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Messages - owl

Sounds good, I could certainly use more mental capacity and focusing abilitys.


I have the BW generater cd that came with Robert Bruces "Mastering Astral Projection". I have not listened  to it because I am worried that if I train my mind using it I will not be able to ap without it. Have you had OOBE both with and without using the binaural beat cds? Just courious because I have been thinking about using them.
Thanks for the reply EscapeVelocity, that first expeirece was about 2 years ago & I haven't gotten that close again but I think I may be projecting and not remembering. I will sometimes wake with a jolt and have the feeling I was off doing things. I do keep a dream journal and I am remembering my dreams quite well. Anyway thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep at it.
I don't know if this will help, but sometimes if I am trying to figure out a dream I will break it down and look at it metaphoriclaly. Take the feelings, things and people that stood out from the different parts of your dream and see how they could apply to things you have been thinking about or working on or doing or not doing in your life. I believe the spirt world communicates with us through signs, symbols feelings and emotions. Try not to get upset and look for what can I learn from this.

hope this helps
Hello everyone, I am new here so forgive me if I am bringing up something that has been talked about but I could not find the subject.

I have been working on projection for about 2 years now, not consistantly but off & on. Anyway the first time I tried I had fallen a sleep for a short time and as soon as I was waking I used the rope technique and I felt my heart pounding out of my chest and I felt like I was expanding so much that I felt like I was filling up the whole room. At the same time I was going up & felt huge. Well I got so excited that I came to and woke up physically. That was the closest to having a AP I ever had since.

Over about the last year I have had my dream self project about 4 times. This is strange because I am aware of myself as 3 different consciousness, me dreaming, me in the dream projecting and I am also watching from a distance my dream self projecting. I also feel the projection. So I am wondering if anyone else has expierenced this or any thoughts on this.