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Topics - jc84corvette

I was here around Aug 2002-2003/2004. Than I took like a 11 m onth break from AP things. Now im back. I see we have new forums now. Thats okay though. Heh is Beavis still here? Anyway im gonna visit the rest of the forum.
Do not worry.

This is from the F.B.I's website.

Attention--FBI e-mail hoax alert! Have you recently received an e-mail, purportedly from the FBI, with the subject "Your IP was logged," warning you about illegal downloading of movies and software and saying you are under FBI investigation? If you have, please be advised that the e-mail is a fake--the Bureau, even though it does investigative violations of Intellectual Property laws, does not investigate or notify persons under investigation as outlined in the e-mail. It may also contain a virus. If you've received the e-mail, please contact the FBI at

Hope this helps a few of you.[:P]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / How do ya'll like my sig?
October 26, 2003, 17:11:21
How do you like it? Its die-hard Metallica baby! That chick is hot by the way!
I posted a topic before. But I can not find it at all , LOL. So I ijust posted a new one here but with a question.

When I close my lids, I see lights ofcourse and swirls. They are blue, red, and orange. Oh and yellow along with other colors!

Anywoo, I get a bright yellow/white color that over whelms me. It takes over my whole view and I open my eyes up beacuse I am fearfull that will blind me.

Any one know what I am talking about? Should I be fearfull?
Oh yeah the program is free! If you want no ads and streaming video then you need to pay. but thats not needed to join our group![:P]
I assume you won't have the chance to play either of these?
Go to the local shop and find the next closest thing and play. If the instrument offered is anywhere a good condition you'l have an idea of which to bid for.

As to the overall quality of the guitars I canät say a word. I have aa local brand and an Ibanez semiacoustic. Both are good enough for me but perhaps not professional quality.

In general buying instruments online is a gamble at best.

2cents & L&L
API is an interesting place to go, but I wouldnt spend a lot of time trying to go only there. Tayesin saw me there when I went inside the pyramid, which I only remember a little about. If he had not told me, I might have thought it was only my imagination. Apparently some parts of imagination are more than they seem to be.

I usually like to travel randomly, wherever my thoughts pull me to. I'm not as good as the expert projectors who can feel like they're physically there most of the time, or maybe I dont want to feel physical things when I'm there (show me the weird stuff instead!), but I am getting better at knowing the difference between halucination and reality.
I never tryed it.
It seems to involve the mind split paradox. I remember the RB's advices against to stay near physical body during AP. He alerts on dangers of a feedback process. By other hand, there exists the risk of to went mad, since madness are related to treatment of paradoxal and illogical situations.
From a critical viewpoint I think what if great amounts of mental energy are required by simple visualization process, double visualization process ¿how much energies requires? I think it would be necessary to have two brains... don't you? I think it would be really overwhelming for projector.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / PC Bug!
April 03, 2004, 16:50:29
There are alternatives to Micro$oft products. There is an open source browser that I use called Mozilla that is an excellent alternative. Here is their website link:

In any event, I'm assuming that you know how to set a start page (which is easy enough) on win 98. Try again, make sure you clicked ok or apply after you do so.

First off, seeing as how you created the thread then you can close it your self...
I bet they are just going to use the structures that are already there on both planets, I am willing to bet we will "make our structures" right where the structures that are already there are "supposed" to be. Guess we will have to see.
They could get to Mars easily though, using the Medusa or the Steam powered space crafts they have designed.
I have some more tips that might help you answer my questions.

1.When I woke up, only my concious was woken up.

2.When I was on the grassy plains and when I flew up to clouds, I felt really proud. I rarely get feelings in dream I think.
These feelings were like my concious saying "great job"!
With all due respect the purpose of the Forum is to discus. In a Discusion it is perfectly normal for there to be disagreements. If everyone here agreed on everything then there wouldnt even be a forum because there would be nothing to talk about.
I agree that we shouldnt put eatchother down and things like that, but to say we cannot post disagreements is taking away our freedome of speech, and more or less making this "forum" like a big ridiculous book made by many hundreds of diff people.
The day this forum prohibits us from speaking our mind is the day I leave. And as of today it looks as if it is leaning that way, weither it be moderators locking topics for there own reasons (you know who you are), or just people coming here to post.
My two cents, for what its worth.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Alien AP
January 06, 2004, 21:49:52
"Would you think Aliens could AP?"

Sure, why not.
Why do you think other lifeforms are more advanced than us?

I know most people think that way because they see aliens(ever since they aroused public interest) potrayed on tv as technologically, and mentally advanced beings who are superior to our race, when they could be just like us or even less advanced.

Have you ever had an AP in which you saw other alien APers?
Welcome to Dreams! / I had a LD a few weeks ago
January 05, 2004, 11:59:36
Why dont you put some more detail here?
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / How do I?
January 03, 2004, 16:32:09
I just tested it out and I do not think it is possible.  After an image is place in it will insert a break line.  I just tested it out and I got this.

The text.
(That code is |img| Image. |/img| |right| Text. |/right|)

That's the method Sylvia Brown told some guy to use on Coast to Coast AM.

I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / War of 2012?
December 29, 2003, 09:08:11
Hey Jc, I moved your post to chat seeings how it had nothing to do with OOBE's.

If you disagree let me know [:D]

Your sig is cool!  [8D]

You're a bit more experienced than I, but I'm starting to feel vibes by just laying down lately... I sure hope I can OBE soon.  I've tried and practiced over 6 times.

That's cool, though.. I sort of had the sinking feeling, but not enough for me to think about it much.
So far for me it's only happened when I somehow manage to wake up just enough to fall immediately into the theta state of sleep, without loosing my conscious awareness.  This usually happens when I disrupt my sleep cycle.

What is your method for entering the mind awake / body asleep without falling asleep?  Just focus on your breathing, for example, and just wait for something to happen?

I've watched myself fall asleep and by some miracle my mother happened to wake me up right as I was loosing consciousness, and I discovered what was happening.  It's like all of a sudden things just go blank where I'm not aware and I feel so tired.  I don't know if it was a stray thought, but my mind was in a blank state and it still felt as if it were just going fuzzy and eventually loosing all coherence of thought and awareness.  The only thing I can think of to counteract this problem is to vigourously focus the mind on one process such as breathing (as Robert Monroe explained in Astral Dynamics).. but whenever I try that I just stay awake unnecessarily.  Not "passive' enough perhaps?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Remember the Corvette?
December 26, 2003, 19:51:14
WELCOME BACK Jc84corvette!

So what happend around here ol' chumps?

Hehehehe, you enjoy reading up on things! [:D]


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Question for Mr.Nick
November 13, 2003, 12:00:24
It looks like the "lau gong" point... is that it?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / OBE stuff and Australia
November 09, 2003, 15:08:48
Funny, I always thought us Aussies were way out-numbered by the Americans here

I'm glad for you, Corv [:D] I didn't hear the show but I've heard similar ones.

IMO, one of the healthiest things for your mind/beliefs is considering ideas that, by the opinions of most and 'average' people, are completely unconventional and often ridiculous, and the fact that such ideas excited you is an indication that you have a healthy habit of considering what people are saying and for at least a moment, supposing it was true and thinking about it while at the same time not quite being gullible.

If you really get into these sorts of ideas, there will be all kinds of discrepencies when it comes to minute details such as how many aliens races the government supposively knows of, or when the government is trying to cover something up rather than give the impression that they know more than they do, and it's hard to reasonably prefer one source over another since they all have about the same credibility.

The most grounded information you can read (that I've come across at least) is that of Zecharia Sitchin's, which is really just information from the Sumerians, Egyptians, etc., that has been translated in a more open-minded way that doesn't conform to what such civilizations were probably saying. And when I say translated in a more open-minded way, Sitchin's translated versions make a lot more sense than what is commonly accepted in many cases, except for the fact that they support the idea of mankind being created by extraterrestrials. As an example, the Sumerians did depict 10 important bodies orbiting a central body (Sun), and they explained what they were depicting (planets orbiting the sun basically). However, it's scientifically impossible for the Sumerians to have seen Pluto without the invention of the telescope, and of course we have yet to recognize existance of that 10th planet (even though the texts describing Pluto were found before we even found Pluto), so the Sumerians were ust plain wrong despite their otherwise incredibly vast knowledge of astronomy, just as they were wrong about the existance of Pluto. The same can be said about Sumerian mathematics, since, even though we have figured out their complex number system, a lot of their apparently more advanced mathematics (most all astronomical), are not well understood by mathematicians of today and therefore said to be complete nonsense.

I've started rambling aimlessly.. but there's definitely a lot out there to explore as far as extraterrestrials and the government and the ancients, for that matter, go.

I think you had an OBE but you didn't remember what happened, try to remember every detail of the experience in the next AP..

Best regards
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / almost OBE
October 29, 2003, 20:51:52
Uhhh, HUH????  I know I'm not close to understanding what you are saying...

Nay [;)]
From what I know you don't get a guide by yourself, they are assigned to you and are always watching over you.  If you ever AP then you should shout for your guide.  It also pays to get them to verify that they are your guide.  This can be done by asking a simple question.  

*Note this isn't taken as a religious statement*  

Ask them if they beleive that Jesus is the savoir, the negs will avoid a question like this and the positive spirits will gladly anwser without hezitation.  Even if you don't believe in God it is still a good question to ask and from what I have heard Mustardseed has had alot of success with this.  I have used it myself on the two spirits that I know and they didn't avoid the question.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Legal Highs
October 27, 2003, 19:08:43
Mix bleach (.5 liter) with alcohol (.5 liter) and sugar (.2 liter). Drink it and you will get high as hell. And then you will die.
Welcome to Dreams! / Every 30 minuets
October 27, 2003, 17:45:44
I have heard something similair to that. If you start using a thing you see everyday, such as the sun, to symbolize dreaming, then in your dreams when you see the object, you will know your dreaming. So I don't see why your theory wouldn't work.
What kind of dream is this?

I call that a naughty dream!!! [:D]
Did you use a condom???
Which name will you choose for your alien baby...? [:P][;)]
Welcome to Dreams! / How to LD?
October 23, 2003, 21:09:18

What are your favorite ways for a LD? And what is the chances they happen?

My favorite way for a LD is detecting the dream, you have to put atention to every detail of what you are watching during the dream, also put atention in the history that develops during the dream, after you recognize the anomalies you realize that u are dreaming then u have control of the dream (LD) and If u practice a lot u could have full control and AP could happen..

The chances they happen are 1 in a week or two weeks at first, 1 or 2 a week if practice more and daily if practice a lot.

Best regards
Could you describe it a bit more?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / American Music Awards
October 21, 2003, 19:54:59
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Shadow People
October 21, 2003, 15:03:35
I'm not sure weather they are the same thing but Shadows are forms of demons.  Also a Djinn as well as being known as a genie is sometimes called a night shadow.  I think Shadow people are most likely to be Shadows and I've encountered one on both the Astral and Physical Plain (though I think I brought it back with me whilst astral projecting) I hope I have been of some help, but I really don't know whether they are the same thing.  The word Shadow crops up in many different subjects to do with magick.
I remember that thread! Wow, yeah, when did it die? I want to hear if anyone actually tried.

::gets popcorn out for stories:: [:D]
Of your 2 choices...

The mouse.


Mouses rock.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Astral Sounds
October 17, 2003, 22:26:38
I forgott to add  some more information that might help.

When the sound came, it was so intense it felt like my ears would blow.
Oh my theory is God just came up! He created him self some how.[:O]
Practice. [:D]

Personally, I find the mind awake/body asleep (Monroe Focus 10) to be very annoying for meditation.  I find that a deeper level (Focus 12) is better for meditation.

[EDIT] Woot!  First edit! :P
Dreams used to be the annoying break between days. Now the days are the annoying part between dreams.