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Messages - Nameless



LOL, thanks for the chuckle. Merry Christmas
I think there has been a shift, whether on the astral level or in perceptions I can't say. I have not felt called to a retrieval in quite some time. My work now is more personally focused. I can't speak for others but I personally feel the retrieval work is done.
Thanks. So if I am understanding this correctly...
You put this

"Okey dokey. Will I get a message?"  Into the message generator and got this

" 231122 [It is always a warm fuzzy] "

If so, I am floored.

Okay, thanks William, I appreciate that. So next question is this, do you want feedback on the GMs? I ask because I don't want to interrupt your endeavors with my silly questions/observations so want to know what works best for you.
But it's all quotes from another site and we here mostly don't know have any context for it. What is the purpose of posting it here? Personally, the whole concept of algorithms does fascinate me on certain levels but I don't know enough to engage in a conversation. Although I know the entire web operates from these rhythms I don't need to know how it works. Seeing the lack of response here apparently no one else does either.

So what is the purpose?
!) You have unresolved issues
2) He has unresolved issues
3) This is a test, only a test.
William, sorry but I have ask. What the hell are you doing? This makes no sense. Are you just using AP to store quotes?
Okay, I get it now and it actually makes sense.

The purpose of humanity is to make humanity obsolete.
Okey dokey. Will I get a message?
Dangit Lu, thanks a lot. :-)

I watched the interview and wound up jumping down so many rabbit holes I finally fell asleep. I've spent the last few hours trying desperately to climb out of one hole or another only to fall down another one, hahha.

None of the interview was exactly a surprise but I did enjoy it and came away with lots of questions. Always a good thing. I tried searching for more information on what might be common physical, genetic traits of experiencers. Surprise, surprise, there isn't any other than Dolan's.

I would love to see actual health analysis done on known experiencers vs those who claim experiences vs those who have never had any kind of experience. Starting with the most routine and basic things like BP, temp, height, weight, medical history, etc. Moving on, of course, to blood analysis, xrays, body scans and brain scans. None of that is out of the question and so easily obtainable as most people already have much of that on file somewhere, it just needs to be correlated and analyzed. I wonder that none have done this already and even I hadn't thought of it till now. Every search I did all I found was psychological which is highly opinionated and subjective. Hard facts aren't that hard to determine in this process.

Anybody want to fund an analytical team to do this?
Thanks LB, I'm in agreement with that. We do seem very capable of carrying many frequencies at once.

God Lu, A definite signal that, "No, you can't take this with you. What get's discussed here stays here." I guess it's not something we either can or perhaps should think about consciously.., at the moment. All things in due time but it is really hard accepting the duality of 'being a part' and not being 'allowed to keep that part.'
Same as Volgerle, I will be watching this. I am highly interested in learning all I can from intelligent people.

You said, "For years I too have been on the fence about the fact that just anyone can learn how to not only Remote view, but have conscious APs as well. I have seen enough on this Forum to see that no, not just anyone can do this. Even with training. Some of us just don't have the right "wiring".

I'm coming to that same conclusion. May be we do all have the same ingredients but the wiring is certainly different. More digging needed but we might be getting somewhere. :_)
Interesting development today. Had another astral family adventure this morning only I wasn't there. Well I was but not so they would know. Didn't realize till I 'woke' up that they weren't talking to me, they were talking about me, so to them I wasn't physically with them. But my grandmother was there (I never met her as she was long gone before my time). However, she frequently visits in my 'dreams', more so than my mother which I find interesting as my mother tends to visit my daughter more so than me.

Anyway, my grandmother popped in to say hi to our newest family member who is only about 4 months old now. Now the really interesting part.

My daughter text me this morning. Seems we both woke up about the same time (within minutes of each other). She had quite the experience as well. She too was hanging out with all the family and apparently, I presented myself to her, only I wasn't really there either.

So, it was like I was dead and coming to them in spirit in both our experiences. Of course that's what prompted her to text in the first place.

Now guys, I know I'm not in the best of health and don't have any foreboding feelings of my own demise or anything like that. Of course, I know it could happen any time, near or far, but that doesn't bother me in the least, so I feel there is something else going on here. I know we have some concerns but wow. How to explain this.

Was this just a snapshot of vague though real concerns or was there some lesson being taught/shown? I don't know (yet) but I did want to record this event.

Alls I can say is whether physical, spiritual, astral or mental life is never a dull moment.
Tides, hey! It's a miracle you didn't die from alcohol poisoning. I like the image you paint of the moon being inside. I'll meditate on that one. I think we are supposed to have a lunar eclipse here in the next few days. I would like to view it if possible.

Also, I have no doubt that you are surrounded by a warm positive energy. For you I say 'stay golden' for surely you are. :-)
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: In search of my ET
November 05, 2022, 17:51:31
Also, I think I've said it before, your little niece is quite the conduit. I'm glad you and your sister give her the respect she deserves.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: In search of my ET
November 05, 2022, 17:49:38
Someone you did not know got you an audience with a great prophet who then sent you an answer to your question. That is so incredible and wonderful. I bet you are feeling quite special right now and you should as you are quite special. Maybe in the near future you'll get far more answers. I certainly think you will, congratulations.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Movie/Reality
November 04, 2022, 17:29:53
Whoa, that dream is very deep. Easy to laugh at on the surface but it shows some serious goings-on on a very deep or very high level.
What gets you excited about life?

Okay, I'll play.

Today I got excited over a book that arrived in the mail. But speaking honestly there is not much that does seem to excite me lately. Maybe I'm just getting old or tired, don't really know. Maybe tomorrow something will excite me, What about you?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Avatars
October 06, 2022, 16:30:09
Darn it, I knew you would say that (which I totally agree with by the way). Oh well, it is what it is so happy life, happy gaming to all of us.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Avatars
October 06, 2022, 12:15:19
LOL, you do have a fun way to view the world. The longer I live the more onboard with this idea I become. I just wish I could find the button to turn down the intensity level of pain and suffering our avatars feel.

Wait, I just had a thought - did you hide my button. Hahahaha

Welcome back.
Hi Casey, don't why I didn't see your comment till now.

Quote from: omcasey on September 18, 2022, 22:37:37
What are the odds of all this ?!@#$%, my goodness. Your experiences seem to be amping up, too. Or.....are you just beginning to write about them more.
I am trying to write a little more AND put past exp. in better perspective.
But also my experiences always ramp up when I am ill. It is sometimes a helluva price to pay.

LightBeam, welcome back. I have heard New York pizzas are the best but I haven't had one yet.
Quote from: Nodecam on September 26, 2022, 11:07:52
Hi LightBeam. How can one do this? How can you relive the past? Is it only a matter of intention, focused intent?
I'm not LB but I'll share my opinion. Think of the past as an event rather something done and over. When you make your attempt start by thinking of the event you want to re-visit. As you do this keep this thought in the back of your mind, "Is this accurate".
Wow, you are most certainly evolving on a spiritual level. The very interesting thing about these type events is the mix you experience. Seems we are often shown (at this stage) things that are typically way outside our understanding, but it is mixed with things (standard dreams, if you will) of things we do or can relate to which allows us that ever so elusive validation which helps move us along forward.

These validations (the cheese, etc.) are a way of letting you KNOW just how real your experience was/is despite your lack of understanding on a fully conscious level. My only advice here is to please not discount any single part. Instead of discounting try separating which you have already done admirably. This will help lead you to better understanding.

I won't do any interpreting of symbols and such as those are so personal to each individual. But you are doing a phenomenal job of analyzing this for yourself. One caution though is to not over-analyze. Your thoughts on this will deepen as time goes by and I will add one thing. I think you have already received the 'gift'.
I dropped something off at the Island today.