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Topics - kifyre

Hey all,

The Promise of Sleep by William C. Dement, M.D., Ph. D.

Chapters 3 and 4 talk about sleep debt and circadium rhythms. It goes beyond the basics into fascinating stuff I never knew. It seems likely that properly managing your sleep would lead to enhanced dream recall and more ease in maintaining the body asleep / mind awake state.

(Heads up to Mercer!" border=0>)

I didn't understand sleep until I read these chapters. Yeah we all need more sleep, but research has shown that the body carefully keeps track of our sleep debt and we carry it with us for weeks. An understanding of how to work (sleep) off this debt and manage it in the future seems invaluable to those of our persuasion.

Also, this implications of his research are fascinating on a philosophical level as well.

All the best,


Hi Robert,

Below is a copy of a copy of a copy of a post you made to the old forum. I'm writing to ask if you would put this information on your web site or add it to the NEW tutorial. I'm going to summarize it for a web site I'm creating, but I want to credit you (which I will do anyway) and provide a hyperlink reference to the primary source.

Thanks so much,

Mark Lippmann


NEW Healing Technique -- RB
On: Sun Jan 7 13:04:06 WST 2001
Posted by: Robert The Bruce []
G'day Julia!

Thank you for your progress report. You seem to be getting on really well with the NEW system. To answer your question concerning how NEW can be used to heal others...

Healing was my first love. It is a subject close to my heart.

What you have been doing will work well. Simply draw energy up your legs and 'feel' it moving down your arm(s) and into your patient.

A higher level of healing can be achieved if you have a little practice working with the primary centres.

For this method (which is the one I have used all my life for contact healing) prestimulate feet and legs, then use the full body circuit a few times. When you are ready to begin, sit your patient down and ask them to close their eyes (if this is appropriate, depending on the circumstances).

Close your eyes and relax for a few moments. Say a simple prayer for healing for the patient, i.e., "Beloved Father, please give healing to this person." but keep it simple. Place your hands on the patient and draw energy up through your legs and torso to your heart centre, and feel the energy overflowing in a Y shape and pouring down both your arms, and into your patient.

The breathing below is comprised of full inhales and exhales.

During each IN breath, draw energy to your heart centre and feel it accumulating therein until your lungs are full.

During each OUT breath, push the energy from your heart, down your arms and into your patient.

Continue the above process until the heart centre strobes several times. When this happens, you will feel a whole body orgasmic sensation. Energy will pulse powerfully into your patient. The heart centre strobe is a very noticeable, pleasurable sensation for the healer. When the strobe happens, the intensity of your breathing may increase quite a bit; this is normal. It can be quite a breathtaking sensation.

The strobe will pulse several times, with its intensity being affected by the energy deficit in the patient. If, after the first strobing pulses, the healer continues pumping energy into the patient, the heart centre can be made to strobe again, sometimes with several 'episodes' groups of pulsing. But one or two sets of strobing are generally enough for a single healing session.

The heart centre accumulates secondary energy, as energy is passed through it. But while this is happening, healing is still taking place through the secondary level. Whether or not the heart centre can be made to strobe will depend on development. But this will happen if you keep practicing. The best way to practice is to give healing to those whom need it.

The above can also be applied to distance healing.

A letter, photograph or email letter (onscreen or printed) can be used to make the connection. If you personally know the patient, this in itself is enough, and you can then just 'imagine' them being in front of you.

For distance healing, what I call 'computer healing' do the following.

Sit in front of your pc, with the letter onscreen.

Close eyes, relax, trance if possible, and say a healing prayer for the patient.

Raise energy as per the contact healing method given above.

Imagine the patient's head is directly in front of you, within easy reach. Perfection is not required, just imagine generally.

Reach out and place your hands (your real hands) onto the imagined head.

Pulse the healing energy through the heart centre, as per normal contact healing.

You'll find the results are the same. If your patient is also relaxing, they will often feel your hands and the healing energy flowing into them.

This works well on a chat or talk program, where the patient relaxes, closes eyes and receives the healing as the healing is being given.

The above method, when used a lot, programs your energy body to respond to sick people, or people low on energy. You will find, in time, the healing will begin accumulating in your heart centre, and flowing into a patient in need, whenever you are close to one in person, or connected to one, i.e., email, chat, etc.

With more practice, the healing act, with full heart centre strobing, can be accomplished in under thirty seconds. This makes it possible to treat a great many patients, if one has a healing centre.

This level of healing is invigorating for the healer and does not take energy from them. It can, however, make one hungry; especially if many patients are treated in a row.

The amount of energy that can be produced, especially for those new to healing, is increased by the trance state. This is part of the reason why I always recommend people develop a robust trance state, so they can operate from within it, i.e., be able to move their arms and talk, etc.

This is the simplest and most powerful healing technique I know of.

Just for interest......

25 years ago, when I opened my first healing centre, my first patient was an 11 year old boy with a serious eye disorder. He wore thick, shot-glass glasses, and was steadily going blind. During three subsequent weekly visits, his eyes improved to the point where he threw away his glasses. Worried, his mother took him to the eye doctor where he was tested for new glasses. His doctor was amazed as the boy now had 20/20 vision. I met this boy, now a man of 36, a few weeks ago. He still has perfect eyesight, and still gave me a hug, just like he used to after healing.

Anyway, back to work for me. I hope this helps....

Take care, Robert.

Human life is full of magic, one only needs to spot it.

My friend emailed this to me:

"Also strange is that my [...] whatever you called them have
been increasing. I think it's stress, I've never had this many at once. I'll
just be half asleep and see some wierd thing hovering over me.  I know that
I'm some what awake for some of them, because I can feel that I pull the
covers over my head. It's not like a daily occurence, but I'd like to figure
out if there's something I can do to prevent them. Some outlet I need to use
to destress perhaps."

Of note, she thinks my "energy stuff" is pretty out there. And, I think she finds the idea of non-physical entities pretty laughable.

In any case, comment and suggestions welcome. This is really just an FYI. I'm either going to send her a copy of PPSD, or try and coach her defenses up from a non-occult perspective, depending on receptivity. But, in the unlikely event that there's a  "quick fix" for her, that'd be great. I unfortunately can't leave my body and confront it directly yet." border=0>


When accessing the second page of links through the below URL, I get this message:

"ADODB.Field error '80020009'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/forums/portal_links.asp, line 0"

Maybe it's a feature, not a bug." border=0>

All the best,


I've noticed that energy work seems to physically relax my body. Also, RB indicates somewhere that the Rope Technique can bring on the heavy trance state.

I used to progressively relax my body, starting with the toes, then the feet, then calves, knees, etc. These body parts would begin to fizz and tingle as I reached them. And then I'd begin to lose track of them. My arms and legs would be like logs.

Here is a technique I have found very effective that puts energy work and progressive relaxation together.


1. Focus on your toes. Tell yourself that your toes relax. The joints, the muscles become completely relaxed. Do each set of toes separately, if necessary. Do an opening awareness action around and through each set of toes separately. This is exactly like the tearing / bread breaking awareness action. Feel your toes opening up.

2. Focus on your feet. Tell your feet to relax, that your feet are becoming completely relaxed. Feel the tendons relax, the soul of the foot, the top of the foot. Do a gentle opening awareness action through each foot separately. Feel your feet opening up.

And so on...

3. Ankles
4. Lower leg / calves
5. Knees
6. Upper leg / thighs
7. Hips, groin creases, buttocks
8. Lower back
9. Fingers
10. Hands,
11. Forearms
12. Elbows
13. Upper arms
14. Shoulders

15. Feel your whole back and shoulders relaxing, sinking into the bed. Start at the base of your spine. Do a tearing awareness action, perpendicular to your spine, pulling away from your spine on each side. Move slightly up the spine and repeat, traveling all the way to the neck.

16. Repeat (15.) on the front of the body.

17. Gently open the neck, head, and face. Progressively relaxing each part. Feel your lips droop, your face relax, your forehead becoming unlined, your eyelids gently staying closed without any effort.

18. Repeat any and every part as necessary, in any order.

Each body part might start to fuzz, buzz, and tingle for the duration of the exercise.


I've found progressively opening and relaxing the entire body is extremely effective for getting me into that "ready" state. I'm a log by the time I'm finished.

Now I just need to work on my mind.

Does anyone have similar techniques or suggestions for modifying this one?


Thanks, Mark,  I'll check into this.

Hi kifyre,

I did look this up on Amazon. It was rated 5 stars by 25 customers (a top rating). The editorial reviews also raved about the book. It is geared towards women as you mentioned, so maybe I'll order one for my wife (and then read it too). Thanks for the recommendation.

Very best,
The way I understand it is that feminine and masculine are just another way of showing dualties.
Greetings Kifyre,

Originally posted by kifyre

When I attempt to send a PM and I forget the subject, I am informed that I need one. Going back, all my text is erased. This has happened a couple times. Perhaps this can be eventually addressed? An automatic "no subject" seen by the sender, etc.?

All the best,


Yes I take your point - I have done the same thing myself a few times.

I will see what can be done.

With best regards,

Now that I've got the basics down, more or less, here's what I do:
(note, i'm still improving the basics, but i'm doing this too)

1. Create an image in mind (a triangle, for example)
2. Firmly hold down subvocalization. (or i sometimes count, as above)
3. Firmly maintain (or create in each moment) the triangle, to the exclusion of all else.

Experiment with adding some *mental muscle*. Make sure you keep breathing and don't tense any real muscles.

So that's a form of meditation. Maybe it can be modified slightly for projection.

All the best,

I get an intense pain in the middle finger of my left hand.  Feels like it's holding the weight of the world.  Don't know why there but if I do get pain it's always right there.

The physical body is made up of physical matter. The etheric body is made up of etheric matter. The astral body is made up of the substance of the astral planes. The mental body is made up of the substance of the mental planes. As far as higher planes and higher bodies are concerned, what I have read is not consistent.
Mark, i am guessing you want your foreskin back?, lol.  Me too! any suggestions?


Mark: you are on the right track. Talking "about" obe is not the same as actually "doing" it. No matter which slant people decide to put on things, a person still has to lie back and DO it at the end of the day.

So I say the sooner a person begins, the sooner they can begin getting results. Also please bear in mind that all the help you, or anyone for that matter, needs is right there, within you... within everyone. All the help they could ever hope to get, tailor-made for their specific needs (and for free too!) just a slight shift in consciousness away.


Have you tried to project while on your right side instead of on your back? The right nostril will likely close, but the left nostril will clear in a few minutes. On a related matter, I read that a timed breathing pattern when established can be allowed to continue effortlessly. This keeps you breathing even after you are concentrating elsewhere.

Have you tried this?  Do you recommend it?  Does it do anything for you?

I agree.  The book is excellent and a good companion to NEW.  They are very very

To touch the philosophic question about what knowledge and truth is..
It is wery hard to define some things as true or untrue. After all in the idealistic worldwiev you canno´t know that anything then your own mind is relly existing. And who can prowe that we are not just living in a fake fantasy existense like in the matrix? I don´t belive this- but it´s impossible to counter prove it! But I do belive that reality is wery subjective, and more important that there are parts af reality that are depending on our own belifes. After all, all magickal ork is done on the ,mentale plane and is totaly dependent on our belif in it. So in one way it is wery real, but in another way it´s not real in the same sense as other things in the physicall world. But the important thing is that it works- magick works. I feel the same way about different energy raising methods- perhaps they will never be possible to prov to exist objectivly- but that dosn´t matter wery much as long as they are real for the individual and actually work.  


-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --
Welcome to Metaphysics! / "Strobe" Followup
May 17, 2002, 02:33:24
Hey Kifyre

I think Robert said something like it was an over active brow chakra/pineal gland with the strobe effect.It is annoying & sometimes painful,but I havn't heard of the strobes occuring from the side,get an eye test to make sure it's not a problem with the lens or retina in your eye as I have heard that has happened to some people.Ease up on astral activities as well until it stops,I have found that helps & I think Bruce & Monroe both say in their books to ease up on activities if overstimulation is felt.

Good journeys


Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Meaning of Sex
May 15, 2002, 21:39:16

I bealive that christianity has really affected the general social opinions about sex in a negative way, giving it a 'sinful' image in the early years. Perhaps this is partly why it is such a big topic, with confilcting feelings arising as the world opens its eyes a little.

People think about sex a lot because it is an obvious biological necesity. An interesting point regarding sex and spirituality is that when two people engage in sex their auras actually become one aura.

Veni Vidi Vici

Thanks for your rapid opinion" border=0>

Yes - the portal was initially the default page," border=0>

With kind regards,


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Introductions!
April 07, 2002, 19:23:29
Hi Mark
I'm not into the martial arts, but I do Golden Shield. We are fortunate to have a center here in Fairfield, Iowa. Ed Fleishman tells us what we can expect when we get the (chi/prana/energy/etc) into the higher centers. I know I come out of class feeling like I can almost fly. Seeing auras and other phenomena are common place among practitioners.


You didn't run out of air so much as run out of energy. Plus, the sense of consciousness that you take with you is basically the same as the sense of consciousness you have in the physical. Maybe it got a little confused as, from the wording of your post, it sounds like your first time.

Your post reminds me of the first time I visited an underwater region in the Astral. My sense of consciousness balked big-time at the thought of going underwater without Scuba gear. The guide who I happened to be with gradually coaxed me under. The key is to take things step my step and introduce your mind to the experience very gradually.


"Perfection is attained by
slow degrees; she requires
the hand of time"

If you focus directly on the places where you are having unpleasant sensations, your concentration will act to magnify them. It is better to try to approach them from outside the affected area and study the boundaries where the sensations begin. You might have some luck causing those boundaries to shift and then dissolve, taking the symptoms with them. It has been a while since I've read the NEW tutorial and longer since reading Astral Dynamics, so I don't recall if there are any particular secondary centers near the throat or upper chest. It would help to look into this.

Hi mate!

Psychic attack I have a little experience with, and I think the sensations of paralysis are always accompanied by feelings of fear or other negative emotions - ie it is never just bodily paralysis (for me, anyway). Also there is usually something visual going on (blacker than black shadows, once I saw a bright green water bottle floating in the air above the bottom of my bed, it was very odd!), this seems to catch your attention which I think may be an important factor (like a "line" the attack can go down).

It sounds like (and here I don't think I have any experience) you probably had a projection going at the time, which would have caused paralysis and strong energy sensations around your chest area. Then when you "got up" and had lots of crazy things going on like none of the light working, this was probably a sort of false awakening - ie you were out of body at the time (like light switches don't work in dreams). Who knows, maybe these two memories are actually from the same period of time??

I wont be trying this yet as I get enough stimulation at the moment, but I would think that you would be setting up a contra-flow or resistance which would push more energy through with this exercise?  Do you do any form of Martial Arts?  Amazing things happen when you incorporate the energy in with physical exercise.

Sorry I don't have any answers. You sound like me on campus playing with energy through lecture, after lecture, after lecture...


G'day Mark

I think Awareness Hands are our energy counterparts of the physical. Using AH is learning how to use/be in the energy body, and so has the added bonus of acclimatising our minds to using our non-physical bodies. Just my theory on it, anyway!

I have experienced what you refer to, with AH going over primary centres.... I think (for me) it is my awareness of the energy and it's impact on my AH. It can also have the reverse affect in that my AH will impact on the energy centre.

One of the alternatives to awareness hands I use, is dressing myself in 'light' clothes..... like pulling on socks, up the legs.... and allowing it to tingle/soak in to my bones. My awareness hands are still in operation, and my fous is shifted.

I have yet to have a fully-conscious OBE (although I have had several spontanneous ones, and semi-lucid ones) so for me, using my AH is training for the ultimate outta body LOL But sometimes my NEW focus is more on energy sensations, than manipulating them.

Great to read your posts Mark!


'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? ' from my whacky novel, "LUST"
I think MBA is a combination of the above.  To me it's just a focus point, the energy flows from the intention behind the focus.  I think that what you are doing is programing your body to be sensitised to energy movement/flow. From what I gather so far, subject to change, is that all energy follows intention.  The MBA might just be like those training wheels on your first bicycle, once you learn to balance you dont need them.  

What if after having practised NEW for some time, just a quick thought 'about' energy would raise it?  What if after having practised for some time, it just does it's own thing/raises itself just from memory/repetition -  just goes ahead without you?  I dont fancy that idea.

Tom, if you're reading this, have you ever had the Microcosmic orbit start up on it's own, without your intention/MBA?  And I also meant to ask you if you thought that the Microcosmic orbit was a 'safe' way of raising energy as it is claimed?  I read the book but I thought it looked a bit of a serious study, one that I would rather do under guidance.  

Oops, sorry I've run off topic there...