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Messages - LightBeam

With this message I wanted to reiterate again the importance of UNCONDITIONAL Self Love. Without is you can not give 100% love to others, care for others, help others. And you cant receive others' love towards you either because they are reflections of your beliefs about who you are.

If you have any doubts about your worth, about your deservance, qualities, etc, dig deep to find out what is the source of these beliefs. Know that beliefs are not facts and they can be changed at any time in any way by changing your perspective and gaining knowledge of who you truly are. 

Celebrate your existence today with enhanced gratitude! And know that creation does not make mistakes when creating. You exist, therefore All That Is needs you to be complete. That alone should give you a hint about your worth. You are priceless!
After I took Joe Dispenza's course (over 20 hrs worth of intense motivational speaking and scientifically based information, practical exercises, etc.) I noticed a significant shift, like skipping several steps of the ladder. I literally could not stop watching. The information was resonating so strongly with me and it was like an addiction. I didn't want to pause it. A few months after I finished the course I took Dolores Cannon's QHHT course and I noticed a lot more skipped steps :). The best best things I ever spent my money on were these two courses. They really accelerated my development. Joe Dispenza opened my eyes to the concept of meditating with my eyes open, meaning I feel my power, I feel and know who and what I am at all time, not only during mind quieting/meditation but at all time no matter what am I doing.
Thanks, Tides :)

Let our journeys on narrow focus levels be what we need. And as one we just are.
Everyone receives their realizations in their own time. No need to convince anyone of anything. You can only state your view and let others decide what they want to do with the information of your opinion.

There is NO one truth. Everyone decides what the truth is for themselves, but then based on what they believe to be true will shape their personal reality and will shift them to the reality aligned with their state of mind.
So, basically everything that can be imagined and believed exists as we are all creators. But we take ourselves into the experiences we create.

As far as past lives go in my view, linearity is NOT a structure but rather an experience. So, there are no past or future lives technically speaking. I call them "other" lives, as everything exists simultaneously (even what we think as our linear past). Our larger self experiences infinite life stories simultaneously. But these lives/stories are NOT ONLY in our "timeline" (linearly speaking). We may have an experience in the Victorian era but in one of the infinite Earth parallel timelines where things maybe slightly different or very different. So no one knows in which parallel reality their Victorian life is taking place so there will be no evidence in our history books. But we dont need evidence to validate this idea for ourselves or others as long as we understand that anything that can be imagined exists somewhere in the multiverse in some form and context. 

Our larger self has infinite lives in infinite levels of reality as many types of beings and personalities, but we decide to keep the connection open to certain lives within each theme we focus on because there is certain relativity between them, and for certain lessons exchange of certain types of information is necessary.

This personality I am focused with this part of my larger consciousness is unique and it does not exist anywhere in the multiverse. It is never destroyed either regardless through what transformations it moves, even through physical death. It is infinite with no beginning and no end as the entire existence as one has no beginning and no end. But when the phase of physical body ends, then this personality has less filters and can experience itself not only as the personality that was known during physical body experience but as the larger self. Then it has a choice to zoom even higher and starts experiencing many levels simultaneously as an oversoul of many oversouls. Then keeps zooming to the highest point of view and it experiences itself as God.

As journeying through infinite stories, consciousness creates some form of linearity experiences in many levels of existence by shifting focus from frame to frame to frame to frame, every time experiencing these frames from a different point of view. But the frames (which are static) never change, this is the structure that never changes. What changes is the experience of the focus and shifting through these frames. This is how we create unique stories, by choosing which frames to shift to and experience a unique point of view.
From the highest point of view of All That Is the whole structure of existence is timeless and observes as one.

Dream and Projection Journals / Re: tides2dust
February 01, 2025, 20:42:19
Good job, guiding everyone to positive outlooks. I felt that with the start of 2025 Earth had made a significant shift, more prominent. And it's true that the energy is strong, but it is neutral. What everyone does with it is their choice, but if decide to use it positively, the positivity will be many times greater than what we are used to. If someone choses to use it within negative beliefs and fears, the negativity as well will be enhanced. I see the splitting signs clearly.
I have noticed for myself enormous shift with tons of unexpected, extraordinary experiences and encounters with people in the physical and other beings/ETs in APs and dreams. And I am noticing that extra positivity in those who have chosen to stay positive no matter what we observe in the world. Even at work, I almost cant recognize my co-workers even executives who are becoming more positive and have initiated changes now that will take the company to a much needed positive direction.
Welcome to Dreams! / Testing Supernatural Abilities
February 01, 2025, 11:21:27
Last night I decides to ask a fun question before bed. I asked to be shown if humans can gain supernatural abilities and if yes what would be the easiest one to achieve. Here is the dream that followed. It was very vivid, the events were flowing smoothly without confusing symbolism.

I was coming home, parked my car on the driveway and got out. It was dark outside/evening time. Then I saw a large flying object approaching to land. I thought it was an airplane, but when it got closer I observed a very shiny covered with thousands of white crystals space ship. I grabbed my phone and thought to myself "Wow, I have to snap a photo to show it to my friends on the Pulse" lol. So, although I had no awareness that I was dreaming, I still thought of the Pulse that it would be interesting for you guys to see it. The ship landed in front of my house and a humanoid looking man (but taller and bigger) with a shiny golden helmet approached me. He said my name. I confirmed it was me. He sad that he would like me to go with him and participate in some kind of testing on his planet. I agreed and then I found myself in a seat on the spaceship, but this time the spaceship had no top, it was a convertible type. There were several seats. He sat on the pilot seat up front. I sat across on the second row. Then there was another row behind me and there I saw another human female, thin with medium dark hair. I had a strange feeling that I knew her from somewhere but her face was not familiar. She waved at me and said that she was excited to participate as well to this testing. The ship took off. The flight was very pleasant, but it lasted maybe a minute after which we jumped through a portal and we found ourselves on that planet. It was so beautiful with lots of trees and waterfalls. Between the vegetation there were buildings that were more pyramidal in shape and made out of some shiny material. The ship went inside one of the buildings and we got off. The man lead us to a large room full of holographic images of different shapes but no particular forms that I recognized. There were several groups of beings, each lead by a designated teacher. All beings looked like a mixture of different civilizations from different planets. I didn't see other humans besides me and the other female. First we were given a flying lesson, how to fly with our bodies. It was very fun because hovering above the ground appeared very easy and enjoyable. Then we were instructed to shoot energy out of our hands and try to manipulate the holographic shapes and to reshape them to something we want. Everyone started waving their hands trying to alter the form of these holograms. I gave it a wave as well and I saw fire balls coming out of my hands. I tried to make one of the forms to appear like a horse and I succeeded. I thought how cool that was and I wished that I could retain these abilities when I got back to Earth. I asked out loud one of the teachers near me who appeared female but her body looked like a hybrid between a human and an octopus. I asked " Can I have these abilities when I return to Earth?". She said "Oh, no, humans don't have these abilities. It's never been done". I did not like this answer at all and I said with determination "But for everything there is always a first time!" She looked at me and after a long pause she replied "Well, you are right". Everyone in the room started clapping and cheering lol. Then I woke up and I laughed. That was such a cool dream!
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi!
February 01, 2025, 10:45:38
Hello and welcome to the Pulse! Feel free to share your experiences and participate in various discussions :)
Great experiences, Tides! I am also noticing trends among the like minded community for certain concepts being accentuated.

Your books falling episode is a perfect example that if we see everything that happens as opportunity instead of getting upset automatically and missing valuable lessons. By you reacting with curiosity what that may mean, you would not have connected to the plant, But with the loving approached you had raised your frequency significantly at that moment. If we live like this every moment of every day we will shift automatically to a reality that is in alignment to our frequency.

By the way, when I get stuck in traffic, I instantly remind myself how exciting it is to be in this game and observe all these magnificent creations including players and their challenges, the look of the game, the elements, surroundings, etc. I just switch to game observation mode and I truly feel the fabric of the game and me as a player in it, as well as the other players and their behavior and experiences. It becomes a fun adventure and it no longer feels like something negative imposed upon me by the societal design of life. When I observe others reckless driving, I send them calm energy without judgement. When we offer help energetically to others who appear in misalignment instead of judging their actions typically we stay in high vibration and if we keep reacting that way eventually we will not even encounter such observations. You may be in the busiest freeway in the world but in your reality the drive would be smooth and enjoyable, where others driving just next to you may be cussing and seeing chaos around them. The state of mind truly creates the reality each of us experiences. 
Here is an exercise you can all try if you wish to have some fun with the physical reality game :)

Imagine on a screen your life the way it is now, on a day to day. See yourself, how do you look, how do you behave, how do you think, how do you feel.
Now, turn on one more screen next to the current one and focus on that screen. On that screen imagine your absolute ideal life. Observe yourself, how do you look, how do you act, how do you feel, what are you wearing.
Play the two screens side by side and analyze the differences. What are the differences in yourself that you observe. Know that this life exists right now. That you is still you, but another version of you.
But know that you become a different version of you in different reality every second. So, it's not like that ideal version of you can never be the current you. The current you CAN become that version and step into that reality mechanically speaking, but it would depend on your beliefs of who you are. If you want to become that ideal you the only way you can is to start behaving, feeling, acting that way and then that vibration will manifest the applicable circumstances. FEEL like you live in that ideal reality REGARDLESS what the current circumstances look like, and eventually you will step in the shoes of that version, you will become that version, just like in the next second you are already a different version of yourself than one second ago.

After I did that exercise and I imagined myself holding my bestselling book on the red carpet because the book had become an A list movie, I immediately put on a nice necklace, bracelet and earrings. I put on my luxury pajama, a few drops of perfume and I absolutely feel like a star :) I will not remove my bracelet and every time I look at it, I will remember (if I forget) to shift into that me's state of mind no matter what am I doing in my daily life. Now my mood is EXTRA elevated, because I truly believe that nothing is impossible and I love playing this game. No insistence of an outcome, but just FEEL like the best version of yourself no matter what.

If you do that exercise let me know if you notice change in behavior of others towards you. I have done this before. I do it now and then but always fall back to my "usual" self and forget to stay in that mind set. But now I will try to stick with it by having my bracelet to remind me. So, before when I would do that, people I know, even many strangers would give me so many compliments on how I look, my hair, my clothes, my bag, my shoes, etc. And I can see the way people look at me also changes, like I am a celebrity. Very fun game. 
Gosh, I am glad I watched these two videos! She is so funny lol. And she is so right. Putting things from a different perspective, simple to understand. Good observation that people are programmed to compare themselves to others, which creates so much disempowerment of the own self. Embrace your uniqueness and the theme you came here to experience. Focus on yourself and start behaving like the best version of yourself you can imagine. But your unique self.

Hi Tak and Frosty, great and heartwarming experiences by both of you. I've also had projections with pets and loved ones who had passed away a long time ago, and they were real, not temporary energy shapes. You can tell when you create a temp shape to take a form that may look and behave like an entity, and when it's an actual being. In my view since everything exists simultaneously and we are multidimensional there is no then and now, we can experience everyone and everything at any given now from any "space/time/life" point that are also frames of now but experienced from a different focus/point of view.
Quote from: Lumaza on January 29, 2025, 17:20:30A "smile" achieves the same goal. Nothing clears the air more than a smile!  :-)

Oh, believe me, my smile rarely leaves my face, mind and heart :) Sometimes I catch myself smiling for no reason and I question if my body is producing abnormal amount of dopamine because I have elevated mood almost all of the time and I make a point to project it into others. But there are situations where if I smile at someone who is in distress they may think I am enjoying their pain, and this is where I have to take them into a neutral point first for them to be able to process the situation before I direct them to a positive state with a smile.
Quote from: Molly on January 29, 2025, 00:39:44now as I have been hearing this again and again I start to wonder why somehow my facial expression is cut off from my inner emotions

Here is what popped in my mind when I read this. Because you are demonstrating to yourself and others neutrality, as you face is showing it. Why neutrality is important. Because in order for us to see clearly all choices in every situation and the applicable consequences, we have to arrive to the point of neutrality first. From there it would be easier to go to a more positive state. You are giving hints and sign posts to yourself and others how to get out of the negative state by looking at things from a neutral perspective first. If others are not recognizing your hints that's their choice and none of your concern as creation allows a complete freedom of choice through unconditional love. So, the most loving thing you can do for others out of compassions is not to insist on what choices they make, but to allow them to make their own choices. But if others' choices bring you down as suppose to build you up, you don't have to stay on the same path. 
Nothing is wrong with you, you just have become a messenger of solutions. Pay attention to the messages that are being shown through your body language and follow its path. At least for yourself. When we start seeing the positive side of every challenge and respond in a positive way by understanding what is our lesson and keep growing, then the circumstances eventually change to align with our dominant state of mind.

I have also been told in certain situations I am hard to read. Recently at work one of my colleagues told me that I have a poker face haha. I go into that neutral mode at times, which shows on my face for the purpose to guide others to the point of neutrality and get them out of their negative state when I observe they are stuck and cant get out of. I am reflecting with my face and words to them how to find neutrality. Once they are there, they can see clearly without so much fear and anxiety and are able to move to a more positive state.

Do you think there is something wrong with you?

Don't base who you are on other people's responses or behavior. Take your power back and stand your ground. You don't have to report to anyone and you have the freedom to be who you are and feel/express however/whatever you want. Start showing this to people. How they react to the true you is none of your concern.

True compassion is to understand, but not to show pity or fuel further the negativity by agreeing with them that circumstances or others are to blame, as this would be disempowering. True help to others would be to encourage them to see what are they learning from each situation and to know that they are powerful if they believe in themselves.

If you think there are areas in which you can improve, then dive deep within yourself, listen to your larger self, ask for guidance, ask what are you learning about yourself by attracting such people. Check if you have any limiting beliefs that may be creating such circumstances. But it boils down to how do we perceive our own selves and how do we perceive the world around us, do we judge ourselves, do we judge others and the world, do we love ourselves, do we think we are worthy, do we have difficulty forgiving, what do we fear. All elements that need to be analyzed on a deeper level and limitations brought to the surface to be dealt with and released/replaced with beliefs that will serve us to become who do we wish to be.
Here is a funny story. The other day I was walking around the mall and there was a very tempting cake display. I started contemplating to get a piece, but instantly I said to myself in my head "What did we say about sugar?". It took me a few seconds to realize that I was referring to myself as WE. And it clicked I thought "Oh wow, the team is working together. The higher mind, the conscious mind and the ego. They are all present, connected and working as a team. No side is being invalidated, feeling threatened or needing to take absolute control.
So, when I saw the cake, basically my conscious mind said "Oh look cake, yum". The ego said "Go for it, feed the body to have energy to survive". The higher mind said "I see from a mountain top and there are other foods that will benefit the body more and will not only survive but it will get stronger and healthier". Then the conscious mind said "Ah, that makes sense". The ego said "oh, then if the body will get stronger, then I accept". So, the three reached a harmonious agreement. My urge to eat the cake went away.

This is just one small example how if we consciously make the effort to allow all three parts of ourselves to work together in harmony and trust the synchronicities, we will always notice the sign posts and follow the most beneficial path without resistance.   

I started listening to chapter 2 and he describes going to his house but being very much enhanced by beautiful flowers, trees, atc. That matches exactly what I experience often when I AP to my childhood home, but it appears more vibrant and beautiful. My family and relatives, neighbors are there and it is just a perfect world, a perfect version of what I have experienced, so I like going there often and experiencing a perfect day with my loved ones and the town full of life and excitement, happiness and bliss. I believe many people when they cross over tend to go to their homes where they have experienced very happy memories to serve as a transitional and adjustment point before venturing further. It's truly wonderful!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Feeling "flipped"
January 23, 2025, 19:52:38
hi Traveler, what you have experienced is quite normal during deep meditation as you start dethatching the physical sensations, but you are not quite so deep to have complete absence of feeling your body, so you are in between states and you start feeling body movements, being at a different position, spinning, rotating, having visions, feeling like you are in a different place, etc.
Hi acheo and welcome to the Pulse!
It appears that you are staying in a state of adjustment between physical and non-physical. Not quite projected, but not quite refocused from the physical senses. That may happen during deep meditation, phasing, any AP techniques, vibrational state, etc. When you are in the non-physical you are not observing the actual physical reality, that's why you are not seeing exactly the same things including your body. You are observing a duplicate energy version of reality but it is very fluid and your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc may influence it. If you are aware that you are projecting or dreaming then you are projecting and you can navigate the experience with your thoughts. If you are not aware then you are dreaming and your experiences are more symbolic, but both experiences take place in the non-physical.
You can read more about the vibrational state with its various sensations and visions in this link.!/exit-symptomssignposts/
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Love & Fear
January 21, 2025, 16:27:55
Thanks for starting this thread, Tides! Fear and negative emotions associated with it definitely need to be analyzed and faced. It's good to talk bout them and not try to ignore them or be afraid that we feel fear in the first place.

First, it's very normal to experience all these emotions and have limiting beliefs that trigger these emotions because we signed up for them :) It was our choice to enter the game and adhere by its rules, set tests, most of the time very challenging tests. Just for that choice alone, I admire all souls that had taken this quest, as they are  brave beyond imagination, regardless if they appear to be learning or create chaos. Everyone is playing a role, and at times souls agree to play the villains to create lessons for those who had asked them. So, no judgement at all on the roles, as in other lives they may be reversed.

Fear may have many reasons to be present as many beliefs there are, and as many points of consciousness experiencing these sorts of schools. I for example rarely get angry, but I do have fears for example for the well being of my loved ones because I love them too much. I am not angry if they experience challenges, but I hurt and I feel sadness. I do understand though that everyone has their paths and have chosen to experience certain challenges, so I no longer react the way I was reacting before to unfortunate circumstances. I direct my emotions towards analyzing what are the lessons behind and what beliefs I may have that manifest these circumstances.

So is anger the product of fear? I would say yes. But fear doesn't always produce anger (observed in my own life). When the ego is in absolute control and someone is not aware that there is more to the equation than this physical character, they most likely will be trapped within these cycles of judgement, self doubt, helplessness, powerlessness. Until this accumulates so much that they start asking questions, who am I, what is in control, what can I do, etc. And they start looking for answers. But until then, they want to be where they are so they can keep trying again and again and again to pass the test. And that is perfectly fine.

Once we become aware of the bigger picture, we still have to continue discovering and accumulating more experience/knowledge which eventually leads to shifting to higher frequencies where fear is not even logical.
When I experience higher AP shifts there is NEVER fear, not in the slightest. I dont even think of a possibility to meet something scary, or something/someone hurting me. There is absolutely no existence of the idea itself. My fear ends on the threshold of passing through the sleep paralysis and vibrations while adjusting to AP. These can be scary, but once I am refocused to a relatively high frequency this becomes nonexistent. I have been at a lower frequencies during APs during retrievals (we have a separate thread) where I observe others being afraid and I help them, so there are non-physical frequencies where fear exists, but I don't think it exists at a higher frequencies. The amount of knowledge and absence of filters there simply make this idea illogical.
What an incredible story! Thanks for posting it, Tides! He said something very powerful - "I choose life of no excuses"

And to this story applies one of my favorite truths "When I believe it I will see it".
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Personal Reality
January 18, 2025, 19:09:17
I just heard Julia Cannon sharing a story her mother Dolores Cannon told her. Dolores traveled to India with a friend. Dolores observed and experienced beauty and wonders. Her friend saw poverty, destruction and crime. Although they went together everywhere, sat on the same bus, ate at the same restaurants, met the same people, went to the same places, etc they saw different worlds. They experienced what appears as a "shared" reality through their own filters based on their beliefs and state of mind, thus making each of their reflective perceptions two different personal realities. I experience this many times when I am with other people and observe their state of mind and emotions while we are experiencing the "same" thing. The closest to my excitement and state of mind when comes to shared experiences is my sister, her husband and my nieces. We are always in awe when we travel and explore, and laugh all the time. We always meet people who are always there at the right time and the right place to help if we need, or to reflect love and fellowship to us.
And that confirms my theory, if we see OURSEVES as beautiful, powerful, loving, loved, worthy, fearless, magnificent, THIS is what we will see as reflections in a form of a physical/personal reality. And sometimes, we may observe other people's realities or something of a collective nature, but we don't have to make it ours if it doesn't align to who we think we are. It will not affect us directly. It will just be an observation for a purpose maybe to send our good vibes, or offer help or information, but again we dont have to be sucked into it, unless we chose to. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 19:05:36
Quote from: tides2dust on January 17, 2025, 18:54:07I just want to confirm this as a part of my personal reality. I feel I am learning more about energies and personalities that would otherwise not be considered. Invisible forms becoming visible as if I'm entering an entirely new world/reality.

There are also beings that have guided me up to this point who have been nothing but loving and patient as it has been 17 conscious years of participation. I am sure their guidance has been with me for even longer. There is some connection to other worlds and other dimensions.

It's a very exciting time to be alive!  :-)   

Quote from: tides2dust on January 17, 2025, 18:54:07I just want to confirm this as a part of my personal reality. I feel I am learning more about energies and personalities that would otherwise not be considered. Invisible forms becoming visible as if I'm entering an entirely new world/reality.

There are also beings that have guided me up to this point who have been nothing but loving and patient as it has been 17 conscious years of participation. I am sure their guidance has been with me for even longer. There is some connection to other worlds and other dimensions.

It's a very exciting time to be alive!  :-)   

This is absolutely wonderful, Tides! What an exciting time of major transition and transformation! We just have to keep the excitement going, because fear gets less of a chance to sneak in. The state of excitement raises our vibration to where no fear can function or appear even logical to us.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 15:10:39
I just thought of something else in regards to reality static frames like a film of a motion picture. The denser the reality is, the more alike each frame will be from the one before with very slight differences, so change appears slow. For example in order for me to get to the nearest shopping center I need to walk or drive my car, and that will take "time". I will be experiencing frame after frame slowly changing appearance until I "arrive" to my destination. But in higher frequencies consciousness can jump to frames that look very different from the one before. In a higher frequency if I want to go to the shopping center I can just think of it and I will be shifted instantly to a very different frame of reality. I can also think of being on another planet and will shift there instantly as well. So existence consists of infinite frames, and except from the point of view of Oneness where there is no space and time, everywhere else on all levels there is some form of time/space experience but each frequency/level has its own "speed" laws of moving from frame to frame and the degree of differentiation of the frames, as well as the order of experience, so linearity is not even experienced, but it's more like multiple "stories and lives" being experienced in which ever order someone desires.

And I hear this question so often. So, what's the point of me experiencing anything since everything ALREADY exists and I am all knowing already on the highest level. In my view all frames(infinite) exist simultaneously, which is the structure that never changes. But consciousness shifts from frame to frame to frame in infinite orders and infinite ways, so every experience is truly a unique experience. And since the frames are infinite, so are the points of view how consciousness can experience itself infinite. That's why existence is in a state of becoming because of the infinite points of view it can experience itself. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 11:47:01
Tak, I am so thrilled about your healing experience! This is incredible, and you were able to observe the actual energy cluster around your chest area and tear it off. Then its physical manifestation of course changed accordingly. What we create in the invisible (to our conscious mind and physical senses) template from raw energy with our beliefs, thoughts and emotions, in one shape or form crystalizes into our physical reflections (what we call manifestation). And yes, we have to be careful of what we speak, what we think, what do we believe is true about ourselves and the world, etc, but I want to make a point to everyone reading this that we should NOT be afraid if we catch ourselves having negative thoughts and reactions and try to push them under the rug. NO, just the opposite, we have to bring them up to the surface, look at them closely and ask ourselves "what do I believe is true about MYSELF that is triggering this believe, though, emotion". If we are willing to see the answer from a neutral perspective and without judgement, eventually it will come in some form. Then we will realize that we may have bought to beliefs from parents, others, from society, maybe some connection to other lives, etc, but we don't have to accept them as our own. We can form our own beliefs based on who we want to be. But first we need to let go of negative perceptions about ourselves, because we are worthy, we are all that is and without our personality expressions, all that is will not be complete. Creation does not make mistakes, therefore, we exist and we are worthy, and we ARE all that is.

And about the Earth shift, besides Bashar, Dolores Cannon and many others had also put this concept out there. We shift all the time to different versions of ourselves and each of us perceives our own personal reality + the collective agreement of perceived shared reality, but this shift is more of a major one on a collective planetary level that also involves inclusion of Earth to intergalactic communities.

EV, it appears you had made a great progress with energy block releases. Challenging childhood definitely creates traumatic experiences and energy blockage accumulations. And you are right that we may subconsciously call these things back at times. The way I have changed my perspective about my challenges is that I view each day as I am a different version of myself with complete change in a new frame of reality and the past is actually not linked at all to this version of myself.....unless... I chose to define the past as linked and so I will create the experience as such, although mechanically each frame if reality is static and independent from all others. But what we do when experiencing a story is jumping from static/independent frame to static/independent frame to static/independent frame to make it look like they are linked, much like the film of a motion picture. And we chose each next frame to be just slightly different in appearance than the one before to create a continuity, but mechanically speaking all these frames are different, so we dont have to link them consciously, and if we realize that, then we get completely free from the past and we perceive the NOW version of ourselves as independent, unique and free to chose whatever next frame desired without baggage to drag us down from the "past", because there is no past. All frames are just different frames of now. And if in this frame of now you feel healthy and fear free, then nothing else had ever existed for this version of you now as far as trauma, illness, etc. What you perceive as yourself from the past is NOT the now you, it's a different personality. But we tend to package all these frames together as ONE personality. I think if we free ourselves from this packaging, we realize the power of the now. I dont know if that makes sense to you guys but this is how I see existence.
Welcome to Dreams! / Shifting
January 16, 2025, 19:59:59
Since the beginning of 2025 I've had very strange dreams. Different than a typical dream. Different even from the very vivid dreams. I think they were triggered by my understanding/knowing that this is a major shift not only for me but Earth collectively. I knew the soon the clock turned and 2025 started that we moved with a greater leap/shift.

The first dream that started this chain of unusual dreams was a large waiting room with thousands of people that I could see within my vicinity. The room was like a train station's waiting room. Suddenly everything turned black and while and then started disintegrating, like the reality was disappearing. I saw the people formed 2 waiting lines, as if there were two trains. One of the lines was very long, I could not see the end of it. The other one was very short. I attempted to go and line up behind the long line, but someone grabbed me and said " You need to stand in this line" (the short one)
When I woke up I thought of Earth shifting and some people will shift to one dimension, others will shift to another and the shift had started.

The other dreams were so heavily charged that I can not describe how they felt, except almost like being in even a heavier density reality than ours, if anyone can imagine how would that feel. I did ask though to have all unconscious/conscious fears/uneasiness that come from my current character be resolved in the dream state. And while many have already been resolved during dream state because I have been asking with specifics in the past few years, to some degree some fears were not 100% resolved, so I wanted to completely clear out my energy of all human character burdens.
So, this triggered the dreams and per my ask here are a few lol

I was at a doctor's office and someone was performing a full physical exam. In this reality I have needle phobia, and while most of it has been resolved, there is a residual fear still lingering. The doctor pulled two HUGE needles and said that I had to be vaccinated. Surprisingly I rolled out my sleeves and said without any hesitation "yeah, sure, go for it" lol. He stuck one of them into my arm and pumped the substance.  I did not even blink haha. Then he pulled the second needle. I did not care and let him do the second shot.

In another dream I was given a young child to be her parent. In life I didn't want to have children because I am too empathetic and I would suffer to a point of not being able to function if a child of mine is ill or experiences difficulties. I was not going to be able to deal with it. But in the dream, I was perfectly fine, and confident.

In another dream I was pushed to an elevator by myself. in life I dont like small spaces, but in the dream the elevator kept going up and up for a long time and I did not freak out at all.

Previously I've had these kind of dreams and I have always reacted in the dreams with fear just like I would react in life. This is the first where three nights on a row, these heavily charged dreams played out my fears, and for the first time in all three of them I did not exhibit even the slightest negative emotion. Yay.

This thing with the ask before bed to resolve issues during dream state really works. Try it guys. It may take a while though, but with perseverance eventually it accumulates to a point of resolution.