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Topics - rhinegirl

It's a historical fact that the gospels weren't written til AFTER christs alleged death and resurection. there are many logical arguments for and against the reliaability of the various gospels.


Originally posted by Berserk

This post is inspired by Adrian's post on the reliability of biblical tradition.  Outside the New Testament, our most important connection to the eyewitnesses of Jesus is Papias, bishop of Hierapolis in what is now Turkey (60-130 AD).  Papias knew apostles and those discipled by them.  He learns from them that Mark was Peter's interpreter in Rome and that, after Nero kills Peter, Mark shapes Peter's teaching materlals into a Gospel.  So when you read Mark, you are essentially reading eyewitness testimony.   When Mark was young, the first church met in his mother's house (Acts 12:12).

Papias also learns that the apostle Matthew collected Jesus' sayings.  It seems that Matthew composed the most comprehensive sayings source Q (from the German "Quelle" meaning "source").  We no longer have Q, but Q is used in Matthew and Luke, but not in Mark in John.  Most of Jesus' sayings in Matthew are derived from Q.  Papias says that Matthew composed a sayings collection, not a Gospel!   The Gospel bears Matthew's name because of confusion over this point.

Some have made the absurd claim that since Q is just a sayings collection Jesus never performed any miracles.   But Q is just a Wisdom collection and this literary genre does not even allow the inclusion of miracle stories!  We don't scold poetry anthologies for omitting discussions of quantum mechanics!  Before there were Gospels, there were separate collections of sayings, miracle stories, and controversy stories as well as separate birth, Passion, and Resurrection narratives.  In general, the integration of these sources caused the original sequence of events to be lost.  Matthew and Luke use Mark and Q as sources for their Gospels.  

Luke the physician was Paul's travel companion.  Luke composed both the Gospel that bears his name and the Book of Acts.  His Gospel begins with his claim that he has researched "eyewitness" testimony (1:2-3).  When did he do this?  In the Book of Acts he informs us that he travelled with Paul to Jerusalem and consulted with Jesus' brother James and other apostles (21:18).  

In the Gospel miracle traditions, additional evidence for eyewitness testimony can be detected in embarrassing details that seem unlikely to be invented.  For example, in the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26), the man still has blurry vision after Jesus lays hands on him: "I see people, but they look like ealking trees."  The man needs a second session with Jesus to complete the cure.  If this were legend, the legend would surely portray God's Son as doing the job right the first time.  Matthew and Luke are apparently so offended by this initial failure that they omit the story.  More striking is Mark's admission that in Jesus' home town, He "COULD DO NO miracles there" because of their mocking skepticism.  Matthew changes "could do no" to "did not do many" to soften the obvious implication that Jesus tried and falied to heal there (13:58); and as the commentaries explain, a later scribe adds an awkward "escept" clause to Mark to minimize the damage.  In my view, the willingness of Mark (or rather his source, Peter) to admit that Jesus bombed in his home town makes the other miracle stories more credible.  

It would take too long to explain the case for John's derivation from eyewitness testimony.  So I'll leave that for another post.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Spiritual sex
March 01, 2004, 07:41:03
There can be spitiruality in anything you do, if it is not something really awfull such as murder. The thing is the way you view it and what brings you to do it. So there can be spirituality in sex, if it is viewed as a special relation with someone, as a way to express love, as a way to exchange (say) energy... Sexuality does not have to be separated and to become something in itself, like a cult. Secuality has to be viewed as a part of a special relation with someone. And as such it has to stay as something personal, not something that one will go and tell others "I had sex like that and like this" - that's the wrong way of viewing it. And like anything else in life it has to come with moderation - that is not too much but also to have enough. It has to come naturally and not to be forced. Sex is not only part of life, but it is the "source of biological life" (as Darwin sees: everything that goes with life is enjoyable and everything that goes against life is suffering). This in itself has a lot of spirituality, but of course one cannot have sex just to have children (as some religions suggest): one would have too many children and not enough sex. Some highly spiritual monks (e.g. buddhists) can live without and can actually live without many things, but this is going against Nature and I believe that Nature  is part of spirituality and that spirituality is 'a little' part of Nature. So that I view sex also as a part of spirituality, since one has to go "with" Nature (in my view) to reach higher spirituality. Only then one can try to "detach" itself from it, but firt one has to knwo it.
You sure it's not a spirit?

I would try the techniques posted in James's "examples of successful treatments for neg attacks"

Also, a good description of the attackers would be nice.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / quotes in context
February 24, 2004, 09:19:36
Many of teh less vocal ones have bigger issues to deal with than teh loud mouths such as DK
How dare you say such a thing about DK!  

Ok, of course that was just a example..[:D]

I agree with you Rhinegirl, I do not mind people quoting but you need to quote the whole thing.

I think the Astral Pulse as gone through a bit of a rough spot, but I think we are on the rise again!  So, lets find some interesting topics to chat about.  Not ones about what has been going on, get some new thoughts going on. [^]

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / DK's petition
February 22, 2004, 11:50:37
It's one of the most helpful forums! And some people really need the PSD forum.  But, really Rhinegirl, I don't think a forum would be shut down just because one person wants it to be, so there's not much to worry about.[;)]
You might want to ask Xander because Xander posted a topic here not too long ago:
where he says he summoned the demon Vassago. Vassago is the Third Spirit or demon which is listed in the Goetia, according to the goetia they govern 26 legions. He is a prince similar to Agares (2nd demon listed in the Goetia). He has the power to predict the future and to find lost items.

A site here which lists them:

Another interesting site on it:
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Odin tells it like it is!
February 05, 2004, 10:35:55
Why do birds...

...suddenly a...


...everytime... are...

Welcome to Metaphysics! / ATTN: DARKNIGHT!!
January 27, 2004, 22:58:21
Rhinegirl, on what do your base your accusation?