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Messages - Mobius

G,day James!

Whoaaah! Thanks for that, since our last discussion I've surfed the net a bit looking for more info on crystals, but came across quite a lot of crap, so those links you posted was a good change & more of what I was looking for.

I'm also glad you were able to SEE my writing, I've really got to watch that, it's been happening a lot lately & reminds me of what Kakarot & some others wrote about where they will say something, it is ignored, & then someone else posts the same thing & the words they write are somehow not affected by the invisible writing that the original poster seemed to suffer from. Well, I'm glad someone has a backlight, I even sent 4 posts to our host Robert, but I can't seem to get rid of the invisible ink I am writing with, I'm hoping it's some other reason though, as it's becoming a worry,hehe.

After you mentioned the Lapidary clubs I went & checked out the ones here in Queensland, as well as some fossicking clubs, so I'm starting to get on track. I even went down the library & what do you know, Q.L.D Gemmalogical club had a display & some contacts, talk about turning up just when you want it to.

The Piezo! cool thanks for that, fills in the gaps even more. Unfortunately my first application for piezo's was to look for a source of energy to make a spark without needing to be re-charged or plugged in to anything for igniting my home made BAZOOKAS & Mortars, the things we get up to as teenagers eh?,hehe.

The last link was not too full on, it was more of what I was looking for & a question for you that I have not been able to discover.

When metaphysical type people who deal with crystals talk about "vibration rates", how have they measured this? Vibrating compared to what?

Also, when they say a particular crystal corresponds with a particular star sign better, how did they determine this? I can understand that when a human is born, the star sign that is in the sky is given to the new born, but how does this work for crystals?, that are surely exposed to ALL star signs?

Just a couple of hurdles I'm having difficulty getting over & it's ok if your not sure, I just don't get it though.

Good journeys mate


Hi Tom

If you DO plan to move to Australia, whatever you do, don't consider "The Blue Mountains" as a posible destination or west of Sydney. The Blue Mountains is one giant pollen producing factory, almost killed me a few times & I never had that type of reactions when I was living in Sydney.

I was classed as highly allergic after a few years living in Katoomba, (nearly the highest point of the mountains) & the attacks would hit so swiftly that after the beginning signs of itchy eyes, itchy throat etc, My parents would have to rush me to hospital before my whole throat would close up & choke me. I got put on a desensitizing program of one needle per week in my arm, of the same stuff I was allergic to, to build up a resistance, like Homeopathy I guess, after a year of needles I gave up. But my immune system kicked in after a short while.

I've never suffered here in Queensland, except for a bit of sinus problem, so just a warning if you have allergies.

Good journeys


Hi Distant Bell

Yes, at present I am studying at QUT, (Queensland University of Technology) & thoroughly enjoying it :

I moved up from Sydney about 10 years ago, as the traffic, the tension & environment started to seriously disagree with me. I have relatives who have all made the move up here to escape the hell & high prices in Sydney. They like me, know for a young person, your dollar wont go far in Sydney.

It's true we have the most dangerous spiders & snakes in the world here, but as far as snakes go, I happen to like them & used to find them inside people roofs all the time when I was a plumber, they get rid of vermin & lice breading birds from your roof & generally try to keep well away from humans. Sydney has the greatest population of funnel webs & red backs, but if you know where to look, there is no problem.

I personally have a bit of an arachnaphobia, but it is mainly the Hunstman & Wolf spider. They are attracted to me like a magnet, & I feel it's some sort of Karma payback thing happening on behalf of all Hunstmans. Much to my horror, up until I was about 4 or 5, I used to actively look for hunstmans, gather as many as I could in my little hands & then go & show my relatives, who would naturally either scream or turn white when they saw me pulling their legs off one by one & no-one could understand why I didn't get bitten. I'm trying to kiss & make up with the hunstman species & work with them instead of against them.

I was actually surprised to here about Cainam & Toms opinion of studying in the U.S, interesting.

If you live near a city Distant Bell, or the population where you are is more than 4 million, Sydney will seem like nothing, a tiny town compared to places in the states. If you prefer less dense populations, Brisbane is the go.

I will definately agree with Fenris, that this is the best Australian state to live in, as we have : Less population, less tax, less trafic lights, the best beaches, Islands to visit only a short drive away, the barrier reef, a climate where the top tempretures don't exceed Sydney's, even though we are closer to the equator, lower rent & house prices, & the highest job placement rate upon graduation from Uni out of all the states (which is 7 states) & the weather is just the best, it's winter at present, my favourite time of the year here in Brisbane, crystal clear days & tempretures that reach a nice T shirt wearing 23 degrees celsius, I just love it.

The downside? Australia is a VERY dry place compared to your country Distant Bell & Brisbane is one of the driest states, the soil here would look like a desert compared to your country, except for volcanic areas. A tinkle poor public transport system compared to Sydney & Melbourne.

Ok, I'll stop carrying on now, cya's.


Ah, ok, seems I'm writing in invisible ink, I'll have to watch that.


Hi Robert

I'll make this short & sweet as I posted this question after something you talked about in the interviews section, under radio schedule. Basically, I just wanted to know if spinal injuries help or hinder the development of Kundalini?

Thanks for any info


Hey Cainam

I can't comment too much on this, but to say, man I envy you being able to fall asleep at the computer. Ever since I started OBE's at 6 years old, it became increasingly hard for me to accept that sleep actually occurs. I started thinking, what is sleep? Why do we need to sleep? Obviously at some stage in the day your physical body gets exhausted & wants to shut down for some reason. But I could never work this out, as I never actually perceived myself as going to sleep after 6 years old, it was like my body just relaxed & another part of me continued so that I could continue doing things I was interested in.

Even over the last year since I've been taking sleeping tabs, I have been in this inbetween world, where I'm told by my girlfriend that she was sure I was asleep, but asked anyway "are you awake?" and I would reply immediately "yes", but at the same time I was getting transmissions from the astral,very confusing back then & I'm still curious as it has never stopped.

I often just lay down to rest & hope that sleep overtakes me, but now my girlfriend knows better my sleeping? habits & if she sees my lying down, even for hours & wants to talk she will just say "look you know you can't sleep, so stop pretending". I know that somehow I do, because I don't have black eyes or bags beneath them from lost sleep.

Fall asleep while doing something??!!!!!.............I wish!

Good journeys mate


G,day Comus

To turn you way of thinking around, you need to think the opposite of what you are writing & tell yourself, regardless of what people around me say, I'm worth it, I'm competent, I can do anything I focus my energy on.

If people around you tell you that you are incompetent, useless, inept, worthless & you give credence to those words or somehow think their words & thoughts have more value than your own, that is exactly what you will believe of yourself. What authority or right do they have, that they somehow know the real you & can tell you what you are, when you know deep inside they are wrong. I'm just talking about basic social interactions here, not taking it to extremes e.g. Killing someone for no reason & saying you are right in doing so, because that is what you believe is right.

Obviously (and you would allready know this I feel) you have to operate within the boundaries of the law.

It's amazing how many things we take for granted in life & how we compare ourselves to others, or measure our success in terms of material possessions, qualifications or social standing. Whether you believe it or not, you are in the top 10% of all the people on this planet, as far as conditions of life goes. I assume you have shelter, protection from the weather, clean drinking water, sewerage, access to food, information etc. Then you come to what the majority of people on this planet would consider luxury goods ; a bed, free or cheap medical help, t.v, a computer, cars etc. all of which I assume you have had experience with.

If we plucked you out of Canada & placed you amongst some peoples in Africa, India, some parts of Asia & South America, they would think you were some sort of unatainable millionaire type person, who has experiences & possessions beyond their wildest dreams. So thank the Gods of good fortune that you have been placed where you are, because as bad as you think things are, there are literally millions who would trade your life for theirs in a nanosecond.

Sooooo, to identify where you are going wrong or what you need to learn, you need to translate your thoughts e.g. I am useless at maths, science, english, talking to people, driving, music, work, wiping my butt ; Becomes I need to learn or read more on maths, science, english, talking to people, driving, wiping my butt etc. So you type those words into a search engine or go to a library & gather some more info on areas you feel you are lacking in.

Also, try to be happy & positive as much as possible, this will help your brain work more efficiently, get hold of some comedies or anything that makes you laugh, & laugh recklessly, laugh at the world, yourself, your situation, you would be surprised at how well it works.

Take care mate, all the best, good luck & good journeys, we are all cheering for you.


Hey Comus

Mate, I know you are not a teenager anymore, I looked your profile up before I posted you & noticed you are 20 years old & age & that was not what I was thinking about when I posted you.

There IS no age barrier when it comes to depression as Tisha could vouch for. I was just pointing out that I have been there myself & many reading your post have themselves as well, but are either past it or still suffering & so are interested in how you deal with this.

The temptation coming from my own experience is to somehow think YOU have all the answers, or should have, & to admit that, to people around you is a hard thing to do. When you are in a state like this, it is also likely you will bite the hand that is trying to pull you out of the quicksand. I'm sure your family would not like to see you dead or to go like that, & would want to know what they can do to help.

The reason I said "get out of the area you are in", is because you get stuck in a rut sometimes, & your comfort zone (the area you live, the job you have, the people you mix with) becomes a straight jacket on you, not a place for comfort. I've heard people say "home is where you make it", that's fine for people who don't like change, but you are literally forced to stop & examine what you are doing that is wrong & admit to yourself that leaving the dead wood behind might be the thing to do that saves your life.

I have someone close to me that spent 2 weeks in hospital in the mental ward for suicide attempt, I was there the whole time & I can tell you that seeing things from both sides now, I'm not sure which one is worse, having it happen to you, or watching someone you love dig their heels in & refuse help because of pride & fear of being labeled a loony. It's just not worth it, don't wait until that happens.

You are right about the taking tablets might be only a temporary solution, & it should be treated like that, you wouldn't want to be on them long term anyway, but they are definately a helping hand & will give you the positive frame of mind you need to better combat your situation.

All the best mate


G,day Comus

Hmmmm, not good mate, but on the upside, there is better luck just around the corner. Frank is right about the suicides & I have seen & interacted with some myself. We talked about this sort of off topic in astral chat under "what dreams may come", as they have one possible version of where suicides go in that movie (not that I necessarily agree with it), I felt from what I had seen, it was a lot like the movie "the others", people from the past or present, engaged in depressing mundane activities, but generally the scope of the individuals beliefs restrict them from moving on with things & casting off negative attitudes & experiences.

You just sound a bit depressed, maybe a bit down on the luck or can't seem to win for losing, you are obviously not dumb as you can use a computer, type, spell & write well, so you just have to start thinking positive & think of your self as lucky & expand your horizons, maybe get the out of the area your in.

I went through this phase when I was 15 & I thought nothing could be closer to hell, but there are so many suffering 1000 times worse, & later on in life those lessons learnt give you good life skills & experiences to draw on later.

The things holding you back is what you need to gain more information on, learn about & turn them from stubling blocks into stepping stones.

Worse comes to worse mate, see a doctor.

Good journeys


Hi guys

Hey Fenris & Grenade, I've got a copy of "falling down" on video & I watch it every now & then, the acting in it was pretty bad, but the story line excellent. I had to buy it as it reminded me of an episode that I had at McDonalds a couple of years ago myself & what I would have liked to say to the attendants at the time, if I wasn't in the drive through.

I know this story isn't like Toms, involving energy etc. just a baaaaaaaad experience at McDonalds.

My girlfriend & I had just left Hungry Jacks (Burger king) as they have bigger size O.J's than Macca's (although less quality, but quantity matters when you have a hang over). It was a hot summers day allready at 10:10 am pulling into the drive through of Macca's & I was only about 5 cars behind the service counter, so I thought cool, 20mins left to kill before breakfast menu is over.

Nope, it wasn't going to turn out like that, as the person getting served either ordered the entire store, or the 16 year olds responsible for the million dollar franchise were replaced by 15 year olds or a helpbot or something, as I did not move for the period of 10:10 to 10:30. The tempterature gauge in my car started to rocket as I pulled up to the 1st window,to be greeted with a "Good morning sir, what would you like to order?".

"Two bacon & egg muffins thanks" I replied,only to be told in a happy detached sort of voice. "I'm sorry sir the breakfast menu has finished, you can order from our main menu board now"..........................................................................................................................."WHAT ! " I said " You must have seen me in your camera, I've been waiting in line for 20 mins, I was here at 10:10 am! the guy at the front took 20 mins!". Like a well trained helpbot she replied " I'm sorry sir the breakfast menu is finished, you can order from our main menu".

Scenes from the movie "falling down" came flashing through my mind & I thought "how? why? who? what the?". My girlfriend was just going "don't have a go at them, don't worry about it, lets go", but in true "falling down" style, I drove to the 2nd window & launched my large size burger king O.J through the window & screamed a four letter obscenity at them, as if all that would somehow rectify or make right the ordeal.

Oh well, lesson learnt, no Macca's drive throughs & hell has no fury,that matches the scorn of a woman.

So every time Macca's comes up in conversation, my girlfriend delights in telling everyone how I lost it in the drive through & not only lost my cool, but my morning hangover rectifier as well, the O.J.

Good journeys all


G,day Frank

I'm still having the same sensations, from last time we talked, the weird sensation above your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead. I'm really annoyed with it as it seems to throb now even when I read the paper or some other non metaphysical type book & I feel myself wanting to touch the area to feel if anything is protruding!

I hope I get used to it soon or it that it stops, either one would be nice as a couple of months has been a bit much with this feeling. I'm not reading any OBE books or anything at the moment as I am back at Uni, so I don't understand why it's hanging around on me. I hope MY piece to that puzzle comes soon.

I notice though it gets worse around the full moon, so that's tonight & tomorrow night I'll be feeling it, for sure. A lot of little coincidences are turning up this full moon for me, tomorrow the 27th will be a full moon, my fiance's 28th birthday, Robert has an interview & an oppurtunity will be explored with my other love in life, music. My sister is turning up for a visit after 2 years in Japan. So there's a strange sort of mystical sense about this weekend for me, strange days indeed...............................................strange days indeed.

Lots of thought this weekend, will have my little third eye matee acheing like buggery, so I'm keen to see what's on the other side.

Good journeys all


Hey all

Frank is right, it's been talked about a bit in here, the ol third eye, brow chakra, pineal gland, pressure sensation, weird sensation, just above the eyebrows in the center of the forehead.

I'll throw in this link again for new members, although many books I own have different positions of the pineal gland, this site is one of the only ones I know of that contains pictures & mention the third eye & pineal gland.

I'm not sure if it mentions the sensations you get while focusing on this thing, but it has some good general info in it anyway.

Good journeys everyone


Hi all

James, thanks for that info, I've never really looked into Lapidary clubs before & you may well have given me another idea on how to take my adventures even further. I only know one guy who does fossicking for crystals & it is just like you say, they seem to get them from mines that have dug for gold in the past.

I only know of a couple of sites & as you say as well they are a fair way inland, so I'd like to map out a few others & then hit the countryside for a few days & link up as many of these sites as possible. There is only a couple of places in Brisbane where I actually buy them from, as most other sources are pretty crap. One of them is :

The only other place that I go is when I visit family in Sydney (Blue mountains) & I go to a cool little shop called Colliers crystals:

These have been the only places I could find that sold "quality" crystals, many in uncut & unpolished form. But the good ones are sooooooooo expensive & I'd love to dig some of my own out of the ground, to save on this cost.

I would like to find a website on this sort of stuff that comes from the academic or scientific fields of studies, so I can get rid of any extraneous factors.

Good journeys guys


G,day Adam

A good link indeed, thanks mate. I can see why astralmaster had a little difficulty though, maybe he should have put a bar on the left hand side with a list of all the things in his index, as that part is probably where you want to look first.

I'll add his index in case anyone skims past it too & doesn't see this part of the site.

Good journeys guys


Hi Adam

Just thought I'd throw in an interesting link/s on crystals & chakra's, sorry to cut across your bow Kelmactor, just thought those watching this page could get a bit out of these links.

Good journeys all


G'day James

Yes, I probably lean more towards the skeptical side with most of them at the moment, but I'm hoping that I will prove to myself that there is more to them than looks. I know exactly what you mean about some of the hardcore crystal followers & I have to beware when going into some of those shops as there are some that insist that they can do everything that a doctor or accupuncturist can do for you, I'm yet to see the proof of that.

Maybe there is some truth to it & the effects are more subtle instead of instant relief, or something you can notice straight away.

I wasn't going to publish the results but I might do now since there are some around like myself who believe in some metaphysical concepts like OBE's etc. but are skeptical as to the uses of crystals. I'm trying to find this out myself, as I have never directly noticed any differences while using crystals (except the piezo, ouch!). However there does seem to be a long history of us humans using crystals & so many swear by them I thought " Ok, I'll be the guinea pig for a couple of years & test the reactions on myself, to see if they correspond with any of the abilities people say they have".

I thought it only fair to give the trial a minimum of 2 years, as it is a bit much to pick them up & expect a result without learning about it first. It has cost me a bit, as crystals aren't exactly cheap to buy, especially the ones that are considered to be valuable or extremely useful e.g crystals that have no imperfections like cracks or splits inside the crystal. I guess a lot like diamonds, you wouldn't buy one that had a chip in the middle or a split running down it's center.

Oh, I forgot to mention, g,day Kelmactor, another Aussie, good to see, welcome to the forums, cya around.

Good journeys all


Hi guys

I've been looking in to the effects of crystals for a couple of years myself, with mixed results, I even purchased the "melody" book called "love is in the earth, a kaleidoscope of crystals", the 12th edition. A very good book which describes many properties of crystals including their vibration rate & what star signs each crystal corresponds best with. It has about 40 crystals listed that can assist with astral projection.

I have really only scratched the surface on the properties of crystals & still class myself as a novice & not even that. I have heard people say before "crystals are nothing but pretty rocks to decorate with". They obviously didn't know about Quartz watches as mentioned before & for anyone who still doubts the ability of crystals, try sticking a peizo ignitor next to your skin & push the button, after jumping a foot in the air, you will think otherwise.

Most gas hotwater units/ heaters have them & older gas stoves have them also, & the spark is enough to light a flame.

I have been documenting my results with the crystals, but will wait another couple of years before I take it to another level as I would like to plot out the results of each one I have used over the space of 2 years.

Good journeys


G,day Fenris

As to the energy stealing, I was just clutching at straws there & I'm probably way off the mark with regards to Toms experience, just some thoughts I had after reading his post.

I'm not sure if energy stealing or psychic vampirism has been proven scientifically at all, but I do seem to notice when arguements happen face to face or there is an unspoken tension or dissagreement about the place, the person with the most aggressive attack seems to walk away with the winnings, in this case the energy of the other person, leaving them with a feeling of weakness, loss & defeat.

If you are aware of this exchange in energy's like many in here are, you can use steps to avoid a loss of energy.

Damn, I'm late for lectures, go to go, talk again soon.


G,day Tom

Are you normaly the type of person who would not say anything to someone jumping in front of you? If so, this submissive form of compliance with others selfishness will only result in your loss, time wise & energy wise. Selfish, ignorant, arogant or dominant people can simply steal your energy off you, sometimes knowing they are doing so, to make sure they get what they want, other times they do so unconciously.

My girlfriend is like this, & would let 10 people pass her, just so she would not attract attention, create a scene or have all eyes on her for the moment. She dreads someone doing it while I am around, as I will just go ballistic at them & I don't care if they put me up on a movie screen while I do it either. I guess she doesn't like it because they will look at her too.

The other possibility as to the strange energy sensations, it could have just been chance or coincidental that it happened to you just as he was moving towards you & the energy could have been entirely manifested by you, a result of your "playing" with the energy, just before he moved.

Ahhhh McDonalds, I'll have to save my incident like in the movie "falling down" till next time, anyone seen that movie? I'll give YOU 1 minute past breakfast menu!

Good journeys


Hi all

Alpha, I keep a journal & have done since the 26th of Feb, 1998. I first started out with an actual diary with dates allready plotted in, but I would have big gaps sometimes of a few days or a week, leaving useless space. So I ended up just buying a plain old cheap arse/ butt exercise book of about 80 pages. That way I could plot the experiences in the book straight after each other, leaving no huge gaps of lost days or blank pages because of dates.

At first it WAS a pain & many experiences I would just not write down, as I didn't really have a set way of writing them down, I would just blurt it out, without any constructivity to it. But ever since I got AD, I have writing them down the way RB says in his book, which has been so much more effective for me.

I really thought I would remember everyone of my OBE's too, but when you start getting into the hundreds, it becomes a stretch to remember them all. The way RB sets it out also allows for times when you have 3 to 5 OBE's, dreams or lucids in one sitting. Normally, I would have tried to write down every detail of the first one, but as I was trying to do that, I would forget the details of the other ones. So now I just write down a couple of key words to trigger my memory of that experience.

Jeff, welcome to the forums & a big YES for me on the computer program you are doing. I was thinking of doing something like that myself, but now it looks like I wont have to. It will be interesting for me to see what sort of pattern emerges, I do know that for me personally, the full moon or thereabouts is the best & most vivid times for me to have an OBE.

When it is no moon phase, I tend to have just dreams or lucid dreams. So it really would be good if there was a program for this type of thing, I'm sure there is programs like this that scientists over the years have used for their studies of OBE's, but I doubt whether it is available to the public, so well done Jeff.

Good journeys all



The only thing I could add to the last rather good posts is concerning the bright flashes, almost like a lightning flash thingies. I have experienced this quite a few times myself & they are a bit of a shock at first I know. When I first joined up here it was one of the first things I wanted to find out about & was lucky enough to get a response from our host Robert Bruce (although it was someone elses topic they had started).

I can't remember the name of the topic back then as it was something like "bright flashes" or something, not the term "strobe" as I know it to be now.
In Astral Dynamics there was a good run down on the "strobe effect" & many have posted it as a topic in here, so you might be able to glean some more info from those as well.

From what I remember, in the end, it is just like Frank said "normal". As to the mechanics of it, haha, I will leave that up to you, but check out anything on brow chakras or the strobe effect.

Good journeys


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Newbie
July 21, 2002, 18:56:00
Hi again all

Patty I agree with you on how confusing terminology is with regards to the metaphysical world & it is a difficult thing to overcome & sort out for yourself.

I've seen many in here including myself grappling with the terminology used by a particular author or site, as not only is the experience subjective, each author has had to try to make sense of pre-established theories, terminologies & authors, in the end they are either forced to follow a similar line of theory as others before them or to stike a new direction & risk people saying "hey, hang on, that doesn't correspond with what I have read before (the terminology) but the experience they are mentioning sounds similar to my, blah, blah, blah".

Unfortunately, for the moment, that is all we can do, to read books, forums & any other sources to put together the pieces of the puzzle for ourselves, & by documenting our own experiences, we can match them up with the terminology used by various authors to find which ones correspond with our own way of thinking, often, none of the authors cover the things some have experienced.

This seems to be a good forum to expose your heart & thoughts without everyone jumping on you & saying " I'm sorry, you are wrong" or "that doesn't exist" simply because they have not experienced it. So many things in the past I thought, man that is too out there, only to run into a similar experience myself later on in life. Now, I don't rule out anything as a possibility, if I havn't experienced it or have no further information on it, I just put it to the back of my mind until more light is shed on the subject.

Recently I saw on another forum a bit of mutiny amongst the administrators of the site & a senior member & it was all about terminology. Having names for the experiences we have is an important thing, but not to the point where someones experiences are pigeon holed into something that means little to them.

So Poison Ivy, feel free to say whatever YOU feel is happening to you, as you will find if it's happening to you, it's probably happening to many others as well.

Good journeys all


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Newbie
July 21, 2002, 04:08:45
Hey Poison Ivy

Yes, I know what you mean about trying to control it, this is what occupies my time lately with OBE's, just trying to stay in total control & keep focused so as not to lose all the bits in between.

It is a good thing as far as OBE's go that you are aware of your physical body to the point where you notice your body being immobilized as in sleeping or waking paralysis, which seems to happen just before going to sleep or entering an OBE. The more you notice the easier it becomes (OBE's).

The two biggest things I learnt that helped me gain more accuracy & control was 1) Repetition ; like learning to type, play instruments, drive a car etc. only this was/ is practicing OBE's, &
2) Documentation ; so you can establish any coinciding factors & basically graph or chart it, e.g. OBE's happening more on the full moon, dreams & lucids at the no moon phase, real life applications to the dreams & OBE's. Also by documenting it, the act of writing it down re-inforces the experience, making it progressively easier the more times repeated.

Hope you don't go back to lurking mate, I'm sure some of your experiences would help others to clarify what is happening to them, so they can put their own pieces to the puzzle together & maybe along the way you will gain something priceless, just by talking.

Well, welcome to the forums mate & we'll see if we can get some more posts out of you yet, cya.

Good journeys


G'day Cainam

Although I'm in Australia, I used this trick that I read in one of those how to be a millionaire type books, anyway the author was an American so I'm sure this would work the same over there.

1) Apply to your existing bank to get a small loan, the minimum loan they have. Over here for me it was $500.00. You don't use the money for anything, you just hold on to it for about a month, then pay it back in full, with the bit of interest you would have accrued for the loan.

2) You do it all over again with a $1000 loan, hold on for a month, pay back in full plus interest.

I only had to do this 3 times & the banks, mortgage lenders & margin lenders thought I was a champion & would throw loans at me . At present I don't have full time work so I wont take on any other loans, but since you have work, that is all you need my friend to get you back on the right track.

Good luck anyway


Hi, Hey, Hello

I'll pick up the baton for you matee, I'd like to believe we are in a world/ universe where anything is possible & who knows, for some reason someone might find a way or has a way to do what you suggest.

However as pointed out in the last post, RB & other authors believe we have a projectable double & an original copy is kept in the body (etheric body) until the time of physical death. So even though the two participants wish to be inside anothers body ( like the movie "being John Malkovich", not exactly I know) there would be a problem in the real life, as the ehteric body would probably perceive it as a psychic attack & would put up it's natural non-physical defences e.g. the complete waking state.

There is the cases of possesions also, but they seem to be co-inhabiting the same body & have struggles for control as opposed to someone else having total control of your body like Freddy Kreuger or something.

Who knows, maybe somewhere, sometime, but the only ethical problems I see that could arise from this is, 1) Nonmaleficence :  that is , if it was developed somehow or allready exists as a technique, it is not used for causing harm to others. a) the exemption would be; in defence of yourself or family from attack. This creates an ethical dilemma also, as we know, history is replete with examples of when the defence of something is taken to it's extremes, when coruption & self interest blur the lines of the original concept, which was preventing harm.

2) Beneficence : That is, if it is possible to do it ; it should only be used for doing good, anything else would be an attack on the fabric that holds us together as communities & makes us co-operate with each other for the good of all.

Everyone would like the freedom to do exactly what they like, when they like, but we are forced to conform with laws set by society, otherwise there would be anarchy, so it IS worthwhile examining the ethical problems associated with going into someone else's body, even if it has not been proved in the physical world.

Good journeys all
