Any tips on how I can become more aware of my energy body? When I've been training I'v only every felt it in my left thumb. How can I feel my entire energy body?
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Show posts MenuQuote from: CFTraveler on December 30, 2011, 10:37:56
Everyone is different, but I know I am when I can see through my eyelids, or when the hypnagogics start to stabilize.
Some people get vibrations and sounds, but I don't get vibrations anymore, and the sounds/voices come too early in the trance to be considered signposts.
I also know because my mind 'feels different'- I know this is not a good description but it's the only one I got.
Quote from: Lionheart on December 30, 2011, 00:29:41
Hello Chris, I have the entire program by Dr. Steve G. Jones. It is quite intensive, but serves to prepare you to experience the wonderful world of OBE's. I liked all his info and most of his techniques. I however didn't find the climbing out of the body thing useful at all. Many people do though. I chose to go the Frank Kepple/Tom Campbell way of traveling, which is known as Phasing. All of Dr. Steve's technique have been helpful, the energy work, kundalini, breathing, especially his Binaural Beats. I still use his Binaural Beats and lend my CD's to anyone of my friends that are interested in learning how to Astral Travel. I'm sure his Hypnosis walkthroughs work for a lot of people, but I have been using suggestive techniques all my life already. I never needed anyone to Hypnotise me into believing something I already was working to achieve.
Good Luck and Safe Travels
Quote from: CFTraveler on December 29, 2011, 23:59:23
I don't know if I've read his work, his name certainly is familiar sounding.
Anyway, I'll give you a short spiel, maybe you know some of it, and if you do, just keep going on to the next thing.
Some basics:
The purpose of most AP techs is to get you into a deep trance, preferably to theta, which seems to be the optimal state to project. To do this you get your body asleep but maintain awareness. There are many techs to do it.
Once you are at either theta or 'light' delta, (and still aware) you then try to provoke a projection. You do this by intending it, and observing cues that may tell you it's time. Then you attempt an exit technique.
It's the gist of it.
The 'timer' tech simply uses the natural sleep cycle to get you to this 'mind awake body asleep' state, by waking you up and then having you get back into trance, and this bypasses relaxation techs, etc., so you can then try for the exit. This can be helpful if you know what to do when you're ready.
Now, the 'get out little by little' is something I disagree with- unless he's using an exit for what's known as a 'loosening' technique- the idea that if you can get your arm out you can get yourself out. This is fine if you have an exit technique prepared for when you find the hand actually comes out.
So, you still have to figure out how to recognize when you're ready (the isochronics can help you with this) and then, when you know you're ready, you need to know what techniques to use and what to do next.