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Messages - Ereus1

So what advice anyone got?
Like I have no clue what im doing wrong
Quote from: Karxx Gxx on March 18, 2018, 07:43:11 (talks about the heart chakra and scientifically too) (emotions can be considered blockages so here's one way to deal)
I agree with xanths in a sense and you should ask yourself 'what should I do?' Probably best to do it in a state you trust in. As in, dont ask that when you are grumpy, but more at peace or whatever is your cup of tea.

Also, I dont beleive any energy block will stop you from ap. MAYBE it might make it harder, but if you ever lucid dream before, you can ap. And anyone can become lucid during a dream , blockages or not. If you havent, try napping or w.e during the daytime. Its much easier to be lucid/ap for me and many others. Or after you wake up and move around for a bit.

You can try and figure out where the blockage resides and maybe coorlate it to a chakra and what it represents and try to pin down what you should work on, but using the other pleadeans method, you wont have to know all the specifics to remove.

Feel free to message me if you need more explanation on the videos or help with the process in general.

p.s You got this!  8-)

Well I can get swaying to try and Ap but i've never been lucid in a dream, but I've been writing down my dreams for the last few days, are you implying i should do the whole 'turn a lucid dream into a astral projection?'
Hi I try to ap and thinking maybe energy blockages are stopping me?

What are good ways to detect and unlock them?
Quote from: Lumaza on March 05, 2018, 02:08:06
Yes. The exit symptoms/signposts, show you that there is shift already happening. This is when the motion based focus really helps. Another focus I like doing here is to create a Happy Place. This will also be known as your "launch pad" for now. Get good at visualizing this place. Go there often. Get the lay of the land.

Going through my AP Journals the other day, I came across three things I used to do often when I was new to this practice. One was the use of Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones. Two was the use of some kind of blindfold. I found this useful because one of my exit symptoms, earlier in my practice, was the constant sensation of my physical eyes opening just as I was about to "exit". I rectified that by using a blindfold. At first I used a towel. Then I switched to cherry pit eye pillow. That was too heavy though. Then I came across the Mindfold, which I used for a couple of years. It got flimsy though, but like I said, it did me well for two years. The next one I bought was the best one though. Good price too. I bought a $20 one from this site here:

The third thing I did often was to go to my Happy Place, which after awhile got replaced by the "Training Ground" area I constantly found myself in. My Happy Place is a Island Paradise, akin to the Astral Island photo that you can find here.
Mine has a Pyramid as well. I went there, still do. I went there so often that I could tell when something was added or missing. Further investigation on the new occurrence would normally lead to a full blown scenario/adventure. That's when you put your "explorer's hat" on and go do some investigating or just hang out on the beach. There were visiting Guides and Mentors/Teachers there as well.

Yeah its interesting, i get these movement senstaions easily, like i get swaying moments after lying down.

I would guess that means im rather close.
Quote from: Lumaza on March 04, 2018, 00:52:29
That's when it's a good time to begin to set a strong intent and focus on what you wish to achieve in that session. Creative visualization helps here quite a bit. It gets the ball rolling. I like to be proactive in my sessions. Use a focus on your hobbies. I don't say "try" a focus, because the word "try", doesn't show success to me. The word "do" does! Do, seems more positive to me.

Make sure your visualization is based on some form of motion. Then feel that motion. Let it draw you away from your physical focus and completely into the scenario at hand.

I get minor movements if i imagine myself running and such, try and do that once i get a weird sensation like i described?
Quote from: Lumaza on March 02, 2018, 01:09:53
Learn to "observe and allow" and all that will change!

You don't have to have exit symptoms to exit. Sometimes I awaken in full SP, with the Astral Winds blowing loudly like a Hurricane and my body vibrating, akin to being in a Earthquake. Other times, I may awaken and just see that I am standing at the foot of my bed staring at my physical form. No sensations at all. ...and then there are the times I awaken full SP and feel my feet/legs begin raised, then dragged down my hallways and out my patio window.

Sometimes, while Phasing I will have a actual real time exit. So you see, it can happen all different ways. The key is to allow it to commence to it's apex and observe your new surroundings, without question, when you do. See what you can see. Do what you can do, before you start questioning everything. I enjoy Phasing because my techniques teach disassociation from my physical body. Because of that disassociation, the exit symptoms are gone as well. You start by viewing or sensing a imaginary scenario. But soon you are a part of it, just like you are here. The more you do it, repetition, the more you learn how to navigate your new surroundings. You learn the "do's and don'ts" pretty quickly there. You learn how to lengthen your experiences as well.

I've had darkness closing in, vibrations, warmth in limbs, all sorts of sensations, bubbling in my chest, so many sensations.
Xanth im interested, It just feels exasperating to get all these sensations but never a full body experience.

hell its exasperating how inconsistent they get, i got bubbling in my chest a week ago, i got full on near seize a week or two ago but neither of those have reappeared.

My reasons for AP is to see the akashic records and ask some questions
Quote from: Lumaza on February 27, 2018, 03:38:41
I have heard this so many times here. Sometimes people try to hide their mental malady as well.

Years ago there was a young girl on this Forum here that attempted to create a Mentor/Student plan, whereas each experienced member would take on a student to personally work with and tutor. It was title "Destiny's Plan". Xanth even took it over to his own personal Forum. But, in the end, it failed miserably. I had a student who was incredibly eager and many times overly anxious. Most of my time was spent trying to teach him to calm down and observe. He reported back daily to me. Then one day we went a week without communication. I emailed him to see if he was okay. He then informed me that his Doctor/Therapist had told him to stop this immediately. He was Schizophrenic and his delusions were getting worse. He never divulged that fact to me at any time in the teachings.

I used to be a Moderator here and when I was, I often read a person's posting history before I attempted to help them. It would give me a good sense of whom I was conversing with and how I could help them. Soooooooooo many of them suffered from some kind of mental debilitating problem, be it AD/HD, depression, anxiety, etc. Unfortunately with many of them, their problem caused them to fail with this practice and soon they aborted it all together. I am not saying it's "impossible" to find success with this practice. I am just saying it is very difficult to. But on the other end of the spectrum a person who is completely mentally stable may fail because of their mental stability. They need to know the "whys" and nut and bolts of this process. It makes more sense to them if they can call this "Quantum Jumping" or leaping. I say you need to be balanced. You need to be somewhat mentally stable, but still be open to "other" forms of conscious awareness.

The Astral Pulse Forum has a disclaimer here about mental instability. But, I don't think many people read it or should I say "recognize" it, in their own situation. A good friend of mine and Moderator from the past here, created this thread/Sticky here.

Makes sense but I get sensations already an I think i have nearly ogtten there but none of my issues have been made more extreme, hell some of my issues like ocd have gone down over the years.
Still trying to AP, still have not and maybe my adhd is a problem?

like void meditation is bonking hard.

Like i have adhd, autism, bipolar and OCD diagnosed.
I havn't really heavily tried since my last post, so anyone got any lists that will near guarentee me if I follow them?
I sway really easily, like within moments of lying down, I just have to move my eyes a bit or think about it and I sway, I just cannot get out of m body no matter what i try.
I wish to astral project and I have been trying for years but I still have not achieved it, I wish to get into the akashic records for knowledge.
I stay still on my bed and think but all I get are swaying and stuff
I try to sway out but that does not work.
Is there a way to tell what form of thing I need to do.