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I went back and forth on which forum to post this in and kept landing here. I hope it's right.

In the dream state this past month I was directed to reach out to three other people or groups of people and ask how I could help them with their projects. The day after this suggestion was first made an article was posted on a Wordpress blog I follow and in it Steve Neill, who hosts this new project "Breaking the Silence" was featured. Steve is filming experiencers tell their stories of abductions, contact, sightings and other anomalous phenomena. I wrote and asked him how I could help. He had a look at my sites and asked if I could drive up to Ventura, CA, and if I would be willing to tell my story on film. I said yes, and two weekends ago I did. The show just premiered tonight. This is it. If anyone has the time to watch, please watch on youtube and leave a comment for Steve and Mary, who really appreciate the feedback from those who watch any of their shows. Steve is a lifetime experiencer himself, both he and Mary are in their 70s and really do work so hard on this project. I think their end goal is after some time to produce a documentary with the best of their experiencer testimonials.

My own story spans the greater part of 60 years- I had to squash this into 20 or so minutes.

Though frazzled, I tried my best to include my entire spiritual unfolding.

Leading into the ET contact work I do now with crystals.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / My Spiritual Service
March 08, 2022, 21:29:00
Roughly 5 years ago, following multiple decades of a highly spiritually disciplined life, and conscious awakening which freed me from the confines of our planetary sphere ( 2009 ), a dormant capacity was activated that allows me to work with crystals in a unique way. It allows me to combine my consciousness with the consciousness of crystals and act as a transmitter of signals that are sent from one point in time, to another point in time. - our point in time, to be exact.

The signals are visual in nature. They allow you to see. Could open face-to-face contact with extraterrestrial intelligence begin in such a way on our planet? I would say indeed it is. For here I am. And here they are. More than 100 of the beings who have come through. All in one, loving continuous flow. Connect with them. See if you can detect their state of presence. They will work and play with you, ( of course to the degree that you allow. <--link to video

Let me know if you take the ride?  :-)

I am starting a project to remaster all the audio to yoga breathing practices I used to teach in class. These recordings were originally made back in roughly 2006-7, in Erich Schiffmann's infamous yoga room, at the back of his Santa Monica home. The acoustics in there were great. You could hear a pin reverberate if dropped. For this reason the process of recording offered a challenge.. getting the audio perfect with no extra sounds creeping in ( no coughs, clearing of the throat or even audible between breaths, lol ). This is done old school, just me sitting in the empty yoga room, with a 2003 hand held audio recorder. No editing. Each clip is recorded all in one go. The music in the background is from the CD "Deuter, Himalaya". This is the newly remastered video version of "Sounding Out Om" : ( I hope you will enjoy it ) : ( no more still images in 240p! ) : <--video


I am stepping increasingly more into the magical.

I do two things for living at present ( or, one of them hopefully 'prior' ) - I am a medical caregiver, and have an online platform for consciousness work.

A few weeks ago, a startling thing happened. Someone who knows I am trying to leave the one profession behind - ( the care work, because I have done it for 30 years and am beginning to be damaged by it *it is incredibly challenging work and I am getting older now ) - and focus on the consciousness work, offered to fund an entire year for me to begin doing so. In which time I would be given the opportunity to build the consciousness platform and make it sustainable. I accepted wholeheartedly and am now diving into the task.

One of the challenges of sustainability is that I have chosen an unconditional basis for the work, as it is what I, myself, am most aligned with. So there is no charge or 'condition' applied to any of it. Instead I am taking to task the role of helping others of us to understand what an unconditional structure is. How it works and functions. This will be a big part of what I am engaging in this coming year. Summer Solstice 2021-2022. Creating and growing more natural, sustainable, unconditional structures.

It can be discouraging when there are a great many around us who think we should be doing the work we are unconditionally, but then go on to themselves misunderstand the actuality of such a structure. An unconditional structure is not when one person alone gives everything they can to it. It is when everyone connected with and actively benefitting from the structure does. Otherwise it is not a structure, it is not a successful sustainable thing, from the beginning it is in collapse.

Extending energy into the individual or collective matrix of ourselves is essential to sustaining and survival, of course.. Entering the idea of doing so unconditionally adds an interesting, if not intriguing potential new element, wherein giving is purely for the sake of itself, individual gifts are gone into, acknowledged, energized and let to flow. As gifts flow through us to one another, we ourself, individually, as well as collectively are the very first recipient of the flow.

The fountain of life within us is turned on.

An innate intelligence resides within the activation of the flow which we now have
the opportunity to merge with, blend with and even be.

As thus, we build!


I get clearer and clearer on this everyday.

I don't know if anyone here has the time, or the inclination.....but

With the time I now have through the coming year I am reopening a lot of the Zooms and you would all be very welcome.

There will be more but right now the telepathy group and 4 slots for silent sitting meditation are up.

You can come by and get the links : pinned to the top of our board : or :  directly from our events board.

We have OBE groups, ET contact groups, the gamut.

Link in anytime.

Read more about all this and the unconditional structure here.

Let's build our ship!


I am someone who has always remembered my dreams... Who, in the beginning, did not have to write them down to remember, I carried them with me as clear and real to life as my experience in physical space. In fact for a great deal of my life I absolutely could NOT write down my dreams. In the rare event that I did, awareness of the dream state would stop for a short period. As a lesson perhaps. In this way I learned to carry the additional fields more immediately with me in direct awareness alone. I learned that for one reason or another I was not meant to document.—Until much later in the lifetime, that is.

At the ( 2009 ) point of my awakening, I began to find that I could dream journal, log out-of-body experiences, kundalini events. I not only kept a written log I began video journaling as well. I did this for many years, roughly through the years 2009-2014, when all of a sudden I just stopped. When I did this, awareness of the dream state itself faded in near unison. I even stopped logging the more significant obes and as if the one were falling in line with the other, awareness of these events faded into the recesses and were lost to me.

Here at this juncture ( 2015 ) I am finding myself in the same state as the majority of earth human experiencers. In beta-wave-consciousness only, what I sometimes refer to as "beta lockdown". I am on a level playing field, as level a playing field as it is possible for someone like me, relative to others who are here in this reality system — with everyone else.

Sitting here at scratch.

For years. Growing notably discontent.

So I make a choice..... ( to get it all back ).

I begin the consciousness experiment "365 Days of Dreams". I am interested to observe what is necessary to bring forward dream content **every day. The intricacy and extent of what is learned from daily recovery. The areas of my dreaming I find most important and from which content is chosen to bring back with me. Most of all—what change is affected on a person and life through the daily action of experiencing **all** the fields.

Regaining my fuller state of being was not easy, but it also wasn't hard.

It all begins with the first step, unwavering focus.

If you haven't heard me say it yet - the onset of awakening is a gift, its continuance is a choice. If you want it, all you have to do is choose it.

Really choose it.

* * * * * * *

365 Days of Dreams PDF 🕊

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Sshhhhhhhh
November 05, 2020, 23:10:45
Tiptoeing in..... I don't want to disturb anyone. It has been so quiet the last 3 days. Is it the pending election?

I sort of want to do a head count. lol

I just want to extend an invitation to those of you who practice and know the potential reward of practicing as a group.

We've had this practice group open for a few months now, it is not a large group and we hope to keep it this way, having between 9-12 people in attendance at each meeting.

If you are interested in developing your telepathy you are more than welcome to join. If you have any questions please ask them here.

This link will guide you to links to get into the room.

Let's Practice our Telepathy
Wednesdays 11AM PST


Let's face it, a day in which we actively recall our dreams – bring back with us into our conscious daily state of awareness even fragments of the energy and activity of our inner world, experiences, adventures,—immersed in their waves, merged with the concepts, symbols, messages, integrated to any degree at all their depth, meaning, feeling — is very different than a day in which we have not.

The world I myself enter when I wake into the beta bandwidth depends wholly on what I bring forward with me into this level of experience. Is it anything at all? – anything new? – anything more? – or is there nothing between the instant of falling off at the top of the night and resurfacing at the bottom. Am I just here ( for goodness sake ) again?

I refer to this overall situation as "beta lockdown". I am not fond of it, of entering this world and reality. It is depressing and dark relative to the freedom, choice and focus I more normally experience. It is heavy,  s l o w  and so tedious.

This is why I do what I can to help ensure I do not often enter this. Why I am writing this now, because maybe some of you feel the same and by sending this out I can help you enter a more vibrant, mysterious and magical world—reality—realm, – each morning as you wake.

Of course upon arriving,

It will be up to you to walk this world into the more mundane world, to not fall off the balance point as you move through the moments of your day, but we will get to this some time later. At this juncture we need to talk for a moment about recall itself.

The Recall Muscle

Recalling your dreams is like working any other muscle, the more you work it, exercise it the stronger it becomes. The less you work it the weaker. The more it becomes subject to atrophy. Common physics, as the saying goes "use it or lose it".

The most hopeful point to begin with is that regardless of your start point or state of decline, there is no state in which you cannot, if you wish, rebuild to the muscle. If you are someone who has never, or rarely remembered your dreams you can begin.

The way to begin is to feel your state of resolute.

To make the choice to remember, to feel its importance and make a solid investment in the new endeavor. Supporting ideas will begin to come to you – but, notably in the beginning I might also suggest to bring on board that which prior explorers have previously learned.

Get to bed at a decent hour
Be clear in your intent going in
Learn to be still, center, meditate
Make daily logs


Read the full article

Hi Everyone!

Coming into the close of the year 2019, I am receiving much in the way of guidance toward the idea of writing a book.

I truly did not think I would ever write, I tend to be more a speaker than writer but the energy does certainly have me moving in this direction. In preparation for the drafting of an outline for a potential book, this past month I have been busy compiling a decades worth of "consciousness" data into PDF books. Some specifically for patrons and more that are for everyone who might enjoy the content, find it useful and/or inspiring.

This PDF is for everyone. It is just 70 pages and includes video log links that accompany many of the written logs. It is a fairly comprehensive view of my process and how it patterned out. Beginning with the guides, helpers ( and even parallel reality husbands ) who came to assist me. Working through the fight-flight mechanism, the sex center, and beyond - ultimately culminating in full conscious experience in galactic space. In conscious contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

Most Memorable OBEs ( 2009 -2019 ) 🕊

Please enjoy!


My first words should be this.

I remembered this.., I recalled it to me through OBEs. Through conscious shifts into additional consciousness states - additional consciousness space. So let's bring it forward as an immanent and inevitable place to begin :

  • Everything is already happening.—I am not trying to get experiences to happen - ( new levels of experience to happen ) - so much as they are already happening : every day and night.

Consciousness - all of the dimensional existence I now know is a simultaneity and always, in all ways in play... Every moment that has ever happened, in any of the realms, through all of what we call 'time'. Every dream ( every life ) I have ever entered——Everything I have ever imagined.. ever thought, ever felt : happening NOW.

The implication of this is extraordinary in what it may come to mean at the very practical level of our being. Our physical existence. It is something not many of us take a moment to rightly stop and glance at. What it means ( what it means to me ) is that I cannot in truth ever be held apart from any of it. It means I have access at all times in all ways to it all.

In direct alignment with this it means that in some way, in some manner of my being - I am. This is the very first point I came to be clear on. The second, what is perhaps more accurately not so much a second point as the second half of the first, the second half of the equation as a whole - in essence is an observation that : ( even so ) :

There is a portion of what is :

    1. happening inside my conscious awareness
    2. happening outside my conscious awareness, - and the whole of which is
    3. happening in direct alignment with itself

Meaning :

There is no shut off valve truly inherent to this structure. Nothing that is by its nature, inherently holding what is outside my conscious knowing - from entering. The whole of this is one, all at once, connected and connecting.


Our peoples have consensually gathered data relative to a structure of wave patterns fundamental to the wake/sleep cycle of human consciousness. Or in other words, states of consciousness available to us ( as Earth humans ) - as experiences.

These are : roughly - in cycles or hertz frequencies :

  • the infra-low waves, <.5 hz
  • the delta waves, .5 - 3 hz
  • the theta waves, 3 - 8 hz
  • the alpha waves, 8 - 12 hz
  • the beta waves, 12 - 38 hz
  • the gamma waves, 38 - 42 hz

This is and represents our total being.

All of what is available to us in the form of direct and indirect experience. All / any of which we may individually and also collectively agree to pattern in any perceivable way.

Beta Lockdown

For the contemporary human, the BETA waves are what predominate the more usual wake period of life. This portion of the life is equivalent to what we likewise call our 'conscious' state of mind. And also 'reality'. In this, the majority of the remainder of the waves are generally lessened in their relevance. Made to fall in some order of more-or-less real outside the structure of that which we are more immediately aware - into 'a subconscious' and 'collective unconscious'.

I have chosen these words carefully, "made to fall outside of" because this indeed is not a natural occurrence. In the sense, that is, of a seemingly real separating and blocking of any of the waves from any other at any time. This is a phenomena. It is an action and activity, that by oneself, in order to be experienced, must be engaged in, continually enforced and agreed to. I refer to the phenomena as we experience it : as beta lockdown.

As a species we know it well..,

The experience of the phenomena being perhaps most characterized by :

  • Fear, fatigue, frustration - and even all of this collectively as fun.

Until it isn't anymore.

Until the clock runs out and the well runs dry and the call to recall, to re-member and return to ourself is received. Through this phase of the process of the return is seen the consequence of all independent action.. In this, even though not at first seen is the mounting of a greater understanding - and thereby appreciation : of choice.

There are cycles through which this is all available as an individual occurrence as well as cycles through which the human collective, as a collective consciousness may choose to grow and move forward in its energy. We are now in such a cycle.

Breaking Free

In order to deactivate the lockdown,

The activity potentially engaged in that is itself resulting in such first must be seen. Although it is activity ( yes ) heavily supported by the control system of the beta-only frequency - know that it is we ourself who feed into and fuel the frequency. We have to begin to see where we are, or are acting in agreement / direct alignment with the lockdown.

In our thinking, in our energy, action and activity.., where - and to what degree we are separating into one hand the spiritual and the other hand the physical. It is, as you may see a very large matter to delve into but the idea is to just begin. To bring more awareness than usual ground level into a point within the schism and begin acting from the state of greater awareness.

We are not meant as individuals to individually resolve everything.

This is handled collectively, amongst us all or amongst a group of us all. We are meant only to begin.., To begin within ourself and to build momentum. The whole thing will morph and change and grow synergistically as a single organism.

Frequencies and Keys

Every thought, every emotion, every feeling, every action is keyed to a certain frequency.. A frequency which either is or is not aligned with connection, connectivity, wholeness. This may be felt with even the idea of combining with a thought or particular line of thought, with an emotion, feeling, action, person or thing. We are an intelligent system. Consciousness,—awareness - mind/energy/body.

Inherently we know the frequencies and frequency keys we are aligned with.

We know, for instance - if not as a person then as clear awareness - whether a certain medicine or food is in this moment beneficial to our system. Whether it will help, or hold us from an optimal and ideal state of health. Whether it will help, or hold us from functioning as a whole system to our full capacity. We know.

We know when we are engaging our clear awareness, and when we are engaging an addiction. We know ...To say we do not would strip our own self of our power. We know. Even when that knowing is held by us seemingly outside our knowing. We know we are hiding. At times in order to engage in a way uncomplimentary to ourself.

With this said, let's get down to business.

Practice and Practical Application

Whether talking about OBEs, our dream state or conscious daily life the practice is the same. And the practical application of the practice ( skill, technique or tool ) is what it is. Regardless of which field you are in or the specifics of the practice, bottom line is that we are talking about developing a habit of attention, a single pointed and steady flow of attention. It is the avenue through which all is going to return.

So whether our aim is directed at :

  • recalling our greater self into our ground level experience
  • recalling the truer history of the human animal
  • recalling experience in the wider reality

Step one is to be able to focus the attention.
Step two, to give or aim the attention.

Recalling Dreams

Recalling experience in the wider reality!....

Let's look at how I - and how you might begin making it back into physical space each morning with some of this data intact. ( if indeed you want to.

Let me say this first :

  • Even if you do want to you have to want to alot. This has to be a decided point of interest and focus. The focus has to be activated again and again, regularly, steadily. A luke warm, wishy-washy kind of focus will get you a luke warm wishy-washy result. An intense interest and focus of attention will bring all that you want and far more.

Practice everyday :

  • What you do alot you get good at.. When you pick up the ball and do not set it down the ball gets rolling. Momentum is built. It breaks into crescendos. You not only bring back data more steadily, but new data. The fundamental practice is developing a habit of awareness, a single pointed attention. To this end I practice : daily meditation, breath work, tratak.

Additional tools and techniques :

  • WBTB : Wake Back to Bed : This is a sleep pattern interruption technique whereby you wake yourself for a period of 20-60 minutes, engage in light activity such as going to the bathroom, sitting in meditation, possibly breath work and patterns, listening to music conducive to the alpha/theta/delta waves.., and then get back in the bed for a formal practice. Staying conscious while the body goes back into its state of sleep.

  • Binaural beats, drumming, breath work and or other forms of brainwave entrainment and the frequency following response : This is to induce specifically the theta/delta waves and of course the conscious shift into them.

  • Reporting : During the practice with an audio and/or video recorder - or following the practice by either the same means or by manually journaling ( writing ) the experience in as much detail as possible.

  • Crystals : Known to amplify, to clarify and clear - crystals are an effective tool to use in any form of focusing the awareness, attention and/or energy. For the purpose of dream recall I work with a clear quartz point and azurite cluster.

  • Mindfold, Earplugs
  • Circadian Rhythm : Sunset to Sunrise Sleep
  • Your Questions

As a closing word,

Remember to give yourself everything you need to meet the desired end. This among all else includes time.., do not be in a rush and enjoy your process of discovery. Do not make the mistake of not giving and putting in the time you require for recall.

I regularly give myself anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. There is a 90 minute magic point for me ( and for many ) at which if not earlier events are sure to begin. This gives me one whole additional cycle IN there where I am experiencing.

Making it back with the experience intact is well worth all I put in.

In every way, - more than well worth the ride.


Have you ever wondered?

What role the body plays in conscious out of body experience? Conscious contact? These being highly related and equally relevant. It is a subject I find of great interest.

A first observation on my own part when beginning to make conscious shifts into what is colloquially called the OBE – is that the body does indeed come in to play. That while the conscious mind is 'going out' – new levels of information and energy are 'coming in' to the whole conscious construct. The conscious mind/energy/body SYSTEM.

Here I will point to this :

There are experiences in which I may be fully conscious while,

  • Shifting into
  • Moving through - as they are taking place, and
  • Returning from, back into physical space
This is what I call the fully conscious shift.

Each segment of the shift in its entirety is with its own qualitative and quantitive impact when it comes to the potential penetrative effect at the physical body level of being – and relative to them, both each and collectively is the depth and degree to which cognition of potential data within their span is taking place.

Beyond the experience in itself,

  • Is the information being gathered new? ( how new? )
  • In what ways am I processing and integrating it? Am I integrating the data, the experience as 'real', how real relative to physical space?
  • To what extent am I bringing through the data? To the extent wherein I am point consciousness alone within a new field. To the extent of being point consciousness within the consciousness field of another lifetime / life-form?

Perhaps it is penetrating even further. To the extent of being fully embodied as them in the new field. Am I holding the data in and as a full conscious embodiment in another world. Is it a world that I know, a planet that I know, a body form I am familiar with? To what extent is the information new? And is all or any of this, by me, being conceived of as a machination of the brain – or of something larger, something prior.

The fully conscious shift is rare and not many of us have yet come to the extent of what is possible but for the years spanning 2009-2014 I did experience to a very great degree, as often as five days/nights a week – fully conscious shifts into new territory : in large part galactic space. And from this territory back into Earth space. But a fraction of what lay in store, though it did give me the necessary, fairly large and steady glance into that happening at the body level of my being in unison and direct result.

The Central Nervous System

The central nervous system is what I refer to as the "back body guard".. The back body being what connects us to spirit – to the unknown.

We are not equipped as 3D physical beings in 3D physical bodies to see what is behind us. So in this sense the back body is what can be said to connect us with this, with what we do not know and cannot see : while the front body is connecting us with the known, with what lay directly ahead of us,—the Earth life and 3D physical world.

Only what the central nervous system allows, makes it into our direct conscious knowing. Into our immediate, direct physical experience. Only what the system as a whole can handle without deleterious effect on the system is let in. Only what would not compromise the system. The system being an intelligent system.

What does this mean relative to the making of conscious shifts into the out of body state? It means if the system as a whole cannot handle the additional flows, the new streams of information and energy, conscious experience will not be allowed to take place. The body being necessary to the expansion of consciousness – ( it also fundamentally being consciousness ). As well as to the purpose of such.

The Conscious Construct

The conscious construct is not the conscious mind or mental framework alone. Combined with this as we all very well experience is an energetic and physical body framework. This comes as a total experience package. There is no part of the package any more real or relevant than another. It is an equivalency. It is all one – it is all at once.

This said, a hierarchical frame of reference in regard to it is often put in place in order for each of us to have the lessons and learning space through which we have chosen to grow. It is not challenging to see our perceived preference. How we have structured, patterned what is most and least important. – what is most and least activated.

Awareness of your structure, critical observation and attention to this are all somewhat important to the conscious shift from the structure – the pattern – into patterns more apt to assist you in this. Patterns more balanced, more giving, more malleable. This is what we want. A structure that will give-way but not break.

The fully conscious shift, wherein each phase of the shift – into, through, and back into physical space is retained – requires this.

Schools of Thought

Is anyone still with me?

If you are there is a reason. Let's look at this :

There are three ( 3 ) basic schools of thought, relative to the expansion of consciousness. You may be familiar with these. The first states flatly that there is no expansion, no liberation possible because physical reality is all there is. The second is qualified, it says liberation is possible – but only at the moment of death.

The third is absolutely unqualified– it offers that if liberation is not possible in any moment it cannot be true ( or in other words ) lasting liberation. It must still be transitory. Therefore – liberation is possible at any moment including within the lifetime. What does the lifetime have that the more usual moment of death does not? — the body.

Are you beginning to see what the third school acknowledges that the first and second do not.

Yes. —  Consciousness, the DNA, the Body are a singularity.

Nature and the Natural World

Why is this important?

Why would the above realization be important to you?

Read on.. Certainly there are many reasons. Why this might be found to be of relevance to the lifetime in which you are. What follows being very personal to me..

The world, the planet, the body-form is either sustainable within its current expression or it is not. If it is not it goes down, it dissolves, it 'dies' as we say. This is not in itself simply an individual occurrence ( a "natural" occurrence at that, at the end of our personal lifetimes ). It likewise is a collective occurrence. In that of our species as a whole. We know this as the cycles of time. The rise and the fall. — the wheel.

Sustainability – we might say life – is what is natural to the natural world. Regeneration, health, healing being inherent to life and all living beings. This is observable in nature and yet we fail to rightly apply it to ourselves. To specifically the human being, the human genome and biological system. Even though it is known we regenerate in our sleep. That the cells of the human frame likewise regenerate. In full, consensually approximately every 7 years.

Is the body – then – in actuality ever any older than this? Do we really, continuously have to be so callous and careless in its regard? Cycle after cycle after cycle. We do not. - the human can go much further in its rise.

Kundalini and Ascension

Death as we know it – as the dropping of the body is not a natural occurrence. Or as natural an occurrence as you might think. The body is not, and never has been solid, static and put. As an expression of consciousness it is as capable of transformation as consciousness is itself. Capable of change. — of growth.

It began happening in my sphere in unison with the event of the activation to awaken and my first conscious shifts into the wider reality. What is known as Kundalini, the alignment of the inner energy centers of the body came into play. In fact the very first words I heard in my very first fully conscious shift were : DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT THE PHYSICAL BODY SYSTEM

Visiting this link will give you a fairly good idea of the process undergone and how I experienced it through the years 2009-2014. Not an easy process when in the full conscious awareness of the experiencer, but all of which has been and still is of great importance to me. As the more I am conscious and aware of, the greater help I can be.

What I see now in direct alignment with that moved through is that ascension is the ascension of not just the consciousness, but the physical BODY. Why? – because ascension of the physical body is the ascension of not just the physical frame but the entire physical framework. – the world. – All who are in the world. Including ours truly : ours which has failed many times over : the collective consciousness of humanity.

Enacting ascension through to the body level of our being is equivalent to enacting it collectively, consensually. Bring to your mind the mirror. First you smile – then the you in the mirror smiles. First you change, then what you see as the world all around you changes. Do you see? — body, mind and soul – I / you / we ARE the collective shift. Any one of us may actualize it.

Why would any one of us want to?

Well this is yet another long story.  but...

Would not a true shared frequency experience of the 3D Earth life be nice?

I think it would. I think if ( any ) one of us comes to this, it makes it more accessible to us all.

I love life — I love the Earth life and all of you, the stunning beauty and sheer brilliance in the Earth human blueprint, DNA, genome and its potential.., this much. Enacting what is our oneness, our connectivity and still dormant cooperative world would I think be the Earth of our true Heart. – heaven on earth.

I wonder what it will be like...,

Living here with you.

Hi Everyone..

I have been away from these boards for many years, so - my apologies - I no longer know who is here.

It is most probable most here do not know me either, so let me first say I myself am a seasoned explorer, a conscious OBEr. I make ( and I teach how to make ) conscious shifts out of body. I like to think of myself as an advanced student. Someone serious about the practice and practical application of the practice. I learn and explore deeper as a way of life.

My own process here is kicking up again. I have immense amounts of energy for focusing into the spiritual side of life. You will likely see me around here more as I am coming away from the social platforms ( really just facebook ) and back onto the boards. I want and require a more serious space to dive in again, even deeper this time - and more serious sadhakas, students, explorers to engage with.

Engaging with like-minded others of us is a very real, necessary and fundamental component of the process. The awakening and creative process. Most recently I have begun practicing with someone getting into the out of body state ( which is also the channeling state ) and from here reporting what is happening as I shift. Much like the Monroe explorers did in their day.

I want to practice this more, and together with more of us. So I am here now to put out the call.

If you would be interested in joining such an endeavor, please read this blurb from my board : --

And let me know your level of interest, experience with OBE and possible availability.

We would meet and practice via Zoom.

Over the years,

It seems a great many of the consciousness boards are moving toward into inactivity, and even deactivating entirely.

So I want to thank everyone who is still here keeping the flame alive. It is no easy feat keeping it all going. I notice the Astral Pulse is also not presently as active as it once was. Do you think this is because experience is advancing and there is no longer as many questions/questioners. Or because of a diminishing of collective experience for awhile. I know that following my own 4 year awakening, throughout which out of body experience was occurring near daily ( no exaggeration. my process was significant ) I underwent a 4 year acclimatizing phase wherein the focus shifted dramatically. Now I am back, only with the inside and outside nearing full synchronization.

Can someone give me a report of what is happening here. Perhaps over the last years.

Where is everyone now. collectively.

Hi Everyone

I have begun opening Zoom rooms to discuss everything CONSCIOUSNESS.. We've opened rooms for :

  • The Conscious OBE
    ET Contact Experience
    Universal Discussion
    Silent Group Meditations
    Shamanic Drumming
    and more..

The rooms are free for anyone to join and participate in, all sincere seekers and consciousness experiencers are encouraged and welcomed. I would like to extend an invitation to everyone here who may be interested. I will post some links to YouTubes already uploaded so you can see what the talks are like. If you would ever like to join any of the calls you can connect through our website, discussion board and/or Facebook group forum where you will find the days, times and links to get in.

Here is a sampling of the video live-streams—

The Conscious OBE

( 4 ) : thresholds, telepathy :
( 3 ) : staying fit for the practice :
( 2 ) : transitions :
( 1 ) : the fully conscious OBE :

ET Contact Experience

( 3 ) : type 1 and type 2 beings :
( 2 ) : walk-ins :
( 1 ) : first meeting, revealing our experiences :

Hi Everyone.

I have been working the past week(s on a collaborative project with a new friend. His name is Nether. As you can see he is a body builder -he is also a good way along on the awakening path. He is a Channel(er) and I have been helping him format a new youtube portal (of course I have been on visuals). The name of his channel is Galactic Light Force.

Nether has been out there somewhat on his own (and recently sustained a strong blow [attack] by the status quo). So I have been inviting more spiritually inclined souls to him to help create an energetic buffer (of love and protection) around him. If you come by, if you like what you hear, leave a comment for him on his page, let him know you are there and he indeed has like minded souls around. Let me know as well!, if you connected, energetically, and/or more directly by linking in with his page. Together we are stronger.

My love to you all.


Hi Everyone

It's been some time since I've been by, some of you may still remember me.

I have posted about this here before, in it's more infant stage(s.–––So this sort of an update.

Just very quickly, for those new to me:

I was activated to awaken in the summer of 2009, at which point I was assisted in spending 4 years in a near constant additional consciousness state. As we like to say 'out of body'. Mine was a top-down Kundalini type process. Which grew into the actualizing of a somehow innate ability to work together with CRYSTALS in their capacity as communication devices. In what is for me a viable means of connection and communication with occupants of additional consciousness space. (universal, galactic, and elemental beings. This is an article which goes into how it happened:

For those who decide to allow this into their awareness and direct experience it can at first have an unsettling effect upon the central nervous system.

Depending on, and relative to the degree it is let in. Take a deep breath. Be relaxed.

The communications are visual (formations containing INformation.


(last chance to turn away)


Many of the extraterrestrial beings in my template are the ones who are coming through.

So you may SEE, and as a way of beginning the discussion here is a collection of some who are being the most easily seen by consensus.

Keep in mind this is me. From multiple points on the Field. All at once. (from multiple points in time.

Let this sink in as you look.

You are viewing multiple points in time. ie: Literally entering multidimensionality.

FEEL this. (it will help you shift.

This Arcturian fellow thus far is a decided favorite.


I will let this rest here (as it can be a lot to take in.


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Anton from Antares
May 24, 2015, 03:19:21

How about this. *(click the link to see the images). No special vision required, I am bring him all the way through.


In February (2015) I wrote to visionary artist, Kesara.

"For the past 5-6 years I have been able to consciously shift from the Earth-life into other reality systems.. I have many experiences with the ETs (extra-dimensionals) and would like to inquire about requesting an ET rendering for myself. One related to an aspect of my experiencing that is still very challenging for me. The etheric/physical body examinations. Since 2009 I have been able to retain conscious awareness through the shift from my room onto the craft(s), as well as retain awareness through the very physically felt examination, all the way through to returning. This of course has taken a good deal of integrating. Fear layers are still being resolved and worked through. Due to the fear I have not yet been able to see these particular ETs. And I would very much like to. I am hoping you may be able to help me begin."

The image on the left is Kesara's visioning, her light rendering. This is one of many she was able to key in on, and the one she felt most related to my activation. *The image on the right is what appears to be this same one coming through my personal crystal. (taken just last week). Immediately upon seeing Kesara's rendering I heard "Antares". (a planet near to going super nova). When seeing this one in the crystal I asked for a name. Multiple times it has been the same: "Anton". He is almost here.


June 14, 2014

[the morning following the full blood moon]

Note: I have recently come into the awareness of an extraterrestrial reptilian being [type 1] named TrebBorYitne, channelled by Rob Gauthier. Prior to going into my second sleep I am driving home, mentally devising questions I want to ask him in a channeling session. Just prior to the actual [coming] OBE, while laying in relaxation I feel the arrival of an entity. The level of presence is remarkable, the energy signature extremely pleasant. I am recognizing it as an intoxicating mixture of blissful and highly sexual.

I am being linked with: Energetically the connection is concurrently, via chakra points behind the head, throat and heart. This is being interpreted by me physically, co-simultaneously as sex. I am opening to all levels of the translation and fully present/experiencing in multiple fields. Which I will now describe. *All levels include all(/multiple) translations. *Many ET visuals.

Level 1: Physical body location, high level of awareness throughout
Level 2: Etheric link with reptilian being, *facilitates and represents the shift/transition into multiple fields, extremely high level of awareness
Level 3: Connection within the link-up with deeper Guidance level, *represented by dialogue and 'drive up', moderate level of awareness
Level 4: Extra-dimensional world, high level of awareness



Drive up: I am in communication with non-physical [non-visual] matter reality, my Guidance system.. Visually I am perceiving this layer as being in a vehicle of some sort accelerating / driving upward at an impossible, perhaps 90 degree angle/incline. I am asking what will happen if I fall asleep and steer off the lane gridlines when another field gradually begins patterning out into my awareness.

I am being Guided around a park.. It is a park I currently frequent almost daily in the Earth life. I see activity going on and ask permission to go through the area. This is granted. As I take my first few steps into the park, at the juncture of a cluster of trees, I am reveling at how accurate the landscape is. In the taking in of the detail, as is common, more fields begin opening out from within it. I am beginning to see living quarters now, structure after structure after structure, door after door after door- each with a four digit number clearly appearing on it.

Almost before I am acknowledging this a group of us, the rest of whom are trailing off behind my field of vision are approaching one door in particular and going in —While, simultaneously, I am also remaining 'outside' in discourse with an aquatic reptilian being who is answering questions about why I am here, as well as giving data about its world and society. It is wearing a white cover suit and helmet, akin to a space, or perhaps even hazmat suit; both ideas are present. It has a small, deep green and blue colored head and is roughly 6 feet tall.

Landing Location

Extra-dimensional world: Meeting/mating/merging

Name: Holly NUrockston: male, mate: (the NU part has an inflection I cannot verbally, audibly make: the rest is a translation).

I have been taken to where he lives/works, his quarters/home. I am being sent to him by aquatic ET beings who found me to be the closest energetic match. I am brought to vivify him- [for sex] -He almost does not take/receive me. So I hug him, closer, more sexually, pressing my full front body into him. He is still. Not pushing me away for a long moment. Then responding. Succumbing. Slowly lifting an arm and putting it around me. He is not knowing, himself, prior to lifting his arm that he is needing this/me/this specific energy. There is full interaction now. Within the event of which I am opening out into the equivalent of the contents of a full day with him.

There is another female human present in the home. She is a daughter. Adult: pale but pleasant skin color and hue, shoulder length platinum blonde hair and really quite radiant. She is wearing a blue, summer type smock. The home is comfortable, white(s) and woodsy color scheme, very pleasingly lit. It's interior is circular, with long running curves and archways. It is partially subterranean. There is a deep water element that is coming directly up into the home.

The three of us are spending the day getting to know each other. Asking and answering questions. I am at one point awed at the length of time I am let to remain here. It is so long I do not retain a lot of the small talk. But a good deal of the pertinent data is fully synching. —This is a world of many ET beings. Humans are rare, they drive small sub-aquatic vehicles deep under the sea. They are not looked well upon (the bottom of the barrel of the society) but are treated okay. Their needs seen to.



After this OBE I researched the symbolism of the Holly and found this:

Of all the trees, the Holly and the Oak are thought the most primordial—they are viewed as two "kings". The Oak King rules from the time the light begins its ascent in December until the summer solstice in June. Holly is the "dark twin" who reigns during the waning light of the year, until winter solstice. *Note: This OBE is occurring at the exact time of the Holly taking reign. The Holly speaks to the fierce capacity of the human soul to take the descent into the underworld, bringing inner light into darkness. Thus we can understand the signature of the tree, with its ability to germinate without sunlight, favoring dark, moist conditions. Pagan Meaning of Holly: Increased fertility: In addition to bringing in holly boughs to decorate the home and increase fertility, holly was also often planted outdoors around the house to keep out evil spirits.


[working with and within free-will]

New Shift. Repeatedly. Or (an additional perception).. One long shift inside of which I am periodically landing in data fields. I am being held by two helpers, intent-fully close to the physical. Each is on one side and has me up off the ground with a hold of a wrist and an ankle. I am first bent (legs going up toward my head), then stretched, twisted,, turned, and tossed into the air. *This activity is to increase flexibility and decrease fear. Heighten sensitivity to the physical system and it's independent systems. Sex center system sensation is notably high. To focus my attention *away from fear I ask— 'how can I help people'..? 'I like to help people'.

Data field opens out:

Two women are standing with a young girl— One is filtering symbols and information out of her field according to her existing belief system structures. The other is with a close-to-equivalent energetic force, pushing through information and energies that could do harm due to the existing structures. I am simultaneously seeing this pattern one way, and in reverse. Each of the women representing both sides. The experience is like being inside a storm. The energy, the dynamic, super intense.

The three females are both of and IN a swirling mass of similar blending color(s); purple and pink hues. I am shut out of their circle. —My energetic is yellow. I instinctively feel to help due to the pattern. Not getting a good feeling from either of the two energies connecting with the young girl. Each of the women [potentially] representing an infringement upon her free will. Potentially causing harm. But I cannot get in.

I am not believing the woman who is on her right, who is saying [to the girl] that she can see her structures. At the same time she is saying this she is coming through to me as not genuine. As one who is attempting to choose for her what may come in, as a mother figure might for her child, but thus infringing upon free will. And I am aware at the same time of the multitudes of others who are attempting to enter the girl's field.

All this is happening quite rapidly and as it is the feeling in me has me stepping back, and from this position begin [full body] moving and concentrating energy through my hands into a swirling energy ball, and sending this out to assist in giving the young girl her own breathing room. Her own decision space. I am brought closer in to the trio, and then removed. —But I am still shifting: with the helpers. Bend, stretch, twist, turn, toss! —Again and again and again.

[Series of ET Contacts: February/2015]

Conscious shifts into the dimensions have been so numerous I am repeatedly amazed new ones continue to present. This week there are two new types of shifts—  The first is a 'meteor hit/fall to reality'. I am quite literally experiencing myself AS a meteor, getting caught in the gravitational pull of the planet and impacting. The second is in the ocean: A backward pull of water into itself as it begins to rise into a wave. I am riding that point of the backward pull, level with the ocean into the baseline of the wave. Extraordinary experiences and sensations.

This week I am with the ETs, continually on board craft(s). There are connections being made in the Earth life which are precipitating this and inciting awareness of these experiences to grow. [There are connections being made previously, and since, likewise aiding this which I will later mention.] The two connections most closely associated with this weeks events are an experiencer who is evidencing a more physical type of contact with ETs, Peter Slattery, and a visionary artist who has come to my attention through him whose name is Kesara. 

Peter records and shares his regression sessions -as I am listening in on these I am frequency matching to some degree with the energetic that is present as these take place. The ETs are coming forward through him and speaking themselves *he is a channel. I am inspiring by this to write Kesara and request a rendering of the ETs I have not been able to see myself yet, who come down into the etheric frequency of my room and bring me with them on board crafts. These particular ETs are associated with my body examinations and upgrades.

Upon connecting with Kesara -via writing a letter and receiving a reply- an interesting capacity within me kicks in. In this instance I am not aware of it happening until I receive the related experience later tonight. The capacity is one for deep level connection. With the potentiality field fundamentally, which is where the blueprint(s) to everything are. I do not know how this happens, I only know that it does. This is the awareness that presents to me. —I just start falling into myself, into a highly concentrated point of focus and merge with the field.

It is something that somehow just happens, like falling in love, or breathing. In this instance I am concentrating into Kesara's blueprint, synching with the data, the whole evolution and clearing of neural pathways that leads to her visioning the extra-dimensionals. I am restructured instantaneously. I may vision them similiarly now myself. Which is precisely what begins happening this very night. I begin slipping into a beautiful state of what I call 'stasis' [bliss] and for the length of the entire night, vision ET after ET after ET against the backdrop of the star system they are from.

Hundreds of beings are stepping through -not one duplicate, each one entirely unique. I will note here that of those I most recall there are no Grey beings but many, multiple Reptilian. I fear none of them. They are renderings of light. Personality is to some degree present but not pronounced. They come forward, linger here for me to behold roughly 30-60 seconds then recede while another comes forth. The one who is imprinting the most is a Reptilian warrior whose front face is beaked, more like a bird than a reptile. It is hybrid. I am let to come in very close to him.

After receiving Kesara's rendering, an 'Overseer' she feels closely linked with the events of 2009 - [my awakening] - in meditations a dialogue in my awareness with this one begins. The first thing being communicated is about a pregnancy. I am shown a child being removed from my belly. She is a girl child. Her name is Amalita. I am shown that she is grown now. That she lives on the crafts. She has remained nearby and holds no judgement for [me] not letting her remain here with me at ground level. I was of course aware of her, this was a physical pregnancy. 

What I did not know is that the child was hybrid, or that she survived. Or further, that I have been participating in her upbringing. As well as she, participating here in my direct experience through my person. She is saying she comes in often to feel her feet on the ground and look around. She is saying we have always been this close. I am smiling, humorously/apologetically relaying that we are a bit 'slow in knowing' here on the ground (but she is at the same time already knowing). I am asking if this is what changes my vision. She confirms, but is saying 3 or 4 others also come in.

The next two days I am on crafts being schooled.. First, -again going over the various types of extra-dimensional craft. And the next day -the wide variety of eye types. This is full disclosure, a full information and energetic exchange. The beings here are looking with equal interest and appreciation into me. My Earth life person. They had a good deal to do with creating it, this life experience and mind / body structure so it is of no surprise they are curious at it. --How it is holding up, the data it is gathering, it's ultimate potential for becoming.

On the third day of the sequence, in my meditation I am shown an implant procedure, one of my experiences 'on the table'. In my late 30s I developed a good sized, odd shaped mole at the base of my spine at the sacrum. I am being shown the implant is here. Directly under, or to the inside of where the mole later arose -and still is. The implant is etherically linked with my physical body (according to the data). This is not a physical implant. I do not know why I am being shown this, or who did the implanting but I am feeling it has just been removed. 

A few minutes further into this communique I fall into an unaware dream state in which I get shot by a BB gun in this very spot. The level of pain/sensation alerts me to a conscious level of awareness, and to my physical body. From where I am also feeling a very real [physical] sensation and immediately suspecting the implant just removed. ---In any event, since this experience, when entering trance states the root energy center does spin now and when additional energy(ies) come fully in my legs no longer shake.  The process is considerably smoother now.


Connections in the Earth life

The Starseed connections I make in the Earth life are critical to me, not only to my sanity but my success.  They supply the torque by which I may cognize events more fully, more rapidly at a conscious level.  These ones are in themselves pattern/frequency matches to events taking place within me just below my normal state of awareness.  They bring these events closer to my attention.

Just intersecting with them, the simple act of them coming into my awareness provides a general idea of what I am working with in other fields, to bring forward and ground here in this one.  They generally are connected with my life plan / experience packet and may represent an advancement or skill level I myself have yet to reach. ---And in reaching would allow me to be of greater service.

Some of the blueprints I accessed / synched with prior to my 2009 activation include (in right order), no longer in body:  Shankaracarya, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrisna.  In body:  Erich Schiffmann, Shakti Das.  Blueprints accessed post activation, no longer in body:  Terence McKenna, Robert Monroe.  And there are many contemporary associates currently in body:

Tom Campbell:  Parallel Processing Reality Streams
Darryl Anka:  Link in w/ Grey Race ---(kundalini, transmutation of physical form
Rob Gauthier:  Link in w/ Reptilian Race —(lower entropy, reduce fear
Peter Slattery:  Physical Contact w/ ETs —(lower entropy, reduce fear
Kesara:  Visioning ETs —(link w/ skill, synch w/ cleared neural pathways
Zacariah:  Multi-level Channeling —(link w/ skill, synch w/ cleared neural pathways


Accessing the potentiality field and blueprints is not a special talent.  We are all doing it to greater and lesser degrees of awareness ---and now it is time to bring it to a new level.  Imagine the possibility. What we could do if in full conscious awareness we began linking in [without fear] to each other.  Knowing any and all does already and in all ways exist in potentiality. 

We need not continue fearing what may happen.  We simply focus and ride the wave of our attention.  We are open systems (not closed systems).  Consciousness is an open system.  The sooner we collectively get clear on this the sooner we open to the JOY of it.

I'm doing it. ---And I am sending my gratitude out to you all for absolutely all that you are.

It is an honor to be here on the planet with you.


To read directly from my blog (active links):


Spheres within spheres within spheres....

Dreams within dreams within dreams —where does one end and another begin?


As a child and young adult I always remembered my dreams.. I remembered them, likely because waking up from them was such a process. They did not fade easily and my tendency for a period of time each morning was to walk in two worlds— it generally taking 20 minutes or so, once getting up for the day for the 'additional' environment to fade. This of course would leave me with a surprisingly clear awareness of the additional environment. What is curious, is that throughout the entire length of my childhood it was the same. It was the same dream, playing out every night from different sets of points.  ----Was my dreaming taking me into another lifetime?

In this other world I kept to the woods, living in and amongst the trees.. There were three distinct heights of beings (sound familiar?), the first who were very tall, and two shorter varieties. As a child I never saw the tall ones, we were always on the run from them -myself, of the mid height group and the little ones. Our world was a warring world. The tall ones held power. I don't know why or how this came to be but it had been this way for a very long time. A small number of us kept hidden away - always on the move - always being hunted. This being the exception, my existence here was quite pleasant.  Within it I feel very much as I do here in the Earth-life.

Recurring Dream Change

As I am entering my 20's a new dream begins rising up which is utterly terrifying.

In it I am being chased.. I am trying to run but my legs are beginning to feel very heavy, harder and harder to pick up and move one in front of the other; my feet feel as if they are being magnetically sealed to the floor. In these experiences I always create a body of water-- a river, pool, even something as small as a puddle in the middle of the street. I dive in and swim down deep, at a certain depth turning myself upward to see the watery outlines of figures shooting down at me. I watch as the bullets penetrate the water, their velocity [sometimes] slowing the nearer they get to me. I dodge them a time or two successfully and inevitably get hit.

A sickening feeling begins swirling through my center as I feel myself being suctioned, or funneled somewhere. Inside myself I am screaming. Through the years [I am now approaching my 50th] I learned to project my scream through to my physical body and wake myself up. It works only sometimes. Even when it does, once I close my eyes and go in again I am generally right back where I was. This experience arises periodically at times, and a lot at other times. Currently it is surfacing again a lot. I have been calling it to me on purpose so I can look around in there. See beyond what I have been able. Currently I've not gotten very far.

Activated to Awaken

In the summer of 2009 something new begins occurring.. I am waking in the night to the sensation of electrical currents running through my physical body. I am barely able to hold this awareness --it takes happening a few times in the course of a week before I remember it having happened upon waking one morning. Within the conscious recollection, which is acting much like an open doorway experiences entirely new to me begin rushing in. Every night, an hour or so before bedtime an energy arrives, creating all manner of new sensations through my body. I am sometimes feeling to be slightly up off the ground, sometimes as though in 2 or more places in my room. A sound emanates from the center of my head; there are tones, and periodic series of tones.

When I lay down the energy begins working through my body, I am held awake for this (not let to sleep).. Some of what I feel is not pleasant so I get up and move through various yoga poses to help the energy flow more smoothly. Then gaze out my window and wonder. Often for hours before I can close my eyes and sink in --sometimes clearly being communicated with in the process and once at a certain depth in there brought into full conscious awareness again. At this depth I still feel to be in my physical room, and even though alone here feel hands on me. Feel parts of my body, often my crown and feet being touched, lifted and stretched. Then----something altogether familiar:  I feel myself quite literally being sucked from my body.

I can hear myself in my mind saying "Oh god oh god it's happening again"...  Through the feeling of sheer terror I tell myself to stay awake. I am rising up through the air (as though a tractor beam has caught onto me), belly down toward a corner of the ceiling of my room. For a moment I realize I am just out of my body, but, also, I feel them - I am not alone. My heart is racing wildly. Nearing panic I feel a warm release through my whole body and phase out of consciousness. In what seems to me the very next moment I phase right back in. I am no longer in my room. I am on a table laying face up. There are others around me. I can hear myself in my mind again "Oh god, it's really happening, I'm really here, I'm conscious this time, I'm still conscious".

I am telling myself to not open my eyes --yet at the same time trying to receive visual impressions from my surroundings. It is not working, though, panic is flooding through me. I hear and see an intense, bright white light moving from above the crown of my head slowly down through my feet. It is like I am being scanned. Through the panic I purposely say the word "healing" and phase directly back into my room. I am on the floor curled up on my side. My eyes are closed. I can't tell if I am still out of body. I feel wide awake and in my room but I can still hear all the sounds from where I just was. I can still feel the energy. I can still feel them.

Slowly opening my eyes I feel safe yet both calm and afraid.  Closing them again the space is still warbling.  In my mind I know there is more coming. The vibrations roll over me.

I phase back out of consciousness.

Etheric Body Examinations: Being on the Table

A recurring experience common to my OBEs is one of 'being on the table'.. Scientists, doctors and helper-types are present; they are examining me. Although all this data is present and available, primary in this experience are the fully tangible, very physically felt examination sensations; which regularly are into the female reproductive organs, nose and back of the brain. Through the years in which I have been consciously shifting into the dimensions, roughly once a month or so I will find myself, during a night full of shifts alert within the event of one of these exams. Uncountable times I have woken to the sensation of vigorously attempting to pull something from my nose. ----A surprisingly low number of OBErs report this type of experience.

Reports are so low that I have spoken with only one other experiencer of this-- Tom Campbell. A thoroughly well traveled and accomplished OBEr.  A highly respected, to the point of almost 'revered' elder in the consciousness exploration community.  Who, as an aside, also acknowledges experiencing an awakened Kundalini. Tom's model of reality and metaphors are science oriented.  He relates to his own experience(s) as having been a test, which upon "passing" stopped.  There is clear and present fear within my own experiences, so I do also accept this being a fear test. The question—is if it is only a test. A simulated test with no level of reality to it whatsoever. When I screw up my courage will the exam environment just fade away?

Or....will a whole new dimension of my being open up to me.  In all honesty this is what I myself am screwing my courage up for.  Perhaps, in a sense these are even one and the same thing.  Yet to make a distinction, Tom feels the event of running into other-dimensional free-will experiencers is rare.  I, too, have the feeling that it is rare----yet at the same time feel this is exactly what I am experiencing:  meeting with dimensions beyond the Earth-human dimension.  Specifically, the extra-terrestrial dimensions and occupants of these levels of reality who are in direct relationship with me here in this one.  This is the feeling that comes through to me.  I suspect being on the table is also one of multiple ways I interpret the Kundalini working through my physical system.

The Extra-Terrestrial Reality

Connecting with ETs [extra-dimensionals] and extra-dimensional craft is common within the event of my out-of-body experiences.  A very high percentage of them include various types, and experiential levels of experience on this theme.  Central to the experience is a direct connection with Non-Physical Matter Reality; non-manifest, non-visual reality.  Direct communication with and from It is what seems to open me into multiple layers/dimensions of manifest, visual reality.

In these my Earth-life person is integrating----merging and blending----connecting and coming into contact with occupants of these levels of reality.  I have, in this form boarded multiple craft and met with many different types of beings.  At this level (in this form) I am acclimating to my experience with them.  Alterations to the body system result naturally from the contact and gradually allow a more conscious connection ----the Earth-life form is respected, it's state of health often looked into.

Some of the beings I have met with leave more of an impression than some others.  The first of these, in the order in which they came through is of a humanoid race, uniformed and manning a small, single person craft near our 3D Earth-life boundary.  A defining characteristic of this one is a large bony prominence at the fore and upper head.  This one is very clearly another of me, another of my soul family.  I see myself when I see him.

Another is a golden hued being, extremely tall and intimidating to me.  He is very gentle, he allows me to acclimate to him gradually, skillfully, in a compassionate and caring manner.  In his presence I can barely lift my head.  In our last meeting I was able to let him come closer to me and feel out into his presence ----still cowering in it, however, but progress is being made.  I am not the only of our society acclimating to his level of presence.  There are others here with me in this experience.

The beings most imbued in my awareness are blue-lavender-y hued.. They are themselves more light blue, it is their environment which is lavender, but this gives them the appearance of also talking on a bit of this color.  There is one of this race who sometimes calls out to me with a sound, a musical sound (instrument and song).  It's song is intoxicating and translates in my mind as "be with me, be with me...".  This one is male but I have never seen him directly.

What I am often getting to see is a bit of his environment [world], scout craft and the female scouts who must return me --who are generally somewhat displeased at this caller, saying, firmly, things like 'you are always bringing them here' and 'she cannot stay'.  These beings are very beautiful, long, lean bodies, lovely strides, large round, bulbous heads.  My current feeling is that they are Sirian.  Recently I found this image which closely approximates them. --(*see blog


Through my experiences a vision is beginning to unfold.. Sirian/Orion origins are coming into clearer view which suggest in me a concept some in our society call "Starseeded". ----Yes, spheres within spheres within spheres ----dreams within dreams within dreams.  There is one level of the dream -- the visual level of reality -- in which extra-dimensional members of neighboring star systems have sent representatives of their societies to the Earth-life.  To help raise it up in order to meet it's ultimate potential.  I am one such representative.

I am Starseeded.


Video logs:  (please enjoy)

Extra-Terrestrial Contact: (playlist)

Body Phenomena, Contact, Upgrades/Alterations


Read directly from blog:

People sometimes ask me what relevance the out of body experience has on "real" life.. Everyday, practical, physical reality Earth-life. I understand why the question is asked, and it is a good question to ask. Notably because there is indeed relevance. Coming into the clear awareness of it and thereby helping to extend it increasingly further out into the populous of this level of reality I feel to be of very great, current day importance.

The OBE affects each one uniquely. It impacts each one's personal awareness uniquely. I will share with you how my own personal awareness is being met with and what new experiences I am now grounding----bringing through to [the range of possibility in this particular] physical reality Earth life. Realizing that while grounding the new experiences with more consistent awareness, while very much [also] alive and IN the body, possibility extends into probability.

What began happening with me as immediately as with my first OBE, with the returning of my awareness to a spectrum beyond the physical, is that rote memory, the program running within my awareness which allowed me to experience 3D-human life [only] was being turned off. It is not a program that can synch with multi-dimensional reality experience. Which requires instead what might be called 'present attention' ----an undivided, unobstructed, steady flow of attention.

What transfer value effect does the event of this within the OBE have in the 3D Earth-field?.. Of what practical importance is it to the occupants of this level of reality? It is immense, in truth -(which is the purpose of me beginning with it). To attempt an initial dive-- In OBEs, with me there has been a life altering graduation of connectivity experienced -- between 'subject' and 'object'. Between 'myself' and that which is collectively 'everything else'.

Considering the visual field, the point being "me" in the field and the totality of the field (which includes all occupants) gradually has come to be experienced --literally seen within my visual field-- as a singularity. With what other vision would I be able to be in two or more places in two or more dimensional fields at once; such as the case within the OBE-----my awareness, clearly alert within the physical body location (lying there in the bed) and simultaneously in this second location.

How does the new singularity--view affect the 3D field and my coming to meet it's many occupants with it in tow?.. You may already be coming to see it----- a level of connectivity which is offering the awareness of there being no fundamental division between us---- very little experience of perceived separation and thus the openness / openING through which our discrete energies do flow into and through one another. Sharing----unique expressions of love, compassion and understanding.

The data contained within the exchange is informing us utterly.. Giving probable and possible histories, current purpose/intents, desires, curiosities ---all within an instant----we [may] know one another. We may be more appropriate with one another. If within the process we do not shut down we may find that being in this way inherently makes us less dual, less apt to position ourself against one another-----less war--like. You are seeing it? ----It's absolute importance.

Humanity, in my vision----(to fast forward)----is preparing in this way through individual representatives to re-enter a Larger awareness. A Galactic awareness. Reconnection within a Wider Scope of Reality with our Greater Relations, our patiently awaiting Star brothers and sisters. First we are upping ourselves. Setting down our hostility(ies). Ending the war-- the era of 'evolution through separation' otherwise known as the 'subject' / 'object' illusion.

This is the big picture.


New Abilities, New Systems and Healing Modalities

In OBEs it is very clear to me that I am observing [seeing] without my physical eyes.. In OBEs I have what I call 'vision sight', an 'inner' seeing ability or 'extended' vision, which has a very definite extended range. This vision sight came into my ground level experience here in the Earth life prior to my fully conscious OBEs and helped prepare me for what was coming. It has a transfer [real] value here in the Earth field also.

Vision sight comes from a wider point of awareness than my own.. Wider than this ground level person / personality point of awareness. It has what might be called a 'reverse perception' from my own, seeing things from the inside out, rather than outside in. From the most fundamental, out into multiple layers of detail. Within this vision not only do I see my connection with the Wider point reality, I see and feel my connection(s) with you.

I see the many ways we are 'family'.. If not always in multiple layers of detail (through the dimensions), always at the core. This may translate visually into my field as many various 'additional' forms of light----formations that my attention may sometimes enter and explore in greater detail. These formations can be anything from individual particles, to swirls of color, snowflake-like patterns, portals, vortices, and even 'people'.

What comes to me through them is a communication of information and ideas which help me potentially be of greater assistance here on the planet.. Often I am seeing growth points and potentials. Patterns. Where within a life experience entropy may arise. Where dis-ease may enter. At times I may even shift to those points. Merge with your consciousness field and be there in your experience to help support you.

This is not a special talent, it is something that in my view we are all doing with and for each other just behind the scenes. Just behind our knowing it. All that is new, is that I have begun cognizing the additional level(s), breaking in more consistently on levels of communication [creation] taking place just behind the scenery I am moving through. And realizing that I can be and participate in any number of ways in any of the scenes I am 'related' to.

In the Earth-life scene, if it is asked for I am able to extend any of what is happening out to you.

Within this there is opportunity for healing.


Everyday Practical: Life on the Ground

Through the OBE and subsequent cognizing of 'additional' levels-of-being, I tend to now take things far less personally (always a boon)-- less from my personality point of awareness alone. There are depths and degrees to this. The most amusing being one in which scenarios and situations can be wildly funny. The most pleasant being a gentle radiance of unconditional caring and compassion. These and more step forward with me in my experiences.

On the very curious end of the spectrum there are key/core concepts being integrated within the OBE which translate in highly personal ways into my ground level experience. In the beginning, the Energy created from the aligning of the the inner energy centers of my body translated into an inability to sleep up off the ground. It demanded I move to the floor. This I know to have been a preparatory maneuver, to further open the spine and prepare my body for more.

The transitioning/shifting phenomena has translated into a very decided feeling to be more mobile; road-tripping, traveling.. The experiencing of each 'void' and 'being nowhere in particular' is resulting in the feeling to be living nowhere in particular even here in my ground level experience. For the past year I have not kept my own residence. --(the whole planet is now mine). As a private duty health care worker, taking care of people in their own homes I go from job to job to job.

On days off I go road-tripping --to visit and even help care for ill friends and family. This past year my sister was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Her son, my nephew has severe Cerebral Palsy. Grandma is in end stage Alzheimer's. Etc.. My going to them now is made possible through these translations. I recognize this, and as odd as they may initially seem I know not to resist, or otherwise work against them.

My job and my joy is to simply read them---and step into [my] creation.

The ideal version of everything I have ever dreamed of.

It is happening.

Read directly from my blog --(if you like aesthetics)
It would seem I do not experience as much gravity to the Earth as some (or perhaps even most) other OBErs.. While they work to set down awareness of the physical, in order to stabilize themselves in other environments without 'snapping back', I must maintain full conscious awareness of both---or even more environments simultaneously in order to accomplish the same.

While they use techniques such as looking at their hands, and/or using them to touch something in the new environment in order to more fully connect with it, me doing this creates a vibration in which one environment gives way to another---repeatedly.  I witness---as one landscape somewhat rapidly dematerializes -(demolecularizes).  ---And I shift  t h r o u g h  it clean through into another.  Clean through it into another.  Clean through it into another.

Awareness of the physical while in out-of-body state(s), for me brings it's notable characteristics (solidity, stability) to the new environment(s)- but it does not snap me back here to Earth-life.  I have a few ideas as to why.  1) Within experiences I am connecting first, more directly-more immediately not with 'a place' but with what I am actively perceiving from the physical spectrum as a deeper layer of my own being.  A fundamentally deeper/wider/broader area of consciousness.

This has the tendency to throw my awareness way out into that deeper/wider/broader sphere.  Because the fundamental "I--there", as Monroe uniquely puts it, is simultaneously aware of It's many fractals, in many dimensions and vision fields all at once it is only in the maintaining of something similar that I do stabilize in given experiences.  Yet, this said---nowhere in particular.  And nowhere that is being perceived by me as any more or less real than anywhere else.

Which brings me to 2) perceiving the inherent, fundamental equivalency of the layers (and the frequencies within).  Perceiving the same center, the same ONE, or ONENESS being them all.  Concentricity occurring, yes, but 'no other'.... "One without a second" as the Vedantins say.  A Koan that did sit with me for many long years but now has been broken open.  Realized----even within the multitudes of individual consciousness cells which compose this body.

Put all this together and what do you get? -----(it occurs to me) less gravity.

Less pull than what is normal to Earth-life.


Etheric Drills

In out-of-body experiences, for years I was put through what could be seen as an array of highly personal training programs.. One such program is what I came to call "Etheric Drills".  This is not a conscious shift from the physical, but rather a series of conscious shifts from the etheric.  From within my personal awareness would attempt to be roused.  My personal "job", as it were, would be to come into the awareness of being in an area outside the physical spectrum---this is all.

The moment I came into this awareness, I would shift from the field into another within the same [etheric] layer----repeatedly----over and over and over, often as many dozens of times in a row.  Unless otherwise distracted and from within a field failed to recognize it for what it was.  Then the pattern would break.  Picking up again soon enough.  Immediately from where we left off.  The moment recognition was again made the pattern [/training program] would continue.

In the beginning I did not see the larger picture. I could not for the life of me figure out why I would shift the very moment I realized I was out of body.  I sometimes tried to get sneaky, attempting to keep to myself the fact I was alert.  At times I would achieve a few moments but no more.  I would shift  ---shift---shift---shift---shift---shift.  It grew to be clear where my attention was being directed.  Inevitably I stopped hiding and would just openly shout out into the space "okay!...I'm here".

The ways I would shift are perhaps notable.. The most amusing being a vibrational equivalent to my back belt loop being hooked by a large finger and in this bent over forward limp noodle position being lifted up into the air.  The most common: a quick fade to black and rapid appearance of a new field.  Also common: dematerializing and re-materializing.  So I not only have to cognize new environment(s), but also retain awareness through each new type of shift.

Being alert within the shift(s) grew to be fascinating.. I learned it is in actuality where the totality of everything is principally happening.  Where all that is, IS....well before it is anything in particular.  It is where decisions are being made, where realities are being formed, particular environments, scenarios and characters created---everything---right down to the training program I am now [personally] experiencing in real time.

What is it fot? (I find myself wondering).. (knowing what I come up with from my position supplies the torque that creates the inevitable real-time experience of it as well as how gracefully I traverse the territory between question and answer).  For now I simply look to the evidence.  The training when I do not work against it builds energy, similar to that of sequentially pulling back on a rubber band.  To what end would I want to pull further and further back?  It is clear, yes?

So that when the rubber band is let go awareness shoots further out.. ---(it is indeed happening.)

And [now]----now there are new challenges  ---(are there also new training programs?)

I wonder.


Video Logs:  (please enjoy)
Consciousness Experiment: April Overview
Lucid Events Log 16: Prolonging a Lucid Dream   ---(listen!)


Read directly from my blog. (if you like aesthetics).
Looking in on it from where I am now in time, the process of entering into this makes more sense. The picture is more complete. Years prior to a more total shift in consciousness I began bringing through the idea.. Speaking of it (somewhat ephemerally), penciling (somewhat remedially) images and graphs, teaching it in class while not even truly knowing -or knowing why.

Central to my spiritual disciplines are an array of light and sound practices. Light and sound, light and sound, light and sound. I have been immersed. It is no wonder to me now that from directly within my everyday physical reality life experience new dimensions began arising, meeting me here.. Light [information/data] and even forms, appearing immediately within my visual field.

It is perhaps more usual for people to begin penetrating these layers during sleep, meditation, etc.., when the eyes are more typically closed. ----Similar to when the eyes are open --(however) --there can be perceived 'space' between myself and what I am seeing. OR..... 'space' (the distance between) can be let to rush away, and what I'm seeing be experienced directly in first person. Just as I am now experiencing this discrete 3D physical layer location---directly.

Many OBErs experience this keenly when first laying down to practice. When looking into the blackness in front of their closed eyes, and shifting into it. The two-dimensional experience, looking through the distance into a black wall of sorts alters when the perceived distance is no longer being experienced. An additional, third dimension to the event opens up. Arriving one at that referred to in previous times as the Void, and more modernly "the 3D blackness".

Ground zero for newly re-entering into full multidimensional experience.

Being nowhere in particular, we have a good beginning.


Driving Down Into the Quantum

Shifting consciously, eyes open from the physical reality, fundamentally there is the opportunity to perceive within the experience perception itself turning inside out. To witness the in-focusing of attention as it gently releases from circumference reality and transitions in on itself. How---as it reaches center---Void---it does concentrically pass through it into finer [wider] dimensions, each with their own discrete environments and level of reality.

In some such experiences my awareness initially drives down into the quantum, into subatomic visionscapes --the microcosm of the macrocosm ---zooming in and zooming out not unlike a microscope and telescope. If I stay fully conscious, shifting gradually, there may be the opportunity to witness this phenomena opening out into many various shows---many layers of the light superimposed and manifesting into visual experience as we more commonly know it.

From the 3D blackness, what I may perceive is a single point of light ---then the single point of light within a star field ---the starfield within a blueprint grid ---the blueprint grid within an intricate array of geometric color patterns. These color patterns are what I shift through just prior to arriving in new reality systems. Void<--->-point of light-<--->star field-<--->blueprint grid<----> geometric color patterns<---->arial level view of world<---->ground level view of world.

These are the layers I pass through / merge with as I come (wondrously!) from nothing through the Void into being---fully embodied in some new world. Often these layers remain simultaneously in my awareness throughout the experience. They remain in my awareness, and at times fully in my visual field also in my real time physical reality Earth-life. This may be what lets me shift at times, with greater ease than do most. Certainly the visual enhances point(s) of focus.


The Particle and the Wave

There are two fundamental forms I travel and experience through 1) wave form, and 2) particle form ---the latter contains three primary, notable states: a) point consciousness unassociated with form of any kind, b) point consciousness within the consciousness field of various people/beings/lifetimes and c) full physical embodiment within the lifetimes.

It is in wave form, or what might alternatively be called 'transition' that I am more predominantly aware of experiencing multiple states, multiple levels of reality and reality frames simultaneously. The moment I come into any particular location or particle form there is an alteration in the experience. Cognizing the alteration(s) is challenging. Wording them is equally so.

My observation is still young, not yet developed, but central to it is this.. The whole of what I am cognizing is concentric. Meaning there is no 'outside of' it. Layers within layers within layers, yes, but continually rising up from deeper within and extending [my] awareness further out. Much like cities are within states, states within countries, countries within globes, globes within solar systems----solar systems within galaxies, etc..

Particle form is in my awareness perceived as rising up from within wave form...which seems the priory, the basis of all particularized reality. Notably at the onset of my more regular out-of-body travels I experienced the simultaneity of these, even while fully manifest in particular locations. It took time to feel safe, confident enough to venture purely into particle form -full physical embodiment in the various systems. In truth, it is very rare for me to do this.

Even here now in this Earth-life experience I do not seem to have come as fully in to the body as the genuine Earth-human experiencer. My energy centers have not been as constrained, creating less of a veil, which does inhibit pure 3D experience. What this constraint pattern is doing here I have yet to uncover. Its overall pattern of effect within the current collective pattern is of great curiosity to me. -----but I'm digressing.

Synchronous states.. Multiple levels of reality and reality frames being experienced simultaneously. It is just as in the analogy (cities within states, states within countries, etc...)----the wider terrain does occupy all points contained within it at all times all at once. Not challenging in the least to understand. ...And "as above so below". The idea needs only to be set free, extended into the idea of there being very real, experiencable quantum levels of reality.

Somehow in my experience, within wave form my awareness does extend into a wider terrain. Within which I am often experiencing multiple [given, set] points within. Multiple scenarios, vision fields and reality frames all at once. There is a unique vibratory, frequency quality to the wider terrain. Shifting in toward the particulars alters the frequency quality and to a degree 'minimizes' the experience. The terrains have their own environments, their own visual fields and rule sets.

At a certain point within the narrowing I find myself at 3D physical-reality land.

At the experiencing of myself in one discrete location at a time.



Consciousness in Terms of Brainwaves

The current pattern of understanding I am using is simple.

Physical = Conscious = Ground level view = Beta brainwave (predominant)
Astral = Subconscious = Areal level view = Alpha brainwave (predominant)
Mental/Causal = Superconscious = Geometric color pattern view = Theta/Delta (predominant)

It is perhaps important to note that by subconscious I mean THE subconscious, which includes but is not limited to a personal, private spectrum. The subconscious I more commonly visit is fundamentally a consensus, shared reality territory -(some call it the ET dimensions) -belonging immediately to the Superconscious. And lesser, or less immediately to Entity and it's person/personality streams. Within the more discrete area I am generally learning through simulations.

What I find myself currently in the midst of -- in Earth-life -- is acclimating to holding concurrent waves in my awareness in real time, from the physical, conscious, ground level, beta brainwave predominant state; beginning with the predominant alpha and the predominant beta. Consistent, concurrent waves rising up from within this location is making it challenging for me to remain awake. To keep my eyes open, and otherwise function in this reality.

I feel sleepy, sooo sleepy, but I am gradually acclimating. Holding the waves, holding the awake state. Arriving periodically at tiny equalization points and feeling more of my Total self entering these coordinates. There is a good deal of wonder at where this is going.


To read directly from my blog. -(if you like aesthetics).]

Note: This is my personal story.

Four years ago, in the summer of 2009 I was roused from my sleep near the 2am hour by a clear, distinct, male voice.  By the time I am fully aware of what is happening the voice very simply, authoritatively booms "DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT THE PHYSICAL BODY SYSTEM."  To whom the voice is booming I do not know, although a good many are in this moment discernibly present.  These words echo through me still, as though an instant has not passed since. 

An energy I feel from above the crown of my head begins jellyfishing tangibly down through my body until finally exiting the soles of my feet.  On this single occasion this repeats, and repeats again.  I visually see the energy from within as intense, bright white light.  The overall visual is of being slowly "scanned".  I am in an interesting state of principally awe, yet also shock.  I cannot move.  I am giving my all to gathering data and making useful observation.

I have significant opportunity for this as it turns out --the energy arriving every night for the next three years, the hour before going to bed.  With its arrival, for 3--4 hours at the top of each night I am unable to sleep.  The energy jellyfishes from above the crown of my head down through the soles of my feet.  Completing the circuit, beginning with my feet, bi-laterally the energy begins clearing.  The process is slow and unrelenting and painful.

It takes roughly a month, sometimes two for each segment to fully clear; feet, ankles, shins, calves, knees, lower/mid/high thighs, hip creases.  Each limbic segment seems connected with another through the spinal line contemporaneously being cleared.  Feet linked with crown, ankles with brow, shins with throat--- all working in toward center and meeting at the perineum.  To fully clear the hip creases / perineum takes an additional year and a half.

During these years, from day one comes the ability to shift my focus from physical matter reality into other dimensions.  At a certain point, after hours of clearing there is an amazing thing I know is going to happen.  It is not that I am let to fully leave the physical spectrum (and the work), but rather a vibration is entered in which my attention now delightfully splits into multiple fields, wherein a much fuller spectrum of the work, the clearing and evolution is observed.

Were the splitting off not a new-found ability arriving simultaneously with the energy, I see that it may not have been perceived to this degree as a saving grace.  Within the additional dimensional fields there is likewise much that is equally shocking.  However, central to it all is a personal awe at the event simply happening, as well as a natural, often surprisingly calm curiosity.  The specifics of what is happening within the fields are most always in my awareness secondary to this.

This may be the reason I have been able to continue so consistently with such momentum every night (and day) for years.  Fear never overcoming me, and instead fading into the background of an ocean of awe.  It is true my awe has been greater than my fear ---however, recently, when through one particular experience a core fear, perhpas central to this lifetime became highlighted I called for a bit of breathing room so that I might look into it at an abbreviated pace.

I have been moving at the slower pace the past year... The K continuing, yet my awareness being brought in on only what is absolutely necessary.  Throughout this period I have been observing more closely the alterations in the way I now perceive and experience physical reality; Earth-life reality.  Which is more dream-like now than ever before.  Notably in the way it occurs simultaneously in my awareness with incoming data from multiple other fields.

Reality and dream have merged in my awareness.  No field, regardless of dimension being any more or less than any other.  All----absolutely----equivalents falling together.  This is dizzying in its effect on my person.  Which I now realize through various dimensions to be a construct.  Even while not yet fully cognizing the extent of what this means.  Yet making new discovery every day.  Into visible spectrums, visual fields.  Reality and the way it works.


Kundalini top-down activations, in contrast with the perhaps more common base-to-crown activation are with their own unique set of characteristics.  There is not much said about them on the internet, perhaps because they have in fact been more rare.  For this reason, in the spirit of it someday being of help to someone I wish to share my personal experience, perceptions and insight.

Kundalini activations are unique, no two being exactly alike, perhaps namely because they are experienced and perceived through unique systems [beings/people/constructs/constraints].  In my personal case, the top-down activation included the following notable characteristics due to the upper energy center's minimized constraint patterns more fully activating in my awareness first:

  A transpersonal view primary to simultaneous personal view(s)
  Reversed perception; finer, subtle fields primary in awareness to the more physical fields
  An extended range of vision and capacity to view in increased dimensions
  A capacity for holding multiple states/realities simultaneously, each with distinct vision fields
  Trans-dimensional communication; various forms of channeling, speaking, writing
  Spontaneous healing; Visioning new healing modalities
  Contemporaneous space, contemporaneous time

With the awareness center [ajna] activated in my awareness, one of the first things I began realizing is that it had always been open.  I simply didn't recognize the related phenomena to be anything "special" or out of the norm ---(until the K came through in my 40s to show me).  As a child, all the way through to my 30s I could "walk my dreams".   My dreams did not necessarily stop when I got up to start my day.  I could walk in both realities, both vision fields simultaneously.

Always I could see visual phenomena behind closed eyes, and my eyes did not have to be closed in order to see it ---(I had no idea others didn't).  I began cognizing this more completely in my late 30s, a decade prior to the Kundalini.  That things appeared in my visual field, various forms of light that did not appear in others'.  I began remembering spontaneous healings from my youth and early 20s.  As well as shifts through the Void, into what I called "the land of the elementals". 

Everything is gradually coming back.

Curious to me is that it does not seem I ever quite came as fully into the body, with as much of the veil in place as the genuine Earth-human experiencer --(unless previously and this is an evolution).  My energy centers have not been as constrained.  My constraint pattern is significantly different.  I wonder what purpose this constraint pattern has in this system.  What it is doing here.  I would like to know, to see a kaleidoscopic view of its overall pattern of effect.

As I write this, an energy vortex---a fervid, fast moving whirling mass of something at back of my head creates a falling-without-ever-landing sensation.  I swim in this sensation near constantly these days.  It is my ground.  My new ground.  Gradually I am acclimating.  The extreme dizziness, confusion and nausea are fading and I am becoming less physically symptomatic in its regard as I equalize to the new energetic and physiology. 

I am much larger than normal and not able to eat much, but what I am able to eat creates sensation within me which is very pleasant, and which allows it in my awareness to be substantial (absolutely more than enough).  I am having challenges wearing my glasses.  I've been leaving them off for increased periods during the day.  Intuition tells me my physical vision may be self correcting.  I am playful with this idea.  So we will see.

My physical challenges and changes will continue to be reported.

Personal experiences, perceptions and insight.

Isn't it funny how when we're dreaming we do not know we are dreaming.  We think that was is happening is our everyday life.  You are thinking this right now, right?  There is a technique some lucid dreamers use to help trigger lucidity.  To help heighten awareness and alert to the fact that they are dreaming.  It does often work, maybe we should all try it right now.  Right here, right now.

Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid Dreaming: Evolution
August 13, 2013, 20:07:13

When your lucid dreaming begins informing, and even changing who you are as a person here in this Earth life experience this is when it begins reaching its full potency and potential; when its real work, and importance becomes clear.  As many already know, the idea is to not just go in there but to bring back the data, to integrate it and BE the change.  To BE in a new way right here.


[video description]

Many people come to ask this question.. Many do even come to state it as fact, yet while exhibiting various levels of understanding, based on current depth of experience.  The shift from an "object" perceived reality to a "subject" perceived reality is not an easy shift to make but is critical to personal level evolvement and can be likened to a shift from dreaming to lucid dreaming.  To a shift from where the focus is on the appearance to the ONE who is behind the appearance.  When this at first happens the appearance [world] does not go away, but rather the perception of it being "outside" you goes away.  From here there can be concentric shifts into spectrums of "you" that will both delight and astound.

It is something I began asking spontaneously with the onset of my experiences.., it has taken me years to get even remotely clear. In the video linked to I share how I experience it, and the fundamental context I see all [my] OBEs happening within.  This may be found helpful by those still working through fears related to initially 'going out', as well as others, who experience it similarly and even differently.

Every now and again in OBEs I will receive a full body examination. Everything gets looked into and checked, if there is anything awry in the physical system it seems it gets corrected. Periodically I receive upgrades, like to my vision. So far to-date I have not been able to open my eyes [receive visual data] during one of these experiences, which may be in part due to the lingering effect of one of my first OBEs, which as fate would have it was one of these exams. I'm wanting to work through this, let go of the fear of opening my eyes so I can I enjoy the full sensory experience.  I'm wondering if anyone here gets "physicals" too.., and if so what your experience of them is.
(here's the full video relay of the event yesterday morning)

It seems I am now able to induce OBEs, consciously at will, at a near 100% success rate by [the specific means of] instigating a dialogue with my inner layers.. Laying down to practice early mornings I've begun purposefully asking....."Is there anyone here who has a message for me?, or something of importance I need to know. I am here to get my mail". What is happening is absolutely amazing.

Give a listen if you're interested, maybe even give it a try!


What am I to make of it when another me, another 'Casey' comes to wake me up in the inner realms?.. Are we all parallel timelines reconnecting into a singularity at this level of experience, a simple visual technique used by my inner layers, my own personal perception of a deeper reality, all of the above?.. My current view is clarifying through experiences such as this one.

Is anyone here having OBEs into future probabilities pertaining to earth changes?, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc..  Currently I am being taken in to experience many, all water/tsunami related off the west coast of California.  Maybe because I live here? (I dunno).  Do any of you live in coastal cities?  The first tsunami I experienced was taking place in San Francisco, the next, which I experienced just days ago was right here off the Santa Monica coastline.  This morning, in a half symbolic, half practical kind of way I was shown how close I am to this event.  I was given an arial view showing the waterline literally in my backyard.  I don't know what to make of these yet.  They are persistent, they keep happening.


I am posting this query everywhere I can think, the frequency of these events is growing so it is feeling increasingly more pertinent.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights.

I came across this video series today, thought it might be helpful to some here.  A man named David J Hufford is being interviewed:
(I playlisted it on my page for easy listening)

Just started watching myself..

I am learning more about filters the conscious, human mind applies in OBEs in order to handle situations and events so far outside the scope of physical matter reality that the non-application of such could lead to trauma. In a recent Experience I was encouraged by a visiting friend to let go the filter I'd been applying, and in releasing it discovered my friend was extra terrestrial, and that we were somewhere other than where I was picturing us to be.

Here's the video relay for anyone interested--

October 21-22, 2011

It is my day off and I am laying in late to see what I can bring through.
Sleep is interrupted 4 times in the night- total sleep time prior to the following is 9 1/2 hours


I am feeling a particular sensation I relate with shifting, it may be in the family of sleep paralysis but nothing like the full physically experienced event many people go through.  It is being felt from the expanded state and is something like a magnetic pull.  It is firm but not forceful and very pleasant.  I feel myself shift from the physically experienced body to the vibrationally experienced body.  Sounds move clean through me, causing ripples of activity in the same way as stones thrown into a pond.  After about an hour I find myself surfacing inside.

Tactile sensations abound, there is no visual imagery yet but I am aware I am in the front bathroom on the floor in front of the commode.  I feel hands slide the length of either side of my spine, over my butt and down the backside of my legs while the voice of Thomas Campbell fades in mid-sentence, and continues on for a sentences more.  I am so captured by the hands and the voice being of someone I know that the details of what is being said are not retained beyond this point.  I do hear them, but lose them immediately as the experience continues.  The next sensation feels like hundreds of hands rummaging through me at my center.  I hear myself non-verbally " is too much, I don't know what this is, what is happening?".  Immediately I am taken under.

From what I non-visually perceive as a long, rectangular shaped room I find myself in a mass of happenings.  It takes me awhile to go through it into something specific.  I come across a group, or cluster, within which a certain trio, a woman and two men are becoming highlighted.  I am coming in on their conversation.  One of the men fades in mid-sentence "......then why do we lose so many of us due to insurance reasons" he says.  And then, non-verbally from another "It's such a waste"..  This latter is in regard not only to what the previous man said, but also to the left-over belongings that pile up in this area, never/rarely to be used or seen again.

The trio is working with me, but they are having casual, at least somewhat unrelated conversation- the way we do ourselves at times when we are at work.  So I am aware of multiple environments, the room where I am being worked with and a few others arising from within the conversation.  In the middle of this, from nowhere I hear myself think "Thomas Campbell", and the voice of Thomas Campbell again fades in.  This time he is addressing a question and is explaining -[something]- as it is related to government.  Again, I am so taken by the fact that the rising thought hooked me right up, so immediately, the details of what is said become lost. 

I feel myself becoming agitated- I am with the trio pronouncedly again yet it is like they are working while not even acknowledging my presence.  Like a surgeon who is solely focused on the task, and not the person.  I feel it important to alert them to my presence.  So they give appropriate care and consideration.  I focus very strongly on this and begin to feel the sensation of pushing my face through, until I come eye-to-eye with the woman.  I have full visuals now.  The woman is young, slight/petite with medium blonde hair.  For reasons unknown to me her back teeth (the upper molars) are coming to the fore of my attention.  It is almost like they are painted in the way fingernails are painted, in french manicure style.  The teeth are small, even, clean, porcelain-like.

With no surprise on the woman's part at all, without blinking or skipping a beat she looks right into me and says in a kind voice "God you really love him, don't you?".  With a good deal of focus, to remain neutral and pronounce well / be clear I put through the question "Who?".  The woman says "R____y Brown".  I think for a moment and say "Do you mean Charlie Brown?"  She searches and quickly comes back ", I mean the man, Rodney Brown".  I say "I have not yet met a Rodney Brown".  "Well we'll see", she says, and then to the others "Come on, we've got to get the baby in(side)".  During this time it has felt we were in the back of a car, and that we are going into the house now.  With this I shift back into the physical.

Was this an entrance into another life?  Was I going in after someone? -(interesting).  Many questions.


Last night before going to bed, in the mix of everything else running through my mind I was remembering one of my first out of body experiences, where the voice of Graham Hancock was used.  I was thinking how this worked to get my attention, because he has such a commanding voice.  Easy to remember.  At the time, I am also listening to a talk given by Thomas Campbell that is uploaded to his youtube page.  I was thinking he, too, has a commanding, easy to remember voice.  As I laid down to go to bed, as I do most nights I closed my eyes and put through the questions I would like answered during the night.  The principle question this night being "Why do I often not remember details of conversations had while consciously out of body?"  I said I would like a remedy to this, and be able to bring full awareness of dialogue back through with me to the physical.  This morning's experience goes a long way in answering this for me.

Welcome to Dreams! / Video: Prolonging a Lucid Dream
September 12, 2010, 19:54:11

As my lucid experiences become increasingly more regular certain details and points of interest are standing out.  In this video I share ideas related to prolonging lucidity in non-physical environments- and the importance of spotting the various reasons you may be transitioning from one location to another, most specially those which are contrary to resist. 

*Stabilizing in an environment begins @ 9:31


I gotta ask, if you don't mind answering.....

Is there any reason in particular you switched into the eagle avatar for those few days?

The reason I ask is because that very image began coming through to me, strong and clear, the evening prior to me coming here to see it by your name.  It was you, right?- the eagle is gone now (and always a chance I was imagining things, or in an alternate reality).   :lol:

I very rarely go out of body anymore -in the same way I used to, where I feel myself float up toward the ceiling, etc..  Instead, as I am transitioning I am feeling weightless and vibrational, wave-like.  I am not losing my sense of body, but the way I am experiencing my body is shifting.  I feel myself as a warm, deep, low rolling hummmm- as what I call blisswaves..  Within this I am feeling a very definite pulse, or pulsing, looong, and slow.  Like a strong ujjayi exhale, and then pause.  This goes on for some time until energy is sufficiently raised.  But it is not me -meaning Casey- who is doing this.  It is absolutely internal to me.  I will then begin to be rotated and turned.  For instance, to me, what feels like 'upside down', or any other degree of rotation.  My senses then come in and I find myself fully in a new environment.

Is anyone else experiencing themselves expanding into new environments this way?

I have been looking around but have not found anything.