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Messages - cainam_nazier

QuoteThe government knows it- but does the president know it?

I guess that's the real question now isn't it.  But with a little hope Russia can step up and be the leader on this one since they have a better relationship with Iran.  As far as the nuclear program goes.  But if that guy is correct about the "petroleuro" thing than that might be a problem.  In which case we would probably use Iraq as a staging point and in that manner be able to keep some troops there while sending others to Iran.
Welcome to News and Media! / Crop Circle Lights
April 25, 2006, 02:21:23
I don't think that "aliens" created many of the things that are attributed to them, building wise that is.  Pyramids are human made, plain and simple.  Just because we don't fully understand them doesn't mean that aliens made them.  I have seen some architectural wonders, a couple of which no one really knows how they were built, but they know who built it.  I was just looking on MSN last week or so about a house that some one built out of 9 ton coral stones.  The gate was also one of these but was balanced so well that you need only one hand to open it.  The builder of the structure never truly told anyone how he did it, only that he understood how the great pyramids were built.  He took he secret to the grave though.

Crop circles though.  I don't know.  Some could be hoaxes and some could be from aliens.  Some of the ones that interest me is when they find other things about the corn or wheat or what ever.  Like it being molecularly changed after or while being bent.  Or they find odd radiation traces in the soil.  Things like that tend to lead to outside influences.  But if there is nothing else strange and there is just the design I would have to say people.
Is that the new Marrowind Game?  Cause I still play Morrowind.
Unfortunately those things probably won't go away until we start heading towards more global thinking.  But most people don't care about what is going on down the street from their house let alone other countries.

And have heard all kinds of people say when contact is going to be.  But no body is ever right.  Or they just keep changing the date.  Sylvia Brown has always been a mostly accurate source of information but I don't think I will believe it until it happens.

One of the people who channels on another site said that they would be here in a couple of months.  Just after we impeach Bush.  But I don't think that is going to happen either.

And no I have never been told I look like that guy.  I love the show though.

I agree completely. I want to also add that there are things that have helped humankind as a side-effect of space exploration.
Plus we have the drive to go out and explore- It's gotta be for a reason!

Like Tang.  :lol:

QuoteThe AlphaOmega Posted: 18 Apr 2006 14:47    Post subject:  


Very good points, I would have to agree. At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, there have been a couple of occasions in my life when I have witnessed something in the sky that I simply can't possibly explain. I would like to know what those were all about. I think a good way to do that would be to go and and look.  

Okay, you're on a site that deals with largely un-provable concepts, where people claim to do things that some one else can't even witness if they are in the same room, and not to mention the people who channel beings from all over including "aliens", and then the real crazy people who want to raise armies and conquer the world and all that.  And you're worried about sounding like a lunatic because you saw some lights and didn't know what they were.  Not sharing something here in an open disscusion because you think other may label you as a lunatic is the crazy part.

Being that it seems more and more not to be so much a case of physical brain activity but that of consciousness there is no one way to do it.  It's like driving a car.  The car being consciousness and the car being the body.  You can teach a hundred people all how to drive.  Give each and every person the same exact tips, pointers, and knowledge on how to do so.  But each and every one of them will drive a little different even if they are all driving the same exact physical vehicle.  The element of consciousness changes ever so slightly the way each and every person thinks, reacts, and does.

At best we can ask for a handful of different techniques to do this but not one single thing will work for every one.  It's like projecting and lucid dreaming, there are so many here that know how.  They know what must be accomplished, but the path there is different for almost everyone.
#132 is a good site.  I couldn't remember what they were actually called.  It's been a while since I first saw them.  But even then it I had the impression that they were cool and all but really wouldn't go any where.  I will admit that most of my understanding of physics and other advanced sciences is self taught so I can be a little sketchy on details some times since I lack the actual schooling to go with it.


Yes I personally feel that it is important for us to get out there.  I truly believe that if we were to get out there and learn once and for all if there is anybody else in the universe it would have a more unifying effect on humans as a whole.  I believe that there are others out there.  If that is the case it would be one of the best platforms for global unification of goals for the human race.  I kinda hate to say it but much the same effect as in Star Trek.  I would like to believe that when faced with hard evidence people would take a harder look at what we are doing to ourselves on the global level.  

But of course if the opposite is true and we travel all over hell and creation to find that's it, it's just us.  That too could have a very unifying effect.  To learn that we are that special again could force a lot of people to step back and look at what we do.  Because at that point it would be simply that no one is going to help us figure things out.  There would be no out side voice to say, "You know what, maybe that's not such a good idea."

I dunno, I guess my whole point is that we and species need some thing to force the realization that a unified planet doesn't mean the end of personal beliefs.  That we can work together to end poverty, disease and still take pride in our individual differences in stead of condemning others for being different.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Can Humans Explode
April 18, 2006, 07:08:23
QuotePosted: 17 Apr 2006 14:59    Post subject:  


Ryuji wrote:
Yes humans can explode - If you overeat on beans :PP


And then go on a date and have to hold it.  

You know I still remember when I was young, like 5 or so, and my dad told me that if I held in my various gaseous functions they would build up and I would explode.  I believed him too.  I little and he was my dad.  He wouldn't lie to me. :redface:
The ones I have seen are on small scale mostly using an electrical current.  Most are constructed with tin foil in a triangular shape.  I do not know if it is true anti gravity but basically a magnetic field is created that pushes away from the ground.  The only problem is that they A) use 10 to 15 amps at 115 V to get a about one pound of material off the ground, and B) they are highly unstable.  Of the different ones I have seen no one has been able to build one with it's own separate power source because they can't get enough lift to pick up more than a pound or two.  Most are tethered to the ground by the same cord that supplies the power.

I could be wrong but most are listed as an "anti gravity" devise.

I see if I can pull up some of the links to different web sights and video when I get home.
Welcome to Dreams! / I'm awake now!
April 17, 2006, 03:39:58
Okay so today I had two really short dreams just before I went to work.  I had already been up most of the day, it being Easter and all.  But as of late I have been taking short naps just before I go to work.  Usually I try to two hours.  But this is some times cut down to one hour or even just fifteen or twenty minutes.  Today it was ten minutes.

Scene one.

So I lay down and close my eyes.  I am almost instantly in this very dark room with a stone wall.  I assume it's a room but I can only see the one wall and it is pitch black every where else.  So there is this whole in the wall and it looks like it has some stuff in it.  It didn't seem very deep at all, my had was only going in just past my wrist when I would feel some thing to pull out.  So I grabbed some thing, it felt like a book or a stack of paper.  I grabbed on and started pulling it out but then there was nothing, as in my hand was empty.  SO I reach back in and again I feel this object in the whole.  I grab a hold of it again and begin to pull it out.  This time slowly so I can feel if I drop it or some thing.  Again by the time I got my hand out the object was gone.  So I reach in for a third try and yet again find the object there again and again I make the attempt to retrieve the damn thing.  So I have a hold of it and just as I begin to pull I hear this very loud pop and it scared the poop out of me.  I awoke to pulling my hand back to my chest in shock, my heart actually jumped from the sound.  But when I woke up I instantly had the feeling that the noise came from some thing in my room, which is entirely possible since I am in the garage.  

My point......I really hate when I get that kind of reaction from a dream.  I can handle awaking up really fast and all.  But I hate to awaking up actually jumping and body parts moving around uncontrollably.  I was more ticked by that point than anything.

Scene two.

So I didn't think that I was going to fall back asleep again.  I really needed to start getting ready for work.  But next thing I know I am sitting on the floor in a place that I identified as being my home. (but not my physical home)  I also recognized as being in that same place before in a previous dream.  I said some thing, I can't remember what, and I knew it was a lie.  Not like a real lie but a joke kind of lie.  I don't know who I was talking to or if there was actually any body there in front of me.  But after I did this I turn around to apologize to some thing in the room behind me.  Not some one but some thing.  Because even though I was doing this I noticed that the room was in fact empty.  Then a phone began to ring and I almost instantly tried to get to it.  I knew where it was, in a bag, laying on the floor.  It was intuitive.  But that is where I became confused because it was not my current phone, it was my old one.  And all it said on the display was "missed call, no service", and symbols like the message didn't go though, like this = "&@)Missed call&(!No Service?!(*@#".  Every one should know how cell phones and pagers can work or rather not work some times.  But I was thinking that this particular phone should not have been working anyway.  But that's when I woke up.

I checked my regular phone to see if some one called but no one did.  Then I realized that I don't even have the ring tone that I heard in my dream.  But oh well.

Just thought I would share because they were kind strange.
I understand that however.  The gravitational forces of a celestral body only extend so far from it's center and exist in varying degrees.  With out staying within close proximity to some thing creating a sufficient amount of gravity to be used in opposition would make getting around difficult.  You need some thing to push off of.  Not to mention that the whole idea creates a energy intensive machine that simply could not be powered in space at this time.  We lack the ability to generate large amounts of electricity while in space.  Most space vehicles created use solar energy and currently the collection and storage of solar energy is not up to par to a point of it being useful enough to power anything large enough to hold a gravity generating device.  Which is why all of our current space ships and the station do not have artificial gravity.  Yes we know how to do it but it can not be done in space at this time.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pyromaniacs
April 17, 2006, 02:18:19
There is a little link on the main forum page that says, "read un-answered posts" or some thing to that effect.  There are some really, really old posts that no one ever replied to.
I used to play.  I am always a DM though.  I got to be a player once in a game of War Hammer 3000 or some thing.  But my outside the box thinking ended the game really quick.  Okay you storm a building, meet your objectives, and then need to leave.  In my opinion only a moron would get into an elevator knowing the extreme probability of guards and such waiting for you at the bottom.  So I talked every one into going down the stares.  The DM tried to redirect his trap but a stairwell is an easy thing to defend.  I wasn't allowed to give any more advise.

I still have most of the notes to my master game though.  Typical D&D game but I started and work on it for about 2 years.  Never got to play it though.  I have a book about the world I created running around in side my brain some place.  I just can't seem to get it on to paper though.  The book idea started while I was writing the local history.  I even went as far as to create a two religions and a new sub character class of clerics only found in that area.  I typically draw all my own maps, including land, dungeons, castles, cities, and so on.

I really like D&D.
Well all the NASA Black Ops stuff aside.   If I am thinking about this correctly the "theory" behind anti gravity drives only allows them to work in gravity environments.  I.E. they require something to push away from.  With out gravity there is nothing to power the drive.

And besides if NASA had technology that would allow for considerably greater exploration of space we would know.  That kind of stuff would be used to bolster the US space program to a point of it becoming a driving point for the economy and a position of extreme national pride and political power.  Much in the same way the original "space race" did.
Found this on,2933,191546,00.html


'Out-of-Body' Spiritual Experience May Be Sleep Irregularity

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

By Salynn Boyles

It happened 32 years ago, but Kay Bjork is still able to vividly recall the near- death experience she had following emergency surgery to repair a fallopian tube that burst as a result of an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.

She remembers clouds of orange light, seeing everyone in the recovery room but feeling that they were looking through her, and having an intense moment of clarity.

"It was like having the question answered," says Bjork, who is now 70 and lives in Franklin, Tenn. "I'm not a religious person, but it was like I was given the answer, and my thought was, 'Of course, why didn't I think of that.'"

Bjork's story is remarkably similar to many others told by people who believe they have had near- death or out-of-body experiences. Now a new study offers a possible scientific explanation for this.

The REM Connection

Researchers from the University of Kentucky in Lexington found that people who report having a near-death experience are more prone to have also experienced blurring of their awake and sleep states -- a condition known medically as REM intrusion.

Clinical neuropsychologist Kevin Nelson, MD, and colleagues interviewed 55 people with a history of near-death experiences and twice as many people matched for age and sex with no such history.

Sixty percent of those who reported having had near-death experiences also reported at least one occurrence of their REM sleep state intruding into their awakened state, compared with only 24 percent of those without near-death experiences.

The findings are reported in the April 11 issue of the journal Neurology.

Near-Death Experiences and Stages of Sleep

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is the sleep stage during which dreaming occurs. REM sleep also involves paralysis of major muscles, accelerated respiration, and, as the name suggests, increased eye movement.

Common characteristics of REM intrusion include a sense of temporary paralysis upon awakening and visual or auditory hallucinations during the transition from sleep to being awake or the reverse.

"The brain switch that links REM sleep and wakefulness seems to be different in people who have had a near-death experience," Nelson tells WebMD. "Instead of passing directly between REM sleep and wakefulness, the brain switch in those people seems to be more likely to blend the two."

Nelson says many commonly reported features of near-death experiences are also associated with the REM state, including the feelings of being surrounded by light, being outside one's body, and of being conscious but unable to move.

Spiritual Influences

While the findings suggest that REM intrusion contributes to the phenomenon known as near- death experience, Nelson says he isn't trying to prove that spiritual influences aren't involved.

"We consider this research to be spiritually neutral," he says. "People who have had this experience report that it has great personal and spiritual meaning, and we don't mean to take away from that at all. We are simply focusing on the how of the experience and not the why."

University of Virginia professor of psychiatry Bruce Greyson, MD, has studied near-death experience for many years. He remains convinced that there is more to the events than medical science can explain.

"People who have had this experience do seem to be changed in very profound ways," he tells WebMD. "That is the most consistent thing that we hear, even more consistent than the phenomenon itself is the after-effect of feeling changed."

Bjork agrees that the experience was transforming.

"I had a very strong sense that I wanted to do everything perfectly from then on -- to read only important books and do something important with my life," she says.

By Salynn Boyles, reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

SOURCES: Nelson, K.R., Neurology, April 11, 2006; vol 66; pp 1003-1009. Kevin R. Nelson, MD, clinical neurophysiologist, professor of neurology, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Bruce Greyson, MD, division of personality studies, department of psychiatric medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Kay Bjork, Franklin, Tenn.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream about death..
April 13, 2006, 04:55:19
Quotemalganis Posted: 12 Apr 2006 09:19    Post subject:  


i read somewhere that death in the dreams means change and weapons the tools for changes.  

Change is good.....but not at the cost of lighting myself on fire.....or any of my stuff.

Quotefliesatnite Posted: 12 Apr 2006 08:16    Post subject:  


cainam_nazier wrote:
Well not for me their not. Most of the time the settings are a bit strange and for instance I was burned at the stake one time in a dream and it didn't happen anywhere that I get the news for. I think some thing like that would have been on the news if it happened.

I've heard some people theorize that the type of dream you mention has to do with a past life memory. Anyone have any thoughts on that?  

I would buy that is some instances.  But many of the dreams that I have where I actually go through these things are very current in their surroundings.  I have had several other dreams that have a very definite past life feel to them but I usually don't go through the dying part.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream about death..
April 12, 2006, 03:28:38
Well not for me their not.  Most of the time the settings are a bit strange and for instance I was burned at the stake one time in a dream and it didn't happen anywhere that I get the news for.  I think some thing like that would have been on the news if it happened.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Members Pictures 2006
April 12, 2006, 03:25:36
If it helps you don't look that old.....Maybe old enough to be my dad but that's all. :lol:  :shock:  :razz:

But there are a couple of people who are older on here I can grantee that.
That story has already been dismissed by several other news agencies as well as the US gov't.  

The thing is that the Pentagon always looks at the possibility of such attacks.  It is their job to do so.  They probably have plans drawn up on how to invade England or Canada or even Mexico.  They do it because it is their job.  NOT because it is going to happen.

The last thing we need to do is stretch our military again with another conflict and our gov't knows this.  That and Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan.  It's will be a fight and they have the resources to do some really bad things to us.
Welcome to Dreams! / A wierd dream
April 09, 2006, 03:35:51
I always really enjoy those kinds of "silly" dreams.  You just kinda wake up and go...."ahhh, okay".   Maybe you have them because your brain goes on it's own vacation when you go on a trip.  Or you forget to pack it.  I get that some times too when I go on trips.

I think it depends on the kind of trip for me though.  The more fun I am having the more likely to have weird dreams.  There is less stress when you are on vacation.  Or at least that's the norm.
Yeah, I agree.  The more you get into it the more you will experience.  However everyone experiences different things in different ways.

As to the voices.  Just remember they are just voices.  I am slightly more interested in you hearing your wife's voice though.  Thing you should have asked her at the time was if she was thinking about waking you up.  I have had this happen a few times with a good friend of mine where I hear her ask a question and then end up calling her to talk about it.  She has also done the same thing to me.  It's kinda fun in a weird, freaky kinda way.
I kinda of see it two ways.

1.  The machines.  We do need to send machines into space, or at least into the areas where it would be either too difficult or to dangerous to send a person.  We need the information.  We need it to see if it would be worth sending a person.  However machines can be limited on the kind of information they collect.  But they are still needed.  I think the more probes as such that we send out to various locations the more likely we will find some thing worth finding.

2.  I do however think that it is just as important to send people into space as well, even if it is only to the moon.  More information is gathered by sending humans than just the information they collect on the mission.  It also gives us the ability to study the people themselves.  How they react to and deal with the stresses of space travel.

Personally I feel that more research needs to be done on modes of travel in space.  Until we can overcome the distance barriers we won't learn too much more.  We also have to look at more ways to over come the physical and psycological effects of being in space.  Things that really can only be researched by sending people there.  But first and foremost is the need to cheapen the means by which we even get off the ground, which by far is the most costly and resource draining part of the deal.  The easier we can make getting there the more progress that can be made from being there, if you know what I mean.

I also think that it is a needed step in our evolution.  We as a whole get better and stronger by doing things that some say we were not meant or designed to do.  It is our nature to overcome these things and to better ourselves through it.  I also think the same about exploring the ocean.  Some thing else I think that we need to do more of.  There are a great many places there also that we have not been and need to develop the technology to get us there.
You guys keep bringing up morality as being a bases for being human.  Human is just what we call things with our physical design.  And morality is highly subjective.  My insane friends morality is slightly off from the rest of the base social structure, but that's what makes him crazy, per the social norm.  But in his mind he is moral and right, and it is everyone else who does not see things correctly and are crazy.  

Look at cannibals.  Granted there are not as many around anymore because the population as a whole doesn't care for them.  But are their morals considered lower than our own?  With in their group they take care of each other, their young, and look to improve their situation.  It is not as if they have children so they have some thing to eat.

So I would ask are we conscious without a god?  Can we think outside of ourselves with out a god figure?  Is to be self aware to be aware of a higher power?  Or is the idea of a higher power only there to make us feel better so we do not have to be aware of our environment?  Is god just a universal scapegoat?

To be self aware is to be aware of your environment.  To be aware of things great than yourself.  But things beyond our control or our ability to understand have always been linked to some higher power.  But because some thing is beyond or control or we do not understand it does not mean there is a god or many gods, and we are still human.  But it does not mean that there is not a god or many gods either, and we are still human.

God or no god, we are still human.  But even if, as suggested before, every one was to wake tomorrow as if the idea of god never existed, we would still attribute some thing to the things that we don't understand.  That is our base nature, our fear forces us to rationalize.  But to seek out the answers to what we don't know, that is what it is to be human, that is what we have been doing since the dawn of time, or at least since we became aware.
It is just another case of the pot calling the kettle black.  Or, do as I say not as I do.  Which is one of my biggest problems with organized religion in general.
Oh I think we can safely say that original meaning of things has no place for people like that.  Just look how they portray the bible.