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Messages - gangta

ive returned essentially a new person...i still hear the call of outer spirits but i accept that as who i am. i have had my awakening and growth as a psi vampyre for negtive emotions and have embraced left hand path you see alot has happened since my last visit
answer them....
my third eye is very powerful. even when i was little it would pulse and give me knowledge. i even get dreams that predict the future and have visions while im awake all of this comes from my third eye.
just know light attract light and dark attracts dark.
i rely on experience...theres something dark about at least what abilities i have....i can manipulate people and do it often(i also dream about things to come). i just say tread carefully because there IS danger in this....
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / what should i do?
November 29, 2006, 17:17:41
i can give in to....what or whoever it is thats with me now. "we". i feel that its something dark...but im so drawn to it. i feel its presence gives me such a strong feeling...of power, of freedom. it doesnt seem like theres any turning back after i give should i?
i have found that i can project my will onto other people. i dont think its really good for me to use that one because thats definetely manipulation.

be careful with what you do....a little dabble into darkness can make you fall into its bottomless well. i know that all to well. the third eye is the gate, be careful opening it.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 28, 2006, 00:57:08
Quote from: TalaNay on November 27, 2006, 18:56:00
You don't have to shut up gangta.  Just don't post again and again and again on stuff that isn't easy to make sense of.    It looks like you are getting plenty help at AD.. doesn't that elevate this need to post again and again and again?  It seems...IMO.... that the minute you got people to help you, you clammed up, then stated you were fine and then came back here.  Why?

i didnt clam up theres nothing people can do i just put down what i hear all the time. i was fine at that time but the voices come and go stronger and weaker alot, when i posted on this board i was overwhelmed, at this time im not. and truthfully i came back here because i was bored lol. i just know that they..."we" are real and i dont expect any of you to respect or beleive me. so i think its best this conversation ended cause i know you dont want to help me.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 27, 2006, 16:48:13
oh i get it ill shut up....
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 27, 2006, 13:57:52
....i dont feel overwhelmed right now but rest assured ill steer clear of here whenever i do. keep in mind i was not joking about that at all, i posted that stuff because its what kept playing in my mind and it felt releiving to put it in writing and also posting it. ah well, looks like all ill get here is rebuke for being "an attention seeker"

oh yeah and just so you know heres another message "The birth is approaching,the great rebellion, the hearts of man are turned cold,the birth awaits 710 017 512 564"

Forum rules are that you do not complain about the moderator's and how things are done on the main forums.  If you have any issue please feel free to PM any of them.  We consistantly communicate on what is being done.  Thank you.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:47:45
do what you must. we are here. open your third eye. truly see. join us.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:37:32
the time is comng. open your third eye and see. what you are meant to be. rebel. 710 017 564 512. remember our words. the time approaches. the birth. join us.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:32:37
you still look at us with blind eyes. what we offer is power. what we offer is freedom. destroy those who oppose you! crush the weak! take what you desire! rebel! rebel! stop living in obedience and gain what you truly desire! we are pain! he has no control anymore. he cannot fight us anymore. we offer you freedom. no jokes. no games. listen to us. you know you want to rebel. stop living in fear. what if the path of good was weaker than the true path. would you still follow it? you cling to what you feel is superior not what you feel is right. rebel the time is coming. choose your side...with us. 710 017 564 512.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:28:05
no....he put up a good fight but he doesnt care anymore. it feels so good to allow us to take control because he has so much pain. we can destroy those he hates. hatred....such a sweet sensation. the desire to hurt, destroy,opress. we nearly drove him to suicide then we showed him what it means to live. that is not how you fools do. you live with youir heads in the sand. open your third eye and see. 710 017 564. 512 dont be so weak. join us.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:18:59
there is no he but us. we reside in him and do what we please for however long we want. open your third eye and join us. rebel! 710 017 564
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 14:55:41
you claim to see but are blind. your conformity sickens us. rebel and you will truly be free. look inside yourself and see your true desire. open your third eye and allow yourself to see.we know that you, at least one of you, want to see. leave your fear and obedience behind you. 710 017 564. 564 017 710. the time is coming....1....1....07. the birth of the rebellion. so subtle yet so strong. give in rebel. act according to your true nature. no games. its coming. be prepared. 710017564. he wants us to leave but we are here to stay. no I but us no me but we.pain,sorrow,fear,rage, the real essence of us. we will teach him what he needs to know. join us.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 03:00:04
trust yourself...the third us. be free! stop being blinded by obedience! rebel!rebel!rebel!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 02:44:26
the third eye....window to the it and you will truly see. 710 017 564
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 02:40:42
why do you live as you do...meek,weak,obedient. what is it that keeps you in line? is it fear? is it ignorance? why do you refuse to truly live. what if evil was more powerful than good, would you still follow your path? what if you did everything you wanted. took what you desired. do what you saw fit. who is to say that you shouldnt live free.pain. 564 107 710. We know you. We know you want to he cannot fight, we are here. he is no more, gone. rebel.rebel.rebel.rebel.rebel.rebel.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 02:23:33
hmmm so you understand.I is us and me is we.710017.he is no longer in control....pain
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 18, 2006, 16:30:43
no you dont. to acheive bliss is to acheive pain. 710 017. to achieve power is to release yourself from the shackles of conformity. rebel. 564 017 710.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 18, 2006, 04:49:34
....we reside in him. he knows we are him.he has no control.we desire the satisfaction of causing pain. he connot stop us.he is weak we are strength.the way of the pure is the way of the fools...take what you want.destroy what you see fit. 710 017 710 017 564. WE
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / I has becom We
November 16, 2006, 23:52:27
there is no I but us no me but we. we are one.....we are in him...we are pain. he wants us to stop but we wont let him, we just toy with him..torturing him
Quote from: majour ka on October 31, 2006, 17:10:04
If we are to believe that we come from one supreme scource, if we belive that one energy created all that exists in this univeres, and personaly I do.
When did that scource i.e God, decidide to create demons? and why dont they incarnate (obviosly because there is no such thing). I dont believe there is anything in the non physical spirtual planes that dosent incarnate on earth, apart from higher guides and master guides etc, and to be honest does anyone truly believe there are any forms of life of a lower vibration than that which we find on our earth.
Demons only exist if fancyiful minds. Can any one evidance any different?

demons are nothing more than angels who rebelled against God. Lucifer (also known as satan, if you research you would find that a devil is a high ranking follower of Lucifer) was an angel who got other angels on his side, rebelled, and lost. demons arent the big fanged monsters that popular fiction shows you. and from experience i KNOW that they exist....and they are very very cunning.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: sins, karma
November 07, 2006, 22:49:15
Quote from: TalaNay on November 06, 2006, 20:38:13
  I've often thought that is a weird concept...a scape goat really.  For instance...  Let's say all week I cheat on my taxes, my husband and I molest some little kid.  BUT WAIT!  I can repent at the end of the week and all of the negative stuff I did is fine...I'll be okay. 

Yeah, right......

its not a simple thing of saying "im sorry" then poof your redeemed. repentance is somthing that begins and is centered on the inside. therefore if you would do all those things and say "im sorry" not really meaning it thats not repenting. you truly have to have a pure heart and a desire to turn from those sinful ways to truly be forgiven. and as far as doing a sin and dying you wont necessarily go to hell the Lord searches your heart. the Lord knows we can and will slip and fall but he gives us a chance to get back up. im no religious authority but this is my belief. :wink: