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Messages - funfire

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: I am so sorry.
November 11, 2022, 21:49:23
The more the merrier, I assume being a super cool Astral Pulse moderator you had too go off on a super secret mission in the astral, little docter strange action more or less hehehe. Glad to have you back  :-)
Oh do tell Nameless im interested what you drop off at the island. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to vizualize the Astral pulse island if I should go off of other people interpertations or follow my heart's eye and just feel it out, as we all have our own unique experience. When going off into space via dreams, astral projections ranging in many forms of awareness, I often feel there is this unique solo, yet unifing journey with source conciousness when you take the time to make something with your heart and god/source. the thought may be a bit contradictive, however we are all connected to source, in many unique ways. I may conitnue the conversation of the Island in a more open way allowing for other interpertations to mesh, like say we have a cool *island bar* that bar will be there, but it's position on the island is never fully determined on paper.

adds a cool fresh island bar with lots of refreshing colorful drinks

Matthew starts making some colorful drinks, as the sun slowly begins to set, the gentel lights turn on and the beautiful stars start to show

gently lands on upon the astral lands, slowly kneels down to feel the ground with the winds gently blowing

[Matthew] Good morning, tho I guess it's evening now, good morning sounds better. Forgive me I enjoy projecting my thought in this manner.

meditates a bit in the astral just thinking, starts floating upside down, then goes back to his original position and sits up

[Matthew] sorry to hear about what you've been going through I pray for your recovery and health loved one. curious but would anyone be interested in a sort of astral role play? maybe somewhere on the pulse, it's always fun to fantasize and fly with your heart. I may hop on the astral pulse island possibly and do some fun stuff and create a role play post that anyone can interact on if they want. If that sounds like a fun idea let me know.
Hey everyone lets do what we can to send good energy, thoughts and prayers to the people in Ukraine and over the world.
Merry Chirstmas!

Love you all and I hope you're all doing well  :-)

Music video of the day,
Owl City - To The Sky (Official Video)

Much Love, Matthew  :-)
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on October 13, 2020, 04:11:58
No worries...the Astral Pulse Abyss was locked down and the lid closed back in early February in response to the virus; no members have felt the plunge since then, only a few tens of thousands spammers... :-D

Im a little confused what lid was closed or was there somthing I missed? plunge, spammers? I don't mean to intrude im just curious of what was happening to the pulse in this time.

idk if im miss reading the post im just wondering what kind of problems the pulse had to face in this time.
(Matthew) No no! I feel like I'm doing this wrong.

Soul Eater- Death the kid
Hey there I just wanted to make my own dialogue and share some of my experiences with entities I've come across. I've come across many entities in my life all varying in a wide range of life and lifestyles. To get things started I'll just start with my Higher Self who I refer to as D sometimes other things but for simplicity sake just D will do. Over time when I get more comfortable I'll share more entities I've come across.

(D) Good Evening

(Matthew) Hi

(D) What would you like to discuss today dreamer?

(Matthew) Good question, I guess I can start with why do you call me dreamer?

(D) Isn't everyone a dreamer including you? To be awake is to be asleep and to be asleep is to be awake.

(Matthew) Oh wise words.

(D) What's your overall goal in this conversation dreamer?

(Matthew) I can't quite pin point the goal as its more about the journey than the destination, but to try to answer your question I would like to unveil truths of this world to dig deep into what consciousness really is and its true nature.

(D) Fair enough, the truth is truth is a rabbit hole with and without a destination, come down the rabbit hole and you'll see what I mean.

(Matthew) ok I'm game.

(D) You're the conductor of this journey where shall we direct this conversation dreamer.

(Matthew) alright first things first I guess since we're going to be here awhile let's have a setting, it would be boring to just be boring floating text scenery is needed, the stage needs to be set. I've never posted a picture so I hope I'm doing it right

(D) What did you have in mind?

(Matthew) I'll take the right seat I don't like the sun in my eyes.

(D) I take it you're a fan of Sherlock?

(Matthew) Yes is that a problem?

(D) No, like you said you were setting a stage, this seems like a good place to convene.

(Matthew) alright let's talk about the evolution of human consciousness where we are now, and where we're are going, what is the next step in our evolution?

(D) There are many ways consciousness evolves not all paths are the same yet all paths are made of the same road. You seem to have some good ideas on the evolution of human consciousness why don't you share you're experience.

(Matthew) alright firstly I believe people need a perspective of a child, is this not a kids game? Are we not all kids just playing in a playpen?
(D) Interesting that's a fair point, how do we benefit from this child like perspective?

(Matthew) I'm not going to answer that, it seems pretty self-explanatory, but also to complex to explain.

(D) What about a perspective of a wise old man?

(Matthew) I'm not saying the child like perspective is the end all b all, it's where everyone should start, it should be the core perspective that is then build upon.

(D) I agree, so what's your next step in your consciousness evolution

(Matthew) Secondly understand storytelling and also be your own story teller. Mind the rabbit hole.

(D) Interesting do you believe human consciousness is interlinked with stories and story structure.

(Matthew) Yes consciousness needs a story to tell itself, a dream to tell itself. Most people live life as if it were some mundane life, which in fact it isn't. People have the choice to accept the fact that every story ever told happened somewhere, stories are very misunderstood magical cogs in this great vast multiverse. Also here's extra credit whenever you're reading or watching a story don't sleep in it, participate! If a character you like dies make a better story where you save them or something in your head or on paper if you have trouble with imagination, to save someone in a story or a dream is to save yourself.

Rick & Morty - S04E06 Post Credits scene: story-train

(D) That's very interesting, so are you saying we should intertwine ourselves in other stories and to also make our own?

(Matthew) yes but mind the rabbit hole some people have trouble with living in multiple realities touching each other. One must mentally prepare to accept truth and others truths as one big interweaving story in this vast multiverse. You see story's aren't just story's they're blue prints and humanity has not been paying attention, our stories are evolving more than we realize, have you ever realized how much better story telling has gotten in the future? This isn't just some fluke our global consciousness as an entity is evolving but people aren't consuming the stories the right way which means they aren't consuming themselves the right way.

(D) How should human consciousness consume its stories?

(Matthew) You are the stories. Let me ask you this between the reader and writer the writer thinks what would the reader like? The writer is asking source consciousness for that answer and source responds with the answer from its theoretical reader or intended audience. You see the reader has a chance to give its opinion to source outside space time as the story is being written.

(D) That kind of makes sense but how exactly does that work.

(Matthew) sorry I'll continue in more detail soon im just taking a break, so for now I'm going to postpone this conversation with a rick and morty clip.

Morty gets bit by a Space Snake - Rick and Morty

I do want to give a shout out to Wi11iams posts on communicating with superconsciousness, very interesting,also gave me the idea to start up this dialogue.
oh oh I do have something for 177 if you're interested      177 at 0:57

Thor Ragnarok: Doctor Strange Scene

This looks fun and interesting can I join in?  :-D I like having unique conversations with my higherself and or other selves all the time. would it be ok to join in on the fun here or should I make a seperate post, I wouldn't want to steal the show or anything.  :-)

don't mind the video link I just like posting videos sometimes when some things correlate with what im thinking

I think I'll make a seperate post as my dialouge formula might be a bit different I wouldn't want to override the pace this goes at.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Hey
July 07, 2020, 22:04:51
Welcome back  :-)
Very interesting! I'm still reading so I can't give my full reaction at the moment, but I love the projection storys here lots to read into.
Wow that is a good vizualization technique I should use that when needed. I feel the weight of negativity leave with each scoop of coal. and then to be washed over by purifying flames I feel pretty good. hehehe its a nice spiritual work out.  :lol:
I'll also send some healing energys.  :-)

I pray for Austins wellness.
actually I'll stop doing this it would be better if I make more detailed posts hahaha sorry for all the hassle.
Quote from: desert-rat on June 15, 2020, 20:11:51
The gray haired old man on the mountain from some believe systems never worked for me.  

when I was yonger that's the image adults drilled in my head, It's nice to know god's more than just some old man. seriously couldn't live with such a stubborn entity, my soul can't exsist with such a dominate masculine force. that's how it felt to me anyway back then.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Anima and Animus
June 15, 2020, 16:20:10
The Anima and Animus I always found to be an interesting Idea. it has to do with the other side of yourself depending if your male or female you would be focusing on the opposite gender. I sort of took the Idea as what would happen if you took this anima or animus as some form of mental partner or a girlfriend or boyfriend if you want to look at it that way. I find the science very interesting I was curious if anyone here has fiddled with the concept.


^This is just some anime opening that I feel explains it very well in some sense.
Hey I was curious if I could post videos here on something like a weekly basis. I post videos that sort of deal with whats going on with the world as a story through my eyes I guess you could say. I very much respect this forum very much. this is sort of like a form of divination in some way. I want to post here because I find the pulse to be the best audience to share my findings plus hahahaha I don't really have anyone else to talk too about projection. I know this may look like random spam but I assure you this is all very important. I have things I want to post on the pulse in deep detail about projection and what not I just don't feel ready to do so just yet, so this is the best I can do for the moment.

The imitation game | can machines think?^ link above

"It Means Life" Speech | The Pilot | Doctor Who. Link above^

Snail's House - Twinklestar (Official MV). Link above^

Ya i'll take a look at it

Like in this clip I would always prioritize the rescue of spirits.
Quote from: Lumaza on May 20, 2020, 20:25:09

There  are groups on the internet that you can find that go to the Astral to hunt down Demons and the sort. They confront and battle them when they find them. Their ability to ground themselves and hold onto that focus for a lengthy amount of time is commendable. Like I said "not my cup of tea" though. I would rather use my times in the NPR healing and helping, then fighting. Many of the people involved in those Demon hunter scenarios are avid Gamers. Which I am sure is par for the course. The problem is, things like that can quickly become delusional and cause some serious effects of the mind and well being. You have to watch out for that. I can see you are very strongly focused on this as well. There's nothing wrong with exploration. In the end, we came to this reality here to be "physical". I find it okay to "step out of those boundaries" once in awhile, but you have to be careful that it doesn't completely "consume" you!  :wink:

I completely agree that we should use healing and helping first when it comes to any entity, though some entitys do seek the thrill of battle for fun. It's very important to make peace with these demons or there is a lot of enternal conflict. Since i'm in my conciousness alot just incase I save spirits or characters in storys just incase no one thought to do so. I agree that I do need to be careful and not getting fully consumed by this endeavor but its all in good fun.
Could we format the island based off some pictures of some island or fantasy island. I didn't see any links or pictures so it's kind of hard to know where to go. Not that I couldn't follow the intent to the island, it's just that without a defined concrete area we all observed once it can be hard to meet up there

I'll look for some fantasy islands or something like that if we're interested in this idea.

hmmm also maybe we should add some npc's too and see how they can be used as catalyst for interactions.

Well have you ever thought of projecting you conciousness or recreating the desired scenario and be an active participant in shows, books and other types of media?

Theory sugest that if you have a strong enough soul one could find themselves inside said scenario, in some paradoxacal inception sort of deal.

since we are conciousness there's no rule saying we can't find our soul in someone else's creation since we all draw from the same stream of counciousness.

It's also just fun to imagine playing in such fast pace worlds.
just some fast pace anime fight.

it's very interesting what the soul can take form of when its proper belief and intent is in place. your soul doesn't have to just be you or a person it can be the battlefield or whatever you want I guess is what i'm trying to get at.