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Messages - 3-mortalit33

Quote from: Magickist
1.) What is the average amount of time it takes you to get into the sleep paralysis state/feel vibrations?

I'm not sure.

Quote from: Magickist
2.) Whenever you perform this technique does it have to be in a particularly quiet place or can it have minimum amounts of noise?

It doesn't have to be completely silent, but the more quiet, the better.

Quote from: Magickist
3.) Does it take large amounts of concentration?

Not really.

Using affirmations right before I'm about to sleep, have a lucid dream, and then project from there.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: obe
September 19, 2007, 00:26:23
Quote from: Pulsar_Arse
i started getting this buzzy feeling or noise in my head when trying to go to sleep

Are you talking about a ringing in the ears? If so, just increase the pitch by will, and when it's loud enough...just float up and out.

Quote from: Pulsar_Arse
It freaked me out becouse sometimes the creepy feeling came with creepy creepy images...

You were probably experiencing hypnogogic imagery.

Quote from: Pulsar_Arse
why did the buzzing start?

Maybe you were in the mind awake/body asleep state, and consciously became aware of the buzzing noise that is always there...all you have to do is move your awareness to your ears and listen.

Quote from: Pulsar_Arse
why did it stop?!!??!

It stopped because you freaked out and moved. Next time just remain passive and don't move.

Quote from: Pulsar_Arse
howcome i never got to float further?!

Being close to your physical body, having strong emotions, and thinking of your physical body are all things that can trigger a sudden return.

Quote from: rednaxela
I have to bang my feet and move my legs to come back - it takes great effort!

Do you mean that it takes a while for you to reanimate your physical body? Are you experiencing sleep paralysis?

Quote from: rednaxela
Also I have problems breathing at this point when leaving the body as if I'm starting to suffocate.

Maybe you've just lost all awareness of your breathing due to the mind/body detachment.

Quote from: rednaxela
Sometimes in these states I can hear snoring so maybe its my mind that thinks it still needs to breath.

Perhaps you were in your astral body and you heard your physical body snoring, this has happened to me before.