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Messages - EscapeVelocity

Your last two posts are off-the-chart great Tak, and excellent examples of how quickly Kurt Leland's ideas are resonating with you!

It is all about perceiving energy, then interpreting it and translating it into some form that we can properly understand, including energetic structures here and in the Non-Physical Realms. The system Leland explores is that ancient Hindu/Buddhist idea of multiple energy bodies that, through meditation, energy work and NP exploration we are slowly learning (or re-learning) to activate with our consciousness. For those of us that experience etheric/RTZ OBEs, I think we fail to recognize its limited range, perceptive ability and utility; we make the early mistake of thinking this is the energy body I will use to explore the Non-Physical Realms, but it is not. Once we achieve some mastery of the etheric vehicle, we need to turn our attention to the astral and then the mental energy bodies. Now, we have already had some level of experience with these bodies- dreams, lucid dreams, simulations and even higher level 'formless' experiences that possibly indicate higher level mental (point of consciousness), causal and higher...but we have little to no context within which to understand them in relation to one another. This is where the two Leland books set themselves apart from every other book, for me at least (Otherwhere and The Multidimensional Human). And the difficulty we have, just as the person walking down the street looking at the pavement in front of them and unaware of their surroundings is an excellent metaphor for our dilemma. As Tak described, it is a bit of a mind-blowing insight! We suffer this problem in the physical, the etheric, the astral, the mental and so on. Each new energy body that we learn to activate and occupy with our awareness, will in turn have to be transcended by activating awareness within the next higher (higher in the sense of psychological distance to Source [which is another great Leland insight!]) energy body; because we naturally fall into a trap of thinking all these newly-discovered senses must be as good as it gets! Another great Leland insight is that we have each already been doing this development work within probably 5 or 6 energy bodies our entire lives-that is why our experiences seem to jump all around over our lives; we just did not have the proper context within which to place them relative to one another. The jigsaw puzzle begins to take shape. But there are certain, specific actions one has to perform and Tak, you have done this.
I am slightly re-tracing old ground that I know you are aware of, but you have successfully raised your awareness within NP environments to the point you have realized their limitations and restrictions-that of the etheric, dream, lucid dream and limited simulations. You have also expressed that frustration to your Guiding Force which is your current best communicable link to the NPR. You have also expressed the idea of your willingness to be of Service to the Greater Good of the Universe+...those are important sincere expressions that may well be a requirement for advancement from this point. I went through a similar process ten years ago and can verify the results.

And this last post shows the results! You gained many great insights! Some issues will need to be worked on but are just part of the process. You also experienced generalized fear, fear of dying, fear of loss of identity...those speak to physical concerns and the Ego feeling threatened. There are many insights awaiting! It is pretty freaky when you feel your identity slipping away...

I love your description of moving at high speed through the heavy, frictional, granular density of the energy field you were assisted through, likely a higher frequency or energy level to help you acclimate to it; strange, isn't it that your awareness translated the difficulty of moving through this field in such 'physical' terms?

You will find yourself 'tossed into' some situations where you notice you're not breathing- don't let that frighten you; it is just one test of many to come,

Kurt Leland's books may not resonate with everyone quite as well, we all speak slightly differently; but for those interested, Leland writes about the Non-Physical senses that Tak mentioned, that he recognized within the astral body. He believes each body has an equivalent set of senses that will have to be developed. I sure hope he gets around to writing a book on the mental body.

Here is a sampling of the astral body senses, with my accompanying short description-

Existential Senses

Consciousness- (everything is consciousness)
Creation- (whatever we experience is our creation)
Evolution- (there is a soul-based Master Plan)

Kinesthetic Senses

Embodiment- (knowing our vehicle of consciousness)
Mobility- (awareness of psychological distance between planes)
Disentanglement- (freedom from thought forms & camouflage)

Environmental Senses

Time- (how we experience evolving processes/growth)
Navigation- (determine function of areas visited)
Perception- (skill in reading/translating energy transformations)

Relational Senses

Cooperation- (it's a safe universe, with conscious beings helping each other)
Vibration- (all conscious beings send out identifiable energy patterns)
Permeation- (mind meld)

I want to add another link that I feel is appropriate that is a list outlined in Leland's book Otherwhere that should add some good pointers to the thread- Ten Levels of Dream Awareness!/kurt-leland-s-ten-levels-of-dream-awareness-48450/

Great experiences Tak and thank you for sharing!


I bought and used the Gateway tapes back in 1995, the CD version in 2005, finally attending the course at Monroe in 2018.

The results and visuals you are experiencing indicate that you are in a much better  energetic position and place to benefit from them now. My advice is to continue as you are currently- you are getting results. Go with the flow is the rule, now. Repeat an exercise or move on as you see fit, trust yourself. Do two or three sessions a day or two back to back to see if results change or increase...if you can manage it in your day; otherwise just keep doing what you are doing.
If you get visuals or energy changes that differ from what you are expecting in a session, there is no problem in stopping the tape and just working the visuals/energy from where you are. A strict adherence to the Hemi-Sync is not necessary; you are doing most of the work yourself. After a few trips to Monroe, I learned I could sit up, turn the light on and take some short notes in the middle of a session and then slip right back in...heck, a few times I even went to the bathroom and was surprised at how easy it was to blend back into the, don't be afraid to experiment. If the energy or visual seems to be taking you somewhere else, shut off the tape and focus on what you have.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Looking for Book
August 25, 2024, 23:33:19
My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything) was Campbell and 820 pages long, originally published as a single volume, then published in three volumes later.

Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics was also pretty big: my copy is 547 pages.
A good way to check your chakra activity level is with a pendulum. Lay down on your back and have a friend steady a pendulum over each chakra, one by one. The pendulum should gently begin to move in a circle, the speed indicating degree of activity. If there is no movement or just side to side movement, this likely indicates inactivity and/or blockage.

Here's a question I have- As shown in the video, all the chakras rotate in the same direction. Is this correct? I wondered that each chakra rotates in opposite direction of the one next to it?
Welcome to the Pulse BarboraD,

Yes, the chakras or energy centers certainly appear to be real, we each experience them in varying degrees. I'm not qualified enough in this aspect to offer much more commentary, maybe some others will.

Again, welcome.

Welcome to the Pulse!

LightBeam has provided you some excellent advice from the perspective of the Wider Reality. Lumaza has drilled down and narrowed the context toward some techniques that you should study at this point. I would like to address directly some of your statements and experiences, and possibly give some helpful context on that.

Many of the more experienced explorers of the Non-Physical (NP) started out with the same frustrations you are currently experiencing, not realizing at the time that this was entirely normal and understandable given the difficulty of what we were seeking to accomplish...which actually requires a re-ordering of our understanding of basic operating principles of the Universe...not a small some confusion is expected. This re-ordering of understanding takes time, introspection, thought and reflection. Insights have to be achieved through experience and re-examination and adjustment of our beliefs. And for nearly all of us, it becomes a very subtle process that takes time. So, based on your OP statement that you have only been actively pursuing OBE for a couple months, then I would say you are doing quite well! I understand that you want more and expect more...nearly all of us had the same expectations early on. But, it's like the old saying- you have to learn to walk before you run. It's actually tougher than that- you have to go back to learning baby steps before you learn to walk and then to run...

So, don't be discouraged. You are doing a lot of things right. I will go through some of them one by one, as I can.

You are writing down your dreams and experiences. Great, this is invaluable later on in understanding your progress.

You have watched countless YT videos on the subject. Fine, but there is too much misinformation out there, so let that go for now and read the "Stickies" here that LightBeam and Lumaza mentioned; I would add the thread "How I got out for the first time" for a good reset of perspective.

The fact that you have had three memorable lucid dreams and also become aware within a mind awake/body asleep (MABA) state...this is a great sign of success! Remember baby steps versus walking...this is how it works most often. This is a sign that your awareness is becoming activated not only in the Physical Realm (as it is right now) but also in the Non-Physical Realms of Dreaming, MABA and Sleep Paralysis...oh, and on top of that, you recognized the SP state but did not become emotionally frightened by it...even when a disembodied voice laughed and said to get out of your body! Most people early on would have panicked...nicely done! So this is good, early progress; maybe not what you expected, but let me assure you, this is progress. Again, baby steps...

The CPAP stuck to your head, lol. I have used a CPAP for nearly fifteen years now but never had it stuck to my head in an OBE. However, I have had several instances where my hand or arm was under my pillow and, as I exited, the pillow (or my etheric mental construct of it) was firmly clamped against the side of my head and I couldn't shake it loose, lol. So yes, that can happen. Which begs the question- just what kind of OBE was that?

Your description of the experience- coming out of a lucid dream and coming aware in the PR in MABA state, then rolling out of your body, not being able to find your balance and dealing with the CPAP...that reads just like an etheric OBE. It's the classic OBE description. I have had many of them, but went on to develop other types of OBEs. There is some disagreement about the factual nature of this but the description stems from the Hindu/Buddhist tradition that posits multiple energy bodies which, through our spiritual awakening, we gradually learn to activate our awareness within- physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal and higher energy/frequency bodies...this is the process you are now undergoing, and hence, a fair amount of confusion comes with it. You have also had relatively recent lucid dreams. That supposedly relates to your awareness activating within your 'dreaming body' or your lower astral body...can you relate to the differences between the feeling of your MABA experience and your lucid dream experiences, the etheric body and your astral? That is something to consider as your experiences continue to evolve. These experiences were to show you that your awareness is expanding and evolving into these new areas of the Wider Reality.

Who was the voice that told you to go out of your body? Was it your subconscious? Your Higher Self? Or somebody else? I don't know that answer and it really doesn't matter other than the fact that you heard it and differentiated it as 'outside' yourself. We all have guides, instructors and invisible helpers available to us. Forty years ago, I considered that just fanciful, whimsical I know it to be true. We each have a 'support team' of a couple people remaining on the boat while we go scuba diving. There are also independent instructors and helpers who notice us when our awareness emerges into the NPR; there to assist us and protect us while we learn our way around. At some point, they begin testing us and challenging us and it becomes a new form of schooling. That voice that challenged you to roll out of body was likely an instruction and a small Fear Test, to see if you would scare easily and retreat into Waking Reality...Nicely done!

Consider this- A lucid dream is an OBE; you are just entering it, not from the physically-awake side, but from the deeper dreaming is still an OBE. So, when you become lucid, pay attention and look for your purpose in the instructor is likely looking in and might give you an instructional challenge...this is when the fun begins.

I was lousy at getting to Monroe's Focus 10. Like you, my mind was too active, I never felt I could get relaxed and deep enough. Then a senior instructor at Monroe explained that F10 and all the other Focus states are not 'fixed' points on the consciousness spectrum, rather they describe a range of, you can be in a low F10 or a medium or high doesn't have to be perfect.

If you are trying guided visualizations or binaural beats or your own silent meditation...great...a few times let yourself relax to the point of falling may find you can actually get deeper than you think.

I like the afternoon nap, not so much trying at bedtime- your physical body is so tired that it drags your awareness down into deep sleep like an anchor around your ankle in the ocean. The two need to be able to separate. Try WBTB or Wake, Back To Bed method if you can find the time in your schedule. Go to bed at normal time, sleep for 2,3,4 hours...then get up and read for an hour & then go back to bed and observe yourself as your body falls back to sleep. This provides the needed disconnect from your awareness and your physical body. Same with an early morning wake-up...observe the hypnogogics as you fall back to sleep...just things to try...

Affirmations- These never hurt and are free...program yourself when you go to bed. I won't mention the 'I am safe and protected' affirmations because you already sound fairly fearless, lol! Two or three short, simple, positive statements as you go to bed-

"I remember my Non-Physical experiences every night."
"I give myself permission to have these Non-Physical experiences."
"Every night I gain greater awareness within my dreams."

There is work to be done in the Non-Physical. At some point in our training, we are expected to offer service in some fashion, so it is good to make that intention known.

"I offer my service to the Greater Good and Service to Humanity in whatever way I can." ...or words to that effect

Hope that helps,


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Finding Balance
July 23, 2024, 00:41:08
So much good advice in all these replies; we all can benefit. I would add one idea that I became aware of only after many months of feeling 'stalled' years  I have learned to allow for that...

The idea is this- As our 'spiritual evolution' continues into deeper realms of consciousness, there occur periods that require time for consideration, reflection, questioning...etcetera...and this often occurs at not only conscious levels but also deeper and subconscious or unconscious levels...I call it percolation, like letting a cup of coffee or tea percolate or simmer, to get the fuller flavors of it...

This necessity was not immediately obvious when it happened to me; it actually played out over probably a two-year period of frustration until the insight hit me. I needed time to realize on several levels what I had experienced and learned...later downloads often happened that way (some take years), it can take time and the patience required is also a new aspect of the experience to open to considering that and relax into yourself...
Beethoven- You are doing pretty well with what you are trying. Here are some suggestions for refining the process.

Going to bed at 10pm and trying techniques for an hour or two is beneficial in the sense of learning and familiarizing yourself with the cognitive/awareness aspect, but you are still fighting that somewhat overwhelming physical urge to simply fall asleep; so ultimately, I think the work is good but is also a bit self-defeating. Experiment with finding ways around that.

I understand and dealt with it myself: the physical reality of needing a good night's sleep and working the next day...the trick is to find a manageable way to work your NP explorations into your schedule. So, don't insist on it being a daily thing- make it once a week or twice maybe; where you set your alarm an hour or an hour and a half before your normal wake-up time and you spend that time consciously exploring that NP territory. Or once a week, try my preferred WBTB method which would be to go to bed at 10pm, with an alarm set for 1:30am, read a book for an hour and then go back to sleep with the intention to have an OBE of some sort...I know that this is difficult during a work week, but if you want results, then consider giving it a try and work this into your weekly/monthly routine.

With the WBTB method, you are really working with the process of the disconnect of the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the mind/body sleeping component involved in the whole process...don't be afraid to experiment with this whole process.

My point here is that you need to experiment and find 'your' specific recipe for these experiences. If you choose to experiment and try new ideas, you will eventually find what you are looking for...


Lumaza is exactly right about the physical disruptions. These actually seem like physical irritants and roadblocks that we personally set up for ourselves. I will say that yes, with persistence and dedication they are eventually overcome.

Something that might help is altering your schedule of NP attempts from nighttime to early morning or even a Wake Back To Bed routine...personally, I found my most convenient time to practice (bedtime) was not my 'best' time (early morning) takes a lot of practice to learn to do it 'anytime'... 

The fact that you mention those early images are in 'sepia' tones and colors...did you read that somewhere?  If not, then it is a great indicator of the accuracy of your experience. I personally still categorize this as hypnogogic imagery (falling asleep) or hypnopompic (waking up) but your experience of noticing and following the train of imagery is the important thing. It can be sepia or light, dingy gray in my experience and I think it is an important indicator of your early success in making the non-physical or Phasing just keep on with it. As Lumaza recommended, just stay emotionally neutral and observant; don't try to force anything and just dispassionately observe where the images take you...this is part of learning the process of the transition. I think the early part of this imagery is likely derived from the subconscious but it quickly develops into more 'outward' influences, if that makes any sense. The point is- let it happen and follow.

What Nameless said about 'there are few places your mind's eye cannot go'...I have no idea, but maybe that's why she is known as the 'spooky grandma'

Welcome back to the Pulse, Beethoven2024!

Tides has given you some excellent answers and perspective on what is a subject with many personal variations and nuances. Answering questions about our early OBEs is like traversing a minefield of misunderstandings and requires a bit of a 'deep dive into the weeds', what the heck, let's dive in a little ways...

Keep in mind- This is MY personal perspective at this moment in perspective has necessarily changed and evolved many times over decades now; as I read more, listen more and experience more...I have no doubt my perspective will continue to change to some degree for the rest of my life.

My answer to your question that 'all dreams are actually OBEs in some way?' Is a conditional YES, in that a dream is a re-focusing of your attention/awareness away from its normal fixed point- that of your waking reality. It just seems to depend on where you are looking...and from where are you looking? You are not normally focused within your dreams but if your dreams are an internal process generated by you, then aren't you just 'differently focused' within yourself? But maybe our dreams can include both a private/personal aspect, as well as a greater non-private 'community' aspect? Maybe the OBE can cross both those boundaries and the trick is to learn the difference?

So, that begs the question- why is it called an OBE or Out-of-Body Experience? Is it actually 'in or out' of the body? Well, yes and no depending on your definition, it can be either. Another question being- Which body? Because certain experiences seem like distinctly different 'bodies' are at work here. Here enters the complicating idea of the ancient Vedic, Hindu theories of multiple 'energy bodies', chakras and all that...the Theosophical tradition picked up on that idea with the Etheric/Astral/Mental/Causal and higher bodies; the ancient Egyptians had the idea of the Physical body which was superseded by the increasingly spiritual purity and essentialness of the Ba and then the immortal Ka...there are multiple references to these ideas and at some point, we begin to recognize not only their presence, but their logic and likelihood...

You ask- What does all that have to do with my experiences? My point is that a great part of the confusion in our early OB experiences may revolve around this question of multiple energy bodies and our habit of confusing our limited experiences with them. For instance, any experience involving your bedroom or current domicile likely involves your etheric body, which has a very limited physical range...but did it feel sluggish and heavy, like you were underwater? If so, then that was likely an etheric experience. If not, then it might have been a subconscious dream experience of what a Phasing/OBE might feel a practice run, which is a normal occurrence early on (I had that one)...slightly less than a lucid dream but still a noticeable event...looking for yourself in bed is also normal the first few this could have been etheric or dream/astral...

With that in mind, this is what I see happening in your experiences- Your initial desire and expressed Intent to have experiences has paid off; you have had many, but of varying types. This naturally leads to much confusion and frustration. The experiences are seemingly random and non-repeatable; you cannot seem to find the formula that worked in any experiences. Let me just say- this is normal for most of us, myself included. The reason being this is very complicated stuff and we don't have teachers or reliable teaching want to be a black belt in martial arts? An expert musician or a skilled artist? It takes years of training and practice and good luck doing it on your own...

With that said, learning to develop your NP and OBE skills CAN BE DONE on your have already learned some of the basics all by yourself...and I have little doubt that you have already received some Non-Physical training and assistance...we do have help from the 'other side'...

What is needed right now is some context- The experiences you have described range from dream to lucid dream to etheric to astral...the degree within each is hard to determine without more information on each experience, but that's what it reads like...just know that a high degree of confusion and frustration from the disparity of your experiences is quite understandable...don't let that stop you.

There are a lot of people with a wide range of knowledge here to help; so, maybe this generates some further questions.

Give it 4 out of 5 stars

This book is a series of essays by recognized authors in the field. It is well-written and expresses several (I would say) slightly cutting-edge viewpoints. Like LightBeam mentioned a few posts ago, over the last fifty years, there has been a significant disconnect between ET encounter/experiences and Non-Physical/OB/Spiritual experiences...those studying either phenomenon apparently refuse to admit to even consider, much less discuss the other side's perspective.

You watch a dozen Ancient Alien episodes and you get almost nothing of the spiritual quality or possibility of the spiritual experiences...they are always an afterthought, whereas most discussions I have listened to from the spiritual perspective readily admit the likelihood of the ET involvement and a dovetail coming together of the perspectives at some point.

This book actually crosses that divide. The Grant Cameron piece is great! The Linda Moulten Howe is pretty good. John Mack, Whitley Strieber, Henriette Weeks, Dr.s Hurtak, Darryl Anka, Caroline Cory...all very good with subtle insights to share. I especially enjoyed Grant Cameron's 'Theory of Wow' which describes how, over the last hundred years UFO/ET encounters have progressed in both numbers of individuals contacted but also an unquestionable and increasing number of 'public' displays such as the mass sightings in Hudson Valley, NY in the 1980's, the Phoenix Lights of 1997, and the appearance of crop circles for the entire world to witness. Other topics delve into multi-dimensionality, telepathy, hybridization, etcetera.

First published in 2021, this book makes new tracks into the little explored territory of reconciling experiences within both the ET and Spiritual worlds; a fine effort and worth reading...not much else is out there that attempts the discussion.
In one sense, AP has been the single, defining aspect of my life. I didn't start out thinking that way, but it still played out in that sense.

My early OB experiences were around the ages of 5 and 6, and they took on a sense of primacy for me; they were so striking and immediate upon my awareness. I tried explaining this difficulty in young consciousness to my parents but was met with indifference and disregard.

Honestly, it was my very strict Christian grandmother, who used to supply my brother and me with the monthly candy bars and comic books when we would brother always got the latest and coolest Marvel comix...Iron Man, Avengers and X-Men...I always got the lesser grade Donald Duck and Archie & Jughead comix...I was SO finally asked her for a better choice of comix...she responded in a totally unexpected way, by delivering to me a candy bar and a Dr. Strange comic...which introduced to me the idea, and visual of Dr. Strange sitting in meditation and leaving his body in ectoplasmic form...keeping in mind, I am about 10 at this time...that was SO fascinating to me!

Since then, AP has been a constant concept, an idea worthy of is now an idea fifty years on that I have been has confirmed for me ideas that are beyond the realization of my parents, grandparents, my siblings...these are subjects I cannot even talk about with them...they nearly almost have no is sad; but it is what it is...we keep on searching
I think you misunderstand the relationship. The misbalance of the chakras is an energetic reflection of the thoughts/emotions/beliefs of the individual. You are 'putting the cart before the horse' in other words...

Chakras do not control; they are just one reflection of the overall condition of the being.
Good advice from all around; I would say you have all the teachers you need right here, at least for now. After a year's efforts you are doing fine!

To reinforce the ideas-

-Learn patience (we never stop learning)
-Passively observe (like watching birds around your feet, don't interfere, just watch; keep your emotions in check)
-Relax and let go, even if you fall asleep
-Go With The Flow (of whatever transpires; it may not be what you expected, but just GO with it)

Regarding the books mentioned-

I haven't read Raduga, but William Buhlman's books should give a good, balanced perspective on the territory, and at the present time you won't need much more than that. Monroe's three books are excellent, entertaining and inspiring BUT, they can be very misleading and frustrating for these reasons: Monroe was a one-of-a-kind, truly gifted individual and served as a modern-day pathfinder into the Non-Physical Realities; he was a natural at his various exit techniques and as such, his books are very limited in offering techniques for the beginner; also, his many varied experiences are mostly his alone and unreproduced by many others...and with that caution in mind, I still recommend them as great reads.

The Gateway Tapes/CDs-

They can work wonderfully for some people and prove frustrating for others. They were difficult for me until I learned a few ideas. First, relax into them and actually let yourself fall asleep 6 or 7 times. Even asleep, the Hemi-Sync tracks will deliver the learning into your subconscious and more importantly, by allowing yourself to fall asleep you will discover just how much deeper you can be relaxed. In my own case, I realized that I was not letting go and relaxing...nowhere near it. By allowing yourself to fall asleep on occasion, you will have a better chance to discover your own personal 'sweet spot' of relaxation.

Focus 10- Mind Awake/Body Asleep-

Just like finding that relaxation 'sweet spot', I could never feel that I was at Focus 10. I never felt the full MABA state except only after returning from several spontaneous OBEs. Then a Monroe Trainer explained to me that Focus 10 is not a specific point of consciousness, but rather a range or spectrum within sometimes I may achieve a shallow or low F10 and other times I may achieve a deep or high F10; either way, the work can still be done. That was a very helpful concept for me and it only cost $2,300 bucks to go there and hear that, lol! With that knowledge, it has made the Gateway and other Hemi-Sync materials much more workable for me...still not 100%...but then what is?!
Thanks for the links Volgerle. The DeMarco link has some especially insightful comments on Robert's life and work. Having read several of DeMarco's books, I can also recommend him; as well, his work as a publisher at Hampton Roads Publishing.

Sad news. I have three RB books in my collection- Astral Dynamics, New Energy Ways and Psychic Self Defense. AD was the most current publication when I found time back in 2006 to reignite my exploration of consciousness and reality. Initially, I rejected the 'negative entity' perspective since it did not fit within my own personal experience, but much of his other writings both rang true and were beneficial to me; so, I thank him for that. Even now, nearly twenty years later, I have moved to a more centrist and accommodating stance on his 'negs' commentary; it is not my perspective, but I can understand it for others, in a more holistic sense of just what can be experienced.

I can wholeheartedly agree with Lumaza on the practical and wonderful simplicity of Robert's New Energy Ways methods. If someone like me, who feels utterly incapable of doing energy work initially, can experience tangible results within a few days like I did with NEW, then there must be something to it!

And thanks also for his work with Adrian in the Astral Pulse!

Farewell to a fellow traveler of the Path, of whom we shall, no doubt, encounter again.

Regarding energy work, I am not an expert, maybe a little more than novice-level...I do manage to recognize when some technique works for me. The sheer simplicity of the Robert Bruce NEW (New Energy Way) methods resulted in quick and immediate results for me. With that said, this is my comment-

Only you can really sense for yourself the true quality of work/healing the Reiki practitioner performed for you. I wonder that if your energy field can be sensed at 12", then that is a great indicator of overall energy may NOT NEED to do any energy work right don't need to create more energy; you need to learn to direct/manage it...

The fact that she says there is lots of energy around your Crown chakra may also indicate that you have lots of energy, but that it is concentrated around your Crown chakra or it is stuck there and not circulating...this is a question that needs to be it a question of Crown chakra development or is the energy somehow 'stagnated' there? A simple pendulum might help here.

When I was at The Monroe Institute one week, a few women whom befriended me, suggested the first night we check each other's chakras with a pendulum. I knew of this technique but had never tried it. When it was my turn, I laid prone and one of the women centered the pendulum, one at a time, over each of my seven chakras to check the level of activity. I was naturally reassured as the pendulum described five inch diameter circles around each of my chakras, from Root to Crown... my Fifth chakra was strong, my Sixth (Third Eye) was cranking away, my Crown chakra was swinging along...all except for one. That was my Heart chakra and the pendulum hung almost lifeless, moving slowly back and forth, left to right...hmmm...inactivity.

So, I made an appointment with a wonderful lady who comes to The Monroe Institute the first three days of every weeklong Course and offers massage and energy healing. I didn't mention the pendulum/chakra work; I just asked her for a short massage and a once-over energy read. She gave me that unfocused stare and declared that my energy was blocked by a "protector" that was placed over my heart and Heart chakra. Why was it there, I asked? Because of some great emotional pain, inflicted in the past, she said. Many of us create them as a survival mechanism...we don't even realize they are there; but they inhibit the flow of energy through our chakra system. I immediately knew the truth of her words; my brother's traumatic injury, my parent's failing age 8, I saw my world collapsing around me and I knew when that 'protector' had been put in me...So, with my agreement and thanks to it for its' service and her effort, my 'protector' was released back in 2019...and I felt a certain light-heartedness afterward...but her admonition was that I could easily and subconsciously call it back in at any time...and that might have happened at some I need to contemplate releasing it again, on my own...

That is my current experience Frosty, hope it provides some context...our searches well


Good points, Frostytraveler!

The unconfused, open and awakened mind...that perspective was somehow clear to me, even at a very early age, but the fact of my youth compared to everyone in my family around me being older, and therefore, arguably more experienced and knowledgeable, led me into doubts which only slowly resolved over many years, even decades. Eventually, I learned to trust my instinct and intuition. I was right from the start.

Age 4 and 5, I had numerous OBEs and then the one ET abduction. The OBEs I kept to myself, only asking limited, probing questions of my parents and older brother...with zero feedback from them, I kept the OBE experiences to myself from then on. The UFO abduction at 5 was so terrifying that upon my being returned, I stood at the top of the stairs in the middle of the night and screamed until the whole family was standing there staring at me. Bad dream, they concluded, went back to bed wondering about my sanity and left me to my predicament. Over the next several years, I began to realize just how different I was from each of my immediate family members- at the newsstand, my dad was checking out Time magazine, the Wall Street Journal, gun magazines and Playboy; my mom was looking at Home Journal and Vogue; my brother was finding the best of Marvel comics...and me...I was looking at magazines featuring UFO and Bigfoot and Loch Ness monster, I was interested in all those other magazines, but these were my real family looked at me like I was the odd child out...

'Winning people over'...I tried that for a decade or so, but finally realized that we are all here on Earth learning different lessons and at differing rates of understanding/evolution. Even the people I speak with who have some grasp of these spiritual concepts, I realize that most of us are still on sufficiently different wavelengths that we manage to miscommunicate...I feel that frustration with them and I suspect they feel that frustration with is a strange fact. Honestly, I have no one in my local sphere to talk with about these experiences- it is either online with the Pulse members, or a few I have established telephonic relationships with, or a few Monroe Institute members I stay in touch with. I shouldn't complain...this skeleton-network is now a bit more than ten years old, lol! I am truly thankful for it!

Throughout an individual life like each of us 'experiencers' is having, the accumulation of personal events finally adds up to a 'flashover' point, where our personal understanding of reality breaks with what the society around us is trying to dictate or insist 'must be the truth' this point, we have a bit of ego breakdown and re-definement...and we are faced with the choice to either remain in the conscripted world of society or break away and remain open to defining our own reality.
Nameless, Lumaza and I have discussed the Old Mansion for a few years now; your recent mention of it was enough to start a new conversation of the concept last week; and then you added to the discussion with even further excellent insights...thank you for that! The discussion is ongoing and we are not necessarily ready to fix a name to it; we have all experienced it from slightly different angles or perspectives.

Kurt Leland doesn't address the Old Mansion concept directly, but I think his ideas should resonate with you and may, over time, offer deeper insights into all these experiences.

Personally, the events that led me to Old Mansion understanding, were late teenage semi-lucid and lucid dreams that involved a recurring house environment. In my case, the house was always run down, in disrepair, ready to be torn down with holes in the roof and rain coming in, broken windows, dirt, dust, rotted wood my late teens and early twenties, I realized this house was a Non-Physical, psychological and energetic representation of how I subconsciously considered my Life. It was a difficult and disturbing and depressing recurring semi-lucid dream, but the metaphor was fairly obvious to me. This was how I viewed my life in NP terms.

In the following decades, I returned to that dream house or similar versions of it many, many times; and over time, I realized repairs had been made- no broken windows, no rain coming some point activity and 'life' was observed returning to this house...however, the house was still just a house- two levels, maybe three or four bedrooms, two baths...nothing 'mansion-like'...during that same time, my own personal life came into a more clear vision for me as my personal issues slowly resolved and conditions improved.

In my late thirties something changed about the 'house', and the change hasn't really coalesced in my mind until more recently, with further discussions among my friends on the Pulse, and now your comments Tak, have opened the matter once again for discussion.
I did not realize it at the time, but my experiences had shifted Non-Physically, from my personal 'house' to a still-energetic, but much larger structure- I still considered it my 'big house'...the experiences within this structure had transformed rather dramatically- I was encountering people and animals and situations that I had not experienced before...many were strange, frustrating and mystifying...I thought originally that this was a natural evolution of my original 'personal house'...but now I realize this perception was possibly wrong; this was something similar, but entirely new. This new house, like you wrote so insightfully Tak, has new qualities- It appears to us as different, depending on our particular needs...the rooms can be full of people or furniture or they can be empty...the number of rooms seems nearly endless, in the hundreds...and the entire complex seems at times, to be much like a personal home or as a fairly vast hotel or resort. It changes...which my intuition tells me now that it is NOT my creation, but a NP energetic construct with a design and purpose and we utilize it as we imprint our energies and intent into it.

I have been lost, exploring countless rooms...many empty, many with people, often what I realize now were other 'Sleepers'. The empty rooms, I realize are just empty 'projection' rooms waiting for a guest to impart sufficient intent in order for the room to manifest in response...maybe, maybe not...otherwise that is A LOT of unused rooms, lol! Many times, I am looking for something in particular, some ridiculous little item, and I can retrace my path through multiple rooms and secret corridors and stairways, only to get frustratingly lost or distracted after multiple attempts.

Then there is the 'hotel' quality to the place- Sometimes, I can distinctly remember walking past the reception desk. It is only after years that I begin to realize this is possibly the same place, with only minor but NP variations; but still, importantly, the same place in the NP (Non-Physical).

Here is an experience that I think, showcases the 'Old Mansion/Hotel/Resort' where I experienced maybe not a 'simulation', but rather a complete lesson at the Learning center, itself...for me, it notably involved another likely sentient being, probably a 'sleeper'...poor guy, lol.!/clue-less/
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Sort of lucid
March 26, 2024, 01:40:21
You are welcome fowlskins. That was an insightful experience that deserved and opened a significant commentary into a multitude of ideas. Hope it is helpful to everyone.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Sort of lucid
March 24, 2024, 23:20:11
This is where our Non-Physical experiences begin to change in more significant ways. We expect, at this point, to just fly around when we want to, walk through walls, explore our local neighborhood or go zipping about the Cosmos as we see fit. Well, there is a certain amount of that freedom, but to an increasing degree our NP experiences now become somewhat more down to earth and more narrowly-focused on events and thoughts right in front of us- take for example your experience fowlskins.

Like Tak mentioned, this definitely does read like a 'simulation'- a Non-Physical learning environment designed just for the one person. Call it what you will: an AP, an OBE, a Phasing, a dream or lucid dream, whatever; the key is, it is a personal learning energetic environment designed to teach you something. The trick to realizing this is when you attempt to apply your Intent/Will to change something and the environment resists. You try to levitate, fly, change the surroundings and you can't. That is the subtle warning to NOT disrupt the teaching environment and to relax and just go with the flow- which means just go with the presented storyline.

(I know that both fowlskins and Tak know this to varying degrees; I am just edifying this for others)

But...being stubborn humans and having recently realized the use of Intent/Will, at this stage we often pound our heads against the wall repeatedly demanding our Intent be fulfilled and experienced...this most often results in repeated, frustrating failures up to the point the simulation is terminated. And we return to physical focus wondering what could have possibly gone wrong. In my own case, after a hundred or so failures, I slowly learned to back off and acquiesce to the plotline or storyline and not try to force my will upon it. And this led to longer, deeper experiences, but the understanding was not necessarily always there; a broader context was needed. That was where the Pulse came in, and older, more experienced and wider opinions could be offered and considered. As it turned out, many others had already experienced the nearly exact situations I had been dealing with, and could offer intriguing insights; some insights, I took on immediately, others needed time to consider.

Back to fowlskins experience- Notice that the dream storyline/plot was already running as you became aware. (that is often a sign that a simulation is already running-not always, but something to keep in mind) Your friend vanishing/reappearing as a recent Physical-Reality customer was likely designed to boost your lucid awareness, which it seemed to do, as you pointed out to him 'this is just a dream'. Then you pointed out other dream signs until you saw the realization in his face (which also likely bumped up your awareness another notch). Then, despite your seeming low lucidity, you suggested your friend study the plants and notice the vivid colors. That is you coaxing your NP friend to take his awareness up still another notch! Nice!

fowlskins- you should meditate on this experience, ask one simple question at a time (silently/internally) and wait a minute for an answer, before moving on to the next. Ask what this experience was supposed to teach you and 'feel' how your intuition responds. Despite feeling only partially lucid, notice just how well and cognitive your non-lucid Self operated...we recognize this as the development of the Second or Non-Physical Personality. It is a very interesting phenomenon to
start becoming aware of. Was your friend in the experience possibly an Instructor/Teacher? Something to consider...

As I found out years ago, in many simulations, it will feel as if you are only semi-lucid. And this will be true in many cases. It will be a condition of the simulation. You may be challenged to increase your lucidity or your awareness may be subdued, reduced or limited as part of the conditions of the challenge. You simply feel dumbed-down, as if your natural IQ has been reduced by some 50%. Part of the learning process is to recognize it and learn when and when not to struggle; the other part may be for NP Instructors to observe how we operate at this level, possibly our more instinctive level. This form of learning becomes very intriguing, but is also quite challenging! There definitely seems to be both a short form to it, like the one described by fowlskins, but also long form versions that can play out either through a simulation storyline or through what are possibly composite experiences of both personal astral experiences intermixed with testing/instruction/learning. And from my perspective, even if the longer, deeper experiences happen...the shorter and often confusing daily quiz/pop quiz kinds of reduced awareness dream simulations have still not ended; in fact, for me over the last couple years, new elements have been introduced which confound me to no end...except to realize that this...these short-form, reduced-awareness, semi-lucid dreams are an excellent instructional a daily NP crossword puzzle Haiku download...go think about that for the next day (Wow! that was a little bit of a channel, lol)...the short form, I don't even probably need to mention an example; we all have them almost nightly- if we engage our thinking at the right level, we get them...they are short, initially-confusing, semi-lucid dreaming conversations...I don't think they are mental pollution or happen by accident...we are expected to consider them. I would expect that everyone here knows this short-form of internal communication or has had some kind of recognizable encounter with it.

Here is a longer form that spoke directly to me on this issue of reduced awareness, the most significant at the time.!/grass-gravel-and-an-old-friend/

That was 2014. I learned a few years later that my friend JS passed in 2017 at age 55. I suspected his ongoing depression, among other issues, so the timing and circumstance of the visitation still make me wonder. Beyond even that is the way, in this experience, knowledge may have found a path to be imparted...this adds yet to my own personal mystery of all this sheer wonder we encounter.

My point in all this, other than imparting (my) general knowledge and perspective on these matters is to notice and reflect on how your awareness, thinking, and cognition are changing on multiple levels...including while you are SUPPOSEDLY asleep! And the fact that it is changing, developing, increasing! And it will continue, so encourage it! Good luck and have fun!

Good experience!


I need to download this and try it on an individual level, at my own convenience.

Back during Starlines 2 at Monroe, a few years ago, a friend had this program and the several of us worked with it on the rooftop of the Monroe facility during a cold November night...we didn't get anything that we were aware personal request was just for a flyby of my 1995 blue/green sphere encounter...sadly, nothing...

My personal encounters appear to depend on their schedule and not my own...I don't call the shots here...
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hello
March 05, 2024, 20:46:51
Welcome to the Pulse, Suziefish!

We are glad you have discovered our wonderful group and can find answers and share your experiences. Please have a look around and ask and share!

I took the liberty of moving your post into our introduction page.


1- It depends, but mostly on my back. I alternate left and right throughout the night, stretching to find a
   more comfortable position.

2- Up until about age 30, without question, the fastest and preferred position was on my belly; but breathing
   difficulties eventually precluded that option.

3- OBE success is most often on my back, both for phasing and SP induction. Left/right side offer less
   success, but often with intriguing differences in awareness and challenges. IIRC, Castaneda's Don Juan
   books encouraged left side sleeping for Dreamers.