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Messages - astraluminated

Maybe all those books are wrong, maybe Kundalini does not feel like the heat everybody feels but as a gentle enlightening cool breeze that flows within your system. It is a loving and caring intelligent energy that don't want to hurt you, that nourishes your chakras body and soul. She can be your counselar a loving companion within. Is this not what whe all should be looking for then all those sensational based effects, if you discard this as completely untrue because of you current believes can you call yourself seekers of truth, ask yourself what are you seeking, are you seeking God, the spirit, or the atma, which is the beautiful reflection of God within youself, which is compasion, divine unconditional love or are you seeking sensation or pampering of your ego that you do this or that moves energys or obe. Do you think that is the perpose of humanity. Ask yourself; How much joy do i give to others, do others enjoy my present, am i a loving person, do i enlighten others? Am i a good man? Ask yourself if all these energy flowing through you because of your practices, does it enlighten you, is this energy joyfull, does it give me peace and mental and emotional balans. Ask yourself what you are doing, maybe you are doing it to become someone very interesting and like a big dominating person who thinks he knows it all. Aks yourself if this path which you are on, does it lead you to God? Or are you a person that only believes in the devil? ask yourself what it is you want to believe, what does this say about myself? Just introspect on it
well andonitxo it's your spiritual funeral not mine. In the end just don't say nobody warned you.
If you think Kundalini is just a mechanical thing, then you are sadly mistaken and you will pay a heavy price for that. She cannot be played with. She is not your intrument, whe are Her instrument. But if you don't want to listen than so be it. Just don't hold the Divine responsable for wathever happens to guys like you playing into the hands of your ego.
The Kundalini energy in a way it is your own, it is a gift. It is the reflection of the Divine feminin within you. And it is actually compared to a sleeping serpent coiled up 3 and half times in the triangular bone area, you know what a triangular bone at the base of the spine likes like!, like an inverted triangle.
The universal symbol of the feminin is a turned around triangle. Guess what the Kundalini also is in the christianety... the substance within the Holy Grail. What shape does the top of the Holy Grail has, exactly the shape of a inverted triangle. She is the Holy Ghost within you. You know the Father, the Son, hey hello where is the Mother, right the Mother is the Holy Ghost, but you won't read that in the bible though. Supposed to be secret, well not for the incarnation of the Holy Ghost and Her devotees it isn't. But that is a diffirent thing. Anyway Kundalini is infinite, it is the main principle of the universe. The Holy Ghost created and sustains this universum and everything in it. She is the working power of God the Father, She is His power. But it is subtle that you can't percieve...yet that is. But you can feel her when your own Kundalini reaches the sahasrara. And no it does not takes livetimes of work. It can work out spontaniously, effortlessly and free of charge. And She won't burn you body but enlighten it. At this site you can get your Kundalini awakening at  and when it reaches the sahasrara that is your self-realization, the thing is because you are not pure enough in you energetic system the Kundalini energy cannot rise fully only a couple of Kundalini energy strings come through you sahasrara and you can feel the cool breeze. You can say it is like 1% of you complete self-realization but it is a start. And if you really want to know everything about Kundalini you can visit but this site reveals maybe a little to much at once and can spoil things for you, but that is your desicion. Just give it a shot, I mean true divinity cannot hurt right!
I'll have to warn you all for all these Kundalini-reiki attunements. Feeling intens heat in the spine is not a sign of Kundalini awakening, The Kundalini cannot be awakened by unauthorised persons. I have to tell you that The Kundalini is not just a dumb energy you can play around with, it can think, it is much smarter than you that don't tolerate abuse. And when you try to awaken Her unauthorised the protecting deity Shri Ganesha, whom is the child-God seated at the mooladhara Chakra gets very upset and starts to punish you by exciting the right side or the heat side subtle energy channel, sometimes people can get blisters and their organs burnt because of this abuse of your Kundalini. So the head that you feel is not Kundalini. I know not many of you want to hear this, but this is my experience. Perhaps you all should read upon so-called Kundalini awakening stories and see the suffering that it had bring to their lifes. Depression, painfull intens heat, hearing unfriendly voices and much more unpleasant things. Your own Kundalini is the Divine feminine power within you, She is your individual spiritual mother, and how could a mother hurt Her own child like that. Remember that not everything unknown is Divine.
It is true what zareste says. Just don't listen to these angels and don't desire to see one because theire intentions might not be right. And they are not messengers of God or any other deity for that matter, they act for their own agenda and not for youre well-being.

However i do think Jezus Christ is going to come back very soon or 2012, only as the destroying incarnation Shri Kalki. A.K.A apocalyptic rider. He comes on a white horse they say in the bible. Scary stuff. But some say the last judgement is already going on. This site speaks about it. worth trying out.  This guy might look crazy but if you felt the cool breeze of this Kundalini you might speak diffirently.
because atlantis was destroyed at the end of such a cycle, and they say atlantis was a continent in the atlantic ocean. they even found some weird peramids on the bottom of the sea.
Well here is one,

I don't think cnn tell this kind of stuff to the public. Whe all know that iff this was told by the governments to the public, it would be a bit of a chaos wouldn't it.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: gaps and gods
September 16, 2006, 05:05:32
God is surely not a thought because he is beyond all thoughts, He or rather She is the primordial sound
The greatist trik the devil ever pulled was letting us belive he never existed.
And it is also stupid of humans to think that God is on vacation.
And it is also a very stupid thing to think whe can hide things from God.
He will confront us with our sins.

Because at judgement day our own hands will testify against us. At the end our hands shall speak.
your true being is eternal, it is the spirit the self the atma or whatever. You are true awareness pure bliss. all the rest can perish, ofcourse the Kundalini is also eternal. Shri Krisna once said that enlightenment or liberation is very very difficult, almost impossible. Unless the Adi Shakti interferes. Adi Shakti is the Holy Ghost the Wife of God the vader, She does all the living work in the universe. If your Kundalini is awakened She will then purify all your thoughts and chakras and nadis, and She will bring back the dharma back into your awareness. Carl Jung once said that with the awakening of the Kundalini you enter into a world which is far different from our own, it is a world of eternity.
Because the Kingdom of God is in you and your surroundings, The universe is represented in you. The Kingdom of God is within your sahasrara. And you have to be innocent like a child to enter it. And it can only be entered in the present moment in the now, the past and the future is an illusion. What is love in past?, what is love in the future, that is no love, true love is in the now.
Mirage, thoughts and emotions manifest as energy in the head also. certaint thoughts are related to certaint chakras and these chakras are also represented on the head. I feel it also.
Ego oriented thoughts i feel on the left side of my upper skull and thoughts about sadnes and guilt and depressive thoughts i feel on the right side of my skull. these to side are called the ego-balloon and the super-ego balloon ego is all about me me me and i am the best stuff kinda thoughts and super-ego is the opposite like i am terrible and i am worth excrement can't do nothing right, my live if useless kind of thing. and if your feel the back of your head, means something negative of the past. if it is the front like the third-eye then you need to think less and forgive yourself. But also negative entities usually enter via the third-eye.
It is true that the true reality lies not in the past nor in the future, but in the absolute present, the now.
In the present moment you can experience states of thoughtless awareness, means that you become aware of everything but no thoughts come. The next state is the witness state. It means you witness the play around you, the play of the universe. You are detached from all the troubles, you are beginning to see things from the self, whom is the eternal witness. It is only in the now that you can spiritually evolve.
Because only in the present moment you can find God within you and outside of you.
In the witness state, when something bad happens to you, you don't react, there are no emotions, you are detached, you become your own guru.
Actually the self is the spirit is the reflection of God the vader. Kundalini is the reflection in us of Goddes the Holy Mother, or the Holy Ghost as they refer to it in the bible. Ofcourse they will never say the Holy Ghost is a woman, because that would make the woman equall to man. stupid church.
However the Holy Ghost gave birth to our universe, just like everybody was born from a woman.
The Kundalini is the Divine feminine in all of us. It is by Her grace whe can have enlightenment. And it is for everybody, not just for mountain trekkers or cave dwellers.
You must not mistake the self for the ego. The self is the atma. the eternal witness, Shri Shiva. You see if you can percieve something, that means you are not that thing you are percieving. And if you percieve you self, that means that you are not the self, but rather the ego or intelect. But if you are the self, the spirit, which is the reflection of God, then you see everything else that you are not.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Lights around me
September 16, 2006, 03:53:37
since i am practising Sahaja Yoga, that is with the Kundalini. when it is dark and i have my eyes closed, sometimes there are there bright light flashed before my eyes, which is the Kundalini rising and going through my agnya chakra.
Vieuwing 2012 scientificly they say that earth will come in a very unusual alignment with the milky way galaxy. earth will reach some sort of central point in the milky way. Scientist have already discovered that the last 26 years there weird energys coming from out of space on this earth.

In de bible they speak of an apocalyptic ryder. And he will com with eleven destructive powers.
He will destroy the evil. But before he comes there is a time given to humanity to correct themselves, the ressurection time. for all of you to have your second birth, which is the true Kundalini awakening. which feels as a cool breeze on top of your head. It is the Holy Ghost. The earth is already moving towards higher frequenty rates but most humans can't feel this. Almost everybody feels nothing of the spiritual changes in the world.

Whe are nearing an end of a great great cycle. Atlantis was destroyed at the end of an great cycle, Imagine what the end of a great great cycle will be like
Alaskans you seem to be a person who got some wisedom.
You are right. But there is a way how to know when you gather negative energy or not, as simple negative energy is hot, and good energy is cool, not cold, just cool. When your Kundalini is awakened you can feel cool energy on your hands or inside your body or above your head, Kundalini is never hot, if people think so, then they are dealing with negative energys, so one must first indeed purifie himself or let the Kundalini purifie you, which is much easier in comparison, all those witches energyworkers and others whom works with this hot energy i must tell them that they are working with negativity, which evantually destroys oneself and ones purety and innosence, it is a very dangerous game you are all playing, you must all be very carefull, because there is a fight going on between good and evil for ages, but these battles are going to end sone and you have to choose on which side you want to be, if you become subjected to this hot energy playing and its power and the negs, then you will be catcht by them and you will be lost, you should all seek the beauty and the innosence within yourself, your true nature, wich is your spirit, that is what you should run after, what you should seek, after true spirituality wich is wisdom, innosence, chastity, forgiveness and oneness with the whole, with the divine, which go beyond the ego, beyond the mind, beyond your intellect. Don't seek power, but seek the love of the divine, which is also within you but needs to be awakened by the love of our universal Mother, Your Kundalini is your individual Mother, The Kundalini has no anger, no hatred, no ego, no destructive power, She has only Love, love for her children, compassion, forgiveness, innosence, She cannot give anything else, She will not give anything else, you cannot use Her to gain power, She can't pamper your ego, none of that, Her disire is, for you all to become divine, to become holy personalities, not persons who run after power or woman all the time, She wants you all to become beautifull, innocent and all that is good and joy giving, She wants you all to become the truth itself, to become the joy of love, to become the purety of innocense itself.
If this is not what you seek, then you cannot call yourself seekers of truth, because the truth is what it is, it cannot be corrupted, if you do not seek the truth... the truth will not seek you also, then what can you expect from God, what could you ask from Him, He will not give. Your seeking must be pure, honest it must be from your heart, not your brain not your ego nor intellect. Don't fall into the traps of your ego, for it offers nothing then destruction of your beauty and your purety.
It is time for you to discover your true essence, which is the Spirit, which is God.
Yes i think it is also possible, in fact it is not even difficult.
By the awakening of the Kundalini, you get connected to the force that created you. It is a spontaneous union with the divine.
But you all have to remember that not all that is unknown is divine.
Some paranormal practices are simply dangerous and brings you to realms that are not your own, you all need to go to your own essence to establisch the lost contact with your spirit again, to become the spirit.
The awakening of your Kundalini brings you there, it first cleanse your subbtle system and burns away your karmas so that you can find your way back to the divine. But the ways most of you try to awaken the Kundalini is unautherized, The Kundalini is some dumb spiritual force, She is smarter than you and the protecter of the Kundalini let no one treat the Kundalini unrespectfull.
Many of you have been seekers of ancient times seeking the truth.
Now is the time you should get it, get your self-realisation and become one with your spirit, become one with with the Adi Shakti, whom is also called the Holy Ghost or the Primordial Mother. Because the Kundalini is the reflection in you of the Primordial universal Mother whom created this universe. Sahaja Yoga is a unique way of awakening and working with the Kundalini, where you can experience true spirituality, that brings you closer to the divine, to God. Here is a site of Sahaja Yoga where you can be introduced to this unique method of true spiritual awakening
here's another one, at 21/02/2013 the Satya yuga or the golden age will start, and Kalki the apocalyptic rider will descend on the earth to take on all the bad guys(on the serpent, the knowledge will be born)
Hello everybody,

I had a very nice kundalini experience a couple of days ago. It happened like this; I sat on my bed and started the sahaja yoga meditation, a style of kundalini yoga. and i did several hand movement to bring the kundalini to my sahasrara chakra. the kundalini energy was being blocked at the agnya or the third-eye chakra, and then i said a mantra i learned from sahaja yoga two times and it was like someone opened a door at my third-eye to led the kundalini flow through and the cool energy rushed to the top of my head which initiated a annoying ant-crawling sensation all over my head and then i could feel the kundalini flow like a fountain out of my head and the super-cold energy landed on my legs in a circle around me, the cold energy even went through my legs, it was really special, and of course i felt very peacefull and stuff.
sahaja yoga is really recommendable for those who really wants to work with kundalini energy, and it has not those bad side-effects like going mental and kill yourself, this is the feminin way of awakening and chicks rocks so it can't be wrong right!!!.
I have a question, every time i make an attempt to have a OBE and i lie down and relax and try to clear my thoughts i usually get into this state of enhanced attention and then i also feel no tiredness within my physical body and no tiredness within my mind. The point is, i can't get further than that, i don't seem to be able to go to a higher focus level, does anyone has experienced this and does anyone as a method for getting past this state?
jub jub did you expected those poeple in the car to see you? because it would be funny if most poeple could see you astral body flying in the real time zone, then you can freak them out real good. You might get on the news that way.
Hello everybody.

Yesterday when i laid on my bed i started stopping my thinking process and getting into F10 mode a bit and then usually my hands would get numb after a while, like sleep paralysis, butt this time it did not really happened. But then by some flew i did something with energy within my body and the sleep paralysis in my hands kicked in instantly, and then i realized that there is a way that i could potentially control the sympathetic nerve-system. So then i tried to wake up my hand again by moving it and rubbing it over the bed, but it would not wake up. So i thought; if i can bring my hand instantly into this state that i should be able to revert the process, so i putted my attention to it and tried to reactivate my nerve in the hand, and within 5 seconds it was awake again.
Now of course i realize that some experienced projectors out there knows how to control and shut down the whole physical nerve system by the act of will so that they could project, I got just a little grip on this awesome technique but have anyone else on this forum mastered this technique?
Because i would really like to know.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / VISIONS
March 19, 2006, 11:06:14
I also have these visions sometimes, they are like some vage visualisation only not by your conscious doing, It usually happens to me when i lie down and try to stop my thinking, and when i manage doing that i usually slip in some sort of enhanced attention mode when i feel really focused on just being, and my hands go numb and i can't feel the tiredness of my body, i can still feel my body but when i slip into this mode problably F10 all the fatique in my body dissappear and after it i feel much more energetic, like recharged. Some say you then get filled again with tachyon energy.
And back to the visions, (lost track there sorry).
Most of the time certain texts seem to appear out of nowhere and i read them , some text seem other language, and yesterday i saw and heard a woman singing a bedtime song for her child.
And one time i wanted to have sleep paralysis and then i heard a baby crying and then saw a man knieled on the floor also crying. I related that crying to the fact that i was trying to shut down my nerve-system so i could have an obe, perhaps some part of my psyche related that action of dying, perhaps thats how dying feels like, the nerve-system shutting down, so your consciousness moves to the astral body.
Butt you know what, i am gonna let that pathetic crying baby an crying man cry a lot more. mwhaaaaaaaa, I SHALL MAKE THEM SUFFER MMWWWHAAAA AAA AAA A.
I have had my fourth kundalini reiki attunement but did not felt anything spectacular, felt energy blocks being removed from the hart-chakra, and some cold energy in my body, but that usually also happen when i just lie down an relax, Its problably because i do kundalini yoga that i don't feel that much. but he andonitxo that something on top of your head could be a small thread of kundalini energy.  on this site you can read more about the kundalini yoga that i am practising at the moment.
I guess whe just have to wait untill 2012 and see what happens.
I have read this article that at 12 december 2012 the earth will stop rotating and then turn in the other direction, something about the zero point field and tachyon energy.
Tachyon energy suposingly travels faster than light and is energy without any frequency rate, sort of energy in a undefined form, that can be shaped like anything, they say it is very good for the health and stuff. well i see about that because i am gonna get tachyon attunementes in about a month or so. so i tell you if anything cool happens