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Messages - Nameless

Well Molly, you are in the sweet zone. Though you may not remember much of what is said during these dreams. Have no doubt you are absorbing information at a great rate. It'll be there when you need it and {mostly} when you least expect it. :D
Good that you paid attention to Lu's *hints*. He usually has good ones.
"I've been thinking for some time about starting a thread where you experienced APers could share your stories of how you got started, your hurdles (if any), and how you finally made it. I think this could be very interesting for beginners."

That's a great idea. Yes we have some great threads here already but a new thread might create more interaction.

BTW, I'm Nameless been following this. You've gotten great instruction and insights from some pretty amazing people.
Quote from: Xanth on December 11, 2024, 13:55:08I don't know how much I believe that.  Doesn't that mean that everything we do is pre-determined?  I believe in free will.  How do those two concepts reconcile?

I really don't think our entire lives are predetermined from cradle to grave. It's ours to do with as we please up to that moment we are met with that 'thing' we are meant to do. Perhaps we are here as instructors more so than students. For it would be in observing us; how we deal, what decisions we make that we have the most to offer. And sometimes we are 'set-up' to experience something major. Just so 'they, it, him, tptb' can monitor our reaction. Just my 2 cents.
Wonderful adventure LB. Question, did you book this day cruise before or after your amazing dream?

This is exactly why I say vivid, lucid dreams are every bit as important (maybe more so to some) as projections and out-of-body experiences.

I seriously don't think you will find any mention of the Krill People on the net. Comic books and disney movies aside :( No relationship whatsoever. However we all know the hypnotic and dreamy qualities of water creatures, especially the bigger creatures. Anybody else see the give-away in that? The Krill are a species of "Human" not fish but they do share their origins, more so than we earth humans with 'fish' in simple terms. Many earth humans also share code with 'fish' but not all.

Enjoy the joy LB.
Well LB it seems you have met what I affectionately call the "Krill People"

Their home is both watery and dry. Picture Arizona with beachfront property. They are great healers, teachers and guides with amazing peaceful vibes. You have also been granted a great look into what might be the origins of species and the human race. I won't go further into that now but keep in mind that everything that is coded into our genes is there to stay.

I will give the Krill my thanks and gratitude here and now for being the first to introduce me to the building blocks of human and other species development.

Enjoy the ride LB. I hope you have further contact with these amazing people.
Hi EV, you had quite the experience. Your first words were
"This was an occurrence of High Strangeness
I think it was an intrusion into the Physical from the Non-Physical"

Trust your instincts. Opening the door which would be the equivalent of opening your mind, to these intrusive beings or thoughts is the danger mystics, gurus and religious leaders have always warned us about.

I do not say that to stir up the fear mongering so prevalent in today's and yesteryear's demon culture. But to ignore your own trepidation is a clear sign of insanity. Trust yourself and know that on the mental plane you are always protected, so long as you are aware of your own sovereignty and power.

Now, on to the rest of your post. I have experienced a lot of hypnogogic occurrences while near sleep or wakefulness and yes even wide awake. Can't say I've ever noticed  but do know the importance of three.

It is my understanding that the ETs have been put under court order to receive permission before interfering with our lives. Some are very diplomatic, they will conduct a meet and greet. Some are very brusque in manner and some ignore court orders. Much the same as we humans.

All of these things can take place on the physical, mental and yes spiritual plane. Some people appear to be plagued by these happenings, others not so much and some not at all.

Also understand that while everyone {it seems} is touting the superiority of these beings that that is not necessarily the case. Many of them are just trying to find their way and using what ever tools or knowledge they have available.

Wow, ya'll gettin deep! I loved all your responses and can't say I truly disagree with any of you. So what caught my attention was the title since I had a weird one myself today. My son came in the house several times today (bringing stuff in from outside) and every time he followed himself in again. This repeated three of four times, it was weird.

But then as sometimes happens the topic went sliding sideways. LOL. It happens. Seems God has been the most sought after individual since the dawning of time or man. I picture him grabbing hie tunic and high-stepping it through the tulips with a gaggle of humanity chasing him. AND it's all an illusion according to some.Soooo, what do I think?

I think God is Spirit and presides in the spirit world (not the woowoo one). I believe this spirit is a LIVING spirit, hence the reason it GIVES LIFE. Depending of course on your religion or private thoughts it is this Spirit that we all share (all of us, including minerals, animals, plants and other living things we haven't met yet) who share something in common. The other parts of that we are individually made of can and do comprise many things. However I do not believe for one second it is all an illusion. For if it is an illusion then I must ask myself, what is an illusion?

That living breathing spirit is what we all have in common.

Thanks Tides for a wonderful discussion.
Hi everyone, I've been missing you all. I keep up much as I can and do read many of your posts but know I also miss quite a bit as well. You all are never far from mind. Seems most of you are working on and learning your techniques and doing great. Love to see when someone breaks through the technique and jumps right into a full blown adventure. Congratulations to one and all on your successes and keeping the spirit alive.

There are several things I want to talk about. Today I want to share my personal or first hand experiences with kundalini (though not in great detail). Please forgive typos, I'm having some issues with my eyes at the moment.

I recently had a very nice kundalini moment. Afterwards I began to think about all the kundalini moments I have had or witnessed in my life. And the questions poured forth. What IS this kundalini we speak of and do we really understand it and its many uses? My conclusion is NO we don't. But it is time we up our game and accept the fact that WE do not have the market cornered on this wild and wonderful phenomena.

I've seen the evidence of kundalini taking place
In churches.   (religious)
During meditations.   (spiritual)
During medical treatments.   (physical)
And of course read and talked to many people who have experienced it.
Believers and non-believers alike seem very capable of experiencing kundalini. It always serves a specific purpose; however it is very elusive, seems to strike at will and evades capture. I find this very intriguing.

I want to discuss this further but right now my eyes are blurring so will have to came back to it. Hope this gives everyone something to think about and perhaps some of you can provide your insights. Thanks, Love and Hugs,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Questions I Ask Myself
August 09, 2024, 18:22:48
Are we here only for the sake of experiencing physicality?

Are we here only to learn how to be spiritual in a physical world?

My thoughts after having absorbed a lot of information is that most people think so or at least share some version of that thinking.

At this point in time I have decided this is partly true. I say that because the next natural question is obvious; why?

Why would we as spiritual beings with abilities we only 'dream' of (in this realm) want/need to do this?

There are many claims that we are here to observe, I agree with this. Yet again, why? For whom are we making these observations?
Is it for our own personal development, growth? That would be extremely self-serving. But perhaps that is all there is to it and I/we can lay these questions aside having found our answers.

BUT, in my own experience it is our collective observations that are of utmost importance. IF true this begs the question again, why? And a follow up question, who or what is collecting all this info?

Thousands of years of human experience! Billions of lives! Think about it.

Perhaps the many are right and GOD did create this reality so we as individuals/and a collective could have our own little interactive playground to do with as we wish.

But do I dare say that there is a much bigger game afoot?

Bonus thought for the day:
Could the various stages we think of as
etc... actually only be the cable that carries our observations on to where ever it is they go?
Thanks for the question Tak. I don't know how I missed your response. You asked;

"Have you come to any conclusion from this fact? Do you think it was someone who put that to help you? Could it be another aspect of yourself manifested on the physical plane in the need to get out of that situation? What do you think it was? "

I've drawn many open-ended conclusions. LOL.  But by far my over-arching conclusion is simply that the universe is intuitive. It provides what you need, when you need it. Once we fully understand that, then perhaps we get to graduate and study in more detail exactly how that is all accomplished.
The first thing I will say is that what this mist means is anyone's guess.

Water vapor such as clouds, fog, mist, breath and so on are probably (in my estimation) the easiest of the elements (I don't want to say control) but maybe work with. Clouds are extremely responsive to thoughts. I will say these are not always 'entities',  though sometimes sure. So they can sometimes be thought forms. You have a thought and the mist paints the picture. The clearer the thought the clearer the picture.

Now this is not to say entities don't use these same principles to show themselves, they absolutely do.

Also know that it could be a trick of lighting. A simple thing like a curtain moving can have a profound impact on what you see. NOT saying this is the case here as I really do think she caught something very interesting in those pics.

Thank you for posting this. You are inadvertently showing how the non-physical and physical interact. :-D
Hello V, welcome to the Pulse. You should have no trouble finding whatever you are looking for here.
May I ask a question? How do you describe a witch?
There are few places your mind's eye cannot go. Lumaza is absolutely right, "experience it now, question it later"
Hello Beethoven, welcome back.

I don't think I can add much to the great responses you've already gotten. I will say that Yes, I do think all of these experiences (dreams, lucid dreams, astral projections, out of body, etc.) are all essentially the same think. It's what our spirit does when it is freed from the physical body. Some of us let our horses roam free to graze as they please while others keep them tied to a branch, so to speak.

Nevertheless, our experiences are as varied as we from each other and from even our own selves from day to day.

You said, "If I'm being honest, my desire to do the work is quite lazy compared to most who come here."

I'm lazy too! LOL

I feel you have much more to discuss. I'm looking forward to reading your impressions and tackling your questions, as I can.
I haven't read this book but it sounds interesting, especially for someone who is not familiar with the stories of many of the contributors. A compilation like this should give anyone an opportunity to string together new insights to what's really going on in our reality as we know it.

May our highest Spirit always guide us in these encounters whether physical, NP or other.
Lots of great commentary here. The whole Pulse community is so awesome. Lots of Love!

So I'll add my little 2 cents worth. Patience is something you have no say in, you WILL develop patience. Patience is simply not getting what you want when you want it. So the longer whatever you are seeking drags out and the more time it takes you to understand then the more patience you will develop as a side dish.

Ever wonder how those old geezers back in ancient times could sit on their mountain top retreat for so long and pass out wisdom? It wasn't patience, it was reality. LOL
"Have you ever had  dreams of doing things that you simply would never do ?"

Of course.

Dreams are many things and they do many things. they are NOT simply a reflection. They try us, confuse us, discombobulate us and test us. The reflecting comes from us (our waking minds) as we ponder their unique structure and meanings.
"How has AP personally changed my life?"

You may not realize it but you have asked a very very loaded question.

AP has changed my life in much the same way as stepping on a rusty nail. It has made me more cautious, more observant and more aware of my surroundings.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Precognitive Dream
May 14, 2024, 22:55:22
Hey LB, I'm so glad you had that experience. Yes, I have had a number of precognitive dreams or visions. Most are of little significance. However I have had two or three that were quite special. I actually find these to be most interesting and valuable as a source of study.

Tell me, how was the clarity of this dream?

Note| I actually had a longer reply but my internet died the moment I pressed post. It's taken quite a bit of time to reconnect.
Hi MS, glad to see you back with a purpose. I sense these particular events are a bit disturbing for you. I could be projecting my own past and present concerns though. I can't say I have had numerous events similar to this but a few. I have the sense some of them do not like to be found out as in when they notice WE do SEE them. I have questions for sure but often don't know how to pose them. It's fascinating on the whole but discretion and self-preservation are necessary tools.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Clue(less)
April 03, 2024, 14:24:17
Okay, glad I came back to this one and re read it. Considering the life-trauma I was going through it's a miracle I remember anything at all. Seems a huge proportion of my experiences come out of trauma. It's like when I need help the most - there it is. The only issue is that being under traumatic conditions makes these events harder to process. I know it's kind of off topic but anyone else see this?

Now I want to move on to something else you said EV.

"The question occurs to me- Who set this up? Me or someone else? My subconscious alone, my supposed higher self (whatever that may be)? Or me in cooperation with someone else?"

That's the question I have. I distinctly perceive one force as ME and another that is NOT ME. NOT ME is everything that is not me, lol. But this deserves it's own topic.

One more point. I think we all could use a little Don Juan personality in our lives. :-)
Hi again, I want to address another point you brought up.

"Now I perceive myself without a body, I am just a point of consciousness in the air... I remember that 12 years ago, the first time I experienced that, I was totally terrified, one is used to inhabiting different bodies, whether physical, holographic, energetic... But not having a body can be overwhelming the first time and I was always afraid of experiencing this again. However, in this new stage, this state for me is very common and in fact the normal state of consciousness... that made me happy, it smells like progress to me. I don't know how to explain, that I was very aware of the transition from being a point of consciousness to getting involved in the scene... I had to make "the step" towards in, but for that I needed to use some kind of body... So, with memories of what it felt like to have a physical body, I created an invisible holographic one and entered. I start running very fast through dark streets and I lose awareness."

Great observations, you are much further along than you realize. The simulation is teaching you the how to's. So far I have found there to be very few boundaries as a p.o.c. (point of consciousness). You will find as you progress that you won't need to create a body. I'll let you discover that for yourself. Good times.

EV really broke it down here. The Mansion/House/Hotel is still a source of contemplation for us so welcome to the club. One thing I think I can point out (at least to my mind) is that ALL of this exploration seems to have more than one level. What I mean to say is that we can go to the simulated mansion to learn. Later we find ourselves there to put what we learn to use. Does that make sense?

Nice. Have realized what the mansion represents? EV and I have been talking quite a bit about the mansion lately and here you adding your experiences. Guess we all got stuff to think about.
I can certainly go along with this. My observations tell me that people do this all the time, both unconsciously and consciously. Even memories take place in the non-physical. Thoughts as well, none of them are tangible and only meaningful as we give them meaning.

How many people pay attention to these non-physical things is smaller and limited to what they think of as non-physical. Far as I can see you are right in the results being different depending upon method and on the practice of certain methods. Shows us how much there is to explore and learn from all methods or just one.

To your last point about WHERE you end up. Each and every method appears to at least in some part be highly geared to intention. Do the math and possibilities are endless.