Quote from: Lumaza on September 26, 2016, 23:32:15
Your falsehood. You are the one that thinks it is a Falsehood. Don't you see that?
Also, pertaining to your post about AP Forums speaking "anti-Catholic bigotry" as you call it, that should tell you something about the way that many people that do AP feel, simply because they have "seen" or "awoken" to something different. Their views, as mine, have changed because of something we have experienced firsthand, not something we read in a book or were told by another person.
Do you actively project Robert? If you do, where do you go, what do you see? Do you use that time to explore? Have you ever ended up in a "Training Ground" or 'Astral School" scenario. I am not saying this to "one up" you. I am asking because many before you people that have come here to this Forum to challenge our beliefs, haven't even had a successful fully conscious AP themselves, besides maybe walking around the Etheric realms for bit before they find themselves back in their bodies. By this I mean have you ever did meaningful explorations there. Have you been led by a Guide or mentor. Things like that.
You can PM me if you want to answer those questions privately.
I have a feeling that this conversation/thread is going to be locked soon anyways. This isn't a battle. There are no winners or losers here. If you reread all the posts here, you will see the posters saying basically the thing in general and that's that you won't change our beliefs. Seeing firsthand and experiencing leads to our current mindset.
No Lumaza... universal falsehood.
When someone says 2+2=5 it is a false statement. 2+2=4 always.
On projection; you know that I have openly spoken of the fact that I have consciously projected hundreds of times. I have done this on a fairly regular and reliable basis for the past 5 or 6 years. The fact that you challenge that here leads me to doubt your sincerity even further, now.
I have been to astral training schools many times. Not just astral but realms in dimensions wayyy beyond mere astral. Those who never get beyond the astral plane are wrong about a LOT. Most who get OBE never even manage to reach the true astral realm.
Yes, I see many posters here making the same wrong statements about the 'astral' plane over and over again. I let them slide given that one can't refer to simple historical fact to refute their errors in perception in another dimension.
The fact that you would even present such questions under these circumstances says a lot.