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Topics - Frank


Sorry folks, have had computer problems and subsequent difficulties getting online the past couple of weeks, but the hardware issues will be sorted soon. I just borrowed a friend's computer to stick this notice up so I've got a limited time window. But regards to everyone and it will be Phasing as usual before not too long.

Dear all:

We have a new pool on API. It's rather nice as you have the pyramid as a backdrop. Has been a bit of a rush to get it finished in time for the up and coming weekend, but the lads completed it as promised, lol.


All members please note:

Due to the sheer numbers of off-topic posts, it has been found necessary to issue further guidelines to people who wish to post in this section. It clearly states under the topic heading, "This is a special forum, where requests for healing can be placed, that prayers and healing energy may be sent.

Therefore, please post in this section only if your motives for posting match any of the following two statements:

1) If you wish to place a request for healing.

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If your motives for posting match any of the above two statements then you are welcome to post in this special forum.


If you have questions you would like to ask on the topic of self-healing, for example, questions about how to help cure yourself of long-standing health problems, chemical addictions, depression, headaches, insomnia, weight problems, etc. Or if you would like to publish your own healing experiences, or talk about anything to do with healing generally, you are more than welcome to do so. But please use the Healing Discussions section.

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As has been pointed out in a previous announcement, it can often take great courage for people to post their healing requests in the first place, and it goes without question to apply decorum and sensitivity when posting replies. The moderator team are, of course, fully aware that the great majority of members realise this and we are speaking of a small minority.

There is simply no room in this section for "joke" posts, for example, such as the one I saw recently to a young woman about to have an operation on a suspected breast cancer, saying, "if the treatment causes your hair to fall out then you can have mine." I'm sorry, that's just not funny.  

Any responses in this forum section not conforming to the guidelines in this notice, will be deleted without reference to the poster in question.

Thank you for your understanding and for your cooperation.



The term "phasing" was originally coined from an idea presented by the author Robert Monroe who spent much of his physical lifetime researching obe phenomena. His early work, detailed in his first book Journeys Out of the Body, followed very traditional lines of study. Such that strong parallels can be drawn between his experiences detailed in that book, and the work of the traditional mystics.

However, his later books Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey, published many years later, reveal how his work had progressed to the development and formation of a completely different model of consciousness. His early "locale" concept had been totally replaced by a series of mental Focus Levels. These levels were labelled by using an escalating series of arbitrary numbers. Each level was identified from the mental impressions presented that Monroe categorised and labelled, so that others could follow in his work and duplicate his experiences.

At some point in his experience, Monroe was able to determine the profound truth, that there is no separation within consciousness. Whereas in his early work it felt to him he was "leaving" and "separating" from his physical body in the more traditional sense. His later experiences led him to conclude that he was not "leaving" his body at all. But what he was doing, in his words, was changing the phase relationship between himself and his surroundings. It was from this discovery that the term "Phasing" came into being.

Monroe was an electronics engineer by profession, and it so happens that I too graduated in electronics, so I understand where he was coming from when he talks about phase relationships. You can have two voltages present on the very same wire (you can have many numbers but for this example we'll have just two). To all intents and purposes, those two voltages are mixed, but at the same time they are separated. What separates these two voltages is the phase-angle relationship between them.

Monroe used this phase-angle relationship idea as an analogy to describe the relationship between the physical or objective layer of consciousness, and the non-physical or subjective layer of consciousness. Each respective area of consciousness occupies the same area in "space" and to all intents, they are mixed but at the same time they are separated. So Monroe figured there was a 180-degree Phase Relationship between the two areas of reality. To him, projection became a case of "switching phase" between the physical and the non-physical.  

Phasing, therefore, entails initiating a 180-degree phase shift between the physical and the non-physical realms of reality. The way this is done is rather different from the traditional ways of initiating an "out of body" experience. In fact, Phasing does not incorporate any kind of out of body feelings at all. The normal bodily vehicle can remain and all that changes is a person's environment.

The key to Phasing is to just let the experience flow. You need to allow yourself to become it, as opposed to trying to go to it, or point to it, with some kind of "method". Just lay back and simply become it. At which point people usually say, "Yeah, but Frank it's okay for you but when I close my eyes all I see is blackness. "Well, that is all I see at first!"

I think often that people are too hasty to discount these initial stages, and they just go off on some method.

When I close my eyes all I see is blackness. But I think the essential difference between me and many beginners is when they close their eyes they are not really noticing. And that's another key to it... that of noticing self. I think people become too wrapped up in methods and techniques, and it prevents them from really noticing themselves.

Okay, so as I say, when I close my eyes all I see is blackness, which is normal. I'll wriggle around a bit to get comfortable, maybe my knee is itching and my hair is tickling my ear or something. So I'll sort all that out and just concentrate on breathing gently for 5 minutes or so. Now, because I am noticing as opposed to avidly trying to perfect and follow some technique or method, in the traditional sense, my full attention is taken by the simple act of noticing.

I read a post today where someone keeps trying and they are saying about how they are concentrating upon holding their awareness outside of themselves, and at the same time they are concentrating on "raising energy" and doing everything correctly, and whatever... but nothing is happening. That's right, because all their attention is fixated elsewhere, whereas all my attention is fixated on noticing.

Noticing what?

Well, nothing at first, there's not much to see really but blackness. But then, after a short while, I may see that perhaps one part of the blackness is not quite so black. Perhaps there was just a brief flash of something, then maybe a sensation of a movement somewhere else. Maybe I just heard someone call my name. Hmm, that's interesting, I might think, I wonder where that came from. But I don't get too curious I just keep noticing. I might see swirling areas of not quite so black as the rest. I might see flashes of this and that. As I am offering myself these images, my attention is steadily becoming more fixated within.

As my attention becomes fixated within, from the act of noticing, at this stage I am not aware of my physical body. Part of my awareness realises that somewhere in the background is a physical body, in bed, etc. but I have phased away from it. Before, the forefront of my awareness was my physical and 180 degrees turned around from that, in the background of my awareness, was the non-physical. But now there has been a "phase shift" i.e. a turning through 180 degrees. Now, my previous foreground (physical) is my background, and my previous background (non-physical) is my foreground.

This is what is meant by "phasing" because you cause a 180-degree Phase Shift between the non-physical and the physical. As I say, Monroe first coined the term as he was an electronics engineer and he was picturing it like it were two voltages, 180 degrees out of phase with each other. Hence he coined the term Phasing. But I guess people generally have difficulties picturing two voltages 180-degrees out of phase with each other. So, instead, imagine a revolving door that is the entrance to a building. Any old building, it doesn't matter.

You are standing outside the building. So the "outside" is your reality. You are aware of a reality that exists inside the building, but is closed to you by the door. Now, go through and turn the door 180 degrees and stop (oh, in case anyone doesn't know there are 360 degrees in a circle, so 180 degrees is half a circle). Now, you are inside the building. So the "inside" is your reality. You are aware of a reality that exists outside the building, but it is closed to you by the door. Now again go through and turn the door by 180 degrees, and stop. So now, the "outside" is your reality again.

Each time you go though the door and turn through 180 degrees, there is a 180-degree "phase shift" between your awareness of the outside and your awareness of the inside, in terms of your reality.

Okay, so as my attention becomes fixated within, from the act of noticing, this causes a 180-degree phase shift between my awareness of the physical (outer) and my awareness of the non-physical (inner) sense of reality. So from then on, I continue to notice anything that may come about. I'm not all that curious, I'm not trying to make anything happen, I'm not enacting some kind of method or technique, I'm simply looking within and noticing what is taking place, and the act of doing that is focusing my attention.

As a person focuses their attention within themselves, through the action of noticing, they allow themselves to view "snippets" of other dimensions of reality. This action is translated objectively as the perception of flashes of all manner of this and that, random images that come and go, all kinds of spurious sounds, and so forth. Doing this is the equivalent of quickly taking a peek around a corner to snatch a glance, as I said earlier, then we step back double-quick to the safe ground we were at before.

I think, ultimately, what people who follow the Phasing approach need to be realising is: the other dimensions of reality only seem to be objectively separated. But in reality, there is no separation in consciousness. We place a veil between the place we call "here" and the place we call "there" for the purposes of our experience. However, all these dimensions of reality are all affecting, entwined, and exchanging energy with us within every moment of our existence! It's just that we objectively CHOOSE not to view this action.

By following the action of noticing, what you are saying to yourself is: "Okay, self, I would like to objectively choose to view this action for a while."

I hope this helps. If you have any further questions then by all means ask on the main forum.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Somethingawful link...
January 01, 2005, 10:59:22
For anyone wanting a bit of a laugh, if you are into zany humour and you haven't come across it before, here's a link to a chuckle or two:


About twice a day, mainly when my Popupstopper blocks a popup, I get a small window coming up that says a "runtime error" has occured and do I wish to debug, Yes or No? So I click on No and everything works as normal.

Is there a way I can switch this off?

Once, out of sheer curiosity, I clicked yes and it loaded some kind of Microsoft debugging utility which I hadn't seen before. I think what my system is detecting are missing bits in the programs of some of the websites I visit. I'm sure it's not my machine that is faulty.

Thing is, I never do want to debug, so I'm thinking there must surely be a way of just setting the default answer to No so it never comes up.

Any pointers will be gratefully received.


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There was a question about the B.Moen method on this BBs just recently and I happened to notice a chat session with the man himself at 9pm ET:

I'm not exactly sure how ET relates to UK time. But I would recommend for beginners at Astral projection to try and ask a question or two... if your time-zone allows.

Reason being, full-blown Astral projection is generally a heck of a tricky thing to accomplish (which Mr Moen accepts). But he developed a method which he calls, "Focussed Attention".

This is a method which holds the promise of bringing a person many of the advantages of being able to explore non-physical realms, but with the minimum of hassle-factors (such as those posed by what people call "negs" for example).



A woman was very distraught at the fact that she had not had a date or any sex in quite sometime. She was afraid she might have something wrong with her, so she decided to employ the medical expertise of a sex therapist.

Her doctor recommended that she go see Dr. Chang, the well known Chinese sex therapist. So she went to see him.

Upon entering the examination room, Dr. Chang immediately said, "Okay, now take off all your crose."

The woman did as she was told.

"Now, get down and craw reery reery fass to odder side of room."

Again, the woman did as she was instructed.

Dr. Chang then said, "OK, now craw reery reery fass back to me."

So she did.

Dr. Chang slowly shook his head and said, "Your probrem vewy bad, you haf Ed Zachary Disease, worse case I ever see. Dat why you not haf sex or dates."

Confused, the woman asked, "Oh my God, Dr. Chang, what is Ed Zachary Disease?"

Dr. Chang looked the woman in the eyes and replied, "Ed Zachary disease is when your face rook Ed Zachary rike your butt."



Mr Bush, the President, was visiting a school in the USA. In the middle of a discussion relating to words and their meanings, the teacher asked the President if he would like to lead the class in the discussion of the word, "tragedy." So the illustrious leader promptly asked the class for an example of a "tragedy."

One little boy stands up and offers, "If my best friend next door was playing in the street and a car came along and ran him over, that would be a tragedy."

"No," said Bush, "that would be an ACCIDENT."

A little girl then raised her hand, saying: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone involved, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," said the President, "that's what we would call a GREAT LOSS."

The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. President Bush searches the room.

"Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"

Finally, at the very back of the room, a small boy raises his hand.

In a quiet voice he says, "If an American Air-Force plane, carrying Mr & Mrs Bush, were struck by a missile and blown to bits by a terrorist like Osama bin Laden... that would be a tragedy."

"Fantastic!" Bush exclaimed, "that's right. And can you tell me WHY that would be a TRAGEDY?"

"Well," said the boy, "because it wouldn't be an accident, and it certainly would be no great loss."



It has been reported that Osama bin Laden was captured this morning at 4:22 AM Pacific Standard Time by US Special Forces.

The prime suspect of the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, bin Laden, was captured at gunpoint, as he fled an underground passage in a remote mountainside of southern Afghanistan.

Alliance troops, who witnessed the events unfold, explained that moments earlier United States war planes had sprayed liquid Viagra across the southern Afghanistan countryside, and the little prick just popped up!

English humour... can you credit it guys & gals.


To avoid making these kinds of mistakes and coming to potentially damaging conclusions, it is doubly essential to get a good understanding of the various ground rules that apply: preferably before you begin to project.

Great idea for a topic!  [^]

What 'ground rules', including the ones you list in the above post, can you think of?   What are some techniques we can use to train ourselves over time for astral objectivity?
I thought it would have happened sooner.  He was going really strong there when I first signed on, but then kinda dropped off.  Itleast he is still on the first page of the members list, which is listed by number of posts.  Unlike some of the, ahem, other moderators.
Originally posted by Frank
In less than a month Mayatnik's post is set to go tops over even the previously considered "unbeatable" Ki-Ball thread.

And it certainly deserves to!!!
A very big thank you to Mayatnik for all of the tireless work you've put in there.  And also, thanks to everyone who has contributed to the thread and made it that much more complete.  [:)]

Thanks for the post Frank. I did go ahead and order two of the books: Bringers of the Dawn and The Pleiadian Agenda. Frankly, I know next to nothing about all this, however am looking forward to reading about it.

With respect to all the posts and activity on the pendulum at the Astral Consciousness forum, I don't know. For some reason I don't feel compelled to use a pendulum at this time. Maybe later, who knows?

Very best,
I agree with Frank on this one, come on people grow up, we're all here for a reason, not to insult each other.
Hi Frank,
I've only just spotted your post here, so I'm responding to your 'question' – but it is a BIG question, so bear with me as I try to explain the way it is.....

First of all, I appreciate your candour, and the fact that, as you say, you are "not really a UFO buff" and I must say there is quite a degree of "chuckle-value" in what can be read out there on the Internet and in many books that are prominently displayed in bookstores to ring the cash registers.  Frankly, the pulp press makes a lot of money out of hyping-up 'strange encounters' of any kind and the plethora of such incidents in their bewildering diversity does nothing to gain the acceptance of the ordinary man in regard to any 'reality' that may lie behind such stories.  However the serious researcher (not the UFO seeking version of the train-spotter) largely disregards such material and digs deeper to find the real truth behind it all –and there is a wealth of information that points clearly and irrefutably to visitation in our history from 'the heavens'.  Drawings on the cave walls of the Neolithic period have been carbon dated and show clearly depictions that can not be anything else other than what we would describe as 'spacemen' and aliens in general.  Zecharia Sitchin, in his translations of thousands of Ancient Texts gives us a detailed picture of such visitations, interactions with humans, and what they did – including the making of man, by genetic manipulation, in the Edyn (or Garden of Eden, as the later to be written Bible names it) which is located 100 hundred miles south of Baghdad.  In the same area is clearly described in those texts a spaceport and also a Command Centre which the people of the time, the Sumerians, were familiar with and wrote about.  Their references to 'angels' in fact described flying vehicles that had advanced technology in the way they operated, and this is described in the texts.  What came to be eventually written, following the later Babylonian texts, was a much condensed version which we know as the Bible, and from which time it became further corruped and misinterpreted (along with many mistranslations of the original words) so that the view of Christianity bears no resemblance to the actual facts originally known by the Sumerians.  In this modern day we therefore have a very strange notion of angels floating around on clouds, and a 'God' who does not seem to do anything but be there to be worshipped, and 'appeared' to Moses with a collection of Commands to be obeyed.  The whole thrust, in the last 1700 years or so since Christianity was 'officially' adopted by Rome, has been the Fear factor – do, or else.  And any attempt to investigate the real truths has been consistently squashed.  The Vatican has in its vaults to this present time many ancient texts that will never see the light of day, and over 90% of the Dead Sea scrolls have been supressed from publication.  However, from what has been published (often at the expense of learned professors being reviled and threatened) we have more than sufficient from those thousands of texts to indicate conclusively that we have been 'watched over' by extra-terrestrial Beings (who are named in the original texts as the 'Watchers', and many other words when accurately translated add to the picture – words such as the 'Ark' in its original means 'submersible-vessel', a submarine capable of surviving the massive Tidal Wave that rushed northwards from the antarctic at that time (and which scientists now estimate to have been so high that the twin mountains that Noah – original name Utmapishtim – was guided towards as being the only place of dry land and safety).  Ancient maps have also been found that show land contours of the antarctic in great detail and accuracy – something that has not been possible until very recently to do, since it can only be done from satellite orbit.  Since the antarctic has been covered, in our known history, with ice sheets that obscure the land detail completely, then those anncient maps could only have been drawn by a very highly skilled civilization and even then only from data obtained high above the earth's atmosphere to obtain such detail.  Sitchin is only one of many who have researched deeply into our origins and discovered the extra-terrestrial link with man.  Others include:

Robert Temple's <THE SIRIUS MYSTERY: New scientific evidence for Alien contact 5,000 years ago>

Alan F. Alford's <GODS OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM: The shattering Truth of human origins>

Peter Le Mesurier's <GODS OF THE DAWN: The Message of the Pyramids and the True Stargate Mystery>

David Furlong's <THE KEYS TO THE TEMPLE: Pyramids, Ley Patterns and the Atlantean Heritage>

Mark Vidler's <THE STAR MIRROR: The extraordinary discovery of the Reflections between Heaven and Earth>

Ann Madden Jones'
<THE YAHWEH ENCOUNTERS: Bible Astronauts, Ark Radiations and Temple Electronics>

The cover of the above book states clearly:
"This is NOT Science-Fiction" – and the author is certainly no 'crank', possessing degrees from two major US Universities.  She rips apart the conventional fabric of the Bible in this controversial book that examines, from an expert view of Nuclear-Physics, the events surrounding the giving of the Ten Commandments and exactly what happened regarding the Ark of the Covenant (as a result of which misuse 64,000 people died) and detailing much that, in this scientific investigation of great depth, cannot be ignored regarding Extra-Terrestrial involvement in the early history of the Jewish people.

What we find in all of the above excellently compiled works (often taking years of painstaking research at source) is a vast wealth of proof that very high technology was used in the creation of such as the pyramids to a degree of accuracy that cannot even to this day be matched by our so-called hi-tech society, quite apart from the sheer impossibility of even our sophisticated machinary to transport and errect stones at great height on top of other stones, each one weighing up to 200 tons.  Similarly, looking at sites such as Stonehenge and other ancient 'sacred' locations we find – according to the best surveyors who researched and wrote their conclusions – that they are all built according to what is called 'Sacred Geometry', and that they fit exactly onto a twin overlapping circles if drawn on a map.  This is precision of the highest order, and begs the question as to why they should have been sited accordingly and also along ley lines.  Other sites around the world exhibit the same high degree of precision – some, indeed, could only have been planned from outer space because their symmetry of lines in absolute accuracy is not obvious at ground level where they cover many miles.  So, we have not only been visited, it must be concluded, but also helped in this and many other things in our history.  When the reader has perused in detail the contents of these serious works the reaction must be a gasp leading to awe at what man has blithely been unaware of until recently.  I present the above merely as a 'pen-sketch' background to dealing with your main question, for it to be better understood.

You ask about the Pleiadians, saying:
<<" From what I have read, these people are some kind of ancestors of ours and they visit us regularly. Is this true?">>

There is a misconception in the first part of your question, but regarding the second part, Yes – they do visit us regularly, although in recent years they can be said to be here constantly, encamped as it were, out there in space... around 100,000 miles away but in a 'higher dimension' so cannot be seen.  Their location is convenient for the short-range craft they send out and which is popularly termed UFOs or 'flying saucers', and these of course can dock on the Mothership.  Great chuckle-factor so far, no?  I tell you this, in stark words, because man is dealing here with the Unknown, something beyond man's scientific-based capability to comprehend.  Yet, there is a common-sense factor that should be applied when looking at things that are completely new to man's perception.  The first step is to notionally accept this as a 'foundation' to explore other 'realities'.  From that standpoint then we can begin to examine the further questions that arise.  Without that standpoint there can only be flights of fancy of what is presented, disregarding some 'facts' and accepting others.  What is required is a foothold to a higher perspective, a kind of scaffolding of the mind to reach new frontiers of its exploration, shedding conditioning and pre-conceived notions, but maintaining common-sense:  "Does this make sense?" people should ask.  If so, then however strange, it is not impossible, but only unknown to us in our present perception; and in that way, our perception enlarges.

I, of course, as a Channeler, have had it all explained to me over a long period of time (I have been engaged in this for 8 years now, learning all the while – and getting a firm 'foothold' at each perspective in order to reach higher in perception.  This has been a gradual process, because it is not a matter of 'blind faith' in what I receive telepathically; instead, it is knowledge questioned until I firmly comprehended such new 'realities'.  And, believe me, I really 'grilled' my extra-terrestrial teachers with questions, diving down every nook and cranny of what they told me, to ascertain to my satisfaction the validity of what was being revealed.  "You gave us a hard time," they admitted finally.  But, finally I had grasped those higher perspectives and knew beyond a shadow of doubt what it was really all about.  I did not get there by skepticism, but rather by positive questioning and respect at all times.  When I had been told a considerable amount, I was then directed to go to a large bookstore where, to my surprise, I was taken directly to a shelf - I could not see the books clearly unless 2 inches away, so my guide told me to just run my hand along until she said, "stop".  The book I first picked out in this manner was on the very subject we'd been talking telepathically about the previous night.  I had not, until that time of visiting the bookstore, been aware that there was any such thing as 'channeling', nor had I looked or been aware of any books on pyramids, ancient texts or suchlike; I simply had not thought such things would be in print, nor indeed had any interest in those things until my guide started to tell me about them.  That 'procedure', of telling me things and then the following day letting me 'find' books that had the information in them was repeated many times, until I had a catalogue of books that others could refer to to save me having to explain the 'basics'.  From what I managed to read in those books with my very limited eyesight (it takes me a full exhausting day to read two pages maximum at 2 inches away) I was astounded at the correlation.  Quite a few things that I had been told by my guide were not in the books, though the 'general' backround often was.  I was told that my 'job' would be to help people fit the pieces of the jig-saw puzzle together, from all that was available, and adding new channeling as and when required for it to be revealed – which brings me to the present time.  There are several extremely useful channeling books that will provide the reader encountering all this for the first time with a very good and cohesive background to what the Pleiadians (and other groups – there are 5 main groups involved) are doing, and why.  This all fits together with the research that learned people have done recently, along with free-thinking scientists, archaeologists and many other fields of discipline, to give a 'picture' that common-sense can relate to, even though it is beyond man's ordinary perception.

I said, regarding the first part of your question, Frank, that there is a misconception about the Pleiadians being our ancestors.  They, in fact, were responsible for overseeing the creation of Man.  Other extra-terrestrial species of Beings, below the level of the Pleiadians (who are 6th Density) have worked on what the Pleiadians call the 'Experiment' of Man.  This Earth is to those higher Beings, a "Living Laboratory" where all manner of species were brought here to evolve in this habitat of vegatation, our ecology.  Many worlds contributed their genetic 'stock' for this great experiment – and the fantastic variety of animals in Africa is where the majority of species were originally placed before the dawn of Man; in fact, Africa is the seat of Mankind, and early genetic experiments were tried there before homo-sapiens, modern man as we know it, arrived as we imagine.  Scientists are baffled by not only the distinct remains of what were obviously advanced civilizations, but also by the fact that they cannot find a connection between several 'early' versions of Man, and the 'missing link' still eludes them – because there were several distinct experiments, and not a continuous evolution as Darwin perceived along with others to this day.

What I describe here is merely a brush-stroke impression of the vastness of consciousness in creation, a mere glimpse into an evolutionary process that led to the Pleiadians being unimaginably advanced as a species aeons before they even thought of creating Man, and even higher than them are Beings that cannot even be described to give a glimmer of our comprehension.  Others, such as the Zeta (4th Density) and the 'Nordics' so-called because of their Nordic-looking similarity (they are 5th Density) are all involved at this time working under the guidelines set by the Galactic Council (there is plenty of information about that 'body' in Courtney Brown's <COSMIC VOYAGE> dealing with Remote Viewing) to bring the Earth through the Transition that is coming and the Pleiadians themselves will assist, as 'birthers', in taking this Earth physically into a higher dimension when the time comes.  We are reaching the end of the Grand Cycle (as predicted by the Mayan civilization calendar), and the 'finger' of the Photon Band is at one second to Midnight, figuratively speaking, in terms of reference by the Great Central Sun and the orbit of all the galaxies around it.  'Time' is only a notion of Man, and the True Reality we are not aware of from our little corner of our play-room called Earth exists outside of Time.  All Time is Now, in reality.  Even 'Thought', as we know it, is far removed from our conception of it, and permeates everything.  A thought sent out by 'Prime Creator' (as the Pleiadians term it) manifests in 'time' like a ripple on a pond, but that thought is in the 'future' simultaneously as it is in the present.  The Pleiadians in fact come from what we would  term our 'far distant future', and they step down through the dimensions of reality and can pass in and out of any section of our 'time frame' of history at will.  Though they come from our 'future' yet, at the same time, they were there at the birth of Man.  They are our Parents, and we are truly Children of the Stars.  Now we are coming of age, and it is very soon time to make a transition, a leap of evolution, into a higher dimension not only of understanding but of reality itself.

You say:
<<"Is it possible for them to pop along and meet me somewhere? That sure would make for interesting conversation, at the very least.

I'm just imagining the look on my neighbour's faces as this starship lands in the garden, and I get in for a quick demo tour of the cosmos."

I like your sense of humour Frank, but I think that behind that humour you'd secretly love it were it to happen – but it can happen, in the sense that the Pendulum can start people off on a voyage of discovery in conversations, albeit not 'in the flesh' with those Beings who wil be happy to open new horizons of perception, and all that is needed is to ask.  The Pendulum can be used to at least verify the facts I give here, and those contained in the books I recommend, but with an open heart to receive new knowledge the frontiers of perception will expand further and further, stage by stage, as each firm building-block of hitherto unknown reality clicks into place.  That is but the start.  As Steven Hawkin puts it, "All we have to do is talk".

The Pleiadians will not reveal themselves 'in the flesh' however, so don't hold your breath in any anticipation.  Neither will the Zeta, for the time being – although they will walk among us when the time is right, and that time is now approaching.

Getting back to the humour (I like your style) I see your point about the ship landing (a 'saucer' not a starship, Frank – nobody's garden is that big, not even yours!), and it reminds me of when I had a girlfriend in Leicester.  Her next door neighbour was noted for twitching the curtains, and he dreamed of one day meeting an alien. We were invited in to meet him (he was curious about my arrival) and when we were comfortably seated chatting to him and his wife my girlfriend started to tell them about me, adding "He talks to Aliens, he really does".  I turned to her with mock concern, and said, "You shouldn't have told him that – now he knows".  He spilled his drink everywhere, and the 'dream' suddenly became reality for him.  All too much it seems, because we were never invited in again.  But the curtains kept twitching nevertheless.  Maybe he was looking for a 'flying saucer' landing in our garden next door to him.  Who knows?
You finish with this:
<<"Okay, that sounds outrageous from our point of view. But if these people really are visiting us on a regular basis then taking someone for a quick trip to Alpha Centuri and back, wouldn't be all that out of the ordinary. So how about it?">>

Surprisingly, what you say is not all that outlandish.  And I have 'visited' other worlds and dimensions, but not taking off from a conventional craft as people imagine it to be done, but by 'connection' to those worlds in my consciousness.  Those fantastically advanced Beings do not travel those vast distances in a conventional way in any case, but instead use teleportation (the whole ship is transplanted at the destination, in fact).  The process is done throgh a series of stargates, portals in space, according to much higher laws of physics than we are aware of; thus, both space, time and even dimensions are navigated in microseconds in our way of reckoning.  It is not even possible for human beings to teleport a la 'Startrek' since carbon molecules are very complex and cannot be easily duplicated in the normal process of teleportation.  Silicon based Beings, can however, do that with ease since their molecules are geometric in their nature.  There is a further factor that might put you off, Frank, and it is this:  That in the process of Teleportation the 'body' dies at the source, and a new 'body' is created at the destination, whereupon the 'soul' is re-entered into that body, giving life to it and full conscousness.  Unfortunately for human beings it is a 'one way trip', and you can't come back for the reasons I've stated.  Life begins on Earth with birth, and that's the way it is.  When you die, your 'soul' is simply transferred to another dimension – simple as that.  So, no trip as such to Alpha Centauri, sorry.

As for even a trip on a 'flying saucer', when I have asked my guide (in the past, I don't bother now any more) the reply has always been, "They're too busy".  They have 'tight schedules', she tells me.  So, despite my ability to communicate 24/7 with many extra-terrestrial species as well as the Pleiadians themselves, I haven't been invited yet, although some have – but I should be so lucky as the saying goes. I think not.  Again, if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.  But, who knows?  Millions now report having been 'abducted' for medical check-ups, this however is invariably done from an early age and periodic ongoing checks are made on those 'selected' because of special genes that many posess and which are carefully watched and monitored.  Some people are afraid of such things, but it is only in the way that one's pet would be afraid of being taken to the vet for a check-up.  At Man's primitive level, we are in fact as far below those 'Aliens' as we ourselves are above the primitive life-forms on this Earth.  They are not here to harm us, but to nurture us, and we are but children in their eyes to be lovingly brought to 'adulthood' to be ready to join them in the vastness of the cosmos as we evolve, and ever more quickly now we are learning through the guides our true purpose in creation.  Until people Awaken to that reality it can truly be said (in the immortal words of Mr Spock on board the Starship Enterprise – not entirely fiction, because that idea was 'seeded' by guides to prepare us)...."There's life out there – but not as we know it".  Yet, soon, everyone will know it, as reality.

I leave you on that thought, with a list of channeled books my guide recommends for the reader to gain a good backround to all of this.

Barbara Marciniak's
<BRINGERS OF THE DAWN: Teachings from the Pleiadians>
<FAMILY OF LIGHT: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living>

Amorah Quan Yin's

Barbara Hand Clow's
<THE PLIEADIAN AGENDA: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light>

Nina Jenice's
<A PLEIADIAN IN TIME: A Time Traveller>

Other channeled books, not directly about the Pleiadians themselves but of related Higher Beings from other Star Constellations, are listed below:

Dr. Norma J. Milanovich's
<WE THE ARCTURIANS: A True Experience>

Psychologist and Channeler Murry Hope's
<THE LION PEOPLE: Intercosmic Messages from the Future>

Ida M. Kannenberg's
<PROJECT EARTH: From the ET Perspective>

Of a different 'type' of channeling (through Regression Hypnosis) are the two following books which not only correlate closely but also bring together many hitherto confused aspects of Reincarnation, and what a 'spirit' really is and does when not down here on Earth, and what really happens in that well-ordered 'other world' beyond our perception [These books are the collated transcripts of hundreds of tapes from actual regressions that turned out to be channelings and which closely correlated with each other, although each was totally independent – the results are presented verbatim with comments by this world renowned and experienced Regressionist]......

Dolores Cannon's
<BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH: Conversations with a Spirit>
<KEEPERS OF THE GARDEN: An Extra-Terrestrial Document>

Whether you initially 'believe' or want to believe in Aliens that Man mistakenly came to call 'The Gods', you will be gripped by the words of all the above channeled works.  The whole 'background' is unfolded gently and with Loving Compassion by the guides through their 'vehicles' who wrote down what was told to them Telepathically.  Even for the hardened skeptic, these channeled books make ideal 'bed-time' reading because they are invariably soothing and give a new meaning to our existence on this Earth.   Enjoy!

With Pleiadian Love and Light,

Asking humans to be consistent is like asking a monkey to do calculus. Whoever made this language are retards.

The main problems with english are:
silent letters
  (whore should be spelled hor)
multiple definitions for 1 word
  (Burn all fags could mean burn homosexuals or cigarettes)
multiple words for 1 definition
  (I'm going to take a excrement, a dump, a crap, a load...)
cool..........thanks again frank.
ROFL!!!  [:D]

That joke is great!  And very well told, Frank!!!
I'm e-mailing to my wife right now.


P.S. Personally, I find the red dot to be sexy.
"Wow, you're a babe and you know about chakras?  Cool!"
Lol [:D]
nice one Frank!
Hi Frank, doing some diversionary tactics to confuse the people from the government? (See topic: US government and military visit this site!)  You are hiding behind a clown mask. No easy way out Frank. The sheer mass of your posts backfires on you now. Maybe if you keep posting jokes on a dayly basis, you can convince them that you are untalented.
Hi Frank,

Thanks for your review.
I just received my CD yesterday, and played track one before heading out to work.

First a little background.  I've never experienced a conscious OBE that I can remember.  20 years ago, I tried to have one while reading the Monroe books.  I experienced powerful vibrations and a certain "looseness" within my body, but that was the extent of it.

Recently, I've been reading Astral Dynamics and this bb, but I have not yet seriously tried to project.

Yesterday morning I listened to Track One on the Awakened Minds CD just for a meditation session.
After a few minutes of rain and gurgling drips, I definitely felt my mind go to a place of deep meditation.  I decided that I will definitely try using it daily for a while.

The weird thing happened when I went to bed last night.
I was lying on my side with my wife spooning me, and every time I started to drift off to sleep I got that "looseness" feeling again, like my astral body was slowly moving within my physical body.  Everytime I would recognize this it would stop.  Every time I would start to drift off again it would return.  

This was all spontaneous, so I'm wondering if it was related to my use of the cd.

Anyway, I'll post any new developments.

yay... i probably wasn't even here for the last record, but still.. yay.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / let's be neutral
April 29, 2003, 14:50:45
i don't really have an opinion on that, sir.
That doesn't sound particularly old to me, from my perspective at 28. Do you really mean that you were planning to die before reaching 45? Fortunately it didn't happen and you don't seem disappointed.

Happy birthday.

So if that were not chuckle enough...

A pregnant woman walked into a bank and lined up at the first available teller. Just at that moment, the bank was robbed and she was shot three times in the stomach. She was rushed to hospital and eventually survived.

As she left she asked the doctor about her baby. The doctor said, "Oh! You are going to have triplets. They are all fine but each one has a bullet lodged in its stomach. Don't worry, though, each bullet will eventually pass through their systems as a result of normal metabolism."

As time went by, the woman gave birth to three children, two girls and a boy.

Twelve years later, one of the girls came up to her mother and said, "Mom, I've done a very weird thing!"

Her mother asked what happened. The daughter replied, "I passed a bullet into the toilet." The woman comforted her and explained all about the incident at the bank.

A few weeks later, her other daughter came up to her in tears screaming, "Mommy, mommy I've done a very bad thing!" The mother said, "Let me guess, you passed a bullet into the toilet, right?"

The daughter looked through her teary eyes and said, "Yes, how did you know?"

She comforted her child and again explained about the incident at the bank.

About a month later the boy came up and said, "Mommy, I've done a very bad thing!"

"You passed a bullet into the toilet, right?"

"No, I was masturbating and shot the cat."


Welcome to Astral Chat! / IT chuckles
January 17, 2003, 22:27:42
That's funny, a talking frog.


Okay try this.

  So there is a Mechanical Engineer, a Electrical Engineer, and a Software Engineer driving in a car.  The car begins to knock and stutter like mad, so they pull off to the side of the road.
  The Mechanical Engineer pipes up and says, "It's probably low on oil or gas, we should check all the fluids."
  The Eletrical Engineer says, "No we should check the plugs, battery , and altinator, it's gotta be one of those."
  The Software Engineer then replies with, "No, if we close all the windows, turn it off, wait 10-15 secs., and then turn it back on the problem should correct itself." [:)]
Thanks frank!,
that was very interesting.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Tom, congratulations
January 10, 2003, 14:20:59
Thanks. :) I was happy to get my last star. Of course, I try to actually have something new to say each time rather than just racing toward the next level. It looks like the 1000 post mark is the last official level to accomplish (for now?).

And the other thing I just realised I need to ask from my previous post, is how do I stop those flaming green question marks that are coming up when I press: ?


Cute. :) I think one of my buddies will like this.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / First post of 2003
December 31, 2002, 18:18:46
7:18pm on Dec 31st here. Happy New Year for 2003 over there, though. Any plans or resolutions?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / One more chuckle for '02
December 31, 2002, 15:42:44
Now that was funny.

I often find jokes loose something when they need to be explained.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
Originally posted by Frank:[/I concentrated on feeling each note and tried to make them as real, i.e. as lifelike, as possible in my mind.


This is fascinating, especially where you say you concentrated on feeling each note....and tried to make them as real---as lifelike as possible. Do you mean focusing your attention on them to the point where there was nothing else in your mind or your awareness but each note? Makes me wonder if this is what ancient people were doing with certain sounds (to preoccupy the brain in order to be able to move into  the nonphysical), such as a drum beat or the vibrational sounds from running a smooth piece of wood around the rim of a crystal bowl.

How's it going with being in the 3D blackness? I'm still getting use to it but boy I've got to admit I love what one can do there!




As it's Christmas, here's another one:

A Martian couple and an Earther couple meet-up and are talking about all sorts of things. Finally, they get around to the subject of sex.

"Just how do you Martians do it?" the Earthers ask.

"Pretty much the same way you do," the Martians respond.

Discussion ensues and, finally, the two couples decide to swap partners for the night and experience one another.

The female Earther and the male Martian go off to a bedroom where the Martian strips. He's got only a teeny member which is about half an inch long and just a quarter of an inch thick.

"I don't think this is going to work," says the woman.

"Why?" he asks, "What's the matter?"

"Well," she replies, "It's just not long enough to reach me!"

"No problem," he says, and proceeds to slap his forehead with his palm; and with each slap of his forehead, his member grows until it is impressively long.

"Well," she says, "That's really impressive. But it's still pretty narrow...."

"No problem," he says, and the Martian begins pulling his ears.

With each pull, the Martian's member grows wider and wider until the extent of the measurement becomes extremely exciting to the woman.

"Wow!" she exclaims, at which point they both fall into bed and make mad, passionate love.

Next day, the couples rejoin their normal partners and go their separate ways.

As they walk along, the Earther male asks, "Well, was it any good?"

"I hate to say it," she says, "but it was pretty flaming wonderful. How about you?"

"It was OK," he replies, "but a little weird. The whole time she kept slapping me on my forehead and pulling my ears."

Okay, that's it. Merry Christmas everyone.


Originally posted by Frank:


This is exactly what happened to me: someone or something happens while There that isn't in our 'script', so to speak.  Our ability to imagine and use nonphysical senses is the 'equiptment'  we're all born with, to explore the nonphysical. It's so easy to do we have difficulty believing its real.----:O)

Much love,



Well, I hate to pour cold water on someone's fire but I would say, no, it doesn't work. Though being an ex-electronics design engineer the schematics of the various devices did give me a hearty chuckle.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Frank's chuckle of the day
December 19, 2002, 14:53:03
damn psychic insight kicked in half way through the joke (been happening a lot lately). but i still thought it was funny!  :)


Secret of Secrets