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Messages - Chris Ditfort

Any tips on how I can become more aware of my energy body? When I've been training I'v only every felt it in my left thumb. How can I feel my entire energy body?
I got much more closer last night, I felt it. It's kinda hard to explain. But training again to relax.
Anyone recommend a great guide that teaches you relaxation or self hypnosis that's good for astral projection.

Going to go try and project now I'm kinda tired .
Hi thank you so much, this is awesome to study.
I have known about Astral Projection for a few years but I've decided now to start training and learning the ability.
I never really tool much time into understanding it.

Thanks for this,
LOL xD. What is the method sounds pretty cool, I wan't to try it?
Quote from: CFTraveler on December 30, 2011, 10:37:56
Everyone is different, but I know I am when I can see through my eyelids, or when the hypnagogics start to stabilize.
Some people get vibrations and sounds, but I don't get vibrations anymore, and the sounds/voices come too early in the trance to be considered signposts.
I also know because my mind 'feels different'- I know this is not a good description but it's the only one I got.

Hi, thanks no this is great advice :)
I was training last night using Isochronic Tones and just relaxing and I felt a slight shift in consciousness for a second but then I snapped back to normal. I also thought that I could see out of my eyelids but when I tried focusing on it, it went again. I haven't heard sounds, I'd probably get creaped out and it would brake my concentration lol. I got strong vibration in the left thumb when I was trying to project my right hand 2 nights ago.
No friend I think your fine, that candle you found was probably your mums or someone eales. A candle or nothing can eat your soul.
As for the aging and older looks, it's just a long term side effect caused from smoking and drinking to much coffee.
Maybe try quitting.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: The holy death
December 30, 2011, 02:58:07
Sometimes a dream is just a dream, just forget about it, it's probably nothing.
Didn't mention that there are very few powerful spells that not only consist of your belief but thousands of other people believe in them and past them on and that's what makes them so powerful, but I doubt any would be on the internet.

You can find some in a really old book called master grimoire totally worth the read.
I had a copy but can't seem to find it. It worth about $600+ the book.

I don't think it can be found any were on the internet. But If I do find the copy I'll see If I can send you a powerful protection spell from it.

Take Care,
Spell come from the power of the mind (Belief)
Why not just make up your own spell.

I have come to the conclusion that spell don't actually exist. It's the users belief what does the magic.

It's like when you buy something off the internet you know you'll receive it so you do.

The same thing applies with spells, and magic or whatever anyone wants to call it.

If you some does a love spell and believe will all his/her might it'll work. Then It'll probably will work.
But this is not because you chanted some words. It actually because you believed it would work.
Or you set enough focus on it for it to manifest through your mind into reality.

Do you get me,
So you don't even need words to begin with, it all begins with a thought.
Focus on that thought and manifest it into reality. A so called spell is not needed to do this.

The reason spells work is because you believe they will.

with that said you can easily make up your own spell by writing it down on paper and what you want to achieve.
Then every night spend 15 - 20 minutes laying down thinking how awesome it would be to achieve the results.
And your thought will manifest faster than you think.

Try it :P

Hope this helps,
Welcome to Magic! / Re: have i been cursed/bound
December 30, 2011, 02:34:24
That could be the result of energy draining. It sounds like you are being sucked. Hmm cleanse yourself and visualize powerful white light surrounding you each day.
Also, you should never trust anyone. Did you receive any gifts from these powerful people, if so discard it now. Also don't talk or see them again.
There was this ritual I took from an old book than can help you identify your target if you are cursed or being attacked.
But I can't see to find a copy on my pc, but you can find it around on the internet.

It was called master grimiore - One of the most powerful book I'v ever read.

Just be safe and have fun.

Hope all goes well,
Does this act effect world wide?
Quote from: Lionheart on December 30, 2011, 00:29:41
Hello Chris, I have the entire program by Dr. Steve G. Jones. It is quite intensive, but serves to prepare you to experience the wonderful world of OBE's. I liked all his info and most of his techniques. I however didn't find the climbing out of the body thing useful at all. Many people do though. I chose to go the Frank Kepple/Tom Campbell way of traveling, which is known as Phasing. All of Dr. Steve's technique have been helpful, the energy work, kundalini, breathing, especially his Binaural Beats. I still use his Binaural Beats and lend my CD's to anyone of my friends that are interested in learning how to Astral Travel. I'm sure his Hypnosis walkthroughs work for a lot of people, but I have been using suggestive techniques all my life already. I never needed anyone to Hypnotise me into believing something I already was working to achieve.
Good Luck and Safe Travels  :-)

Yeah his info is awesome, I might actually try the other technique he mentions. and listen to his astral projection hypnosis.
Quote from: CFTraveler on December 29, 2011, 23:59:23
I don't know if I've read his work, his name certainly is familiar sounding.
Anyway, I'll give you a short spiel, maybe you know some of it, and if you do, just keep going on to the next thing.
Some basics:
The purpose of most AP techs is to get you into a deep trance, preferably to theta, which seems to be the optimal state to project.  To do this you get your body asleep but maintain awareness.  There are many techs to do it.
Once you are at either theta or 'light' delta, (and still aware) you then try to provoke a projection.  You do this by intending it, and observing cues that may tell you it's time.  Then you attempt an exit technique.
It's the gist of it.
The 'timer' tech simply uses the natural sleep cycle to get you to this 'mind awake body asleep' state, by waking you up and then having you get back into trance, and this bypasses relaxation techs, etc., so you can then try for the exit.  This can be helpful if you know what to do when you're ready.

Now, the 'get out little by little' is something I disagree with- unless he's using an exit for what's known as a 'loosening' technique- the idea that if you can get your arm out you can get yourself out.  This is fine if you have an exit technique prepared for when you find the hand actually comes out.

So, you still have to figure out how to recognize when you're ready (the isochronics can help you with this) and then, when you know you're ready, you need to know what techniques to use and what to do next.

Hi, Thanks Awesome advice so the low delta state is what I trying to get to before I even attempt to get a hand out. Have you been in this state If you have how do you know your in the state?
You know what I've come to a realization over the past few years.
Magic will only work If you believe in it.

You can cast a spell and If you believe it don't believe in it and have doubts then it won't works but If you believe in it with all your heart than it will work.

Think of it like this, You look through eBay and decide to buy something the moment you click the purchase button you know your getting that item.
You know it will be delivered to your door step. Magic is the same.

Another example if  cast a wealth spell and I believe and know I'll receive 500 bucks next week I will.
If I don't cast a wealth spell and I believe I'll receive 500 bucks next week I still will.

So what is magic, simply it doesn't exist. We'll not to put it that way, but it's the power of harnessing your thoughts.

Magic is just another word for harnessing the power of your thoughts, and desires to attract the concentrated thought or desire.

Have faith my friend, believe you are protected, believe nothing can harm you or your family and to be honest nothing will harm you or your family.
I know you have what it takes you are safe ok :)
Believe it.

This is false swords are man made, not god made.
The swords are legendary because of the user. If one is mastered in the art of the sword, the sword before a part of their body.
A true master swords man could use a stick to cut through a tree.
It seems like you don't really understand magic my friend.
Black magic is for the users selfish desires
White magic is for helping others

So yeah that would be black magic.

Why do you think we'll all die or be imprisoned soon?
Trying to get my left hand out.
Hi, my name is Chris and I'm new to this forum.
I've known about Astral Projection for a while but haven't really tried to achieve it.
I have very good tools at my hand like Isochronic tones from the unexplainable store and Steve.G.Jones - Astral Travel Now

Astral Travel now is a little helpful he only gives you 2 methods, In the first module he goes through a story about him in military school and how he achieved astral travel and then he tell you a little bit about it, what you shouldn't and should do astral travelling. Kinda like don't abuse your powers. Like don't go places you shouldn't or do be were your uninvited, otherwise you might see something your not supposed to or something bad might happen to you. I kind of get that It's sort of like real life don't go places you not suppose to.
Thats what he goes on about in the first module, It's actually good info and advice.

In the second module he talks about techniques, he's one. It's you set your alarm one hour early so your a bit tired when you get up then take a 20 minute nap in middle of the day, he said when he does this he get really vivid dreams but he said he's not trying to astral travel. Then he said set your alarm so it will wake you up after 20 minutes and at night go to bed your usual time and he find it really easy to astral travel. That was one of he's method he suggests trying. The other is take it slow. He said get an  hand out then the next day arm ect.. and by the end of the week you will have your whole body out. I didn't really find that helpful. How am I ment get a hand out lol I don't know how. It's like he thinks I know what to do.

That was the whole thingy It was a little helpful, I suppose. So I started training last night. I went with the step by step method take it slow. So I tried getting my hand out and no success i didn't get it out. My only hope was to use the iso tone and try relaxing very deeply then trying getting it out but still no real success. Yeah I can relax so  deeply but no success.

Can anyone push me in the right direction, someone that can astral project. What should I do to train to get my hand out.
Will be greatly appreciated.

Chris Ditfort
Awesome Advice, I'm too just learning how to Astral Project.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: What is this?
December 29, 2011, 22:56:41
Simply because it's not Astral Projection. What your experiencing is energy. Relax and try to Astral Projection.