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Messages - Lumaza

 The only thing I could add to the already fantastic replies here is that in Sleep studies Researchers have found the "falling" sensation and experience is aligned with either entering the state of "Hypnagogia" or leaving it, which in your case is a good thing. You became aware in that state and that is an important skill to have in the process and the practice of non-physical exploration. 
Quote from: LightBeam on January 29, 2025, 10:04:19I have also been told in certain situations I am hard to read. Recently at work one of my colleagues told me that I have a poker face haha. I go into that neutral mode at times, which shows on my face for the purpose to guide others to the point of neutrality and get them out of their negative state when I observe they are stuck and cant get out of. I am reflecting with my face and words to them how to find neutrality. Once they are there, they can see clearly without so much fear and anxiety and are able to move to a more positive state.
A "smile" achieves the same goal. Nothing clears the air more than a smile!  :-)
 It sounds like in a way you are learning that you are an "Empath". It is a very hard thing to describe to other people that may not understand what that is. We here at the Pulse know what it is and how it feels, because many of us are too.
 I see this as being one of your first "fear tests". They show up in strange ways to test "how far you are willing to go". I start all my practice sessions by mentally saying, "by my act of will I release my focus over my physical body". My body will then become an afterthought, and then I can give my complete focus on what lies ahead. When I was new to this, I had a number of different hurdles to jump before I became a welcomed visitor. I made a thread here called "Exit Symptoms/Signposts". It can be found here:!/exit-symptomssignposts/

 The fact that it aligns with a chakra shows you that, as EV said, there is some kind of work to do there.

 I use Robert's NEW often. He actually created a NEW 2 version, before he passed on. I find it a great way to defer pain. It is also a great tool to use to test, strengthen and learn to hold your focus on "only" what you are doing, unabated, for a good period of time. Everything else disappears. Many times, while doing this, the "shift" in consciousness has already occurred. 
Quote from: Tak on January 09, 2025, 15:55:25★ Lumaza: Thanks for your advice! I remember reading the thread, but I'll take another look because I don't remember much! This "devious" non-physical personality is something that really catches my attention. I suppose we all have portions of ourselves that we're unaware of, and they become evident in these consciousness expeditions.
I feel that the "devious non physical personality" is there to help in teaching whatever lesson it is that awaits. It is just another "tool" that our consciousness can access when needed.

QuoteI believe the key is not to deny our human desires, but to know how to control and balance them.
I suppose this is the same situation that many people experience after dying, those who gradually shed their physical vestments to be able to return "Home". Others go directly. Maybe we're skipping several steps from here. Thanks for sharing! I love the hipnagogic cave.
Balance is incredibly important. I don't think we need to "abolish" those NP desires either. Instead, I think we just need to realize they are there and act accordingly.

 You are welcome and I love those Hypnagogic caves too!  :-) They seem to be great "launching pads" for whatever it is that awaits us.

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Not connect to someone
January 08, 2025, 16:20:47
 Use what you said above as the last thing you mentally think about while falling asleep. Intent is a powerful thing!
Quote from: Molly on January 08, 2025, 15:58:15This is funny I think and I am wondering if anyone else dream the same as I do. I often dream I am seeing elderly women and talking to them and hours go by like this in the dreams and it is just a Nice feeling, like they could be my grandmother. Just last night I had one of those dreams, an elderly woman living alone and I came to visit and we were talking of all kinds of stuff, we were mostly in her kitchen.
Hi Molly and welcome to the Astral Pulse! :-)

 Instead of asking yourself why she is in your Dreams, the next time you see her ask "her" why she is in your Dreams. It is a different way of thinking, but she would have the answer you are looking for!
 Hi Tak and Happy New Year to you too. You are doing great in this practice here. A lot of what you have experienced and still do occurs with me as well, so I can definitely identify with all that you say here.

Quote from: Tak on January 06, 2025, 17:47:15Overcoming vices is also a challenge, sex and food, smoking or controlling fear and not ending up doing things from everyday life. Since, in reality, I would like to use that valuable time to seek a bit more of our true essence beyond the illusion of matter. Also knowledge.
The funniest thing is that I'm not like that in everyday life, I'm a very calm person, but it seems that when awareness is not high enough, the most basic aspects of human personality take control and seek to feed the most primitive survival instincts.
That is your devious "non-physical personality". I find myself in a number of instances whereas I become lucid in my dream, but at this moment I am in 3rd person view. I am watching myself in different scenarios. The thing is, this other "me" is nothing like me, personality that is. The situation will get dire, and then all of a sudden "tag" I find myself in !st person, as in live, and I have to solve whatever dilemma that other me was involved in.

 I found that learning to overcome the "vices" (that actually are part of our Human make-up), like lust, desire, and even ego, is a must in the NPRs. These are just a few of the "tests, quests and challenges" you will encounter in your NPR journeys. I wrote a thread on that subject here.!/tests-quests-and-challenges/

 During Phasing I am always a "point of consciousness". This was taught to me during Phasing though. For some reason I seemed to have entering caves, hallways and dark labyrinths as something that would be in my initial hypnagogic imagery. I would then sense the motion of moving forward, akin to driving. Sometimes there was a vehicle of some sort acting as the "Pace car", like in a race.

 A few times I found myself moving forward in some cavern at breakneck speeds. It was surreal. Then the cave came to a dead end. I actually braced for impact, but I went right through the wall and came out of it in a completely different scenario. That taught me "trust"!  :-)

 Schimm, you are doing great. Keep doing what you are doing, and you will see you soon be able to ride one of those "waves" into the NPRs. I say "waves" because in the act/Art of Phasing you are allowing a "frequency shift/wave" to occur while consciously aware of it.

 The Hypnagogic image is just the precursor for what comes next. I love to just "notice" the imagery as it morphs anew. I say notice because you don't always have to follow it deeper. Just noticing/passively observing how the imagery "evolves" will in turn help you evolve in this practice as well.

 When I started in this practice I had many "go tos" when it came imaginary targets. I used tossing a basketball, a spinning top, simulated rowing, driving, all kinds of things. But, somewhere along the line, my imaginary target began to evolve or morph into something that was not of my doing. All I did was start the imagery, the imagery though, began to change and I watched in awe as it did.

 That's when my first Guide showed up in a scene that had to do with my deceased Brother-In-law. We didn't really have a close bond. He was a very busy man.  He knew my passion for "paranormal things" though. He shared that passion as well.

 That experience taught me "depth perception" in the NPR. The next time I saw Charlie, he was sitting at a bar right beside me. He then stressed the importance of "passively observing". I did that and learned quite a bit about the actual process of Phasing. I slowed it down so I could explore it. I am fortunate, I have a very strong sense of curiosity. That curiosity came in, oh so handy in the NPRs. I allowed my curiosity to steer the course. I didn't need to join the scene, I was already in the scene. At first, I was just the "passenger". After while I was in the driver's seat.

 Nowadays, when I close my eyes, it seems the hypnogogic imagery kicks in immediately. That came through years of exploration, and I greatly commend, applaud, and thank the Astral Pulse and all of it's former and current members for
aiding me on my journey.
Quote from: LightBeam on January 03, 2025, 16:42:18LOL.
Now try replacing the word "insist" with "enjoy". I think the frequency of the idea would increase drastically when you look at it that way and you will flow through the process without resistance.
Another instance amongst many whereas "changing your mindset" really does change your "reality"!  :-) 
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: The Doorway
January 03, 2025, 14:26:45
 Frosty, another way to describe it is it feels like there is a constant buzz, that increases and decreases at it's own will. I mean "buzz" as in vibrational, not buzz as in "high". It does make it feel like you are floating on a cloud though. This is almost all the time, not just when I practice Phasing or going to sleep. It's like all the nerve ending are on "hyperdrive". My Doctor still today has no clue what it "medically" is!  :|

 It does not hurt at all. if anything, it makes closing my eyes and sitting down even more relaxing. I just wanted to know if anyone else here experiences it. I have talked to a few members here on the phone in the past and they have suggested some possibilities on what it could be. It just almost never goes away. It may fade during activities, like work, but only because whatever activities that I am doing totally consumes my focus. 
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: The Doorway
January 02, 2025, 19:26:25
Quote from: LightBeam on January 02, 2025, 18:52:35Have you tested remote viewing while closing your eyes, since you have the vibes perhaps you can switch easily and experiment with telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, connecting with ETs, asking questions, etc?
Actually for a few years now, there is instantly some kind of visual almost anytime I close my eyes. I use that to follow whatever the lead may be, when I lay down to sleep at night. These are not images that I created though. That's why I think they are so interesting. I can do a Phase session and follow wherever I am being led right upon closing my eyes.

 Right now, I stay in the "passively observing" mode. That was the first thing that was told me early in nonphysical explorations. They, whoever they were, constantly reiterated the importance of "passive observation". It made perfect sense to me because you need to learn to walk before you run! So no, I haven't attempted to anything like remote viewing, telepathy, etc. I do already have contact to with "Others" in NPRs though. That seems to be when "they" wish contact to occur.

 It's funny, in the past here on the Pulse I PMed and chatted with so many people that felt what I was doing was unnecessary and a lot of work. I agreed that focus is focus and that everyone has a way that works for them. I told them though that it was the "entrainment" that was important. That you would only see in the long run. You get back what you put into this practice. It will "teach" you if you allow it to.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: The Doorway
January 02, 2025, 17:41:01
 So, I have been looking to ask this question for a while now. This thread is as good as any other to ask it in. I asked the same question back in 2020 here in this thread. I received very limited responses though.

 Since back in 2010 when I had my 3-night eye opening, and also literally closing experience, I have felt "inner and outer vibrations" and still do today.

 Let me back up a bit here. My 3 night "awakening" was 3 consecutive nights in a row whereas I awoke in Sleep paralysis and did not understand what was occurring. Night one consisted of being consciously aware in was in that state. Night 2 I became aware again that I was in SP, this time though. I was not alone in the room. A strong sense of "intruder" was evident. Night 3 was impossible to ignore. Once again, I was in SP, intruder was around, but this time when I awoke in the morning, my physical right eye was swollen shut and I was vibrating inside. My swollen eyelid had some kind of rectangular imprint in it too. Nary Jo and I both did not think of taking a picture of it. We weren't latched to our phone back then. 

 After a few days, I went to my Doctor. I had called his office the morning that my eye was shut, but had to wait 5 days for an appt. By then the swelling in my eyelid had receded, but the vibrations were still there. He had me undergo a battery of tests. He didn't find anything physically wrong with me. After all the tests were done, he said to me that he was baffled, but also through it out there, that what occurred may have had something to do with a "frequency shift". He then stated that was not his "professional" stance here.

 That whole experience was what led me here to the Astral Pulse forum in the first place. I had made a post on WebMed asking if anyone else experienced what I did and if anyone else had these vibrations. After about a week, a few people replied and one of them told me about the Astral Pulse forum here. Once here, I spoke to others in PMs and one member told me about Dolores Cannon.

 I called Dolores's radio show one night and shared my experience with her. She told me that I could close my eyes and just ask "them" to calm the vibrations down. It seemed too easy, but it worked. To this day though, I feel them in different strengths each and everyday and everywhere I go. The vibrations really can be felt when I am not moving, as in reading a book, watching TV, etc.

 My question is, do you guys feel these too? When you close your eyes, do you instantly feel pins and needles? When you aren't moving for a period of time, do you feel a vibrational shift occurring? Is this what life has become for you too? I never had this before that 3-night experience in 2010. That was seriously my "wake up call". It almost feels like I am floating through life! 
Quote from: Tak on January 01, 2025, 20:45:07In lucid dreams from more than ten years ago, a tornado/hurricane was carrying me and I felt like I was going to disintegrate into a white light... that my "individuality" was going to "disappear". At that moment it was terrifying, one of the scariest things I have ever experienced in NP. But today I see it as an invitation to experience a higher state of consciousness beyond the ego, which came years later. I wasn't ready at the time, but it was interesting and I think it happened more than twice.
I have had Tornados show up in my Dreams many times. I found them to be "board wipes" of a kind. I don't mean to sound insensitive to the realty of Tornadoes. They cause chaos, but also steer change. In my non-physical experiences I watch, helpless as a Tornado decimates a community. But then the scene switches to the future of that area. The carnage is over, and the area looks and feels different. It is peaceful and there is all kinds of re-growth there. The area is completely rebuilt. Many times, it will be completely different.

 They are also very powerful "portals" that you can utilize.

 Back in 2018 I wrote this short paragraph about Tornados in response to a quote by Nameless, in my Doorway thread.

"Nameless, there are many "vehicles" that you can use to cross "over"/exit. I experience "portals and vortexes" in many things. I finally gave in to Tornadoes and found that they are very useful to "switch the scene". We are always taught to fear them here in the physical and we should. So, that "carryover" was causing fear in the NP for me as well. Until that is, I experienced what lied beyond the Tornado. Then I saw that in the NP they are used as a form of a portal or vortex."
Quote from: LightBeam on January 01, 2025, 18:30:55= Thanks again, Lu :) I will let you know how the cruise goes.
Like the song from the 80's sitcom says, "Love exciting and new, come aboard, were expecting you. The Love boat ...  Lol  :-D  :-D  :-D
Quote from: Frostytraveler on January 01, 2025, 15:46:32Lumaza, passively observing phenomena without over analyzing them or becoming too emotionally reactive is always best. Sometimes I fall victim to this and the phenomena dissolves.
I think that occurs with everyone from time to time. I have times when I was stirred out of a deep sleep, totally disoriented, which soon led to not being able to hold my composure and therefore aborting the experience altogether. When this happens, I kick myself for not "knowing" better at the time.

 Yes, you must check your analytical mind, emotions and sometimes, ego, at the door before you "allow" yourself to proceed. That is why "click outs" are so helpful here. When you click back in, you are already there, wherever there might be.

 "Trust" is paramount in the practice of consciously aware nonphysical exploration.
Quote from: LightBeam on January 01, 2025, 14:25:13That's why I posted it, because I too have never felt the wind, mostly hearing it and that one time a mild breeze, but this was going to blow me away haha. My  most common vibration type is buzzing.
Perhaps that is another "hint" to head to the beach! :wink:  :-D
Quote from: Frostytraveler on January 01, 2025, 08:17:13As we always say around here, "there are no coincidences... and we are often born into family challenges for a reason. These circumstances, as well as other life challenging circumstances (such as loss of a dear loved one) are often a significant catalyst to ascension and Spiritual development. If life was 100% cushy and with no conflict, our drive to question things and the bigger purpose of life would atrophy and become nonexistent. We then become bot-like, passively and routinely going through physical life with little Spiritual development. So as the video says, life's challenges can be a gift.
Yes indeed. Our past created who we are today. Many people that have grown up in hardship, seem to become some of the best "stewards of Society and Humanity" in general! Unfortunately, other people that have grown up in hardship, become the "monsters" that dwell upon us. Every ying has to have a yang!
 Wow. I have never actually "felt" the Astral Winds. I hear them though. They start quiet and quickly get much louder until there is dead silence, then I find myself "out".

 Great job holding your composure and seeing it through Ligthbeam!  :-)  I created this thread to aid people in "knowing" what is happening and what to do when it occurs. "Knowing" is half the battle. Actually the "knowing" is everything in this practice. That is when it is time to calm your mind and passively observe the sounds and vibrations until the calm comes or as you did Lightbeam, set a strong intention on where you would like to go or what you would like to see and experience.
 Something sounds "fishy" with this story, lol! :-D

 Lightbeam, I think it's time to head to the beach!  :-)
Quote from: Volgerle on December 29, 2024, 16:03:39I get knocks and doorbells a lot.
You know the funny thing is, I get those "phantom doorbells" too during Hypnagogia, but my actual doorbell doesn't work, and I still get "punked" by it. Lol!  :-D  :-o  :-P
 The power of the 3's. If anything, it gets your attention. That is usually the meaning of them. I use sets of 3's in my Art as much as I can. Especially sets of 3 spirals. I also have always had passion for "Triskelions".

 I have a feeling in your case EV that it was a reassurance that "they" are always there. You are never alone!  :-) Sometimes we need one of those "hmm" moments and it could be a "pre-curser" of what is to come.
 I was just focusing my mind on your question and how I could help you and this is the message I received.

 When I was first having conscious, initiated by me, OBEs, I used the climbing out of the body experience too. Somewhere along the line the need to actually climb out of body diminished and what they call "Phasing" started to occur. I still get OBEs, as in the sense of "exiting" the body, but those experiences are spontaneous and not initiated by me, directly that is.

 There seems to be a progression that most people that are "chosen" to walk down this path will find. I say chosen because learning how to consciously project or shift, seems to be important in some way, shape or form. It changes a person. Becoming consciously aware doesn't just work in non-physical realms, it works here in the physical as well. I use the word chosen because it seems our "High Self, Guides or Other" seem to think that was are ready to "remember" what we once knew.

 This progression seems to be to more of "Phasing" nature. This has to do with focusing into the darkness before your eyes and being aware of what you find there. The physical body has become an afterthought. No need to exit anything at all. You are already there, wherever there happens to be. This can be "anytime".

 If you are interested, there was a former member of the Pulse, years ago named "Frank Kepple". He wrote this fantastic introduction to "Phasing".!/what-is-phasing-and-how-can-i-do-it/
 Amongthestarz, Frostytraveler recently posted this video on the Astral Pulse. It was so good that I reposted it over on my Doorway thread. I have a very strong feeling that you will find it helpful. Check it out here.!/seen-a-good-spiritual-youtube-video-lately-post-it-here!/msg381252/#msg381252
Quote from: Amongthestarz333 on December 27, 2024, 12:18:40A few questions I have are:
1. How do I make my experiences longer?
2. How do I make moving easier when I slip out, so I don't feel like a heavy glob :'D
3. How do I stay more present/mindful? I feel like my spirit is constantly so impatient, when the physical me is just happy to be in the NP!

Thanks for listening along <3 I missed you all!
Welcome back!

 So, it seems your technique is working for you. Like they say, "if it ain't broken, don't fix it". I am somehat confused though. You say you get lucid in your dream, then you stop that "simulation", so that you can focus on leaving your body. While in your dream scenario, you are already in the non-physical realms. Explore there. There is always an adventure that awaits you.

 Now to my answers to your questions. First off, you are doing great!
#1. Improve your awareness wherever it is that you are. Touch the ground or a table, wall, etc. Become part of your new surroundings, while keeping in the furthest recess of your thinking, that you are aware that this is a simulation.

#2  I have felt that glue like sensation and found the further I got away from my body, the less "pull" my physical body had on me. From some other Authors and practitioners of OBEs, in the act of "separation" from the physical body, they say that you need to be at least 15ft away from it. These days, my only actual OBEs have me being dragged out by my feet. Why? I have never found out.

#3  Go with the flow! Don't fight it. You will find a balance. Observe first, then react. Many of my dream simulations have me first watching the scene, as in 3rd person view and then when the situation become dire, or as I say, "when the sht hits the fan", I find myself tagged in and now I have to solve the problem or situation at hand from a 1st person view. My first lessons in the NPRs taught me to "passively observe, with an air of curiosity". You will learn a lot that way. Be patient.