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Messages - cainam_nazier

White Electric Dog (250)
Green Central Castle of Enchantment
Earth family- Polar      Clan- Truth

I activate in order to love
Bonding loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of timelessness
I am a polar kin   I establish the white galactic spectrum

That is kinda interesting.  I used one of the other sites listed to get a little more info for beter understanding.  It actually makes a little sence.  Anyway, it is some thing to think about.
I have seen this a lot.  People just need to remember that they are more than likely to find people who fall outside the "norm" here because of the topics that this site deals with.

With this particular issue I can see it highly common on this site because we tend to do a lot more thinking than most.  Since we are more focused on what we are doing when we are sleeping we are more prone to have more abnormalities with our sleep cycles.

However this is just an observation.
I agree with TalaNay.  The body may go through the cycles but that does not mean that the consiousness that interacts while dreaming does the same.

But as far as the original question.  I have live an entire life time once before in a dream.  60 years or so.  It wasn't all at the same time speed though.  I would go through a couple of days and then fast forward a little while and do a couple of more days, and so on.  The physical time of this is unknown as it occured over one of my 10 hour sleep cycles with out interruption.

However I have also had dreams that seem to be minute for minute real time.
Oh, don't get me wrong I do believe that there can be adverse effects from over gaming.  But I also believe that many of these thing stem from a pre-existing condition.  As is the case with people who become overly dependant on the "character" they are playing in the game.  Eventually substituting the game for real life.  They will do this with anything that catches their fancy.  It's just that more people are turning to gaming because of its availability.

I go out when ever I get the chance.  But for me gaming is my meditation time.  I find that it is one of the few times I can get my mind to focus on just one thing.  I find it very helpfull to play for a little bit before bed as a means by which to calm my brain down so I can sleep.  It is kinda tough to explain with out sounding like I am an addict.

As far as the trance state that can happen while gaming.  I would argue some on it being good or bad.  I don't think that it is all that bad.  Or I should at least say I don't think it is all that bad for me.  My thought patterns are often chaotic at best.  I tend to think about too many things at too many times.  There is also the over thinking of things.  Gaming helps me slow that down, more so after one of those days.  I find it is better for me to go home a game for an hour or two and then meditate or sleep rather then just going home and going straight to meditating or sleep.

Ultimately it is just a distraction.  I feel it is no different than any other distraction that people use every day and always have.  Either computers, games, TV, reading, card games, any thing where you are not learning and you are doing some thing.  I think  that most people don't consider many of he other things that people do as being "bad" distractions because they have lived with them their whole life.  But ultimately it is all the same.  I could give a long list of things people do by themselves instead of engaging with others that could ultimately be bad when done it excess.  It's just that people don't look at them the same because they are older forms and tend not to offend their moral upbringings.
I however am an avide video game player.  And yes I have had many dreams where elements of the game I am playing are in the dream.  However I do not feel that this dimishes my ablility to lucid dream since the majority of the dreams I remember are the lucid ones.  One of the things that I have noticed at least for me is that when these elements do show up in my dreams I find it very easy to point them out as being from a game.  It is one of the things that I attribute to these dreams going lucid.  There is a lot of, "Hey this reminds me of xxx." and I go lucid as a result.

Now every so often I will have a dream where I am still playing a game.  But that usually only happens when I fall asleep in front of the computer.  Then I wake up and say, "damn I am still back there".  This is usually when I turn everything off and go to bed.  After that though I don't seem to dream about specific games.

I do have more moments of interest while sitting at the computer half asleep playing a game.  My brain becomes so focused on the one thing a trance like state can be achieved which allows for more fun things to happen than just dreaming about a game.

Anyway, I'll debate the point further later.  But I think that it really all boils down to the same thing as everything else.  How you feel about it.  As is with all things your opinion will effect how things effect you.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Hard 'BOOM' while dreaming
October 31, 2006, 04:36:59
Nothing that I could not attribute to the dream that I was having.  Was it any part of the dream you were having? 
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Like.... Omg?
October 26, 2006, 05:14:20
It's called narcolepsy (sp?).   Any yes a person can go through moments of it.  Plus I would have to ask, have you never felt the need to sleep after a meal?  Honestly there is a rather long list of things that "could" have happened.  None of them are of a metaphysical nature.  I pass out, mostly from sleep deprivation, all the time.  It happens.  It's nothing special or uncommon.  I would be a little more concerned if you were say just walking along the street and fell asleep.  That would be strange.
Interesting.  Were you really awake?  That is the question.  Or was it a false awakening?  Something to think about.

However.  I have had many times when I am dreaming, I know I am dreaming, but I can also feel my physical body and can move it with out leaving the dream.  I am wondering too if because this was a new experience for you if there was confusion as to what you wanted to move, the dream you or the real you.

Now another possability is that you were not fully alseep when this started.  As such your body was not fully shut down.  You brain usually shuts your body down so that you do not act out your dreams and hurt yourself.  It is possible that it did not get a chance to do that and as a result your body was mimicing what you were dreaming about. 

ow keep in mind that you mentioned you were sick.  Now when you are sick your brain already isn't up to full specs.  Plus take ingto consideration any medication you may have taken.
That is a really interesting line of thinking.  I had to take a day of thinking about it before responding.  I particularly thought about the part about the Dream Persona visiting the Waking World.  It brings up a couple of thoughts about people with multiple personallity dissorders.  I kinda wonder if in these cases if it an aspect of thier dream persona that simpley became stronger than thier waking persona and therefor it can visit/invade the waking life when it chooses.  Alternately it could fully take over when we go to sleep, some what like switching positions for that time period.  Some what like what goes on with the main character in the movie "Fight Club".

Now you mention that you have given your dream persona a direction to follow and it has done so.  So now would it not just be an issue of merging the two personas into a single one that exists in both the dream world and the real world?  DO you think that this is possible with out loosing the core of your personallity?  Is it something that could even be tried?  Now in cases of multiple personalities this is one of the ways they try to "cure" the person.  They work on merging the personallities together by talking to each one individually and getting them to agree to do so.  That is of course if the different personallities are "safe" and not so much the primal instincts that they tend to be.

I am also curious about your thoughts on Multiple Dream Personas.  As I was thinking back on the various dreams that I can remember, mostly the ones where I was not fully aware durring them, or chose to play the part given to me in the dream.  I have come to the conclusion that it is posible for me to seperate out about 4 different dream personas.  Out of them there are only 2 that I seem to have any real influence over, the other 2 are considerably less moral than the others and myself in the waking world.  But I am confident that I could potentially merge them all together.

One final thought and then I will stop.  When/if a dream persona visits the waking world do you think that it carries with it all the same abilities/skills/mental capacities it has in the dream world?  Or does it come through mildly fogged as we often are when we go into the dream world.  Now there are things that we can do in the dream world that for the most part don't happen in the real world, for instance flying or incredible strength.  Now for us they are not abilities that exist in both realms for us largely because there are more options in the dream world and secondly we spen so little time doing it because our consious dream time tends to be limited.  But what about the dream persona, the part of us that spends its whole time in the dream world?  It would be logical to think that the dream persona would be an expert at these things because it has spent its who life dealing with them.  Do you think that when they visit the waking world they could bring some of that with them?  I ask because I wonder about the amazing things that some people have done that usually gets attributed to adrenalin.  For instance you hear about people lifting busses off of people or jumping fences so they can catch some one falling out of a building.  One of the things that usually goes along with these stories is that the people don't realize they have done it, or some even remembering they have done it.  They only remember that they saw it and reacted.  I wonder if these kinds of things could be instances where the dream persona takes over and brings with it all the things that it can normally do in the dream world into the real world.

Anyway, sorry it maybe a little long winded but your post got me thinking and I am interested in your responce.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Who are you in dreams?
October 22, 2006, 12:11:50
Quote from: Novice on October 22, 2006, 08:20:17
Good question ... and I was thinking I should elaborate on this point, but I forgot to do it.  :roll:

Yes, in the dreams I am usually what I perceive as 'myself' although the outward perception (gender, race, etc) changes. I say usually, because I do have dreams where I 'jump' from person to person within the same dream. One moment I'm one character and another I'm a second character. And whenever I'm in this type of "character jumping" dream, I know that I changed characters and it seems perfectly natural -- so no leaps to lucidity. But in those dreams, I do not perceive these as being 'me'. Its hard to explain. Its like perceving a dream in 3rd person, in that you watch, but in these you watch participate in 1st person but with the sense of 3rd person because you don't perceive it as being you...that probably makes no sense, but I'm not sure how else to describe it.

For this poll, I'm more curious about how you are externally perceived (gender, age, race), even though during these types of dreams, you still perceive yourself as 'you'. Its the outward component I'm curious about.

Well then if that is the case.  I have been many different "things".  Yeah that will do.  The forms I take in dreams are not limited to human or animal or even things that are even remotely physically possible.  I often shape shift as a means to complete whatever task I have in the dream.  Odd as it may sound I often am given tasks in dreams.  But I also dream of what I can only describe as past lives.  Whether or not they are I don't know but they are usually set in a roughly known historical setting.

The 1st/3rd person split perception is an interesting one to say the least.  I think of it as being much akin to playing games like "Diablo" or "WoW".  Your view on the game is third person but you know that the character you see is you and that you control it.  You will often hear it referred to as an observer dream, one where you just watch, and observer/participant, where you are in the dream and watching the dream at the same time.

Quote from: Selski on October 22, 2006, 11:33:46

What surprises (and saddens) me a little, is that all the dream characters I've met (i.e. those I don't know in real life), I only seem to meet once and they never appear again, even if within the dream we embraced as long lost close friends.

I also have lots of "silly" dreams.  Just the other night I was dreaming of my current partner.  However, he happened to take the form of a 4ft inflatable green frog - and I didn't think this was particularly unusual at the time.  It was most likely a trigger for lucidity that I totally ignored.  :roll:

One of the things that really really annoys me is that there is one place that I have been to a number of times in my dreams.   I know that a dream character I know lives there and that we are really good friends.  I know that we have shared much wisdom together, he helps me and I help him.  But I can never remember him being in any of my dreams.  I go to his house and he is never home.  I know he can help with some thing and I can never find him.  I need a dream cell phone.

I have lots of silly dreams too.  And it is amasing what your brain is will to accept while dreaming.

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Who are you in dreams?
October 22, 2006, 02:39:02
My question is this.  Do you consider yourself only as your physical self?

Because for me in my dreams no matter my age, race, gender, or whatever I am always me.  That which I consider to be me does not change, only my physical form changes.

As far as locations.  I dream of many.  Some of where I am, where I was, in the physical world.  There are also the derams of physical locations that I have not been to.  Other times I dream repeatedly of certain dream realms.  Then there are the dreams where the location is new to me and simply can not exist in the physical world.
Okay but wouldn't even a tactical nuke, the smallest one they can make, level that entire complex?  What about all the people that should have died.  A nuke would have taken some one out.

I have also seen a couple of different videos because its starting to be a little more findable.  The one you post seems like it might have been slowed down.  And yes it is in night vision.
I am not sure about the first one.  Could be as simple as it that time of year.  I don't know.

The second dream is a little easier to explain.  It could be because that is what is on your mind.  But dreams like this are usually more about the passion and emotions of the situation.  Desire, lust, fear, joy, bliss, emotions like these tend to create very intense dreams.  Lust/desire/regret/taboo dreams are actually fairly common.  Most people are taught that lust and desire are bad things.  As such they are frowned apon and often avoided or bottled up in side us.  We still need to deal with these emotions so these intense passionate dreams are created to do so.    Dreams also tend to deal with the guilt associated with lust and desire.

I would have to wager that you have been thinking of some one, or perhaps had similar thoughts about some one you have seen recently and your mind is dealing with those thoughts.

I actually have the lust/desire dreams fairly frequently.
Quote from: gangta on October 17, 2006, 12:18:24
whatever that voice is its starting to be in my dreams and linger having more times where im caught between sleep and awake now and during that period the voice is more intense :?

When you are falling asleep and in that time before you fully wake up are when you are most open.  That is when you will the most things.  Some of it is pretty standard stuff.  The nocks and bangs are something everyone tends to hear.  It has a lot to do with the way that sound is interpited.  It happens a lot with hearing music as well.  It's not taht you are actually hearing these things so much as you are hearing other things that are being inturpited as something else.  One of the odd things about these is that the sound can never fully be located.  It is always comming from some where else than where you look.  It can be the same with voices.

But you are describing a constant voice?  As in when you hear it you know it's the same voice as before?

It comming into your dreams can actually be a good thing.  In this eviroment you can force it to show it's self.  You have to understand that your dreams are just that, YOURS.  You are the one in control there.  You can use this to help you deal with and understand this voice.  Confront it next time it comes into your dreams.  Call it out even.  Force it to show itself.  And when it does show up you lay down the rules.  Use your dream enviroment to bar it from contacting you.  Doing this there will carry over into "real life".

One of the other things I did also when I went on continuing this kind of work was to mentally build a series of walls and doors.  I used a lot of imagery and constructed each wall with a door that only I have the key to.  In this manner I can more easily control what and how much I take in and at any point I think it is too much or possibley problematic I can easily shut the door.  For example if any information is comming too quickly I can I can shut the door so I can process it and then ease the door back open to control it's flow.   I keep my core thoughts in this area so nothing can screw with them.
Okay if its not night vision then why is greyed.  Unless it a black and white camera which would do the same thing.

And as far as Fox news goes.  Name one agency that doesn't tell "thier version of the truth".

Also. Do you think that it is possible for a nuke to go off any where on earth with out every one knowing about it.  I seriously doubt that this one news group are the only ones telling it how it really is.
I dunno.  The footage is in night vision.  Any explosion, even a minor one, places hell with the way they work.  Any light is considerabley brighter in night vision.  Not to mention you can nearly blind a person using night vision with a flashlight if you are in the same room as them.


Sorry I had to edit my responce because I did find somehting about what happened.,2933,219422,00.html?
Quote from: Dria on October 15, 2006, 09:28:25
I'm curious about this.  What does it mean?  Is it someone or something?

It's something(s).  It's not good.  I don't want to go into too much detail because like attracts like.
There is one thing that you really need to keep in mind when you are working on any kind of telepathy. And that is....Most people transmit thier thoughts, emotions, and wills on a 24/7 schedual.  They never stop.  Now for some one who is new to it you can become influenced by what others are thinking, feeling, and doing. 

You have to remember that these things are not you.  They are not comming from you.  As such you are under no obligation to even acknowledge them.

Part of the process is learning the control to be more selective about what you listen to.  You also have to learn to filter what is coming in.  That way it does not overwhelm you.  It is easy to get sucked into another persons thoughts in this manner.  You have to keep your own thoughts up front so thatyou can process the information comming in and not just absorb it.  It is best to work on this wih some one you trust until you learn control.

On a more serious note, and this is the only "doom and gloom" bit I go into about this kind of work.  And this is a point of experience!  Pay attention to the pitch and tone of any voices you may hear.  Most people think in roughly the same voice that they normally use, but the more important part of that is that the tone ad pitch doesn't really change unless they are angry or something.  But it is with in reason.  If you ever pick up on a voice that changes its pitch and tone while listening or fluctuates drasticly you need to stop listening.  Shut down and focus your mind on something else. 

Just trust me on the last part.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: never had a bad dream
October 15, 2006, 05:06:34
I don't know.  I believe that it is possible for some to not have any bad dreams.  Or to not dream at all for a time.  Now naturally I think that it is maybe abnormal not to have dreams but I think that it is okay to not have bad dreams. 

I would have to ask about your outlook on dreams.  Also your level of awareness while dreaming.

For me I noticed that the number of dreams that I would considered "bad" dropped the more my level of awareness went up.  It seemed that the more I realized when I was dreaming the less any dream bothered me because I knew it was a dream.  It is actually pretty rare now if I have a "bad" dream.  My definition of a bad dream would be like an uncontrolled nightmare.  But like I said if there is any awareness that I am dream the fear drops away and tends to get replaced with frustration until I am able to change things.
So the real question would be "How is this affecting us humans?"

What is the result of "time" speeding up?  Do we speed up with it?  Or do we just want to stay up later?

Now me personally this would explain a couple of habits to me.

For instance.

Now if we are speeding up with it so that on average people don't notice the physical passage of time as much then that would be why you don't have everyone saying that time is moving faster.  Ofcourse this being true it create the problem of being able to measure it as we would be largely physicall unaware.  There could be some mental influences that would allow some people to detect it but mostly because of different concepts of time.  But if our physical reality is speeding up then every thing in it is speeding up as well to include the physical devices that measure it.

Now again.  Time is a perception, as such it is ouside the physical universe.  That being said the only way we measure time is by giving it an agreed apon value, which we  have done, and using that value as our agreed apon constant.  Because it is an agreeance, and not a static physical thing, it can change.  The thing that we base time on could be changing with out us, hence the number of people who feel time is passing faster.  The human body and mind are very easily conditioned to various things.  Now with those things being true (time, us being outside of it, and our ability to be conditioned) it is very possible that our physical clocks have been gradually getting faster and since we rely so heavily on them we have been adjusting ourselves to match this change.  But it could be that the change is getting so far out of wack that we are begining to resist the conditioning.  This in itself would explain a few things about our perception of the passage of time and change our beliefs about it.  Ultimately it would lead to the conclusion that there is no time there is only now and all things only exist now.  Past, present, and future existing at the same moment and because of that all things become possible.  Imagin what could happen if everyone on the planet had that same realization at the same time and truely believed in it.  It would definately take some "time" for our lives to restabalize, or would it?  Wrap your brain around this thought. 

Suddenly realizing that everything only exists now, past, present, and future all existing at the same time would also mean that you have known that the whole time.  Would the sudden realization process as such or would it come in and then it is just how things are and have always been.

Now this brings me to the personal situation with these lines of thinking.  Now see I don't normally run on a 16 hour day, or a 24 hour day.  Without the influence of a schedual, like working, I will naturally rotate onto a 28 to 32 hour day.  This mean I will stay up for 20 to 24 hours and then sleep for another 8 to 10.  When left alone to my one devices I will always end up on this kind of schedual.  As a result my concept of time tends to become slightly off from everyone elses when the cycle is in contrast to every one else.  But it eventually comes around where I am mostly in line with the world. 

And now the questions.
Has my internal clock changed as a result of everyone else speeding up?  The more and more things speed up the more and more instances would emerge in contrast to that as a way of trying to maintain the universal balance.  That or becuase of the resistance to the change in speed I won't be one of the ones that makes it through the shift because I have not been speeding up as things would have to  in order to make it into the next frequincy range.

It is also possible that my internal clock hasn't changed at all becuase my perception of time is more constant and therefore uneffected by the conditioning.    This would also be a natural side effect of the conditioning getting to far out of the norm.  That would mean that the only ones that will make it through the shift would be the ones that make the realization that things are speeding up as well as make the needed changes to thier thought processes to adjust for the shift. 

However I also tend to think about this.  This whole things about the frequency changing would be just that, a change in frequncy nothing more.  It does not mean that time is getting any faster or slower, it just means that the Earth is getting ready for another magnetic shift which could be good or bad, who knows.  But time itself goes along unalterted because it is a construct.  Being such if what we are using as a basis for that construct no longer suits our needs then we need to find a new one. 

But then I could just be crazy and a little weird.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: TeH Psycho ChilD
October 07, 2006, 11:54:33
Not sure.  Sometimes dreams are just crazy combination of images and thoughts from through out day.  Some of these are not even fully realized in the consious mind but are logged into memory any way and eventually need to be delt with.  This could have been one of those dreams where the brain deals with all the flatsome.
Unfortunately the calander on my palm only goes upto 2031 so I will just have to remember.

Quote from: TalaNay on September 22, 2006, 07:13:21
I don't think I can make it....I doubt and hope I don't live to be friggin depressing.  Oh wait.. are you talking about in the astral, after we are already dead?  Sure, I'm there. :)

I'll only be 179 so I'll be there for sure.

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: any thoughts?
September 23, 2006, 12:40:26
There are so many different things that can be going on with this one.  I do know the feeling of being taught things in dreams.  An interesting aspect indeed. 

When you were viewing the van, how did you feel?  Did you know you were inside a dream or did it feel real?  Rate its realism in comparison to the room you are in now.

While you were sitting and listening to the person talk, did it feel like a classroom or a larger room?  Was this part of your lesson from ealier with your guide?  Do you know a "joe the barber"?
That my friend is only a matter of the people all getting tired of the situation at the same time.  There is actually a formal process written into the constitution on how we as a people can request a change of government.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Frank
September 17, 2006, 17:27:57
Sorry,  I was just pointing out a logic error.

I do miss having Frank around though.  He had some really interesting theories and a different view of the world that I miss seeing around here.