Last week, i was waiting for the bus and reading messages from the spirit world in the medium of license plates of cars. A car came by with license plate LST-*three numbers*. I interpreted this as "listen". Just behind this car another car came by with license plate AWZ-*three numbers*. I immediately recognized the name "Aiwass". Just behind this car, another car came by with the plate AWS-*three numbers*. I said to myself; "ok, what about Aiwass?" Then i realized i had to fight this demon. As soon as i realized this, a car came by with the plate GFG-*three numbers*. I interpreted this as "Good Fabrizio Good". This was a reaction to my guess that i had to fight Aiwass, and, apparently i guessed right. I remained skeptical and said to my guides; "ok, we will see". That same night i had a dream where i was lying on the couch with my legs on my mother in my old home who was also sitting in the couch. On the table there was a computer screen with a "brainy alien with red glowing eyes" on it. His head was big and i could see his brain. Suddenly he attacked me telepathically. He was making me kick my mother violently. Then he stopped. I looked at the screen again and this head was now in mid-air above the screen. He attacked me again with his telepathic control by putting me upside down in mid-air and smashing me violently against the wall several times. Such force! I resisted by closing my eyes. I could still see Aiwass and i used my right arm by putting it in front of my field of vision, transforming it into a snake. Everything was moving, like we both were avoiding each others attacks. Then, when the demon came in front of my snake-arm i shot an energy beam and i hit the demon. Then i woke up. It was in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep anymore so i went downstairs for a cigarette. After sitting in the kitchen for a while, i looked at my watch to notice the time. Now, my watch is of the brand "certus". Then i realized that it is an anagram for truces. I realized that it came to a truce. I lighted another cigarette and heard a voice saying "you have done well". I felt a rush of energy and decided to write a book. I immediately set to work. I always wanted to write a book but there was some energy holding me back. Now the words come out fluently. I finished the introduction yesterday. I can finally work in peace!! A revolution in my thinking, truly.