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Topics - wantsumrice

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Been away for some time...
February 26, 2008, 07:48:40
Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been on these boards.  A lot of new experiences and lessons learned.  It's good to be back!  I'm eager to share my new found knowledge with you all :)


PS:  For those who were here when Nay was a mod, do you guys remember what happened to her?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hypnagogic Hallucinations
January 20, 2006, 06:40:47
You know right before you fall asleep, or if you're lying in bed trying to go to sleep, you might see streaming colors of blue/purple/red?  Is that part of the hypnagogic state?  I've just did some research on the hypnagogic state in hopes to figuring out what it is these colors are, and what they mean.

I haven't had any success in figuring this out, so I'm opening up the question to anyone who might have a clue.
(There are other dreams I had, but this is an excerpt from the whole account which is at )

Next, I find myself in my bed, at my old house back in Boston.  And I'm dreaming of all these dreams and I finally project out of my body.  I get all the tingle and whatever, and I hear this loud buzzing sound.  I find myself falling deeper and deeper into my body, and I feel as though I fell on the ground.  I try to open my eyes but they won't open, and so I just let my self fall deeper.  I finally open my eyes and I find myself on the floor.  I get up and I can't really see, but I keep seeing a body of myself dragging behind me.  But it goes away for a little bit when I'm aware of what is going on.  My vision is extremely blurred.  It is almost as if I'm just learning how to see.  My room is dark, however, I can see very clearly and I walk to the door.  I try to walk through the door at first, but fail.  Realize that I shouldn't TRY to walk through, and I succeed.  I walk over to my mom's room and find both of my parents in bed.  My dad looks up at the door and says, "I'm going to go check up on Ivan".  So he leaves and I'm worried that maybe, I'm actually awake, just walking around.  After hearing my dad walk downstairs, I walk back into my room and there I am in bed.  I'm safe in my room.  Good.

I look around my room once more, and I try to leap out the window.  At first I fail.  But then eventually succeed.  I sort of lean forward and I feel the cold crisp air, and I'm thinking " OH excrement, I'm gonna get hurt if I fall", and realize that I won't be able to do anything with that kind of attitude, so I say to myself  "You're projecting, you can't possibly get hurt.  Just try to fly."  So I lean my whole body out the window and start to fly across the street!  Once I make it to the road, I look at the sky and it's a full moon out.  I start running down the street, sprinting at a very fast pace and see a bulldozer turn the corner into our street and park in one of the garages.  Next, I try to fly to Callie (my girlfriend who lives 3400miles away), and fail miserably, somehow ending up in my bed one more time.

I get up from my bed, and with much better confidence in my flying abilities, I FLY out the window and I fall straight to the ground.  It's sort of like the Matrix.  I hit the ground, but I'm surprised to feel absolutely no pain.  I get up and look around at the houses, and try to get into one of my neighbors houses.  Somehow I can't bust through the door, so I give up.  (Memory Gap)

I end up back in my bed one more time, and I ask my guide or angel to pull me to Callie's house.  So I start to get dragged by something out the window.  (memory gap)

I find myself in my bed talking to Callie.  Somehow my physical body knew to pick up the phone.  And Callie is talking to me and I tell her "I JUST PROJECTED!"  And she says "yes I know, I did too..."  And I wake up.
I went to bed around 9:30pm and woke up around 11:30. It felt like I slept all night!
As I said in the free attunement post, I'm meeting with a local reiki master and going through training for reiki 1.  I'll be sure to tell you about it here.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Please Read
January 12, 2006, 19:27:07

Read this, then think about your attacks.
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Healing & Money
January 09, 2006, 06:44:15
I've been doing some research lately on reiki attunements cuz I want to get an attunement myself.  And I found out that attunements are extremely expensive!  They go from anywhere around $200 to $1000+.  Sort of ridiculous.

Is there any good justification for this??
Welcome to Magic! / Jade Stone
November 07, 2005, 12:16:51
Is there any magic that can be done on jade?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / AP Chat?
October 20, 2005, 04:16:54
I think the AP should come up with some sort of chat, maybe on irc?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Guides
July 15, 2005, 21:43:36
I'm curious, are there still people who are looking to come into contact with their guides?  I remember a couple years ago I was pretty obsessed with the idea of coming into contact with mine, then gave up cuz I could never clearly contact mine.
Hey guys, it's been a while  :)  How's everything?

Well, I come to you for some advice now.  I've always protected any room I move into by putting my hand on one of the walls and saying a little ritual.  Basically asking my guide to protect this room and not let any spirits within the walls.  However, I may be doing this wrong, because for a while now I can sense that there's a presence in my room.  

I don't have anything against spirits, but I like sleeping in peace at night.

So if any of y'all could help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated  8)

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Empathy Refinement
February 12, 2005, 09:59:22
I didn't know where to post this so I'll just put it here.  

I'm back from a long period of rest, essentially I've been busy with my social life.  Anyway, I'm looking for some help in the empathy department, which is a skill that I excel at.  But because of my inactive rest, I've lost some of my edge, so I'm asking for something like a mentor or teacher.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Tatoo
November 17, 2004, 10:25:35
So I was thinking of getting a reiki symbol on my right palm.  Does anyone know where I can find some reiki symbol pictures, and exactly how secretive are these symbols?
Hey y'all,

I really hate to do this, but I'm making my first request and hopefully my last.  My greatgrandmother is 93 and she's been mentally sick lately after falling twice, once on her side and another on her head, in one day.  This happened last week I think...

She's been mentally slow, some days unable to recognize who her family is and even when she does recognize, she doesn't believe.  

Any help is deeply appreciated.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Old Bustle is Gone?
October 27, 2004, 20:37:11
When I first joined this forum, there were SO many people, and SO many active topics it was almost ridiculous (and so were some of the posts lol).  But now, I come back and see that the old bustle is gone, and there are less active topics.  Anyone else notice this?  Or am I just pulling ish outta my butt.
hey guys, as i was just sitting there chilling out with my pendy, i couldnt find anything to ask it. So i decided to play a game with my guide. I told my guide the rules to black jack and we started to play. lol, first i had my doubts cuz i didnt think the guide understand the rules of the game. Then i delt up :)

i put both our cards face down so i couldnt see what his cards were and he couldnt cheat through me seeing my cards (keeping in mind i never looked at my cards delt yet). With pendy in hand, i told him that his cards were the ones across from me and i asked him if he wanted another card. Getting a yes/no, i would put that next card face down. After he decided he didnt want any more cards, i turned mine face up and played my cards without knowing what his were.  

This was actually very successful!! And i am sorry to say that i lost sooo badly to my Guide lol. some games he played stupid, like stopping at 13, but i would bust! then some games he would hit 21 with 5 cards delt to him!  Well anyway, i suggest ppl out there with pendy's to try it out :) [:D]

happy swingings [:P]
Welcome to Dreams! / 1st semi lucid dream
July 11, 2003, 20:25:28
this afternoon after work i went straight to my bed and tried to LD. didnt have a lot of success until my 3rd and last try.

i felt kinda sleepy and found myself in the backside of a dark theater. i was walking down an aisle but there were some seats in my way, so i just moved them. funny thing was that the movie was a simpsons movie. anyway, there were a bunch of kids that sat at the left side (side i was on) that already knew all the words.  and there was another group of kids making fun of the other kids who already knew the words calling them "nerds".  then i realized that i was dreaming and i started to slip away and i felt something like goosebumps goin thru my whole body.  i tried to hold onto the dream but next thing i knew it, i was awake on my bed.

i believe this was my first lucid dream! it was the coolest thing, except the fact that i slipped away from it! strangely, later that day i saw a movie...maybe it was a future dream? and maybe simpsons are planning on making a movie?!

Hey all, this is my first post and i have many many maaaany questions about OBE's.  First, i remember, a year ago, i had sleeping problems and would be awake for an hour or two before drifting off to sleep.  but i remember 3 instances (all the same):  i would be lying there, waiting for sleep, looking at the ceiling and just thinking...when all of a sudden my body went completely in shock. All of a sudden i couldnt move and i tried to yell for help but i just couldnt say it, my mouth would be open and i would try to utter "h-h-h-h-h--" but nothing. While my body was completely in shock i think i felt my body shaking like hell or vibrating, while all of this was a loud sharp ring in my ear. Through the whole paralysis i was thinking, "whoa, what the heck? am i being abducted by aliens or something?!" (haha, i was way scared) Then itd just go away like the way it came. OK, that was just a stab out of the dark, maybe it was something to do with OBE (or anything else) or at that time i was going insane [:D].  well thankfully now it doesnt happen.  
Now some other questions are:

1) when im trying to phase i can see the swirly colors and whatnot. and my body is very very relaxed, and i try to "go into" the tunnel, but nothing happens.  i end up just lying there in my bed doubting that OBE's can happen. My question is, what do i do when i see the colors swirling?

2) is there an easy way to get to the 3D darkness?

3) i dont understand how to use the chakras, could someone explain how to make use of these and explain?

im a newbie to OBE but i have been meditating for a while now.  
thanks alot guys,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Martial Arts
July 26, 2004, 10:31:10
I wish I could!  I have an annoying medical condition that prevents me from doing martial arts--I loved Aikido, but couldn't keep it up.  I just started Tai Chi in hopes that I could do that at least, and so far it's going really well.

What's wing chun?  And free lessons are a bonus, good for you :)
Can you describe the exact nature of your sleep paralysis?

Best of luck to her [:)]
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreams of Relationships
June 21, 2004, 02:41:06
The same goes for any dream, meditate on it.
Look right to me, as long as you put commas up in there: Forums, Bugs, Reports and Questions . . . [|)]
Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the post, and yes we do seem to have quite a few stickies. Moreso in some forums than others. This is probably part of the 'growing pains' of the forum. When we were fewer and smaller there were less posts and also fewer stickies. However little by little we get to these things, and I'm sure we'll resolve it pretty soon.

Very best,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Poets?
May 22, 2004, 13:50:03
Hello, yes, me, and I'm sure there are some more poetry lovers/writers around here as well . . . it's addictive [|)]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Diviners
May 19, 2004, 12:11:11
I also happened to have taken up the pendulum.  I completely agree that the answers can be found inside.  However, the pendulum offers the thing that most people use to confirm their existence and that is physical manisfestation.  

I've never became comfortable using the pendulum.  It was hard for me to not overshadow it with what I wanted.  I could clearly change the answer the pendulum gave by wanting a certain answer.  I also had problems asking it questions, perhaps for a lack of things to want to know.  Also, when I'm meditating I like to sort of talk things out and let it all be very fluid, but with the pendulum you have to break things down into small chunks.  Maybe that is best...  I don't know.  

I would be interested in starting to use it again, but by the time I stopped bothering with it, I was ready to chunk the thing in the ocean.  I found it more stressful than anything else.
I dont believe it and never really did. Many of these myths seem to fade out with passing time. Im sure that some people out there hold strong to this beliefe though.
I don't see them as bad things, but challenges to learn from. Stop trying to control life and just surrender to it and take it as it comes. Don't worry, be happy. [:)]

That and sometimes a beer, a good book and a nice breezy shady spot on a warm day.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello!
May 05, 2004, 19:22:49
Hi there.
I think you should change "Aaah, but if only he realize" to "Aaah, if only he WOULD realize," or "realized." That's really the only grammatical error I could find. If there are more, well, bleh, I only skimmed over it because I've read it before.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Music Piracy
April 18, 2004, 22:43:39
I propose another question: How do you define music? LOL!

Seriously though, I am a musician with a degree in music and plan to compose free works for anyone to download, even if I get famous for my work (I'll post the website if this is made possible). I just ask that credit is given where credit is due. In my opinion (and I am not the first and foremost authority in the subject but I do have knowledge and experience), music and business don't mix. Music is about the spirit and a work of music is like the fingerprint of a person's soul. You can't put a price on that. I'm not saying they should not get anything for their work, I am just saying there has to be a better way. Of course, a lot of today's music doesn't seem to come from the soul. There are deadlines to meet and people to please. This, in my opinion, is not music.
i remember that...i was just thinkin about it a minute ago too! look it up in the search thingy...i remember the title had the word 'guardian' in it.
nice job on geting there.[:D] at least you are geting there a lot of people cant so good for you[:P].

good luck,
I'm sorry[V][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(]!

I'll try not to do it again.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Thoughts on Duality?
January 09, 2004, 08:42:56
I am not sure what you mean, can you elaborate some?
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream: projecting out of dream
December 11, 2003, 06:16:19
I think it's cool! [|)]
How was your lucidity?
What did the different worlds look like?
Earth and Mars are going to be the closest to each other than they have been in about 60,000 years later this month. Maybe that is it.
ok i decided to just post the whole Q and A

Hi Wantsumrice, a group of us were taught to firstly test for yes/no questions.  I asked it if I was a male, since I am and the answer should be a yes. Then I asked if I am female, and got the opposite response.  So the yes/no responses were sorted.  

Then we were asked to be mindful of our thoughts and especially the alternating energy pattern we humans have.  Our teacher told us that we can work out the rythms by paying attention to which side of our nose we were breathing through, as it changes at regular intervals along with our energy alternating posiive/negative.  After some practice with this we were able to work out how to get answers from the pendulum that would not be opposed to truth.

Other than that, we have only used pendulums to douse the chakras when working with peoples health/beliefs and to get a clearer picture on what they were working on at a sub-conscious level.

Hope this is some help.

Love always.
Hello ivan - Thawon here - i thought you figured it up lol
Welcome to Astral Chat! / spirit guides
July 28, 2003, 15:11:22
I haven't, but I heard selenite could help. Check out the link I posted in the Crystals topic by Adrian.[:D]