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Welcome to News and Media! / news and media
March 06, 2013, 20:59:46
I have been observing others while they are watching the news on tv and I have noticed that a vast majority of them are always having the same two energy centers light up. Coincidentally on each news channel the highlighted colors correspond to the energy centers. It seems strange.
I was actually just trying to make a joke. When I got home I noticed it on the ingredients and thought, man that cant be good. I looked it up and I couldnt believe they put this in food and other products. Pretty cruel.
I bought a popular name brand soup a couple months ago and saw it contained titanium dioxide and I felt better after eating the soup, so I ordered 4lbs of titanium dioxide and have been taking 6tbls a day for the last six weeks. I think I am doing great with this. Anyone else tried this?
There is no such thing as democracy. Not amongst the human race.
Thanks Lionheart. I have also found a guided forgiveness forgiveness meditation on the Monroe institute webpage under the free audio downloads that is similar to this technique.
A bit dramatic perhaps. How is hurt and fear reversible? I try forgiveness and compassion type meditations but I am still this way. I will try some more. What more do you wish to know?
Perhaps this is like every other place on earth and I need to offer 'dollars".
Hello my fellows. I am deeply agitated and in great despair. I am looking for help, healing and guidance. To give you an understanding, I will provide a brief overview of my life situation. I have lived a very rough life and am surprised I continue here in the physical. I was spoiled as a child as I was gifted in certain ways. Things changed though when I began teenage years as I fell into the partying scene. I got arrested many times and even offended those that engaged with, and found myself in rehab by age 19. I did ok for several years before agin succumbing to the party scene or self medicating. I have been in and out of psych wards, rehabs, and heavily medicated. Several suicide attempts, self mutilation, assaulting others.By age 33, after a another stay at the psych ward, I became determined to discover what people were talking about when they said I needed spiritual help. This led to meditation, something I have never tried. I found something with this. For about the length of a year I felt wonderful and things changed in many ways for the better. But this turned. I had a spontaneuos obe, which at the time I disregarded because such things are not possible. Until I learned otherwise. Once again things changed. I sought to learn more about this and commenced training. Throughout this process I have found bliss and hell. I am not very good at obe. More so I have clairvoyant episodes and experiences. I feel as though I have opened pandoras box and even wish I never tried meditating. Even from waking states now sometimes through my brow, pssst and I am also existing and communicating elsewhere. I no longer know how to communicate with my fellows, for when I am remotely honest, they look at me as though I should be in a straightjacket. Lately I have been drinking to compensate and suppress such episodes. My dreams come true shortly afterwards,precognitive. More and more people are telling me I am paranoid or conspiratol. If I dont find some help I know my future is to be in lock down and heavily medicated. To be honest I would not mind lockdown. Put me in a room by myself and push some food through the door every once in while almost sounds like an ideal situation. But I know they will also insist on the chemical lobotomy, which I want no part of. I read a book the other day about intuition, and it said a person such as myself is in deep trouble w/out similiar peers. I post this cause I am suffering greatly and looking for peers, as a last effort before I enter the asylum. Responses, I am grateful for but I also feel the need to communicate via email and phone.Email is in profile
I was just curious as to how many others, if any  are disturbed by this. I have read Eldon Taylors books and when I see some of these commercials I immediately hit mute before I feel like vomiting. Last month I repeatedly kept seeing the one for Shingles. Very suggestive dialogue. I get very upset that this sort of twisted manipulation upon unsuspecting people is going on."IF YOU HAVE EVER HAD THE CHICKEN POX YOU ALREADY CARRY THE SHINGLES VIRUS" While such dialogue may not effect the majority, what about the poor unsuspecting fella sittin down in his recliner relaxing, and this statement reaches his subconcious. It is the same thing over and over, you have gout ask your doctor, you have restless legs see your doctor. Why? And many are none the wiser. Last year I was visiting my father and he says I think I have Gout? I tried to tell him that it seems to be going around but he goes to the doctor? Madness.
Thanks  I will check it out
I didnt like the way I left that last post. I dont mean I am lazy. But I can only spend a few moments on computer before my eyes start bothering me. I Can spend hours in books but on the computer I am only on for a few moments at a time. I tried a search again but couldnt find.
Hey I tried to find some more info I guess I couldnt find the right key words for searching. Any suggestions? However I did give it a try and was very close to projecting but I am thinking I may need to simplify. I much more sensations trying this rather than trying to roll or something. Anyone know where I can find what he mentioned "a slow phasing technique" or " paricular form of meditation". I am not gonna lie I didn't spend much time looking. I like the convenience of a computer but cant stand long durations in front of one. Thanks
Thanks Szaxx, Someone else told me similair. I will experiment with that and see if I can find some more info. on this.
Ok I will try to be more quiet. Thanks. Just out of curiousity though, what do mean projecting into my own mind?
 Hello I am pretty new at this and was looking for some feedback or a link to further info. I have not been able to project by the methods of just getting up, roll or rope techniques. What happens is I will get into the body asleep state and gradually I will start to see behind closed eyes and then next thing I know I get slammed into some scene or situation. I guess by a thought or something. Is there someway to better control this type of exit or even trigger it? I keep trying exits such as roll techniques but I have not gotten out in a way where as I am looking at my body now or floating in air and can say oh Im out I can go exploring now. It had happened the other day that I was seeing behind the closed eyes and as I began focusing on a painting I suddenly started flying through it Or I was seeing behind closed eyes and I had a thought of a conversation I had with a guy earlier on the subject of Astral sex and wham I am in a room with a naked chick which was nice but it wasn't the intention I had before sitting for obe practice. Anyway it keeps happening in this manner and was looking for some tips on whether there was something I could do to improve. I imagine I got a lot to learn about this. Thanks
Great thought that these organizations wish to help and I sincerley hope that they can but, I asked them a mathametical question and have gotten no response. If they could have answered(not neceserely to me) then where is the hope? The first thing that will dissapear, is mathematics. If all are= then what is the need? In order for the empire to be done away with, wont it require a mathemetician? Just a question? Seeings how there really is no such thing as money, is it not just #'s floating around?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Meditation
November 30, 2011, 16:21:15
It works quite well. By just being aware of the fart, it seems to gently make its own way rather than me violently forcing it out. I guess I am finally learning to just let go.
Yes, Thank you. So just be aware of the fart and not let it enter mind. I will try this farting awareness technique.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Meditation
June 30, 2011, 21:49:54
I was sitting in silent meditation this evening and got into a very relaxed and silent state and suddnenly had a feeling. I had to fart. What to do? I broke my mental silence briefly to contemplate this. I decided to go ahead and let it rip and then I would resume. Only I didn't seem to be able to resume because, I thought about what just happened and I burst into laughter. I kept trying to go back to silence but it wasn't happening because then I wondered, did I do the right thing? Of course I did I didn't participate in dualism by fighting it. I then had more laughter. Okay I will resume now. But then I wondered what the gurus or ancient sages would have advised and I started laughing more. How come no spiritual texts address this problem I thought about this and laughed more. I finally went ahead and just accepted this as a good and well needed laughing session. Before I posted this I ran a search on the forum for "fart" and had a few more laughs. I am tired now from all this laughter and I think I shall retire for the evening hoping I will not be awakened by farting.
Thanks Grey. Its weird, nobody I personally know really knows or talks about this type of stuff. I myself didn't either. My life seemed so hellish that I started to really look into the question of what is spiritual. From there I just happened to read something very simple about meditation and something of the sort describing the peace that comes from a silent mind. I investigated this and started to experience weird things I did not even know what a chakra was until I experienced them which kind of scared me as at first thought I must be getting ill and the old I'm dying.ha Anyway I'm very pleased with where I'm at now and am very grateful for the folks here. Thanks
Thanks xanth. I have visited your site a couple of times and very much enjoyed it.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / new here
June 25, 2011, 22:22:40
Hello I am new here. I have visited a couple of times and found valuable information. Thank you for being here I dont personally know anyone that I can talk to about this kind of stuff. I am afraid they would think that I am even more of a lunatic than they already think. Anyway I only began meditation less than a year ago and it seems like I experienced some things before I had even read about it, which kind of freaked me out. I have been working on the whole astral,obe, and lucid thing for the last couple months with some minor succeses compared to others. I am currently finding it easier to trance but when the sensations start, a lot of times I get anxious and blow it not to mention I think I am trying too forcibly on exit techniques. Thanks again for being here, look forward to communicating with you and hearing your experiences and wisdom.