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Topics - cainam_nazier

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Missing Person....
March 01, 2003, 12:24:02
I cannot offer you any information, but I can offer you my spiritual support. I'm on the Eastern seaboard, but if I hear anything I'll let you know. Write an email about this if you haven't already, and tell everyone that it gets sent to to forward it to everyone they know.

Good luck, I hope things turn out for the best.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Nose hair.......
February 26, 2003, 08:47:07
A small pair of scissors does the job just as well, and it does not have the side effect of provoking sneezing by irritating the nose. Besides, with tweezers even it is not that bad.
I like this experience for several different reasons.

The confused surroundings and your uncertainty as to what sort of OOB experience you had just goes to show how acute 'awareness' just on its own can be.  Sometimes you can have an OBE with little sensory input, yet what little you have (maybe even just an emotion or feeling) can be really potent.

Also, the fact that those very important bits seem to be so easily forgotten.  As if certain knowledge is kept back from the physical self - as with what the Girl said at the end when she placed her hand on your head.

Maybe the positive mood is part of what she 'gifted' you.  Have you considered taking this new knowledge as a tool for getting to 'doorway at edge of universe"?

Naturally I'm wondering what this door is? [:)]
Hi David,

Sounds as if you've found a very interesting place....especially because it 'feels like home' to you. The fact that you've connected with that *feel* is terrific. Being able to Feel people, places and communications in the nonphysical is important for understanding and learning all about the nonphysical.

From my experience visiting and using the 3D blackness, I'm not sure if your black room is the same. When you say room, does it feel to you as if there are corners, a floor and a ceiling surrounding you---or perhaps you labeled it such when young for lack of a better way to describe it (I'd have done the same at that age)? With the 3D blackness there's a look and especially a feel of incomprehensible vastness and depth...and many describe experiencing various textures such as velvety, a graininess, sparkly...with odd areas that stand out from the black vastness that are actually portals (tunnels). I've perceived tunnels leading from the 3D blackness and have also traveled along tunnels without being in the 3D hey, I see no reason why one couldn't travel that way to it. I just don't want to interpret your unique experience for you. Perhaps the best way to find out is to go to your black room and try a few things, such as ask if anyone is there and pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, images that come to you. A technique I love using when I don't seem to be getting enough info to understand where I am or what's going on, is to *let the image go (your black room) and ask for better understanding*. This forces that area of consciousness/mind, which perceives and interprets for us, to work harder. If you begin to feel/sense or 'see' things changing or appearing around you (and you're still not clear on what and where), let it go again asking for better understanding until what you have remains fixed, so to speak. Any assumptions, fears, beliefs we have can block perception...and the best way to get beyond all that, in time, is to continue exploring, placing intent, working with techniques to open perception more and more.

When I first began hearing about the 3D blackness it took awhile for me to realize that I had actually been visiting the palce for a long time and never knew what it was or what to do there. And it had a distinct 'feel' to it, David.....a place that has always 'felt like home' in many respects. I can go there and just literally float and become sooooo relaxed and utterly blissful. It feels as if *I Know* it well and I don't have a good understanding of why----but that's the nature of exploring---never stops being amazing!

Hope this helps and much love,

The doctrine of pre-destination states that....well, different things.

Since God is omnipotent, you have to say that God, from the start of all creation, knew who would live a life of virtue, and who would not. If you take away that ability, God is not much of a god. In essence, God knows all because he is God. However predestination should not be confused with predetermination, which states that your either going to hell or heaven, it doesn't matter what you do, your screwed.

I guess it's like watching someone perform an impossible stunt that you know can't be done, but you hope the person succeeds in doing it. My analogy so it's not totally perfect. Rather add that before the stunt you had psychic insight into the event, and saw that the person succeeded, or failed. You had nothing to do with the outcome, it was to happen given the factors governing the stuntmans success.

Given these points, we can start with free will. God knows who will succeed and who will not, therefore the gift of free will can do nothing to interfere with this, for God has already forseen who will succeed and who will not, most likely due to the fact that man has free will. Free will and predestination work hand in hand together. Confused yet? I am.

One thing I forgot, there is predetermination for one group of people, and they are called, "the elect". For them, they WILL go to heaven, for they have been chosen. Many christian groups today call themselves the elect(Jehovah's Witness's for example) but only God knows who they are, not even they themselves know.

Honestly though, just by writing those few paragraphs, I think I fried my brain. It's been a while since I looked at predestination but I believe what I said above is generally the catholic doctrine. There are other versions for other denominations which describe a more fatalistic thought, but I can't comment on those.

For a more detailed, yet more confusing look at the subject:

I'm jealous. Still cold all of the time.

Have you taken your temperature in addition to the room's temperature? If not, please do.

There are several sets of exercises for balancing your energy, but "the six healing sounds" from chi kung are best for their cooling effects, from what I know of.
congradulations to your learning and growing. thanks for sharing the experience.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / 1st post
January 10, 2003, 13:54:55
This is just too cool [8D]Insert
So, you're suddenly interested in lucidity, huh? Wonderful!  I've just finished a book called "The Lucid Dreamer', by Malcom Godwin. If you get a chance, you should check it out. It's not like a regular dream book. They tend to be boring and scientific. This author writes about people who are spiritually powerful (as well as the usual dream stuff). He has information about shamans, aborigines, medicine men, etc. and how they use dreams for power. He has a nuber of excersizes to try. To answer your question, the moment I have a feeling that it might be a dream, I immediately become lucid. Sometimes I never Question it, or test it. When I was first starting my practices, the dream sequence would be very short. I would also wake up from excitement.  Through practice you will learn tricks to gain control in all aspects.

Welcome to Dreams! / Dream Pain?
January 04, 2003, 22:02:36
Sure, I hate dream pain, too. Usually when I get shot it is the police chasing me. Bee stings and spider bites are more common. And the thing about pinching yourself? Yes, it hurts, too. The dream body is supposed to be beyond such things. Unfortunately there are certain habits which are hard to break and pain is one of them. Gravity is another.

Welcome to Dreams! / What do you do when lucid?
January 04, 2003, 21:01:21
Hello Cainam,
 You sound very similar to me i made a similar post to this one ages ago, when i Lucid Dream, I like to fly/levitate, use magic, create money (always fun if you want to mess the with the dream charaters) talk and ask questions to the dream characters, change scenery, normally I can't feel pain although one time I did when i was lucid.  I can really think of weapons and make them appear if i thought of a gun it would give me a plastic one, I think its because I don't like violence.  I do like to create dreams into stories especially if they involve me saying a girl or going on an adventure.  Its very interesting to hear what you do for fun, I hope I've provided other ideas.  Don't forget in dreams you can do things you never get to do in real life, so have fun.   :)

"I dream because I love the Freedom" - D.B
i always thought the ripping sound went along w/ your astral body leaving your physical.  those are the only times i've heard it and it fit in w/ what was going on at the time.


If you are unsure, the key thing to do is not to guess or (worse still) to make possibly profound and deeply moving decisions on very limited information... but to keep asking for more clarity.

For example, I'm working on trying to open a channel of communication with my regular guide, Harath, whilst I am in the Physical. There have been times of late where I'd sense his presence in my mind but it was all very indistinct.

But gradually, day by day, by successively asking for clearer and clearer signals, I can now communicate fairly well. Okay, in the thick of my day I can lose the sensation of contact; and it takes me about 15 minutes of feeling around in the dark, so to speak, in order to regain the thread. But that's way better than I could achieve a couple of weeks ago, say.



In short answer to your question, I have undergone several past life experiences, but there is never any certain way to know for sure if they were really yours regardless of scientific method of examining information uncovered in such instances. For example, even if you somehow seem to recall a time and place, and can confirm with looking up history that confirms your recalling, how do you know it was actually you from a past life and not simply 'DNA Memory' of one of your ancestors that you are connecting with?
Not trying to discourage you here, but I am trying to give you some possibilities to consider just in case you have a dreadful past life experience, (one of mine was) and so you can have a better way of dealing with it.

I am about to pass out due to lack of sleep, but i will continue this thread tommorrow when I get to work. I'm sorry...

Off to dreamland,

The only time I have experienced any side effects, is when I neglected to ground myself and discharge any negatives and/or excess energy.  Just place your hands on the floor for a few seconds...that will usually do it.
Also, have the person being healed ground themself.  The first time I did an aura-cleansing on my daughter, she was "wired" for hours, with the excess energy still in her.  When she grounded herself, she was finally able to get some sleep.
I was taught to always get the okay from anyone to be healed.  If you know someone who needs healing, go to them in your meditations and ask.  They will usually tell you to go ahead.  
Hope this has always worked for me.
Good luck!


pray for peace.
Hey, cainam_nazier

I do not know what to make of your experiences, but I will offer a couple of mine that have parallels.

I have felt someone trying to get into my mind on several occasions. Until I "call their bluff", I sense no ill will. Things can cloak their true intent. I do not know if this would be applicable to you, just my experiences. Same with the fingers in the mind. People can gain access, and get info, or leave tthings, and it does not feel strange at the time. Entities will also enter you like this, where you do not feel it as bad, until they settle in. I have experienced this with a newly detached one trying to sneak back in.

As far as the other faces, the first two mean nothing to me. My experience with gargoyles (the ones I saw, anyway) had to do with trying to feed off of someones passions and desires. They were not good.

I do not know if you do it, but you should take a hard look at shielding. If you do not, (or even if you do) there are some good info/links in the post "Why not just shield..." in the defense forum.

Best of luck

Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Moved topic
September 29, 2002, 16:41:52
Hello all,

I received a message in my email also saying that my post had been moved.  I was pretty sure that it was in the right place to begin with and that in fact it had NOT been moved.  Coincidentally, the message was received after I edited the message.  So I edited the message a few more times to see what would happen and sure enough, I received more messages saying that my topic had been moved.  That might be the cause of your "topic moved" email as well.  Someone should check into this.

Sincerely, Jonathan

Jonathan H
Have you found rat waste materials or evidence of chewing? Fur? Do you have any unusual new smells in the environment? If they are physical rats then there will be signs. The fact that they are unusually large indicates that they are well fed and that they are probably leaving large excretions. While feeding them if they are physical would not be a good idea, leaving cheese, crackers, or peanut butter around could help to rule that out. If they don't take the food it is more likely they are not the usual sort of rodent.

i do recall reading somewehre that it wasnt possible to close these centers, and that some people were mislead into thinking it was. im not sure if it was ad or one of carlos' books where i read it. i do remember reading about closing centers in another book. if you dont find anything specifically i'll try and find the book and write down exactly how it read but, for the most part i believe it was just common sense. just feel them closing as we feel them opening. i know this is vague but i recall reading text on this and this is the idea taht i got from it. gl

Welcome to Dreams! / A false awakening.
September 03, 2002, 09:40:29
False awakenings involving getting ready for work and actually starting the work day are worse. I have them when unusually stressed. There have been false awakenings, though, which have led to lucid dreaming. That is not so bad.

Though you may not consciously remember your dreams, I believe your subconscious still retains what it learns while you sleep. So you may think that this process is blocked off to you but really it is not. You just do not consciously have this knowledge, but maybe if you meditate your subcon may show you what it knows.


What is your sleep patterns like?  I would suggest making sure you get PLENTY of rest, since a lot of spontaneous projections happen to people who are getting up a lot in the middle of the night, or to people who are light sleepers.

I don't know much about this, but perhap diet or eating habits could play a part in this?  Maybe by eating heavier foods before going to bed, most of your bodies energies will be devoted to digestion and not keeping you up.  Just a thought.

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash, Founder and Editor - Jokes and Humor
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Bach Flower
August 27, 2002, 16:06:24
There is a place near me which sold the flower essences of that system, but they could not make money on them and stopped carrying them. Do you have any thoughts on what it really is and how it works? It sounds like a set of unusually cheap perfumes with unusually high prices.

Are you going for more sessions?
It looks like there is some deep rooted block that makes you avoid direct questioning and AP outtta Dodge when the blocked issues are probed. But as you don't describe any fear or compulsion with the avoidance the block would be either have been put there by you or by someone else in order to keep something hidden until some condition is met by you (spiritual development, some understanding?)
Especially the bit where you said you didn't follow the path and couldn't retuurn to it suggests that your sub-c was trying to control the hypnosis in order to reroute the line of questioning.

If you have more session please post if you are ok with it. I'm curious as #%&/


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hypnosis and me!
August 22, 2002, 03:04:17
sounds like some interesting stuff !! have you booked the hypnotherapist yet ??

Dreams are less impactive. I have woken up alot of times feeling as if i was anticipating something. I only say they are less impactive because after a few days the pain will go away. I had dreams where i knew someone, than he/she died or i was living the life i always wanted to live. I even wake up pained that i will never see the person in my dream again, or if i do, he/she is not real.

Every man has their fear of dieing, whether it be of pain or not knowing where you are going, however, mine is the family, memories, and good times i leave behind.
It never crossed my mind that a world government would be anything but for the people. With business any the internet moving being so international now, it only seemed logical to me that a world government and a world currency would develop from both business and the internet. The idea of a world government with all the power implied in that who would turn against the people is a different matter. Everything I know about world governments comes from watching Star Trek.

This definitely stikes a chord. Although I have yet to fully project, I can recall many occasions where physical exhaustion, when combined with an alert mind, has led to OBE type symptoms, e.g. astral sight, vibrations, noises, feeling hands on my body / around my neck, rising a few feet out of my body but then being snapped back into it.

However, trying to induce these symptoms deliberately isn't as simple as just wearing yourself out through exercise and then trying to keep alert !!

i have seen ads for programs that help the first time home buyer. i don't know if they are worthwhile but maybe real estate loan people could help you find info. seems like most people in the loan racket are helpful if they think you can make payments- they don't mind fudging facts to help your loan go through.

I had this exact thought a while back.  I was thinking that old people may seem crazy, but they're the opposite.  Collecting all the years of intelligence and experience. It's one of those things that we can only guess about until we're actually old enough to go through it.  They really don't get as much respect as they deserve!

Hi David,

Why "Cainam Nazier?" What does that mean?

Here's my thought to your question.  On the occasions that I become aware of being separate from my body during sleep, I am NOT just lying around astrally sleeping. I am usually elsewhere in the house - doing some strange task.

As separate nighttime experiences, I also have some wonderful dreams regarding my departed parents. These feel like visits to me. They are not lucid, they are 'just dreams' but occasionally feel like legitimate visits.  And I occasionally have dreams that help me understand my lifetime 'problems' a little bit better.

I like to think that there are also nighttime experiences that I am unaware of that are like 'astral classes' where I am learning the secrets of the universe. Heh. Don't remember those, though.

So, from these differing nighttime experiences,  I definitely think that we 'learn' or experience important events through the night whether we are aware or not. I don't think we are just lying around sleeping on every level.

I have a related question - We tend to think that we want to consciously remember our astral experiences---- we want to bring the experience to our conscious memory.  But I wonder why - if our waking daily experience is largely a product of biology (the physical body - but maybe it isn't?) then why are we so intent on bringing part of our 'eternal' existence to the memory of the part of us that dies at the end of a lifetime?  Am I really just doing this astral exploration for kicks, or do I indeed benefit from it in an eternal, spiritual way? Presumably our spirits are aware of the astral excursions and so onwhether we physically remember them or not?

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Loosing time.
June 17, 2002, 23:35:51
It happens to me from time to time, and I know how troublesome it can be. What I tell myself is that during the time I don't remember, I must have been acting along the lines of my normal tendencies. You can trust yourself. Are you under any particular stress of which you are aware?

Hi Cainam -

Nice topic.  

I think that so much depends on the kind of aggressive act - the intent behind it (which can not really be truly known unless one reads minds) for what an appropriate response would be - I think a general way of approaching the question for me would be to say that aggression for the purpose of self defense is justifiable until the perpetrator withdraws or is disabled from perpetrating.

I think that aggression is too much when it begins to not serve a good purpose - and I think that purpose aught to be the preservation of the integrity and dignity of body/mind/soul/property, if it is to be good.  If aggression escapes the boundaries of wise discrimination - which consideration I think should include the understanding and capabilities of the opponant -  then I think aggression is wrong  - I think that the feeling of aggression tied with feeling of power can set up a sort of expansive dynamic in the ego or psyche - that becomes self-perpetuating and non-discriminatory and feeds on itself.  If that is where the aggression is coming from then it is dysfunctional on any level as to intent and purpose but not necessarily result.

2 cents :)


Hey, cainam

A lot of what you describe sounds like your energy body, or something touching it. Have you tried high vibrations or  something to see the effect on your energy? I know you have mentioned being under attack. Maybe you are feeling it.

Well David you make a good point...

 Well in my opinion the only bad part of such things would be in the intent. If your intent is of good nature and you are truthful to yourself, nothing too harmful should occure.  it is the person who decides what is good or evil, but who's to say that it truly is good. but again you yourself are the deciding factor. But as long as you are open minded and seek truth for your knowlage,  things should present themselves, either good or bad(of course depending on your judjment). But anyways, I am deffinetly not a leading authority on this subject. Common sense should clear things. There's all kinds of odd things that have odd consequenses when tampered with so be careful nun- the- less                                                                             Paul

Hi there,

Are you saying that you achieved your first conscious-exit?

Congrats just the same...


I believe this is possible, for when in the astral and especially the "mental realms" we create, at least at times, our entire enviornment...many times doing so in order to understand or better "get a grip" on the abstract nature of it all.  I remember RObert Bruce himself writing about a house he was in and saw/expereinced incredible things.

fides quaerens intellectum

This is something I have tried to do on *many* occasions. At the time it feels so real, holding some object or other, that I feel certain I'll still be holding it upon my return to the Physical. But nothing has "crossed the bridge" as yet.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / How many?
June 08, 2002, 15:41:20
this is actually a question that can be answered somewhat by the webmaster because they can usually track where a person is surfing in from. i guess it can be hidden also. i remember someone on art bells show saying which govn. domains were looking at his site.

i know that there is more to existence than the physical -but god? seems so far advanced from  where we are that we should not even speculate. i was just in a used book store- so much on the subject-rudolf steiner wrote volumnes, the urantia book, eastern guru's by the dozens,  it was enough!!!!!!! buddha was smart-he would not even go there. my favorite poster from the sixties was the big smiling face of meher baba with DON'T WORRY-BE HAPPY at the bottom.
to make it even more complicated some people think we were created by an alien race!