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Messages - omcasey

Quote from: Traveler_2649 on November 03, 2024, 08:02:32Has anyone else dealt with this?

I had a very vivid, powerful AP on the 30th, and I've felt drained and depressed since.

It's my understanding that AP taps into your energy. Does anyone have recommendations for dealing with this? Since this AP, I've tried to meditate every morning for the past 4 days, but I'm struggling to reach that deep, meditative state.

Any suggestions?

Hey, traveler

Yes, I have experienced this, but only recently, I have started to have migraines following experiences. I haven't figured out why yet, it is so new, but when this happened again just a few days ago I took special note. Thank you for asking the question. I will report here with any new discovery.
Sending a stream of healing energy for your sister to access and utilize as she would.

Love, love, love

Thank you for filling in some of the gaps there, Chris, do you want to share more about your spiritual awakening? How did this begin for you, and what has it opened up in you? I am all ears!
Hiya, Chris

Welcome to The Pulse.

So are you just kind of toeing the water right now, reading and looking into how consciousness works?

How do you think you might continue along this line?

Where is your interest arising?
Hiya, Tak.. wow, the whole interview ( this was a long one ) that's impressive, thank you for listening in and adding your own energy to the mix. I always appreciate this -much more than I can tend to have the time to say but this is when having these talks can begin to work their magic. Getting minds to move, sometimes in new ways, sometimes in old ways that just begin to reach out and get our attention more than before. So we can look at these ways and see them more clearly for what they are, and/or if they are really helping us grow in our consciousness and energy. A lot of times we can carry thoughts, beyond their ability to be truly helpful. And, yes, this can anchor us in a way that holds us where we are longer than needed. Something as simple as a new idea can untether and set us free.

I appreciate what you have shared. Everyone's voice is always so unique.
Quote from: Lumaza on June 25, 2024, 17:58:14After watching that video again, I will say I love the concept of the "candle staring", but I wish he wouldn't add all that unnecessary garbage that he does. He takes a simple thing and elongates it to 2 videos of what I see is bad and unnecessary advice. You need to know your audience. These days, most people will only listen to the first couple of minutes of a video. If they aren't impressed by the first couple of minutes, the video gets turned off and now something else will capture their focus.

 You Keep it short and sweet by sharing the following steps

1. Make sure you will be undisturbed for the next hour or so.

2. make your room is as dark as possible. Close the curtains, the doors, whatever you need to make it dark.

3. Put a candle a few feet in front of you. Try to set it so it is parallel with your eyes.

4. Light the candle and stare at the flame and only the flame.

5. Estimate yourself doing that for about 15 minutes or so.

6. Blow out the candle and immediately shut your eyes.

 If you have done this properly, the flame should be imprinted in the darkness before your eyes. Focus on it and only it. When it fades, will it back. Play this "cat and mouse" game for a while and "something" out of the ordinary will occur. You can then return to this forum and check out the sticky on "Exit Symptoms", to see which ones you experienced.!/exit-symptomssignposts/


What you have written there is not what I would call a proper tratak *which takes practice and discipline to properly develop. It is less about the object, environment ( which does not have to be dark ) and 'staring', and more about the state of focused attention. The state does not really fully come about if the practice is not entered on good footing. Because few people will look into the links I have shared up there I will copy paste what is written and embed the video, which to-date is hands down one of the best examples of a fully concentrated state of focus I have ever seen recorded. I hope this helps someone.


Tratak / Trataka

Tratak is an external concentration practice in which you gaze steadily at some small object without blinking, while the eyelids are held slightly more open than usual. In the practice of tratak an object is first used to fix the attention, and arouse internal vision by making it absolutely steady through stopping the eye movements. And then gazed at until its subtle form manifests in front of the closed eyes. This directs a steady flow of attention increasingly inward.

The external practice is continued until the eyes water, at which point they are closed and relaxed. Trataka strengthens the eyes and sight and stimulates the awareness center [ajna]. This stimulation is what allows the attention to not only accurately locate, but rest while fixed upon this center for increasing durations. This guides trataka into drishti, a yogic word and concept meaning 'true vision'.

A good way to enter the practice is as follows---

  • Sit in a comfortable position
  • Place your symbol or object an arms length in front of you at eye level
  • Relax the whole body--close your eyes and prepare as for any meditative practice
  • Let the breath be long and quiet, the mind calm

As you open your eyes, take your gaze directly into the center of your point of focus until the eyes are opened slightly more than what is normal.

  • Gaze for as long as possible without blinking and without strain for up to 2 minutes - or
  • Until the eyes begin to water and stream ( whichever comes first )
  • Then close the eyes and rest

This is phase one, the external form of the practice.

There are a number of ways to deepen the practice of tratak into its subtle form

1. After the eyes water and stream, close the eyes and rest. If the subtle form of your object ( a bindu or dot for instance ) immediately appears in front of your closed eyes, concentrate on the after image for as long as possible. If the subtle form of your object does not immediately appear in front of your closed eyes, then just note this. In time you will be able to gradually lengthen your practice from 2 minutes to 10 minutes, which will deepen the internal impression.

2. Use the dot to begin your practice. After the eyes water and stream, close the eyes and rest. To enter the second stage, begin your practice again, this time using a luminous object, such as a candle flame. You will see that the impression remains naturally for some time, making internal trataka very easy to practice. Aim to hold the impression center in your field of vision. It will dance and flit about. Hold it center.

General guidelines for advancing your practice of tratak

  • Candle flame gazing at night to get started; 2 minutes unless eyes water sooner, close the eyes and rest - 2 weeks
  • Candle flame gazing at night : sequentially building toward 10 minutes, close the eyes and rest -  indefinite
  • Eyes closed sun gazing at sunrise or sunset; 7 consecutive days then discuss with your teacher
  • Eyes open sun gazing; 10 seconds - to proceed as individually appropriate


This is tratak. - ( not the external practice, the internal state )

The gaze is purely focused, he is seeing both internally within himself and externally into the environment.

The eyes do not blink when mind is concentrated. Beautiful, beautiful example.

It reaches into even those watching.
Hiya, Beethoven.

I am just enjoying the conversation from the proverbial bleachers. What a wonderful discussion and welcome back.

Lu, that technique you mention ( with the candle ) is called "tratak". It is one of my main spiritual practices. I will never tire of it. In a perfect tratak, ie: concentrated state of focus the eyes do not blink ( exceptional example ). For the readers, any object can be used, and perhaps should be used prior to moving to practicing with a light source. It is a wonderful way to focus not only the gaze, but the attention. When you do advance to the light source and close the eyes, the after-image of the flame begins an internal tratak and advances the tratak into drishti ( true vision ). What those of us here might call the out of body state. Internal awareness is "seeing" rather than the eyes.
Thank you, Eric.. no I do not mind at all.

It was a really fun talk that goes into my past, practice disciplines, the world we live in today, consciousness, out of body experience, ET contact, dormant spiritual skills that are awakened right along with us and more. Biba is a wonderful host. She brought out quite a lot! And is also re-connecting me with Ireland, where she is from. The magical truly abounds. If anyone happens to give this a listen please let me know your thoughts. It is long, I know. I will be putting out some shorter clips and maybe there is discussion that will want to be had. This is a 5 minute clip on the 3D control system and what it is --according to me, lol.


The Biba Frequency Podcast, Conversations with Consciousness on Youtube
I just have a moment so I am going to cheat a little, because I have written on this subject prior, and copy/paste my thoughts from a previous blog. I hope this is alright. It still holds water today, every bit as well as it did back in 2014.


Transfer Value Effects of the OBE on Physical Reality
(read the whole blog on the website)

People sometimes ask me what relevance the out of body experience has on "real" life.. Everyday, practical, physical reality Earth-life. I understand why the question is asked, and it is a good question to ask. Notably because there is indeed relevance. Coming into the clear awareness of it and thereby helping to extend it increasingly further out into the populous of this level of reality I feel to be of very great, current day importance.

The OBE affects each one uniquely. It impacts each one's personal awareness uniquely. I will share with you how my own personal awareness is being met with and what new experiences I am now grounding—-bringing through to [ the range of possibility in this particular ] physical reality Earth life. Realizing that while grounding the new experiences with more consistent awareness, while very much [ also ] alive and IN the body, possibility extends into probability.

What began happening with me as immediately as with my first OBE, with the returning of my awareness to a spectrum beyond the physical, is that rote memory, the program running within my awareness which allowed me to experience 3D-human life [only] was being turned off. It is not a program that can synch with multi-dimensional reality experience. Which requires instead what might be called a 'present attention' —an undivided, unobstructed, steady flow of attention.

What transfer value effect does the event of this within the OBE have in the 3D Earth-field?.. Of what practical importance is it to the occupants of this level of reality? It is immense, in truth *which is the purpose of me beginning with it. To attempt an initial dive– In OBEs, with me there has been a life altering graduation of connectivity experienced between 'subject' and 'object'. Between 'myself' and that which is collectively 'everything else'.

Considering the visual field, the point being "me" in the field and the "totality" of the field ( which includes all occupants ), gradually has come to be experienced – literally seen within my visual field – as a singularity. With what other vision would I be able to be in two or more places in two or more dimensional fields at once; such as the case with the OBE—my awareness, clearly alert within the physical body location ( lying there in the bed ) and simultaneously in this second location.

How does the new singularity–view affect the 3D field and my coming to meet it's many occupants with it in tow?.. You may already be coming to see it— a level of connectivity which is offering the awareness of there being no fundamental division between us— very little experience of perceived separation and thus the openness / openING through which our discrete energies do flow into and through one another. Sharing—unique expressions of love, compassion and understanding.

The data contained within the exchange informs us utterly. Giving probable and possible histories, current purpose/intents, desires, curiosities —all within an instant—-we [may] know one another. We may be more appropriate with one another. If within the process we do not shut down we may find that being in this way inherently makes us less dual, less apt to position ourself against one another—-less war–like. You are seeing it? —It's absolute importance.

Humanity, in my vision —( to fast forward )— is preparing in this way through individual representatives to re-enter a Larger awareness. A Galactic awareness. Reconnection within a Wider Scope of Reality with our Greater Relations, our patiently awaiting Star brothers and sisters. First we are upping ourselves. Setting down our hostility(ies). Ending the war– the era of 'evolution through separation' otherwise known as the 'subject' / 'object' illusion.

This is the big picture.

Quote from: Traveler_2649 on June 04, 2024, 14:09:23Hey all,

I have to ask. How do you develop the patience to allow things to reveal themselves to you? This has been the most difficult part of this journey for me.

My head has practically been spinning since Saturday night when I had my most powerful, profound experience yet. Since then, I've been looking back on my journals of previous accounts. As things progressed, I made the mistake of dismissing previous experiences as "astral projections" due to subsequent experiences revealing more and more of the potential of this journey. I'm a bit mad that I let myself make this mistake along the way, but I guess my realizations count as progress.

I've been reading books (Monroe's Journeys Out of the Body, Raduga's The Phase, and I just started William Buhlman's Adventures Beyond the Body), practicing yoga nidra meditations, The Gateway Tapes, binaural meditations, and trying to simply set intentions to help induce AP.

It's like the Dunning-Kruger effect, where each experience shows me how much more there is, andhow little I currently know. My issue is that with each experience, I just want to go further. It's my understanding that the more you try, the more difficult it can become, but I'm struggling to let it happen on its own.

I started on my journey almost a year ago, and I just want to immerse myself in this. I feel like I need a teacher. My experiences have changed my whole outlook on everything I know, but my biggest struggle is figuring out how to let it happen.

The solidarity of this, and the trial and error nature of this journey has been difficult. I feel like I'm dying of thirst in a hot desert, and each experience is a small sip of water that's barely enough to keep me going.

Any advice? Part of me just wants to talk about it with someone.

Hello, Traveler

As students on the path we grow ( on our path ) through various stages. You are noticing this. Good!

We often begin somewhat on our own and see how far this takes us. When we hit the crossroads where it seems we may go no further, or that the pace at which we are moving seems to be too slow we tend to look for a teacher, and hopefully that teacher has classes that put us in touch with other students who are also on the path; most will be beginners themselves, a few will be intermediate and perhaps 1-3 quite advanced. This is the perfect alchemy for us to enter when this point is reached. Although the teacher is indeed pivotal, most of what we learn as students is from the student-body. This is why it is important to seek a notable teacher who will draw a high quality student-body. What we are learning as Explorers is not often taught in person, but at a certain point it will be important to graduate from simple text/forum boards, to at least online Zoom talks and practice sessions.

The most important space for a student to hold for him/herself is an accurate view of exactly where they are on the path. Steamrolling too fast through the foundational aspect of that upon which we walk will be ripe with pitfalls and setbacks. This is why the question you have brought to us today is SO important. It is best for a beginner to realize they are a beginner, and therefor work diligently at laying for themselves a proper, sturdy, sustainable foundation-for-practice.

Our reason for practicing what we are should be known by us. The quality of our reason can be a roadblock, or that which sets us free. Our reason should be investigated deeply, and contemplated for a long while.

We are experiencing in every moment- every moment is and should be of equal importance to us in our practice. An inability to hold a singular point of focus, and purely observe, is the culprit behind our not being more aware of depths of what we are experiencing. This is why, more fundamentally to AP/OBE the practice is to learn to hold a point of focus and purely observe. Ie: meditation. We experience something in EVERY meditation. Each one should be logged, just as dreams should be every morning. There is no hierarchy in consciousness states. Each is equally important and holds critical data.

When coming into that advanced state on the path, practice is everyday. It is both solo and in groups.

There is much to do before arriving at this juncture.

What is your first thought for your next step?

This is the second post in a row here I am reading with reference to the concept of a doorway.

Is a message being sent?  :-)
QuoteNow, I'm just going to put a few additional notes here.

First of all, I credit most of this to Lumaza's "Doorway". I had decided to give it a shot, but last night was the second attempt I was making at trying it. I was just focusing on absolutely clearing my mind and never even got to the point where you visualize the Doorway and ask yourself questions about it. Thank you, Lumaza for sending your link.

For future readers, can someone please put the link to Lumaza's "Doorway" technique here?

I believe I have read it, but also want to doublecheck. Thanks!
QuoteWhere would you suggest I look door learning more about pranayama and yogic breathing?

I can help you if you like. I have taught and practiced for decades.

A good way to begin is with a simple puraka ( in-breath ) and recheka ( out-breath ). Bringing awareness into the full length of the inhale and full length of the exhale. After a few breaths, as you follow the inhale, begin to bring more awareness into the very end/top of the breath -- feel the sensation there. Repeat this process with the exhale. Do 3 rounds of 8 breaths. This is a passive exercise. You are just bringing awareness into inhale, exhale and ends of the breath.

After you finish the 3 rounds, if you would like to keep going, the next step is to actively extend the ends of the breath, by feeling the sensation right there at the very tips and deliberately inhaling/exhaling a little more. The idea is to extend ( not by pushing but ) by relaxing.

Note: an additional element -of breathing in general- is opening into both the front and back body. So when you breathe, let the torso be like a balloon *a balloon that expands equally to the front and back with each inhale, and contracts in toward the spine with each exhale.

This is a very good way to begin.

It will acquaint you with your breath and rest as a most excellent foundation for more complex breathing patterns.

Anytime you would like instruction on how to build your practice, I am here. We could even pop onto a Zoom.


These are 3 breaths that I both teach and practice regularly >>

Quote from: Traveler_2649 on May 29, 2024, 16:50:36I found the forum a few months ago, but decided to join to maybe ask for advice.

I've been doing the Gateway Tapes, hatha yoga, chakra meditation, and yoga nidra with some results, but I want to refine my techniques. The information here is great and looks promising. I'm glad this forum seems to cover all the bases in a constructive way.

I feel like I've stagnated in my progress lately, but I'm trying to not get discouraged. I try to avoid trying the same techniques over and over, so as to not "burn out" from lack of progress.

Hello, Traveler_2649

I come to where I am now ( a seasoned OBEr ) through practice disciplines also.

My only focus the first few decades was to know the self -not to astral travel / go out of body or even anything else. The reason I am saying this is because I wish to say to you that IF, or so long as you are doing your practice(s) then there is never any stagnation. You are going deeper into those disciplines and they are preparing you inevitable climax moments. Do you keep a log of your practices / meditations? I would suggest it, it will keep you observing more than you might otherwise, and also serve as a record you can look back on to remind yourself of how much actually is taking place. It is so interesting how when we are not making the logs we can have the tendency to think to ourselves that nothing is really happening, when that thought could actually not be any further away from the truth. I have blown my mind with this observation so many times it now just makes me laugh. I like your array of practices, these are very good, notably meditation ( and more notably silent sitting meditation ) and the yoga nidra. You might think of adding an energy practice, such as pranayama, yogic breathing, and bring a few patterns into your array. Tratak ( conscious gazing, candle flame gazing, etc. ) could be very helpful to you as well.

I look forward to seeing you around the board.

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Precognitive Dream
May 14, 2024, 19:05:40
I bring back my dreams every day -the last 5 years, but it is a very rare occurrence that anything from the more mundane level of my dreaming gets my attention. I am shown things, yes, definitely, but I have no idea how far in advance and I have never tracked the data. So I would have to say no. Even though 'real' data very definitely comes through that area. In OBEs I am shown much more that actually does come to pass. Like my father's passing, for instance, I was taken to his house and shown a realtor who was there to sell it. Shortly after my dad passed out on his kitchen floor, was sent to the hospital and then hospice where he passed. I feel our connections with our Inner being are continuing to expand, and so much is possible by way of communication. ( case in point, that which comes to me through of all things a crystal! ). I might suggest you hone in on this while the energies are good. There is no telling what could manifest from it. What are your ideas?
Thank you for listening in, Lightbeam!

My Las Vegas in more the desert than the strip, which even living there for 40+ years I can count the times I've been on with a single hand, lol. The Nevada desert is truly extraordinary. Breathtaking, truly. Magical. Even now I still feel a very strong draw and connection to it. I cannot say why. But maybe one day that will come back to me. It is good that you had fun there with your sister, I can see why the two of you would have been delighted. It is true it rarely snows down in the city, but 30 miles outside it, in the high desert it snows annually. Lee Canyon is a place the locals go snow skiing. There is about every type of terrain you can imagine ( and [ magically ] more ) there. The meter I would hear as a child was not out in the desert, but it would often lead me out into the desert. Back then, in the 1960s-70s that was about all there was. That sound accompanied me everywhere. It never struck me as odd. Area 51 has been moved. The old one is just a shell. Very little to get close to there anymore.

I went on with Rob, /The Typical Skeptic Podcast to discuss the topics of crystal technology and dream walking. Some new memories resurfaced in order to tie these two concepts in together. I had a lot of fun. I started talking and almost could not stop, lol. This is happening more these days as I practice to open not just my voice but my vocal channel to higher information and energy flows. Out of body experience ties right in and is also discussed. Namely the conscious shift.

Other than my periodic giggling -I know I've got to work on that ( ack ) -let me know what you think!

A warm thank you in advance for listening in.


This body of work began in 2017, but it wasn't until roughly the year 2020 that I really began having the opportunity to work with it. At this time I began not only trying to understand it at a greater depth and to a greater degree but explaining the process involved to others. It has been a gradual but ongoing process of discovery. It is challenging to unpack something like this, that has at this time, to my knowledge, no originating precedence. In this compilation, which is far from complete is the real time unfolding of what I am learning AS I am learning it. Please note that the compilation flows BACKWARDS in time, with the newest clips added continually at the front.

Covered in Chapters 4-6

00:00 Chapter: Portals and Stargates
00:05 How I am going into the crystal with the camera
01:55 The best time to work with the crystal, the various portals
03:15 The Lionsgate, the Sirius activation of the crystal
04:38 First contact experience, Meeting Meshahare
09:07 Working with the portals, notably the sun portal
10:15 Charging yourself, developing your gaze, tratak leading into sun gazing
13:05 Stargates within the human system
14:52 Various ( additional ) ways to charge oneself
15:35 The largest portal of them all—human consensus
17:00 Readings—requests for renderings
20:20 Chapter: Deep level connection
21:15 A moment of gratitude to a major contributor
22:15 Review, types of transmissions, LIVE and prerecorded and their details
23:08 The Contact Series and its purpose
24:20 The crystal in terms of excavating data from one's past
32:44 How the dormant skill with the crystal got activated
39:38 Chapter: Reading the transmissions
39:52 Going into and out beyond the body of the crystal ( local and long distance calls )
40:26 Stored data, pre-recorded calls
41:44 The first story to come through the crystal; my birth
43:12 Brainwaves, shifting your brainwave patterns to read complex data
44:09 6D Transmissions and stepping them down into 5D, 4D and 3D
47:14 Isolating a being in a frame
48:30 Not impinging upon free will
51:18 Eye to eye contact with the beings
52:45 Data that has come to me through the crystal— Titans, Ancient Egypt, Starseeding, Anunnaki, etc..
55:12 Altering the brainwaves to match the frequency of the information
55:50 The second type of call that can come through, LIVE transmissions

It is my hope that this is helpful to someone out there,
and to our world.
Thank you for bringing us the news, Volgerie, this truly saddens me. Some of us have a hard(er) road to hoe than some others of us but we work as a Singularity and the loss of Robert's presence ground level will be felt by us all. He filled a unique and important niche. I appreciate his work and Service and send him love as he crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Your work is truly creative, Lumaza, I truly enjoy what you and others are devising with the crystals you are working with. As far as the cost of clear quartz, be careful where you shop ( NEVER on Etsy ). Again, simple clear quartz is not very expensive. I was just recently in at Ele's, probably THE nicest crystal shop in the Santa Monica area and her crystals of approximate size and shape to Isza were $350-500, which is a bit high but very fair for that area. I can't even imagine her overhead in that area. Anything more than this and you are likely getting rooked. Even the clearest of pieces that are 2-3 inches high will only go for about $50 tops in any reputable shop. Now, sometimes the quartz is not simple, it is rutilated, or sold as a 'lemurian', etc.. and this will cost more. But Isza is an example of simple clear cut quartz ( she is even a bit citrine, which also can cost more ). Every now and again you will get a shop owner who travels and hand picks all his merchandise and that shop owner will be looking for unique pieces and overvalue them, charging more for what more regularly goes for much less. But those Etsy examples you have given are just cleanly ripping people off. For goodness sakes, there are Vogel crystals that cost less, and Vogels are a technology, very few people on the planet who can cut a real Vogel. This is one example of how a quartz crystal can come to cost more than what I have stated. There are but a few rare exceptions. Crystal shops are in great abundance in Los Angeles, and most shops value their crystals very fairly. If it is ever an option to travel.
Quote from: Lumaza on April 29, 2024, 17:20:59Casey, for the last year and a half now, I have been a vendor at almost weekly "wellness shows" throughout Minnesota. I have many friends that sell all kinds of Crystals and I knows hefty price that accompanies the purchase of some of them. In one of your videos you spoke of how you came upon your awesome Crystal. You said it was in a rock shop in your locale. I showed your video to a few of my Rock and Gem friends and they said a Crystal of the size you have is quite pricey. Possibly into the thousands of dollars. Is that what it cost you? I have Crystals of all kinds. Many are unique and a bit pricey as well. But the ones I am talking about are about an inch to 2 inches long. Similar to the size of a small "Herkimer Daimond". You said yours was a form of "Calcite" Crystal. Is that correct?

 I have been working quite a bit with "Angel Aura Quartz". I place a double rutilated piece in the center of a new braided "Pyramid" design that I created, that was shown to me in 3 nights of Dreams. It has become a popular item in the shows I do. The design came to me about 3 weeks ago. I attempting to put a picture of that "energy device" on here right now. I don't have "Photobook" anymore. The cost of the account kept rising.

Hi, Lu.. Isza, the crystal I work with the for crystal contact is a mildly citrine, clear quart crystal. Quartz is generally inexpensive as it is in such abundance on our planet. I found Isza around 2010 and paid $200 for her. Now-a-days she might go for near twice that. She is not very large, just a tad larger than the the palm of my hand. Calcite, just to say, is perhaps THE most affordable crystal on the planet. You can get HUGE basketball sized chunks of it for $100. It must be really fun for you, traveling around weekly to the wellness shows and getting to be around not just crystals but crystal people! Thank you for showing them my work. I really appreciate that. Your angel aura pyramid is beautiful. So creative! Is the pyramid made of copper ( I just adore copper ).

Yes you have to have to host the image somewhere, like Photobucket, or a website. I can host the image for you if you would like to send it to me. I will send you the URL.

[ Continuing with this video series ]

I think it is time. Let's talk about portals.

This clip specifically delves into WHEN to work with the crystal, the best times of day and seasons of the year when the signals easily come through, the contacts are abundant, and you are more likely to be graced with a LIVE call.  Also, it had been brought to my attention that I had not yet been clear on exactly how I am going into the crystal with the camera- so I touch on this as well.
Yes, I still am ( going through a lot with the K ), it gets better and easier as we become more experienced with it but there is always something more. In my case, the root chakra has not yet fully cleared. Almost, soo close, literally on the cusp but still not 100%. And I am still completing with a myalgia at the shoulders/neck/back of the head. I am meant to vocal channel, to accompany the visuals I bring through ( to our world ) to help prepare the human central nervous system for contact, ET contact. It is not effortless as our Service(s) come online. Fun!, incredibly fun but not effortless. Each of us patterns our attention to experience things in the way that is most comfortable for us. This is very true. And then, sometimes, there is an experience that comes through that we just can't take our focus off, we bore into it, and bore into it. Pushing ourselves further than we have ever gone before. Our overall experience can be a waxing and waning between these. My first four ( 4 ) years of the K were spent in more awe than anything else. The clearing of the body was not entirely pleasant, and some of it quite painful, but even this has been down at perhaps 5% relative to my awe, mostly at phenomena that occur within the conscious shift. It is the years following these four that things began to get hard. Through these years I had to more fully process ( through the body ) all I had come to experience. Which was substantial to say the least. I had been taken out regularly, near nightly for such an extended time. In the same way, you will agree to what YOU will in the experience you are now beginning to move through. You will make of it what YOU will. Yes, this is true of us all. Enjoy the easy times, and the hard times at least equally as well. It can be the torque between the two that shows us our real joy. I look forward to following your journey.
I am pleased to hear this, ( I can only call you ) Frostytraveler.

The energy surges and sensations experienced during the day I always recall as being very pleasant as well. Although what I experienced fundamentally by day was a constant underlying vibration. My whole body vibrated as though every cell in my body was in a lovely state of excitation. It felt like "my engine was running", to give a somewhat similar vehicular analogy, rather than the engine being turned off. If I touched a part of my body with another part of my body, for instance my fingertips to the opposite hand it felt as though one vibration had touched another. I was quite literally experiencing myself AS vibration, at all times during the day and then at night another set of experiences would come on me. The day vibration, in this heightened state lasted a whole year, possibly two. My central nervous system, from all that was happening was in shock. I feel this lovely day vibration was to assist with this. Also I could be downed, literally downed at any moment by the vibration, which had a transfer value experienced as tones coming perceptually from the center of the head. It could feel as though the ground was being removed from below my feet. All kinds of fun stuff, lol. It was fun for me in the greatest aspect. Something entirely new was happening.

Symptoms will continue to appear, and get worse if you do not find the avenue of expression for the energy. I made video logs twice weekly for years and years to help with some of this. I had opened a forum board the year prior and was mentoring others who were beginning to go out of body, and others moving through K processes. The website went up and the stage was further set for when the crystal contact work began. Which is now, and since 2017 another avenue of expression for the energy. There is always more coming. There may also, just to say, be awkward ways in which the energy wishes to express. Always say yes and run with it the best you can. It will generally feel really good to do so.

WATER is something you may find that helps you, soaking in water, turning on a hose and walking back and forth across the stream, if you live near the beach spending time down by water, even just walking - etc.. You will discover, if there are difficulties ( such as headaches ) what the resolution to them are. Being a brahmacarin ( a monastic, a celibate ) I had difficulty with the heightened sensations at the pelvic floor. A tantrik could have easily, physically expressed this energy but for me it took genius and creativity, lol. Whatever difficulty comes from you, you will find a way to resolve it. Because you must. The body can be taken down, otherwise. So you will. You just will.

This is one of my logs from 2010 -a mere year into my Experience.

My apologies, but youtube is putting old videos like this down to 240p. I may at some point take clips from some of the more helpful videos and re-upload them as a compilation on my new youtube channel.

begin @ 1:30