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Topics - kiauma

Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello
October 09, 2013, 22:24:04
I've been gone for a while, but thought I'd stop by to see what's changed.   Can anybody tell me?
I wish god would call me that would be awsome
Is it safe to mention the "N" word in here [:P]

Maybe I'm biased because I can see them when they manifest, or feel them when they hide.  Anyone ever chase one?
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Dr. Hameroff
August 12, 2004, 08:46:28
I'm not getting anything when I click on the links . . . HELP!
I think Tarot, like any form of divination, is an extremely variable and dynamic entity.  Trying to lay a constant on the vagueries of spiritual communication is like trying to find a guarentee for the weather report, only about 1000 times less reliable - sometimes.

There are a zillion variables here, so while, yes, I believe it can be highly 'accurate', it is hardly ever cast in stone, very much like the collapse of the Quantum wave function.

So I think most divinations are a matter of oppenness of the reciever, for one, and a matter of probabilities, second.

I have gotten just as much out of some electronic readings as compared to live readings - though I have had very few live readings.  I do have my own deck, if that is of interest.

Sorry for the less than solid answer.  [;)]
That was interesting..[:(]  Is it some kind of reverse psychology?  Tell us to be angry, so we will be compassionate?

I will say I've had some experience in the yucky topic though, from my own or others that I know.  Not a pretty thing.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Are you crazy??
April 22, 2004, 13:23:02
why not BOTH :D

~kakkarot ^_^
After reviewing your (kiauma) conversations with SD on another thread, I think it's safe to say that we have a very different basic models of how the universe works (and are probably equally mired in the consequences of those models). I'm not near as convinced as you seem to be in the all encompassing power of intent.

I think where my model and yours differ is the role of humans in the universe. My experience has shown me that we are very small fish in a very large pond, and that there are more ponds out *there* than there are fish in this one. Essentially, we (intent and all) are not really so important that the universe/god takes notice of us and conforms to our will. We have to use other tools (energy, chiefly) accomplish our will. An analogy would be that just because the rabbit goes through victim-hood therapy, and comes out not believing that snakes have any power over him doesn't protect him from a snake. The rabbit just isn't important enough for nature to make the exception. (A consequence of this model is that I think we both agree that the responsibility for dealing with the snake lies with the rabbit (or dealing with an attacker lies with the victim)... you from a POV that it is ultimately the rabbit's "fault" (that's a bad word, but a better one escapes me), me from the POV that no one else will do it for him). In my experience, magic doesn't fail because the target didn't believe, but because the "rules" were not correctly applied.

But maybe I misunderstand you, and this is your point: If someone asks me how to defend themselves, the answer is almost always remove/reduce the number of ways you can be attacked. As far as I've ever seen, the practical application of this was never just "believe" the attacks away, but YMMV. In fact, the practical version of my answer is to take up a tradition of magic, not because it will allow you to somehow "blast" your attacker (whatever it may be), but because the changes that occur in a person who practices magic (*practice* being the key word) make such attacks more difficult. You can spot them more readily, you're no longer as taste a target for astral pests, you become exposed to energies other than human, etc. Whatever the reason, it just seems to work. Here, the intent is to remove someone else's power over the victim, but it's hard work, not intent, that accomplishes the goal.

Before we get too far into this discussion, too, I'd like to point out that I'm not approaching this conversation from a purely philosophic point of view. In my occult work, I strive to stay only with things I could test (at least as far as you can test something as subjective as most occult subject are... like, for instance, astral entities :). Some of this discussion will undoubtedly fall into some areas of speculation, where I'm either guessing or repeating what I've gotten from some entity, but haven't independently verified, and I will try to label those clearly.

There is plenty to hang myself with above, so I'll stop now :)
I agree. Being happy makes OBE (and telekinesis and telepathy) much easier.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Wild Divine
January 13, 2004, 08:52:20
No one's heard of it ey?  Perhaps I should give a quick description.

Wild Divine is a PC video game.  In the game, you travel around a magical land, visiting temples, towns, forests, etc., and going on quests.  In the various adventures you meet Gurus and teachers that will give you instruction and practice to empower you on your quest.

From the web site;
The Journey to Wild Divine is the reunion of the mind, body, and spirit. In this game, you will be invited on a journey to a place of timeless beauty and mystery, where you will be challenged in ways that are not common in the gaming world today. You will be asked to look within yourself for the keys necessary to find the Wild and the Divine within yourself.

On your quest, you will master a whole new purpose and discover a whole new direction. The lessons you learn will become your own unique tools to be used outside the game — at any time, in any place and in any situation. Through The Journey to Wild Divine, you will be given the opportunity to reach a level of awareness you might not have thought possible.

The way they do this is that the game actually includes a biofeedback monitor, which attaches to the end of three fingers of one hand.  After your instruction, in meditation, concentration, relaxation, or other skill, you will be asked to accomplish it, and actually monitored on your progress!

For someone who wants to have real feedback in a fun way on spiritual building skills, this is it.

Thought this might build at least some interest.