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Messages - Trepkos

Quote from: FuzzyQuills on May 20, 2015, 23:31:30
...saw a strange ghost-like shape fly at my face...

Twelve years ago i also had this kind of experience. It was a cape hooded ghost that flew to my face. I had succesfully triggered a sleep paralysis with binaural beats. I screamed when this happened. The scream was that of a little girl. I was terrorized. I experienced a shock and woke up in my physical body.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on May 08, 2015, 05:18:13
This was a series of tests...


They will still hit you with the sex test from time to time,

Who's they?

Quote from: FuzzyQuills on May 19, 2015, 02:03:02
I then had a bad FA about not being able to move, of which I finally snapped myself awake by making my etheric arm deliver a slap to my forehead. (Don't even know how I managed that)

If you don't know how you managed it, that means you've been improvising a solution. That's good. Glad to read it worked well for you.
Desire is a factor. While it's good desiring for a projection, do not expect that it will trigger one. It helps to saturate your conscious mind with it, this being the result of desire. The saturation process can be of any form, like reading books and articles. but it can also be a simple thought. The more abstract the form, the more powerful it is and, it will be easier for one to forget about it. Also, it is harder to hold an abstract thought in mind but like i said, these forms are the most powerful. So, how harder to hold, how easier to forget, how more powerful. At some point one has to switch to something else. If one does this regularly, then the process of forgetting will become automatic. Projection comes about when one lets go of the conscious desire. In this way, it sinks into the subconscious part of your mind and works. In time, you will find that forgetting will go easier and you will need less saturation for it to work.

I also agree with Xanth when he says that most books focus on the body, because the works are a body. A body of concrete knowledge mostly, and one has to avoid concrete knowledge in order for the quality of the projections to increase. The best method and results follow when one turns inwards.
I think as long as we have dreams we can't realize in this lifetime on earth, we will realize them in the next life on earth. A final incarnation usually has dreams that reach the stars and other planets. I think most people who visit this forum a lot have such dreams. But there is work to do on the inner planes. It is possible that the following paths can be treaded:

the path of earth service
the path of magnetic work
the path of training for planetary logos
the path to sirius
the ray path
the path the logos himself is on
the path of absolute sonship

I don't know if these paths can be treaded after physical dead by one who has "dreams that reach to the stars", but according to theosophical teachings, the fifth initiation has to be reached.
Quote from: Drakoreo on May 17, 2015, 00:22:37
imagination, maybe. hm. one has to ask, what even is the imagination? and what is which is it based upon?

Imagination can be interpreted as a concept. In occult terms it is a thoughtform. It can also be defined as a hologram containing (like a container) other types of information relating to the whole. The whole here being the term "imagination". One can shape it, mold it, or manipulate it at will. The results of these manipulations will manifest themselves in the subjective field of a human being. For instance, if you contemplate on a problem (in your imagination), then your body or motor (especially the eyes play a major role in this) will take you to the solution. This solution will come in the form of transformed matter (the leaves of a tree in your case which are formed by a spirit). You said you contemplated on shamanism. Your mind interprets this as a problem so it will seek the "spirit" solution and you see spirits because the parts (spirits) form up the whole (shamanism). The whole is more than the sum of its parts though. If you contemplate on the problem "1+1", then you will see a "2" in the leaves of a tree or in another type of matter. One can argue that this is mainly because you already know the solution subconsciously, but if one contemplates on more complex problems of which you don't know the solution, then one can say that there is a connection with the "collective unconsciousness" and the solution will appear in the form of an unknown symbol. It is the task of consciousness itself to interpretate this. Integration of complex information patterns from the past will result in a "flash" of insight then.

Quote from: Drakoreo on May 17, 2015, 00:22:37How ever, now after reading about Shambhalla, I don't know if I could successfully achieve this without it being obscured by my own expectations, but perhaps that would not matter...

If experience is not obscured by one's own expectations, then the experience is that of higher realms that are "located" outside of our solar system. These realities cannot be described by words but are experienced as "a form of flash" in the physical and as so cannot be molded into a model, unless you're a genius. In the case of out of body experiences, you will find yourself in the "source". The surroundings can best be described as containing computer generated images or objects. These surroundings do not resemble in any way the physical reality. The resolution is very high and the texture of objects is smooth. No mountains or lakes or whatever. I am not a computer geek and therefore i do not generate these images on the "astral of this solar system", but i believe these are experiences of the cosmic astral, regions outside of our solar system. It is a universal thing. Theosophy didn't touch much on the subject of the cosmic astral. But words cannot describe the "experience itself".
Two days ago i had an interesting experience.

I went to bed with the intention to project. I used the method of ignoring the urges to move while lying on my back. After the images that came in my mind i found myself lying in another room. I heard the voice of my stepfather asking something in an agitated way to my brother somewhere on the outside of this room. Then i saw the image (like a ghost on fire) of my brother and his friend while still lying in this same room. I heard the friend of my brother saying (with an echo): "Do you still have it?" I immediately thought: "They are smoking a joint". Then i saw the black sky and stars and found myself flying at high speed towards a constellation. While this was happening, i still had the impression that i was still in my body. It was like a part of me projected, and another not. While flying towards this constellation i had the impression that it was all made up in my mind. I had the feeling that it was like a computer simulation. I did not reach the star where i wanted to be, instead i slowed down and flew to another star in another constellation which was closer. Upon entering this star, i felt a shift in dimension and i found myself in a disney environment. I saw goofy and mickey mouse in 2D. Then i woke up in my bedroom.

I still don't know what to think of all this. During the whole experience, i had the feeling of amazement. I didn't consciously choose to go to this disney environment. I just found myself flying towards a star. In all my OBEs i always fly to the stars. Maybe this is because i integrated the term "astral" which means "relating to the stars".

In another experience, which occured a week ago, i found myself flying in the night. I was fully conscious and decided to fly to a constellation. I looked up and saw stars forming a bow. I had the impression this was the saggitarius constellation but i may be wrong. As i moved upward, i found myself accelerating towards these stars. The stars became brighter and colorized. I realized i was getting closer. Suddenly two enormous beings appeared next to this constellation. One had the form of an enormous grey and the other had a square shaped head. They started shooting at me with some kind of weapon, but i saw no projectiles of some sort. When they started shooting, i unconsciouly mimicked the action of the grey and after this i woke up in bed.

With this experience, i concluded that the star system was guarded. I can't explain the mimicking action though. Maybe i wasn't ready to visit the system, i don't know.
Quote from: Drakoreo on May 16, 2015, 09:12:01
The spirit cast me a vision within the mind's eye of smoggy blue clouds smudged across a vibrant, purple sky, set like a stage behind a curtain of mountains extended far beyond a vast desert of stardust sand, lit in a faint, calm blue.

Mountains, desert... sounds like shambhalla yes. In theosophical literature it is stated that shambhalla is "located" in the etheric regions of the gobi desert (between mountains).
Quote from: Xanth on May 16, 2015, 03:26:50
If you were, you wouldn't be having any problems. 
It's quite the opposite... you haven't yet begun to sit in the passenger seat yet and your hand is still firmly on the wheel.

I have only problems when i'm trying to induce an OBE at will. It is like there is some kind of delay. For example; if i try to induce it, then i get results one or two days later (without effort then). As for the autopilot thing, i really have that feeling during the day. What you're suggesting is that i haven't got any experience. You are wrong. Trust me i have.
Quote from: Xanth on May 15, 2015, 21:49:50
You think too much. 
For projection, that will seriously work against you.  :)

Don't worry, i'm running on autopilot.  :wink:
Quote from: astralm on May 04, 2015, 23:44:34
The base technology (like binaurual beats is to hemi-sync) would be the neuro-linguistic programming.  I have not looked into it too much.

Sounds like those infra-liminal sounds are just hypnotic suggestions, only with a NLP twist on it. NLP can be very powerful. Let me illustrate NLP with an analog for a a verbal statement: Take this sentence for instance:

Undines Accompany Robert and are Evading the Tyranny in one Hour If Robert Stays Tolerant Ipso facto.

There is a structure (another sentence) embedded in the above sentence, namely; U ARE THIRSTI
Now they theorize that when one is reading the long sentence, their subconscious records "patterns and anomalies" in the long sentence namely, the upper-case letters. One should get thirsty after reading this sentence (depending on the sensitivity of the subject). Imagine what one could do with a long text inserting these anomalies. An analog can thus also be constructed using verbal words, slowing down, pîtching at certain letters etc.

I don't know his works and i can be wrong, but this is what NLP basically is.
Quote from: Xanth on May 15, 2015, 18:23:41
.. as long as what you're seeing is taking your awareness away from THIS reality.
That's all that's important.

From WHAT reality? You mean physical reality? If i take my awareness away from physical reality, then i see nothing but contradictions. It's like i'm on automatic pilot observing them. Have i transcended them in this way? One time i read about Hegel's dialectic; Thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis. Do i have to synthesize these contradictions? Or was my absence from physical reality just an illusion because physicality IS contradiction?
Focus can be a subtle thing. When you are in the hypnagogic state, then your consciousness is tuned to a certain frequency, and the fact that they fade means that you change frequency, and focus. You say that you didn't notice a change of focus. This is, i think, because when accessing the borders of the nonphysical world, the focus starts to become a subconscious thing; the longetivity of your subconscious focus has to be programmed beforehand, when you see nothing or when you are polarized on your ego. Repetition of the thought "longer focus" during this polarization can help, but the chance exists that the thoughtform is contaminated.

Another way is to look for symbols (objects) in your personal space that represent focus and align or combine them with symbols that represent longetivity. Objects in your house that belong to you. The fact that you are concerned with focus and are busy with it, is controlled by those objects. I'm sure you will find those symbols somewhere in your personal belongings. And i'm also sure that they are not combined.
Quote from: astralm on May 14, 2015, 20:46:46
I was just wondering if you would mind clarifying something for me.  When you talk about 'contraction' being less powerful are you saying as an individual becomes use to using it, it loses it's power (desensitization) or are you saying that because it is widely used by others around the world this will make it less powerful for an individual from the beginning when they start using it?

The second one.

I will clarify it further with an analogy. In your house, you have an object, yes? But there are people over the world that possess the same object. This means that there is a connection on the quantum level between these objects. They have the same shape, color, etc... .They are like conductors of energy. If one person has a headache and expresses resentment, and this person is in the neighborhood of the object, then the feeling (electromagnetic energy) of headaches is transmitted through this object to all other identical objects. Then all the persons who possess this object, will get a headache if they are in the neighborhood of the object. But if there are a lot of objects than the energy gets dissipated and no one will feel a thing, and this is my point. The object loses its power.

Remember that the shortest distance between two points is a structural link, not a line.

Again, when a technique is used by many, it simply will not work if the intensity of the desire of the individual for a positive result is not strong enough. And believe me, in this age of information and complexity you have to develop very powerful desires (almost impossible) for a widely used technique to work, because the energy gets dissipated (it spreads to all the people possessing and exericising the technique (the source may not have enough energy for all the users)). That's why it is best to invent something original.
Quote from: Hfeline on May 14, 2015, 18:20:40Do you think that it is important to visualize an object, or is that just something people do to maintain their focus? 

It is important to think in terms of processes. And no, it is not important to visualize an object. it increases your focus and power of imagination yes, but the idea of visualizing objects stems from a desire of wanting objects. This is the shadow of greed. The thoughtform "visualizing an object" is accompanied by greed. 

To succeed in meditation, you need two concepts. These are contraction and expansion. Most people are only familiar with contraction. What i mean by contraction of consciousness is focussing your awareness on a point in the black space of your vision. You will not get an impression of contraction because the thoughtform "contraction" is widely used by people. This only means that you have to put more energy in it for it to work properly. This is a paradox. In the end, you expect intuitively that the more people use a thoughtform or method, the more energy is in it and the less effort you have to make to let it work. This is not so. The more people use a method, the more it becomes less powerful. Expansion on the other hand is when you focus your awareness on the whole contour of the black field. Naturally, when you do this, you will get the impression that your black field of vision expands. You get this impression because the thoughtform "expansion" is not widely used, and is therefore more pure. This is your consciousness expanding. If you switch back and forth between these two modes, then you let your consciousness breathe. I only suggest that you take a little more time (make it last a bit longer) for the contraction part of the breathing process because like i said, it is widely used and therefore not so powerful any more.

Quote from: Hfeline on April 01, 2015, 19:33:41
As far as meditation goes, I'm not really sure how to do it. 

Meditation is about controlling your thoughts. You have to focus on nothing. If a thought enters your mind, dismiss it. You will find that the practice is "difficult". In the beginning, there will always be a thought that re-enters your mind. In time, the process of transferring your consciousness from the state of thought to a state of nothingness will become automatic and you will be able to induce sleep paralysis, which is a state where your consciousness is polarized in your energy body. It is the process of transference to nothingness which is important, not the state of nothingness itself. So from this you can deduce that it is a good thing that thoughts re-enter your mind, so you will be able to repeat the process of transference as you learn. So you see, "difficult" is only a limiting concept.

Quote from: Hfeline on April 01, 2015, 19:33:41During the day, I do like to practice phantom limb exercises as I feel my arm reaching for a cup while I have my arm resting.

If you do this, you have to consider all body parts. What happens is that your consciousness energizes that part of your body to a degree. It makes the energy body "more existent". If you only do this for one body part, then when you eventually will get out of body you get stuck with one part out of body and the other not. You probably have heard this when reading about OBEs, that people get stuck at certain body parts.

Quote from: mindflood on May 02, 2015, 21:34:10

In your opinion do you think these experiences are:

*something i was meant to experience?
*something that contains a lesson?
*some totally illusory force?
*something incomprehensible by me, so i interpret it as the most "dangerously" possible event imaginable?

It is said that when someone experiences enlightenment duality is transcended. I think that you experienced this; the feeling of a deeper meaning fused with an interpretation that it is a dangerous event. This is a sign telling you that you are making progress.

I also experienced it just recently. I experienced a world of SELF. The signals entering my consciousness from my environment was a kind of programming, a blueprint for how i would interpret the world or culture once i re-entered it. It was a mix of positive signals and negative signals where in the case of "dangerous" negative signals i got panic attacks and in the case of positive signals i experienced bliss. Deep inside however, i experienced a sense of overall goodness, a feeling of balance. It was only my ego that stood a bit in the way.
Quote from: dpk38 on May 07, 2015, 06:46:21
I am aware it is due to the damage of our self created image about ourselves, aka the ego - something which me must not possess, or transcend in order spiritually evolve. So how do we do this? I'm sure this would also put an end to our 'awkward' moments.

PS: At times I try looking at myself in a third person view, which helps as a relief, but clearly isn't a cure.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

You say that the ego is something we must not possess. You are right to a degree. The key for losing it is to accept it for what it is. We need the ego in 3D-reality in order to limit the nonphysical information flow into our consciousness. It appears that i am contradicting myself. I will explain it. If you (consciousness) accept it as a lower harmonic, then it will begin to resonate with your higher self which is on an octave higher, but only if you accept it. Resonance increases the nonphysical information flow into your consciousness. You become enlightened (for a moment). But to reach nirvana (to use an eastern term) or permanent ego loss; it is possible, but it comes with side-effects like insanity and extreme bliss (but this is kept hidden from the public). Insanity and godhead are more closely related than people use to think.
Quote from: Szaxx on May 13, 2015, 11:44:13
Like the work of Wilhelm Reich?
That could be a start.

Wilhelm Reich. Yes i know his work. I also know he was prosecuted. As for me, i never attempted to build orgone generators because i'm not the "hard science" engineering type. I do like science though. For instance: The field of memetics. Ever heard of it? The downside of it is that it is heavily biased. But you could say that this holds for all of science nowadays in this age of complexity and information. I say "age of complexity and information" but this is just another controlled system. But to put this back on topic: Those orgone generators could be very well used to induce OBE's. The simplest type of orgone generator is a power pyramid. You just put them under your bed and it could induce an OBE without even thinking about it.
Maybe that old man was you and you were given a kind of insight that you will reach that age. He made you think of your father you said. Like father, like son. Also, you said you had the impression that he was thinking deeply. I think its your old wise self.
Sometimes when i get lucid i think; oh hell, why not, and at other times i just fly around. But when i do it i have the problem that i wake up because of the excitement, so i think its better to just give it up. One time i had a lucid dream (i was partially lucid) where there stood a woman in front of me and i yelled: Pull off your pants! She ran away saying rather frightened: Oh my god! When i woke up i had the strong feeling that she wasn't just a thoughtform. Another time (this was a long time ago) i had a lucid dream where i entered a barber shop, and raped a girl. The look on her face was as if she was surprised. This i think was a thoughtform. But here it looks like that i've drawn my conclusion based on the response of another thing or being. Deep inside, the whole thing doesn't feel right though. In the end, one has to draw conclusions based on the intuition that comes from your higher self. You enjoy it yes, but i think that it limits you on your path. Another idea to consider is temperance.

Quote from: beavis on December 20, 2014, 02:51:47
I need to rebuild a variety of strong resonance I had years ago, but the question is to resonate with what and take the energy from where.

Have you tried radionics devices and orgone generators?
Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19
But its all 1 world with a variety of shapes and dimensions. I'm between 2 worlds, and the members of each world laugh at the other like they're unimportant or dont even exist once the border is crossed.

You're quite right its all 1 world. You say that you are between two worlds, but there are also other people trying to build this bridge. You're not alone in this.

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19Maybe I'm talking to the wrong lifeforms, Humans and their spirit forms in this case. Neither on Earth or in Astral do they seem willing to join in any project bridging the 2 worlds.

There's a concept called the quantum vacuum, where zero-point fluctuations indicate a certain source of creation. I don't know much about science, but i do know that quantum science is an attempt at bridging (on earth).

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19Maybe they dont think its possible, or the kinds of tools each of them uses are too different.

Scientists are trying to bridge it with the power of reason or mathematics. But the problem is i believe still the particle/wave duality. For example, how i understand this duality, is like when i'm sitting in my living room for example, and i see objects that are solidified (they are particle functions), then i know that my bedroom don't exists because i cannot perceive it (it is a wave function). Whenever i move through 3D, i constantly am collapsing the wave function because my mind solidifies everything within my vision (i'm creating reality).

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19I understand basic tools used in astral, which include "thought forms" that are attracted to simple patterns and later may bring things back. Like any material, they can decay and stop working. I've also heard that more advanced forms of them can reproduce on their own or build other things.

This reflects more the concept of artificial intelligence. The way i experienced thoughtforms is like this: they can be seen inside solidified matter. As long as matter (an object which you desire) is perceived as disorganized, then you can actually see the being building up the object of desire. The being is like bricks of a house. But when you create the being, you have to use intense willpower and visualization to mold it in the astral fluid before your mind's eye. You can also create an object (artwork for example) which represents the thoughtform. I found out that in the case of an artwork, when they return back to you, that they are more flexible and can manifest themselves near the desired target pointing with a finger to the target (which is usually close). Me myself, i always see thoughtforms or independent thoughtforms (not of my own) pointing with a finger. Sometimes i see only a hand pointing. They're like universal indicators.

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19I could go on about theories how it all works, but we really need to go at it with the Scientific Method or with some kind of strategy other than just playing with it. Playing is good but can only take us so far before we need a detailed and precise explanation of how it works and what we can do with it.

You're right. The scientific method is needed to share the newfound knowledge with everyone (not just the military).

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19Or am I "barking up the wrong tree" and maybe Humans arent interested in that kind of thing or arent ready for some reason? In that case I at least need a few astral tools built for my own use so I can advance to other forms of reality.

You have to become a genius first (or maybe you have already achieved godhead). In those other forms of reality, bring fire from heaven and transform it in something tangible.
If one looks at someone's face, then the eyes are mostly looked into first. This kinda explains why the word "eyes" is used instead of "mouth" or "nose". Also esthetically this is justified. But the idea here is to get an impression of the whole face. So when someone "looks" sad, then this expresses that the soul is troubled. The same goes up for other emotional expressions.