I was musing the other day in my journal about my NP sidekick. I call her a sidekick tongue-in-cheek, but maybe she really is separate from me. Sometimes it feels so. In addition, I don't necessarily see her as female, 'it' is more male (I'm female). Below is what I wrote.
I've been giving quite a bit of thought to the NP personality of late. Specifically of its awareness.
In my latest simulation with the dream characters who were coming to get me, my first response about having a mirror was totally NP. I had no idea I was going to say that, or even that I had a mirror. My second response where I put my hand through the wall - I'd say that was my lucid self emerging and merging with my NP self. And the third response where I tried to put myself into and through a character was very characteristic of my lucid self.
So perhaps the balance was tipping from my NP self to my lucid self. The more lucid I got, the less likely I was of staying in the dream. Hmmm.
I wonder: Is the NP personality self-aware? Is that even possible? I think so, but it requires a lucidity that isn't how we would normally understand lucidity.
I'd love to hear others' views on this subject. What is your relationship/understanding of your NP personality?
baro-san replied in my dream journal and here is his post:
I'm of the opinion that my non-physical is more self-aware than I am. It is actually like I am one of his many dreams. For him to become lucid in his dream, that is my life, would be when I know that I am his dream. It is exactly as when I am getting lucid in my dream.
Him becoming lucid would help me taylor his dream, my life, using his knowledge and his intentions.
Cool thoughts.
I feel like I need to process my understanding some more before I can reach any conclusions. It feels like this would be a difficult undertaking because to observe my sidekick, I would have to be there as well - and this rarely happens. Only on occasions when lucidity is slowly brightening do I have a small timespan when we are both aware. Perhaps the way to observe is to note what he/she does in the dream when I'm not around.
I've just re-read the above paragraph and I sound completely nuts.
Thoughts anyone?
I've been giving quite a bit of thought to the NP personality of late. Specifically of its awareness.
In my latest simulation with the dream characters who were coming to get me, my first response about having a mirror was totally NP. I had no idea I was going to say that, or even that I had a mirror. My second response where I put my hand through the wall - I'd say that was my lucid self emerging and merging with my NP self. And the third response where I tried to put myself into and through a character was very characteristic of my lucid self.
So perhaps the balance was tipping from my NP self to my lucid self. The more lucid I got, the less likely I was of staying in the dream. Hmmm.
I wonder: Is the NP personality self-aware? Is that even possible? I think so, but it requires a lucidity that isn't how we would normally understand lucidity.
I'd love to hear others' views on this subject. What is your relationship/understanding of your NP personality?
baro-san replied in my dream journal and here is his post:
I'm of the opinion that my non-physical is more self-aware than I am. It is actually like I am one of his many dreams. For him to become lucid in his dream, that is my life, would be when I know that I am his dream. It is exactly as when I am getting lucid in my dream.
Him becoming lucid would help me taylor his dream, my life, using his knowledge and his intentions.
Cool thoughts.

I feel like I need to process my understanding some more before I can reach any conclusions. It feels like this would be a difficult undertaking because to observe my sidekick, I would have to be there as well - and this rarely happens. Only on occasions when lucidity is slowly brightening do I have a small timespan when we are both aware. Perhaps the way to observe is to note what he/she does in the dream when I'm not around.
I've just re-read the above paragraph and I sound completely nuts.

Thoughts anyone?