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Messages - LightBeam

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Finding Balance
July 22, 2024, 14:22:46
Hi Traveler,

I'll start first by saying that we create our reality, including the day to day things, stress, success, etc, based on conscious, unconscious beliefs, personal points of view about the world, about ourselves, etc.
Remember that if you believe you will lose your progress by attending to your physical life, then you will create the perception of it. If you believe that physical life needs to be lived as well and you will find balance, then you will create that experience. I have periods of time where I had to put aside completely everything spiritual, but when I got back to it, it was all there, nothing was lost. I just started where I left off. But again, you will experience what you believe. We change our beliefs by recognizing that they do not serve us and that they are not logical. Find logic in something that serves you and let it become knowing, not just believing, because there are no limitations in existence, only the ones we impose upon ourselves.

About stress in physical life, we all experience it, but we can alleviate some of it by asking what is this stress teaching me, why have I created it? Can I trust my higher mind to show me signs and paths that will take me through the challenges smoothly. But trust is the key, you need to let go and relax. The more you tense and worry, the more stress will come your way. Staying connected with your higher mind does not require meditation or special time set aside. You can speak to it and feel the connection while driving, watching TV, doing chores, etc. At night, just before you fall asleep, just say "I stay connected to my larger spirit, remember my dreams, work out any issues I have in the physical in the dream state, and remain aware in my dreams". This will take just a few seconds. You dont have to disconnect completely from the spiritual. Merging automatically your entire perception and remembrance that you are a physical being within your spirit and not the other way around, will keep you aware all the time of who you are and you will be able to navigate as a spirit in this physical dream. That exact knowing changes the physical reality game big time, at least for me.
I dont do any meditations, only 10 min visualization before falling asleep to have APs, but I am constantly in a state of mind knowing who I am, feeling the multiverse all around me and within me, receiving constant "downloads" of knowing, and none of that requires efforts, because this has turned into passion and it triggers automatic state of mind.
Evaluate if this is a passion for you, shed the beliefs that you need to have special time put aside for progress. It will happen automatically, and you find that your life will present you with such opportunities if you would like to have time for specific practices. But release the tension, dont place deadlines, release the control what needs to happen and how, so you dont create energy barriers. Let the higher mind arrange the how and when.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Money Formula
July 19, 2024, 18:12:15
This is the funniest things ever, but please take it seriously and do the full guided exercise. The mechanism behind manifesting is right on point. Let me know how did you feel during and after the exercise and lets share later what opportunities for you are starting to appear.

For those of you who are not familiar with Bashar. He is an extraterrestrial who is being channeled for over 40 years through Darryl Anka, and the information about existence from its highest scale to the smallest fragmented point is incredible. No one else is being able to portray reality to its fullest picture the way Bashar does. Not even Seth, who I think is on the top three.
You can find many lectures on youtube from Bashar to listen for free, but at times they get taken down. So, hurry and do the exercise for the Money Formula.
We have discussed here before how we can influence the elements. I wanted to share some experiences during my vacation. My sister had discovered many years ago that she can change the weather patterns when the weather is not per her liking especially when comes to rain. I have witnessed that many times. When she got married she really spooked her husband when she would "wish" the rain to stop when there are no signs of stopping, or changing the immediate forecast as she says. When I was on my way to visit them, before my flight from Poland a big storm formed and we could not take off. I texted her that I am stuck in Poland and I needed her assistance to move the clouds. She said "you will take off in 15 min". I was playing with my phone and in about 12 min they started the engines. I looked through the window and I saw a huge hole of blue sly right above the airport. the rain stopped just above us. All around there was still the heavy cloud cover and a rainbow formed. I attached the picture. Exactly on the 15th minute we took off. I texted her the picture and said "see what you did lol". 

My brother in law discovered a few years ago that he can make big waves in the sea. This year we went again to the black sea coast and he started playing with the waves. My sister and I like the splashing. The water is so warm and clear, but we love the extreme. We asked him to make waves because we were bored. He actually still thought the previous experiences were coincidences and did not believe. We challenged him. He got in and started making gestures with his hands to raise the waves. Within 2 minutes the waves started getting bigger and bigger. People started screaming. And no joke within 15 min the life guard changed the flag from green to red haha. We were laughing our heads off. My brother in law got spooked of this "coincidence" because the life guard said that this was strange, he was the only one that had to change the flag. His colleagues told him everything is calm where they are lol. He got out of the water and the waves calmed. My sister called him back in but he said "let me try from the shore". He was gesturing but nothing changed. Then he got in the water again and the waives started getting bigger. It looks like his body in contact with the water produced the necessary energy to influence the waves. We tried so many times to convince him that these are not coincidences and that he had to accept his abilities. The next day he went to the nearest tattoo shop and tattooed the Neptune's trident on his arm lol.

I witnessed my 6 years old niece twice making it hail by spinning her index finger while watching a storm. She said I want hail, spun her finger and 2 minutes later it started. On two separate occasions when this was not expected by the forecast. My sister said she had done it before as well. She also can get wishes come true fast. I taught her last year to close her eyes, imagine what she wants, imagine how she is receiving it and to feel the emotions. This year the kids were collecting some figurines inside chocolate eggs. My nieces had collected over the past months almost all of them, but one which was the rarest. Almost no one had gotten it. I told them this was a marketing scheme to get the kids buy more eggs to search for it. My niece was so upset she could not find it. I reminded her again about the imagining she is receiving it. She did the exercise, and guess what. The next day she got it :). I taught my other niece, the 5 years old as well how to wish and imagine receiving it. I encourage them to believe and that nothing is impossible, that their hands have powers to heal and help people, so this can become a core belief. My brother in law sometimes says " what kind of witch family have I come to. Now you made me one of you" lol. I say " Be thankful we don't live in the middle ages haha"

It helped me discover myself from many points of view. To understand existence and to understand the choices all points of consciousness make. To feel myself expanded far beyond what my conscious mind sees. To see my life challenges as opportunities to grow. To be in constant state of content and at the same time to be surprised by many new adventures.
Quote from: Adrian on June 08, 2024, 02:45:32The Subconscious, Subjective Mind expresses experiential reality through thoughts, beliefs etc impressed upon it by the conscious, objective mind. The chakras, to the extent they exist as a concept, have no inherent control over objective experience, except to the extent a person believes it does. The chakras, energy body etc., are entirely under the influence of the Subjective Mind, and have no inherent power of their own.

I was thinking along the same lines. What causes the chakra imbalance in the first place are the beliefs, thoughts, emotions. They are the root cause of our reality in general. The root cause needs to be address, otherwise no matter how much one imagines chakra flows, it will not work. The balancing comes from analyzing what beliefs and actions cause experiences we do not prefer, understand why is it that we have these beliefs, work on changing our perspective and from there the chakras will automatically balance as well and the reality around us will change to reflect the new perspective.
So many great suggestions! Traveler, I imagine you feel like you have discovered Wonderland and you want to explore it all in one day, to know everything about it as soon as possible. But Wonderland is so big beyond imagination. It wants to be explored. It contains the same materials from which you are made of. But it also wants to give you the opportunity to feel the thrill and amazement through infinite number of moments, infinite number of thrills, infinite number of different discoveries. Not all at once, because it will deprive you from the pleasure of being on a journey, form your own adventurous stories, instead of giving you the coordinates of the destination. The good thing is that you know there is a Wonderland. Now, relax, step into the exciting unknown, and take your time to explore and soak up every moment along the way. Dont worry about where are you going next or what you may encounter. Live in the now.
One very important thing is to balance between your physical life and the non-physical explorations, as the physical life is also an important path of your spirit journey that you had chosen. Take advantage and apply your knowledge to your physical life, always follow your highest passion at every moment of every day and you will see an incredible transformation in all aspects of your experiences no matter where is your focus.
Quote from: Lumaza on May 31, 2024, 13:17:49In the scary stream of the unknown
A deep experience of life awaits. 

Everything resonates very strongly with me, Lu! For several years I used to wake up in a new town all alone twice a week. That was my job and I absolutely loved it. The sense of adventure was incredible. I always made plans to explore after work. I've gone on river boat rides, food tours, sight seeing, nature wonders, local culture and museums explorations, meeting the locals and getting their perspective on life. I was never scared of the unknown, so if we replace the word "scary" from the above quote with "exciting", our experiences take a much different turn to match the definition we are putting out to create.
Welcome to the Pulse, Traveler! Lumaza gave you some great suggestions. Please explore the past content of this forum. Remember that perseverance will bring you results. Give each technique you pick enough time to see if it works for you and practice it daily consistently.
If nothing that others suggest work, perhaps you can read William Buhlman's books and try his techniques. The only technique that works for me is his visualization/motion technique. Give it a try, but practice it EVERY night AS you fall asleep for 10-15 min for at least 4 weeks.
Last night I had a realization during a dream that I was dreaming. Immediately I tested my hypothesis by trying to fly and I did. Then I took over the experience. I was enjoying the flight above beautiful fields. At one point I spotted a small circular object on the ground and it looks like inside the circle a pool of water was swirling. I knew that was a portal to another dimension. I wave of subtle fear came over me that this object was too small and I had claustrophobia to try to go through it. And I didn't know what was on the other side. But a thought popped in my head to face my fear and not be afraid of the unknown but rather be excited because of all the wonders I may discover there. I dove straight down like a bird and the moment I touched the object I found myself on the other side into another dimension. At first I found myself in a small circular room with water but the water was running vertically around the walls and the waves were splashing on the upper side of the walls. The water was sapphire blue and the foam of the waves was silver. Very vibrant and glowing colors. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. This room was small and I started feeling the claustrophobia again, but I said to my self not to be afraid. Soon a part of the wall dissolved and two beings entered. One of the said "Welcome to our world. We will teach you how to....." well, this is the moment I need to clarify that I have awareness that during the AP I understood everything from that world, but now after I have refocused in the physical I dont remember certain elements that in my view were so different that what humans are used to that even our imagination can not translate other parts of the multiverse and their elements. Our physical brains are way too limited to be able to translate. So, after waking up I tried soooo hard to recall what the beings looked like or what were they teaching me, what did the rest of that world look like, because I do have the awareness they showed me around and thought me something an I spent quite a long time there. And it's so frustrating now for this to be on the tip of my mind but I cant see it in my mind eyes. Hopefully at some point it will come to me, but I think it's the incredible difference between our worlds. I remember that one of the beings looked like a lady bug with human face and walking up right, but I distinctly remember the antennas on her head. The other being completely escapes me what did it look like, but at the time of the experience I did see it all and my emotions tell me it was an astonishing and magnificent world.

So, in conclusion, the multiverse is so incredible that our human imagination cant even imagine it. The diversity of types of existence, types of personas and beings is so vast, actually infinite. And that just blows my mind. It's a little frustrating because I want to know it all. And in some level I do, just like all of us. But if we stay in a timeless state of all knowing (from the highest perspective of All That Is) everything becomes static. There is no amazement of new discoveries. That is the reason All That Is expresses itself and cloaks infinite personalities in filters so it can keep rediscovering itself from infinite points of views and experience the emotions of amazement and exhilaration of "new" discoveries and explorations. 
The hominid were altered genetically to create homo sapiens, so all of us are hybrids. If you were born to humans then you are a human. All of us are also ETs and all other types of characters from all over the multiverse existing simultaneously. We are all star seeds in a way, we are everything, all that is, as we speak. But during focus into one character at a time linearly speaking we may chose to remember certain other characters of ours and their existence for various reasons. If I am not mistaken most here on the Pulse have expressed the same feelings (as the interviewee)  when we were children of thinking that were are not from here. We have chosen to leave a channel door open from a certain life/lives for information exchange and different reasons. ET is considered someone not born on Earth and truly knowing physically where they were born, traveling to Earth maybe even integrating among humans to live undercover for certain missions. The information the interviewee provided was scattered, hard to follow and she did not possess the vocabulary to explain things clearly. She did not answer many questions directly. Some of the information has already been available to the public for centuries. Some things are questionable and maybe strictly related to the girl and a part of her personal reality if she believes in control, manipulations, negative abductions, etc. Everything that she claims happened to her was from a non-physical stand point and we all know very well how our beliefs, fears and expectations can create instant NP related experiences.
On the other hand I think Linda and the Ancient Aliens production team need to expand their visions and accept that some things are strictly spiritual and not always related to aliens. Like they always say people speak and depict angels, dragons, light beings, but they always try to take this to the path of all this being ETs but interpreted in certain ways by humans. Why wouldn't there be angels (true non-physical beings that are not attached to any physical planets/characters), why wouldn't the human spirit have the ability to travel by its own will to anywhere in the multiverse without any ET involvement. This is what they need to tweak in their understanding to make their concepts more complete and not strictly push everything through the channel of ETs. And to truly understand why there is polarity, darkness and negativity. ETs are a product of the spirit consciousness, not the other way around. Pure consciousness is the creator of all dimensions and their inhabitants.   
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Precognitive Dream
May 16, 2024, 22:52:01
You are right, Tak, our energy practice enhances our inner perception. And funny thing I was thinking the same as you, what are we seeing if time is an illusion. Just yesterday I was thinking that we are seeing another now. And we are able to see many "fames" of a film all at once as suppose to one at a time like a projector does. We are in a sense the operators of the projector who can see the entire film and all its frames with one glance.
The trains derailing is a significant one. I ve'had precog dreams of mass disasters but they were more symbolic.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Precognitive Dream
May 15, 2024, 14:54:44
That's wonderful, Volgerle!
Today I had a precog feeling, which was interesting. Our executives rarely contact us 1:1, but for some reason today when I was in the shower, I said to myself "I have to hurry up, because XXX is waiting for me to appear online to call me." There was no scheduled meeting nor any reason as to why he would reach out to me, I just had that spontaneous thought. I didn't analyze it, I just accepted it as true, although there were no facts supporting it. As I logged in he immediately called me lol. It had to do with my departing colleague possibly me taking some of his work and moving into a new role, which would be fantastic :). So the precog dream did have relevance to me after all. This is so fascinating!
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Precognitive Dream
May 14, 2024, 23:13:23
The dream was super clear and it was the last before I woke up. The clarity of it made me question if this was actually going to happen in the physical immediately upon awakening.
I'm happy that you've had precognitive dreams as well. Tell us of the most interesting one. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Precognitive Dream
May 14, 2024, 21:54:26
Quote from: omcasey on May 14, 2024, 19:05:40I might suggestion you hone in on this while the energies are good. There is no telling what could manifest from it. What are your ideas?

Thank you, Casey! I do feel the energies are strong at the moment. I have peaks and valleys. Now the peak is at its highest. I am sensing greater than normal transformation period personally and collectively. I cant pint point what it is just yet, but something big on the horizon. It's exciting :)
Welcome to Dreams! / Precognitive Dream
May 13, 2024, 18:35:57
I've actually never had true precognitive dreams where what I dream exactly comes to pass without any symbolism. I've had plenty symbolic dreams where I get an idea of what is the most probable future but never exact occurrence until 2 nights ago. This was not an AP, there was no lucidity, or awareness, just a dream. I was in a meeting where one of my colleagues announced that he was leaving the company. This morning, this exact scenario played out in the physical. With his exact words, and other people and myself wishing him luck on his new opportunity. I don't know how this relates to me, perhaps it will be revealed later at work in the physical. I have many colleagues on my team and people rarely leave the company. The moment he started making the announcement, I was like "Wow, this was my first exact precognitive dream".
When I woke up from that dream 2 days ago I wondered if this could be happening in the physical, but quickly forgot about it.

Then last night I had a vivid dream that some invisible force was giving me paint to paint things in purple and gold. I saw images of people who's skins were all painted and glowing in purple and gold. I dont know what this is all about, but as you can see it is symbolic.

I wonder if any of you have ever had precognitive dreams where the scenarios played in the dreams exactly matched what you observed later in the physical?

During APs though, I have observed things that later I confirmed in the physical were as I observed them during the AP. For example about 10 years ago, my mom changed the covers on the couch. I saw them in red during an AP when I visited home and I thought "well, another mismatching thing between NP and physical". But 2 days later when we Skyped I saw the red couch. My mom said she changed them the week before. I was blown away.
When you said that you heard signals in the desert around Vegas, my first thought was signals coming from area 51  :-D . Vegas is one of the places where I sense high energy. Maybe I am picking up on the collective conscious feelings of all the visitors there. People go there to have fun and I can totally feel it big time. My sister and I had a blast one winter around Christmas. We stayed at the Luxor, being a pyramidal structure, unusual things happened while we were there. We felt supercharged. I wrote about it here in the Pulse back then. We won a lot of money from the machines. We wished for snow and shortly after it started snowing although it was not on the forecast and we overheard locals wondering where did that come from because it rarely snows. My sister and I looked at each other and totally grinned totally felt like we were masters of the elements.
I am planning next time I go to Vegas to hop on one of the area 51 tours just to get closer :)

You carpet experience disintegrating into quantum elements reminded me of Ant Man going into the quantum realm. Pretty cool. Imagine if a physicist observed consciously what you've experienced lol.
This session of Bashar is very interesting, but if you dont want to listen to the whole thing, at least hear the few minutes from 22:05 mark.  :-D

Hi Dontco, here is my personal view.
Lets start with the top -All That Is (God/the Source/the Force, etc). All That Is has infinite expressions that exist simultaneously. One of these expressions are human characters. All characters exist to keep rediscovering their greater selves from different points of view and ultimately who they truly are - God. The experiences themselves many times are set up in a linear fashion so the characters can experience a story, one film snap shot at a time. To experience learning, discovering, adventures, love, growth, excitement, bliss. But all these positive things would not be possible to be experienced in full force if polarity was not a part of the game programming. The overcome challenges make the reward so much sweeter. To make yourself forget what love is and then rediscover it, is absolutely exhilarating. Imagine infinite discoveries through eternal journeys and infinite emotions that cant even be described with human words. They have to be felt. I have felt what I have described above through my many astral adventures and through knowing that comes from within. And I share them here hoping others can get inspired to keep discovering wonders of their own and to feel that they are never alone in their journeys. That we are together as one.
Eventually we will come to that point. Progress is inevitable, regardless how slow it may seem. Many people are coming to this realization and soon they will outnumber the ones who are controlled by greed. At least I have that feeling that we are headed that direction.

If the story is true about the Anunaki altering the DNA of the hominid to become homo sapience, creating it in their image but less smart with more primitive brain in order to control and use them to mine gold. In a way it's their fault they created humans to feel fear, greed and act on survival instincts instead of giving them sophisticated brain and DNA. Just a minor DNA tweak to enlarge the amygdala and you got a very compassionate human. It's been studied that criminals brains have much smaller amygdala. The opposite, if larger than normal, people fall in the empathic category and usually get into the service field where they are drawn to help other people.
Great perspective, Tides! There are infinite things to discover and infinite ways to discover them. That's what makes existence truly fascinating! :)
This question often comes up when we try to analyze our experiences. Here is my understanding using analogies. Feel free to express your ideas.

-The "little" me is the version of my physical persona that I perceive myself to be in this moment/frame of this version of reality.  I am MVB born in the 20th century in EU, Planet Earth, linear version 100007654.                                                                                                                                                                                (In my view, there are infinite versions of every single point of consciousness existing simultaneously in the multiverse.)

-The "big" me is what we call the oversoul/the higher mind. It perceives itself is all personas all at once that it chose to express itself as and their infinite versions, including the "little" me. I am MVB born in 20th century EU, Earth, linear version 100007654 I am  a potato digger born in England in the middle ages Earth linear version 984557786565444, I am a roman soldier, I am the King of Scotland in 1398 AD, I am a member of the galactic confederation from Orion, I am  a blade of grass, I am an insect on planet  Mars, I am a stream of color in realm 18765 frequency, etc. I am all the above all at once without being confused. I am able to perceive myself as this large entity, not viewing myself as one character at a time linearly, but all at once as one being.                                                                                                                                                                              (In my view, the "big" me is the main programmer of the themes and experiences of the "little" us. But the "little" us have the power within their themes to evolve, learn, gain knowledge, expand, etc through situational lessons set up by the programmers, cooperation with other points of consciousness, tests to re-discover themselves from many points of view, testing their pre-programmed and acquired  beliefs within their enclosed game environments, testing how many self-imposed filters they can shed with each experience, choosing certain sets of lessons within each "life time", etc)

-The "all" me is All That Is perceiving itself as all versions of all points of consciousness and their infinite persona expressions including the "little" me and the "big "me simultaneously in one infinite moment. (In my view, the "all" me is the ultimate creator of everything". The big" me and the "little" me are fragmentations of consciousness. Each fragment though is never separate from All That Is. It just places filters/cloaks to block certain perceptions for the purpose of experiencing individualized story lines and expressions. All That Is is always in a state of becoming. It has no beginning and no end.

The best analogy (on a much smaller scale though, but you get the idea) to understand how the fragments perceive themselves and how can I/you imagine what is it to be the "big" me and the "all" me is the following:

-I am a child and I can not understand what it is to be anything else, although I am told by others what it is, I simply cannot comprehend because I am not within that other frame of reality (this is the "little" me)

-Now I am an adult and I understand what it is to be a child, but also an older sister, an aunt, a friend, a student, an engineer, a researcher, a mentor, a piano player, a karate master, etc. I can perceive all these roles as a part of me all at once without being confused or without the need to experience all these roles one at a time.  (this is the "big" me)

-Now, I am an adult and perceive myself being all these roles but in addition, I have learned how to AP and perceive parts of me that I never knew existed. I have the ability to perceive myself as ONE with everything. (this is the "all" me), and I am not confused, I am not lost within the infinite characters, no persona is ever lost or sees to exist, it is and always will be a part of the ONE, and the ONE will always know each "little" me as the ONE. Just like I am aware of my childhood, my adulthood, and I perceive both with the same validity, none is ever placed aside, both go in tandem of who the bigger me is, the same way no persona is ever "blended" or "dissolved" within the ONE. But all fragments perceive themselves as one entity

Conclusion: The only difference between the above various "me" is the filters that create the illusion of separation. To understand this and to know that at this very moment I/you ARE "All That Is" and to give the "little" us the ability to peel away more filters and within the enclosed game environment to actually see from far above and understand not only ourselves but all other personas and their purposes within our vicinity and collectively.
What comes to mind is that the mansion with its countless rooms is a blueprint/templates for physical world/experiences creation. I may be far from what you guys think of the mansion/house, but it can serve many purposes and show reflections of our physical personal reality as well. Or show us various possibilities for directions we can take should we chose different actions.
if anyone is interested, below is a link to a documentary called "That Sugar Film". IT really gives a perspective how BAD sugar is, but sugar is hidden in so many products and it has so many names. People are not even aware that they are consuming excessive amounts of sugar. This guy from Australia did an experiment and started consuming "healthy" food as many people think is healthy but accumulating so much sugar from them daily. he monitored his vitals, blood results, behavior and weight during the time he switched to this typical diet which kids also are fed. the film is very entertaining to see him switching, the way he starts feeling with sugar highs and crushes, he travels to America to confront the large companies that advertise products as healthy or do not acknowledge that sugar destroys people's health. Overall very entertaining, but it opens the eyes if anyone is not aware how people get deceived and brainwashed by advertising and government guidelines for food intake. This directly affects the brain, emotions, behavior, etc, and also overall physical health.
I found through so many experiments with eating and exercising that my optimal sharpness, awareness, increased downloads, increased APs, correspond with intermittent fasting, low carb diet, very nutritious food with lots of veggies, and daily exercising. The optimal of all is when I fast for 48 hrs. I typically do that once a month. I feel light as a feather, my mind is extremely sharp and clear. I feel like my brain is free to transmit.  I also drink dandelion coffee with several scoops of mushroom powder from Lion's mane, Turkey tail ( studies show that Turkey Tail kills cancer) and Reishi, and I add a teaspoon of matcha as well. 
I love how you have given names of your crystals :)
Every time I go to my local mall, I visit the crystal store. It's packed with giant crystals and art of all forms and sizes. I particularly like the ones that look like glistening snow. I just cant take my eyes off of them. When I put my hand near a giant crystal I immediately feel the pulling sensation. Not so much with the smaller ones. So, the mass of the crystals probably effects the strength of the energy. I imagine some day buying tons of large crystals and making a special room in my house all of crystals, to look like a different planet.
Hey that gives me an idea. I haven't thought of this before, but next time I AP, I will request to be taken to a crystal planet or dimension. That would be fun! Can you imagine the scene, the colors, shapes and illumination. And also communicating with them.