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Messages - JesusGonzalez

So this past week ive been having lots of sleep paralysis.Not like usually when i have sleep paralysis once or if im lucky twice a month.thi9s week ive had it 7 out of 7 days. My summer vacation has started and ive been going to sleep later than usual.The reason for the sleep paralysis is probably because ive been tired this whole week.Also ive noticed every time i fall asleep facing up i wake up in sleep paralysis.The problem is that i cant seem to focus or sometimes even notice that im in sleep paralysis.Every time in in SP I either start "suffocating" or i just fall asleep.
Quote from: DreambreaX on May 16, 2014, 04:52:30
you are really going somewhere, well done.

you can sleep hearing ringing sounds and thats great, my problem is the heart beating problems, you dont feel that, and thats good

keep practising during morning time after 6 hours of deepsleep, trust me it will be better.
I've been hearing ringing in my ears since  was 5 years old.And i dont ever have problems with my heart beat but if i were you i would focus on that heart beat.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on May 16, 2014, 01:54:30
Keep the first few trips out close to home and short time-wise. It's easier to remember them and have a stronger connection to the experience. This is important to building the strength of your non-physical awareness.

Well done!!!

I know how strong the temptation is to go flying off somewhere, but you'll likely lose awareness. Float around your house and experiment touching things, this can strengthen your awareness; look for a mirror and what do you see? Fly through some walls! :-D
Thanks ill try to just stay in my house for a while.
So last night I tried my method (focusing to the ringing in my ear).I then dazed off.I suddenly felt confused, I didnt know if i was in sleep paralysis or not,so i tried moving. I couldnt move so it was confirmed that i was in sleep paralysis.I  then started suffocating but i instantly stopped it by telling my self that it was al illusion.I then wanted to leave my body, so i thought about leaving my body and i instantly teleported out of my body.I was fully aware unlike my first projection. I looked to my left then i looked to my right.I saw no beings or anything. I said to my self "I hope i dont see any scary excrement" (lol) and luckily i saw nothing.It was just as described the colors were a hundred times more vivid than a sunny day. Everything felt alive . I then flew out of my window.I tried teleporting to one of my friends house to visit them
.And that's when things went down hill.I tried with all my focus and i just wouldn't teleport over there.And thats all i can remember, i suppose i fell aslep and dazed off.

Any tips on what i should try next time.
So in the past week ive had atleast 3 reocurring dreams of me falling into sleep paralysis and leaving my body.I cant remember what i did after i left my body.Last night i had the same dream again.I felt vibrations , fell into sleep paralysis (still in the "dream") and i left my body and i actually flew around.I dont remember where i went dont remember what i saw.I got really dissapointed because i didnt remember anything at all .I dont even think it was an actual OBE.
Well not for me.I guess im the complete opposite.Ive gotten Sp hundreds of times.Mostly in my younger years 4-12 years old .Im 16 now and ever since i learned about Astral  projection i barely get SP.And yes ive always been completely paralized during a SP event.
Quote from: Rachael Hicks on May 10, 2014, 03:13:38
Thanks, u can find how to phase but I don't rem seeing anything about symptoms lol. So that's why I wondered   :-D
lol i understand. Next time you try phasing and you feel anything out of the ordinary focus on it.May it be dizzyness, rocking back and forth,ringing in the ears etc.. put all of your focus on it.
Quote from: Rachael Hicks on May 10, 2014, 01:27:12
Can you all phase while sitting up or meditating? I've been trying and nothing so far but I'm going to keep trying. I do notice while I'm trying, that I feel dizzy is this normal?
Im pretty sure thats a good thing.Feeling dizzy is a good sign that your well on your way to phasing
So i was just laying down trying to fall asleep while sort of trying to phase.I then felt my body rock back and fourth.It kind of took my by surprise so i got excited and kind of ruined it. :/
Quote from: Aaron330 on May 07, 2014, 01:36:07
I don't really know to be honest. I've had nothing but very weird projections thus far, so I'm not entirely sure if I've ever fully left my body yet. Either I have full vision but I cannot get completely out of my body, or I feel as though I'm shot through a cannon out of my body, but I can see nothing but blackness. lol. I'm sure I'll get them both put together pretty soon!
Yeah youll get there soon.Or i should say we'll get there soon enough.We are where we are in the universe for a reason.
Quote from: Aaron330 on May 07, 2014, 00:50:06
Congrats man! That's a huge success because once you have your first one, the hardest part is out of the way. It sounds like you and I are pretty much at the same stage right now, so its great to be on this part of the journey with someone else. Your success inspires me man so keep it up!
Thanks that means alot.Btw how many times have you left your body ?
Quote from: soarin12 on May 06, 2014, 21:32:30
That's great!!  I think most of us spend some time bouncing off the walls and ceilings before much else happens.  You'll gain more skills every time.  Tip:  When you want to move or go somewhere, just do it!  Don't struggle or second guess yourself about how to do it.  Just move forward.   Believe you can and you will. :)
Thanks :) but i dont understand how i dazed off while i was astral projecting.
So i made a topic about ringing in the ears and how to astral project with the ringing.But last night i went to bed.I focused on the ringing of my ears .I focused for about what felt like 30 seconds i then doze off because i was extremely tired.I ended up in the Hypnogagic state (I believe that's not the correct spelling lol) I saw my body in third person I said in my mind "i need to forget about my physical bdy" my body suddenly disapeared.I felt like i had no limbs just a floating orb (wierd description).I then ended up in my body in sleep paralysis i didnt feel any suffocating feeling like last time.I didnt feel anything at all.I actually felt like i was dreaming but i know it was real.I then decided to try to teleport to my kitchen (that didnt work).I then decided to just leave my body the old fashion way.I succeeded with ease.I left my body and floated to the ceiling.I then felt the presence of another being .It didnt feel like a negative being at all.I ignored the feeling and tried to move.I guess i dazed off while i was astral projecting.I then fell asleep. So kind of a success but also a failure .Any thoughts on this.
Quote from: soarin12 on May 05, 2014, 23:28:26
That's good.  I've found that an unexplainable inspiration is often your guide's way of communicating with you and your key to success.
Yes ive also heard of that.
Quote from: soarin12 on May 05, 2014, 21:00:21
I have it too.  I've used it before to help myself project.  Just focus on it the same way you'd listen to bi neural beats.  Anything you focus on (including ear ringing) can help you quiet your mind and thus be in a state where projection is possible.
Thank you i will deffinetly use the ringing to leave my body.For some reason i have a very reassuring feeling that this is my gateway to the astral plane i just cant explain why .
So ive always heard ringing in my ears ever since i could talk.Lately ive really been hearing or been aware of this ringing in my ear.Last night i tried to astral project and i noticed the ringing.I then started controlling the ringing.I made it somewhat louder.I moved it from my left ear to my right ear.Basically what i wanna know is how i can astral project with this ringing?
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on May 05, 2014, 02:27:36
You can make a request to your guide(s); that has worked for some. It would take a pretty skilled projector to do that, otherwise. There are a few complications:

One, is finding you in the first place. It's almost a necessity to have met the person and have some rapport with them. This is knowing their 'energy signature'. I've established some good rapport with some members here, I'm not sure I can yet find them...might be an interesting experiment in the future.

Another problem is what I might call mutual correspondence. Your subconscious/astral self may not be willing to co-operate even if I did manage to show up one night. I encountered this problem one time with a friend who was eager to give this a try. When I did find him and said Hey! I'm here! Let's go! His dreaming self responded with I'm sleeping! Leave me alone! I gotte get some rest!Lol

It didn't occur to me to give him a pull on his leg; I'm too respectful of people's personal space, I guess.

His girlfriends astral form was, however, sitting up propped on one arm, staring in amazement, smiling at me.
Damn, why didn't I ask her if she wanted to go somewhere? I'm so dumb sometimes...

So you start to see the problems.

Lol thanks for sharing that.I asked my friend to pull me out because hes extremely skilled at leaving his body but he said he needed permission from my spirit guide.Also he said he tried but that i wasnt fully asleep.
I cant believe i havent posted this.But i was wondering if tonight anyone of the people on this forum can pull me OOB ?
Quote from: Snaipers on May 02, 2014, 23:13:06
Hello im starting to practice my Astral projection im using the hemi-sync thingy android app well i think it works my Eng sucks
well so i decied to practice my astral projection well in this episode i laydown and close my eyes i start my app on my phone
then i just relax listing to the sound
well nothing for lil bit then i felt like i was getting heavy my body was lil buzy im not 100 % relaxed cause i feel my mouth getting dry
it was realy weird like your body wana raise up and it's want to move and then i felt like my hand and my arm got twisted like they 80 degres got turned
so i i keep laying and i felt like i was sufcating my heartbat was racing for 1 min  and i start feeling some kind of vebration in my eyes
and then i some for short time i felt like my body was weird it was spining  and all kinds of directions  then i saw picture in my head
so i wanted to look closer and i felt like i my head was saying down towards it and back it's weird

Those were all normal "symptoms" meaning that you were well on your way to a full astral projection.Ive heard of that app i never really used it.I'll definetly give it a try.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on May 02, 2014, 00:44:25
I haven't had the opportunity to track all your posts, but I hope SP is not your only method of projection. You should be trying the more contemporary methods.
Awakening in SP provides a good launching point for some people, like me, but it comes with its unique problems and is by no means perfect even if you become somewhat adept at sidestepping the problems. I still get caught off guard at times and the hypnogogia freaks me out, or I don't respond properly, quickly enough. Or if I do succeed and withstand the onslaught, I then can't find a way to make use of the exit opportunity, it just doesn't work for various reasons. So you can spend all this effort working through SP and then still be frustrated in finding an exit. It's really frustrating, but it adds to the knowledge base. So I just remain open to 'opportunities' wherever they may present themselves. SP just becomes another one of those opportunities; don't count on it as your primary method; try many others if you want to be serious about this.
You apparently are quite familiar with some of the issues with SP. Work with that, work with what you already know from that. The 'feeling' that goes along with all these events is very important.
Once you make the adjustment to your mindset and remain without emotion, you will soon find that you react automatically and correctly (you do get like .25 seconds to get control, lol). Lionheart is not kidding you, trusting in your safety and ignoring the hypnogogia takes real bravery the first few times. This is the test.
Sp isnt my only way of Ap i also try phasing .And its pretty hard to act without emotion lol.ut i guess eventually i will get there.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on May 01, 2014, 23:16:38
As for dealing with the Sleep Paralysis:

The fear of suffocation is an illusion, partly brought on by your new level of awareness of the autonomic breathing process, also some would suggest, noticing some energy sensations or chakra activity in the heart region. This is one of the possible fears you may encounter and have to overcome. Any hint of fear is likely to magnify.
Most of us have to go through this.
Just the knowledge of this will help you to react more calmly next time and the suffocation effect should be noticeably less.
Then you will move to the next mini-stage. You may get a visual or hear something that startles you, or get more and different energy sensations. It's hard to say, but most of us get them from time to time when we find ourselves in SP.
The key is to remain very calm and not be disturbed in any way. After several experiences, you will begin to notice your thinking is changing and improving, you'll think 'Hey I felt that last time, and now there's this...and what's that now?
Just ignore it all, don't react and you will move through this stage at least a little more each time. Heck, you may breeze right through next time!
What you will find is that all this distracting activity will subside and you can then attempt a direct liftout or focus on a visualization or rundown as Lionheart describes.
Also check the stickie on Everything You Wanted To Know About Sleep Paralysis for a lot more depth on this.
The worst part about this experience is that this happens to me about 2 times a month.And the dreadful part is that if i dont get into sleep paralysis i might have to wait until the end of the month for it to happen again.But i dont think Spirituality has schedule lol.
Quote from: Szaxx on May 01, 2014, 20:51:10
You didn't let go of the physical enough. Being scared of suffocating tied you down unfortunately and your subconcious let the concious take what control it could. It's a survival thing, thats why many people wake when an unnatural sound or movement occurs during sleep. Someone shouting or shaking you tends to wake you up.
This interrupts the non physical phase and prevents an exit.
It's one of those things we mean when we tell everyone that you need to remove all your fears.
You experienced this first hand.

I just dont understand how i would over come the fear of me suffocating.And not just the fear its also the feeling of me suffocating.The most i can do is ignore the suffocating but eventually i will die of suffocation.
Quote from: Stillwater on May 01, 2014, 17:59:36
Maybe you got light-headed.
I get what your saying. But ive been light headed plenty of times and none of the light headed feelings were felt when this hapenned.
Quote from: Lionheart on May 01, 2014, 19:49:43
It sounds like you are shifting your focus between your physical (awaking) body and your consciousness that wishes to travel.

When we sleep, our breathing becomes automatic. When you awaken in SP, you are in between the physical and the non physical. You also just became aware of your breathing pattern again. If it's out of "sync" with what you are used to, you can begin to worry. That worry causes a fear scenario that you are being suffocated. So, in turn that's your new reality.

When you awaken in SP, you must learn to trust what is going to happen next. Some of the noted authors of AP say that you need to go into it with the mindset that if I don't come back, then so it is. This is your ultimate hurdle and you must be able to leap it before you can move on any further.
But i dont think that explains why i couldnt or i should say i didnt leave my body even when i tried teleporting
So last night i woke up in sleep paralysis.I wasnt fully aware but i then started feeling like i was suffocating.This used to happen many times back when i was younger.I would end up in what i thought was a dream of me suffocating. But now i know its sleep paralysis .But back to the story.I was in sleep paralysis suffocating and i tried to calm my self down.I did for a good amount of time.I then tried to teleport to my kitchen instead of trying to pull myself out of my body.It didnt work obviously.I got frustrated and started suffocating again.I then tried the old fashion way of pulling my self out of my body.That didnt work either.Now i was just tired and since i felt as if i was dying i tried to pull the covers off of me.I thought i had gotten a hold on my physical arm and tried to lift the sheets but I was still in SP.After about 10 minutes of trouble,I finally snap into my body and throw the covers off of me angrily. I then fall back to sleep instantly.