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Messages - darshan

The problem i have consistently faced in Aping is when I lie on my back and try being asleep, I just cant go anywhere close to being asleep because my mind is quite active and awake. and over time like say about 45 mins or an hour, i get really tired of feeling nothing and so I lie on my stomach (this is how I normally sleep every night) and try feeling sleepy and before I think that I should turn around and lie on my back again for thats how I have been told one could AP, i fall asleep.

Please advise.
Hi Szaxx,

Hope you are doing well !! This is my first post here. Like you said, I am sharing my doubts on AP. Its been about 15 odd days since I have tried APing. I have neither been meditating nor doing any energy exercises (as described in Robert Bruce's Evolution) since 15 days. I wish to try APing now. Please advise on further notes.
