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Messages - EscapeVelocity

Hello acheo,

I agree with LightBeam's perspective on what you are experiencing; this is a very normal situation to encounter early on. Let me offer a slightly different perspective on what may be happening-

As you relax and move deeper into your meditation/visualization, the 'fixation point' of your awareness is moving from the purely Physical into the Non-Physical...and yes, that can be the dream world or the astral...or a combination of both. When this happens, your awareness is moving back and forth grasping for a 'fixation point' within one of these awareness areas...and that takes time and practice and adjustment.

One way to think of it is like a Venn Diagram where you have an arrangement of three circles of Awareness, where the bottom circle represents your normal Physical awareness, and the other two circles are arranged one to the upper left, the other to the upper right, and all three circles overlap by maybe 20-30% at their inner edges. The second circle represents your dreaming reality and the other, your astral reality. This is not exact but works for our discussion. Also, don't discount experiences in one area or another.

Once you are deep in your meditation/visualization, your awareness is bouncing around within that overlapping boundary area of the circles, experiencing confusing moments of one 'reality' and then another, or overlaps of two or three areas. Learning to operate within this new region takes time and repeated experience and a certain amount of confusion is normal. Part of the confusion is also due to the idea that you are rediscovering Non-Physical senses that you originally abandoned for this Physical incarnation. Realizing and developing those NP senses is part of the learning process. Eventually, you will learn to 'fix your attention/awareness' within a single area and then can go exploring.

The 2Dimensional 3 circle overlapping Venn Diagram is a simplified version of the truer nature of our experience- It is actually a much larger 7 or 10 or greater number of Venn circles, overlapping one another in a much more 3D, 4D and higher set of relationships, the complexity and beauty of which is left for us to discover. 

Continue your practice and don't change anything for now; you are doing fine. This is a very normal period of initial confusion and adjustment; you will make progress with each new experience. Don't push or expect too much, be patient and just go with the flow.
Since you are doing breath work and energy bouncing, I lean to the heart chakra activity, as well. You might have a friend check the activity level of your seven chakras with a pendulum and/or do a meditation that recognizes and balances each one once a week or so. The chest pressure might indicate some blockage or imbalance but like has been said, if the rest of your practice is going smoothly, then just recognize it as a sign that your energy is definitely moving, which is what you want. Sounds to me like you are making progress!
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 01:57:25
LightBeam- Yes, I have also felt the shift and change in the nature of my dreams as we move into 2025. Actually, I felt the first significant shift back in 2017 as a precursor to the Covid dilemma. One particular night of very consequential Lucid Dreams gave me insight into the oncoming Covid invasion; and a few weeks ago, I received a more complete understanding of what may still come...what I originally thought was a 2017 LD of Covid is now revealed to possibly be something still to show itself. I need to go ahead and post that insight once I have more fully resolved the issue within myself. Funny how these things show themselves within our dreams...then again, not so funny. Many more dreams of interesting nature followed over the next seven years that suggested concerning changes. Most were barely remarkable, but most continued the warning narrative.

Just last night, I had a semi-lucid dream of going in for a medical check-up. After 63 years, I realize that this form of dream likely always means something personal and significant, although I may not recognize it at the moment. Over the last year, I have also had similar dreams to what you describe...I would call them 'adjustment or resolution dreams'. Dreams of completion or resolution of personal issues. Sometimes it is apparent, other times not so much...but it is obvious some form of resolution or internal correction is taking place.

Tak- I think your insights are almost always on target, both for your personal understanding and for all of us- the wider thank you for those insights!

It sounds like you had a wonderful healing experience, but I want to add this for your and others' consideration. The terrible anxiety that creates the awful chest-tightening pain is often just that-anxiety as explained by psychology (a good answer, yet often incomplete). But, in my experience, this pain can also be part of negative or blocked energy around the heart chakra. I think that so many people worldwide must suffer from this because so much of our emotional pain results from broken promises, broken love relationships, sense of betrayal...and this also affects our energy through the chakras.

In my own life, I realized around the age of 8 that my parents were in an unloving, dysfunctional relationship and headed for divorce. This destroyed my little world and made me so distrustful of people and seriously damaged my own opportunities for future love and family (passive-aggressive behavior). The next thirty years of failed relationships only added to my sense of distrust. I won't go into the details, but I eventually realized just how much my blocked energy through my heart chakra was creating or adding to my problems...I don't blame anyone, it's just the path my life followed; now, I have a clearer understanding of it all, but the time has life has been one of contemplation of these issues within a modern world. My wish now is to just offer advice where it might help some others.

Despite my best efforts, it was through a wonderful friend and fellow student at Monroe (who did a preliminary auric reading of me), the three wonderful 'Witches of Eastwick' I call them (whom we all performed chakra pendulum checks on each other) and the attending 'Healer' at the Monroe Institute who ultimately helped me release the "protector" thoughtform I had created over my heart chakra...that definitely and recognizably reopened my heart chakra. You cannot just dismiss the created it for a must thank it for its service and gently, but consciously direct it to depart...

...and I'm still not sure it's completely dismissed and gone...we can subconsciously call it back, it, I still wonder...

just an idea to consider

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: The Doorway
January 03, 2025, 23:13:45
For me, the tinnitus that started around 2010 may be my personal frequency indicator, a slightly lower Hz reminder...when I go to the Monroe Institute for a week, I come away definitely buzzing at a much higher frequency, but within a few days it settles back down to my 'personal' tinnitus level.

Lumaza... the small, rectangular 'inset' within your eye...I have had that phenomenon probably to a lesser degree maybe twelve years ago but it faded slowly over a few weeks...since then I have read Whitley Strieber's Communion books and he makes definite mention of a small, rectangular window opening within one eye (much later in his books) and it displayed alien writing, somewhat cuneiform...and it stayed with him for months, if not years...he doesn't refer to it again, but may have instinctively incorporated the new sense into his ordinary life...I don't remember him saying either way.

Again, as some of us have seen, we sometimes become open to vastly strange yet often confirmable modalities of perceiving/receiving and incorporating new and strange information/data...

The information stream is's just learning how to tap into it. I can manage it from time to time, though not nearly as well as Lumaza regularly does. I suspect it is an aspect of the Akashic Records and a conduit for creative ideas, music, arts, etc and higher learning...
I've experienced Astral Winds (not the smelly kind,lol) maybe seven to ten times but in different contexts, so I'm not sure if they all qualify.
Most definite are the Winds that occur almost immediately within what I call an Etheric OBE which is almost always starting in my current bedroom- the Wind is inexorable in pulling me away and into another environment, where sometimes I manage to maintain awareness and follow, other times I lose awareness.

Then there are a few times I have become aware in hypnogogia and a procession of catcalls, noises, bangs and other distractions finally result in a crescendo of being in the center of a hurricane or tornado and just standing there, fighting my momentary fear and exulting in the storm encircling me until it finally fades...maybe that is not the Wind, just another Fear Test. Either way, it's pretty cool.

I can't think of an environment or simulation where a Wind or tornado has whisked me out of there, certainly many more gentle forms of portals have presented themselves.

I will add the idea not to mistake an Astral Wind event for the more subtle experience some of us call 'the Pull'...this is a much less powerful, yet unmistakeable inertial kind of gravity that 'pulls' you in a direction, often over a fair distance of hundreds of yards or miles...and into a new simulation or can be very noticeable or very subtle...but it is a fact to be aware seems to be a part of awareness development

I will take the opportunity to remind everyone of the very best-known tornado transfer portal in movie history...

Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ
I was not aware of midwayers. I will have to add the Urantia book to my readings; thank you Tides.

I wonder at the possible relationship of midwayers to elementals or the little guys on the astral surgical team? There seem to be some correspondences.
Thank you all for the replies! I was really intrigued and looking forward to your insights and personal experiences and it seems phenomena of this sort have touched many of us!

LB, it occurred to me as well that even without a direct focus on ET's, the all-day marathon of Ancient Aliens may have sparked a connection and response. I think you are right that they can monitor our thoughts and energies much more easily than we can theirs.

Frosty, you describe the knocks/whumps exactly as I experienced them- they seemed to resonate through my house and I also sensed the energy as being more 'generalized' as opposed to 'localized', like the entire front door and its frame were going to explode inward. You also mentioned once having the smell of cigarettes in the house...funny thing that Whitley Strieber recounts the cigarette smell with some of his ET visitations and earlier in his life encounters with a child-sized character he came to suspect as a disguised ET or NP entity that was constantly chain-smoking, with a weathered and worn face that made him seem ancient and very strange.

Lumaza, yes after my initial shock wore off, I had the thought of reassurance, letting me know they were around and maybe a pre-cursor of something to come.

Volgerle, yes...early morning hypnopompic imagery for me, as well! All sorts of noises and voices, all seemingly designed to communicate s/o presence, LOL.

I suspect the UFO/ET connections with our NPR/Spirit experiences are much more involved and complex than we know.
This was an occurrence of High Strangeness

I think it was an intrusion into the Physical from the Non-Physical

The "Three Knocks" is a phenomenon I may have read about elsewhere, but I cannot remember where. I did read about it a few years ago as I worked my way through the Whitley Strieber UFO/abduction Communion series of books; about seven of them. This aspect of his story eventually evolved into a form of communication with his ET's where he would be meditating in his upstate New York cabin and they would announce either their arrival or simply their presence through a series of definite knocks on the exterior walls of his cabin or the roof- three sets of three knocks each. Sometimes this indicated a definite contact, other times not. There is a town out in the American Midwest that many people reported the phenomenon back in the '80's or '90's....along with a strange fog

I have never received three sets of three...but I have received three short knocks.

The last time I was at the Monroe Institute, back in 2021 for the StarLines 2 course, I think it was the second night and I had already had NP phenomena going on around me the first night and second day. Middle of the night, 2AM and I am awake and 3 knocks directly to the wooden frame of the left side of my bed, then an identical knock on the right, then a final knock under my back right beneath my heart chakra area...that was it, nothing else...but unmistakable.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

I am doing nothing all day except casually watching an all-day marathon of Ancient Aliens shows on cable, some are worthwhile, some not so much. Around 5:30PM, I am in the kitchen making some dinner. Now, my television is close to my front door and I have a decent soundbar and speakers which sometimes surprise me with the loud sounds it can create. My stovetop is part of a large brick enclosure which obstructs my view of the living room and television, so as I am cooking, I am occasionally taking a peek to see what the show is about. While I am cooking, I hear a loud WHUMP! And it gets my attention enough that I look at the TV but cannot figure out what in the soundtrack may have generated such a loud sound...I go back to cooking. Two minutes later, an even louder WHUMP sounds! I check the TV again and even replay the DVR 30 seconds to figure out what the disturbance was but it's nothing I can attribute to the TV show...

I finish my cooking and take my plate into the living room and sit down in front of the TV. A minute later, a third WHUMP happens and I am almost knocked out of my seat! It is as if a 200 or 300 pound animal/thing has crashed against my front door with such force I thought the door would break apart and fly into the room! I was truly frightened, thinking some 300 pound man or animal had flung itself against my front door! I quickly grabbed a gun and clicked off all the lights in the house. Not having a doorbell camera or video, I felt very vulnerable in not knowing what was possibly outside. I spent thirty minutes slowly checking the premises but could find nothing. The next day, I expected to find some damage to my front door but there was nothing. And nothing since.

I've had ghosts and ET's on occasion throughout my life, but this was an entirely new experience. 
Lumaza, Tides and Tak have provided excellent answers that help you build your personal picture of the Non-Physical Realities. I think your most immediate issue is one of re-setting or re-ordering the way you are thinking about the NPR...on an intellectual level, you may think about it one way, but when you are OOB you are expressing it in a very different way, and that is holding up your progress at the moment. That is okay, it is all part of the process...but I wanted to offer some hints.

My example is this comment from your last post in this thread- "I try to get away from my physical body, I do. But man, it's sometimes impossible! Blind, heavy, with very little control of myself I move to a window or door but alas both locked in my last experiences LOL. Interesting"

Two issues at work here- One may be that you are blind and heavy so that you are forced to realize something about a more immediate thing that you are misperceiving: the fact that you are thinking too much from the PR perspective and cannot understand how to move beyond a locked door or window. You are already Non-Physical so why not just pass through the door or window? Who cares if it's locked?! You don't have to unlock or open either the door or the window, just move through them. This is an example of PR thinking limitations carrying over into the NPR...and you will continue to get tested on this until you realize the difference and react accordingly. Subtle, huh?

The second issue is the blind and heavy and stumbling around like a drunk. If you refer back to my first response in this thread, I mentioned the idea of gradually evolving our consciousness/awareness from the etheric energy body to the astral, then the mental and so on. If that idea doesn't resonate with you, then think of it as the evolution and refinement of your "dreaming body" and in this context you are still learning how the dreaming body works- Sometimes you have difficulty with vision because you are not using physical eyes; you are not walking properly because it's not a matter of controlling leg muscles and tendons and joints; you are not touching objects because everything is, new senses have to be developed and new forms of sensory interpretation have to be learned...

Lumaza makes the great suggestion to work with your lucid dreams and I agree. And I will suggest this again- Consider the differences between your heavy, blind drunken OBEs with the nearly weightless and clear aspects of your dreams and lucid dreams...

Merry Christmas and happy Holy Days to all the Pulsers!
Hey Tides,
I will second Tak's insight that your needle-piercing dream was an energy adjustment and/or a form of healing. Unless you have a known back/vertebral condition, it may have been a reinforcing or strengthening of your chakra linkages.
Starting for me about fifteen years ago, these experiences slowly became much more obvious to me, to the point I realize they have likely been happening all my life. What I am speaking of are the dreams and the times I gradually gain awareness within a dream to the point I realize someone is "working" on me, usually in a very strange and non-ordinary way, such as the needle-piercing you described.
Most often, as I gained awareness, I allowed the dream to progress but as it did i first became nervous, then doubtful and finally afraid, eventually rejecting and exiting what I had decided was a nightmare. Reflecting back on many of these "dreams/nightmares" I now realize they were healing dreams that I had understandably yet ignorantly rejected. I can see at least two varieties of these healing experiences-

The first is simply a healing dream that has a minor plotline to work you into the healing phase of the experience. My own example is one of being coaxed into a dentist chair to remedy a serious tooth condition. I've never liked going to the dentist but let the dream proceed...then there was suddenly a crowd of spectators watching and my distrust increased...then the mask with the purple gas was introduced and I said NO! and fled the dream! Looking back, I now realize the personal (for me) healing nature of the color purple/lavender/violet and I wonder that this was a healing experience.

In my Retrieval experiences, I recount another healing dream that I had rejected years earlier, yet showed up in my visit to the Rest and Rehabilitation Center at Focus 27 in Monroe terminology. I was introduced to a doctor and asked for some healing whereupon he placed me in a glass cabinet and I realized I was back in a dream I had rejected many years earlier "the veggie-chopper". A cross-sectioned set of infinitely-sharp, stainless steel blades descended several times and eventually 'diced' me into ~128 cubes of my awareness...same situation as my years-old dream/nightmare...but given my context, I trusted it; and later learned from a Trainer that it was a fairly common healing experience for balancing one's energies.
This really encouraged me to rethink as many old dreams and nightmares and how I could have misjudged them, and gave me new perspective in going forward.

The second NP healing category is the more direct one- The experience may start as a dream but I eventually realize that it is just my subconscious trying to create a dream context to explain what is actually occurring on a NP level. Pretty quickly, as I lay there, I realize someone is 'working' on me. And it is likely different for many of us---Gosh, I realize there is a whole separate thread here of the various ways, Lol--- Needle-piercing, drilling holes, laser-burning holes in the back of my head, wooden mallets and spikes, breathing colored gases, etc...

Nameless made a great link years ago, to an article that mentioned the AST-the Astral Surgical Team. A very odd group that works healing in a very odd area of the NP- between the Etheric and the Astral. They are experienced differently by different people, but apparently most often as chubby little men no more than 4 feet tall, dressed in robes or more often what seems to be World War One Medic garb...they look quite comical, even smoking stubby cigars, sporting almost medieval-type surgical equipment, but they are very serious operators (think of an intemperate 7 dwarves of Sleeping Beauty-maybe that was the inspiration!?) I have vague memories of them working on me as a child. I think I encountered them in one of my simulations as they took over a retrieval for me.

Fifteen years ago I would have blown all this off as idle fantasy- not anymore   

Not a derail Tak, just a well-deserved siderail for a great subject!
Welcome to the Pulse, ThirdEyeWizard!

There is arguably more good information here on astral projection than on any other source. I can assure you it is real; the challenge is learning the practice through  dedication and patience. Check out the Permanent Topics on the Astral FAQS board; the dark blue 'sticky' topics at the top of the first board Welcome to Out of Body Experiences (or any board) for some excellent ideas. And if you have a specific question, feel free to ask. Enjoy!
"Click outs" are part of the normal Non-Physical learning environment/process...don't be disappointed nor dissuaded by them...this is often learning that has to be delivered and received at a subconscious level, thus we are 'pushed out of the conscious loop' for a time so that the essential communication/information can be downloaded for future understanding...I hope that makes sense...understanding can take days, weeks, months, even a year or more.
Great work Chris! It can take some time, but obviously what you have been doing is paying off!
In general, I would recommend reading through this thread's contents as well as the next 7 threads immediately below it. These are some of the "Dark Blue Stickies" at the top of each forum that were made permanent for their excellent information and value. These first eight threads will make for some lengthy reading but provide perspective and answers for many questions that arise. Every person can encounter many, many different and varied experiences as they learn and explore this practice. The same goes for the number and variety of questions, confusions and obstacles and frustrations, so there really is not any single method to point to- Some people meditate, some utilize sound such as binaural beats, isochronic tones or Monroe Hemi-Sync; some people use affirmations to program their dreaming; some people wake up early in the morning and drift on the edge of sleep observing the hypnogogia and use visualizations such as Rundowns, looking for exit signs and symptoms of disconnection and separation; some people make use of the especially relaxed state of an afternoon nap; some people make a daily practice of it while others learn to look for  opportunities wherever they may arise.

So, that's a general answer.

Tell us what techniques, methods, reading material you have used that may have contributed to your experience. With that, maybe we can point you in a direction.

Welcome to the Pulse and congratulations on your experience! Whatever you have been doing is obviously working, be it meditation, contemplation, affirmations, reading on the subject, etcetera.

This reads as a classic out of body experience; to put it in a category, it is a textbook Etheric or Real Time Zone (RTZ) experience. It is a very common first experience and often unintentional and unexpected, but probably would not have happened without some form of practice (as I mentioned above) which served to prepare you internally, mentally and emotionally to activate this faculty. Your reactions and lucid awareness were very good, the stabilization worked well for you as achieving and maintaining awareness is key in these situations. You did not mention vision or mobility problems, another indication of excellent awareness. This particular class of OBE typically occurs at home or wherever you are in a physically local sense and has a limited range (15-100 feet) and limited time duration (1-5 minutes).

Why such a short range and why such a short time? Is this the Physical Reality or an energetic, close copy? These questions are still being debated for over a hundred years.

You can use a window, door or picture as a convenient 'portal'; you may think it will simply take you to the same place as in the Physical, but usually you will lose awareness, wake up or move into a lucid or non-lucid dream (there is one possible entrance for your lucid dreams! Simply express your Intent to go into the environment you want and fly through the portal!)

The frozen mirror was an excellent example of the 'reality fluctuations' that can & will occur in this environment. Mirrors are especially freaky for me, as I see something different every time I look into one!

Great experience!
I think your second post analysis is likely accurate but some meditation specifically on this experience might show further insight. Very personal issues here.
Wondering whether it was a pass or fail, I think it was a success. Beyond the nuances only you can determine, I see the experience having played out and ending not abruptly, but in a more natural I think success. It did leave you with a complex emotional, personal history question...but I like the image of 'hanging the picture on a wall in the locker room', like you recognize the memory/issue but it belongs in a finite space/memory (the picture) left in the locker room (a personal space outside of our public operating environment).

Another great experience demonstrating the degree of internal work you are doing!

Great experience! A lot involved here, mostly personal symbolism you will have to work out. Obviously the bugs in your bed strongly indicate something is bugging you and your sleep/NP activities. The flying bug attaching to your back, really strong like an exclamation point.

Hair falling out in clumps, generally and for me, is like teeth falling out or's a dream sign of feeling weakness or inability to deal with an may have a different or more personal meaning for you.

Can you provide a more detailed description of your two owls encounter? There may be something important there.


Your excitement to communicate with others and ask what city you were in is perfectly understandable, that is why the opportunity of that interaction occurred, so your focus was fine in that moment. That was a small learning opportunity.
The feeling of getting misplaced or stuck behind the building may have been your intuition confirming you had somehow gone off-track with the current lesson, the man confirming your realization. That happens, small failures being frustratingly almost imperceptible at times.
Our eagerness to go places and do things is also understandable; no one is standing there saying slow down, be patient and just observe before you act...part of this may be our Guides' desire to observe our natural responses to initial situations in order to tailor future lessons more specifically to our inherent tendencies...just a thought. It does appear to be a really subtle form of teaching...hence the really small, baby steps I mentioned earlier in the thread.
I went through much of the same process about fifteen years ago.
It is learning a very fine and delicate balance early on of observing versus action. Difficult at first, but it gets better over time.
Do what you can to just keep adding is a cumulative process.

More fun to come!

Nice work!
Phasing from two LDs, stopping your dream without destabilizing it, recognizing a False Awakening...whew! That was a busy morning!

Many things are occurring within these experiences- Each experience allows you to increase and stabilize your awareness within the higher frequencies, thus allowing you to move even higher/deeper; you are continuing to improve at controlling emotions like fear, confusion and excitement; you are increasing your cognitive function, again without disrupting or destabilizing the new environment; you are learning to navigate within the Non-Physical; you are learning the intricacies of expressing your Intention; you are learning to communicate with others...a lot going on here.

Something I mentioned to BarboraD earlier in this thread- When you find yourself in a completely new environment that you don't immediately recognize, it is often an environment created for you as a learning situation, there is a lesson waiting for you. If you express an Intention to go elsewhere or to fly, as you did, and nothing happens after several tries, this is often a very good indicator that you should stay put and try to discern what this environment expects of you and what there is to learn. In some cases, you can simply ask aloud something like 'What am I supposed to learn here?'...and a Voice may answer. With no answer, you are going to have figure it out for yourself. The fact that you returned to the Physical might be because you kind of 'timed out' on the lesson...or it might have been simply that you had learned a lot just in the multiple transitions and were returned to consolidate/remember your insights.

Communication is always sketchy at first, a lot to learn here. Try looking deep into their eyes for confirmation they are conscious and not just dream characters...

Again, nicely done!

I am so sorry to hear of your loss Jen, my tender thoughts for you and your family; too young to lose a family member like that, nothing lessens the difficulty in dealing with such a loss.

I lost my mother in June; she had a good, long life but ended with a difficult passing. I am still trying to process, so I share that with you at the moment. Just plain difficult...

Your art is quite passionate with the primacy of colors and contrast...nice work.

Peace to you and yours,
I think that is a really interesting read on that experience, BarboraD!

My question to Traveler is- Does the racing symbolism fit within your life? I come from a pretty long motorcycle and sports car racing this experience really resonates with me just as you reported and she interpreted it.

Great stuff and thanks for sharing...and great read!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: The Power of 3
September 06, 2024, 00:59:39 beat me to the Betelgeuse three-fer!!!

I have noticed the symbolic presentation of significant numbers throughout my life, 3 being the most prominent, but also repeaters like 1:11...sequences like 12:34 and personal numbers like mine 237... I had not thought of the possible value of expressing an intention three times in order to manifest it. I will try to remember and incorporate that idea to see if it helps. Great inspiration!
In my experience yes, the Void can look different and I'm not sure why, maybe it has to do with personal energy or degree of awareness- I've seen it inky black, grainy, with pinpoint lights and without, soft dove gray one time (maybe that wasn't the Void)...I love the blissful a vacation beyond Time!
Imagining it in Frank's F2 is certainly a possibility, I suppose. Maybe the lesson there is simply the realization of that.
The Void is also recognized in Monroe terminology as Focus 15.

If you have managed to have the Void transport you somewhere, please start a separate thread and tell us one of your adventures, we would love to read about it!
If the 'forward zooming' movement feels like it is pulling you deeper into the Void, then relax and go with it. Observing the Void, you may notice what look like stars or tiny pinpoints of light; you can also notice the depth and texture qualities of the inky darkness; hence, it is also known as the 3 dimensional darkness/Void. A pinpoint of light or some area of the darkness may catch your attention and you automatically begin being pulled towards it. If this occurs, allow the process to occur and you may be transitioned into a totally new environment. If you express your Intent to travel to a destination but nothing happens, it may be that Higher Guidance has another destination in mind for you, which likely will be a simulation or learning environment. So, if you express an Intent a few times and get nothing, then let the forward zooming take you where it will. I know this can feel like a very uneasy and risky thing, to just let go and trust, but know that you are safe and protected...this is when some real fun can begin!