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Messages - Frostytraveler

We talk about the importance of compassion and kindness often on The Pulse. During these unsettling times, I figured this would be a nice video to share as examples of random acts of kindness from around the world.

Quote from: tides2dust on Yesterday at 20:15:28Hi Frosty. You've phrased things like you're confused so I'm just attempting to speak plainly. Dr. Greer says there's a difference between extra-terrestrials and inter-dimensional beings. He also says we've reversed engineered alien craft since the 1920's. But he didn't specifically say anything about this underwater craft you're talking about in the video I've shared. In the above interview he is warning of nefarious human organizations seeking to control the disclosure narrative in a way that means losing basic sovereignty and empowering the military industrial complex. He's also there to say we are relatively unaware of just what kind of technology we(not just americans but people from all over the world) possess and the variety of intelligent life we are and are not in contact with.


Just thinking aloud... When I was young I was given an example of military tech being a decade ahead of what(we)ordinary citizens possess or were even aware of. That was 20 years ago. Considering the exponential growth rate of technology... It wasn't all that long ago black and white television was a thing(maybe you were alive for that) and now we're 3D printing human organs. 
And with the introduction of the transistor(supposedly alien) technology has been booming.

It was once considered crazy to say man made technology to control the weather. Now the patents for such technology are available to the public.

Yes, ET's exsit- and there may even be ET's that operate inter-dimensionally...

The more important thing to do is work on the self, in a way that means moving through ones own fears. We are here to help the collective(by helping ourselves) evolve out of fight or flight... To become better acquainted with the unknown like what we experience in the astral... And to initiate contact on our own terms... Not to wait around or rely on others to shape the experience for us. As Dr. Greer says.. We don't want a top down disclosure but one from the bottom up- where every day people reach out with their hearts on their own terms.

---- I have had my own underwater ET abduction type experience. It was from a dream, a type of remote viewing, I was residing in someone elses viewing lens when a group of us(military) were taken and experimented on. They were telepathic beings gauging/experimenting with near death phenomenon.

Tides, no, I am not confused. I would more call it a process of elimination to narrow it down to what these craft are. I have my theory on what's going on. I don't have any fear on what/who they might be, as this appears to be beyond our control. I am more fascinated and curious than anything. I am familiar with Dr. Greer and the theory of an extraterrestrial being vs an inter dimensional being. I have done my homework. 😉
Well, it could be a a US Black Project, but it just doesn't make sense to be one. Why go through all the secrecy of developing such a Black Project aircraft to then make it so widely exposed? I guess it could be for "softening" up the general public for an eventual disclosure. But...this doesn't explain why this is happening in other countries as well, particularly in the UK. If they are human craft, it is till hard to get past the reports that they can submerge into the ocean then fly out of the water at high speed. Of course these reports could be inaccurate.

Here is an excellent video on all possibilities, plus a most recent photo of one of the craft that is sure to raise eyebrows and concerns that it still might be of off world origin. This story has such an underlying creepiness to it.

Yes, but what if another's negative belief's (Karma) finds you by chance? And... what if that receiving person is not negative etc... Are both parties carefully orchestrated lessons? Or can there be unfortunate exposure to another's bad Karma?
Quote from: Kodemaster on December 08, 2024, 16:55:09If people display a clear lack of empathy toward us or others, that's THEIR choice, and THEY have to live with that.

Very true. If people want to go around acting without empathy and with that often comes hurting others... then that is their choice and path. They will likely have to fall on the sword at some point as like attracts like, and ill events will likely fall back on them. Perhaps they will learn, maybe they won't. These kind of people love to repeat their less than ideal behavior on others over and over again. Reminds me of that great movie Edge Of Tomorrow: Live Die, Repeat. I know many here don't believe in Karma, but I'm not so quick to dismiss it. I guess Karma could be put into the category of like (behavior) attracts like (behavior). Then we reflect on it, and learn what NOT to be like. I don't believe that under every circumstance we "invited" said bad behavior/luck. Sometimes I feel we are there to deal with it, to expose such people/behavior... and that is the lesson we bring to them orchestrated by Spirit.
Here is various footage of the UAPs/"drones" including the one the size of a house.

Here is an excellent video on the Podcast Need To Know with Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel. The topic is the world invasion of so-called Drones. A fascinating discussion, which can not me found on traditional media channels.

I don't believe these are traditional drones, nor do I believe Russia or China has technology this advanced (far exceeding anything we have).  As tensions rise across the World as well as nuclear concerns, I do not find it a coincidence that this activity is now at rampant levels. Some of these UAPs have out run/out maneuvered our fighter jets. They range in size between a small car or SUV to as large as a house. This is occurring on every continent in the world simultaneously!

I agree LB. I take from the video what aligns with me (the positives) and not focus on/reject that which does not (the fear and negative aspects).
A really nice video of the Beings and Entities of the Astral Realm. The video also discusses the various Planes of Existence and how to remain protected in these Realms. Many references are made to Yogananda and other Ascended Masters.

We have been discussing the importance of kindness on another thread. I then came across this video and thought I would post. Now I am not a fan of greedy, superficial, or selfish actors that are focused strictly on the physical world's attractions and their own self image. However, I am a fan of those that are clearly operating on a different principle, that are deep souls that GIVE BACK. I was sad to see Johnny Depp go through all that publicly. In the end he persevered through all the challenges and moved on with his life.

He is a shining example of people that use their talents and fame to make a difference. In this case he is putting a smile on cancer patients faces and lighting up their lives. He visits many hospitals in full Captain Sparrow makeup and costume. Pure compassion and kindness given to the sick and medically vulnerable. It is no coincidence that he is known to be very spiritual. A very impressive journey he is on.

The light can unfortunately draw the attention of the dark, for whatever reasons or lessons. It's always important to process life's challenges, learn from them and move on. We all have life's challenges. To me, once they are processed and all that is learned, I file them away and live in the present without them negatively influencing my progress. When I see others do this, it is very evident. The light just resumes and shines through them.


This is a very recent and interesting article discussing the topic of what it means to be Spiritual, Religious, Agnostic or an Atheist. Far more people fall into the Spiritual category than I thought, at least to some degree. The data analysis is very helpful to see where society is at presently.
Well, the other day was supposed to be "Alien Invasion Day" and it entirely did not disappoint. Ross Coulthart reported an extremely high amount of UFO/UAP activity across the World. See his report in the link below.

Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi..
December 06, 2024, 06:59:04
I was at my Doctor's office yesterday. The waiting room was decorated beautifully with Christmas ornaments and decorations and just had a pleasant warm feel. They even had the Hallmark Channel playing a Christmas special on the waiting room tv. Then I noticed this large sign on the wall that said "touch another with kindness". That just made my day! 🙂  It just felt high vibration for a Doctors office. My Doctor was a warm kind spirit as well and I said no wonder the waiting room and office looks and feels the way it does.

Kindness (pleasantness) matters so much. You just know some ascending souls work there. I left with such positive feeling. To evolve in spirit a sincere form of kindness/love matters, not just to go through the motions, but really be it. These feelings have even more intensity in the Astral and the Higher Realms. It can be quite a beautiful experience. These feelings experienced in the physical and in other Realms are intertwined, and help us ascend not only here, but in Spirit and in the associated Realms.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi..
December 05, 2024, 10:32:41
Welcome Ajay. You certainly found the right place.
Here is another News Nation segment with Ross Coulthart. The guests including Congressman Tim Burchett and a well known author who discuss extraterrestrial intelligence, Angels and the Christian/Catholic faith. They also discuss how UFOs and Aliens do not contradict the Bible. Lastly, they get into what Popes believe regarding the Alien phenomena and one particular Pope's answer to the question: Who are aliens?  Interestingly he answers with "We are all God's children". It's an excellent discussion, even for those that are not religious and are more Spiritual.

Adrian, It's nice to see traditional religions starting to have an open mind. I think the Spiritual experiences of Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes are causing them a shift, and a mandatory reflection on the bigger picture. I have been researching this and may have more to add later. They are not immune to life changing experiences, as I was not. Of course Ironically the Orthodox religions (though the most mystical of Christian religions, is the ones more rooted in ancient traditions, and will be the slowest to be open to these experiences. Ironically, that is my religion. This religion believes in such things as incense, the evil eye, and other mystical aspects, but are stubbornly fixed in other traditional elements. Though I resisted for a bit, it became impossible to ignore the beauty, splendor and Divine nature of my experiences. This will take time with them, but eventually change may occur. The caliber of their individual experiences will dictate this, I would think.
In addition, Bishops are having Supernatural encounters [visions] in the Catholic Church. It's to the point where the Vatican is officially addressing it. I find this fascinating.

Quote from: LightBeam on December 02, 2024, 10:21:57I think the church is becoming aware that the time is quickly approaching where they will need to adjust their views or their system will be crushed.

LB, read the article in this link. Pope Francis has a more open mind than I previously thought, but he is rocking the boat with traditional Orthodox and the Catholic Church establishment.

A partial segment from the linked article below:

"Rather than merely lamenting a new paganism and a new idolatry, Francis is telling us that at home too we need to pay attention, acting with "a respectful and understanding love for those peoples" — our people, indeed ourselves — and remember that things received even from Catholic tradition may now have new meanings that are neither 100% familiar Catholicism, nor 100% contrary to Catholic tradition. By "an approach of the heart," as the Bishops put it, we need to find our way deeper into the truth of life and spirit in the 21st century which God has given us".

Yes, an open mind is going to be a huge prerequisite to dealing with a mass disclosure/open contact successfully.

Interesting how the Western US has the most UAP/UFO activity.
It does feel like a controlled release of info is going to happen imminently. We'll see.
More metaphysical talk in the news. This time News Nation with Ross Coulthart. The entire interview is interesting, but if you want to get to the real interesting part, scroll to the 38:20 mark. Popes and Cardinals have been very much discussing topics such as Aliens, UAPs, Remote Viewing, Jesus in relation to such behind closed doors. Quite interesting.

Or perhaps "Angelic LightBeam". That is fitting of LB.  :-D
Of course...  :-D
That is the hope LB. As I have mentioned, shifting to an aligned vibration that brings more positive experiences to "my world" is one thing, but from what I have observed with 3rd parties, humanity has a ways to go. I am happy that your experiences as observing/spectating 3rd parties are more positive, but that doesn't mean we have all witnessed such positivity. Just these wars/massacres alone, which I hoped would be a thing of the more primal past are raging around the globe. All for what? Land grabs, resource grabs, and money grabs. It's never enough.  The popularity of Dictators are also growing around the world. I try to look at the positive side of things, especially in "my world" but look beyond that too far and it's often not pretty.

The positives you mention I.e. policy changes etc... are real though and encouraging on a mass scale, but look at how day to day micro relations are with how people treat one another and real progress still needs to be made here. Hopefully things further improve. The video is also encouraging and if more people believed we lived on, and that we are more than our physical bodies, perhaps that alone would promote enough kindness and empathy to cause a cascading effect that would bring even greater change.