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Messages - bindi

This is a double question about Raising Chakra Energy...I have been doing this for some time and recently took some time away from it. Since starting again 2 days ago I have noticed 2 things which I would appreciate some clarification on.

1/ After a short period of energy raising, through vizualizations and meditation (15mins) I find myself almost detaching from myself rising and spreading very thinly, aslmost like I was in a different place, although I am aware that I am still on my bed as well ? Sounds bizarre, but thats the best way I can describe it. Its very pleasant and lasts only a short time afterwhich I feel its time to end my session.  What is it?

2/ After 2 sessions like this I am left with very high energy levels (particuarly in my heart charkra) afterward and into the next day, which I read best described as feeling like touching your tongue on the end of a battery/tingly feeling. Its not terriby pleasant but I can igore it. Am I doing something wrong or something right?

Any assistance would be appreciated!


This is a double question about Raising Chakra Energy...I have been doing this for some time and recently took some time away from it. Since starting again 2 days ago I have noticed 2 things which I would appreciate some clarification on.

1/ After a short period of energy raising, through vizualizations and meditation (15mins) I find myself almost detaching from myself rising and spreading very thinly, aslmost like I was in a different place, although I am aware that I am still on my bed as well ? Sounds bizarre, but thats the best way I can describe it. Its very pleasant and lasts only a short time afterwhich I feel its time to end my session.  What is it?

2/ After 2 sessions like this I am left with very high energy levels (particuarly in my heart charkra) afterward and into the next day, which I read best described as feeling like touching your tongue on the end of a battery/tingly feeling. Its not terriby pleasant but I can igore it. Am I doing something wrong or something right?

Any assistance would be appreciated!


Welcome to Dreams! / Side effects???
October 22, 2002, 15:41:02
I was practising a technique to induce LD that I read about last night, which was basically imaginging rain falling on your body, the storm that follows, the wind and sounds was very effective and almost caused a concious AP, but no LD that I remember (my kids kept waking me up all night) BUT the question is while I was going this technique I was getting weird sensations in my chest and arms, almost buzzy, light gentle energy,  its hard to explain...I thought it was just the heart chakra working overtime, but I have woken up today with the feeling still there, particuarlly in my arms....its very unsual, not painful, just weird and I would prefer that it went away, so I can concentrate on my work!....does anyone know what it is?
When attemption to AP, I can get myself to the vibration stage quite easily by; climbing a rope, climbing a ladder, concentrating on my 3rd eye, concentrating on my heart chakra, concentrating on my heart....but can't actually get any further than just getting bits of me astral (toes, fingers). I'm assuming I'm on the right track and just need to persevere,  but my question is, does it make any difference how you get there? ie. will climbing a rope get me to the same astral place as say concentrating on my 3rd eye? (if I ever get out). I assume I should just pick one method and stick to it.

Also, is it normal just before projection to get to a point where you feel like you are going rising through a thick fog (or something heavy and dense) and your mind becoms bombared with blurry images and thoughts that don't make any sense (and is amlost impossible to ignore)?
I like to pick a moment in time, there may be nothing special about the moment it may be simple like walking to check the mail and the sun is shining on your face, the birds are chirping, and I can say to myself; at this particular moment I am happy, you don't consider external influences like the pile of bills on the bench or the kids you left fighting inside as you came out to get the mail, you just take the moment.....even sitting here now, typing on the computer, there is nothing special about the moment, but on reflection I am happy at this moment. Like smelling a flower or biting into a crunchy apple, at that moment excluding external influences it is possible to be happy......maybe its a bit simplistic, but if you have enough 'moments' you can find that you are happy quite alot of the time, but I don't think that its truly possible to be 100% happy all the time.......
Thanks Huwie,
it was not my first attempt, this seems to be a permanent problem, I have been trying for nearly 2 years with various methods, then fine tuning to those methods, and I get sooooooo close....the heart thing doesn't bother me (though it did the first time!) but the breathing thing gets me every time without fail, its like my brain wont allow that final cross over. I have no fear of AP and have on a humber of occasions have lucid dreams, its the whole concious thing.....I guess I need to just keep trying.........thanks though![:)]
Great really quick results at getting into a trance fast, then started the rope but as always, as soon as I get close I seem to snap back andbecome very aware of my breathing (or lack of it) and my awareness shifts and I can't get it back. Ive tried ignoring it but I can't ....I'm assuming that the only way past this is to ignoer it.....[:)]
I've found the best way is to get yourself into a calm meditative state, protect yourself by surounding your self in white light and asking for protection. Have your pen poised above your paper and write a question on the paper. Place your pen on the next line and wait (try to keep your mind clear), you should feel inclined to start writing, your hand may become heavy or tingely allow your hand to just move over the paper and allow whatever comes into your head be written without thinking about it.
It may not happen the first time, but I have found that using this method you will get answers to questions in a form that you yourself would not write, a friend of mine always gets poetry (and she's not at all poetic). It becomes easier the more you do it, but ensure that you ask for protection and surround yourself in white light as it is in a sense channeling and you don't want to channel anything bad! You could even direct your question to one of your guides, higher self, angel etc...this way your requesting who you channel not just allowing open slather!! Be sure to thank whoever is was writing for you at the end of your session and ask them to step back, then imagine drawing your aura in close around you to close yourself down. Hope this helps, there are alot of books on the subject, perhaps you should read one before trying. I've just given you the basics.
Good luck.[^]
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Spirit Guides
December 04, 2003, 19:16:15
From my understanding everyone does have at least one Guide, usually more.
We all have a Guardian that is assigned at birth and will stay with you throughout your life and meet you at the end. Their job is to ensure that you follow your path, you will most likely never meet them.
There are then other guides depending on what level of development. ie. Healers will have a healing guides, Phsycics will have a Physcic guide etc. that will help when called upon when you are doing this kind of work. These guides will most likely change during your life and are not people that you have known, but higher beings that have chosen to come back and help those on the path.
Then there is a Gatekeeper, not everyone has one of these, but if you are on the path and doing phsycic/healing work the chances are you do, this one is in charge of organizing the others and ensuring that you are protected.
Then there are helpers and everyone has these. They are likely to be people that you have known but not always. They do the little things like when you desperatly need a car park quickly, one suddenly appears, they do the little things.....test them, ask for that car park and see if  appears, they love to be asked to help (just not the tatslotto numbers)!
The best way to get in touch with them is through meditation, once you get to know them you can regognise which one you are talking to.
This is simply my understanding. Take it or leave it! Hope it answers the question.[;)]
If offers proof (to me anyway) that there is more to life than the square we live in...

I hadn't heard ot the Brain Method before, but played around with it last night...and found it to be the quickest and easiest method I have tried, whilst I didn't achieve a full OBE due to outside interuptions, I was at a vibrational stage in a very short time...and will definately try again tongiht!
What a great topic!
My opinion for what its worth......
I hate the word 'God' to me it implies some old bloke sitting in the clouds ruling down on us with thunder and lightening bolts....
We (the universe) obviously came from somewhere but it I don't believe that there was a 'creator' with a grand plan, if there was, who created the 'creator', etc....
I believe that there are many, many levels of conciousness and many dimesnions that most of us cannot even imagine, but if I cant, see, it , feel it, touch it, smell it, experience it on some level then I don't belive it!
It seems a little elitist to think that you have to be 'intelligent'  to AP. I cannot see any relationship - probably because I have a lower IQ than the rest of you!
A though maybe is that  a large portion of the worlds high IQ'ers would be professionals such as Polititions (well..), Judges, Scientists, etc...who would think that the mere concept of AP is ridiculous and illogical.
Also another thought may be that the lower the IQ the more likely to achieve deep relaxation (their brain would not be so active trying to solve the worlds problems) and possibly more open minded to such concepts.
By the way my IQ is 124, I have a AP experience at least once a month and recall 80% of my dreams every night....
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / ROPE question
February 04, 2003, 13:47:44
just had another thought that may or may not help.
If you really have trouble witht the rope you could always try a ladder....I've had some success with this, same theory, different implement!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / ROPE question
February 04, 2003, 12:26:29
you don't need to imagine that you are somewhere else, that would just keep your mind off the job I think.
Just concentrate on pulling yourself up, slowly, make each pull a real effort.
Imaging for a second how hard it would be to pull yourself up a real rope using just your arms, how your arms would strain and tremble, how your hands would feel against the thick, rough rope, thats the sensation that you want to be concentrating on - and nothing else, forget the rest of your body (if you can).
It seems like you have got it all together...just concentrate on the pull and loose yourself in that, nothing else matters.....easier said than done of course!
Hi guys,
was reading your notes and thought that I would contribute....
I have taken both Echinacea and St Johns Wort.
I have found with the Echinacea that it will pospone a cold, as long as you keep taking it, it holds the cold at bay, but as soon as you stop, out comes the cold...there is still some use in this I suppose. (I also read an article in the newspaper a few weeks back on a scientific test they did on Echinacea and had a control group taking Echinacea and some taking a placebo. The ones taking a placebo were sick for less time!) I don;t know if this says something about Echinacea of the power of the mind!
The St Jons Wort, I took for mild depression and it worked really well....
I have just started reading about Bach flower remdies which basically seems to help the emotional balance which inturn affects the physical.
I've just started my puppy and horse on different remedies and hope to see some result in the near future...
The beauty of these remedies is that there is no bad side effects and I don't believe that you can take too much...
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / ROPE question
February 03, 2003, 13:14:26
sounds to me like u are doing everything correctly and are on the right track.
Not everyone gets stong exit sensations.
Sounds like you are too aware of what is happening to you body ie. the sensations, your breathing. You should only be aware of the rope and climbing it and ignore everything else that is going on.
The other thing that may be holding you back is are so close but can't take that final step...are you hesitant?
Do you really wan't it? What is your intent?
Hope some of this is helpful!
Good Luck!
The sensations should lessen in time, the more you do it.
Good Luck!
Welcome to Dreams! / Side effects???
October 22, 2002, 19:16:31
thanks for that. Its interesting that u mention the internal dialogue...I have been working REALLY had on that this week, and I've had more success today than any other day so far.
I've read alot of Roberts Bruces stuff, I never really got into the NEW, so maybe I'll go back and re read it.
Everthing does seem to overlap. I've meditated for ages and still do, trying to AP caused me to try and Lucid Dream 1st, and to have success at any other these I've had to work really hard on the internal dialogue (awareness). It's all very interesting.
Thanks so much for your help!
Welcome to Dreams! / Side effects???
October 22, 2002, 17:30:46
Thanks for you replied - at least I know I'm not going crazy!!!!
Just wondering though, is this a good thing or a bad thing that I have done?
What if any is the benefit?
Right before sleep at night. I get into bed, relax, meditate for a bit and then attempt to AP, getting to the Astral state easily, but unable to fully project. I find it the best time because the body is generally tired and easily relaxed.
EXACTLY the same thing happened to me a couple of years ago and I freaked!!!
It wasn't until I found this site about twelve months ago that I read about it and discovered what t it actually was, and was quite normal.
It has since happened quite a few more times, I have found that it happens if you wake up to quick, get jolted awake, your mind is awake but your body and astral body arn't alligned properly so you can't move. The worst thing you can do is panick....the best thing I have found is to just relax and go back to sleep.
I actually induced it the other night trying to OBE, I felt myself begin to leave my body, when someone said 'HI" which gave me such a fright that I woke up and tried to roll over and see who was there, only to find that I was paralysed.....I just relaxed and it was there, so I ruied my 1st sucessful OBE!!!!.
Good Luck!
Its all soooooo simple in theory!
The problem is actually getting it to happen!
Maybe you need to add, Persistance and Patience!
Hey Paukki,
just like clandestino, I could have written the email myself also...!
Having tried and tried with some degree of success but not full result, I got chatting to someone on the chat page who could do it.
Their suggestion was to learn to Lucid cream first and the rest will follow naturally (or at least be alot easier as you know better what to expect) I was at such a stalemate with trying to AP, I have taken this advice on board and am learning to Lucid Dream First.....
Good Luck!

Patience, Concentration and Perseverance!!!
There are lots of free courses available on the net, including the one on this site...they all offer various methods to have OBE's. Find one you like and go for it!
Good Luck!