of the page is full of well, fear and despair regarding the military excercise so my question would be are these people dreaming the same thing as part of a higher collective intelligence or conciousness giving a warning or are they each reacting while they sleep to their thoughts and fears from the day or is it something else? I'm aware of the military excercise but i haven't had the dreams, haven't heard the sounds of trumpets or bells from nowhere that have been put on youtube etc. Seemed like a topic worth discussing. I always like to see the varying opinions and responses on this site.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Orbs
December 21, 2014, 04:32:17
Hi all. I'll cut to the chase. My wife and I just bought our first home. It has a cemetery on the property. Earliest grave 1889 latest 1977. Anyway my wife is very much a logical, "realist" physical reality woman. I'd me tioned before we moved(at our first place) i'd hear voices and shadows would appear on the walls and in chairs, in the bedroom etc and I'd seen orange and white orbs floating through the house as well. Not hypnogogia, regular i'm awake doing nothing special and this stuff happens...anyway, now she is seeing orbs. Orange and white and even interacted with one not long ago. She'd mentioned she'd have dreams often of her grandmother at our other place( she died there) but never believed in dreams, AP etc as being tangible and real. She described her experience with the or to me as sort of like the scene from Avatar with the jellyfishish looking spirits floated down and landed on the character. She said there was a white orb just appeared while she was having a smoke and hovered in front of her. Rubbed her eyes and thought she was seeing things but it persisted floating about. She was alone and basically outstretched her hand and the orb glided to it and landed in her palm and she said she could hear children laughing when it touched her and like electric pulses in her hand. Just small tickly pulses. Just thought it was an amazing experience to happen to someone so thoroughly rooted in this reality to have something like that manifest to her :).
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Crazy articles
November 23, 2014, 22:51:44
So i was watching a youtube video a friend sent me dealing with illuminati, satanism yada yada and found in the comments someone who projects and was getting bashed by all these other people, Christians sadly, and so I started skimming through articles and figured I'd post one o them here. Unbelieveable...
I've found my "sweet spot" even when I'm dog tired I can now have oob or lucid dreams with much more control :) yesterday I napped and began getting pulsing vibes and a wewwoooomppp.....wooomp...womp..womp, womp sound in my ears and then the sound of a finger snapping beside my right ear. Found myself looking at my work car and decided to just drive. Came upon a toll booth which does not exist in the physical at this destination. All the scenery was the same minus the toll booth and the people. I got out of the car and talked with a woman who was taking tolls and wound up talking her into letting me go through freely and she obliged. Pulled into the gas station which was for some reason hosting a party of sorts. No one familiar there but all very happy and pleasant. Began talking with a few of the ladies lol and then just mingled a bit until a guy named roy or rory talked to me. He had to have been at least eight ft tall and very broad. I told him I knew this was a dream but that he was also real and i said i'm just trying to get a grip on this whole non physical reality, dreams, aping and stuff and he said ahhh you've got the hang of it for now just go deeper, in fact wake up and do it again later. Buzzzing all over loud crashing sound and i found myself on the floor beside my physical body apprx six ft away. Very blurred vision but there was someone else behind me but i couldn't make out the details of the being. Very uncomfortable feeling and then i woke up. Really long experience with the drive, the booth, and the party, and then a thirty second or so with the blurriness and buzzing. Best estimate in np experience lasted about 4 hours but in physical time 12 minutes. :) so exciting !!!
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / After the funeral
November 18, 2014, 01:15:35
I attended a funeral of a woman who was very near and dear to my heart Friday. She was the mother of two of my closest friends. Strange really. Took her husband to the hospital bc of chest pains, low bp, shortness of breath. When they took him back all of his vitals were clearing up while they monitored him and within twenty minutes he was back to normal. Two minutes later his wife had a heart attack and passed before they could do anything for her. It's as if she somehow took all of his ailments away and it was too much. I would very much like to come across her while oob to make sure she knows it's ok and that her family is taken care of. I just have a strong urge that either she is trying to contact me or that I should find her. Is their a particular path to take to make this happen or is it a just by chance sort of thing? Thanks.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Time management
October 30, 2014, 04:21:25
We all live busy lives in varying degrees. I'm up at either 4:00 a.m. Or 4:00 p.m. O get ready to be at work by seven. Twelve hour shift rotating nights and days. My days off i still wake up early and have plenty to do but i try to set aside time for myself each day to meditate 'properly' and work on my aping. At least a half hour a day. That being said is there a standard or recommended time frame one should devote to such excercises? I feel as if my experiences would be much more than they are if i could work in more time. Recently read the account of Gopi Krishna. He was at it 3 hrs every day for 17 years before he had his full blown kundalini, whatever else it's called explosion! Not that I'm anywhere near ready for that kind of experience lol but for you guys here what's your routines or rituals and so forth? Just asking out of curiosity mainly :)
So my friend at work who has also recently taken on ap'ing just told me about an experience he had yesterday dreaming. Said he dreamed he was on his balcony and all of a sudden i showed up beside him. Said he asked how I got there and I told him i flew. He said he told me he wanted to be able to fly too and he said i was starting to tell him and i faded out and then he woke up. Now the kicker, four days ago i was trying to ap and i started visualizing the exact scene he dreamed about to the friggin letter!!!! I haven't told him my side of it just yet because i want to see if it will happen again! Anyway thought it was pretty cool :)
So yesterday I lay on the couch and tried to project. Lost conciousness of my physical body and my mind was wuite still an calm and then got the vibes, disorientation etc found myself at work with all of these people who i think were engineers from various fields all arguing in different languages. Russian, spanish, japanese i know it was at least those three, anyway i found myself scanning the situation looking at what was going on with our equipment and two russian gentlemen approached me and i somehow then understood russian and spoke it fluently haha but anyway i wound up taking the lead on the job. There was a problem with our oxygen lance, our electrode impedence, a problem with our hydraulics. So i dealt in three different languages and solved each problem through system checks, visual inspections and physical rundowns of of schematics, prints, and computer software. In reality I only speak english, I have minimum knowledge of our greater electrical and hydraulic systems on sight and can not even access the computer program that is the brain behind our operating systems here. So i'm chalking this up to a test of some sort in a projection. Or maybe it wasn't a projection?
Finally conciously projected! :) and projected three more times in a row immediately after and last night as well! How amazing!!! Didn't find myself in a magical world but I did fly at high speed chasing traffic and over trees but couldn't get much higher than the trees! Flew through a moving car! Visited my baby brother in class, went to my old homeplace and snooped around it was awesome and I owe a huge pile of thank you's to all the good people here on the pulse! Huge inspiration! Believe I had my first feat test last night and it scared the hell out of me to be honest but I know it was for my own good to get over! Pushed my hand theough my wall and beought back about 300 spiders bigger than my hand and couldn't get them off.
Was wondering if a hypnotist could induce an obe in a 'client'. The old SLEEP maneuver and a little guidance by the hypnotist. Just curious. I know we basically self hypnotize ourselves everyday and when we obe or attempt it but was wondering if it would/could work if you were to hypnotize someone and 'lead' or 'guide' them out of body...
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Simon Parkes
October 12, 2014, 10:29:13
Friend of mine at work, one of the very few I can talk to about aliens, projection, so on, mentioned Simon Parkes. I'd never heard of him before but after reading several articles on the man I can't help but want to read more and know about the guy. He makes some astounding claims but a lot of it correlates to some of the things I've read here. There may be a thread on him here i'm not sure. Wanted to introduce his name here if it hasn't been introduced yet. 
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / DMT question
October 06, 2014, 14:06:50
So I've been attempting obe conciously for a few months now with limited success. At one point i felt i was "over doing" it, in a sense that I became wayyy to analytical about what I was doing/trying to do. Anyway lately I've read a couple of books and lots of testimonials and plenty here on the pulse which is always inspiring and a couple of weeks ago I ran into an old friend of mine who is a big fan of psychadelics and he and I got to talking. Turns out he has a connection to DMT. Have been highly debating whether or not if I should get some as a sort of kick start to what I'm attempting and possibly have an incredible experience that may teach me more about what I want to know. Anyone have any suggestions or experience with such?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Missed my chance
September 05, 2014, 00:49:57
This morning when I worked off I did my usual affirmations before bed and this time got audible hallucinations after only just a few minutes. Sounded like crickets chirping and water splashing. Fell asleep and found myself fishing in an area I had never been but it was beautiful and the fish were biting like crazy lol!! Anyway from there it spun off into five or six different dream scenarios one after the other with obvious signs for me to pay attention to to reach a higher level. Throughout all the dreams I was active and alert but not to the point I recognized I could go higher. Landscape changes, people changed in and out, from a river, to a field, to a trail ride, to some weird parlor with people I still have no clue who they were to some industrial facility attached to a house I and my wife apparantly own in this dream world where a group of people were camping out on the third story all wearing jumpsuits and invited me to hangout with them and meditate to acheive a higher state and at that point for a split second it finally dawned on me and i got an insane rush and guess I was teleporting somehwere else annnnd then my wife got up out of bed and I was shot back and woke up too and was like nooooo I was so friggin close haha. Anyway, I do fish a lot and have an idea that will maybe help me realize quicker i'm dreaming. Going to focus on fishing except I won't have a rod and reel and Imagine I have a shovel in my hand instead. Maybe that will work!
So I've stated before I've had some strange experiences throughout my life but shrugged them off for the most part. Now that I've begun practicing AP after realizing my symptoms over the years were part of it, at random I have a shadow or two on my wall at night that suddenly appear and move about the room and the house. I physically see them as well as my dogs inside. The guard dog outside doesn't seem to notice anything different outside. While practicing and affirming my intent I've asked repeatedly for guides or whoever is present to help if they find me stuck in my body. Have I somehow, only through practice as I have not conciously AP'd that I can recall yet, summoned someone or "thing" into my physical reality? My wife does not notice them and at times while I'm fully concious in the physical I'll begin to hear a high pitched squeel in my ears and feel my body pulsate with energy and then the dogs run to the hall and begin going crazy...I'm new to ALL of this really as far as concious effort so I'm searching out explanations from people who may have these experiences as well. Is this part o AP or something else entirely?
While meditating before bed. Got the usual colors, random geometric shapes, swirling darkness and the BAM giant Grey alien head right in front of me with this loud ominous low note organ sound...didn't freak although it did startle me at first. Alien had deep black eyes but the skin reminded me more of carbon fiber material. No conversation, no real interaction other than a staring contest for what seemed like two or three minutes. I put forth a few questions but it never responded that I recall. Anyway, seemed very strange and I expect many more strange things to come as I progress. Just reaching out to see if this is possibly a common theme or encounter among those of you here.
Sunday night i laid down with the intention of projecting. Got to a very relaxed state body numb, unaware of breathing etc and all of a sudden i have this feeling in my forearm like a bug is crawling. Kinda freaked but calmly smacked the spot lol. Regrouped, back to relaxed same as before, same sensation happens on my right bicep but also with the sound similiar to duct tape coming off a roll. Was I about to exit out of my arm? Still getting used to all the new sensations sights and sounds associated with AP. 
This is what I recall from last night. It's my personal take on it but would like others input on it. Never felt I was OBE although I had some of the initial symptons but they weren't super intense.

Aug 16-9:22 p.m.

As i laid down for my meditation and rest, after a hard day and much needed shower, i put on the headphones and played a series of binaural sounds to try and aid me as i began the process again. The music/beats played at roughly half volume. I could still hear the A/C unit running but it was not unpleasant or distracting this time. I lay and enjoy the comfort, begin affirming my body is asleep and my mind is aware, I'm aware of my astral body, I am aware no longer of my physical senses or the body in which they serve purpose, over and over. After scouring the forum I remember the 'noticing' technique and decided while the sounds of the beats and music offer distraction from my rambling mind I'd use the time to my advantage and allow it to keep wandering thoughts at bay. My focus narrowed, affirmations in play, noticing the ever shifting palette of colors, shapes, and blackness. Feeling very relaxed I 'notice' my body temperature seemingly go cold! Perhaps to much focus remains on the physical, I am new to this, it will take time. Repeating I'm aware and asking whoever may be listening, watching, guiding me to present itself, them-self and help me to understand, and assist me exiting if they see, feel, however IT works, i'm having trouble. Tiny speck in the distance of the undulating blackness, shifting all sorts of colors resembling gasoline in a puddle of water. I feel a presence, slight tingling or vibrations, and the visions begin. More focused now. It takes me a minute to understand and today I hope I'm interpreting correctly the point of my 'sight'. On the left I can make out a beautiful scene, waterfront and choppy. Vision isn't crystal clear and i focus my attention on making it so. The scene brightens and enhances and the greens are incredible, the breeze is cool and easy, the water is a deep beautiful blue. I feel very much at ease. On the right side it is just a red glow. Reminds me of the color of a sun ripened tomato but has a certain ugly 'feel' to it. 'Why can't I bring the scene from the left into focus with my right' I think. I realize then that the presence I felt earlier has not left but has stayed and is interacting with me. Perhaps the red glow and inability to focus solely on the beauty of the scene left is a sign of my own deep personal conflict I've inflicted, allowed, and endured? The scene changes. Darkness but no the blackness of before. A drop of iridescent something falls to my right and slides downward. I'm in a mirrored cage of some sort. Perhaps another sign to look within as it seems i'm encircled in this place of mirrors. I spend some time there, i do not know how long, my perception of time has left me thankfully. I remember my will is key. I look up, stars! Beautiful! I rise up and peer over the edge. I'm somewhere in the universe. I look outwards trying to bring into focus whatever I can and pick the most distant object I can detect and as for "focus please". Whooosh! Were off! Still inside my mirrored caged it has now become a vehicle of incredible speed! What a feeling. Abrupt stop. Where am I? What planet is this I'm gazing at? Reminds me of Jupiter but I know it's not. home? I do not know. Scene changes again seemingly without my doing or willing. Back at waterfront except now the serene lake is a circular waterfall that seems endless. As far as i can see down the water dissipates and blackness awaits. I notice above me yet another waterfall coming from a cloud bursting with robust orange lights and green and blue as well. A decision to make. After all,  it is MY will controlling this right? Lets go there i think and up up up we/I went and found myself at the edge of the cloud in front of two massive glowing gates and gateposts. Open please and they did. I wanted to find the 'source' of the water. Floating above it seeing the orange hue above the trees, steadily moving through the landscape and come upon a brilliant city!! Usually cities remind me of hustle bustle and cold cruelness but this place, this place seemed so warm and welcoming. Where is this? How did I get here? No people but the city seems so very alive!! I ask my guides or whoever for assistance getting out so that I could better explore this place and am suddenly flooded with bright warm white light that had a certain liquidity to it! Ah the rush I felt being enveloped in this. I realize then it's yet another interaction Them? I feel as if they are showing me the choices I CAN make and without knowing completely the consequences of either choice, the city seemed much more interesting than the blackness under the waterfall. Perhaps this is another reflection of my personal physical conscious waking  life? Feels like it. Again, white flowing light rushes over me as if breathing life into me. I awake to sight of my lovely wife and dog entering bed with me! Such warmness of it all in the moment both  the mystical and the physical. I feel I'm on the correct path. The time is 9:47.
While I want to expand my conciousness and spirituality, from what I've read, when you AP, the possibilities are virtually limitless. What I'd like to be able to do is visit my little brother and take him with me after (if) I get the hang of going OOB. We're 18 years apart and right now there are some personal challenges going on within our family and although he doesn't say it, I can see it on him and feel it around him that something is going on inside he doesn't know how to express or conceive yet. I read these post and other articles etc and think how wonderful it would be to be able to share such an experience with him! I've yet to induce my own concious AP but feel and hope soon I'll be able to! Have any of you been able to "pull" loved ones or friends etc out of body?
Hi all. First post here. This will be a bit of a read but I thought i'd lay out what has, I felt, led me here. When i was ten, I had four teeth remove at the dentist. Gassed me "count may feel like your floating..." Went fully OB, remember the silver thread, do not recall being fearful or it strange I just remember it being absolutely awesome!!! Flew around the office, through the walls, all over town :). Fast forward 8 years later after watching one of the excorcist movies( raised Baptist so naturally fearful of duh dehbul) had my first recollection of SP. felt the weight, saw the demon laughing and choking me, scared me senseless to say the very least. Move forward and i'm 22 and ha moved back home briefly. Asleep, maybe, on my parents couch with their dog at my feet. I can see the dog over my head on the backrest of the couch looking iver my head and snarling, growling, barking at something in the den. Arms felt unusually heavy but i managed to reach up towards the dog...but he wasn't there, he was still at my feet looking at me puzzled and i to him lol. Fall back out and notice the light comes on in the kitchen and hear my little brother and mother. He's wanting a bowl of cereal and to come sleep with me and mom is telling him to be quiet because i was asleep. Rub my eyes, no lights on, no noise, dog is gone i check down the hall and no one has moved. Stay up a couple hours racking my brain trying to make sense of it and decide to shake it off and go back to sleep. Lay back down and after awhile ilI begin to hear two male voices unfamiliar to me. Open my eyes and two men are i. Front of me in the den!! A tall heavy set figure in the corner by the tv and a slender average height guy in the middle of the den. Both are debating whether i'm "ready to go or not" and for whatever reason was not scared or unsettled by their presence. Slender guy walks up and kneels down in front of me smiling peacefully. I tried to speak but my vocals were not working lol just noise like uhhhhrregggg haha and he communicated telepathically with me. Said not to be afraid they were here to take me with them because they needed to show me something and he took my hand but the other guy said he's not ready yet, it's obvious. The slender one turned back still smiling and said "i understand. Whenever you are ready we will be waiting" and poof! Into a million tiny twinkling sparks of brilliant blue light they vanished.  I had never even hear of astral projection until two weeks ago. These events in my life, I believe to a point, have led me here. I've always had big questions that no one earthly can answer. Have any of you had similar experiences? Can you guys/gals give me some advice or direction as to where I should begin to get back to whoever they were and what it was they had in store for me?
