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Messages - Newoldsoul

I just posted in the dreams section today of a thread on faceboon regarding the jade helm military excercise and a question was asked if anyone had been having strange dreams lately. Almost all shared a dream of fire, explosions, asteroids and some are more than firmly convinced it is nibiru. With that being said, does it matter and is it to be believed? Is it even real? Governmental entities rely on fear and confusion to distract and control a populace in my opinion. Bread and circuses.... However, and i'm not any sort of mathmetician, astrologer, astronomer or any of the such, i believe there is a mathematical calculation that can correctly predict with somewhat accurate fashion apocolyptic events. if we take the mayan calendar  for instance and look at the accuracy of it, imagine what else could be discovered, tracked and catalogued if we weren't getting wiped out every so often. Constantly finding ancient cities, civilizations, tools, instruments, techniques we don't believe were capable to have been employed in those times. I think it's a bad idea to assume that we "know" from prophecy and or mathematics and science what is and what ain't when we supposedly know more about the surface of the moon than we do of our own oceans. Still believe the answers remain inside of us and that the information is accessible somehow but i'm far from coming into contact with information that would lead to information that would lead me to THE information... If that makes any sense.
Welcome to Dreams! / Collective dreaming
July 19, 2015, 19:14:16
Today while on faceboon i came across a a thread on fb asking if people had been having strange dreams recently. Almost %100 of the commentors claimed almost exactly the same dream experience. The experience consisted of fire, not being able to see, asteroids hitting earth or nuclear bombs. The theme of this group is based on the jade helm military excercise going on in the states so naturally one would expect a lot of fear and despair in dreams when most of the page is full of well, fear and despair regarding the military excercise so my question would be are these people dreaming the same thing as part of a higher collective intelligence or conciousness giving a warning or are they each reacting while they sleep to their thoughts and fears from the day or is it something else? I'm aware of the military excercise but i haven't had the dreams, haven't heard the sounds of trumpets or bells from nowhere that have been put on youtube etc. Seemed like a topic worth discussing. I always like to see the varying opinions and responses on this site.
I get that vulnerable feeling still sometimes too as if there are a thousand eyes all just creepily watching me lol. In time I'm sure I'll progress past it.
I've had fights in the NP. Some were painful although all that I can recall I could feel "pressure". Even found myself fighting to the death in some experiences. Not enjoyable at all I must say. 
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Orbs
December 21, 2014, 05:03:09
That's wonderful! Yes i'll definitely post more on it anytime it happens :)
Haven't sen myself in a mirror yet but did interact with a hospital waiting room tv last night lol. The only thing that was on the screen was binary code like on the matrix and i knew it was not just a tv so i asked just what are you? Had some pretty disturbing things to say and then a face started forming out of the screen and I snapped back. It was strange.
When i was a kid my uncle had a house that was haunted. The ghosts were two small children, boy and girl. Tv would turn on and off, radios, light flickers, toy cars would move, hear pitter patter upstairs as the kids would be running an playing. He knew it as well and so did the rest of the family. His kids would play with the ghosts in their dreams which i think were actual full blown ap's though. As far as your experience, never had one quite like that. Had a childhood friend who had plenty though including things being snatched off of walls and tossed at him. It was validated later on who/what was doing it too so I'd say what you experienced was real for sure.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Orbs
December 21, 2014, 04:32:17
Hi all. I'll cut to the chase. My wife and I just bought our first home. It has a cemetery on the property. Earliest grave 1889 latest 1977. Anyway my wife is very much a logical, "realist" physical reality woman. I'd me tioned before we moved(at our first place) i'd hear voices and shadows would appear on the walls and in chairs, in the bedroom etc and I'd seen orange and white orbs floating through the house as well. Not hypnogogia, regular i'm awake doing nothing special and this stuff happens...anyway, now she is seeing orbs. Orange and white and even interacted with one not long ago. She'd mentioned she'd have dreams often of her grandmother at our other place( she died there) but never believed in dreams, AP etc as being tangible and real. She described her experience with the or to me as sort of like the scene from Avatar with the jellyfishish looking spirits floated down and landed on the character. She said there was a white orb just appeared while she was having a smoke and hovered in front of her. Rubbed her eyes and thought she was seeing things but it persisted floating about. She was alone and basically outstretched her hand and the orb glided to it and landed in her palm and she said she could hear children laughing when it touched her and like electric pulses in her hand. Just small tickly pulses. Just thought it was an amazing experience to happen to someone so thoroughly rooted in this reality to have something like that manifest to her :).
Jeb Corliss vids on youtube. Give you a sense of what it's like lol
Yea my first couple experiences I was pulled by something to somewhere. I think it's like a baby step to give you the feeling of flying and to shed a little bit a fear if you have/had any. After that I was able to fly manually. Still haven't got to just blast off on command yet but that's probably do me running to take off haha but every now an then I find myself on a cliff or rooftop and i just jump and it's an incredible tush! Have fun!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Crazy articles
December 01, 2014, 14:10:11
I know what you mean. I read an article once claiming the MJ12 and the reptilians designed a device that could capture your soul in an oobe if you were to be within a certain radius of it lol....and i'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist but dammm lol
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Thoughts on Ferguson
December 01, 2014, 14:07:46
The us vs. them mentality is constantly perpetuated, agitated, and provoked. Police brutality an militarization are also being pushed. I was recently a 'victim' of this system, luckily kept my life however. In a society so hell bent on keeping the racism pot stirring, it not creates an us vs. them between color but also an us vs. them against law enforcement etc and with our society becoming a moral sespool, our 'leaders' being spineless degenerates, and a society where everyone gets a triphy so to speak, this will continue. From inside and out, top to bottom, the intent must change i whole heartedly agree. While we can not change people's intent, how then do we go about influencing a positive shift in human thought? In my mind the world will have to collapse again so to speak to give masses some perspective....ferguson is a good example of why i think this.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Crazy articles
November 30, 2014, 21:50:26
I know i just thought it was comical the way these people perceive projection etc. as unfortunate as it is, it makes me giggle :)
What works for me is basically concious daydreaming if that makes sense. I get comfy and visualize myself doing very ordinary things around my house that i would routinely do. I put emphasis on the details in the normality of it. I'll visualize myself getting out of my chair and going to make coffee or open the front door to play with the dogs or folding clothes etc. simple, very familiar, and after sometime of doing this usually 10-20 minutes i feel a shift and i usually find myself looking at my coffee pot. It's a very 'real' feel and in that state i am very aware of my body. I haven't worked up enough energy yet to develop a higher or more intense projection conciously. That'd be my suggestion for you if you are a visual person. Hope this helps!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Crazy articles
November 23, 2014, 22:51:44
So i was watching a youtube video a friend sent me dealing with illuminati, satanism yada yada and found in the comments someone who projects and was getting bashed by all these other people, Christians sadly, and so I started skimming through articles and figured I'd post one o them here. Unbelieveable...
Quote from: Astral_seeker on November 21, 2014, 15:41:23
I have a question about flying.

Let's say that I find myself projecting somewhere in my appartement and I decide to go to the cemetery (dont ask lol)

How is the process of flying from my place to the cemetery ? Is it :

- I state out loud or mentally that I want to fly to the cemetery and then I find myself like dragged by an invisible force and I'm flying on auto pilot mode without having to do anything ?


- Do I have to actively jump out of my balcony and "manually" fly to my destination ?

thanks !

Whenever i find myself out it's manually. I've ha some experiences though of being dragged and dropped so to speak at places but as far as you just deciding to fly it's manual and mental. I usually start off by running like building up to take off lol idk it's fun to me. But while i'm running i'll be me tally telling myself faster , faster, faster, and then when i feel like i'm fast enough i take off. Next time your out especially if your on a balcony, jump and you'll fly as long as your attention is on flying.
Wow!! So many similarities with Christianity, atheism, and faith here with me also! Congratulations on getting back into aping and pursuing what's pulling at you :) and I couldn't agree more that we only gain faith after losing it or what we thought was faith!! The most beautiful revelation in my life to this point has been stumbling across this forum and developing spiritually. And whatever God is or source or whatever you choose to call "it", it is the most of everything wonderful you could ever conceive at this point in your lifetime!! Never quit with this and remain open and passive. Humble yourself, and open yourself to the unknown, uncharted wonders that abound and pay attention. You'll be given plenty of signs and you'll know what's what because they will be made obvious to you at some point or another and when the pieces come together work it out but still pay attention because there is always, always, always something to be gained from even the slightest most insignificant seeming experience :) safe travels and may you have countless!
I'll throw in my two cents. I'm new at this too but within the last three months( from start til now) i've had over ten experiences and one shared experience confirmed by a friend at work. I started out meditating, reading books, tons and tons and tons of posts here, youtube yada yada. I was highly analytical of every slight sensation, noise, bump etc in the first few weeks which led to really...not much. Judging by your posts I'd say you are of an analytical nature yourself which is a good thing but I think can also lead to to much of a focus on the physical, even subconciously, you'll be making constant mental rundowns of what you are experiencing and checking them off the list so to speak. What I found for me is completely ignoring the sensations as much as possible until you find one, be it a sound, or vibe, or voice and focus solely on that. The rest that come i just go ehhhh cool and act like I'm just walking past them as if I was strolling down a street with sale items in windows until I find that sensation I just can't ignore and for me it's an internal sound I hear. So I'd say while your experimenting with techniques, try no technique :) just relax and let your mind completely roam free until you get that ONE thing you just have to investigate and you may very well find yourself looking at yourself from across the room :) hope this helps.
I've found my "sweet spot" even when I'm dog tired I can now have oob or lucid dreams with much more control :) yesterday I napped and began getting pulsing vibes and a wewwoooomppp.....wooomp...womp..womp, womp sound in my ears and then the sound of a finger snapping beside my right ear. Found myself looking at my work car and decided to just drive. Came upon a toll booth which does not exist in the physical at this destination. All the scenery was the same minus the toll booth and the people. I got out of the car and talked with a woman who was taking tolls and wound up talking her into letting me go through freely and she obliged. Pulled into the gas station which was for some reason hosting a party of sorts. No one familiar there but all very happy and pleasant. Began talking with a few of the ladies lol and then just mingled a bit until a guy named roy or rory talked to me. He had to have been at least eight ft tall and very broad. I told him I knew this was a dream but that he was also real and i said i'm just trying to get a grip on this whole non physical reality, dreams, aping and stuff and he said ahhh you've got the hang of it for now just go deeper, in fact wake up and do it again later. Buzzzing all over loud crashing sound and i found myself on the floor beside my physical body apprx six ft away. Very blurred vision but there was someone else behind me but i couldn't make out the details of the being. Very uncomfortable feeling and then i woke up. Really long experience with the drive, the booth, and the party, and then a thirty second or so with the blurriness and buzzing. Best estimate in np experience lasted about 4 hours but in physical time 12 minutes. :) so exciting !!!
The more you think about it the more your mind shatters.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / After the funeral
November 18, 2014, 01:15:35
I attended a funeral of a woman who was very near and dear to my heart Friday. She was the mother of two of my closest friends. Strange really. Took her husband to the hospital bc of chest pains, low bp, shortness of breath. When they took him back all of his vitals were clearing up while they monitored him and within twenty minutes he was back to normal. Two minutes later his wife had a heart attack and passed before they could do anything for her. It's as if she somehow took all of his ailments away and it was too much. I would very much like to come across her while oob to make sure she knows it's ok and that her family is taken care of. I just have a strong urge that either she is trying to contact me or that I should find her. Is their a particular path to take to make this happen or is it a just by chance sort of thing? Thanks.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Time management
October 30, 2014, 07:01:53
In the end though it is the same experience only colored or interpreted differently through cultural conditioning and belief systems right? I work a 2-3-2 schedule. Two weeks nights two weeks days. Alternating wknds. My off days are far more effective as I have more time on hand sometimes and i'm generally in a better mood lol. My colsest experience of this sort was not quite as physical in nature and was fairly spontaneous. I was lying in bed and had been mentally praying throughout the whole day and then laid down and probably ten minutes in i was completely overwhelmed by shaking and rocking and vibrations and sounds of roaring and thunder and then the light engulfed me completely...idk how to put it into words to do it any sort of justice but it was incredible. I knew whatever was happening my body was being transformed somehow and every cell and fiber in me was being assessed and repurposed. I got the sense afterwards that what happened was i was at the threshold of truly experiencing God to the fullest extent, like i had been shown a pinhead's worth of power and bliss and that that was my goald and all the proof I needed to know. I could feel the tears being sucked out of my eyes and i was reborn in that moment. God had graced me with his presence one on one and it was a warning as much as it was a reassurance and direction. Yes i want to go back and experience more but i know that it is ill advised as i am not prepared for a more in depth personal encounter just yet. Anyway i was able to move immediately after it left me and ever since my focus is on God when i meditate. I just hope for now he allows me to take baby steps and not bite off more than i can chew until i'm surely ready.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Time management
October 30, 2014, 04:21:25
We all live busy lives in varying degrees. I'm up at either 4:00 a.m. Or 4:00 p.m. O get ready to be at work by seven. Twelve hour shift rotating nights and days. My days off i still wake up early and have plenty to do but i try to set aside time for myself each day to meditate 'properly' and work on my aping. At least a half hour a day. That being said is there a standard or recommended time frame one should devote to such excercises? I feel as if my experiences would be much more than they are if i could work in more time. Recently read the account of Gopi Krishna. He was at it 3 hrs every day for 17 years before he had his full blown kundalini, whatever else it's called explosion! Not that I'm anywhere near ready for that kind of experience lol but for you guys here what's your routines or rituals and so forth? Just asking out of curiosity mainly :)
I'd say get back to it aggressively yet...passively as always. If you're having jerks physically from anger etc take that as a sign of sorts from the non physical as something you need to work on or perhaps there is some un resolved conflict in your life that needs adjusting. Meditate on it. Get your mind calm, still and quiet and remain open to what may come and should you face negativity it could be a reflection of your inner emotions or something subconcious. I could be completely wrong but I'm suggesting from my own encounter with aspects of myself that are in the process of being resolved this way. Negative experience, negativity in general, bleed through from non phys into phys lead me to a lot of insecurity, negativity, anger, confusion etc and through meditation, dreams, and aping I'm far beyond what I was before in a remarkable amount of time so I say get after it!!
For me if I'm lying in my bed and trying to AP i get those same feelings. It also feels like I'm suffocating and I can't control it. What I've found is that if I am in my recliner in a semi upright position I get the same intensity vibes but without the suffocating, heart racing etc. also If I'm in a traditional meditation posture or in a awkward position on my couch i.e. one leg up on the head rest the other straight out, one arm dangling the other resting on my stomach I don't get those 'symptoms' either. So I took it as I'm on the verge of a more profiund experience in that one position (in bed flat on my back hands by my side) but I haven't prepared well enough to overcome those sensations so I can get my feet wet so to speak from other positions and work my way into overcoming those intense physical sensory disturbances from lying on my back. I don't know what position or posture you're using, but try that changing positions and postures and see if that helps you. Safe travels!