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Messages - Qui-Gon Jinn

jeez Sim, I thought my 1938 was going to stand for long time... heh.. respect!  ...guess the "road" was pretty slim there towards the end.......... [:D]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Summer Time
July 16, 2004, 03:43:11
Having only one day off mon-fri during the whole of summer, and the weather is unbelievably not-summery... is it only us scandinavians having the worst summer weather-wise for a 100 years?? (coldest since 1928 they say) I haven´t counted, but I would estimate we´ve had 3-4 sunny days since the 1st of June... swedish summers are usually awesome, but this one has been one long monsune period so far. No that many beach parties for moi...
      ....oh yea, I don´t eat ice cream either. [B)]

Kaz, you have room for me in Portugal? I need to work on my tan, badly...

  //A not to depressed Q-G J after all... there is a swedish saying, directly translated it goes; "There are no bad weathers, only bad clothes" (it rimes in swedish: det finns inga dåliga väder, bara dåliga kläder... ;))

Jeez... when I saw this thread now I remembered a dream from tonight in which I finished the chopper game, came to the end in other words. Damn I thought I really did that, but it was only a dream! [:O]  ...and I haven´t playing it like crazy, only 10 times tops.
I see I´m still THE CHAMP (YEA![:D]) so far though with my 1938 'points'... (see attachment a few posts up [8D])

// [^]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / That special thing..
July 09, 2004, 13:30:37
distant-Felix, they can´t throw water on us all summer long can they?? (bound to run out sooner or later)
They´ve done a good job so far though... last day was one of three or four sunny days for 1½ month or so (estimation) - coldest summer (so far) since 1928 I heard last night... [|)]

Be well my fellow countryman! Btw, still residing in Lund??

      ....rain clouds coming in.. [B)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / That special thing..
July 09, 2004, 04:15:45
Amen to that bro... I spent last summer planning, well not actively planning (more thinking of) for a 2 week or so long hike in the more northern landscapes of Sweden. Untouched nature... its inhabitants - and me.
Then work came in between - and I was in no position to say no.
Still yerning (sp?) for this, and I´ll go for it once I get the "opening"... this I think will be extremely beneficial, and the ultimate battery recharger!
Last summer I just took my m-bike and got away from the city, to the forrest and the open sea. Sleeping under an open sky listening to nature and the waves crashing in... one day and my batteries was almost fully recharged - I wonder what magic a 2 week hike would be capable of........

Be well db, maybe I´ll see you at some mountain "soon"...... or perhaps at a monastery in Tibet, on a hill - with the bells ringing... remember?
Hmm the pic didn´t wanna join in on that last one... giving it another go;

Attachment: 1938.JPG 6878 bytes
I don´t wanna brag, but I´ll do it anyways... 2nd try only ;) :

Oh and yea, a mosquito disturbed me there in the crash... [}:)] otherwise I´d hit 6-7000 [:I][;)]
I´m getting the feeling I´m in the beginning of one of these "down periods" now... most things feel... well.. boring... meaningless almost, even though I know better. Can´t help that´s how I feel though... well, actually I can hehe, you know what I mean... hmm... draveling... anyways... if you want to try something "extreme" - the parachuting idea ain´t bad at all.
It isn´t to expensive (not in Sweden it ain´t) and trust me - you´ll get a rush for sure... to bad I´m not a rich ($- wise) man, I´d invite you to Sweden for some parachuting [;)]  

You have a button called "print screen" Nay... just press it when you want to capture what you see on the screen at the moment.. then go into for example "paint" and paste it in, save, and bam, next moment you have bragging rights!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
July 04, 2004, 15:47:46
Congratulations... an extremly well done tournament, with a tactic that worked wonders! I heard coach Otto now gets to drive in the special lanes in Greece in which otherwise only collective transport are allowed in [:D]
He won´t have to pay for a meal in all of Greece ever again, if I were him, I´d quit the job now and stay in Greece........... living la vida loca... [;)]
Yea just told him so (via MSN) before you pointed it out Lighthouse - it´s almost like looking on a 6-7 year old photo of myself hehe...
Not a typical swede- look though [;)]

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
July 03, 2004, 15:41:09
Agree, funny it should end up the same game that kicked off the tourney. Greece has been the major surprise, but I don´t think they´ll go all the way... they might be happy with what they´ve already done - whilst Portugal settle for less than the Win when coming this far... and the crowd will be a 12th player for the Red n´ Green.

Hosts win by 1 and Felipão will be forever king in the land of Portugal. [:)]

Should have been Sweden though [:(!][B)][;)][|)]
I know there are alot of gamers around... I wonder if anyone recognize ´em self in this one... (100% focused, giving order to my team- mates via the mic [;)])

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 26, 2004, 15:22:47

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 26, 2004, 09:26:17
Originally posted by Akensai

Woot. Tonight we gonna beat sweden. [8D]


Dream on, dream on........ ;)

Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Henrik Larsson won´t give de Boer/Stam a moment to rest... easy win for Sweden! [8D]  ...despite the fact that our two first pick wing- defenders will miss the game.... we´re just to good, simple as that [^]

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 25, 2004, 07:43:20
Actually I think it might have been a right call by the ref, very tough, but correct... hard one... John Terry was perhaps not blocking the keepers way to the ball as much as he was up there with his arms, fencing... my spontaneous reaction was that it should have been goal, but after seeing the replays - well, I can´t say it´s wrong to disallow it.
I doubt though very much the ref could have seen it from where he was standing, I think he called the free kick in fear he would miss a rough - and the goal if allowed would have decided the game so...
Anyhow, great game - very dramatic/emotional and almost as good as Holland vs. Check Rep. footballwise, petty such games are to be decided by penalties.

Good to see the hosts make it through even though I love english football... tonight; France vs. Greece.
My pick; France to win 2-0

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 23, 2004, 15:33:25
And Germany lost... now it´s Sweden vs. Holland in the qf´s... sorry Akensai, but you´ll have to go pack your bags on Saturday ;)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 23, 2004, 13:53:55
Yes Henrik´s contract with G Celtic is up and he will move on... by the way you english boyoz, since you have a swede as manager (sven-göran eriksson chalalalalaa) we might wanna share some of your glory if you win the whole thing ;)  I agree you´ll have a good chance against Portugal (55-45), and from there who knows.....
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 22, 2004, 16:45:53

We´re in the qf´s!! Whoohhooooooooo!!!!!!! [:D]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 20, 2004, 05:40:36
Neither has Juventus apparently, they are close to signing him now according to media in Sweden... not that Turin is one of Italy´s most attractive cities to live in - but Juventus - whooa, what a team!  
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 19, 2004, 05:42:38

any Italians here?? If so, how is the talk going in Italy about Totti´s... ehmm... spitting adventure........ I wanna hear from a neutral person, so you Romanista´s, stay away ;)

He should be happy with only getting banned for 3 games anyways....
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 19, 2004, 05:28:52
Being a huge football fan (and working as an "expert" [:I]) I´ll give you my view on this EC-04.
Sweden is best and will win the whole thing without breaking a sweat! ...ok, that´s the dreamer in me talking - although we started very well with the 5-0 (!!) demolition of the Bulgarian team... Henrik Larsson´s running header on the 2-0 goal gave me the shivers, what a player - and person... notoric goal scorer, perfect team player, and a terrific leader... 3 in 1 (4 in 1 when taking into account he is a great father as well) - Barcelona next for Larsson?
The 5-0 win was followed with a lucky point last night against a Italy who made us look like a youth team the first half - but their defense oriented mentality when up a goal cost them badly and Zlatan, our most gifted player through history scored the most brilliant goal I´ve seen in football for a long time.
As for us, Sweden, 1 point against the danes on Tuesday is enough to proceed to the qf´s - and from there, who knows... I don´t think we´ll make it all the way though - Italy showed last night that the absolute top nations when playing their best football, is still better than we are. On the other side, we showed we can avoid loosing to them even when they´re putting up their A game..... [8D]

If Italy make it to the qf´s, they´ll be one of the two main contenders for the trophy in my eyes - along with France, though the latter hasn´t impressed so far - but what a team... it should be forbidden to have Thuram, Zidane and Henry in the same team - not fair to the other teams.

Outsiders; Spain (better get Rául-Morientes on fire if they wanna challenge)
"If everything works 100%" outsiders; Sweden, Holland, Germany and Check Republic.

Sorry Portugal, you have good technical players but it won´t be enough... hope you´ll continuing hosting the Championship as good as you´ve started though.

To rap things up, here´s Zlatan and the fab equaliser against the italians last night:

GO SWEDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [;)]
aah, I missed there was a 2nd page on this thread... I see majour ka has some good advice. ...good light is important, especially in the beginning... not to bright though.
Originally posted by MaDroX

how can I find out what aura I have?

Some folks go and get their arua photographed, but I don´t know enough about that to say if it really "works"... haven´t got into it that much. What you can do, much cheeper as well ;), is to develop your auric sight... it´s actually not hard at all - what I´ve learned from my own experiences is that you first learn how to focus (or not focus, depending how you choose to look at it) your eyes to see colours... once you´ve managed to spot colours around objects, "auric sight" (which is completely natural and actually not hard to develop) works as a muscle, it get better with training.

I´ll try and find the article for you that I started learning from a few years back, written by some Tom ***** if I remember it correct... I started of with looking at objects (at, around, beyond), such as a green or red book. ...I then moved on to living things (my cat and plants probably wondered why I spent hours watching them...) and it didn´t take very long before I could actually see my own aura... (which was all green, very beautiful to watch - as are most auras I´ve come across)  

As I said, I´ll try and dig up the article I mentioned above...

Be well.

//Mr. Green
...oh yea, Inguma - great pictures! That one on Machu Picchu for example, jee, what a view!!! Seems you´ve seen and experienced alot of breathtaking places, feel free to put up more of them pictures if you´d like... would be great.

Be well all
