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Topics - IequalMC2

Welcome to Writers Corner! / Deathless Love
August 12, 2006, 11:32:27
With all that's happened and everything,
I still don't regret a single swing, above the
Tables I fled the screen, caught up in spirit
Trialed and pushed to the limit, my presence
With the Holy Spirit, Understanding, Trust And
True Freewill, I leapt astray, whisked Away,
Big Bens Psychiatric Bay, Ministered by Angels
Of Night and Day, Schooled the INS n outs of
Creations Play, Striving to Commune and Live
The Heavenly way, see through my eyes today
"A True Martyr of Love" My Answer to the Dove
"Another Fallen Angel of Deathless Love"     
Your gona have to use your eyes.

Taken from the street bible- Rob lacey  

Isaiah / no pain, no gain.

RL- back before all the poetry we had over three hundred years of God tried to get through to his people using hand picked couriers. Scroll down Jewish history till you get to King Jotham of Judah and you'll soon suss that Isaiah Amozson is the first major voice trying to pull the Jews kicking and screaming back to God. Gods 'cruel to be kind' discipline program has allowed the superpower Assyria to steamroller the northern state of Israel. Isaiah first splurge of material tells their 'southern cousins' in Judah not to be suckered into thinking, "It'll never happen to us!" Isaiah's pretty blent- They've broken the contract with God and he's going to kick them out as well. This time it'll be the superpower waiting in the wings – the Babylonians. Isaiah's second splurge has him projecting into the future when the people are already evicted and living (or 'existing') in Babylon. It's stuffed full of God assurances that he's going to liberate them, this time by using the Persian Empire. It also points forward seven hundred odd years to the liberator who'll bring permanent freedom to the people through his sacrifice.
(a)   Discipline

Isaiah 1:2-4 Gods case

'Listen up stars! Hear me out, planet Earth! This is what God says: "I raised my children, I brought them up- now they give me the cold shoulder and stride off to do there own thing. The ox knows who's boss; the donkey knows where the carrots come from and who holds the stick. But Israel just don't get it: they can't get there brains round how it works.

'"Talk about messed up people: guilt ridden, evil corrupters!
They walked out on me, blocked out purity and turn there backs on anything good"'

RL- More regret about the tragic fall of Israel. But Gods still got Jerusalem, although right now a time traveler could mistake the place for Sodom and Gomorrah! He gives it to them straight.

Isaiah 1:15-20 your choice!


'You do the praying pose- I can't watch. You rattle through the prayer book- I can't listen. The blood on your hands is drowning you out. Wash off the grime: stand in the shower for a day or nine. Get your evil schemes out of my sight. Quit doing wrong. Kick start good stuff like tracking down justice; backing the oppressed; blocking the oppressors; defending the venerable and giving the poverty stricken a voice.'


'Let's thrash this out together,' says God. 'OK, so your mess stands out like a bloodstain on cream carpet: it will be white as fresh snow. And OK, so the evil you've done is as in-yer-face as crimson graffiti on a white washed wall: it will be as white as pure new wool. If you do as I say, you'll have feasts full of food you've grown on your own land. But if you stick your heels in and go against me, enemy's weapons will have the last laugh. These are your options. Your call'

RL- God paints both pictures- the devastation of Jerusalem and the city of peace. Parallel futures are laid out before them. God changes the metaphor to his people being a vineyard.
Isaiah 5:4-6 Sour grapes


'What more could I have done to my vineyard? Haven't I done everything I could? But I'm looking for juicy grapes and the few I find are moldy and flea-ridden! So this is my action plan: I'll tear down the protective hedge and the wind'll rip it all out of the ground. I'll demolish the walls and it'll be trampled into the ground; it'll become a wasteground. There won't be a pruning knife within miles of the place and the weeds and the thrones will move into take over- I'll even block the clouds so no rain will irrigate it.'

RL-God lays out the bad news through Isaiah but even in the middle of a good telling off, God can't leave them without hope. They may be looking down the barrel of a dark time but at the end of it is light and space.

Isaiah 9:6-7 The Liberator


It's a boy! And he's ours! He'll grow up to carry the government on his shoulders. His titles will include Wonderful Wise One, Awesome God, Father who Stays, Peace Prince. His tranquil rule will just keep on spreading. He'll sit on David's throne and run a kingdom full of justice and goodness right into eternity. Gods burning enthusiasm will see this done.

RL- But before that...the only things burning are God's anger and the ruins of Jerusalem. Again God counters the despair with hope – a remnant will come back home and live in peace.  
(b)   Liberation

RL- Imagine it's happened. Picture Jerusalem as a ruin and the Jews as Babylonian slaves. Then someone remembers the stuff Isaiah before they left. They dig it out, dust it off and flick through...there is hope.
Isaiah 40:1-10 Comfort my people


'Comfort my people; hug then. Speak gently to the Jews. Tell them they've had all the punishments. They've had double discipline. It's over!'


What's that voice? Drifting in from the wasteland , 'Give us a motorway. A straight line of lines. An M1 for God to travel on. Flatten those dips; penetrate those mountains. Make it flat all the way for God's cavalcade to come'


A voice from off shouts, 'Holler!!'

Isaiah calls back, 'Just tell me what and I'll shout the house down'

The voice says, 'Holler, "People are like blades of grass. There best years, like the short flowering season, don't last- there gone. Grass gets mown down, flowers droop and drop off, but the bosses message stands strong and long."


The voice again, 'You! You want to spread the good news? Shift yourself! Get up that mountain. You! You want Jerusalem to know? Project, from the Diaphragm; give it all you've got and holler. Don't choke on it; free your mouth up and yell "Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you- your God! Arriving centre stage, totally in control, power pouring from every pour- your God! With his diamond studied trailer behind, holding rewards for you, prizes for you"'

RL- The compere goes on describing the scene, groping for superlatives to do this God justice. He's like a minder, a mentor carrying the venerable close to his heart, holding hands with the young mums. Same hands that scooped up the sea. Same hands that spanned out the stars. Same hands that carried the basket from which he'd make the earth. Shift to the question of things people never say, like 'Here, God; let me tell you something you don't know!' excrement to the question of how small the nations are, compared to God- a water droplet? No, smaller. A grain of dust? No, smaller. Nothing? That's more like it! The question 'What other "god" gets close' doesn't even deserve an answer. The compere can't believe we don't know that God views us like grasshoppers, views the cosmos like a tent, views the world leaders as nothing – blades of grass on the compost heap of. Then God opens his mouth to speak, the compere mutes his own mike...Isaiah 40:25 – 31


God says 'compare me to what?' is there anything that even comes close? Look up; see the stars. Who made them? Who switches then on at night? Who knows there real names? Who has the sheer power to keep them from imploding?'


So how can you moan, 'God's got a blind spot with me. He's ignoring me? Aren't you up to speed? He's the infinite one. Designer. Creator. He doesn't get tired. No one can scratch the surface of his understanding. And he lets the weary ones plug into his strength reserves. He recharges the weak with his power. Even teenagers need him to fill their energy tanks. Even they trip up. Even they land flat on there face. But those who's prospects are tied up with God will get a second wind, third wind, fourth, fifth sixth. They'll fly, magnificent, like eagles on the nature channels. They'll run marathons back to back. They'll walk mountains at midday, midsummer and not even break sweat.    

RL- Isaiah gets first-hand images of God in charge world politics. He mocks the media-made gods of today. He jogs the Jewish memories of being picked out by him, of being with him. He prints out copies of promises of protection, of God holding there hands, of giving them a grip on making a living of providing them with clean drinking water. All so there sold on the fact that God's on there case. More satire at the expense of idols. Then a preview of a king on God's payroll (could be Cyrus)

Isaiah 42:1-7 The Liberator


Take a good look at the servant I'm backing. I'm so proud of the one I've picked out. I'll saturate him with my Spirit so he'll be teach the nations the meaning of the word "justice". He's not the loudmouth type; he won't step on a slug, or leave a helpless turtle on its back to die. He's totally focused on his justice for ALL campaign. Nothing will put the brakes on him achieving it. Countries you've never heard of will pass laws on his ideas'.


The God who constructed the cosmos, who sculpted the earth and everything that grows in it, the God who breathes life into people says, 'I'm in charge and I've picked you out to do the right thing. I'll walk hand in hand with you protect you, make you the proof of the Contract with my people. You'll be a lighthouse for other nations. Why? To open blind eyes and to liberate prisoners from the hellholes they've been chained up in.'

RL- 'I'm God, that's my name. no one else is getting credit for what I do. Waters gone under the bridge. Water's about to fall – and I'll tell you when; I'll turn the tap. Before the weather for casters get a sniff, I'll tell you the whole deal'

Then a celebration song to the Warrior-one God talks of not biting his lip any longer but letting the screams of birth pain out. He talks of flattening mountain ranges, of drinking dry the irrigation pools, of leading the blind and turning the lights on for them along smooth, disabled - friendly paths. Turns out it's the Jews who are disabled: blind and deaf to God looted and uprooted by their enemies at God's say so, they went through war without thinking of asking why!

Isaiah 43:1-3 It won't touch you


Your creator says this: 'Don't panic! I've brought you back. I've picked you out by your first name – you belong to me. when life's floods threaten to sweep you away, I'll be holding you: Your not shifting! When forest fires sweep through your campsite I'll be directing it around your tent: you won't even get singed 'cos I'm God your liberator.'

RL- God restores his love for them. Underlines his plans to be with them through the rough times. Prints out and frames his promise to bring them back home. He broadcasts his new policy – his desert Motorway programme for his entrance...

Isaiah 43:18 -21 New life, just up the road.


'Wipe your memory banks; quit living in the past. Look I'm into new stuff; its just coming to the boil. Can't you sense it? I'm building a road through the wasteland and I'm redirecting rivers alongside it. The wild dogs and foxes give me respect because I'm rejuvenating their desert land. My people will drink fresh water on there way back home – there mine and I made them to celebrate me.'

RL- All this despite the fact that there not actually with vicar's knee from begging. But he wipes there slate clean and forgets where he put it. They've not got a leg to stand on, but God has the blueprints for a designer garden (with water features) where wasteland was. And they'll reconnect with there heritage, names from the Instruction Manual era will become trendy again. God reminds them, he's the only God worth squat, and rips into idols again...Isaiah 44:16 – 18 DIY Devotion


'He saws the tree trunk in half. One half gets chopped up: Some on the open fire; some for the wood-burning stove. He cooks his meal and eats it in front of the fire. He nods off mumbling, "Don't you love a real fire?" the other half he chisels away at and sculpts into an idol. When it's done he knells in front of it and asks it to look after him in rough times! How dumb is that?! There denser then wood; there closed minds are looking at a blind spot and they just don't see it.

RL- But no one cottons on to the absurdity of what there doing. Despite this, he 'blows their mess away like a cloud on a windy day'. He wants them back with him, now he's brought them out of slavery. 'The hills are alive with singing; the trees move the boughs to the beat' because Cyrus is shaping up to release the Jews to go home. Not because they've begged him enough, but just out of loyalty to Jacob.

Isaiah 45:9 Just clay


'Big trouble building up for the guy picking word wars with his Maker. You're just one of many clay pots on his workshop floor. Does the pot say to the potter, "let me just check your plans, see if they'll work"? Does the pot start rumors with the other pots that the potters got no hands? Er...don't think so!'

RL-God lays it out, 'So don't question me. Cyrus is ready, on his toes, to facilitate the building work on Jerusalem and to send back the evicted with a mission. Your enemies will bow reciting their new mantra "Your God's God. The only God. He's way out there, way in here; He's way out on his own." Israel's liberation's is not far off. Get into your shell-like, I'm God. The only God. I'm on my own. Babylon's got it coming to them. God used them to discipline his people, but there cocky in their superiority and they'll come crashing down from their penthouse suites; there life couches and fortune – tellers will dive with them. The Jews are so stubborn! He told you the result; the game went as he read it, against the form book. So listen up to what he says next: "you've been road tested, you've been hardened up by life and I've done it so you don't give me bad press anymore. I've done it so I get the credit" if you'd kept the contract you'd be serene as an Alpine lake, your right way of life would be a tidal wave of change. The Liberator's ready, on call. Equipped to bring you home. To do what he does – to Liberate'

Isaiah 49:14-16 Unforgettable


The Jews say, "Gods forgotten us, written us off as a bad job. We're scrubbed off his agenda" Can a mother forget she's got a baby in the middle of breast feeding? Can she not care for the child she pushed out? Maybe! But I won't forget you. Your names tattooed on my palms. The "reconstructed you" is always in my eye line.'

RL- And there'll be loads of reconstructed people. A nation. A rich nation. God asks them, 'When did I sign my divorce papers?' He didn't. They're still his bride. And the groom, the Liberator, will go through ridicule and agony to get them living back together again. Connect again with your heritage, your Rules, your gut feelings of what's right. God will bring you back and you'll be singing upbeat celebration songs. Stop your quivering. Wake up. You've been mugged by Gods anger, doped by God's tragedy. But he's detoxing you. Waking you up, cleaning you up. Open the windows; listen to the gossip – Gods spreading the good news, the grapevine's passing on the juicy news that Gods setting up his band and you'll be singing freedom songs, gospel songs. You'll be singing along with God, 'The main man has come through with the goods. He's got scars on his scars. He's got authority. He's got the king stuck for words He's got respect'.

Isaiah 53:1-12 The Liberator predicted


Who would credit it? Who'd ever foreseen this plotline in God liberation story? He grow up venerable as a sapling in a concrete yard. Not especially attractive; nothing particularly regal about him: he didn't stand out in the crowd, your Mr average. He was dissed by most, given the cold shoulder by many. There was a sadness about him. You could see it in his face he was on personal terms with grief. People blocked him out, verbally abused him didn't rate him.


But woah! Step back a sec! Weren't those our weaknesses he took on? But we were convinced he'd been rubbed out of God's good books, punished by him, held down by him. How wrong can you be!? He was messed up for our mess. He was knocked down for our slip ups. The slapping we should have got – he got. And we got serenity instead. His punishment beating left him half –human and us whole and fully human. We've all wondered off like lost boys, all followed our own directions. And punished him for everything we've done.


Victimized and tortured, but did he rant against this injustice? No, he shut his mouth, like a lamb entering an abattoir – eerily silent. Terminated by the oppression of a corrupt legal system. Leaving no kids- cut down in his prime. Silenced for the foul-ups of my people who'd been pushing Gods patients for years. Killed like a common criminal (but buried by a rich man) even though he was totally in the clear. No blood on his hands. No hint of half truth in his mouth.


But God had planned all this way before. God knew he'd be ripped apart and killed as a sacrifice, a ceremonial offering to cancel our guilt. And he'll see the final score, how he won generations of 'children'. And God will give him his life back because the plans were completed to the letter. He'll remember his agony, look at the results and be completely satisfied. Knowing him, being connected with him will lead to the acquittal of many in God's court – he's already been punished for their mess. So God will reward him big time! A king-size jackpot of a reward,' cos he poured out his life till he was empty. In his death he's associated with the lowest of the low. He takes on the blame for the mess of so many: He'll stand up for our failures.

RL- So those of you that thought you were nothing – sing! Build extensions, ready for God to fill them. Why worry? Gods your husband. OK, he was livid with you; but now feels his heart, his passion for you. It's like way back with Noah- I swore no more-world-wipe-out floods. Now I'm swearing – no more anger; my love's on the line and limitless. So...

Isaiah 55:1-3,6-9 Gasping for it


If your gasping, if your mouth's like the Sahara in summer get yourself to a reservoir. If you've got no cash – come by good wine and full fat milk without spending your last readies. Where's the logic in spending money on plastic bread? What's the point in working your socks off for stuff that can't satisfy? Listen up! fill your mouths with something worth chewing: food with 100 per cent of daily vitamins for your soul. Clean out your ears, listen up and do your soul a favor: I'll make a permanent contract with you in line with my loving contract with David.

RL- God says, 'I'll make you trendsetters, leaders, movers and shakers. I'll kit you out in charisma.'


Such for God while he's around. Evil people, quit your dark stuff; cancel your evil schemes. Turn around and face God: he won't treat you as you deserve. He'll throw out every charge against you, 'cos God makes it clear as clean glass, 'My thoughts are totally "other" compared to your thoughts. My methods aren't in any of your manuals. My ideas and your ideas, my methods and your methods are light years apart.

RL- God carries on, 'Rain and snow don't drain and melt with out watering the ground. Neither does a word leave my lips without it having the impact I want. You'll breathe in peace and breathe out joy. Nature will sing along with your song: For "nettles" read "trees". For "thorns" read "more trees". You wont need a plaque on the trunk, it'll be clear it's me that takes the awards.' Gods got more: 'I want justice and right and rest on the Rest Day.' But the Jewish leaders just work on there beer bellies while the good people go under. They tune into the filth of there surroundings and get no peace.

Isaiah 58:1-9 True religion = do something about it


'Turn up the PA: blast it out. Get up close to the mike and let rip! Tell my people that they've done the dirty on me and broken the contract'

RL- God slams into the hypocrisy of their religions abstinence from food, which just ends in fights. 'Course they still expect God to come up with the goods on there bulging requests lists! He puts them straight.


'This type of fasting I have asked for: Getting the heavy-duty cutters on the chains of injustice. Chainsawing through the ropes holding down the oppressed. Isn't religion about spreading the food out to include the starving? Isn't it about a roof over the heads of refugees? About putting clothes on the naked? About not turning a blind eye on your own family? You do this and you'll be like the sun after a long dark night. It'll do you good to! Your catchphrase will be "Just doing the right thing". Your back-up will be my aura. Do this and I'll answer your questions. You'll cry out and I'll be there for you instantly!'

RL- God holds his sword back as they rip off their workers, grimacing as he goes, 'trample on oppression; waste yourself on the wasted. Then you'll get the handel "ruin rebuilder" from the ruined people, "street maker" from the slum dwellers. And you'll rest on Rest Day knowing that God's your Joy dealer and he's giving out freebies for you'

Then more promises stuffed full of hope for their future not least...

Isaiah 61:1-3 The Liberators Job Spec


The Spirit of God is coursing through every part of me. He's commissioned me to announce the breaking news- fantastic news for the poor! He's sent me to mend broken hearts to liberate those slammed up in dark prisons, to announce the news that this is the era of God being gentle on his people. It's payback time for our enemies! My manifesto is to get alongside the grieving – to swap their burnt-out hopes for beautiful crowns, to exchange there regrets for delight, to trade in despair for celebrations songs. They'll be like towering sculptures – chiseled out by God to be a constant reminder of his brilliance.

RL- Plus loads on the consequences for those refusing God's offers of life and the perfect world he's going to create for those who do.                                



good and evil


the butcher knife

lord cant help me


life is hard


you know that feeling

Manifested Trumpets Music! From the main man HollywoodReality AKA Da Bucher (one like the son of man) celebration song, its poetry in motion

The Wutang clan are our first neighbors, not astral dynamics I say that. There Humble Bumble Bees, and yes, I was thinking of the exact words humble bumble bees (writing rhym) before anyone posted anything about bees, but that was earlier during the week, I can't help being on sync!
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Lady Says Boo!
December 02, 2005, 10:00:50
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the free world!

Here's something that happened to me just this week on different days. Had quite an active week really, nice to have some time away. This is what I call decoding, other people might call it 'a reading'. i'm just wondering if when Clairvoyant do a reading, if they natrually do what I call decoding before hand, so when the client comes for a reading, (just what i'm guessing) you link up all the noted coincidence beforehand. So when they speak you already know why they've come to see you.

I've never done a reading, but decoding is just like that.

I'm wondering if 'decoding' and 'Reading' (not reading writing) are the same thing, and if anyone has had similar things happen to them?

So here's what happened  

Events Described in Reverse Order

Yesterday and sometime this week, in my head I said Boo to myself (not something I usually do) and the word Boo kept popping up in my head so I registered it

Later yesterday my mum told me about her old babysitter. Her name is Boo, Boo used to have and use a crystal ball, she used to do readings, and I think she used to be a ballerina, and when Boo died she gave my Grandma 'Me mums mum' her crystal ball (this was when my mum was in her 20s) My Grandma being a 'dogmatic Christian' threw the crystal ball away maybe in the old houses pond (or something like that, my mum cant remember properly).

Then my mum tells me Boo's son, started a famous balloon company that was on the news the other day after reaching 69,000 feet.

Sometime this week, can't remember which day, but it was before 'the Boo's' I took the dog for a walk, when walking past a church I spotted a blue helium balloon (like a party one) and by supreme fluke it was caught under a little arch thing not 10 inches wide indented into the church brickwork, the wind had blown it there I looked at it thought that's odd, and registered it as a co-incidence that didn't make sense yet.

So What this decode session means to me, it's like confirming for the first time I'm alive after death, If I want to be, and that I'm not crazy, which Is reassuring, and I think she's just saying Boo I'm alive, it's all good over here, which is nice, but was worrying at first, even though I didn't have to worry.

Comments anyone?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Calender
November 11, 2005, 05:05:56

IQ Test your forehead

The following is a paper about nothing. Its goal is to convince you of nothing; it is a manifestation as a result of decoded thought/light 'Meditation'. I am translating from scrap paper which has lots of random writing written on it, by looking at it I can see its link-ups, I have decided to call it Thought-Mathematics, keeping in tune with Einstein's Thought experiments (which I don't think many people really understand). It's not how I retype it up, its how the thoughts come together in the first place that matters.


Universal Time/Calendar (Thought Mathematics)

Anyway this is my 96th post which is convenient for the topic, and almost silenced me.  

I started thinking about the numbers 6 and 9 for me they are the same number so I started thinking about how to incorporate this in the calendar and about God creating everything and resting on the 7th day.

I like to think that Gods so cool, he would have created the earth and rested at the same, just because he can and it be the natural thing to do. Also Jesus (Iqualmc2) is already the same as God, the spiting image in both light and thought, and as everyone keeps saying he did atone for our thoughts and he has already rose up and conquered death, all this he already did on the third day.      

Days of the week: Premise that Six is a Nine (ever noticed that)

So the first thing I drew was the days of the week like this, I was attempting to account for leap years and wot not, and just like myself I tend to work in the opposite direction of everyone else and try silly radical things. I know you can do anything with numbers but here you go, please be patient.    

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1, 2, 3) 9  

Here I have deleted the 7th Day (Sunday, Day of rest) I've done this because currently we have not been keeping the Sabbath day (Empty) it's still on the calendar.

Day Calculations

If we add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 we get 28

An even number but also an important number, I believe it causes our miscalculations and perception of time. Importantly to add to this suspicion the lunar cycle is 28 days, and you all know about the tides the water in us.

If we add 1+2+3+4+5+6+9 we get 30 A generation which is described in the dictionary as...

1.   A form or stage in the life cycle of an organism.
2.   All of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor.
3.   The average interval of time between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring.
4.   A group of individuals born and living about the same time.
5.   A group of generally contemporaneous individuals regarded as having common cultural or social characteristics and attitudes.
6.   The act or process of generating; origination, production, or procreation.

Thirty is an even number, divided into two fifteens. That's two fifteens which both can be reduced to six, the inverse of nine, I believe emphasizing the uniqueness between Six and nine.  

What St. Augustine thought of six?  

"Six is a perfect number in itself, and not because God created all things in six days; rather the inverse is true; God created all things in six days because this number is perfect, and it will remain perfect even if the work of six days did not exist."

If we add 1+2+3+4+5+6 we get 21

An odd number, Science does not like odd numbers, but I do. Numerology, if we remove the 7th day (more like flip it) we get a better ending figure, twenty one, 2+1, we get Three a perfect number, it having a beginning a middle and an end.

Now Beginning 28

Now Middle 30

Now End 21  

28+30+21= 79, reduced: 7 plus 9 equals 16, 1 plus 6 equals 7, thus the beginning middle and the end equals seven. But what does it all mean?  

Back to the new calendar (with the third day)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1, 2, 3) 9

I have replaced the 7th day with the numbers (1, 2, 3) added together we get another six thus the seventh day is morphed to six as follows.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6
If we add all these together we get twenty seven, reduced 2+7 equals 9 which I think again emphasizes the uniqueness of six and nine. If we want we can add the invisible nine left out, we get thirty-six, which again can be reduced to nine.

Adding the Days and Months UP

Rounded off, 3*12 equals 360 (360 degrees A Flip of earth)

Months with +1 day equals seven.    

January 31
February 28
March 31
April 30
May 31
June 30
July 31
August 31
September 30
October 31
November 30
December 31

February has 28 days first I minus two days from 360, and I get 358. Now plus the seven days we get our modern calendar 365 days in the year. Plus the third flippin day we arrive at 366, which due to my understanding is also 369.

Let's not leave it there. What happens if we start at 365 Days and do a little experiment, add another 7 days to see how the figures relate.  

365- 2= 363 I think it looks good like that, the two threes could each turn on there axis in opposite directions and they would create a separated eight with the flappable six/nine in the middle. Alternatively three plus three equals six, plus another six, twelve, reduced, we have THREE perfection again.

Now plus the invisible seven +1 days we get 370. Just one day off 369. This is where the miraculous third day really comes into play. Because we've added another seven days to 365, instead of adding the third day, this time we take it away. And we arrive at 369 which due to the third day is 366.

Time is Relative to the viewer. The number six is relative to the number nine, depending on your perception. I could draw a six flip it and pass it off as a nine, 6-perception or 9-perception, or the 69th Sense. Six and nine are the only numbers that can be flipped that equal each other.

Reasons for Flipping Six and Nine (visa versa)

Which ways UP?


I'm just wondering if it is possible to centralize my writing, I've been trying to do it for ages and I would really appreciate if someone explained if it was possible or not, I like presenting my writing in a special way.

Take care everyone, I've got some important writing to do.

If you address me by this screen name IequalMC2 you say hello to yourself, and you affirm all my thoughts. And you testify that I speak true. To have even acknowledge me is to testify to truth.

Basically you say

"Hi Bread Iequalmc2 Fool!"

Which to my understanding is a self evident greeting, I don't need to write the "too" or my or your name bit, it's all silent and included in my own understanding, and could easily be your understanding.

"A body made of anti-matter would be expelled from matter. The force of repulsion would be unbelievable. There are interplanetary vessels which are composed entirely of anti-matter, but the force-field created by this means has a terrifying effect on the physical properties of the people travelling in them.
For this reason our space ships are made of matter."

Now I have preoccupied all my resources and energy into surfing the tip of light, for this reason I've linked together matter and energy, thus my spaceship as Manifested/Unmanifested Thought is made of 'Anti-Matter' which is displayed better as 'Matter- Anti'. In the past my fluid body has responded to my questions via incidents. Naturally when I wasn't aware what was going on some of these incidences were confusing and frightening.        

So please consider this, just imagine it, all is thought. You can move anywhere, yet remain stationary in 4D (what you like to call 3D) and move up and down your unmanifested thread at will.

(And I'm just using this as a Dum example to provide understanding)

Protons and Anti Protons or Manifested Thought, and Unmanifested Thought?

In my reality I've linked together Matter and Energy, via a bridge which you could call anything, but I now understand it as an Unmanifested Golden thread. When this thread is realized, the body 'Matter' becomes 'Anti-Matter' Pure thought, no separation.

Thus because I have genuinely formed a simple understanding, were matter and thought are one, my artificial ether is visible, as them sparkly lights we all see. However having this understanding did 'temporarily' bring me mental pain. For awhile body was no longer a body, it's was our thoughts, as is everything else everywhere. For me building this bridge was mostly unconscious, when this bridge is made (however it is done) Unmanifested Thought, (our force field Artificial Ether) Anti-Matter is created.    

The understanding of this 'force-field' or 'Thought form' should be emphasized.      

So I'll say suppose I become for a short while Antimatter. This would animate the whole body I was traveling in, which would respond to my thoughts via synchronicity. At first due to reflex we would be resisting this process so reality might become hellish, I'm not just talking about the normal Hell, I'm talking about a very convincing hell that would seemed real at the time but wasn't.

As we begin to believe more about what was happening our body would reply to our questions via synchronicity- hence to myself I didn't exist, and I was miles off from planet earth, although I was still in 3D reality I was downloading and decoding abstract stuff, my fixation was light, I was still me and still here still functioning. But I was off!

Quote My Contact With UFO's - Dino Kraspedon

"There are interplanetary vessels which are composed entirely of anti-matter, but the force-field created by this means has a terrifying effect on the physical properties of the people travelling in them."

Now I think the term force-field here decodes as our inner thoughts or what my 4D mind recognizes as Unmanifested Thought, or one simple symbol iequalmc2, I'll paint the scene; the occupants of the false 3D world have no time because Earth itself is made of matter, So when there times up they don't exist, and because they haven't built this bridge they just carry on unconsciously playing out the same events. And all us 4D guys can do is helplessly watch! Hey but now and again we all wake UP from the repetitive cycle and regain control of there selves and our destiny. This is when we wake up, we realize we travel equal to the speed of light (this is because the mind is used to the concept of Iequalmc2 i.e. matter and thought are both one, so chill out...)
Therefore I think when a ghost is seen by a viewer it is most likely that the viewer in that moment of time had a brief encounter with vibrating Terrestrial ether that had a similar vibration to themselves. The ghost seen by the viewer is just living but at an entirely different moment in time. Both viewer and non viewer are within the Terrestrial and Artificial ether.

Now I suppose castles could be a scary place therefore the viewer would be more likely to reflect there own foreign artificial ether, especially if it was dark and especially if we'd just been reading ghost stories or something about demons, this is because the environment and the recently temporary self induced ether 'Unmanifested Thought' enhances the Terrestrial ether, the imagination runs wild we get chills, this is what happens when you think you see shadow people. This is why we get all those little spots in the dark and why it's EZ to generate colors and light in the dark. Heck But I think only people who see our trail of thought will see the colors manifested.      

Quote My Contact With UFO's - Deno Kraspedon

"Q: Are spirits also caught within this etheric envelope?

A: Yes. A spirit inhabiting a planet has a fluid body surrounding it. A spirit who is still bound by matter to any extent, cannot live without it. If it attempts to escape from its particular world, its spirit body leaves it and is re-assimilated into the etheric envelope of the planet. Thus, even spirits are prisoners for as long as they are unable to reject evil, and remain ignorant.

Many people call this fluid "ether," but the label is of little importance. It is a question of words, which does not affect the problem. What is important is to know what it is made of

We could well call it" electric fluid," which would be nearer the truth. In electricity there is a negative charge, and a positive charge. In physics we have protons and anti-protons, mesons and anti-mesons, electrons and anti-electrons, matter and anti-matter. On Earth we only find matter, yet it is possible to create anti-matter.

A body made of anti-matter would be expelled from matter. The force of repulsion would be unbelievable. There are interplanetary vessels which are composed entirely of anti-matter, but the force-field created by this means has a terrifying effect on the physical properties of the people travelling in them.
For this reason our space ships are made of matter.

Further, we make our own etheric fluid inside the saucer, and by changing its polarity so as to oppose that of the Earth we are repelled from the planet at a speed corresponding to the difference in polarity between the saucer and the Earth.

A knowledge of magnetic fields is required. You on Earth do not yet define them correctly, but we know that the magnetic field is made up of the "electric fluids' of the planet. If we "manufacture" an electric fluid which differs from the terrestrial etheric 'envelope, the magnetic field of the Earth no longer affects us, and we enjoy complete freedom of movement. We can change direction in a way that amazes you, we can move at the speed of light and suffer no ill effects. It is a complete breaking of the shackles which bind man.

Within the Earth's atmosphere we always use a vacuum system, but when we leave this atmosphere we put the anti-electron producing machinery into action, and our escape velocity is then phenomenal. Without wishing to terrify you, I can tell you that normally we can reach Mars in a matter of minutes, unless there is a breakdown, and then the trip becomes tedious.

When you entered our craft I called your attention to the different kind of light inside which did not emanate from any particular piece of machinery, but was caused by the air itself being luminous. You also noticed an agreeable, almost spiritual feeling of lightness, a state of near levitation, as well as a feeling of great well-being.

At that time you were in an artificial etheric atmosphere and not the ordinary Earth atmosphere. When one's eyes are accustomed to seeing the terrestrial ether, the artificial ether appears luminous.
Anyone help me with an upload? Its quite important you used to be able to do them here I think?


This is the Local News right?

Got a few secconds of DUM film that needs uploading, only at this moment the unmanifested evidence alone is enough.  

Just the other day I was compelled to use our digital camera. I messed about with it, basically recorded myself rolling a funny cigar, however before I recorded it I watched myself press record for a few seconds... then I clicked it off I intuitively realized after I did this that I probably just captured something odd. Then I filmed me making a funny cigar.  

Via sheer coincidence I caught odd light on film, I know were the source of that light was from. It may off bounced off an outside mirror, and appeared in simple form but the sheer coincidence, of it, I was quite startled by what I had filmed.

I could lie to you all and tell you that it was a UFO sent or summond by someone or something, and that would be very convincing. But the physical 4D Facts are not very convincing for some Dums, it was light reflecting off a spinning small circular garden mirror shining through the window from the sun direct to my camera lens, physical evidence.

However we also have invisible evidence, evidence i prefer and think is alot more important, trails of thought, I wasn't aware that, that Dum statement was actually the speed of electromagnetic light! Until i watched I=MC2 yesterday, It was a simple coincidence, outlined by my friend. As was this video footage.      

I'm no thief! I'm not taking anyones Silver!

Real Astral Music!

Radio Guru  

Well as some of you know I've been broadcasting Music into the Waters, this done under unknown direction. Music is important to me, especially all Music that I have broadcasted. Very therapeutic got the cure and the remedy to all forms of delusion.  
So things have been a little hectic, just found your post!

Just a few days ago I started using Bareshare Mirc, then Mirc, after awhile I found somebody I trust who showed me something that I never knew existed.

It's a Mirc Channel that is also a Radio Room where they play live and were you can request songs. Whenever I request a Tune it goes out to all Dums listening.

I remembered this thread

Thought you guys might be interested in this, we could pop up tues now and again.

On Guru Radio there are around 8 DJ's and all types of Music is included

It's a new thing, You Can Request songs which so far for me they got back pretty quickly, plus you just got to feel the energy in the room! Its different to be in a invisible room listening to the radio with everyone, see how it affects everything.

guru for the forum, including radio information

To Hear the Voice Live!

I've just started using this #Radio, hearing and sending via request direct from my Las Vegas's mental temple.

If you're asked where you heard about the station from, tell them you were lost, and that now you're found.

You Dum's didn't hear this from me!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / DUM STATEMENTS 2
April 01, 2005, 12:18:45
the real thing)
I was attracted to the way that she thought the same way as me; however after meeting her again my love for her had unusually subsided.

"Problem is now you have "invested" a load of feeling energy to the extent where you can't simply walk away from it. But to me that is precisely what you should do. You took a chance and it didn't work. It would have been wonderful... had it come about. Like I say, it's the stuff from which storybook romances are made, and there is no shame in taking a chance. After all, life is there to be lived, to be experienced. Exploring our emotions and our sexuality is the very stuff from which physical life is made."  

Again this makes me think of the situation I described in the Sexual Suppression thread, here I kissed my best friend simply because the Unmanifested Presence/ UP asked me too through the women in the Bar, at that time I would have done anything that this women asked me to do, it must be noted that I declared this women my wife (Symbolic Wife) obviously she was a little shocked, anyway she ran away giggling and I followed her outside, I asked her if I would ever see her again, herself being a Dumi (unknowing letting the UP speak through her) she replied "In the next life" at hearing this and decoding it on the spot I fell to my knees and exclaimed a long NOOOOO I realised I would never meet her again in this life, (however at that time I was thinking of Scarlet) On top of this I wrote what I considered to be a beautiful poem, the poem was a romantic gesture that was interpretated wrongly, for I too am an incurable romantic the poem was so amazing quite simply because she inspired me to write it for her and thus everyone else, it was a poem for everyone 'You' is a relative term just as time is relative, (The clocks went forward over here the other day) that poem was a perfect poem that came to me written by myself for myself, myself and the rest of myself, to have it deleted crippled my spirit it was the worse thing that the moderators could have done. It still hurts now thinking about it.

"I really do believe you should ground yourself more in the physical. For instance, you ask the question of why this man has detached himself. Well, if I may say, the obvious answer surely is to ask him. If he can't just be forthright and honest with you, i.e. give straight answers to straight questions, then he's definitely not worth bothering with IMO. "

I would say that this man through his medium friends was aware that he had to detach himself from the said Dumi in order to provide the hint, and as all guys know HINTS no matter how big they are, are always ignored. For I have explained to them myself that my writings have been a form of decentralisation meditation, at this moment to myself in every sense of the word I simply don't exist.  

Frank, back in the miracles crash course thread (Which is now deleted) you wanted to know how miracles work, I'll show you how miracles work, lets say hypothetically my name is Bread if you remove the E (like I unconsciously did to remind myself in I=MC2) you get Brad, when I contacted you the other day this was a new revelation for me so I didn't say it outright, I'm still getting used to it. On top of this we have the red and blue blood reminding scenario, this works on a teaching level as in inner space and outer space it is also very esoteric, I myself call water wine, and I communicate nothing through water (the symbolic example of nothing which is everything) Thus the 'Wine' that was drunk at the last supper was either red wine or blue wine. So by the power of word and the predictability of the Dumi running things back then, that's how we turn water into wine, or in this case wine into water. You get me?

Oh and despite how mental I may seem I'm completely normal just the same as any other man, I've just got immense willpower and self-control and I'm dead slow to anger, just like the DUM. After what I've been through most men would go insane or killed themselves, I think you can now see why I'm extremely worried about a certain Dumi's welfare.  

Today my Farther And Mother, DUM said to me via spirit

First Re-read Hebrews, better then that re-read the NEW Testament for this is a NEW Energy Wave!

I was sent a Warning and I'm sorry people but maybe if you had not warned me, I wouldn't be warning you

The UP will state the following.

Warning Against Unbelief

7So as the Holy Spirit says:

"Today if you hear his voice, 8do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, 9where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.
10That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.'
11So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest'."    

Everyone Please hear this, i've already mentioned this in previous posts.

Limp Bizkit- Full Nelson

I have my witnesses they are in everything and everywhere!

The Vatican is no more, so wise AP members and moderators, am I or am I not an April Fool?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Snake and Ladders
March 07, 2005, 11:27:34
Snakes And Ladders

Your Rod and My Staff  

Why is it a benefit to carry a staff with you? Let me add a few humble suggestions.

1.   A Staff can be used to help you walk.
2.   A Staff can be used to reach things out of reach
3.   A Staff can be used to support your weight
4.   A Staff can be used to make would be attackers think twice
5.   A Staff can be used to defend yourself against attackers
6.   A Staff can be thrown at things out of reach
7.   A Staff can be used to "touch wood" and therefore instant worry is eliminated
8.   A Staff can be used to initiate desired conversation
9.   A Staff can be used to correct posture (Via balancing on head)  
10.   A Staff can be used to wake people up
11.   A Staff can be used to race other staffs down a stream, Fun!  

Now why is it a benefit to carry a Stick with you? The answer is all the above for a stick is the same as a staff. A stick can be instantly changed into a throwing spear; it can instantly be changed into a fighting spear. When we change the staff like this it becomes something totally different to what it was expected at first to be. So how is it possible to change a staff into a snake? The answer is simple, but only makes sense if one is familiar with the truth of light and thought and thus unmanifested and manifested thought. So in order to change the stick into a snake we would do the following.

We would first choose our target, our target being the audience we wish to convince that a Staff could be changed into a snake. Once the audience has been chosen we would say to them. " I will change this into a snake" as we say "This" we gesture towards the Staff but we don't call it by a name. The target asks for you to change it, you throw the Staff onto the floor; you turn to your friend and say, "Pick up the Snake" your friend picks it up. Thus the Staff became a Snake.

Why would your friend pick up the Snake if he thought it was a staff? The answer is pre-programming/suggestion. Way before the audience is chosen amongst our friends we begin calling the Staff a Snake we keep this going for around a week, we point to the staff and we say "pass me the Snake" eventually the Staff will be excepted as a Snake. Now is the time to pick the audience and change the staff into a Snake.

And no, I've never actually done this yet it is all logical it all makes sense yet if you explain it to a Dumi they will never ever except that they would have except it as a Snake they will just say that a Snake would just be a nickname for the Stick/Staff/Snake. So it's really not a very convincing demonstration for a Dumi.

A Staff/Stick/Snake/Rod over time warps its position. To myself a Snake/Staff/Stick is a literal symbolic example of a snake, for a wooden Staff warps with age, just like manifested thought.

You call it a Staff or call it a Rod if you say it's a staff DUM! Will say it's a rod and visa versa. So a table is a chair and a chair is an elephant, call anything what you want to call it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / DUM STATEMENTS
March 05, 2005, 13:02:26
It's the 5th Of March

Today we link together in marriage matter and the unmanifest, from henceforth this moment matter will be reconised as manifested thought this bring the manifest and the unmanifest together, the term matter creates seperation, thus all is thought.

This is HAWII I cant provide a link to Rasta's channeled post its been deleted by someone.  


Like I have said here on AP before, I carry my word with me, I am a man of my word said in every possible sense of the word, all I carry with me is my word, all I have is my word all I have to show anyone of experienced truth is my word, therefore you'll have to take my word for what follows, its called trust. I don't take pleasure in frightening and offending people, but when there is no other possible way, and if the end justifies the means its something that needs to be done.

Very recently I have been abused and mistreated by almost anyone who spoke in Oazaki's 7 Days thread. I was asked to stop embarrassing myself, people even said that I was suffering from delusions of grandeur, now as I have already stated the one thing that hurts me more then anything else is self rejection. Via complete misunderstanding I have been kicked twice from AP, then via complete misunderstanding of one AP member I have been threatened with exclusion from Astralpulse, I indirectly threatened them just like I was indirectly threatened with the number thirty three.  

I was indirectly asked by someone to apologise so we can clear this whole matter up, well instead of this I thought I'd explain myself, and explain the reasons behind the thoughts I was manifesting. For everything I ever do has its "Higher Reasons" also I don't think there is much I have ever regretted, I have made a fool out of myself daily in the physical, In preparation for the big event I committed social suicide when I was younger at school. I declared myself Birdman, a name that is still shouted at me today by people who don't even know me.

Also I am not afraid to act completely out of character, especially when the situation calls for it, for my words are powerful and direct energy, Oazaki's words too are powerful and direct energy, I believe Oazaki's aimed effect was the instant death of every moderator, among other possibilities. My effect was to stop the instant death of every moderator. In order to do this I had to use the power of word, unfortunately I had to do this by doing things that I really don't take pleasure in doing.

I have always said that I have been following the Spirit/myself as well as this I have stated that time does not exist, and makes more sense to see time as instances or rather co- instances. This is how I view time, really this is how everyone views time, for example, the police recording statements, they will refer to instances, whenever somebody remembers something they will refer to "that time", for example that time when so and so fell in the swimming pool, when really they just remembered the incident that they thought was funny, they wouldn't be able to recall the time it happened. Anyway I mention this just to provide the understanding that I'll quote myself my "words" from anywhere regardless of the time or subject of the post.      

Anyway, I have mentioned a few times on AP that I am ahead of myself, well ladies and gentlemen this is crunch time, this is when you will either believe me or you will once again unknowingly harshly mock me, which due to my heightened sense's literally cuts me deep inside, although this time you will manifest Dark thoughts against me without my permission.

I shall now defend myself, I shall do this via quoting myself, I have to do this because nobody can be bothered to actually read or study into things themselves, again I'm not trying to be harsh, just stating a Self-Evident fact.  

Karnautrahl said in 7 Days thread
"Oh man not another one!

What a pile of ****!. I'm sorry but NO WAY but NO [edit] way is this true. I'm not even going to be politically correct and "allow" for all beliefs here. This is totally nuts.
"Breaking any of gods laws means that on your Judgement day you will be guilty and the punishment is separation from god for all eternity"  

I feel so strongly about this IequalMC2 I had to keep rewriting this reply to get rid of all my profanities. This is one time where I'll be arrogant sounding and state YOU ARE WRONG if you believe this twoddle.!
It MAKES ZERO sense. None. God is NOT going to create beings that can be suddenly punished for eternity for some rule that some human has wrote down.
wonders off into incomprehensible ramblings and grumblings..

Damned trolls...

Oh yeah, apologies to anyone who gets deeply offended but I still can't understand what made me so ANGRY about this post. But something has, really deeply furious. Unusual for me as I'm pretty agnostic. Something repellant about some of the concepts. Stupid eternal punishment nonsense maybe...I know how I'd feel if someone EVER tried to preach that to my face. I would NOT be at all nice. "

End Quote


Tom Said in Oazaki's 7 days Thread

"I think some people need to unblock their lower chakras and practice their relaxation techniques some more. Better diet, some physical activity, more time outside, more sleep at night, and some social interaction in the real world away from the computer. Maybe then they would stop threatening the rest of us with their supreme mystical ability. It is true that meditation and energy work do not cause psychological imbalances (Oazaki, IequalMC2), but they definitely can bring what is already there to the surface for everyone to see."

End Quote

BirdmanKalki Said in Dumi is a Complement Thread

The Gathering

I have a choice to make.

One, I can explain the whole of mankind's existence using my understanding of thought (nothing). I can explain why global wars happen, I can explain the early warning signs to all these. I can explain the psychology behind unmanifested thought I can explain this truth. However in order to explain this I have to judge myself which kills the soul, and cripples my heart.

My mind like everyone else's has had Christian dogma rammed into it, the theory I have been handed by nature conflicts with the stuff rammed into me. This means although I believe everything that I have said, years of Christian dogma pressed into my deep consciousness can make my life a living Hell.

So the question is, shall I explain in detail and judge the whole of mankind the unmanifest and the manifest, shall I make it clear who lies and who doesn't? Shall I make it clear on who is innocent and who isn't shall I correct everything, or should I explain everything via silence, for I don't even need to speak to get my point across!

Latest heard Advert Quote (probably misquoted)

" An artist needs silence to work, if I had a message of silence to tell the world, I'd probably scream it at them"

" I look at nature, I see perfection, and nature looks back at me she says, yes, you to have achieved perfection"

What do you think? Shall I remain silent, or should I speak?

End Quote

I have highlighted the obvious statement so everyone can see it, after this somebody who I like to call my friend, Cacodemon said he would like to hear what I had to say, thus we are here in this situation I would also like to point out that Cacodemon was the only Good Samaritan the only one amongst thousands who choose to help me in one of my greatest hour of need, the emotions and feelings I was going through at that crossroad moment, was almost enough to drive me insane. Cacodemon's simple honest reply was all that was needed to provide me with enough hope to cling onto in the following desperate hours.  

Therefore Karnautrahl, I think it is now obvious for me and anyone else (who looks carefully) that I don't follow the commandments I posted, if you lived in Britain and watched the new commandments on TV or looked at the assembly at the 11th hour thread you would have realised that I follow no commandments, not even when the Dum!, the Force itself on request presents me with the commandments. I've had months to contemplate them and experiment with them, and you make Your Judgement and reply within a few hours? As I earnestly said, you obviously know more then myself. For I have lived and broke some of these commandments for months, I have had this as well as many other important things playing on my conscience then you an amazing Dumi testify for me that they're a load of twoggle. Thanks very much, that's seriously a load off my mind.


Tom said in the 7 days thread
"Does anyone here actually believe Oazaki and people like him have a spirituality? I believe they just learned some really cool vocabulary words and want to show off. Maybe they think this is some role playing game and that no one can do things like astral projection"    

End Quote

This statement was obviously aimed at me, of which I have no problem with. I have already unconsciously/consciously prepared my defence via following my intuition, as I have already stated I have judged myself (Leo Volant and anyone that followed, therefore this judgement over time manifested itself mirror-like in the physical and in the mental.

Here is my flawless defence, as anyone who chooses to see can see, this statement could have been used in the 7 days thread, I myself am not afraid of making a fool of myself, this said in every single possible way. Oh and I would like to say that I consider the people of AP my family, my true brothers and sisters, this is not a statement to be taken lightly, I don't say things if I don't mean them. Therefore if someone threatens harm against my family, I'll protect them no matter what it is that I have to do no matter whom or what the enemy may be.    


"I can't stand by on the sidelines any longer, I cant resist the call.

This is your desired manifested thought. The answer is that the truth for most people is to hard to face thus people are scared to talk about enlightenment because they are afraid of making fools of themselves. Remember, whenever we speak we speak in a manner as to provoke the answer to the desired question.

End Quote

I'd like to draw your attention to the above quote, notice that was highlighted. "Whenever we speak we speak in a manner as to provoke the answer to the desired question."
In this present situation, (The situation that this was intuitively pre-written for) I call this as defence, for in the 7 days thread I spoke in a manner as to provide the desired effect, i.e. I directed what I just decided should be termed "Thought Currents" I had to wait till near the end of the topic I shifted the whole topic and directed the majority of the thoughts in my direction, In my experience and form of belief and my understanding of word this was enough to bring the situation under control. The only way I could quickly grab your attention was to provoke vulgar thoughts in my direction, the only way I could do this was to manifest dark thoughts. So to confuse the enemy and avoid determination of my own character I announced and strapped on my made up "reflective armour", I then imitated and reflected Oazaki's nature and made it clear to all exactly whom he was. I have already stated here on AP and re-quoted black magic is quick and effective and is used to foster seeds of hatred and separation, that's all it is, Karnautrahl this is why you were unusually upset, oh and then I posted the commandments up on the day you were all meant to die, notice with a smile from the inside, more of a gift then a command. At the time I just knew I had to post them up but I wasn't fully aware of the reason why.  

People I know myself, I'm the real deal, and because of this I always keep a window open for the impossible, therefore for myself there was a chance you all only had 7 days despite what you all thought, via experience with death I really understand what it's like to die daily, even so I still attacked myself with thoughts of self preservation as well as selflessly, anyway, I intuitively worked ahead of myself in this manner.

I have included a link up below, a link-up is what I call it when one incident bares similarities to another linked up together they become a co-incidence. Its up to the reader to decide themselves if the link-up is valid or even if their be such thing as link-ups    


Your words Leo, speak for us, now we can see this for ourselves.

"Maybe you don't know, because you are not as old as I am, but for the last 50 years the intellectually lazy had nothing further to do then to group their opponent with Frigging Adolf Hitler. And such as you wish to persuade me that somebody can INNOCENTLY construct an argument where I am grouped with Adolf Friggin Hitler, and that I should NOT be offended by it."

End Quote

As can be seen here, I innocently constructed an argument (If you want to call it that) with Leo Volant, it was blatant for all who read this topic that it was an innocent statement. Just as my death threat too was an Innocent statement. Now for me in this incident Oazaki decodes and translates as "Adolf Hitler" once more somewhere on AP somebody translated Oazaki to mean Human Faeces, Human Faeces, meaning excrement. Now for me this "excrement" decodes in that incident as "Nothing" therefore to myself Oazaki is a word that means "Nothing" for myself all is nothing including myself, thus when I asked Oazaki to attack me with everything he had, I was really giving you all permission to attack me, i.e. Abusive verbal attack. Had I not done this none of you would have innocently constructed an argument where I would have been grouped with Oazaki. This would mean that none of us would be innocent, the effect this would have had and what it would mean in our present reality I myself have no idea.

If anyone can be bothered to read through this thread, nobody really knows why Leo suddenly assumed he was being grouped with Adolf Hitler, like I have already said, the spirit (The Unmanifest Thought) helping out for this precise situation. As well as this visit the Dumiii is a complement thread and note the final solution.


"Well, I asked you again!!!:
Ask yourself: Who am I and write here"

"I am light I am thought, I am your Master I am your Slave, I am you and everything around you; therefore I can speak to myself or judge myself in any manner I choose. This is what was meant by asking you to write here. So we already wrote it down there then rewrote it here."

"I am Hitler and therefore so are you! If this offends you then you don't understand yourself or myself. I care not of what another thinks of myself. Therefore we are lethal and could cut Buddha or any other teacher to shreds without batting an eyelid. If you understand these words, then well done, if not then we are yet to meet more then one person who partially understands themselves.

Thank for the lesson Leo, its good when both teachers and students learn together, from each other.

End Quote

At the first time of writing I knew that I had intuitively learnt something but I couldn't place my finger on it. Now I can really see and so can anyone else who looks carefully.  

What follows below is THE COMPLETING LINK-UP, the link up to my first post here ever. I'm also the 11th poster.


Taken from: A Question For experienced Practitioners Thread.

"11:   Author: BirdManKalki,   Posted: Today at
1. Yes but only after many many years of intense study and practice.
2. Truly powerful Magic is indistinguishable from natural occurrences or coincidence.

During the last 2 years I have been on a quest for the truth. I have a philosophy that has convinced me to a state of knowing, not believing.

The other week I tested the philosophy. I was round my friends and he had his old downstairs table in his room for his pc. His pc is a nice looking blue one with neon's. I thought to myself how much better it would look if he had a table to match. I imagined what the table would look like and I spread my hands out the length and size of the table. I knew what it would look like if saw it. I went home and for the rest of the week I thought of a 2nd hand shop, although I didn't know why. The next time I went round my friends he had the table I imagined, his mum brought it from a 2nd hand shop. Some might call this coincidence. I haven't studied Franz Bardon but I might consider it.

#12:   Author: Rastus, Location: USA  Posted: Today at
Sounds normal to me. Witches may call that a seeking spell. A Metaphysicist may say your astral guide did some legwork, and then with your help and energy telepathically implanted the hunch to stop at that store.

I acquired my first book on occult studies that same way..."

End Quote

The Link up is as follows, a few weeks ago; again as always running on intuition I copied and pasted that whole thread to disk. Sometime last weekend or last week of February I walked past our local 2nd hand shop I've been in this 2nd hand shop twice. I walked over to the boxes on the outside of the shop, I look into the box and found a book titled Yoga Masterworks 1/ Richard Hittleman's/ Guide to Yoga Meditation. I brought this book for 10pence then I started to skim read and decode it at home. What I found interesting and co-incidental was that the author uses the term Universal Mind whereas I myself use the term Divine Universal Mind. At the beginning of the book it talks about the impact that yoga has had upon American's way of life. I'm making the link with the Invisible Real America deceleration, in the instant Karma thread.


"The Yogic viewpoint of the Universe is of a much greater scope than anything with which the Weston world is familiar. Whereas we have been lead to except the theory that man has somehow evolved from a more primitive creature and that civilisation maybe approximately 7000 years old, the yogic would comment on the former statement as "absurd" and the latter statement as yesterday"

Here's the crunch point, I've been running around telling everyone I know on a regular bases that today is yesterday!
I would also like to include the following links for the serious truth seekers.


Unknowingly said and testified by Leo Volont in the sexual suppression thread

"The BirdmanKalki Phenomena"

End Quote

Pray for yourself
Dumi Complement Thread/ no apologies nessesary

Instant Karma Thread

Samadhi, Satori, Nirvana, Enlightenment, Realisation

Don't judge me people, I know myself better then you do.

As I have been saying frequently on AP, were all Dumi's and none of us have the slightest clue of the cause behind our actions, yet when you pay attention and look at your surroundings carefully you might notice a little more then others.  

PS: This goes out to that anonymous AP member that I exposed my confused belief of myself to. They helped me more then anyone else could have ever helped me. After exposing my true feelings to them (Because I was drawn to them and just knew I could trust them with all my deepest thoughts) I later as usual had to make a massive half blind decision, so I wrote a letter out to post to them, a letter asking for their help, however as I was writing the letter, because I sincerely trusted this person (as if they were another aspect of myself) via writing and re-writing the letter I unconsciously worked out the solution to the problem and it wasn't necessary for me to even send the post to them, therefore in a way they helped me just by looking at me and saying nothing. I mentioned to this person that the truth was almost completely unbearable. I haven't been harassing this person I heard the spirit so I followed the spirit and said what I said, like the Nike slogan, I just do it, I changed my quote because I heard that tune playing in my head

I received a warning just the other day, I was told to stop harassing this member, this came to me as a complete shock, for I always talk ahead of myself, I then remembered some of the things I said to this person, and then I realised that my words could have been perceived by them as threatening, when they asked if I was British and commented on my Americanised language I even mentioned to them that I blend into my environment, the flip side to this comment and a few others hadn't of even occurred to me. My name is Iequalmc2 simply because it says it all by saying nothing. I wasn't looking at them; they were looking at me and misunderstood nothing, although this time I think they believe in nothing.

Reasons why I changed my name

BirdmanKalki intercepted Karma; BirdmanKalki was a name I made up that meant more to me then my true self. I eliminated this Karma by giving it all to somebody who unconsciously asked for it, I then ask for the post to be deleted before this someone could read the post and make their own links from it and no doubt go insane. I understand Karma, its simple cause and effect, there is individual Karma and group Karma, I spotted and intercepted both types of Karma the individuals and AP's group Karma. By simple symbolic action it was eliminated. This can be explained somewhat as follows, I knock a pen off the table (Karma first Cause), my friend comes in and sees the pen on the floor (2nd Cause), therefore my friend doesn't know how the pen got to its 2nd position on the floor, they don't know how the pen got there because they didn't witness the first cause of the effect, therefore the individual I symbolic gave heavy Karma to wasn't aware of the Karma thus it was eliminated.      

The Moderators helped me after this in my confused condition by kicking me from AP; I decoded this and other situations to mean that I had to find my true self. I then took the name Dum1 and posted one of the most important nonsensical posts to Dumi's ever posted. I referred to a website and said only a "Dumi would go here" I used a real website name but changed the to a .com the .com was an non existing website, therefore the Dum1 who deleted this post got the wrong end of the stick and thought I was being rude were in fact I was advertising and  making it self-evident who the Dum1's really were. In this post was also one of the biggest Link-Ups ever; it was the 15th of february, Escape From New York was on TV that night I referred the readers of that thread to the "On the reading of nature thread" if they bothered to look carefully they might have noticed a few things. Anyway that night the American Revolution was formally announced live on TV yet few would have been aware of this amazing occurrence due to the Dum1's complete predictable stupidity, spiritual evolution on earth has become increasingly difficult to help communicate, for now you'll all just have to take my word.          

May the DUM! Rebuke us all; we are all the INNOCENT ONE! Even Oazaki (who was unconsciously upset with this setback in spiritual evolution), without my enemy I wouldn't even know who I was.

Hear Pulp- The Day After The Revolution here

The Law Is No More, Sin is no longer taken into account

See Romans in Our New Testament for details, I'm here to begin the new age. I'll use all words and sources at my disposal.

Thats why I changed my name, Pure infinte love to you all
Welcome to Astral Chat! / HAWII
March 05, 2005, 12:59:32
It's the 5th Of March

Today we link together in marriage matter and the unmanifest, from henceforth this moment matter will be reconised as manifested thought this bring the manifest and the unmanifest together, the term matter creates seperation, thus all is thought.

This is HAWII I cant provide a link to Rasta's channeled post its been deleted by someone.  


Like I have said here on AP before, I carry my word with me, I am a man of my word said in every possible sense of the word, all I carry with me is my word, all I have is my word all I have to show anyone of experienced truth is my word, therefore you'll have to take my word for what follows, its called trust. I don't take pleasure in frightening and offending people, but when there is no other possible way, and if the end justifies the means its something that needs to be done.

Very recently I have been abused and mistreated by almost anyone who spoke in Oazaki's 7 Days thread. I was asked to stop embarrassing myself, people even said that I was suffering from delusions of grandeur, now as I have already stated the one thing that hurts me more then anything else is self rejection. Via complete misunderstanding I have been kicked twice from AP, then via complete misunderstanding of one AP member I have been threatened with exclusion from Astralpulse, I indirectly threatened them just like I was indirectly threatened with the number thirty three.  

I was indirectly asked by someone to apologise so we can clear this whole matter up, well instead of this I thought I'd explain myself, and explain the reasons behind the thoughts I was manifesting. For everything I ever do has its "Higher Reasons" also I don't think there is much I have ever regretted, I have made a fool out of myself daily in the physical, In preparation for the big event I committed social suicide when I was younger at school. I declared myself Birdman, a name that is still shouted at me today by people who don't even know me.

Also I am not afraid to act completely out of character, especially when the situation calls for it, for my words are powerful and direct energy, Oazaki's words too are powerful and direct energy, I believe Oazaki's aimed effect was the instant death of every moderator, among other possibilities. My effect was to stop the instant death of every moderator. In order to do this I had to use the power of word, unfortunately I had to do this by doing things that I really don't take pleasure in doing.

I have always said that I have been following the Spirit/myself as well as this I have stated that time does not exist, and makes more sense to see time as instances or rather co- instances. This is how I view time, really this is how everyone views time, for example, the police recording statements, they will refer to instances, whenever somebody remembers something they will refer to "that time", for example that time when so and so fell in the swimming pool, when really they just remembered the incident that they thought was funny, they wouldn't be able to recall the time it happened. Anyway I mention this just to provide the understanding that I'll quote myself my "words" from anywhere regardless of the time or subject of the post.      

Anyway, I have mentioned a few times on AP that I am ahead of myself, well ladies and gentlemen this is crunch time, this is when you will either believe me or you will once again unknowingly harshly mock me, which due to my heightened sense's literally cuts me deep inside, although this time you will manifest Dark thoughts against me without my permission.

I shall now defend myself, I shall do this via quoting myself, I have to do this because nobody can be bothered to actually read or study into things themselves, again I'm not trying to be harsh, just stating a Self-Evident fact.  

Karnautrahl said in 7 Days thread
"Oh man not another one!

What a pile of ****!. I'm sorry but NO WAY but NO [edit] way is this true. I'm not even going to be politically correct and "allow" for all beliefs here. This is totally nuts.
"Breaking any of gods laws means that on your Judgement day you will be guilty and the punishment is separation from god for all eternity"  

I feel so strongly about this IequalMC2 I had to keep rewriting this reply to get rid of all my profanities. This is one time where I'll be arrogant sounding and state YOU ARE WRONG if you believe this twoddle.!
It MAKES ZERO sense. None. God is NOT going to create beings that can be suddenly punished for eternity for some rule that some human has wrote down.
wonders off into incomprehensible ramblings and grumblings..

Damned trolls...

Oh yeah, apologies to anyone who gets deeply offended but I still can't understand what made me so ANGRY about this post. But something has, really deeply furious. Unusual for me as I'm pretty agnostic. Something repellant about some of the concepts. Stupid eternal punishment nonsense maybe...I know how I'd feel if someone EVER tried to preach that to my face. I would NOT be at all nice. "

End Quote


Tom Said in Oazaki's 7 days Thread

"I think some people need to unblock their lower chakras and practice their relaxation techniques some more. Better diet, some physical activity, more time outside, more sleep at night, and some social interaction in the real world away from the computer. Maybe then they would stop threatening the rest of us with their supreme mystical ability. It is true that meditation and energy work do not cause psychological imbalances (Oazaki, IequalMC2), but they definitely can bring what is already there to the surface for everyone to see."

End Quote

BirdmanKalki Said in Dumi is a Complement Thread

The Gathering

I have a choice to make.

One, I can explain the whole of mankind's existence using my understanding of thought (nothing). I can explain why global wars happen, I can explain the early warning signs to all these. I can explain the psychology behind unmanifested thought I can explain this truth. However in order to explain this I have to judge myself which kills the soul, and cripples my heart.

My mind like everyone else's has had Christian dogma rammed into it, the theory I have been handed by nature conflicts with the stuff rammed into me. This means although I believe everything that I have said, years of Christian dogma pressed into my deep consciousness can make my life a living Hell.

So the question is, shall I explain in detail and judge the whole of mankind the unmanifest and the manifest, shall I make it clear who lies and who doesn't? Shall I make it clear on who is innocent and who isn't shall I correct everything, or should I explain everything via silence, for I don't even need to speak to get my point across!

Latest heard Advert Quote (probably misquoted)

" An artist needs silence to work, if I had a message of silence to tell the world, I'd probably scream it at them"

" I look at nature, I see perfection, and nature looks back at me she says, yes, you to have achieved perfection"

What do you think? Shall I remain silent, or should I speak?

End Quote

I have highlighted the obvious statement so everyone can see it, after this somebody who I like to call my friend, Cacodemon said he would like to hear what I had to say, thus we are here in this situation I would also like to point out that Cacodemon was the only Good Samaritan the only one amongst thousands who choose to help me in one of my greatest hour of need, the emotions and feelings I was going through at that crossroad moment, was almost enough to drive me insane. Cacodemon's simple honest reply was all that was needed to provide me with enough hope to cling onto in the following desperate hours.  

Therefore Karnautrahl, I think it is now obvious for me and anyone else (who looks carefully) that I don't follow the commandments I posted, if you lived in Britain and watched the new commandments on TV or looked at the assembly at the 11th hour thread you would have realised that I follow no commandments, not even when the Dum!, the Force itself on request presents me with the commandments. I've had months to contemplate them and experiment with them, and you make Your Judgement and reply within a few hours? As I earnestly said, you obviously know more then myself. For I have lived and broke some of these commandments for months, I have had this as well as many other important things playing on my conscience then you an amazing Dumi testify for me that they're a load of twoggle. Thanks very much, that's seriously a load off my mind.


Tom said in the 7 days thread
"Does anyone here actually believe Oazaki and people like him have a spirituality? I believe they just learned some really cool vocabulary words and want to show off. Maybe they think this is some role playing game and that no one can do things like astral projection"    

End Quote

This statement was obviously aimed at me, of which I have no problem with. I have already unconsciously/consciously prepared my defence via following my intuition, as I have already stated I have judged myself (Leo Volant and anyone that followed, therefore this judgement over time manifested itself mirror-like in the physical and in the mental.

Here is my flawless defence, as anyone who chooses to see can see, this statement could have been used in the 7 days thread, I myself am not afraid of making a fool of myself, this said in every single possible way. Oh and I would like to say that I consider the people of AP my family, my true brothers and sisters, this is not a statement to be taken lightly, I don't say things if I don't mean them. Therefore if someone threatens harm against my family, I'll protect them no matter what it is that I have to do no matter whom or what the enemy may be.    


"I can't stand by on the sidelines any longer, I cant resist the call.

This is your desired manifested thought. The answer is that the truth for most people is to hard to face thus people are scared to talk about enlightenment because they are afraid of making fools of themselves. Remember, whenever we speak we speak in a manner as to provoke the answer to the desired question.

End Quote

I'd like to draw your attention to the above quote, notice that was highlighted. "Whenever we speak we speak in a manner as to provoke the answer to the desired question."
In this present situation, (The situation that this was intuitively pre-written for) I call this as defence, for in the 7 days thread I spoke in a manner as to provide the desired effect, i.e. I directed what I just decided should be termed "Thought Currents" I had to wait till near the end of the topic I shifted the whole topic and directed the majority of the thoughts in my direction, In my experience and form of belief and my understanding of word this was enough to bring the situation under control. The only way I could quickly grab your attention was to provoke vulgar thoughts in my direction, the only way I could do this was to manifest dark thoughts. So to confuse the enemy and avoid determination of my own character I announced and strapped on my made up "reflective armour", I then imitated and reflected Oazaki's nature and made it clear to all exactly whom he was. I have already stated here on AP and re-quoted black magic is quick and effective and is used to foster seeds of hatred and separation, that's all it is, Karnautrahl this is why you were unusually upset, oh and then I posted the commandments up on the day you were all meant to die, notice with a smile from the inside, more of a gift then a command. At the time I just knew I had to post them up but I wasn't fully aware of the reason why.  

People I know myself, I'm the real deal, and because of this I always keep a window open for the impossible, therefore for myself there was a chance you all only had 7 days despite what you all thought, via experience with death I really understand what it's like to die daily, even so I still attacked myself with thoughts of self preservation as well as selflessly, anyway, I intuitively worked ahead of myself in this manner.

I have included a link up below, a link-up is what I call it when one incident bares similarities to another linked up together they become a co-incidence. Its up to the reader to decide themselves if the link-up is valid or even if their be such thing as link-ups    


Your words Leo, speak for us, now we can see this for ourselves.

"Maybe you don't know, because you are not as old as I am, but for the last 50 years the intellectually lazy had nothing further to do then to group their opponent with Frigging Adolf Hitler. And such as you wish to persuade me that somebody can INNOCENTLY construct an argument where I am grouped with Adolf Friggin Hitler, and that I should NOT be offended by it."

End Quote

As can be seen here, I innocently constructed an argument (If you want to call it that) with Leo Volant, it was blatant for all who read this topic that it was an innocent statement. Just as my death threat too was an Innocent statement. Now for me in this incident Oazaki decodes and translates as "Adolf Hitler" once more somewhere on AP somebody translated Oazaki to mean Human Faeces, Human Faeces, meaning excrement. Now for me this "excrement" decodes in that incident as "Nothing" therefore to myself Oazaki is a word that means "Nothing" for myself all is nothing including myself, thus when I asked Oazaki to attack me with everything he had, I was really giving you all permission to attack me, i.e. Abusive verbal attack. Had I not done this none of you would have innocently constructed an argument where I would have been grouped with Oazaki. This would mean that none of us would be innocent, the effect this would have had and what it would mean in our present reality I myself have no idea.

If anyone can be bothered to read through this thread, nobody really knows why Leo suddenly assumed he was being grouped with Adolf Hitler, like I have already said, the spirit (The Unmanifest Thought) helping out for this precise situation. As well as this visit the Dumiii is a complement thread and note the final solution.


"Well, I asked you again!!!:
Ask yourself: Who am I and write here"

"I am light I am thought, I am your Master I am your Slave, I am you and everything around you; therefore I can speak to myself or judge myself in any manner I choose. This is what was meant by asking you to write here. So we already wrote it down there then rewrote it here."

"I am Hitler and therefore so are you! If this offends you then you don't understand yourself or myself. I care not of what another thinks of myself. Therefore we are lethal and could cut Buddha or any other teacher to shreds without batting an eyelid. If you understand these words, then well done, if not then we are yet to meet more then one person who partially understands themselves.

Thank for the lesson Leo, its good when both teachers and students learn together, from each other.

End Quote

At the first time of writing I knew that I had intuitively learnt something but I couldn't place my finger on it. Now I can really see and so can anyone else who looks carefully.  

What follows below is THE COMPLETING LINK-UP, the link up to my first post here ever. I'm also the 11th poster.


Taken from: A Question For experienced Practitioners Thread.

"11:   Author: BirdManKalki,   Posted: Today at
1. Yes but only after many many years of intense study and practice.
2. Truly powerful Magic is indistinguishable from natural occurrences or coincidence.

During the last 2 years I have been on a quest for the truth. I have a philosophy that has convinced me to a state of knowing, not believing.

The other week I tested the philosophy. I was round my friends and he had his old downstairs table in his room for his pc. His pc is a nice looking blue one with neon's. I thought to myself how much better it would look if he had a table to match. I imagined what the table would look like and I spread my hands out the length and size of the table. I knew what it would look like if saw it. I went home and for the rest of the week I thought of a 2nd hand shop, although I didn't know why. The next time I went round my friends he had the table I imagined, his mum brought it from a 2nd hand shop. Some might call this coincidence. I haven't studied Franz Bardon but I might consider it.

#12:   Author: Rastus, Location: USA  Posted: Today at
Sounds normal to me. Witches may call that a seeking spell. A Metaphysicist may say your astral guide did some legwork, and then with your help and energy telepathically implanted the hunch to stop at that store.

I acquired my first book on occult studies that same way..."

End Quote

The Link up is as follows, a few weeks ago; again as always running on intuition I copied and pasted that whole thread to disk. Sometime last weekend or last week of February I walked past our local 2nd hand shop I've been in this 2nd hand shop twice. I walked over to the boxes on the outside of the shop, I look into the box and found a book titled Yoga Masterworks 1/ Richard Hittleman's/ Guide to Yoga Meditation. I brought this book for 10pence then I started to skim read and decode it at home. What I found interesting and co-incidental was that the author uses the term Universal Mind whereas I myself use the term Divine Universal Mind. At the beginning of the book it talks about the impact that yoga has had upon American's way of life. I'm making the link with the Invisible Real America deceleration, in the instant Karma thread.


"The Yogic viewpoint of the Universe is of a much greater scope than anything with which the Weston world is familiar. Whereas we have been lead to except the theory that man has somehow evolved from a more primitive creature and that civilisation maybe approximately 7000 years old, the yogic would comment on the former statement as "absurd" and the latter statement as yesterday"

Here's the crunch point, I've been running around telling everyone I know on a regular bases that today is yesterday!
I would also like to include the following links for the serious truth seekers.


Unknowingly said and testified by Leo Volont in the sexual suppression thread

"The BirdmanKalki Phenomena"

End Quote

Pray for yourself
Dumi Complement Thread/ no apologies nessesary

Instant Karma Thread

Samadhi, Satori, Nirvana, Enlightenment, Realisation

Don't judge me people, I know myself better then you do.

As I have been saying frequently on AP, were all Dumi's and none of us have the slightest clue of the cause behind our actions, yet when you pay attention and look at your surroundings carefully you might notice a little more then others.  

PS: This goes out to that anonymous AP member that I exposed my confused belief of myself to. They helped me more then anyone else could have ever helped me. After exposing my true feelings to them (Because I was drawn to them and just knew I could trust them with all my deepest thoughts) I later as usual had to make a massive half blind decision, so I wrote a letter out to post to them, a letter asking for their help, however as I was writing the letter, because I sincerely trusted this person (as if they were another aspect of myself) via writing and re-writing the letter I unconsciously worked out the solution to the problem and it wasn't necessary for me to even send the post to them, therefore in a way they helped me just by looking at me and saying nothing. I mentioned to this person that the truth was almost completely unbearable. I haven't been harassing this person I heard the spirit so I followed the spirit and said what I said, like the Nike slogan, I just do it, I changed my quote because I heard that tune playing in my head

I received a warning just the other day, I was told to stop harassing this member, this came to me as a complete shock, for I always talk ahead of myself, I then remembered some of the things I said to this person, and then I realised that my words could have been perceived by them as threatening, when they asked if I was British and commented on my Americanised language I even mentioned to them that I blend into my environment, the flip side to this comment and a few others hadn't of even occurred to me. My name is Iequalmc2 simply because it says it all by saying nothing. I wasn't looking at them; they were looking at me and misunderstood nothing, although this time I think they believe in nothing.

Reasons why I changed my name

BirdmanKalki intercepted Karma; BirdmanKalki was a name I made up that meant more to me then my true self. I eliminated this Karma by giving it all to somebody who unconsciously asked for it, I then ask for the post to be deleted before this someone could read the post and make their own links from it and no doubt go insane. I understand Karma, its simple cause and effect, there is individual Karma and group Karma, I spotted and intercepted both types of Karma the individuals and AP's group Karma. By simple symbolic action it was eliminated. This can be explained somewhat as follows, I knock a pen off the table (Karma first Cause), my friend comes in and sees the pen on the floor (2nd Cause), therefore my friend doesn't know how the pen got to its 2nd position on the floor, they don't know how the pen got there because they didn't witness the first cause of the effect, therefore the individual I symbolic gave heavy Karma to wasn't aware of the Karma thus it was eliminated.      

The Moderators helped me after this in my confused condition by kicking me from AP; I decoded this and other situations to mean that I had to find my true self. I then took the name Dum1 and posted one of the most important nonsensical posts to Dumi's ever posted. I referred to a website and said only a "Dumi would go here" I used a real website name but changed the to a .com the .com was an non existing website, therefore the Dum1 who deleted this post got the wrong end of the stick and thought I was being rude were in fact I was advertising and  making it self-evident who the Dum1's really were. In this post was also one of the biggest Link-Ups ever; it was the 15th of february, Escape From New York was on TV that night I referred the readers of that thread to the "On the reading of nature thread" if they bothered to look carefully they might have noticed a few things. Anyway that night the American Revolution was formally announced live on TV yet few would have been aware of this amazing occurrence due to the Dum1's complete predictable stupidity, spiritual evolution on earth has become increasingly difficult to help communicate, for now you'll all just have to take my word.          

May the DUM! Rebuke us all; we are all the INNOCENT ONE! Even Oazaki (who was unconsciously upset with this setback in spiritual evolution), without my enemy I wouldn't even know who I was.

Hear Pulp- The Day After The Revolution here

The Law Is No More, Sin is no longer taken into account

See Romans in Our New Testament for details, I'm here to begin the new age. I'll use all words and sources at my disposal.

Thats why I changed my name, Pure infinte love to you all