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Topics - Lasher


That was fantastic!

Nay. [;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Dream sharing?
September 07, 2003, 11:20:05
Greetings Lasher,

I can't say I have experienced a similar experience as such myself.

However, dreams, including lucid dreams usually take place in the level of the Astral corresponding to the personal psyche; i.e. they are an internal creation played out in the Astral ether. The next level of dreaming, again including lucid dreaming occures in the level of the Astral which corresponds to the group human consciousness; here you can interact with other people in a dream. Usually you would not know the other people you were meeting, and so it just seems like an oridinary dream. In your case it seems you shared your dream with your wife [:)]

The next level is a full Astral projection in the Astral proper.

With best regards,

Welcome to Book Reviews! / Lon Milo Duquette...?
August 20, 2003, 21:23:36
Going once...
CA boy eah? Did you see any gangs shooting it out?[^]
Nobody has any thoughts about radio waves???  [:(]

I seem to recall a while back, folks discussing electro-magnetic radiation.  Is this different than radio waves?

Come on guys, throw me a bone!  (pun intended!) [:D]

Greetings Lasher,

First off, let me be the first Californian to welcome you to the state. The redwoods are indeed majestic, breathtaking, and spiritual.

With respect to what I've experienced with Focus levels, there is a definite limit to my experience so far. I have been doing sessions of astral phasing and believe I have made it a few times now to what would be called Focus 21. The best I can describe it is a sense of being in what has been termed 3D blackness, usually I am floating along with a bit of forward movement.

Then, what will happen, is a scene will appear. If I'm in a neutral and detached framework, I will next find myself in the scene. Usually, at this point I get excited and then I'm out of it and back to normal waking consciousness. So, I'm a bit of a slow learner I guess, however I do seem to be making some progress. Slow but sure.

The levels you describe sound like you've gone from Focus 10 (to use Robert Monroe's terms) to Focus 12, the latter being where the swirling colors, patterns, pops and bangs occur.

So to try and answer your question, I believe that Focus 21 comes next. It is described in my insufficient fashion above, due to my present limited experience there.

Frank's advice always helps me a great deal, so hopefully he'll see this thread and give you a more experienced and detailed response.

(p.s. good luck with the move)

Very best,
No responses.
I guess everyone is sleeping alone.
Hi Lasher.
Your description recalled similar reports on AStral Pulse. Here is a link. Hope it helps. Ity is a 3 page thread about 'astral wildlife' from the Welcome to OBE Experiences forum.