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Topics - DarknChildlike

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hello again
January 30, 2021, 02:05:56
I'm just saying hellow ive been gone a while. I was feeling fragile and unhappy with myself and embarrassed and over thinking / judging myself. Left nearly a year ago. I am feeling alot better right now. Im not a super regular here probably dont remember me but I will love to stimulate some very interesting conversation here in the near future.

Nit really reading any threads tonight just wanted put my foot in th door tonight and say hello!

Ps. Thank you cant for keeping the website going for so long much love man you must be a great guy and we have never talked!

*edit* meant to say thank you xanth!!
          Hey fam, I was reading some books concerning shamanistic journeys into the Upper World, from the Middle World, and alternatively from the Middle World to the Lower World,.

     In most shamanic spirit journeys it seems that in order to transcend the middle world, one is usually doing something the academics of the day call "auditory steering", in which one is listening to a monotonous drumming of about 220 beats per minute either a. Indigenously and therefore listening to a live drum or doing it themselves or b. Listening to a cassette tape cd or iPhone or what have you now a days western style,.

     What is described by indigenous and westerners alike, during this time Sounds really truly similar to astral projection, to me personally, with a few distinct and not so distinct differences,.

I've only just recently begun reading from reputable authors on this subject And plan to try and see if I can recreate certain aspects of this,.

One thing that differs it seems like is this,. When the shaman goes into non ordinary reality he finds in his mind a natural precipice, very often a tree or mountain top in there mind from which they climb or jump up through a permeable membrane ie fog or paper thin wall of white or a foggy tunnel that they traverse through before they claim they have actually entered non ordinary reality, and in fact no matter how far or high you travel, until you pass this membrane than you are still in the Middle World even if you are past the atmosphere and in space,. This membrane is what actually divides non ordinary realities ie. The Upper World,. And from there you may continue to travel in either left right all around on this plane or travel again further up and into the next plane of the upper world, each plane consisting of a category of things to learn separated by some sort of rhyme or reason which is different for every people,.

This is what most shamanistic practices all have in common I believe although I suppose I could be wrong,. I know that the Amazonian tribes and the Siberian's of Russia all speak of this same exact phenomena with only slight differences,. They believe they can map the upper world from where they are and where they have been and what is called cosmology I believe,.

       The upper world is akin the the cosmos and the lower world is akin to the lower world,. Amazonian tribes along with the Mayan and probably Aztec and all of the other tribes have differing world views and deities but they all sort of have this same idea of waikas which is said something like wahakas,. Which are places where the upper world meets the Middle world and where the middle world meets the lower world,. Example would be mountain tops birds pyramids then there's the lower caves underwater tunnels roots and insects of the world,.  These can be metaphorical places where the spirit world and our world connect or literal,. A literal place where the upper middle and lower all combine and where the mostly dont at all do so in nature is in the body of the dead or of living dead god like rulers,.

The tribes and city states of South America were ran by patriarchs and sometimes matriarchs,. They believed that a ruler or someone who erected shrines and land works was much more connected to his people Of and the spirits of the land and this gave these lords and nobleman governors and such a lot of power this is waikas as well,.

When tribes would fight against or try to assimilate another tribe / city state they would destroy there landmarks and religious earthworks / shrines and natural places of power that are attributed to these lords and nobleman in order to weaken their connection to the spirit and their people,.

Last thing I would like to say is these people had such a very different thought process than we can imagine,. Every deity pretty much had a male and female counterpart a wife and husband but were also considered the same entity and this is how they remained in balance with the cosmos, there was a huge dependence on the idea of duality and balance,. Nothing could be one way or the other or the world would be put into extreme disequilibrium and this is when natural disasters would happen,.

This balance is also apparent In the upper and lower worlds and there connection to the living and material middle world,.

I haven't done much research yet and mostly have read about journeying to the upper world not the lower yet but will get there as well,. And also try to do some of these journeys while listening to some drumming,.

I gotta go my boy wants to play on the phone!

Much love sincerely,

From there they will have different levels
          Hey, what's up everybody!  I hope everyone is safe and well taken care of, physically and emotionally, in these hard times,.  I am in the USA and things are kind of crazy!  Here in my small towns we are not witnessing any rioting or looting behaviors, although there are some very small civil protests,.

          Aside from that there hasn't been very much going on with me personally,.  I, just last night, had a really great Awesome and eye opening session that was pretty out of the norm for me,.

I basically was aiming for an astral projection and was in and out of consciousness for a while not really getting any AP symptoms/ phenomenon,.

After a while I found myself coming to the realization that I was dreaming and so I went with it quite a lot but still had the knowing conscious thought behind the blinds so to say that I am dreaming, and would come in and out of times where I would interrupt the flow of the dream scenarios in order to test a hypothesis.

I can't for certain remember what was happening before I became conscious but after a while I was watching everything unfold and I ended sitting through a scenario where myself and someone else watched a bit of a movie on a television about wish granting pixie or sprite or what it actually looked like was a cross between those and a leprechaun.  And this was along with several other cartoon cinematics that at the time resonated with me as cornerstone movies of my childhood but now I don't have that connection with what I remember seeing?  Isn't that so weird and even though I was conscious, sometimes I become totally convinced that something means something super important or I relate to on a almost a religious level at the time of the dream but this happened while I knew I was dreaming?  Anyway maybe past life thing who knows lol,.

Anyway tho being conscious I actually willed this pixie into existing physically with me and not on the screen but no on purpose I think,.  It was just there except it was more like an inanimate doll but I assigned it some sort of intelligence or I believed it powerful in some way it was floating and I think maybe it was just a symbol for something more complex,.  Well it being a symbol of this wish granting pixie or what have you, i began focusing my will on a number of different wishes to make material different ppl and things which I was very much able to accomplish,.

      This isn't big news for probably anyone else but it's something I haven't been super good at in my dream life to will things the way I want them,.  Atleast In astral projections that is definitely the case a lot of time but it does work often enough,.  I just don't ever think to try new things honestly guys!  It's all so fun and so new and so fast that I forget to slow down and try to meditate on different things, even though I'm conscious and in control I would say that my mind is still almost drunk with power and ambition and fun when I am out of body, and just run with it!  I've gone far away into distant strange lands but recently getting back into it I've been mostly practicing getting out succsesfully a lot again but always will fly away from home a good ways into nature sometimes other times I actually go into neighbors houses and stuff like that,.  I'll think of an actual place in my little city and try to approximate where to from my current position it is and try to fly directly to it,.  Sometimes this works!

Ok but anyway sorry for going on a tangent,. There is this,.

Something interesting that happened last night was  I had been facing away from the doll And though of the Incredible Hulk and when I turned around the doll had turned into a big kind of meaty but not quite real still like an effigy of the Incredible Hulk floating a few feet off the ground and a few feet tall and wide,. It still seemed to work the same and so I wished/ willed it back,. I thought about it though and realized this effigy/ doll / symbol was only a tool of my imagination to help me believe that I could make what I want from this world whenever I want and so I left the whole dream situations completely I left the pixie doll and went to go practice just this new found talent,. And look, I know this seems kind of juvenile,.  It's my dreams, duh how could I not already be doing this and practicing it,.  Right?  Well, in short, I have been!  But not to this extent! Definitely not recently, I've been stuck around a block radius of my home for like a year when I actually get out of my body aside from spontaneous times when I'm having lucid dreams and just dreams in general,.  Lately I've just been learning it all over again,.  I've also been experiencing a lot of lucidity within my dreams, more so than usual,. I've not much really experimented with what I can change,. It's mostly just been exploring and doing whatever comes natural or by accident,. If something seems solid I take it for solid if I slipped right through something than, " oh, surprise! Well, that was cool, :)" and so on,. 

        Anyways, like I've said I've played with expectation thinking say like when I go into this next room there will be women and then I go in and yes plenty of women,. "Just as an example", but I've not much tried to manipulate my immediate foreground,.

Well my son is bothering me to play with roblox ,. Holy moly,. I will be free one day!! Mark my words!

18 years isn't thaaaaaaattt looonggg,. Right? Ya feel me? ;) lol

Much love fam,

Morning before last, my fiancé and best friend/ better half, excitedly stumbled out of the bed to where I was sleeping on the couch to tell me something exciting.

She didn't realize I was awake, I was meditating and had awoke early enough to get one in.

She says Dark,. Dark!!  (Except it's my real name). I had an astral projection last night!

Lol her eyes were sparkling with wonder,. She related to me how she sprung up spontaneously to a sitting position out of body and was freaked out but remembered, 'this is what dark likes to do so much, I'll try to get up!'.

After some real effort and not being able to budge she got scared and though of demons so she scared herself awake. Turned on her side because I tell her this is why I can only sleep on my back I just never have done one unless on my back for some reason,.

And she started popping out the back!  lol Literally laughing out loud over here haha

Good excrement man...

Anyways, she is open to the idea of it but I don't think it's for her. I encourage her but she is a scaredy cat and that's ok,. More like she has a lot of responsibilities and always is afraid of the dark but I know better yet it's the unknown she is afraid of in reality,.

She told me she was very scared she would get stuck like that and lose her body and ofcourse I told her that's what everyone has to get over the fear of to do this work,.

You have to say, the anecdotal evidence says I'll be ok but I won't know until I do it,. I am curious like a cat and cannot live a full life without knowing the truth,.

Let me die if it's my time...
I'm going in!

And I hope she does go with it if she experiences an AP, again.

She had slept prior for about four hours woke up one hour and went back to sleep,. So I told her how she induced an AP without even knowing it.

Exciting stuff.

I NEVER would have thought she would experience this just for the simple fact I've never met anyone alive who had but myself ? You know what I mean?

I know we all do it naturally but not a single living person has talked about it with me intellectually let alone experientially from a place of excitement or wisdom in a face to face real life setting.

That's all!

Dang life is sweet, yeah?

Off to meditate :)
Hey guys, I haven't been around and it's been on purpose,. I just hadn't been myself for a while with my friend dying and having some health problems,. I was feeling a little crazy,.

I've been feeling better and just finally started feeling myself for real again and started even feeling like my meditations are normal again I feel in tune! I've been able to willfully have projections again and it's been a long while,. I've had some spontaneous ones but am actually pulling it off again,.

I was confused for a while and anxious and just not confident,. I was trying to recreate the symptoms of my old ap's instead of dutifully meditating and remaining open to the phenomenon,. Also was just trying things that just flat out don't work for me and idk why I was so caught up for so long,. What has really worked really well for me always is simply focusing my energy about two inches above the center of my eyes,. That's it,. Along with daily energy work practice and constantly keeping focused on just the awareness and energy,.

If I go all day and the next conscious of my energy practices it seems way more likely to have an AP very soon,.

The focusing on my third eye area, It ends the rambling of my brain pretty good like holding rocks between your fingers and other things like the placement of your tongue against your teeth is supposed to do,. Well, this works for me, anyways...

A couple times now I have had flying spacecraft land in front of my house when I come outside for an astral projection,....

I want to find out what they have to say but I just get scared and run away inside everytime because im just not thinking of it / expecting it to happen.

I literally ask the universe to let me speak with our star brothers and feel like I want to make a difference for OUR ppl on that front whether I can do something for us or not it's my prerogative.

I've been a little flip and glib here a little spastic and all over the place,. It's just unfortunate that when I first came here a bunch of really hard lessons needed to you be learned and my mind was a wreck,. I wanna try again because AP is my life, and be more genuine to myself and others in my interactions,.

I really was surprised when this happened to me twice now,. I'm going to try to AP for the next couple days and just go into it expecting things to go that way so I'm not so damn shook if it does and report back,. Has anyone else been experiencing this?

Edit: had to add in about the third eye focusing thing, it's not only that obviously.  Throughout the day I'm excited to meditate and stay aware of and practice moving energy around my body and I try to imagine seeing a second or two ahead in time and space where ever I move often,. Things like that,.

When I am actually meditating I'll do energy practice let my mind go crazy first thirty mins and tamp it down then begin the actual focus on my third eye or well in the area of said third eye,.

Idk if anyone else does this but it's always worked really good for me, I wonder if anyone thinks that sounds idk, simple? It is, but there it is lol
So, this idea came to me while surfing YouTube a few moments ago. So, paranormal investigators use something called a spirit box for talking with spirits guides entities angels demons what have you.

I was thinking about it in ap I could somehow learn to effect one so that I might learn to speak using the scanning frquencies,. Supposedly spirits can manipulate the auditory effects of random scanning channels to speak? I have no clue if this is true but idk.

I haven't been getting the results I want in ap lately because as much as I want to I have just been feeling very fatigued and scattered lately dealing with a lot of things. I ap so little right now it would be practically impossible to set an app or something like that on my phone and then have someone watch or record it for posterity let alone if the dang thing would even be there when out of body...

Usually when I go out of body everything is very very nearly exact within like twenty feet of my body and then things change as I transition around corners and through doorways so there is a chance.

Well just a kooky idea ..
Hi everyone, I'm doing pretty well. As some of you know a good friend of mine died about two weeks ago I believe and I've been doing as well as I can I suppose. I feel he is in a much better place. He was merely a shadow of his former self for the past five years after a car wreck disabled him to a very large degree. So I'm happy for him now.

Anyways, I want to talk about trickster entities from different dimensions.

I know nearly nothing about this subject. I've been witnessing some strange manifestations physically in my home that don't make a lot of sense. And I want to get a better footing on the subject.

Things have moved around, a metal clamp on my sugar bowl that is really strong metal was straight when I made a cup of coffee same day several hours later it was bent severely. My mother who kind of abandoned me to take care of my disabled father, her second life scenario fell apart and she had no where to go and so I and my brothers and father are trying to help her even though she kinda made us damaged goods in a way it all is coming full circle. But anyway she came to my house for the first time a several months this day and she shows up I go to make a cup of coffee for us both and it tripped me out so bad it was bent... no one home but me, I have two of the same jar. One big one smaller. I tried my hardest to bend the other one and I couldn't I asked if she did it on accident and she says no I haven't why is it bent and I showed her the non bent one.. I wasn't distressed but I knew something was going on.. I thought okay wth I've seen weirder stuff but it's usually out of body,. Not here? I didn't become to awfully agitated but alarms were going off in my mind.

When my fiancé was with me a day or two later we were making coffee again I asked her if she new about it, she said yeah that's weird.. and she didn't think much of it, I pressed her further and showed her how strong intact the metal is I can't bend it DID YOU bend it somehow accidentally?" And at that exact moment the lights flickered rapidly.. this is just one example that there is something going on but I welcome the strange. I can from my experience control myself now enough to reject those entities and try to change things a bit, atleast very recently I have proved to myself that I can hang in the deep end of the pool. If in my dreams I am frightened it reminds me I am awake and I literally close my eyes cover my ears and say I don't have to listen to this thank you for reminding me! And zap it's gone! Clear! Lumaza has helped me with that a bit, although idk if he would say to clear them he seems more into making friends with them turning devils into angels and I will get there someday.

What I'm saying is I'm not afraid but, is this something different? Should I be shook by this? Should I change the way I deal with this entity I have been welcoming it what ever it is. Maybe they need help? Maybe we will meet up and he can teach me to tap dance? Who knows, yeah? ;) lol

Can you guys please let me know if you have had any of this kind of phenomenon happen?

I have a friend whom is afflicted with what doctors are describing as a tumor in his eye; possible cancer. We will be finding out for sure within the month I would believe. I am asking that anyone that, whether in fact a healer or not, pray for my friend Daniel H. Idk if he will be making any kind of online presence to ask for prayers or help of any kind but will post that here if that day comes. Thanks everyone!
I know this is a hot button issue here.. but I think we can all be adults and try to make some better sense of it, as a community than just a metaphor for emotional blockages. I think the fact that there is corroborating evidence that puts the chakra centers at the same place as the plexus points/ clusters of nerves in the body, should be looked at more.

     The reason I feel this way is because I for one know that when I feel extreme emotional sensations, powerfully positive or negative, it translates to a physical pain or exuberance, emanating from my chest stomach and joints. I posit that or physical nervous system, is one part of a double system. One physically translating stimulus to and from the mental plane in order to articulate expression of mental equilibrium and will, spirit granting. And the other part is the non physical chakra systems translating and receiving relaying emotional resonances from the emotional/ astral body. They are sympathetic to one another and completely reliant.

   When one loses an arm for instance, you feel sympathetic feeling there due to an esthetic double and the system in place that is creating these ghost feelings is the fact that the chakra system is non physical and still in place and so it still translates the sympathetic and reciprocal feelings, just like in the other way around if I feel intense emotional trauma it manifests as pain in my heart and stomach and I even become light headed as if I been hit with something really heavy.

     I feel like, because we are used to thinking we are the non primitive advanced humans, we tend to think of religious/ non religious myths as only the explanation of things that were not provable so ppl made up stories about phenomena to explain the best they could when in fact that's just not true. The ancients created tales to explain phenomenon that would resonate deeply with the layman of the day, so that the stories would be popular and be told orally for centuries or longer and little did the layman know that, in those stories were the allegories to much larger truths about the scientific world. And if you read between the lines and think deeply, you realize they were just as advanced if not more so than us for doing so. We don't have tales that everyone knows in order to explain the movements of the heavens and all of the mathematics and laws of nature. We just bore the world with blunt un-encourageable dribble. No one thinks of the laws of physics and non physical phenomena as highly dynamic epic tales to be relished over the camp fire.

        For instance, we take the fact that because chakras are explained in several different ways and allegories, we decide to exclude some evidence and include what fits our specific paradigm. This is the same exact tactics the that the quackademics and lame stream media use to advance the church of progress, and that being the paradigm that we are the epoch of civilization, that progress moves in one direction from primitive hunter gatherers to settled agriculturalists and so on and so forth, until we reach the present day.

         I can easily be wrong, You can be upset or prostrate me before the rest of us with perfect arguments that no one could deny. Do what must be done, if it means we begin healthy discourse of some of the really interesting topics, that's ok! but I think we need to work these problems out in a healthy fashion, as a community or if you don't want to be inclusive yourself we should encourage others and hear out what they have to say. Remember there are many more levels and dimension other than the astral/emotion/desire realms.. there are other double and other ways to get out. What one person experiences is t going to be the same as someone else ALWAYS and when different phenomena's occur, and someone else's story doesn't match our own, we should be paying even more attention and take their word at face value in order to encourage others to speak up. If you turn away or disbelieve someone with a crazy story that just couldn't possibly be true and wanna call them out,.. don't.. do everyone a favor and don't.. they may be experience something novel and when the next experience occurs it could change everything we know and hold dear, flip everything on its head, but they will never talk to us again because we told them they are big fake phony liars.   

I hope that this will encourage some really good replies. Everyone pls take your time to use this thread to talk not only about chakras but also other things that are normally equal to throwing out the sink along with the bath water. Thanks everyone!

Trying to figure out how to attach a pdf,. Very great book from the 1930's wonder if anyone here has any similar books to recomend
Hi guys, I kind of regret this will be my second thread I've started but, I feel like it important. I don't have the answers to this, I can only hope that stimulating some discussion where I traffic, maybe the message will reach some people and enact some change in the world.

Today at about one thirty me, my fiancé, and my four year old son, go to target to try and talk him into buying and wearing a costume tomorrow, and pick up some things we need at home. My fiancé is the one bringing home the bacon, atm. I'm a stay at home daddy, I just can't let my boy go, out of my sight to be watched by strangers.. I just don't trust humanity with my fragile sensitive beautiful boy. He is my treasure. Anyways, it scares me.. plus he is to shy and sensitive, he wouldn't thrive.

Sorry I got side tracked, anyways, we are not super wealthy people. We live in low income housing and maybe we weren't dress to the nine today, but we weren't looking thuggish thuggish by any means. My fiancé has to work at three and it's one. It's cold out, we are all bundled up in our hoodies that are ripped up at the end of sleeves and I got my cap on. I'm a brown skinned guy, although my parents are both white, I know it doesn't make sense to me either, but again, I digress..

We have all of our things and we walk up to the self check out line. There is a group of adults in there thirties talking with some of the employees and I can't tell if they are in line. I lock eyes with a woman and I'm looking to inquire about the line, but instead they say someone has lost a wallet. My fiancé and me are both a little confused we apologize for their situation and are about to enter the line when the woman asks, ' have one of you found a wallet that MAYBE, POSSIbLY, didn't belong to you...?

.. I am a bit naive, I don't steal therefore I don't even care to think my fellow man does, I don't point fingers at people when things do t go my way, so when I'm accused of something I might need a moment to catch up.

I say no.. and I smile a bit kinda chuckle at the absurdity.. , ' why? What are you trying to say?'

They go on to tell us they have talked with loss prevention and we are on video camera stealing their wallet and the police are on the way...  I know they are bluffing, I fact I think the whole thing is comical and am even looking forward to waiting and dropping knowledge like little pretty gems on these ppl, but my fiancé has been profiled in the past. So have I, a lot. She doesn't take kindly to it, I can tell she is on the edge. I tell the group of ppl I'm going ahead to loss prevention room to ask what this is all really about. I knock on the door with the number code and little eye hole. They are viewing cameras atm. I inquire, they reply that they have made no accusations of lost or stolen property and only just found out the woman lost it and are in the process of viewing the tapes, and the police are indeed on their way.. I come back to them and my fiancé just loses it, she is holding our four year old, and she didn't curse or lash out at anyone, but very loudly begins to make statements regarding their morality .. and weight.. and double chins.. and... lol.. poor thing.. I got her out of there told everyone I'm sorry for her outburst but this isn't the first time something of this nature has come about and she is sick of it. I told target I could leave my number but I had to get her out of there before things got worse. They didn't want it and I got my girl and son out of there.

She is ashamed of the way she acted. She knows you have to grow up when you have a child. She just couldn't handle herself. She works so hard for what little things we have. It really really affects people negatively when we are profiled and stereo-typed.. I wish she hadn't gotten upset, so that I could school everyone involved on proper manners and turn the event into something positive, yet, I can not blame her. It takes a behemoth of adversity and danger to shake me. She is tough to but she has an anger problem. What can I or anyone do to change this. I feel like this kind of abuse, is probably on the rise right now. It should make everyone sick to see this happen to people. It's the contrary I've found. Not only are people pointing fingers and calling names but the bystanders could care less, and no one will stick up for their fellow man or woman, afraid that to stand up for the moral character of a stranger, even when the bystanders know and hear how rediculous this is, nothing is gonna change no one will stick up for you. And that's ok. I don't mind. I can stick up for myself, but what if they did that to another young woman, and she did something really bad because she felt cornered and scared. Idk.. hope this can create a dialog. This really happened not five hours ago now maybe six. Thanks for reading guys.
Hello astral pulse members, I am dark. I've tried making an account several times and for one reason or another that I am not aware, it never worked. It's a rush and joy to be here!

      So, first off, I been lurking around these parts for the better part of three years. There is sooooo much information in the archives,. My head could spin. When I had my first spontaneous out of body experience, I knew that I could never go back to who I was before. It only lasted about three or four seconds, and yet, in those few seconds I experienced, simultaneously, more contradictions to the continuity and basic principals of my so called reality than I was willing to just chalk up to the simple phenomena I was aware of. Basically, I wasn't able to assuage this experience the same way parents will tell their children, 'it's ok sweetheart, your just dreaming. Go back to sleep. I knew that fundamentally there was something more to what just happened to me than I or others will be readily able or willing to admit.

    Since then I have thought of nothing else and spent every moment of every day there was extra time outside of my regular work and family time to meditation and sleep. And even then when I wasn't, I was thinking of it. I began having experiences of hypnogogia and the other signposts associated with a successful exit. Finally I was having these strange experiences of getting out of bed and kind of slumping myself onto the floor and the dresser and such in the strangest fashion. As if I were a meat marionette, and the talent just had a seizure lol.

   I would after a small time of that go on to inching myself out of bed sometimes getting stuck sometimes I would have a view of my doorway as if my head were stuck where it is, except, I had the physical sensation of getting up and touching things around me by remembering where things in relation to my bodies physical location. Sometimes when I get stuck I try to force myself out and it literally Sears with pain wherever the resistance is. I learned to change my point of view, forget about the trouble spot and twirl the situation on a different axis so to say, in order to get out.

    After I would say about a month of getting out of bed and getting snapped back to bed and getting out again over and over and over and keep in mind this is without waking. As if it's homework, and until I can do it with a certain amount of confidence or have touted enough practice, I just got to go out of the room. Things had been really tough really hard to move this whole time. Once I got a certain distance from my body it became much easier to move my limbs, hell, even began flying without a problem. I had a bunch of experiences not all of them good. I was getting out of body atleast once a week for about two years.

  I have quit astral projecting for about three or four months maybe a little more not counting the ocaisional spontaneous exit. I am now integrated everything I have experienced and ready for a renewed interest. O B E saved my life and I will go into more of that another time. I have gained so much from this site that I want to pay it forward and maybe I can help someone that is having a rough go of it as well. Thanks a lot for anyone that will read this, and god bless!
