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Topics - Manix

Well this week has been a first for me. I've always had trouble going through walls and such but this week, for the first time, it hasn't been an issue.

I'll share a bit and try to be breif. The first projection this week was on Sunday night. I had woke up early in the morning just enough to realize I was still deep enough to attempt an AP. Only later did I realize I could see around the room when I did this so perhaps I was still asleep.  Anyway, I found myself floating straight up, light as feather. AP is normally a struggle for me, so this was a first. I then attempted to float through the window. It was as if the window was not there at all! Also a first for me becuase I normally get stuck in the wall or window.
Once outside I saw someone waiting on me. Also a first, I NEVER see people. There was a wolf on the carport roof, a wolf in the driveway, and four horses. Two were loaded with packs and the other two had saddles. The horses leads were held by an individual who resembled an indian. He also carried a bow. He started moving away when I approached him so I stopped. He then turned around and looked at me. After this the AP takes on a more dream like appearance so I won't bore you with this.

Now for last nights AP. Ever since Sunday I've been thinking about the Indian. Last nights AP started out very similer but once I drifted outside I saw no one. I also suddenly found my self being pulled in a northernly direction. I saw the foundation of a building that had burned still on fire and off to the side a group of young men whos appearances varied. Among them was the Indian. After this everything became "unstable" and dream like.

I've heard of Astral wind before is this what I experienced?
I still can't define the line between dreaming and AP, but regardless of which I'm actually succeeding at, the same problem remains; there's no one to talk too. Whenever I become lucid or experience something that could be AP, the only thing really on my mind is finding someone to talk to, someone to learn from. Unfortunately, at these most lucid moments, there's not a person in sight.

I've attempted to call out to someone and have had only vague responses. I suppose the problem is that I'm not trying to contact anyone in particular. Or perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Advise is most welcome, I feel like I'm talking to someones voice mail and not getting a return call.

This a little off topic on my own topic, but what are some differences that you notice between reality, Dreaming, and AP?
The way text appears, and the behavior of appliances I'm aware of, but what about wind and sound? For me, these have always been percieved deferently, but somehow I did not notice until recently and this makes me wonder what else I may be taking for granted. Are wind and sound scewed for everyone?
What are some other things that behave differently or do/do not exist between reality/dreams/ and AP?

Welcome to Dreams! / Strange Dream-Hidden Meaning?
October 25, 2004, 09:07:26
This one was so strange I just had to share!

I dreamed I woke up suddenly from a sound sleep and rushed to look outside. In the dream I am staying at a high rise hotel that looks out over a bay. I'm not sure exactly where this place was supposed to be but far across the bay you could see the distant lights of a large city.
My room has a balcony with a set of french doors which I throw open to go out onto the balcony. I stare out at a clear starlit sky and a full moon. I watch a luner eclipse take place and notice 5 very bright stars (red in color) in the sky spaced to form a pentagon. I automatically recogonise these as planets. After the eclipse is complete I see three comets overhead, all have a blue/yellow luminescent hue. Directly following the comets I see a large meteor plumet through the sky. The orange flames reflect in the dark, still water of the bay. The meteor strikes the city in the distance and kicks up a huge shock wave that starts to rattle the windows then builds in stength as it nears. I dive behind the kitchen counter just as the windows are blown in and shards of glass, dust and other debri are luanched across the room with a defeny roar.
After the comotion settles I creep out of the room and down the stairs to find machines of all sorts going haywire. I run back up the stairs to avoid them. As I'm running up the steps I'm met by a tidal wave of some sort of black mass crashing down the steps. I stand amazed on a landing as this wave of black rushes around me. Instead of water the black wave is actually a mass of serpent like creatures. What was even stranger is that I wasn't scared. The only time I paniced in the dream was when the glass blew in from the shock wave. Everything else I was simple amazed by.

I wake up from the dream to a false awakening, and remember staring into the eyes of black horse standing in my bedroom! Then I woke up for real and fell back to sleep after comitting all the details of the dream to memory.

Now my question to you is, what do you make of it? Just another crazy dream, or could it have a deeper meaning?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UFO's
October 12, 2004, 08:56:32
Ok, I'd like to believe in UFO's and aliens as much as the next sci-fi nut, but what I saw last night has me dumbfounded.

I first saw this 'unusual' aircraft 6 or 7 years ago over the same local, HWY 394, which runs by my house. Last time, it was at a higher altitude, therefore, the only features I recalled were the lights, which gave the illusion/appearance of a triangular shape, and the lack of noise which accompanies even the smallest of aircraft known to land at the nearby airport. This airport is rather small and it's not typical for it to recieve large planes.

As I was driving home last night around 9:30 EST I took the exit for my house. I saw over the ridge by the exit, some blinding white lights. The lights meshed with the tree line so I thought perhaps there was house on top of the ridge I hadn't noticed before (it's not normal for me to be out past 9:30 so you never know). When I turned onto road and passed the ridge I nearly halted in the middle of the road (there was no traffic but it didn't occur to me to simply pull off). The lights I saw were actually from a low flying aircraft just overhead. The 'plane' was moving agonizingly slow and I could hear nothing from it's engines (a plane of this size flying THAT low should easily be heard over an idliing car). There was no traffic so I had slowed to a crawl and looked through my sunroof to get a better look. There was an incredibly bright headlight on each wing and, smaller dimmer lights along the edges (not uncommon). What I found unusual was that, at this low altitude I could see the shadow of the wings. They sloped back like a stealth! The plane appeared to have no tail at all. This THING literally looked like a triangle with a set of headlights on either side.

Ok, the alien fan in me wanted to say UFO when I first saw this thing a few years back, but now the rationalist in me says 'no way'. I've been working with a company that remodels, assembles and manufactures helicoptors, for a few months now, giving me just enough insight about aircraft to know that something of this nature is entirely feasible.

My question is, what was it? The shape says military, but the obviously bright headlights say I was seeing things.
Ok, enough of my ramblings. What did I see?
Welcome to Dreams! / Mistaken Identity
September 27, 2004, 09:00:46
This weekend I had some rather odd dreams that have me trying to look at them a bit closer. I'm hoping you can help me pick them apart.

The first dream was lucid. I'm in my bedroom at home, realize I'm dreaming, then crawl out the window onto the roof. I climb through the window rather than simply going through a wall becuase I always tend to get stuck. The window, I notice, is very small. I also take note that this is the first remembered dream where my subconscience has remembered I'm in a new bedroom (moved across the hall a few weeks ago). As I crawl through window, get stuck, and realize I'm in my new room, I hear a voice asking me how I have been. Unusual yes, but not the most interesting part. This unseen voice addresses me as Manix...using the CORRECT pronunciation (X pronouced like a K). The dream ends. I have not heard this voice since that very lonely summer when I first heard the name ManiX and took it as my own. I won't go into detail about that summer, I'll just say many strange things happened.

The second dream has me taking a closer look at it, as well as the previous. In this dream I become lucid and start flying over the hills thinking about my situation. I'm aware, but not entirely in control of my own thoughts. What I'm thinking about or asking myself aloud as I fly concerns who I am and where I am going. Every matter that I bring up for myself to review concerns opposing subjects or personality traits. I remember wondering why I feel torn between the seemingly good things in life and the bad. The dream gave me several impressions. It left me troubled about my current standing. I felt almost as if I stood at an invisable crossroad. Wanting to go both ways, but pinned to one spot for too long becuase only one path can be chosen but instead of a crossroad, a dead end feels more appropriate. I truly felt as if I were two different people, neither of which were going anywhere. I felt restless but at a loss as to where to go or what to do about it. I felt as if I was arguing with myself and neither side could come to a salution!

The dream in which I was addressed as Manix seems to echo the feelings of this most recent dream. Two personalities, two dreams, one person, same situation. This has been confusing to say the least.  

What do you think? What could this dream be pointing too? I do not think an identity problem is it, that's simply the most obvious issue. There's something more but I can't grasp it.
Refer to the following threads for more detail background info:

WARNING: Long Post ;)

Ok, this is getting weird; there is no other way to put it. After the initial Tornado Dream and the discovering of the associations with or too my sister, whether direct or indirect, then the reappearance of the tornados as a non-violent symbol, my sister is now acting very odd! Not in waking life of course. In waking life we are getting along very well.

I'll relate some of last nights DILD.

I'm with a good friend of mine and I some how manage to upset my sister once again. We leave my grandmothers house and enter a much jumbled area. It's night time, and there are train tracks to my right and train tracks to my left. The trains on the track are of different proportions. The train to my right in small and swift like a metro, while the train on the left is gigantic, slow and looks like a freight. The freight is floating on a barge in the ocean inlet and cannot move. The metro is tracked on the dock and flies into a tunnel before my friend and I can get on.
My sister is perusing us so she can beat me up, as usual. My friend and I run down the dock but get separated, he cannot keep up. However, my sister is not behind us, she is in front of me, ahead on the dock and waiting. I cannot let her bother my friend so I leap onto the barge and climb the trapped train to try and lose her. I leap into the water below on the other side.
A part of the dock is on this side as well and has cars parked on it. I dive below the dock to try and hide. I bump my head on something and open my eyes and see the headlights of a car flickering through the muddy water. I grab hold of whatever I can on the car and drag myself under to help hide myself. There are people in the car as I can see. The woman in the drivers seat waves happily and I motion for her to help me. She understands and tries to move the car as far away from the dock as she can without being noticed. She doesn't have much luck. Apparently, water does not offer much traction for a car, even in a dream.
The car floats up and I surface shortly. My sister sees me. My only hope is to stay under water. I suddenly know for sure that I'm dreaming and know I can stay under water as long as I like. I can breathe the water in dreams. I dive back under but the car is in my way. I cannot get my head under the water nor get away from the car. Breathing dream air and dream water at the same time confuses me and I gasp and gulp for air. I climb onto the barge and make it to the top. I search for my friend. He too has climbed the barge looking for me. We run to the other end towards the tunnel where the metro went. Greg slips as he climbs down and breaks his leg on the dock. There is an ugly snap as the leg bends an un-natural direction. I leap down and help him up and we work our way to the tunnel. My sister follows but takes her time.
The metro returns and my friend and I get on. We think we are safe but the train does not fly off down the tunnel as quickly as it had before. My sister has just enough time to climb in. I step between my friend and sister and face my sister. I lunge for her and claw skin from her face.
I'm surprised at something. She is smiling! I can see no wounds on her face and find my own face stings miserably.
"What's this?" I say as I put my hand to my face.
I feel a ragged wound and see my hand is now covered in blood as I pull it away. I look up at my sister again who still smiles slyly.
I eye her carefully and lunge a second time; wrapping my hands around her throat. I press my thumbs into her windpipe hard. She does not fight me but continues to grin. I feel a pair of invisible hands wrap about my neck and cut off my air.
"What new trick is this?"
I stop my assault and the invisible assailant ceases as well. This person looks like my sister but the power she seems to possess suggests something or someone else.
"How is it your doing this? How have you gained such power over me?"
To this my sister replied, "A simple trick a coworker taught me awhile back." She gestures to her throat and I'm confused. "The light within," she answers in response to my expression. "He taught me how to open charkas by find and moving the light within."
"Wha..if this is true, and this is how you've gained this strength, can you show me?"
"Of course, first I will conjure a figure you fear. Confronting this fear with show you where the light is within you. Then you will be able to open the charka when you move this light."
"I can't," I say. "If you conjure something I fear that much, I'll be so scared that I'll wake up!"
<This was first spoken recognition of dreaming>
She throws her head back and laughs. She grabs my friend who now sits behind her, by the hair and tosses him to the ground. She then exits the train and runs out a door into a hallway while yelling, "Who cares what you do, I have what I came for, I have found the file!"
I look back at my friend who has been transformed by my sister into something like the alien from "Signs: the movie". I sit down beside him and mutter, "I think I just want to go home." I plop my head in my heads and sigh. "Forget that, I'd have to wake up, and I'm not ready for that yet."
My friend and I exit the train and move down an odd corridor. I'm still lucid but rather dazed by the encounter with my sister. I think I stop her. I go to the end of the corridor and see a breaker box. The switches inside the breaker box are not important. Cutting the power to the right system is. I see two live wires and a puddle of water on the floor. One wire is blue the other red. From previous dreams I've learned not to fear electricity portray in dreamed. I take a wire in each hand and feel a slight buzz. I can short them out by stepping in the water puddle, thus preventing their systems from being repaired. But which wire? I look to the woman who now stands to my right. She has long blonde hair and I've seen her many times before. She's a guide. She tells me to ground my left foot and short out both wires. So, both wires sparking madly in my hands, I step into the puddle with my left foot only. I feel a slight jolt and the task is done. We have to leave the area quickly before the system overloads. We head for the door and see and ice skating ring in front of us with a hockey game being played. My sister reappears behind us. This time the stupid smile is gone. She bares her teeth and runs at us. I dive onto the ice and promptly fall on my face.  I turn and see my sister skidding in another direction. I scramble away with the help of one of the players. They are a little startled that people are suddenly sliding around on the ice and interrupting their game but they are more disturbed by my sisters presence than mine. They know I belong here and she does not. The hockey player gives me a shove towards a podium where I can climb to my feet.
After this my sister is out of the picture and the dream takes normal proportions; normal being a cool sci-fi shoot-out with the Predators and Aliens. What fun! This in itself is still the same dream and has many details which I doubt apply to the dream I've already described. The amazing thing is that this entire account is recalled entirely upon awakening. Even as long as the dream was, it was still yet longer, I know a good portion of the dream occurred at the location of my grandmothers house, this is the only "foggy" part.

The dream was incredible long and detailed and I had no need of making notes of it during the night. However, it's aroused several questions, some of which there may be no answers too.

For one, I've had incredible difficulty remember dreams for the past week or more. The ability gets worse and worse and I can only remember a few brief details even with notes. Then suddenly I recall this. It is still only one dream but the massive detail recalled is shocking! So, my question is this.

Is there an actual proven pattern to dream recall or detail recall that spikes and bottoms out for everyone? If such a pattern exists, even on theory, what may it be based on? What would trigger a "high" or a "low"?

Next is about my sister of course. If I have turned the tornados into a more passive dream symbol, what is happening to the character of my sister? A symbol yes, she must be. She's representing something new now, maybe even something more helpful than before, but still very annoying. The reflected actions and entirely recalled conversation is puzzling. What IS she getting at already? I hate metaphors! I never can figure them out. This THING looked like my sister so there's something to THAT, but it wasn't, I could sense it was not actually her dream character. The sudden talk of charkas blew me away. What file could she be meaning? Everything was based on computer systems so they may play a metaphor as well. Any suggestions at all in "debugging" her symbol would be appreciated.

Don't ask about the hockey team, I've no idea where that came from. It was defiantly a first.
I dream of disastrous events, including tidal waves, tornadoes, earthquakes, Volcanoes, plane/helicoptor,train,car crashes, but I never feel like they are on a global scale. They always feel close to home.

Must be unnerving to have a dream thats as encompassing as those.
Welcome to Dreams! / Shape Shifting
September 07, 2004, 17:47:58
Don't tell me I'm the only one who has ever been a Dandelion!

No one?

I feel so alone...Might as well go find some Round-up.
LOL..I was totally expecting to have to read all ten of your dreams in vivid detail.[:P]

I have many dreams too, not ten though, I think 7 is my record.  I have no idea why this is, it just happens.  I can fall asleep and begin to dream right away, but I had always heard that you only dreamt when in one of those alpha, beta states, or whatever.[;)]  How do I know I dream right away?  I look at the clock before going to sleep it says, 10:00pm I wake up after a dream and it says 10:10, what's up with that?  I love it though, don't get me wrong.[:D]

Thanks sharing your experiences, Manix!  Woot for you! 10 dreams! that is fantastic. [:D]

Welcome to Dreams! / Journaling Software?
June 21, 2004, 09:52:21
Hi Manix,

You must have seen Jeff's OBE Journal S/W. It also covers keeing a record of dreams see:

Also see his thread for useful info.


Stephen [:)]
Afternoon Manix!

Woot!  Sounds like you are well on your way, your astral hands were separated.  Wait until half of your body is floating up and the rest is stuck in...quite funny. [:P]  My arms seem to float out first, I then just need to try getting into a deeper relaxed state to get the rest to come out.

Good luck!

Hey Manix [^]

Over the years I've had close to a hundred tornado dreams, sometimes several tornados circling me at once.  Out of all those dreams, only one tornado actually tore up the house I was in, but did no harm to me.  

Two years ago, I had several tornado dreams in a row...then in real life we had one touch down 1/4 of a mile away. [:O]  It was quite fasinating to look at, the clouds were rushing by, roof level and were lit up with the constant lightening.

I kept telling my hubby to get up and come look, only to have him peek through one eye at me like I was crazy..Hehehehe.

I'm not quite sure what the dreams mean, except maybe I'm surrounded my chaos.. heck just check out the news. [:(]

And I'm not sure about the ghost from Carnivale coming to haunt your sister..not even sure that is possible..[;)]

I personally wouldn't look to much into the dreams...but that is just me. [^]

Hello Manitas,

Well you are actually doing pretty good at remembering dreams, so it looks as if it has to do with the way you wake up. On the week end you wake up by yourself, slowly, take time, stay in bed and take pleasure at remembering your dreams. ON the week days you are waking up with an alarm clock or someone is pulling you out of your bed, and you are not taking the time you need to fully remember your dreams. That/s the first thing I can recommand you: wake up slowly, do not open your eyes, just lay there in your bed and remember you dreams the way you can (even backward if it is easier for you).

Now if you want to improve your memory Rosemay and Lavender are supposedly helping. Rosemay works best by inhaling its volatile: that is to say: put a "dream pillow" full of rosemary (sleep on a little pillow case that you fill in with rosemay). Or put a rosemary plant in your bedroom. During the day put it at the windown and at night  put it next to  your bed so that you can smell it. The same with lavender should work (I tried the rosemary but not the lavender). I also drink rosemary teas and put rosemary as an herb in some dishes, but that's up to you.

It is said that Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) should give you vivid dreams. I tried (pillow, teas,...) and it did not seem to work for me.

Memory and sleep are both regulated by melatonin and some say that taking melatonin before going to bed should help. I tried, but did not notice something particular. It should help you sleep if your sleep pattern has been disturbed.

These days I have many little rosemary plants in my bedroom and put then next to me at night. But still I have to wake up slowly to remember my dreams. If I jump out of bed and go about my day, then the memory of the dreams is lost....

Good luck! and have nice dreams!

Shaman - the dreamer [|)]
Welcome to Dreams! / Had to share!
April 30, 2004, 14:26:03
This dream book sounds familiar. It sounds like a good book to get a hold of (I collect dream books).

I have tried interpreting dreams by color, I failed. It seems that the color is an accent in dreams. More to emphasize something in a dream perhaps? Like a clue of a murky color suggests something different than a bright and vivid color. A dull or murky color is work in progress, to acheive a more advanced point. Plus, it's what the colors means to you in some circumstances. I have a dream book that states the value of the color is showing the level of dreaming you are on. A white dream for instance, is a high level spiritual dream. Regular color suggests material or earth plane location of a dream. So many ideas about color is out there. Another example, if you see a color you don't especially like, the hidden clue in the dream may be about something you don't like.I rarely have a black and white dream, but these may be the ones I don't remember. Black and white dreams have their own mystery about them.

Your vivid dreams sounds wonderful. It sounds like you are in a "good place". You may be seeing things on a positive and realistic level. Other words, in a beautiful way (your life, your home). I visited your area a few years ago. It's as beautiful there as you discribed. In fact, my youngest child was conceived there. I thought about naming her Virginia [:)].
This Problem is definitly due to a malfuntioning thyroid.  I will try and restore it to it's normal function.

I have ADD/ADHD (as most people do).  I'm pretty sure I have slight autism, and Aspergers Disorder.  I think that may hinder my projecting.