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Topics - Conn

Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / "Search" bug
December 29, 2002, 18:20:08

Just a quick note I keep forgetting to post.. when you log into the forum, and attempt to search for anything in the box under your login status, it returns an error.. basically, you need to rename the link from to - or is it a browser problem on my end? I log on via; perhaps is ok?


Hi Adrian,

If you check the Astral Pulse's chatroom page, there's an incorrect link to these forums, ie, it's still linked to Anyway, I guess nobody uses chat anymore, but it's bothering me anyway ;)


I am not 100% sure but I think you did.  I recall seeing a tunnel once yet different from yours.  However, Maybe the tunnels are not the same for everyone.  I am sorry that I cannot help you out much there.  But ...

I found your LD/OOBE extremely adventurous!  And I enjoyed reading it.

I am glad you were finally able to OBE again!  

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.
Greetings Conn!

Thanks very much indeed for recounting your first OBE!

I think your suggestion of an area for people to post their own unique, individual experiences is an excellent one!

I have accordingly created a dedicated area specifically for the purpose.

Come along everyone. Let us hear about those memorable Out of Body experiences!

Hi Conn :))

First of all, maybe it is 'just a phase' a part of Life's ebbs and tides.... I find this kinda stuff is cyclical for me, so perhaps it might be for you. Maybe things are happening in the background, utilising energy for that leaving little for OBE.

May I suggest trying out CIR on the distress issue that you aren't having intense/noticeable energy sensations? Maybe look at it through the belief system cleanse too, to remove any "negative imprinting" around it and energy work. (Just an idea, mate! Take it or leave it!)

I don't think you can do too much energy work unless you are working with primaries.

Maybe you need to work on secondaries a bit more -- as you stated primaries and then OBE decreased.... so it might help to focus on secondaries for a while. It doesn't sound or seem as "impressive" but the secondaires work with primaries (indirectly) and you might find it will kickstart things for you again.

Discomfort moving energy in trance -- it might be a blockage. Try rapido in those uncomfortable areas. Alternatively, work around them, like the barriers on either side of a dam.... work down the resistance that way.

My perspective, derived from my training as a bodyworker and years of exploring this issue, is that the body (energy or physical) is like an onion, you peel down through the layers and each one is different. So I wouldn't say you have an unstable energy body per se, but rather, it is part of the natural process of going through the layers!

Another thing, energy breathing might be just the thing for keeping your energy levels up to par -- in light of you feeling exhausted in the mornings and reduction of OBE's, lessened dream recall, trance issues, etc. (And maybe something is different in your life perhaps impacting on all this, a change of routine/location/events..... The external world can impact on these things and there are loads of things you could try from essences to patience!)

Well I hope that helps somewhat. It might also help to do a spiritual exercise, the belief system cleanse, on the subject of trance and energy work. I did pick up some little seeds of self-doubt there with a need to know (causes).... working on your belief systems might also help shift some blockages there which have risen up as you work in these 'metaphysical' areas.


'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? ' from my whacky novel, "LUST"


Yes, astal meetings can be held, in real time or in astral realms. But the difficulty of course is to find two people who can reliably project at roughly the same time.  Occult societies meet in the astral all the time. They usually have prepared realms in which to meet.

If two people are more than a few miles apart, using an astral realm is easier, to avoid too many reality fluctuations, etc.

It is also possible for a projector (if they have the skill) to enter the dreams of another person. But this would not prove the difference beween LD/WILD and OBE.  The only way to really tell the difference is by monitoring the seemingly physical sensations associated with the start of each type of experience. For example, during OBE exit there are vibrations, rapid heartbeat and other chakra type sensations, and a distinct feeling of separation.  During LD or WILD, none of the above are present, but REM (rapid eyemovement) is often present.  You would probably need to be hooked up to an EEG machine to really tell the difference. But, basically, unless OBE exit symptoms are felt, you are in some kind of dream.

No, the astral plane surface skin is a 'set' type of structure.  I have no idea why Monroe missed these, but I dont' think belief has much to do this matter. I had no preconceived ideas of what the astral planes looked like, or even that there was such a thing as a surface skin entrance structure, until I stumbled upon it one day during an OBE. Note that in my early days I, like Sylvan Muldoon, found myself stuck in the real time zone.  I did not find a way into the astral planes until I was much older.  I still project into real time, and stay there unless I deliberately enter the astral planes.  

Most people tend to slip into specific parts of the astral planes, into astral realms, which does not allow the surface skin structure to be perceived.  and moving about among realms, from the inside, also does not allow the surface skin structure to be perceived.

Yes, it is possible for a strong projector to enter the body of another person. I have done it.  This can be likened to temporary possession. I have dealt with this in my new book, PPSD, because it relates to the topic of possession.  I do not, however, provide the technique whereby this can be achieved, for obvious reasons.  However, this is way, way beyond the capabilities of average projectors.

I may try to organize some joint OBE meetings later this year.  I have no time at all to do this now.

Take care, Robert.

Hi kifyre,

If I'm not mistaken, Franz Bardon mentions quite the same thing in his book, Initiation into Hermetics... The basic method to do this, if I remember correctly, is to "load" the fire element into your body. (But heck, dont ask me *how* ;)
